Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Nihilus: Even if you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can imagine!!!

Peace is a lie; there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength;
Through strength, I gain power;
Through power, I gain victory.
The Force shall free me.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Guard #1: Wait... what was that?

Guard #2: It was nothing... you're just tense.

Guard #1: I know I heard something.

Guard #2: Then go check it out...

Guard #1: I will. (walks towards a corridor)

Guard #2: When we get back I'm making sure you get so R&R. How bout it Jeron?


Guard #2: (turns around) Jeron?
(thinks for a second)
(loads his weapon)
(walks towards the corridor)


(Jeron jumps out from around the corner scaring Guard #2)

Jeron: (laughing)

Guard #2: (frowns) That wasn't funny!

Jeron: It would have been if you could have seen your face, An! (laughs)

(suddenly Jeron is jerked back arund the corridor corner)

Andi: I'm not falling for that again.

(a lightsaber is heard activating)
(Jeron is heard making muffled screams)

Andi: Jeron? This really isn't funny!

(Starr deactivates her Force Camoflague in front of Andi with lightsaber activated)

Starr: Hi. (kills Andi)

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

(In Hell)

George: (Kills another giant monster with force pulse)

Leina: When will this stop?

George: I don't know!

Leina: George?

George: (Raises his head) Yes?

Leina: (Smiles)


Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

We have gone off-topic haven't we? :angry:

Don't worry, I won't bite lol , but I would appreciate it if we stayed on-topic a bit more, would make my life a lot easier big_smile

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Starr: (begins to hack a terminal)
(to herself) This equals 24... add... subtract... divid... bingo.

(terminal unlocks)

Starr: Getting hot.
(through the Force) Not to long Rand... not to long.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

(Nihilus activates Force Camoflauge and escapes to his ship and flies to Malachor V.)

Peace is a lie; there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength;
Through strength, I gain power;
Through power, I gain victory.
The Force shall free me.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Foxe: Sir, the Sith flagship is leaving!

Carth: Mission-

Mission: On it!

Sometime later

Mission: Carth! You might want to come look at this!

Carth: (walks up to Mission) What-? Oh my Force! How is that even possible!?

Foxe: We don't know, sir... but she's moving it all right.

Mission: Must have something to do with her Jedi training.


Riker: Sir, the ship is moving!

Rand: So...?

Riker: We're not steering it. It appears we have an unwelcome guest in the engine room.

Rand: (through the Force) Reha...

Starr: Hello Rand.

Rand: Send some men down there, now!

Riker: Yes, sir! (salutes Rand)
(walks off)

Starr: What's the matter Rand? Afraid to come down here and face me yourself? I thought you were a big boy...

Rand: Think you can get to me Reha? You're dumber than I thought.!

Starr: Don't worry... I brought backup.

(multipule thuds are heard throughout the ship caused by things landing on the outside of the ship)

Starr: Ooh... that's going to leave a mark. Bye-bye Rand. See ya soon.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

I know I'm late to comment, but when Malak told me that Iused to be Darth Revan, I was thinking, "Oh, my God, there is no way that I was that JERK!!! " Now, of course, I like the character of Revan even more because of the revelation.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

(more thudding is heard throughout the ship)

Rand: Find out what is on our ship!

Riker: We're working on it, sir... but all cameras have been jammed.

Rand: (sighs)
(turns around and walks off)
(to himself) I'll kill Reha myself.

(activates two golden colored lightsabers)

- Freedom's lower decks -

Rand: (through the Force) Come out, come out, wherever you are Reha.

(distance clanking sound)

Rand: (sees the shadows of a person)
There's no use in hidding Reha...

Starr: Who said I was hiding?

Rand: (turns around and finds Starr with her lightsabers activated)
(to himself) Whata- How-?
(com turns on)

Riker: Sir, we've got an image of what's on our ship.

Rand: Send it to me... (eyes Starr carefully)

Riker: Right away.

