Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Lan: (Strikes at George)

George: (Blocks, then uses Force Pulse on Lan)

Lan: (Flies away and hits the ground) Where did you lern that?! (Stands up)

George: From Marka Ragnos. And now... (Uses Force Earthquake, Everything around him starts to colapse. Ground is shaking, and one big rock fals right on Lan)

George: (Stops) Finally you died... (Force pushes the rock away then bends down next to Lan) Any last words?

Lan: I'm sorry... (coughs) ... for what I did... I'm sorry ... You are ... (coughs) You are a true Silver Knight... (dies)

George: (Stands up and looks around)

(The entire place was destroyed by Georges' Earthquake. Only the Statue of the Silver Knights stands still)

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

addonus: what was that?!

alexis: i don't know.

revan: neither do i.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

(Rand and Leina approached George)

Rand: Great, George. You did it. You defeated him again.

George: Yeah... I want his tomb to be here...

Rand: It will be done...

Leina: You are bleeding!

George: (holds to his leg) Yeah... Lan scatched me when he was performing that damn kata...

Leina: Come, I'll take you to medlab...

(George and Leina went to medlab. Rand stays on Korriban)

Rand: I'll stay alone... again...

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

(shockwave reaches republic fleet)

addonus: alright this is pissing me off.

carth: i'm about ready to bombard them anyway.

addonus: not yet. we will, but not yet.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

(In the Freedoms medlab)

George: (stands up)

Leina: Feeling better?

George: Yeap...

Leina: I remembered something!

George: What?

Leina: You defeated Lan...

George: So...

Leina: He was a Dark Lord of the Sith, and you have taken his mantle...

George: Shet! So now I'm a Sith Lord...

Leina: Aha...

George: Where is Rand?

Rand: (enters the medlab) I'm right here. I remebered that.

George: I suggest that we reasemble their fleet.

Leina: I aqree.

Rand: Me too.

George: I'll go to speak with them...

Leina: I'll come with you.

Rand: I'll stay on The Freedom.

George: Okay then. Lets go...

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Maioribus: So what's so important here now? That Knight has defeated the Sith....

Validus: Can we leave... I seriously hate Korriban...

Fortis: (about to say something)

Validus: For personal reasons...

Starr: Rand is what's important... I'm not leaving until I have him.

Rector: Annuo will move in... we'll hold him from the back while you guys move into the front... taking him by surprise. If he tries to escape, we'll be there to welcome him.

Starr: Right... let me just check on the ships.

Maioribus: Sure thing.. opening com... (over com) Verto Optimus, this is Admiral Maioribus. Do you read me?

Captain: This is Verto Optimus Flagship Captain Corruo... reading you loud and clear Admiral. Awaiting Commander's orders.

Starr: This is Commander Reha. How are you handling things up there Corruo?

Corruo: Everything's fine... The Republic Admrial's trying to prepare a bombardment but what they don't know is all their weapons are offline.

Starr: How in the world are their weapons offline without them knowing!?

Corruo: I had one of my men look into it...

Appar: It was no problem really... hacked 'em in less than a minute.

Starr: Good job... now let's finish this. Keep them busy and don't let them land. Understood?

Corruo: Understood. Firing ED. I'll tell Atra to do the same... good luck Commader.

Starr: You too... Commander out.

Corruo: Captain out.

(both shut off coms)

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

gunner: sir our cannons are offline!

addonus: get us out of here!

pilot: our engines and long range communications are offline too.

addonus: starr what are you doing?! we weren't even about to do any thing!!

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Starr: (over com) I know that... just some insurance given to me by a friend. Now if you'll excuse me... I have a Jedi to catch.

(over squad com) Annuo... you in?

Velox: Yeah, Reha... we're in... you can move in anytime you want.

Rector: As long as Ardeo doesn't do anything stupid... we should be fine.

Ardeo: (in the distance) Ooh.. what's this button do?

All: Don't touch that!

Ardeo: Oh.. sorry.

Rector: See? But, we should be good. Move in.

Starr: Right.

Maioribus: What'd he say?

Starr: We're doomed... Rand knows we're here. Just move forward anyway.

Validsu: Wait... how does he know that?

(Starr and Maioribus stare at Validus)

Validus: Stupid act getting a little old?

Starr and Maioribus: Yeah...

Validus: Yep... it's only funny when it's just Maioribus. Anyway... moving forward.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

addonus: as soon as you catch this "jedi", i want all my systems back online immediately!

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Validus: (over com) Sure thing... sure thing...

Starr: Move... (motions with her hands down a hall way)

Maioribus: (moves down the hall followed by Validus) Try to be quiet Val.

Validus: Right... you're two sizes bigger than me. Sure... tell me to be quiet...

Starr: Look we're trying to catch a very powerful person... I don't need my two best me-... soldiers fighting over who should tell who to be quiet. Shut up and move! (nudges Validus with her gun barrel)

Validus: Fine... move out of my way Maiori... (activates stealth generator)... watch the Master at work. (walks into the next room)

Maioribus: (whispers over com) The bait is sent... repeat... the bait is sent...

Rector: Copy that Alhpa Team... Bravo Team wating to engage hostile...

Starr: Right... target should come from... (stops suddenly) (says the cordinace in a different language) (shuts off com)

Maioribus: Why'd you do that?

Starr: What?

