Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

logan: maioribus... nice to see you made it.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Maioribus: Nice to see you did as well, fleshling... surprised these boys didn't eat you alive.

Laure: I kept them in check.

Maioribus: Right. So what have we got here?

Onus: Got some-

Sero: With all due respect, sir, you're not supposed to be here. Commander's orders.

Maioibus: I go where I damn well please, Captain... besides she sent me here.

Acies: Changed her mind did she?

Maioribus: She wants the job done right this time. I'm just some insurance should things go downhill... which they more than likely will with you around Sero.

Sero: You know sometimes... I wish I could kick your ass.

Maioribus: (chuckles) Come on... I've got all century.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

logan: concentrate your fire on that cruiser.

locke: take it down!

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Maioribus: Let's finish the job, Vertos...  leave not a scrap of metal unburned and leave not a tree standing on the planet's surface.

Onus and Acies: Ooh-ray!

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

(dragon breathes black and blue fire on a cruiser, incinerating it)

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Vir: (flies towards a cruiser)
(fires a set of missles)
(continues towards the cruiser)

Laure: Up, Vir. Steer up.

Vir: (impacts the cruiser as the missles hit it)
(comes out the other side)

Laure: One day... I hope you burn.

Vir: (laughs)

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

logan: a large-sized group of fighters and cruisers! fire on them!

(countless missiles, torpedoes, and a proton core is deployed)

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Acies: Flesh kicks ghost ass... (chuckles)

Maioribus: I claim the captial ships.

Sero: Cruisers.

Onus: Freighters.

Acies: Sleek Runers! So mine!

Laure: I'm counting.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

(group is destroyed)

locke: keep going!

(logan's fleet moves in on the enemy fleet)

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Acies: Incoming.
(fires a thermal into a formation of Sleek Runers)

(they all explode)

Laure: Three.

(Maioribus' Fleet moves towards the planet)
(they open fires on the ship yard)

Laure: You guys just lost.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

link: we'll handle things up here.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Maioribus: Sero stay with the fleshlings. Onus and myself will take care of the planet.

Sero: Sure thing, sir.

Maioribus: Laure, keep them in check. Vir, watch the "human".

Laure and Vir: Yes, sir.

Maioribus: Let's go, Onus.

Onus: Move out heavies!

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

logan: (to vir and laure) i'd love to do this whole dance, you know, the long and drawn out worthy battle, but frankly i don't feel like it. my moves are swift and just.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Laure: As long as you don't touch my boys... I don't care what you do.

Vir: Just watch what you say.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

logan: i thought we were on the same side...

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Laure: We are...

Vir: But fleshlings are known to get cocky.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

logan: we like to call it... overenthusiastic (smiles)

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Laure: Well don't get " overenthusiastic".

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

:ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

logan: no promises