Re: A New Begining

Fujiwara: And you look like you're about to die. (Suddenly, three iron tentacles grab Jester's throat.)

Hoshiko: Hmpf. Not a smart move.

Re: A New Begining

Jester: I see that you have tricks.

Jester: (Close's my eyes and starts to meditate)

Jester: You think that you have me but you are mistaken.

Jester: (Open's my eyes and vanishes in thin air)

Re: A New Begining

Fujiwara: You must think you're smart. Well a true sith never cowards. And to be truthful, this hasn't even begun. And also, a true sith doesn't really use a lightsaber. (The three huge iron tentacles dig into the ground and locate Jester's spot)

Re: A New Begining

Jester: (appears in the same spot that I vainshed from)

Jester: So the true sith do not use lightsabers and that is why you are no longger on the top of the food chain.

Jester: (Puts away my lightsabers)

Jester: If you want to kill me then go ahead.

Jester: (Turns and faces them)

Jester: I welcome death and the power of the dark side it will bring me.

Re: A New Begining

((wow, im gone for a few days, and this all happens.

Atrox: " I forbid you to help in the mission of your so called, ally" " I am your master, you will obey, you have no friends, there is only the force"

Re: A New Begining

Jester: Master, They are not my friends or allies.

Jester: (Walks and stands next to Master Atrox)

Jester: Master, They say that they are members of the 10 True Sith but I don't believe them.

Re: A New Begining

" there is no such thing, a sith never shares his power, with others"

( thinking back with his lesson of the past, for an exsplanation for his apprentince.))

Atrox: "Equality is a lie…A myth to appease the masses. Simply look around and you will see the lie for what it is! There are those with power, those with the strength and will to lead. And there are those meant to follow—those incapable of anything but servitude and a meager, worthless existence.

"Equality is a perversion of the natural order!…It binds the strong to the weak. They [the weak] become anchors that drag the exceptional down to mediocrity. Individuals destined and deserving of greatness have it denied them. They [the strong] suffer for the sake of keeping them even with their inferiors.

"Equality is a chain, like obedience. Like fear or uncertainty or self doubt."

Re: A New Begining

Jester: Master, This means they are jedi not Sith.

Jester: Master, What do we do now?

Re: A New Begining

"Attack but dont kill them all, we need to strike fear in the jedi, the suvivors story will get told to the highest in the counsil."

" We well make them make the first move"

Re: A New Begining

Jester: As you wish, Master

Jester: (Walks and looks down the hallway)

Jester: Master, They are close but I think that Sai will meet them before we do.

Jester: (Walks back and stands beside Master Atrox)

Re: A New Begining

" I must purge sai from this tomb, using the power of the darkside"

( starts building the darkside in him)

Re: A New Begining

Jester: (Looks at Master Atrox)

Jester: I will join you and gather the darkside within me too.

Jester: (Closes eyes and starts to gather the darkside to release it)

Jester: Master, I am ready when you are but my power is not yet at your level.

Jester: (Stands at the ready for Master Atrox's word to let the darkside out)

Re: A New Begining

(( The walls start Shaking))

" Now!!!!!!!!!"
( atrox lets out the darkside)

Re: A New Begining

Jester: Yes, Master

Jester: (Let's the darkside flood out and hit the target)

Jester: Master, Did we do it?

Re: A New Begining

(atrox looks around and feel around with the force)

( he didnt sence anything, and didnt see anything)

" Could we have vaporized them" atrox thought to him self"

" I dont sence sai"

" lets get out to the lower levels, where the secrets might be"

Re: A New Begining

Jester: Master, I did not sence anything either but we should be on gaurd anyways.

Jester: (Starts to walk to the lower levels with Master Atrox)

Jester: Master, These 10 want to be sith that are far behind us, Do you know what they want or are they here to keep us from gaining the TRUE POWER OF THE DARKSIDE?

Jester: (Keeps walking to the lower level)

Re: A New Begining

Jester: (Looks over at Master Atrox)

Jester: Master, What do you think we will face in the lower levels?

Jester: (Faces foward and keeps walking)

Re: A New Begining

" no matter, it cant stop us."

( keeps walking)

Re: A New Begining

Jester: Master, From the first step inside this temple I have felt my power of the darkside grow and now as we get closer to the lower levels the feeling is getting steonger.

Jester: (Stops at a big rock door to leads into the lower levels)

Jester: Master, It looks like to open the door is some sort of code.

Jester: (Looks closer at the door)

Re: A New Begining

(the door glows a bright red)

Sai: Walls cannot be broken with words, nor a soul destroyed with pathetic spells.

This is my tomb, these are my secrets... you must earn the strength to break these walls or else I will not let you pass. Unless you show me more than spells and poor attempts to form and control what you call your power... your eyes will not see that light of this world nor any other again.

(a quieter voice speaks) The darkside of the Force is a cruel and twisted beast...  for years your kind has attempted to tame it and have failed at great costs. For years your kind has wished to see the secrets within this tomb... and to learn the teachings of the Master... yet few have prevailed.