Re: A New Begining

Be posting within the next day or so. smile

Re: A New Begining

i thought this thing would have died a long time ago...

Re: A New Begining

Sounds good Starr.

But you're wrong Prince. You must really get into this story we're writing to be actually able to understand how epic it is. Though that is the reason we post so rarely because it requires some heavy writing.

Am I right Starr? wink


Re: A New Begining

It really does. There are so many twists and turns that you can never ever be sure who is truly good or who is vile and corrupt. And when you believe you have figured everything out it suddenly changes. It's a real challenge to keep up the complexity of such deep characters and such an expansive, experimental plot. I love it. big_smile

Re: A New Begining

I swear on all that I find sacred that I will have a post to you by the end of this week. And I'll do my best to make it well worth the wait. wink Just been... extremely busy.

Re: A New Begining

Almost... finished... smile

Re: A New Begining

C'mon, c'mon big_smile

Re: A New Begining

OMG!!! IT'S DONE!!! big_smile

The sudden light which pours into the final chamber is momentarily blinding, George raising an arm to shield his eyes, allowing them time to adjust. Slade, a bit more restless than usual, pushes past the others with little consideration for manners, his shoulder brushing against George's as he slides by. A numbing sensation seems to sweep through the Jedi's body, and his eyes widen for a brief instant, the air in his lungs hitching.

*Bright red tarnishes the flawless snow, the trees quickly becoming a frustrating maze as he searches desperately, calling her name again and again only to have his voice drowned out by the howling wind.*

"You're wastin' time, Jetti," the vampire scolds as he glances over his shoulder. "Let's get what we came for and be done with this place," he adds rather heatedly and with little patience, headed down the group of stairs which led towards the center of the chamber.

Safira stands beside George now, her senses reaching even the farthest wall, observing the room in a way only she can. There was something odd about the chamber's circular shape, the way in which steel and stone traveled down a slight inclined slope in a manner similar to the rows of a stadium only to collide with the large, sandy area at its heart. Her head tilts towards George.

"This place was stained by the blood of many once," she mentions, obviously believing it important enough to make note of. "Your key is here somewhere but even so we can't let our guard down, Jetii. Our first attempt to siege this ancient fortress was immediately met by Orik'baar resistance. This sudden silence of theirs doesn't bode well," she forewarns before following Slade, George and the others doing so as well.

The thinly layered sand which coats the flat, open expanse of the massive room does little to dull the sound of Slade's heavy footsteps, the vampire's strides long and quick as he approaches an intricately designed square pillar which stands no more than a few feet tall. He stops halfway, however, bringing everyone behind him to an abrupt halt as well. He cocks his head to the side slightly, his stance widening in a defensive manner.

"Do you hear that?" he asks sharply, his senses heightened to detect the smallest anomaly.

The entire chamber suddenly begins rumbling violently as the square pillar they had been approaching slowly begins to sink into the ground, secret doors along the walls sliding open as withered hands erupt from the sand, dragging their bodies to the surface. Horses consisting of little more than bones emerge from the darkened passages revealed by those secret trap doors, their armored riders nothing but corpses themselves.

Slade's eyes narrow, a small fire kindled in their blue depths as the Orik'baar infantrymen rise to their feet, drawing their swords as they begin to close in around him and the others. "Fantastic," he remarks sarcastically. "Never want it to be too easy."


Blood drips from the tip of Hakai's blackened blade as the smoke begins to clear, those golden, demonic eyes gleaming with something akin to pride as they find Kain's enraged glare. The redhead curses profusely, blood and bile forcing their way up in a retching cough. He continues to rant with uncontrollable anger, seeming to ignore the dangerous amount of blood seeping past the hand vainly pressed against the long, deep gash in his right shoulder.

At close range Kyōbōna's Gekido attack was devastatingly fatal. As it was, however, Kain had released a simultaneous Gekido which had, in terms, acted as a bludgeoning force, negating the blunt of Hakai's own attack and significantly lessening the amount of damage taken by Kain's body. A smile. It was certainly an interesting countermeasure, and it had managed to save his King's life... if only for the moment.