(an image appears on Rand's holoscreen)

Rand: What is-?

Starr: That? (smiles)

Rand: (turns around and finds Validus towering over him)

Starr: Rand, met Validus, my backup. Validus met Rand.

Validus: (activates canons) Can I kill him now and get it over with, ma'am?

Rand: Uh- I-

Starr: No, Validus... call the others in.

Validus: (opens com) (whispers) Can't have any fun these days...
(over com) Alpha and Delta move in.

Alpha: Copy that.

Delta: Roger.


Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

mission: sir there's something happening on that ship.

addonus: i know. how's starr?

mission: unknown.

addonus: prepare our gunships, but don't send them yet.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

(a clanking sound is heard not to far off)

Starr: Rand... meet the best of the Republic Prime.

(two more Vertos appear)

Venator: (he is a camo colored robotic solider) At your service Master.

Contemno: (he is a red and black colored robotic solider) Ready to kill.

Rand: The Republic Prime?

Validus: The Republic Prime. A planet on the outest regions of the Republic.

Venator: Ruled by the galaxies greatest commaders... those that push their men until they are the ultimate.

Contemno: Reha was one of them...

Validus:... she came to protect the Republic...

Venator:... to start a new army of humans...

Starr: A army...

Contemno:... that could not be beat...

All: The invinsible army.

Starr: It didn't work.. I thought it did.

Validus: They meant no harm, until you and your knights came Rand.

Starr: We could have saved the galaxy together. Stopped starvation. Gave everyone hope.

Validus: But you made them hate us...

Venator: Despise us.

Contemno: To a point that they turned against what we gave them.

Starr: It was horrible... I watched my own men die Rand. One reached out to give a young boy a hug. The boy returned the hug but then pulled away from my Admiral and I saw the knife. The blood covered knife i the hand of the boy.

Venator: (shakes his head in shame)

Starr: Then he came...

Contemno: And gave her what she needed to creat the real invinsible army.

Vertos: Us.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

mission: hold on; two unidentified targets just apperaed. they are cornering starr.

addonus: (through the force) *i don't know if you can hear me, but you have fifteen minutes, and i'm am coming in there... personally, and i'm am slaughtering any unidentified target i see. if they are allies, i want one-hunded percent confirmation.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Validus: You touch my men I'll kill you fleshling!

Starr: Validus... Prince unidenified targets are 100% confirmed friendly. They are my backup. No worries.

Contemno: (over squad com) Let him come... I'd enjoy it.

Venator: Contemno... this Jedi is an ally. Keep your vocal in Kilish unless you address Reha.

Contemno: (says something in Kilish) Cool down old man... (whispers) Lucky fleshling.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

addonus: stand down all squads.

carth: private channel?

addonus: private channel go ahead.

carth: we could just extract starr and launch some proton cores right in the middle of their party.

addonus: nahh... too easy.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Starr: (through the Force) Don't think I can't hear you Carth as well as you Addonus... you touch my men, and I'll kill you.

Carth: Uh- I-

Starr: Hmm...


Starr: So Rand... ready to surrender?

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

carth: that little girl is really starting to p**s me off.

revan: i can't stand just waiting here for something to happen to us.

addonus: yeah, it's starting to get to me too.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Carth: What the hell was that!?

Revan: What the hell was what?


Carth: There it is again!

Mission: I've got a bad feeling about this.

Revan: Mission, cameras!

Mission: On it-... oh, wait... offline.

Carth: s**t! Get us out of here!

Pilot: We can't, sir! Everythings shut down again!

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

addonus: (frantically) this has gotta stop!!

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Maioribus: (over com) (static) We are terribly sorry fleshling... we cannot have you ruining or operation.

Corruo: You have been temportely locked down...

Maioribus: Do not struggle... or we will be forced to use deadly force.

(thudding on the outside of the ship)

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

addonus: hey, don't scratch anything. and do not hurt starr.

carth: ... sir?

revan: whoa, addonus man...