Re: Dsf Revan

i'm a future business owner... how do you think my employees are going to act if they see me coming in late practically every day?

(car hits 200)

Re: Dsf Revan

bb in about 30-45 minutes. Maybe an hour.

Savo: (laughs)
(matches the speed)
Thank you, Freya!

Re: Dsf Revan

now you're always on time...

(speeds up to 250)

Re: Dsf Revan

Not always.

FreyAI: Destination reached. Slowing down.

(the car begins to slow down)

Savo: (laughs) Nice run, sir.

Re: Dsf Revan

most of the time... better than i am for sure...

logan: not bad yourself.

Re: Dsf Revan

Not really.

Savo: (drives into a driveway that leads to a large garage)
This way, sir.

Re: Dsf Revan

yes really.

logan: (follows)

Re: Dsf Revan

(the garage door opens showing a large shop)

Savo: I'll go first and the door will close behind me. When it opens again drive in and when you see the stop light, stop. Sit there while the machinery processes your vehicle and then when the door in front of you opens and the go light appears, slowly drive forward and out of the garage.

Understood, sir?

Re: Dsf Revan

logan: how do i know something won't shoot me again?

Re: Dsf Revan

Savo: Sir, I'm your bodyguard...

(drives into the garage, the door closing behind him)

Re: Dsf Revan

logan: that's what i'm afraid of...

Re: Dsf Revan

A short while later

(the garage door opens)

FreyAI: Please, enter the garage.

Re: Dsf Revan

my time has come; i must be done for the day. i will meet you here tomorrow.

logan: (enters)

Re: Dsf Revan

All right. See ya.

(the garage door closes behind him, making it impossible to see anything)
(the car door on the passenger side opens and someone enters the car)

(machinery can be heard moving about, removing certain parts of the car and replacing them, repainted the car and so on)

(finally everything is silent and the door in front of Logan opens)

FreyAI: Please, exit the garage.

Re: Dsf Revan

logan: (drives out)

Re: Dsf Revan

(the Ford Fusion is now a sportier version, along with a different color, and a new license plate)

(he realizes that Starr is sitting in the car with him)

Re: Dsf Revan

logan: how about you be my personal bodyguard? you seem to know what you're doing...

Re: Dsf Revan

Starr: In my line of work, you have to know what you're doing all the time... or you get killed. Besides... I don't do personal business.

Re: Dsf Revan

Hey, g2g, see ya tomorrow.

Re: Dsf Revan

(looks up, pauses, looks at starr, pauses again, thinks for a moment, pauses, looks up again, looks at starr, pauses, then looks up once more, shakes his head, drives off)