Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

" Wont work"

"She is imune to those force powers, we must defeat her with the sword"

Gets in his stance and moves in)

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: Master, These padawans are useless

Jester: (Uses force lightning on the padawans and kills them)

Jester: Master, We will show Zahanna the true power of the darkside.

Jester: (Get's into fighting stance and circles around Zahanna)

Jester: Master, I am ready when you are.

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Moves in)

" Bane never told you how to fight properly, you cant fight us both, we are both to skilled for you"

Jester rushes in, and trys to distract her)

" duck"

( atrox jumps over jester, and chops in a downwards stroke, and smashes zahanna, she is killed instantly)

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: (Walks over to Zahanna's dead body and cut's off her head)

Jester: Master, Why did Darth Bane choice her when she was to weak to put up even a fight?

Jester: (Walks over to the main computer)

Jester: Master, I have found the planet Tython in the computer.

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

"She was very strong in the force, but she wasn't muscularly strong, which made her defenses weak"

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: Master, We should keep making republic ship but put our soldiers on them because the republic will let us by the blockaids. Then we can attack from the frontlines and from behind enemy lines.

Jester: (over com) Asha, Watch for any incomming ships and let us know.

Asha: (over com) As you command, Master

Jester: Master, What is our next move?

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

" I like the idea"

"as for are next move, we go to tython to build are techobeast army"

( calls for a transport)

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: (Walks over to Master Atrox)

Jester: Master, Are fleet grows and now we will final destroy the last of the jedi and the republic.

Jester: (Starts to laugh evilly)

Jester: Master, The transport is here.

Jester: (over com) Asha, You and 150 dark jedi come to the station and start to build republic ships and place sith soldiers on them.

Asha: (over com) As you command, Master

Jester: Master, Asha and 150 dark jedi are comming to the station to build republic ships.

Jester: Master, I am ready to go when you are.

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

"Lets go"

(gets on transport)

" work on your studies while were on are way"

I must use the force to guide the ship to tython"

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: Yes Master

Jester: (Starts to read through and read all the datapads)

Jester: Master, How long will it take to get to Tython?

Jester: (Starts to meditate)

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

"4 standerd days"

( turns back to running ship)

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: 4 days, Then I will time to train and learn to controll my power over the darkside.

Jester: (Starts to meditate)

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

( 1 day passes)

" What have you concluded in your time meditating? "

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: (opens eyes and looks at Master Atrox)

Jester: Master, I have learned to controll my power over the darkside and I have learned the more hate that I have then the more powerfull my force powers will be.

Jester: Master, I think I will go back and meditate some more to get my darkside powers up to full strenght.

Jester: (closes eyes and starts to meditate)

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

( 4 days pass)

" Were here"

( gets off the transport, and walks into the fortress)

(He finds a room in the low levels, its is filled with choroded technobeasts, looks at jester)

" Fill your self, with the dark side my apprentice , with out it you will become one of them"

(Sees the holocron in the middle room starts walking )

" Soon i will have her secrets, and her army will be mine"

( lifts the holocron up)

( the technobeasts spring. but stay back,)

" I and my appretance are your masters now"

"Yes mi lords"

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: (Walks and stands next to Master Atrox)

Jester: Master, We will be GODS over the galaxy and no one will DARE stand against us.

Jester: (Starts to think of a plan)

Jester: Master, I have a plan for 10 of them. We put them on a republic ship and send out a signal for help and have the republic pick it up and take it back to their hidden base. Then when they enter the ship to see what has happened they will attack and the base will be ours along with the locations to the other hidden bases.

Jester: (Looks at the new Army of the Sith)

Jester: Master, What do you think of my plan?

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

"I like it "

" We should do that around the galaxy"


Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: Yes, Master

Jester: (Calls for 10 dark jedi to stand before Master Atrox)

Jester: Master, I have called for 10 dark jedi to stand before you.

Jester: (Walks and stands beside Master Atrox)

Jester: Master, Are you going to test our new army by these dark jedi fighting them?

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

"Know I going to send them on a mission"

( looks to dark jedi's)

" I am sending you all to 10 different planets"

" you will get them in your datapads"

" I want you to spread this virus"

" Find the biggest animals you can, preferable dark side creatures"

" you may also find slaves and use them on it to"

( the dark jedi leave)

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: Master, Great plan

Jester: Master, We should try to get the virus on the planets that are still under republic controll.

Jester: (Walks and stands beside Master Atrox)

Jester: Master, I have a idea about making our army strong. The jedi that do not turn to the darkside we should take them and inject them with the virus and wipe their minds but give them the idea that the jedi did it to them. Then they will seek them out and the killing will begin.

Jester: (Looks at Master Atrox)

Jester: What do you think of my idea, Master?