The black-haired demon suddenly laughs maniacally, the sound dark and twisted. Kain's eyes narrow, a ragged growl rising in his throat. "Such a pathetic lil' King," Hakai mocks with scorn. "Always relyin' on that damn sword ta save yer skin."

Hakai flashsteps unexpectedly, reappearing as his fingers wrap around Kyōbōna's silver blade like a serpent around its slowly dying prey. Kain eyes jump towards that hand staying his sword and yet his body suddenly refuses to move as if lacking the will to attempt and escape the inevitable.

"Just give it up, King..." the demon demands, that distorted baritone persuasively thick and smooth, Kyōbōna's blade beginning to turn pitch black as if poisoned by Hakai's touch. "Ya're nothin' without this sword... without me."

His grip tightens and Kyōbōna shatters in response, the blackened shards dissipating until there is nothing left but the grip which even then quickly turns to ash in Kain's grasp. The redhead's eyes widen in disbelief, a cruel smirk curling Hakai's lips as he abruptly kicks Kain into a nearby building. Kain gasps as his body slams into that unrelenting concrete surface which merely cracks upon contact, the redhead violently coughing up the blood which suddenly pools in his gut.

Hakai shakes his head. "It never ceases ta amaze me how stupid ya can be," he remarks with spite as those fierce green eyes rise to meet his. "Ya lost yer sword. Why were ya just standin' there?"

Kain has no answer for him. While his anger remained it seemed his will to fight, so often fueled by his rage, had somehow mysteriously vanished or was simply no longer there.

"Tell me... what's tha difference 'tween a king an' 'is horse?" Hakai suddenly asks.

"What tha f**k are ya talkin' 'bout?" the redhead replies.

"I'm not talkin' 'bout obvious s**t like one's an animal an' one's a person," the black-haired demon explains his earlier question, "or one 'as two legs an' one 'as four. Form, ability, and power! That's what's puzzlin'. If their form, ability, an' power were exactly tha same, why is it that one becomes tha king an' controls tha battle while tha other becomes tha horse an' carries the king? So what's tha characteristic that distinguishes these two beings?" he wonders, waiting for Kain to answer.

"There's only one answer..." Hakai continues when the redhead remains silent, "... instinct!" The air in Kain's lungs hitches as Hakai points Kyōbōna's blackened blade towards him. "In order for identical beings ta get stronger an' gain power they need ta develop a killer instinct an' that instinct is mostly forged in battle. They must develop an insatiable hunger ta engage in battle. They must live ta merciless crush, shred, an' slice their enemies," he adds with genuine excitement.

"This thirst for power isn't an unnatural desire. In fact, it forms tha very essence of our being. Deep without our bodies lies tha honed instinct ta dominate an' slaughter our enemies!" he exclaims on a wicked grin before suddenly calming. "My King... you don't 'ave that. Before me, yer desire ta kill rose only from yer desire to protect. Ya never tapped into those pure base instincts that exist within your core, waitin' ta be released! And tha simple matter is it never worked," he points out rather bluntly. "Without me, ya're weak!" he shouts, a sudden flash of movement Kain barely catches.

The redhead gasps, his eyes starring blankly at Hakai before they slowly lower to the sword lodged in his abdomen. His demonic counterpart smirks. "I won't put up with that, am I clear?" he asks without expecting any answer as he begins to walk towards the redhead. "I don't know 'bout Mekura, but I refuse ta play horse ta a king who's weaker than me. If ya're weaker than me... I'll kill you," he adds as he grabs Kyōbōna's grip, preparing to pull the sword from Kain's body. "And take yer crown for myself."

...Ilum, Valley of Glass; outside the Crystal Temple...

Daisuke and Sabien emerge from the Crystal Temple to find Dmitri waiting for them, leaned back against the stone in a relaxed manner, his collar pulled around his neck to protect it from the biting cold. He looks up and seems to smile as they approach.

"Well done. Lord Mortis would be pleased," he congratulates though it is impossible for the other two vampires to discern if Dmitri actually means it. He holds out his hand, and Daisuke surrenders the key without question, the older vampire starring at it for a moment as if mesmerized.

