Re: An Idea

Starr: (bends down next to the woman)
I'm a police officer, ma'am... and I'd like to know why those Sith attacked you.

Re: An Idea

Woman: I'm not sure. But I think it was because of this. (takes out a small red eagle figure)

Psycho: By the force...

Aztec: That's a Caldazar...

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: An Idea

Starr: What about it?
(motions towards a pair of medics driving up)

Re: An Idea

Psycho: It is the sign of our order.

Woman: You are the Knights? (blinks)

Aztec: (silent)

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: An Idea

Starr: (offers the woman her hand)
Come on, ma'am. Stand up.

Re: An Idea

Woman: (accepts Starr's hand) (stands up)

Psycho: What's your name?

Woman: Sophie.

Psycho: (nods) I'm Psycho.

Aztec: And I'm Aztec.

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: An Idea

Starr: Nice to meet you, Sophie, I'm Starr.

Re: An Idea

Sophie: (smiles) Thanks for your help.

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: An Idea

Starr: It's my job.

Re: An Idea

Psycho: Where did you get that Caldazar?

Sophie: (hesitates)

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: An Idea

Starr: (studies the woman)

Re: An Idea

Aztec: And?

Sophie: One of the Knight's gave it to me.

Psycho: You lie! (points a pistol to Sophie's head)

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: An Idea

Starr: (pushes Sophie back standing in front of her)
Psycho... calm down and put the weapon away.

Re: An Idea

Psycho: (puts the pistol back)

Aztec: No one excepts the Lords doesn't posses the Caldazar.

Psycho: So, from who did you steal it

Sophie: I didn't steal it! (steps back)

Psycho: So how did you get it!?

Sophie: (hesitates)

Psycho: (begins pulling out the pistol again)

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: An Idea

Starr: In the name of the Omoran Police, I command you to stand down.
(steps towards Psycho, activating a lightsaber)

Re: An Idea

Psycho: (takes the pistol back) (silent)

Aztec: Where did you get it?

Sophie: (looks at Starr then looks at Aztec) I don't want to tell you. (evil smile)

Aztec: (frowns) (points with the Gauss at Sophie)

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: An Idea

Starr: (growls at Aztec)
(turns to Sophie, holding her lightsaber towards her throat)

How did you get it?

Re: An Idea

Sophie: (scared) A knight gave it to me...

Aztec: What is his name?! (frowns)

Sophie: George!

Aztec: And?

Sophie: Okay... George Kwei... (looks down at the ground)

Psycho: Why did he gave it to you?

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: An Idea

Starr: (lowers her 'saber)

Re: An Idea

Sophie: I was... I was his... (sad smile)

Aztec: (raises his eyebrow)

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?