Re: A New Begining

troy: let's get one thing straight; i'm not a jedi. i have no affiliations with jedi. i am a private-hired merc.

Re: A New Begining

"What is your price"

Re: A New Begining

Jester: Master my dark jedi are ready and are in stealth mode all around the area.

Jester: Master we should hire this merc because he is well known and respected for his fighting skills.

Jester: Troy you should join me because I will make it worth your wild and I will through in a ship of your choice from my fleet.

Re: A New Begining

Atrox:  "name your price"

Re: A New Begining

Jester: Master their is a ship inbound to this planet.

Jester: Master, my second in command tells me that it is a small scout ship but it has no markings on it.

Jester:(Sends message to his flag ship telling them to watch the ship and open fire if it trys to land on this planet)

Re: A New Begining

Atrox: "let it land"    "Send 2 regiments of troops, to scout it out, and if they are hostels, well they will no what to do"

Re: A New Begining

Ordo: You're sending scouts to kill Mandalorians... damn, Sith really are stupid.

Naas: These outsiders are a waste of your time Mando'ade you should move on to find Carud... we will take care of them.

Netro: (nods)
(in Mando'a) I agree with Naas on this, boss.

Ram: (Mando'a) This isn't our fight... we have a mission to complete.

Ordo: (looks at Nass)
(in Mando'a) Not that I care or anything, but what about the merc?

Naas: He must choose first... then we will see what is to become of him.

Re: A New Begining

Jester: Yes Master I will send the 2 regiments to the ship and I will also send 5 of my best dark jedi with them.

Jester:(Asha, you have command over the regiments and make sure that you all stay in stealth mode until the scouting party check out the ship)

Jester: Make sure to not engage unless they attack you first.

Jester: Master, the 2 regiments are on their way to the ship but I want to know if this merc is going to fight for us?

Asha: Darth Jester, We are in position and are sending a scouting party to the ship.

Jester: Very well keep me informed and watch out for traps.

Re: A New Begining

Atrox"So merc what will it be, will you join us, you will be rewarded handsomely for your services"

Soldier:" I think you should do it merc, you dont want to anger are master,he mas seem calm, but you havent seen his other side."

Atrox:(To jester) " What is the status of the search apprentice."

Re: A New Begining

Ora: Finally... I get to kill someone.
(lunges at a group of Dark Jedi)


Jora: (steps out of the ship)
Nice flying, Nat.

Nat: Thanks.

Jora: That wasn't a compliment.

Hett: Would you two quit complaining and move your asses. We've got work to do.

Jora and Nat: Yes, sir, Captain.

Re: A New Begining

Jester: Master, We have made contact and they have made the first move and are attacking.

Jester: (Sends message to Asha and tells them to attack but keep on alive to question)

Jester: Master we need to find out if this merc is going to fight for us and then we need to go to the ship and join in the fight.

Asha: Lord Jester, We have one alive and we are sending him back to you.

Jester: Asha, Stay in stealth mode until the regiment I have sent reach you to escort you back to me.

Jester: Master, I have sent 1 more regiment to join Asha in bringing the captive back here.

Re: A New Begining

Atrox:" Forget the merc, we have the dark side with us, not even a merc can stop it."

(Atrox and deriphan head to the ship)

Re: A New Begining

troy: how much do you have, "atrox"?

Re: A New Begining

Atrox:"Name your price"

Re: A New Begining

Jester: Master, I am ready to go to the ship and fight when you are.

Jester: ( Sends message to Asha to kill the man he is bringing back and take the regiment and return to the fight at the ship)

Asha: As you command Lord Jester.

Jester: Troy, If you join in the fight with us then I will through in a ship from my fleet for a bonus.

Re: A New Begining

Atrox "Name your price merc"

" i am getting very impatient with you"

Re: A New Begining

Nat: Can we go now?

Hett: If you'd quit moving your mouth and start moving your legs we'd have been there by now.


Ordo: (looks at Troy) You aren't thinking about taking what this Sith has to offer, are you?

Re: A New Begining

troy: depends. do you have more?

Re: A New Begining

"I will give you 50,000,000 galactic credits for you services, we can negotiate later. Join Us!"

Re: A New Begining

Jester: Troy, If you join us then I will throw in another 10,000,000 credits and a battle ship from my fleet.

Jester: Master, I am getting tired and we are missing the fight.

Asha: Lord Jester, I have sent the regiment on ahead to the landed ship and the dark jedi and I are going to go into stealth mode until you join the fight.

Jester: Asha, very good and I will be their shortly and make sure you stay in stealth mode until I join you.

Jester:( Sits down and starts to meditate)