Re: A New Begining

Kanasa: (shakes as if tring to rid water from his fur)
(as he does wings suddenly appear)

Kanasa: (stetches his wings)
Come get me now, Sith coward.

Re: A New Begining

troy: oh my god... i am so underdressed, my lord.

Re: A New Begining

Jester: (Looks at Master Atrox)

Jester: Master, We are getting close to the Temple because I can feel the power of the darkside grow within me.

Re: A New Begining

Kanasa: (flies off)
(heads after Atorx's ship)

Re: A New Begining

commander: sir, i can see them through my scopes.

logan: good. everyone take out you M82 BFG sniper. when you get a target, fire at will.

(everyone lays down and sets up their snipers)

Re: A New Begining

" I sence that the Kanasa is flying after us, gets the nets ready"

Re: A New Begining

(suddenly, sniper shots are heard and some begin to hit atrox's and jester's location)

Re: A New Begining

(their ship shakes violently)


Re: A New Begining

Jester: (Looks back at the ship)

Jester: Master, We have to get higher or go faster or they will shoot us down.

Jester: (over com) Asha, We have a ship shooting at us and I need you to come to our location and draw their fire so we can retun to the Temple.

Asha: (over com) Yes Master, We are on our way.

Jester: Master, I sent for Asha to come and draw the fire from us to them.

Jester: Captain, Return fire but keeps us in the air and try to keep us out of range.

Captain: Yes, Sir.

Jester: Master, What next?

Re: A New Begining

logan: alright keep shooting! keep shooting!

logan: i need fifteen men to pack up their snipers and come with me right now! we're goin in.

(fifteen men assemble behind logan)

logan: have your M60-E3's and M16 K's ready.

Re: A New Begining

Naas: (begins to wake up)
(low growl)

Re: A New Begining

(they begin to trek through the forest)

Re: A New Begining

( looks at nass)

" Give a  very small dose, we need her out just a little bit longer"

( solider gives nass a small sedative )

" I will use the dark side a shield for this ship"

( dark side energy envelopes the ship)

" The next time kanasa rams into us she will get a nasty shot"

( bullets become harmless)

(engine gets supercharged by the darkside)

Re: A New Begining

Jester: Master, We are getting close.

Asha: (over com) Master, Our sencors show about 50 or so soldiers are heading through the forest on foot.

Jester: (over com) Asha, Very good just keep a eye on them but if they get close to the Temple Kill them.

Asha: (over com) As you command, Master

Jester: Master, Their are soldiers on foot heading to the Temple and their numbers range about 50.

Re: A New Begining

Naas: (sedated)

Kanasa: (roars)

Re: A New Begining

"Fire the net at Kanasa, Perhaps we can capture it as-well"

( The start firing in the nets)

Goes on the comm: " Asha, tell the dark jedi to begin the sealing ritual, make it so only one with the darkside, no non forcers as well may go in"

" This should take care of those soldiers"

Re: A New Begining

lieutenant: sir the B.O.O. is up ahead.

logan: five people on SMAW's. Let's move!

(logan and his soldiers spread into the camp firing rockets and blasters)

Re: A New Begining

Asha: (over com) Yes Lord Atrox

Asha and a group of dark jedi finish the seal that will only let darkside force users in the Temple

Asha: (over com) Master, We have finished the seal on the Temple.

Jester: (over com) Very good Asha, Now you and the other dark jedi return to the ship and hover over the Temple and stay on gaurd for anybody besides us heading to the Temple.

Asha: (over com) As you command, Master

Jester: Master, The seal has been completed and I have Asha on the ship hovering over the Temple waiting for our arrival and on gaurd.

Jester: Master, What is our E.T.A. to the Temple?

Re: A New Begining

" We shall be there shortly"

( to captain)  " There is a landing pad on top of the temple land there"

Captain: " Yes Mi Lord"

( they fly in and head for sai)

Re: A New Begining

Aron: I sense the Sith return with their prize...

Sai: Good.


Kanasa: (evades the nets)
(grabs hold of the ship)