Re: A New Begining

Atrox: " Merc You are wasting my time, make your decision now!"

Re: A New Begining

Jester: Master, We need to go soon or we will miss out on all the fun.

Jester: So Troy, What is you choice?

Re: A New Begining

OOC: Where exactly are we?

[size=8]A swift breeze fell over the place. All was quiet, no one seemed to be making a noise. 'Vwow'. A lightsaber had been opened. The noise came from about 20 yards away.

A quick wind appeared next to Atrox. A barely audible whisper was used. But it seemed as if no one was there able to speak it. Who or what was it.

"Milord, I've gathered some information you might like."

A man was visible, around 17. He had a smirk on his face. Most knew him as Darth Cratus.[/size]

Re: A New Begining

Jester: I see that you have returned to the dark side Darth Cratus.

Asha: Lord Jester, We got a report that the regiments are moving closer and closer to taking the ship.

Jester: Very good Asha keep me imformed.

Jester: Master, The soldiers are making head way and we have almost taken control of the ship.

Jester: Darth Cratus what made you return to the dark side?

Re: A New Begining

Atrox:I have no idea where we are, we followed the enemy fleet to the planet. Im guessing outer-rim, and mandolorian World.

What have you brung me cratus?

Re: A New Begining

Jester: (Walks and stands beside Master Atrox)

Re: A New Begining

OOC: Still don't know where we are.

[size=8]"I have a report on the Jedi."

Cratus gave a small laugh as he grabbed something out of his pocket. He laughed at Jester.

"Why do you ask Jester? If you truly wish to know, it was because most Jedi begged for knowledge, knowledge that I could not release to them. Knowledge of the Dark side."

Cratus pulled out a lightsaber. It was a double-bladed saber. And it had many upgrades to it. He gave small grin off, and turned to this 'Troy'.

"You, you're a bounty hunter or a merc or something?"

Cratus waited silently for a reply.[/size]

Re: A New Begining

Jester: Hey Cratus, Nice lightsaber.

Jester: Master, This merc needs to make his mind up before we miss all the fun.

Jester: (Pulls out his lightsaber and turns it on)

Jester: (It's beam color is black with gray smoke comming off the beam)

Jester: Cratus I have a question for you and it is why did you turn from the dark side and go to the light side?

Re: A New Begining

troy: fifty mill? hm... and a single battleship? that's a pretty good deal...

Re: A New Begining

(ordo, Ram, and Netro continue deeper into the jungle)
(Ora follows them)

Naas: (to Troy) Choose what you wish outsider... we offer you nothing for we could care less what your fate is...
(moves closer to him) But know this, that what you choose will determine not only your life, but those closest to you... and whether you live or die in the depths of the jungle.

(looks up)
(to Cratus, Atrox, and Jester) You are no Sith, for you would have surely killed the merc had he not decided after you tried twice! Yet still you waste your time and energy with talk! Do not Sith urge for the spilling of blood?! The taste of the dark side as they kill another?!

(steps towards them) I tire with this game you play in my jungle... choose to leave or kill the merc now... for as surely as Mandalore lives if you do not the jungle will overtake your souls and your bones will be crushed beneath its vines!

Re: A New Begining

"Wait you havent sensed why we want  the merc" ***evil laughs*** "Do you know who he is"

Re: A New Begining

(vines begin to move towards Atrox)

Naas: I would not care if he were the son of The Great Vor himself! Choose, Sith, for my patience grows short!

Re: A New Begining

[size=8]"Ah, that makes a mandalorian. Or you know many mandalorians. No? You speak of Mandalore, no one would speak of Mandalore like that. Well, as it seems, you may notice me. My armor as well. The armor I wear, it's of the mandalorians. Mandalorians that were my brothers."[/size]

<span style='color:red'>Cratus gave a small laugh at the mysterious voice.

"Listen you mysterious voice. If you keep following me, I will give you in to my master. You are allowed to do what you want with your mandalorians, but not around me."

"You&#39;re too brave for a Sith. Sith are cowards that can only hide and kill. Pathetic. They know no strategy."</span>

Re: A New Begining

Naas: (to the voice) I am not a Mandalorian... I do not deserve that honor. But I will agree with you on the fact that Sith are cowards... that is all they will ever be. And because of that... the jungle will remove the falsely brave words from their lips, and rip the cowardice breath from their lungs&#33;

Re: A New Begining

[size=8]"You&#39;re greatly mistaken. You are that of the mandalorians. But Darth Cratus here is of the Sith, along with friends. I wish you to choke him especially, like you said."[/size]

Quickly, the vines rap around Cratus&#39;s throat.

<span style='color:red'>"Gak, you stupid litt- AAAH&#33;"

And quickly in front of the dead body of the former Darth Cratus, stands a mandalorian, dressed in something similar to the clone assassin uniform.</span>

OOC: New Character:

Name: ????
Gender: Male
Age: ????
Alliance: Mandalorians
Weapon(s): Two wrist vibro-blades in his assassin suit. Chain gun in his galactic marine suit. Sniper rifle in his scout suit. DC-If Blaster Rifle in trooper suit.
Appearance: Trooper Armor Assassin Armor Galactic Marine Armor … Scouts.jpg Scout Armor
(Remove any Republic signs and replace with mandalorian sign. Also, for the Assassin Armor, it should look a wee bit more like the colors of Boba&#39;s suit&#39;s colors.)
Background: He was born into the clan of Ordo, and that&#39;s about all that is known.
History: Not much is known about him, other than the fact he was born to clan Ordo, and is a descendant of the Mandalore: Canderous Ordo.
Species: Human
Ship (if they have one): Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor (Astromech droid is: R2-D3)
Class: Mandalorian Combat Specialist.

Re: A New Begining

Naas: And so... it comes to past. In his place comes another...
(looks at the Mandalorian)

(quietly) An Ordo.

Re: A New Begining

[size=8]"Hmm, wonder who this other Sith is."

Turning to Naas, the mandalorian started a few questions.

"Earlier, you said this was your jungle. If you wish to harm me, I will stand like a true warrior. But if it is only the Sith that bother you, I will aid you in disposing of them."

The mandalorian turned to Atrox waiting for a reply, if there was one. But that wasn&#39;t of the importance, the important thing was to get rid of the Sith, Naas wishing for an aid or not.[/size]

Re: A New Begining

To Cratus, Atrox, and Jester: Just so you know... Nass looks like this, just really bigger.

Naas: You have proven yourself a Mandalorian... I wish you no harm for now. The Sith are my only problem, and if you wish to help me remove their tainted feet from my jungle... so be it.

Re: A New Begining

OOC: I like the idea of dog-like things from DragonFable&#33; Mine will look like yours, but yellow:

[size=8]A small laugh came from some nearby tress. Then a quick snarl. And soon a squeal.

Out from the place came an animal, similar to Naas, but orange, and with a mouse in his mouth. He threw towards Naas.

"Master Naas, do we have some friends here? I feel something odd about the two over there. Not the one with the suit, but the other two."[/size]


Addres him as Kanasa please.

Re: A New Begining

Naas: (looks a Kanasa) That all depends, Kanasa... the Mandalorian and the merc could be allies, but foes as well when the time comes. As for the other two they are Sith, poisoning the jungle floor with their filthy footsteps&#33;