Re: A New Begining

Jester: I trust in your wisdom Master.

Jester: (Bows his head to show Master Atrox respect)

Re: A New Begining

Atrox: " I see you have selected an apprentice"   
" Bring him to me, i want to meat him"

Re: A New Begining

Jester: Yes Master

Jester: (Calls for Asha)

Asha: I am here Master Jester

Jester: Master, Here is my apprentice Asha

Asha: (Stands in front of Darth Atrox)

Jester: (Walks and stands beside Master Atrox)

Jester: Master, what do you think of my apprentice?

Re: A New Begining

ATROX: " The dark side is strong with him"
" He will make a fine sith"

(looks towards asha)

" Where are you from asha?"

Re: A New Begining

Jester: Master, Asha is a fine apprentice and he will make a good sith in time.

Asha: Darth Atrox, I was born and lived on a ship until the age of 4 when I was taken to be trained as a jedi. I fell to the dark side when I struck my master down in training and I went to join the sith.

Jester: Master, I found Asha on Korriban about 2 years ago and I became his Master.

Asha: Master Jester saved me from returning to the light and showed me the true power of the dark side.

Jester: Asha, I kept you from returning to the light becuase as a sith you will learn more then you would on the light side.

Asha: Yes Master

Jester: (walks to Master Atrox and speaks where only jester and atrox can hear) Master, I want to test my apprentice to see if he knows the true power of the sith.

Re: A New Begining

Atrox:  " very well ( Atrox summons the power of the darkside, and generates 5 rancors)

" this will be his first test, I learned to do this during my absence"

Re: A New Begining

Jester: Asha, It is time to see if you are fully ready to be my true apprentice.

Asha: Yes Master, I will show you that I am ready.

Asha: (Leaps at the first one and stabs it in the head then throws a lightsaber into it's heart)

Jester: Feed off your hate Asha.

Asha: (Goes to hit the thrid one with a lightsaber shot but drops his lightsaber)

Jester: You Foul ( Uses force lightning to kill the 3 remaining rancors and uses force lightning on Asha for failing the test)

Asha: Master, I ......

Jester: Asha, I will let you stay as my apprentice for now but if you ever do that again I WILL KILL YOU.

Asha: Yes Master

Jester: (Walks over and speaks softly into Master Atrox's ear) Master, Asha is weak but I am going to keep him as my apprentice untill I find a better apprentice and this way by keeping him around I do not have fear him trying to kill me.

Jester: (Turns around) Asha, You may go and join the men and train.

Asha: Yes Master (Walks off and joins the other dark jedi)

Re: A New Begining

Atrox: " you should have killed him, the sith do not show mercy"

Re: A New Begining

Jester: Master, I did not show mercy to Asha because I am going to use him until I find my true apprentice and have them fight it out.

Jester: Master, Where did you go to find and grow in the dark side power?

Re: A New Begining

"I can not tell you my apprentance"

" Be patient"

Re: A New Begining

Jester: Master, I will trust in your wisdom

Re: A New Begining

Atrox: " you will trust my wisdom?"  " You must trust it"

Re: A New Begining

(the room Atrox and Jester are in trembles faintly)
(a voice echos through the Force, speaking in ancient Sith)

Who... dares to enter this place?

Re: A New Begining

" I am the presiding dark lord of the sith, and this is my apprentice"

" I have sought you out, to learn what you have to teach"

Re: A New Begining

The successors... the new Dark Lord of the Sith and his apprentice... come to me. To learn from my wisdom... to learn to taste true power?

Re: A New Begining

Atrox: ( follows the voice of the spirit voice  )

Re: A New Begining

Jester: (Fallows Master Atrox and the voice)

Jester: Master, What is the name of this ancient sith?

Re: A New Begining

" I think it might be Darth Bane"

" I am not sure"
(keeps on walking)

Re: A New Begining

Jester: Darth Bane was very strong in the force and one of the greatest Sith Lords.

Jester: (Keeps walking beside Master Atrox)

Jester: Master, Are we the first ones since the time of the ancient sith to be here?

Re: A New Begining

I believe so, i dont feel the force of past sith walking here, not recent i mean.

" Darth Bane is my most mentored sith lord"