Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

" No matter, he cant stop the darkness that is to come"

(doors open, and atrox uses the force to feel the area of hostiles)

"there is a jedi  with his back towards us"

" Slit his throat and bring me his data pad"

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: As you command, Master.

Jester: (Goes into stealth mode and sneaks up on the jedi and slit's his throat)

Jester: (Walks back and comes out of stealth)

Jester: Master, Here is your datapad.

Jester: (Hands datapad to Master Atrox)

Jester: Master, When I was up their killing the jedi I saw what looked like a training room that had about 10 padawans in it.

Jester: (Walks and stands beside Master Atrox)

Jester: Master, I put the dead jedi in a trash ben so nobody will find it.

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

" We must get to the bridge"

they turn the coner and see a stairs)," that goes all the way to the top, i can feel it"

( a battalion of republic soldiers start coming down)

( atrox, fires the dark side on the weak soldiers. and they are incinerated)

"come on lets go"

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: (Starts to walk up the stairs)

Jester: Master, I sence someone from our past is waiting on the bridge.

Jester: (Keeps walking)

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

" The door is locked, stick you lightsaber through!

(waits for jester to open door)

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: As you command, Master

Jester: (Walks to the locked door and uses my lightsaber to open the door)

Jester: Master, The door is unlocked.

Jester: (Walk through the door)

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

(doors open and they walk through, to see no one)

" I sence a trap"

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: Master, I agree because it was too easy to get in here.

Jester: (Looks around)

Jester: Master, I sence that someone is comming.

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Luckly we have thease robes on."

( creates an aura of lightside energy around them)

"Before I killed Zahanna ( banes apprentance)  She taught me how to use sith sorcery "



Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: (Looks over at Master Atrox)

Jester: Master, I wish to learn with power that you have.

Jester: (Keeps walking down the hallway)

Jester: Master, What is our next step?

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

"Once we get what we need, i will teach you"

" The bridge of this space stations has the coordinates, to a planet, that i have been trying to get to. Bane went there, its called tython"

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: Master, Why is Tython so important?

Jester: (Keeps walking)

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

"Tython was a planet in the Deep Core. It was the planet where the Jedi Order originated, in the form of the first society of Force users, in known history"

"At some point between 1,289 BBY and 1,191 BBY Belia Darzu built a massive temple that she used this as one of her barracks for her army of technobeasts; she also left her holocron in this temple In 1,230 BBY she was poisoned on Tython by the Mecrosa Order at the behest of her fellow Sith Lords. But, her technobeasts remained in the temple, waiting for the next order from their master."

"I Intend to Build a new technobeast army, and use it pillage the galaxy"

"Bane killed the  technobeasts, but Belia Darzu still left her chemicals to make them there"

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: (Looks over at Master Atrox)

Jester: Master, I understand now why Tython is so important to find.

Jester: (over com) Asha, Stay out of radar range

Asha: (over com) Yes Master

Jester: Master, After we kill all the jedi that will not join the darkside on the station we should use it as a command station to build more ships for the sith.

Jester: (Keeps walking)

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

" I agree"

(arives at the bridge)

"where are those blasted padawans"

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: (Stops at the bridge door)

Jester: Master, I sence that the padawans are on the bridge but I can't sence if they are still of the darkside or of the lightside.

Jester: (Closes eyes and uses focus)

Jester: Master, I sence a dark presents but it is not comming from the padawans.

Jester: (Opens eyes)

Jester: Master, We must be read for what ever comes next.

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

(opens the door, with is mind)

"  This figure with the dark side, He has not fully manefested the darkside"

( Uses the force on the padwans, they start grabbing their heads, the hooded figure turns around)

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: (Steps through the door)

Jester: Master, I know him.

Jester: (Uses force lightning to knock out the padawans)

Jester: Master, It is only him now.

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

" No its not possible"

" Your supposed to be dead"

( the hooded character is Zahanna)

" Kill Her!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: (Pulls out two lightsabers and turns them on)

Jester: Master, I thought you said she was dead?

Jester: (Uses force controll to awaken the padawans and make them attack Zahanna)

    (The padawans start their attack)

Jester: Master, I sence that their is a faint flicker of the lightside in her and it is slowly growing.

Jester: (Uses force statis on Zahanna and then uses force lightning)