Maioribus: You spoke the cordinance in our language...

Starr: We aren't the only hunters looking for this "Jedi"...

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

(In the Sith Temple on Korriban)


George: (raises his hand)

Crowd: (silent)

George: As my first act at my new position, I'm going to destroy the Republic fleet thats orbiting our planet. And after that! We can assault the core worlds! And the entire galaxy will be ours!



Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Rector: (over com) This is Bravo Team leader reporting to Alpha Team leader. Target is tagged and bagged. Repeat... target has been marked and has been captured. Need imed. evac.

Starr: This is Alpha Team leader, copy that, Bravo. Sending air support for imed. evac. for both Teams.

Starr: Valdius... get on it.

Validus: (opens another channel) Right... (begins to talk to Aparr)

Velox: (static) (in the background) What the hell!? Annuo, take that hostile out!

Fortis: Copy that... following orders. (activation of canons can be heard)

Ardeo: Greande! (an expolsion is heard)

Starr: What in hell is going on over there!?

Rector: (static breakup) Need... evac... repeat... immediate... (com breaks off)

Maioribus: You were right, Reha... we aren't the only ones here. (actviates two swords)

Starr: (looks up and finds they are surround)

Validus: (closes his com) Evac. Air coming in.

Starr: Right... looks like we have to hold these guys off. Alpha... barricade formation!

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

addonus: maybe if you unlock my systems, i can help you.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Corruo: You aren't going anywhere friend... (looks at the Verto behind him)

Send in Ruina Squad for immediate evacuation... while me and my men are down there you need to hold them up here. Is that understood?

Verto 1st Captain: Yes, sir!

Corruo: You imform me if they do anything or if you think you want to do anything.

Verto 1st Captain: Yes, sir!

Corruo: (looks at a mechanic) Get my armor ready... (opens a com) Atra, prepare for ground reinforcement.

Atra: All ready ready, Boss Man.

Corruo: Good... get Mort ready too.

Atra: Right away... Good luck, Boss. See you planet-side. (shuts off com)

Corruo: Appar, you ready?

Appar: Yep... and here comes EX.

Exitialis: Let's kick some humanoid ass...

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

addonus: so you're just gonna leave me here? how sweet

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Corruo: No... we're just leaving you in the hands of someone else while we help Commander.

(in the background) Ruina, prepare for ground reinforcement.

Exitialis: Loading up and preaparing to evac. Teams.

(clanking is heard)

Appar: Ready!

Corruo: Good luck Fi. The Commander has something planned for you fleshling, ad I can't wait to see what it is.

1st Captain Fi: As I... Good luck, sirs.

Corruo: (over squad com) Ruina... (more clanking) Punch it!

(Ruina Squad is launched)

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

carth: we can't just wait around here for them to blast us to oblivion.

revan: Mission, can you get our systems back online?

Mission: no, i'm completely locked out.

addonus: then we have no choice but to wait.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Corruo: (static) I didn't say she was going to kill you... although I would rather her do that. I just said it's... special. Keep 'em good Fi.

(over Squad com) Ruina entering Korriban atmosphere!


Rector: Man down! I repeat man down! Someone revive him!
(kills a hostile)

Velox: On it! (fires a few shots)
Hold on Ardeo... (uses shock to revive Ardeo)

Rector: (kills another hostile) Someone keep Rand surved!
(shoots at another hostile)

Proprius: Surveillance... on it.
(goes to protect Rand)

Rector: Fortis give me some heavy fire!

Fortis: (activates six canons) Feel Verto's wrath you dumb ass fleshlings!
(evil laugh as he fires all his canons) Haha! DIE!

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

addonus: order the fleet to be on standby alert status.

carth: yes, sir.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Validus: Uh... you do realize that the humans are crawling on the walls, don't you?

Maioribus: That's not normal.

Starr: (to herself) Naw... duh. Alpha, engage hostiles!

Corruo: No need, Commander... we got this covered. Ruina, move in!

(Ruina Squad comes into the tomb canons firing)
(all hostiles are killed)

Appar: (pats Starr on the back) Thanks for activation, Re.

Starr: Ow... (smiles) No problem...

Validus: (does some handshake with Mort) All right, let's get this party started.

Mort: Yeah.

Atra: (over com) Bravo Team... this is Ruina Squad... Alpha Team has been aquired... repeat... Alpha Team has been aquired. Coming in for evac.

Rector: (static) Negat-... Hostile-... Over-... Too-... Many-... Repea-...

Starr: We aren't leaving anyone behind on this mission Annuo... prepare for evac. Hold your postion. I repeat, hold your postion!
(looks up at Corruo)

Corruo: (cocks his rifle) Let's move... wait... (static com)

Fi: This is Verto... 1st Captain Fi... do you... read me...?

Corruo: Speak up, Fi!

Fi: Hostile... forces... in... advise... we... Republic... go...

Corruo: Fi, you go to speak clearer!

Fi: Engage... forces... hold... off... (com goes fully static)

Corruo: Fi!? Fi!? (changes channel) This is Captain Corruo ordering Verto vessels to let all Republic vessels free...  all Verto vessles to fire upon hostiles... repeat fire upon hostiles... do not fire upon Republic vessels unless fired upon first...

Prime: Admiral... Prime... understood... vessels... Republic... go... fire... hostiles...

Corruo: (turns off com) Good enough...