Re: RPG Resurection

I'm not complaining. I hate to be a leader.

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: RPG Resurection

you must have one f**ked over life. i sure as hell am.

Re: RPG Resurection

I had a lot of time to think... I would rather be a man in the shadow.

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: RPG Resurection

this is comin straight from the heart: you don't know how incredibly stupid you sound when you say, "I don't wanna be a leader". why the hell not? in the screwed-in-its-ass world we live in today, it needs as many leaders with integrity, intelligence, knowledge, wisdom, charisma, and mental strength as it can get.

Re: RPG Resurection

Do I have those things?
I'm not sure...

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: RPG Resurection

and why aren't you? no one else is in control of you. not even God himself ultimately he is, but he doens't force you to make a choice. you should know whether or not you have those things...

Re: RPG Resurection

I think I do...

I'm just waiting in the shadows for the right opportunity to take control. Get it?

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: RPG Resurection

then a lot of oppritunities will never get to you because i go out and snatch them away from people every chance i get.

my point being, you can't wait for oppritunities, per se. most of them you will have to pursue or snatch away, both of which mean to take. be bold. be willing. be diligent.

Re: RPG Resurection

How old are you if I may ask?

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: RPG Resurection

i'm 14 as of february 28, '08.

Re: RPG Resurection

Two years younger than me.

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: RPG Resurection

and you're two years younger than starr.

Re: RPG Resurection

I thought I was only one year younger...

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: RPG Resurection

about 1.90. on a scale of 0-2.

Re: RPG Resurection

Ohh... Cool...

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: RPG Resurection


Re: RPG Resurection

My ex-girlfriend is one year older...

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: RPG Resurection


i've been kinda stayin away from the whole boyfriend-girlfriend thing.

Re: RPG Resurection

Why's that?

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: RPG Resurection

i haven't found the right woman for me, and in so doing, i found i am not ready for a false hope again.