Re: Biggest Topic

Starr: (sits down in the co-pilot's chair)

Re: Biggest Topic

George: (goes to the weapons locker) (takes a submachine gun and a shotgun) (takes few grenades and some explosives) (takes two Assault rifles and places them in the bag) (puts some med kits and smoke grenades inside) (looks up) (takes two Gauss rifles and puts them in the bag)

(goes to the cockpit carrying the bag)
(puts the bag on the floor and sits on the pilot's chair)

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: Biggest Topic

Starr: (looks at the bag)
(looks at George)
What's all that?

Re: Biggest Topic

George: It's just for case. (innocent smile)

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: Biggest Topic

Starr: (small smile)
(looks at the navicomputer)

Re: Biggest Topic

George: 3 hours and 27 minutes until we arrive...

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: Biggest Topic

Starr: Something isn't right...

Re: Biggest Topic

George: What?

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: Biggest Topic

Starr: There's just something about this mission that is... off.

Re: Biggest Topic

George: What?

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: Biggest Topic

Starr: I'm not really sure.

Re: Biggest Topic

George: Yeah...

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: Biggest Topic

Starr: (nods slowly)

Re: Biggest Topic

George: So what's the plan?

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: Biggest Topic

Starr: Get in, get what we came for, get out... simple.

Re: Biggest Topic

George: Nice plan... (smiles)

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: Biggest Topic

Starr: And don't die.

Re: Biggest Topic

George: Ohh, right. I forgot that. (frowns)

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: Biggest Topic

Starr: Yeah.

Re: Biggest Topic

George: (silent) (looks at the nav map)

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?