Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

" Send them in, there is no nead for us to do that,the ones who survive, will be worthy of joinng us."

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: Yes Master, I will tell Asha.

Jester: (Sends Asha a message to attack but if any surive bring them here)

Asha: (As you command Master) (Asha and the dark jedi attack)

Jester: Master, They are attacking the village as we speak.

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

" Tell them to kill everyone."

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: Yes Master, I will send the message right away.

Jester: (Sends message to Asha to kill everybody)

Asha: (Messages back to say, As you command Master)

Asha: KILL EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jester: Master, I have sent the command and they are carring it out as we speak.

Jester: (Walks and stands next to Master Atrox)

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

ATROX: "Status Report Apprentice!!!!!"

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: (Sends message to Asha) REPORT!!!!!!

Asha: (Answers back) Master, The last of the jedi here are dead and we have found a data pad you should look at.

Jester: (Asha) Return here and bring the data pad but leave 5 dark jedi their incase we have some jedi hidding.

Asha: (Returns and bows infront of Master Jester) Master, I bring you the data pad.

Jester: Very good my apprentice now stand at my side.

Asha: Yes Master (Stands beside Master Jester)

Jester: Master, The dark jedi have killed the last of the jedi in the village but I left 5 dark jedi their incase any jedi are hidding.

Jester: (Walks closer to Master Atrox) Master, This was found in the village and I believe it is why they were fighting so hard their.

Jester: (Hands the data pad to Master Atrox)

Jester: Master, What does it say?

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

"this shows a galactic map, it looks like the jedi have ammassed a space station for their last hurrah, something resembleing revens star forge"

"How could they have gotten that technology" ( ponders, and finds his answer)

" The Rakata"

" Send an army to the lost world, here are the coordinates"

" Meanwhile we shall begin construction a massive fleet to overwelm the station"

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: I will send 200 ships from the fleet to the planet.

Jester: Asha, Go with the dark jedi and join the battle fleet heading to the planet.

Asha: As you command Master.

A transport ship lands and pick's up Asha and the dark jedi

Jester: Master, The battle fleet of 200 ships and the dark jedi are on their way to the planet.

Jester: (Walks and stands next to Master Atrox)

Jester: Master, These padawans can be a advantage for us because we can use them as bait to get closer to the jedi space station.

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

" We could send them in, without an escort"

"we will make them say that there planet was attacked, and have them destroy the station from the inside."

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: Master, I have a better idea for the padawans. We put them on a ship that the jedi use and have them fly to the station but we have a battle cruiser chase them to make the jedi on the station save the padawans. This way the jedi want think that the padawans have joined the dark side and we will have a clue of what power the space station has.

Jester: (Walks to a dead jedi and takes his robe)

Jester: Master, We can use these robes from the dead jedi scum and get on the ship with the padawans and act like that we where the only two jedi masters to live.

Jester: (Walks back and stands next to Master Atrox)

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

(atrox uses force lighting on jester, and jester neals on the ground)

"Don't ever, disobay me again, the penalty is death the next time"

" as for your idea, you are forgetting that robe  is a masters robe, you dont think that they will notice that, and the lighsaber mark"

"we should go back to the padwans bunks and get their robes, and we will have them spy on the jedi, till we no enough, then we they will execute my preset plan."

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: (Stands up) Master, I will not lower myself to wear a padawan's robe.

Jester: Master, The robes I got off the dead jedi masters do not have lightsaber marks because I cut off their heads.

Jester: (Walks over to the bunk where the padawans are at and locks the doors)

Jester: Master, I want to see witch of the padawans are ready to face the jedi masters on the spacestation.

Jester: (Uses force lightning on the roof and it begins to burn)

Jester: Only the strongest will make it and only the strongest will be truely a sith.

Asha: (over com) Master, We have arrived at the spacestation but we are out of sencer range.

Jester: (over com) Asha, Good now wait for my orders before you move ahead.

Asha: (over com) As you command, Master

Jester: Master, The fleet is in postion and awaiting orders.

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

"Jester, and your apprentice and me should board a captured ship, and infultrate the station, the padawans are taking to long"

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: As you command, Master

Jester: (Calls for a transport ship to pick us up)

Captain: (over com) The ship is on it's way, Sir

Jester: Master, The ship has landed.

Jester: (Walks over to the ship and gets on it)

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

( walks on ship with jester, and sits down)

Atrox: "take us to the station"

Captain:" Yes Mi Lord"

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Asha: (over com) Master, We have a small one maned fighter heading to the station. Should we pick it up?

Jester: (over com) No apprentice, Let it dock because we do not want them to know that we are their.

Asha: (over com) As you command Master.

Jester: (over com) Asha, Be ready for our arrival.

Asha: (over com) We will be ready, Master

Jester: Master, The fleet will be ready for our arrival and the jedi will not know what hit them.

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jedi in charge of station: " I sence a disturbence in the force, Like the sith are allready here"


(Atrox and jester arrive in a hanger, and get out)

" We must find a way to capture this station, we must discize are selves as foreign emissaries, and have them take us to the commend center, there we will take out the station from there"

"Once the republic fleet comes we will send are fleet in, and then we will flank them, using the stations firepower on its own fleet"

Laughs evilly )

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: Master, We can use this droid to get a layout of the station.

Jester: (Sends droid over to a wall outlet to get the layout for the ship)

Droid: Beep...Boop....Bep...Bep....Beep...

Droid: (Return to Jester)

Jester: Master, Here is the layout for the station.

Jester: (Hands the datapad to Master Atrox)

Jester: Master, I sence a dark prescience here somewhere on this station.

Jester: Master, I have changed and I am ready to go.

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

" I feel it to"

(heads toward the speed elevator, and gets in)

( elevator music starts playing)

(after while, atrox gets sick off it and uses force lightning to fry its circuits )

(Jester looks at atrox weirdly)

(atrox looks at jester)

" What, I hate that song"

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: (Looks at Master Atrox)

Jester: Master, I hate that song too but I hope nobody picked that up on the sensors.

Jester: (Looks at the layout of the station)

Jester: Master, Their is a weapons hold two floors up.

Jester: (Put's layout away)

Jester: Master, Could this prescience we feel be working with the jedi?