"Solo'rey, Sarna'ka..." he whispers to himself breathlessly, holding the Key closer. "Ai solo inai'mun velli." Dmitri sighs, his breath creating a small cloud of steam which quickly rises and disappears as he slips the Key into his coat. "We are done here."

The trio leave the Crystal Temple, headed back across the mountains which they had braved to reach such an isolated place. The fierce battle which had taken place between Dmitri and the Summoned had ravaged the rocky, snow covered terrain leaving it soaked in blood. The Summoned was no longer recognizable as the mighty creature it had once been, pieces of it here and there, its disfigured head propped atop some rock like a trophy.

Dmitri stops suddenly, the two brother's immediately reaching for their weapons in response, expanding their own senses to check the surrounding area for hidden presences. The older vampire growls, the sound dark and dangerous. "We have company..."

As if summoned by those words a vast number of ghostly figures begin to materialize from the ground before them, crawling their way to the surface like corpses brought back to life. Tattered banners wisp in the crisp, cold wind, armor and weapons clanking about like an army returning from war. A ghost clad in commanders's armor approaches them, donning a warrior's helmet adorned in spikes with nothing but a dark void to fill it, a torn cloak draped across one shoulder.

The soldier stops a few feet away from them. "You..." it speaks, its voice powerful and imposing, one which would have shook lesser men. "You are a fallen soul and yet you have broken Envy's seal, the blood of the righteous staining your hands."

Dmitri's eyes narrow coldly. "What is done is done. Allow us to pass and I will not rip your soul from this world," he threatens.

The ghost draws his sword and bears his shield, those behind him preparing themselves as well. "Were it so easy..."

...Nal Hutta, Bilbousa; Docking Bay 0729a...

To think that this festering cesspool populated by gigantic slugs had once been a galactic paradise covered in mountainous rain forests and vast oceans... the idea was absolutely absurd. All that remained now was a polluted, barren wasteland which mostly consisted of marshy bogs, mud puddles, and the occasional patch of sickly marsh grass. But they would be off this rock soon enough.

After what seemed like endless searching they just might have actually found something. A small mountain range on the far side of the planet was rumored to be both cursed and blessed. While it had remained unaffected by the industrialization and pollution of Nal Hutta, it was because inhabitants feared the demon who supposedly lived within the deepest cave, slaughtering all who dared to trespass.

Dante closes the holographic projector, stepping around the sluggish body of a dead Hutt, ignoring the stench singeing his nostrils. Razvan had little patient when it came to most matters, and the older vampire did not appreciate these fat, useless things wasting his time. Razvan turns abruptly, holding out his hand in which Dante places the projector.

"We part ways here, Dante," he states, wisps of black smoke seeping past the bandages wrapped around the upper portion of his head, the ramp to the sleek light freighter in front of them beginning to open slowly. "I can handle the valsai'ium hiding in these mountains myself. Go ahead to Nar Shaddaa. I want you to keep an eye on Nanashi."

Dantes bows slightly to show his respect. "If it be your wish," he replies, heading up the ramp of the freighter which subsequently closes behind him.

The engines of the ship roar to life, that silver beast slowly rising into the sky before it begins its journey to the planet's distant moon. Razvan looks down at the holographic projector in his hand, shoving the device into his pocket as he leaves the docking bay.

...Central 49; unknown location...

A single beam of light illuminates the valsai'ium chained to the floor like some kind of uncontrollable beast, his shoulders slumped as if heavily burdened, head hung in disgraceful defeat. He shifts slightly, the faintest lifting of his head as he senses the presence of those beyond the stone walls of his cage.

"He cannot remain here, Gaiden," a brave valsai'ium declares, his voice joined by countless murmurs of agreement. "When the last sliver of honor he clings to is swallowed by the vast void which is now his soul and his mind descends into madness, even your cage will not hold him forever."

"Aldiir is right," a hardened voice concurs, all eyes finding the dark corner from which an armored valsai'ium emerges. The light glistens off that aged yet flawless armor, those callous silver eyes ignoring everyone except the man he addressed, all eyes in the room shifting to avoid glancing at that notorious scar across his left cheek by which many knew him. "An alt'eri is an unpredictable abomination of hellish power. It's an incredible risk even keeping him alive."

