Re: funny things about kotorI && II

My first play through I never put him together either but every time after that I have because he comes in handy a lot I found and it is great to have 1 member from KOTOR 1 in the second game to use and have in your party.

Re: funny things about kotorI && II


To be one with the force, you must be one with yourself.

Re: funny things about kotorI && II

True but Mandalore dose not feel like Canderours from KOTOR I and you can get Carth IF you play as a female but I still like HK over them all.

Re: funny things about kotorI && II

T3 duh

Last edited by Taustin17 (2016-05-03 19:43:32)

To be one with the force, you must be one with yourself.

Re: funny things about kotorI && II

Yeah but I still like HK.

Re: funny things about kotorI && II

Which HK was better I or II, I personally like him in II

To be one with the force, you must be one with yourself.

Re: funny things about kotorI && II

Yeah HK in II was my favorite too.

Re: funny things about kotorI && II

Taking on all meatbags

To be one with the force, you must be one with yourself.

Re: funny things about kotorI && II

He brought the comedy to the games.

Re: funny things about kotorI && II

Very true.

To be one with the force, you must be one with yourself.

Re: funny things about kotorI && II

He was also good with a blaster too.

Re: funny things about kotorI && II

Scarily good with a blaster.

To be one with the force, you must be one with yourself.

Re: funny things about kotorI && II

Not that good with a sword tho.

Re: funny things about kotorI && II

Yeah, I can see where he isn't good.

To be one with the force, you must be one with yourself.

Re: funny things about kotorI && II

He is more of a ranged fighter then a close combat fighter.

Re: funny things about kotorI && II

That's why you Hanharr

To be one with the force, you must be one with yourself.

Re: funny things about kotorI && II

Very true.

Re: funny things about kotorI && II

I have English language problems

To be one with the force, you must be one with yourself.