Re: A New Begining

Jester: Master, Then we are the first ones to walk these hallways since the time of the ancient sith.

Jester: Master, I wonder how many ancient Sith Lords have their tombs here?

Jester: (Keeps walking with Master Atrox)

Re: A New Begining

"That might be a possibility my apprentice "

"after we are finished here, we can exsplore more"

Re: A New Begining

I am not the once great Darth Bane... nor are you the first to walk these hallways... since the time of the ancient Sith...

Re: A New Begining

"Then who are you spirt?"

Re: A New Begining

Jester: Spirit, Who was the last to walk these hallways?

Jester: Spirit, If you are not Darth Bane then who are you if I may ask?

Jester: Master, We should search this temple very closely after we are done.

Jester: (Keeps walking and fallowing the Spirit voice)

Re: A New Begining

Atrox:(looks at jester and nods his head and keeps following the voice)

Re: A New Begining

Jester: (Looks at Master Atrox and nods back to him)

Jester: (Stops dead in his tracks)

Jester: Master, I sence that their is great power of the dark side in this Tomb and I sence that their is something or someone in their.

Jester: Master, I think that this is one of the first rooms to check out when we have time.

Jester: (Catches up with Master Atrox and walks beside him)

Re: A New Begining

Atrox looks on the walls of the tomb, he observes many pictures of ancient sith battles, like the battles of russan" Where bane activated the thought bomb and killed everyone, sith and jedi, to reinstate the rule of two.

Re: A New Begining

Jester: Master, Those where great times from what I have read about sith history.

Jester: Master, Darth Bane was a wise and great sith to reinstate the rule of two because that made the only one who knew and had the power is the Master and the one who wants it is the apprentice.

Jester: (Keeps walking)

Re: A New Begining

( you have learned well of are histroy)
" Apprentance, I once learned under him"

" I met him just before his death, he was 991BrS"

" The Dark Side sistained him, untill his death, it was there he i killed his apprentice  Zannah, and was proclaimed Dark Lord"

"This is what ive been waiting to tell you"

" When I disappeared, I went to his tomb, on a planet i can not tell, I read his holocrons, they taught me much, you will get them when i feel you are ready"

Re: A New Begining

I am not Darth Bane... but I am more powerful than he. For I was his mentor... his teacher... his Master.

For thousands of years... I have taught the Sith the ways of the dark side. I hve taught apprentice and Master... and have watched as countless hundreds... came into these halls to claim the title... of the Dark Lord of the Sith.

Now you come... wishing or all ready thinking that you are the Dark Lord of the Sith... fool. You must prove yourself... to me. Then... only then will I let you see... the power behind the sacred doors.

Re: A New Begining

( I know your not darth bane,)

" I am the Dark Lord of the Sith, Whether you say i am or not"

" The sith have vanished from the galaxy. It is just us"

" But, out of respect, I will take your tests"

Re: A New Begining

Jester: Spirit, What name do you go by?

Jester: Master, I trust in your wisdom but I grow hungry for the truw power of the dark side.

Re: A New Begining

You wish to think you are your... apprentice are the only true Sith left in this... pathetic universe. (humorless chuckle) No one... can see in the dark...

Re: A New Begining

Jester: Spirit, I sence through the force that we are not the only two sith left but we came out of the darkness to find the true power of the Sith.

Jester: (Keeps walking)

Jester: I have grown strong in the force of the dark side but I want to learn the true power of the dark side and I wish to learn this power from fallowing your wisdom great Spirit.

Re: A New Begining

" Show your self spirit"

"I wish to take your test"

Re: A New Begining

Jester: (Walks and stands next to Master Atrox)

Re: A New Begining

(the walls shake and the floor trembles)

(a tall cloaked figure begins to form in front of them)

Re: A New Begining

Jester: Spirit, Are you showing yourself to us?

Jester: (Takes a step back to have room incase of a trap)

Jester: Master, Do you see what I see?

Re: A New Begining

" Yes"

" Show your true face spirit"