"Do you truly believe that, Vahan?" the Supreme Judge questions, those fierce eyes troubled by such a precarious situation.

Vahan nods curtly. "The valsai'ium he once was is no longer, Gaiden. All that remains is an empty shell, a puppet waiting for its strings to be pulled. Show him mercy, Gaiden," he suggests softly as if his words hurt an old wound in his own heart. "Kill him."

Gaiden seems to contemplate this. An alt'eri was not something that could be taken lightly. On top of possessing the godlike powers and abilities of the valsai'ium they also became able to harness those of the taez'riin. They were both god and demon, life and death, capable of unimaginable horrors. The Supreme Judge releases a heavy sigh.

"Very well."

Vahan makes a commanding motion with his hand, a number of valsai'ium donning armor similar to his beginning to step forward. "No," Gaiden rebukes their offer. "He deserves to die with some honor... not put down like a mad dog at the hands of the Execution Squad. I will do it myself," he states with as much resolve as he can manage at the moment. "I owe him that much."

Vahan bows slightly to show his respect. "As you wish."

Gaiden leaves the room, the two valsai'ium who stand guard at the entrance of the room which holds Tyrael stepping to the side as he approaches. Tyrael lifts his head slightly as Gaiden enters, golden eyes peering through dark bangs matted with traces of blood. "Mi'lord..." he whispers, his voice weary and broken.

"Forgive me... Tyrael..." the older valsai'ium replies, slowly pulling a majestic sword from its sheath.

Tyrael's eyes run along the edge of that ancient blade before he lowers his head in submission, accepting his punishment. It was the consequence of his failure. He understood that. Not only had Mortis escaped his grasp because he was careless, but the creature had cursed him. He was an alt'eri, worthy of neither pity nor mercy.

Gaiden raises his sword now, Tyrael starring blankly at the ground as he waits for the blow which would bring a glorious end to this nightmare. His vision blurs suddenly, however, and his heart begins to race as a dark voice slithers into the depths of his mind.

"Kuras alium..." it commands with unnerving power, that soft-spoken authority beckoning him, demanding he heed its call. "Kuras aliu'saa..."

A small smile curls Tyrael's lips. "O... Sarna'ka...."


Well, there it is. It's still Sunday here and I said by the end of the week so technically I did keep my promise cause for me the week doesn't start till Monday. Oh, those dreaded Mondays. Not that I get breaks on the weekend all that much but you get my point.

Hope this at least makes up for some of the neglect on my part. I'm incredibly sorry for making you wait like 2 weeks. I just get so caught up in everything I don't have any time to myself to sit down and just think and yeah, well, enough with the excuses.

Vampire Vocabulary:

Solo'rey, Sarna'ka. Ai solo inai'mun velli: One down, my King. And one step closer to victory.

Alt'eri: a fallen soul; [literal] cursed blood, one of

Taez'riin: vampire(s); [literal] those without souls

Kuras alium. Kuras aliu'saa...: Kill them. Kill them all.

O... Sarna'ka...: Yes... my King...

So much stuff going on. An Orik'baar ambush, Hakai and Kain battling it out, Dmitri and the two vampire brothers attacked by a ghost army, Razvan on Nal Hutta searching for one of the 7 keys, and then Tyrael ordered to kill Central 49 by... can ya guess? wink The epic s**t that's gonna go down in my next post. ^_^ It's all beginning to unravel. XD

Before I say anything else:
1) Gaiden's sword can be attached to a pole, making it a spear. He usually carries it around simply as a sword in a sheath, however.

