Re: An Idea

Starr: (smiles) Whatever you want to do.

Re: An Idea

George: (blushes) I'll go with you...

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: An Idea

Starr: Let's get to it then.
(starts to walk back towards the enterance)

Re: An Idea

meanwhile yoda is sorting out all of the troubles with his smuggling empire

Ill take the stupid one who decided to talk rather than shoot while he had the chance.

How does 90mm of tongstin strike ya?

if were all clones, why am i the only one with a sense of humour?


What!?!?! you cant call dibbs on a spaceship.
Yea I can. Dibbs. See I just did it again.

Re: An Idea

mission: hey guys.

logan: hello mission.

juhani: mission.

logan: how's the training?

mission: it's okay. but i wish you were my master.

logan: no you don't. i demand only the most excellent out of my apprentices.

mission: i can give you that.

logan: (raises eyebrows) really?

mission: really.

logan: well, we will see in due time.

Re: An Idea

(Master Kavar approachs Logan)

Re: An Idea

carth: what's up?

logan: the sky.

carth: (weak smile)

logan: whack, i know.

boy in distance: Logan! Logan!

logan: how does he always know?

mission: what do you expect? you saved his life.

logan: no i didn't. i just have him some heavy cover fire while he escaped.

mission: my point.

boy: hey logan!

logan: hey Kid. what's up?

boy: more than the sky this time. starr george and kavar have got some kind of arrangemen going on.

logan: you're the hacker. get me the 5 w's including how. ASAP.

boy: i'm on it. (uses burst of speed)

mission: how does he do that?

logan: good question. so... those three again... more than coincidence...

Re: An Idea

logan: what is it kavar?

Re: An Idea

Kavar: Follow me.
(walks towards the Council Chambers)

Re: An Idea

(logan follows)

mission: a trap?

juhani: possibly. but not an immediate one.

carth: why not?

juhani: because it would be rather stupid of him to kill logan when we'll be waiting for his return.

carth: point taken.

Re: An Idea

(there all the Jedi Masters are gathered waiting on Logan and Kavar)

Re: An Idea

logan: what the- we just met.

Re: An Idea

Vrook: It seems that we Jedi Masters, excpet yourself, have agreed on stripping Starr and George of the Force. It also happens that we have the opportunity to do such...

Re: An Idea

logan: at last.

Re: An Idea

Dorak: Master Kavar has set up a meeting between himself, George, and Starr. There is only one problem-

Re: An Idea

logan: as always... what is it?

Re: An Idea

Atris: Starr.

Re: An Idea

logan: what about her?

Re: An Idea

Vandar: Starr has agreed to bring George to the area in the case that she not be stripped.

Vrook: As you might know, we would have stripped her anyway... but then we come to our second problem.

Re: An Idea

logan: him, right?