Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: As you command Master

Jester: (Cuts the first jedi's head off then uses force lightning on the other jedi until the smell of burning flesh filled the entire bar)

Jester: Master, It will be awhile before anybody else thinks about walking this way.

Jester: (Walks back and stands beside Master Atrox)

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

"get the bar keeper over here, tell him to clean this up"

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

[size=8]"Ah, your apprentice shows more skill than I would think. It seems he would be a formidable opponent someday. Though, his lack of control is a weakness. I could easily bend his mind to my will. That would be a lesson for you to teach someday."

Cratus looked at Jester. Then he turned to the corpses and uses a Force power on them. Quickly, all the remains disappear, other than the armor and credits, along with some weapons and parts.

"Jester, loot their bodies. They were the Jedi tracking team sent after me. They have some data pads that could help us."[/size]

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

"Do it Deriphan (Derriphan is jesters sith name)"

"Cratus come over here"

(( atrox walks over to the back part of the bar))

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: Yes Master Atrox

Jester: (Walks over and collects the items)

Jester: (Starts to look through the data pads and a evil grin apears on my face)

Jester: Master, You really need to read these data pads.

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

"bring them to me"

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: (Walks over and hands data pads to Master Atrox)

Jester: Master, So what do we do now?

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Atrox to jester:" These data pads, have information on the whereabouts of the last jedi"

Atorx:" It is time to kill them all, quickly get in the ship, were leaving"

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Suudenly a burst a cold air rushes into the bar as the doors open and in steps a young woman.

She calmly walks over to the bar, ignoring Atrox, Cratus, and Jester. She calls up the barkeep and orders a strong Mandalorian ale.

On her belt are two lightsabers.

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

ahh who gives ahh, atrox and his posse leave the bar.

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

She watches them as they leave, then leaning forward places a credit chip near the barkeeper and asks for information.

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: Master, What planet are these jedi on?

Jester: I will cut their souls out with my lightsaber and I will swim in their blood.

Jester: ( let's out a evil  lol as I walk to the ship)

Jester: Master, We must stay on gaurd because I senced something about the woman who entered the bar as we were leaving.

Jester: (Pulls out lightsaber to be ready for any trouble)

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: Master, What is our next move?

Jester: (Keeps walking to the ship)

Jester: I hope their are plenty of jedi to kill on this planet.

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Darth Atrox: " this is not a recored known planet"

"i am putting the corridents in, im going to meditate, get me when we approach the planet."

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: Yes Master (Sits in pilot chair and starts the ship up and takes off)

Jester: (Puts ship on auto pilot and sits back)

(A few hours pass and we arrive in orbit)

Jester: (Sends message to Master Atrox)

Jester: Master, We have reached the planet and we are stationed in orbit of the planet.

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

"land in a clearing apprentince, we dont want  to be spotted, and we must change clothes."

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: Yes Master (lands ship)

Jester: Master, I have located a city about 2 miles away but their is a small settlement about 1 1/2 miles away.

Jester: (Goes and changes clothes)

Jester: I am ready Master.

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Very well, lets head out (Jester and atrox leave the ship and walked when stoped by a group of padawans)

Atrox: " Move out of the Way"

Young padawan leader: "State your business "

Atrox, my business, you asks (snaps his fingers, and a group of dark jedi come out from behind them and snap their necks)

Atrox: " My minions, hide the bodies and go back into stealth" ( Atrox, Asha and jester keep walking)

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Jester: Master, This is going to be fun because where you find Padawans you will find jedi masters.

Jester: Asha, Go into stealth mode and scout ahead.

Asha: Yes Master Jester (Goes into stealth mode)

Asha: (Returns and comes out of stealth mode) Master Jester, Their are many jedi ahead and a jedi academy.

Jester: Good work Asha

Jester: Master, I think we should learn more about what they are doing out here and then wipe them from the face of this planet. It would be good to turn the young jedi to the dark side to make our ranks grow.

Jester: Master, I sence that someone is comming and sence fear within them.

Re: Bar Room Brawl Cheers!

Atrox :" Fear is are ally, apprentice "

"The dark side has many uses for fear, it can be really powerfull, We shall see who this jedi is"