2) Ignore the chain in the Key of Envy's picture. smile

Alright... where to begin... Kain's part just wanted to be a complete pain in the ass but I did it and Hakai's long ass speech took me forever too! Literally... forever. I hope it's not too difficult to understand and hope you see how the parts of Kain's past which have been revealed fit into it. If not... you know where to find me. smile Finally decided I'd do something with Dmitri, Sabien, and Daisuke again so there you are. ^_^ You'll be seeing some action there in my next post. YAY FOR ACTION!!! big_smile 

Oh, and if you're wondering why Razvan's re-introductory piece is  kinda simple... it's because my brain is completely fried from all the other writing in this. We'll see more of him as things progress. Now the scene involving Central 49... perhaps the most important piece in this entire post. I mean pretty much everything in this part will have some kind of significance later on in the plot. Just keep that in mind. wink

I think that about does it for me. As far as the scene in the final chamber... you can just have fun slaughtering them all if you want. Also feel free to move Slade and Safira around a little if you want. If you do, Slade is a gruesome hand-to-hand combat kinda guy while Safira favors her duel wielding lightsabers. ENJOY! big_smile

Re: A New Begining

you're seriously choosing george over me? if this keeps up im going to have to start supporting Affirmative Action.

Re: A New Begining

I didn't chose anyone over anyone. If you look the last time I posted a story based post in this RPG was on the 23rd of last month. I posted in yours on the 24th so it goes without saying that when I get the time to start posting again my first one should go to this RPG. But I haven't forgotten you. I'll post in yours as soon as I possibly can which will be just a little later today. smile

Re: A New Begining

OMG... I was surprised when I saw that you posted... I guess that's why it is snowing big_smile

I liked it very much. That Kain's part was really confusing, though it touched some of the philosophical questions so I liked it. Philosophy was my favorite subject in High School.

As for Dimitri, you know I love that guy and I'm curious to see what will he do with the ghost army big_smile

Razvan - don't worry about it, sometimes keeping it simple is the best way to proceed.

And are central 49 members going to get slaughtered? Anyway I'm writing my part. I'll probably finish this evening or tomorrow. I finally decided how to introduce Iorveth and I'll be doing it as soon as our heroes finish with their business in this temple. smile

Re: A New Begining

Beautiful Chaos wrote:

But I haven't forgotten you. -------------------------------------------------------

DONT LIE TO ME!!!!! sad

Re: A New Begining

George wrote:

I liked it very much. That Kain's part was really confusing, though it touched some of the philosophical questions so I liked it. Philosophy was my favorite subject in High School.

If you think about it, Kain and Hakai are essentially identical beings. While their personality may differ and they appear different physically, they basically think and act as one. Hakai is, after all, nothing more than a shattered piece of Kain's soul... almost like an alter-ego... in a sense. Hakai, however, is often "suppressed" by Kain's "dominant" personality, the redhead releasing Hakai's immense power only when absolutely necessary. Thus the comparison to a king and his horse. What I basically tried to have Hakai explain is that if they were identical beings (in form, ability, and power), how could one be stronger than the other? The answer was instinct.

Kain wasn't always a vampire, after all, and while the redhead is notorious for devastating rages, he did not have such destructive capabilities as a human. Also, if you'll notice from his flashbacks, his rage only seemed to truly emerge when Riordan was in danger. After he became a vampire, his anger and rage became harder and harder to control as a result of Hakai's insatiable desire to fight and kill. You see, Kain's natural instinct, as a human, is to protect those he loves, while Hakai's instinct, as a shattered soul and the source of Kain's power, is to fight and slaughter anything that stands in his way.

In a nutshell, Kain's desire to fight rises only from his desire to protect those around him, which means when he has nothing to fight for, his resolve wanes and he becomes unable to suppress or harness Hakai's power, allowing Hakai to... uh... "assume direct control." wink Make sense?

George wrote:

As for Dimitri, you know I love that guy and I'm curious to see what will he do with the ghost army

I tend to have trouble with fight scenes sometimes but I'll do mt best to make it epic! big_smile

George wrote:

And are central 49 members going to get slaughtered?

You'll just have to wait and see. ^_^ It's getting to the point where everything's just gonna start falling into place piece by piece and hopefully it will be as mind blowing as I imagine it will be. big_smile

George wrote:

I finally decided how to introduce Iorveth and I'll be doing it as soon as our heroes finish with their business in this temple.

Sounds cool! Can't wait. wink

Prince wrote:


I'm not lying. I'd never forget any of you. ^_^ Will a hug and some kisses make you feel any better dear?

Re: A New Begining

You didn't have to explain it all to me. I pretty much understood everything tongue But thanks anyway. big_smile

George stood in this chamber once before. This is the place where he met those priests all those years ago, and now he's back. Orik'baar were pouring into the chamber through the secret doors, he didn't had to say anything, everyone knew what they had to do...

