Re: A New Begining

OOC: Cratus, can you speak Mando'a?


Naas: (looks at the Mandalorian) Mhi Mando'ade nara'te pajii be'ibi akaanir, a’meg kokovi te kandos’rad be’e buurenaar n’cetar o’rohak!

Re: A New Begining

OOC: Cratus the character, or just me? And none of that made any sense, translate please. I got only We mandalorians, then I didn't get a few words so I stopped translating.

Re: A New Begining

OOC: You... and it translates to: We Mandalorians will be the victors of this fight, but these cowards will hear the merciless roar of the jungle and fall to their knees in defeat!

Re: A New Begining

I speak a tad bit off Mando'a.


[size=8]"Di'kutla dar'jetii! Te droten ganar duumir Mando'ade cuyir!"

The mandalorian grabbed Cratus, and slung him over his shoulder. He hopped in the gunship as it came down, and laid Cratus in there. He jumped off and order the ship to let reinforcements off and get landed away from here.[/size]

<span style='color:gray'>"Yes sir, but what about the three other ships about to come in?"

"Tell them to do the same, and I want all the Mandalorian Protectors here in the battle. This is the start of a war&#33; The war between the Sith and the Mandalorians&#33;"

He went back to the small battle, and stood by Naas.

"Wowow waao&#33;"

Three small blue things that looked a little like this: jumped out from some trees&#33;</span>

Re: A New Begining

Naas: (looks at the Stalkers) Stalkers? This deep in the jungle?

Re: A New Begining

Jester: (Sends message to the captian of his flag ship to send 7 regiments of 100 soldiers to land all around this area)

Jester: (Calls off the bombing of the area)

Jester: Master, I feel the power of the dark side calling to me.

Jester: Asha, You and what is left of your jedi come with me.

Asha: Yes milord

Jester: (Sends message to his flag ship to call back the regiments to return to the ship)

Captain: As you command milord

Jester: Master, I must leave you to fallow my own path to the dark side.

Jester: (Jester,Asha amd the rest of the dark jedi go into stealth mode as they walk into the jungle)

Jester: All yeah Master, Have fun and remember that I am watching.

Re: A New Begining

"Fine apprentice go on your journey, and dont bother trying to look for me, i will find you, when i need you."

Atrox: (in ancient sith to one of his generals) "Vexok savaka" "Send me my ship" he says after

General: " Yes milord"

( a heviley armed shuttle comes and picks up the dark lord firing at anything coming near)

(throught force to cratus) " we arent finished"

Re: A New Begining

Naas: Nay, we aren&#39;t Sith. I have a feeling the Force will bring us face to face once more and next time you won&#39;t be so lucky.

(loud roar)

Re: A New Begining

[size=8]After struggling a bit to recover after a beast mastering torture, Kanasa roars with his master. Though the battle wasn&#39;t over. The stalkers jumped at Naas. And as they did, Kanasa leaped at them. He knocked them out of the way.  They got up and fled.[/size]

Re: A New Begining

Naas: (smiles at Kanasa)
(looks at the Mandalorian)
We may have won this fight in Mandalore&#39;s name, Mando&#39;ad, but I have a feeling this war has just began.

Re: A New Begining

[size=8]"I&#39;m not sure you know me the best you could."

After taking his suit of armor off, the mandalorian points out his mask, along with the lightsaber on his belt.

"I am Mand&#39;alor the Invincible."[/size]

Re: A New Begining

Naas: Im- Impossible... you- and he-

Re: A New Begining

[size=8]"After Boba Fett fell into the Sarlacc again, he decided he was in too bad of a position for being Mandalore, and he gave the title to me, shortly before retiring from bounty hunting."[/size]

Re: A New Begining

Naas: Don&#39;t you understand, there is already a predecessor to the Mand&#39;alor title. You can&#39;t possibly be Mand&#39;alor&#33;

Re: A New Begining

Jester: (Sends message to Master Atrox and tells him to lock on to my locator and land here)

Jester: Master, I have found a ancient sith temple deep in the jungle and the power of the dark side is a amazing feeling.

Jester: (Walks into the temple)

Jester: Asha you come with me but the rest of you stay in stealth and on guard.

Asha: Yes milord

Jester: ( Searches the temple with Asha and sits down and meditates)

Re: A New Begining

[size=8]"It doesn&#39;t matter if there was already a predcessor, I&#39;m the successor."[/size]

Re: A New Begining

Naas: You wish to succeed him?

Re: A New Begining

[size=8]"No, I already succeeded him. He&#39;s dead&#33; Dead of old age&#33; Basically, he put me as new Mandalore. I can&#39;t stop it, it&#39;s not like I want to be Mandalore."[/size]

Re: A New Begining

Jester:( Sends message to Master Atrox to join me)

Jester: Asha send two dark jedi to check out the area.

Asha: As you command Milord

Asha: (Sends two dark jedi in stealth mode to do reconn on the area around the temple)

Asha: Milord, I have sent them on a reconn

Jester: Very good Asha, you have proven yourself to me and now you will become my apperentice.

Asha: It will be a honor my Master

Jester: Come my apperentice (Walks deeper in the temple)

Asha: Yes Master (Fallows Master Jester)

Re: A New Begining

Naas: You still don&#39;t understand&#33; There is another who has already claimed the title... he also dons Mandalore&#39;s armor. You cannot be the successor&#33;