Re: A New Begining

Jester: Sai, You call me a child but you are the one who is acting like a child by playing hide and seek.

Jester: (Starts to  lol )

Jester: (Steps forward) I tire of this pointless game of hide and seek so either show yourself or stand aside and GIVE ME THE TRUE POWER OF THE DARK SIDE!!!!

Jester: Master, Let's go or are you afraid of the dark?

Jester: Sai, You say that I am affraid of the dark but I think that you are affriad to come into the light and show yourself.

Re: A New Begining

Figure: Foolish, Sith... I am not Sai! I am her shadow... her tool.
(small laugh)
But a game?! This is no game, Sith, this is your first test!

Sai: (quietly in the distance) Can you withstand the power... of corruption? The pain... of deception? And the horrors... of the darkness?

Figure: I am not afraid to show my face... it is you who is afraid. Afraid to enter my light.

Re: A New Begining

Jester: Show me your power and I will stay standing, Make me feel the pain because pain makes me feel alive and I was born in darkness, I live in darkness and I will die in darkness.

Jester: (Starts to walk deepper into the temple)

Jester: To the shadow who is watching us, I am not afriad of your light so let me see it.

Re: A New Begining

(two forms move to his left and right)

Re: A New Begining

Jester: (Stops and turns off lightsabers and hang's them on my belt)

Jester: I am not afraid of you.

Jester: (Keeps walking deepper into the temple)

Re: A New Begining

(suddenly something pushes him back to where Atrox is)

Sai: (quietly) You will be.

(a beam of red light shines down upon Atrox and Jester)
(the two forms that approached Jester now step into the light)

Re: A New Begining

Atrox: ( atrox goes, through his mind, and rembers his bad memoires, the anger becomes a flicker, which becomes a flame which becomes an inferno, he hold it in as long he could, then unleashes it, the walls start to crumble)

"Enough of your rabbles, i will banish you spirit," (unleashes the power on the shadow, and it dissapates. )

(Atrox sees, a room uncovered from his darkside purge, and walks in)

" Sith Holocrons" alass we can no teachings of the darkside, long forgoton."

Re: A New Begining

(the Sith holocrons immediately vanish)

Sai: Stupid fool! I am no spirit, but even so you cannot defeat me, you weak filth!

(calms down)
For hundreds of years people like you have come... people that are Sith only by name.

(the room is dark again and the hounds circle Atrox and Jester)

Figure: You must prove your worth. Through your passion... draw your strength..

Sai: Through your so called strength... gain your power.

Figure: (steps towards Atrox activating two dark red lightsabers)
Through your pathetic power... perhaps you will gain victory.

Re: A New Begining

Jester: (Pulls lightsaber off his belt and turn's them on)

Jester: I see that you have two red lightsabers but even in the dark I can still see where you are at. The color of my lightsabers are black and show no light so it is like being killed by the shadow it's self.

Jester: Master, The figure has shown itself but I feel that it is not what it seems.

Jester: (Walks to the room that Master Atrox found and looks around)

Jester: Master, The dark side is very strong in this room.

Re: A New Begining

Figure: Kill... or be killed.

Re: A New Begining

Jester: So be it (Uses force lightning on the figure with the red lightsabers)

Re: A New Begining

(atrox does the same thing)

the halocrons reappear

Re: A New Begining

Jester: (Walks over and picks up one)

Jester: Master, Since I picked this up I can feel my power grow.

Jester: (Starts to read the halocron)

Jester: Yes..Yes.. I see now.

Jester: (Keeps reading)

Re: A New Begining

Apprentance it takes years to find the secrets of a halocron, when you think you cant go anymore, try a little longer.

(( Atrox turns around and orbalisk jumps on his stomach and back, they latch on to him sending acid chemicals into his bloodstream, though it hurt, he used that fuel the darkside in him, the orbalisk add extra power to his force attacks)))

(( he trys prying them off, but remembers what happened to darth bane, he remembered that there is no way to get them off, but welcomed the extra boost in power, and the orbalisk  became an armor, that is almost impenetrable ))))

(( this is what atrox will eventual look like in a couple years.</li>

Re: A New Begining

Jester: (Walks over and pick&#39;s up a black stone)

Jester: Master, Look at this.....AWWWWWWWWW

Jester: (Falls to my knees because the black stone shocked me)

Jester: (Stands up but very slowly)

Jester: Master, I feel that the black stone has upgraded my force lightning by 100 times it&#39;s power.

Jester: (Picks up the stone again but nothing happens)

Jester: Master, Their is no telling what power boasts are in this temple.

Jester: Master, I feel my power of the dark side grow more and more just by stands in this temple of the ancient sith.

Re: A New Begining

Figure: (absorbs the Force lightning)

You did not gain power from the stone... it drained your power, because you were not ready to see its majesty.

Sai: The holocron you read was not that of the true Sith but instead of a much lesser race.

Figure: (looks at Atrox) And that armor... what you think will protect you will become what destroys you.

(one of the hounds lunges towards Atrox, while another does the same towards Jester)

Sai: You have failed your first test&#33; Failure is not acceptable&#33;

Re: A New Begining

" screw you tests spirit"

" Be gone"

Re: A New Begining

Figure: Have you not listened, you fool&#33; We are not spirits&#33;

Sai: You have failed our tests... and for that reason you may not leave this tomb alive.

Re: A New Begining

Jester: (Turn&#39;s off lightsabers and put&#39;s them on my belt)

Jester: You can go on and kill me because when I die I will become one with the dark side of the force and I WILL become more powerfull them you will ever be and them some.

Jester: (Steps forward and awaits death)

Jester: Master, You can do what you want but I WILL DIE WITH HONOR&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

Re: A New Begining

Sai: Honor is fool&#39;s prize. Glory is of no use to the dead.