Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Darth Jester keeps watching the battle

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

link: we'll handle it.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

I have to say that this rpg is one of the best that I have read on this site.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Laure: Warning: capital ship Optimus under heavy assault.

Sero: Vir, get in there.

Vir: On it, sir.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?


Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

link: okay we've just about finished with this group... moving on...

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Vir: Optimus secured, Captain... a few Myths took care of the attackers.

Sero: Okay, fall-

Laure: Might I suggest you move down to the ground battle. The Admiral could use a close combat spec. like yourself.

Vir: Sounds like a good idea to me. How 'bout it Captain?

Sero: The fleshling and I have things handled up here.

Vir: Right. Going down.
(he heads towards the planet)

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?


Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

link: alright we've got a larger group, here. standby for assault...

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Laure: Hold onto your seatbelts boys, they're sending up an Andra!

Sero: Capital ships fall back. Myths move up and activate shields.

Myth Captain: With all due respect, sir, our shields won't hold off an Andra.

Sero: You can hold against it's fire power. When it goes through the shield the Quasars can take it on from there. Now I gave you an order.

Myth Captain: Yes, sir. Right away, sir.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

sonia: i'm going to help link.

adam: no, they are doing their job.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

You two are the king and queen of RPG's on this site.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Maioribus: (to Logan) The Verto Fleet is preparing to incinerate the planet's surface, "human"... our ships are being pulled back and our ground forces removed for now. We suggest you do the same if you do not wish to loose any of your "soldiers". Afterwards you may proceed with the space battle without worries of reinforcements.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?


Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

troy: what a "condescending" attitude.

adam: i must admit, it is becoming annoying.

sonia: i thought we were allies...

troy: so did i. i guess you never know who you can really trust.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Maioribus: (to Troy) We may be allies, Clone, but that does not mean I have to respect you, your leader, or any of his followers.
(to Logan) Now... we're giving you time to draw back your ships before we continue with our campaign.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

logan: would you just do it, cyborg?

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Maioribus: Commander wants as little "human" deaths as possible, but if you wish to watse you "soldiers" pathetic lifes then so be it.
(the com goes static)


Maioribus: Prepare to incinerate the planet. Leave not a tree standing on its surface, and not a soul alive!

Vertos: Yes, sir.

Maioribus: (looks out the command window at Elita)
(through the Force) Burn it to the core, so that their worthless souls may not find rest.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

troy: that's it...

logan: no you won't...

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Laure: (appears beside Troy)
Warning: Verto Fleet falling back. Pantema Fleet advancing.


Twenty seconds until "glassing" begins.