Topic: band battle
zack1 yells more more when the band starts using there instrumets as weapons "oh yeah come and get me sukers"
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zack1 yells more more when the band starts using there instrumets as weapons "oh yeah come and get me sukers"
*pulls out gatling guitar and sprays the crowd.
Last edited by Taustin17 (2016-05-05 22:23:46)
*grabs bass guitar and starts flamethrower
Turns timers on the drums
Let's bring the house down...literally.
Sounds like a plan.
*Throws my microphone Molotov
The timer on the drums hit 0 and explode.
Damage is at an all time high.
Throws a grenade into the bathroom and BOOM!!!
Poor guy was taking a p**s.
He will be missed after we find out who he was.
His face is missing.
Looks like his hands are gone too.
(Grabs a piano and starts playing moonlight sonata) Do what makes you happy?