Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

ah I feel good now

Beware the light at the end of the tunnel......... it might be a train!
Whoever said anything is possible never tried nailing jelly to a tree.
If at first you dont succeed....cheat!
There is a fine line between genious and insanity.....i have erased that line.

Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

good (walks away)

Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

I use death field on Eshabacka and before he dies he wets his pants and he shits himself. Eshabacka truely dies with out honor and has everybody  lol  lol  lol

Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

horid way to die.

Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

silly little person

Beware the light at the end of the tunnel......... it might be a train!
Whoever said anything is possible never tried nailing jelly to a tree.
If at first you dont succeed....cheat!
There is a fine line between genious and insanity.....i have erased that line.

Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

you can't call nobody little.

Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

Nice comeback NOT lol  lol  lol

Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

eshabacka, i'm going to tell you this one last time. lose your condescending attidude.

Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

I just cant stand his constant insults I meen jeez!
I never did anything to him!!!

Beware the light at the end of the tunnel......... it might be a train!
Whoever said anything is possible never tried nailing jelly to a tree.
If at first you dont succeed....cheat!
There is a fine line between genious and insanity.....i have erased that line.

Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

<_< Stop with the insults.


Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

no further comments.

Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

I see that Darth Nihilus id still winning in votes.

Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

by a long shot.

Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

Darth Nihilus is truely the best at doing the worst things.

Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

untill some other big shot comes and does something even worse.

Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

The only thing that could be the worst crime comminted by a sith would have to be to destroy a whole Galaxy.

Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

if nihilus wasn&#39;t killed, he would have been well on his way to doing just that.

Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

That is true.

Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

i knopw

Re: What Is The Worst Crime Commited By A Sith Lord?

lol but If that happened there wouldn&#39;t be the movies

Beware the light at the end of the tunnel......... it might be a train&#33;
Whoever said anything is possible never tried nailing jelly to a tree.
If at first you dont succeed....cheat&#33;
There is a fine line between genious and insanity.....i have erased that line.