Mat activated his blue saber and charged towards the group of horsemen followed closely by two soldiers who were fighting with their swords. Leina seemed the dance from one Orik'baar to the next killing them with ease. Safira was so fast with her two blue lightsabers, her enemies were quick to fall back into the ground. Slade even though he wasn't able to use his vampire powers here, was still a formidable warrior, killing more than anyone.

George was standing in the middle of the chamber watching others fight. He was wondering whether to unleash his power, but he thought it was too soon. He didn't want others to start asking questions. Slade maybe knew, but others don't. Some like Leina, were very suspicious. And Safira was trying to get inside his head way too often.

A Skeleton Horsemen charged towards him pointing his spear at George's heart. The Jedi drew out his saber and stepped to the side avoiding the pointy end of the Orik'baar blade. The horsemen turned around, but George jumped over him and while in the air he cut his head off returning him back to the dead. George looked around looking for another opponent, his silver lightsaber shimmering in the middle of the chamber. Two Orik'baar on foot got to him, but George killed them with. Simple block then counter-strike to their heart and they fell down.

A grenade exploded on the far side of the room, Mat and the soldiers were having the worst of the fight so he force jumped to them. One of the Soldiers was on the ground barely deflecting blows from his enemy. George sliced that Orik'baar down and nodded to the soldier. He stood up and went to help his fellow mate. George turned around and noticed that Mat was having trouble with  two horsemen. He wanted to help him but an Orik'baar stepped in front of him striking with his sword at George. George blocked the attack, the swung back. But this Orik'baar was good. They exchanged few more blows before George finally crushed him.  He looked over towards Mat. Now there were three Horsemen and he was barely holding them of. George reached out with the Force to one of crumbled pillars, picking up the largest piece and throwed it at one of the horsemen. The stone hit the Orik'baar and it fell to the ground, Mat immediately stabbed him through his heart.

George Force jumped on the other horsemen while Mat was fighting with the other. The Orik'baar took out a knife and tried to stab George but he missed, only scratching his shoulder. George felt the pain but ignored it, he used his saber and sliced his enemy's throat. There was no blood, it all just fell down to dust.

George noticed Safira and Leina fighting side by side against the group of Orik'baar, while Slade was going solo, trying to kill more enemies with simplest moves. Mat was helping out the soldiers to take down a horsemen. Five Orik'baar was charging towards George, he used Force Push on them without thinking, it didn't kill them, but they lost the momentum. George then used the force to crush the sealing above them and drop the stones on them. All but one were dead. George slowly approached him and stabbed him though its heart.

He looked up and noticed that the battle was almost over. Soldiers where finishing off the last horsemen and Slade just killed the last Orik'baar... With his hands... George was impressed.

Suddenly there was silence. Everyone approached George. Soldiers were looking around expecting that more of those will pop out any minute.

"Is everyone okay?" George asked. "Yeah, we're fine." Mat answered calmly, although he did seem a little tired. "What about you, George?" Leina asked. "You have blood on your shoulder. She approached him. But George nodded away. "I'm fine, I don't need your help. Let's look around a little. We must find the key."

George went forward and others followed him...

Here ya go big_smile Fight's over. tongue

George's trying not to unleash his true power. I wonder where will that take him. Anyway, let's see what happens next smile

Re: A New Begining

Beautiful Chaos wrote:

I'm not lying. I'd never forget any of you. ^_^ Will a hug and some kisses make you feel any better dear?

that would be more delightful than playing mass effect 3 for the first time with all the chocolate ice cream and vacation time in the world.

Re: A New Begining

Very well. ^_^ *hugs Prince and gives him kisses*

Be back to post soon, George. wink

Re: A New Begining

day made. life made. still gonna play mass effect 3 with my chocolate ice cream. but it doesn't come close to that...

Re: A New Begining

Beautiful Chaos wrote:

Be back to post soon, George. wink

Yeah, yeah... can't wait big_smile

Re: A New Begining

lol It's coming. I promise. ^_^

Re: A New Begining

I know, I know big_smile