Re: A New Begining

Yes, the world would be a horrible place without me.  wink

Slade follows the group though the vampire leaves some distance between them as he always seemed to do. Every now and then, however, George could feel those cold eyes on his back as if Slade were waiting for something. But then they were gone, the blonde returning his gaze to the never-ending sea of sand. George sighs. The Jedi had decided that Slade was a complex creature even he might never truly understand.

He wasn't even entirely sure if he wanted to understand him. Not yet at least. The vampire might have saved his life but that didn't change what he was. And it sure as hell didn't atone for what he'd done. Then again, that was what made Slade so... interesting. He didn't want to be understood, and he didn't want a few good actions  −no matter their weight  −to cleanse him of past wrongs. He had long ago accepted his damnation. Perhaps that was why the Sur'haai pitied him.

Kal stops suddenly, the Mandalorian bending down as bandaged fingers trace ancient symbols in the sand. "It's here," he whispers absently in Mando'a.

Safira nods, waving George towards them. "The Temple's directly beneath us. Kal can only open the passageway for a short amount of time so we should be quick about this. However, I will not fall for the same trick twice," she quickly adds.

"The Orik'baar will attempt to flank us and trap us inside the Temple. The Shade should be more than capable of handling any threat we face within, but I suggest leaving behind some men with Kal to fortify this position and deal with the Orik'baar reinforcements."


It was always a city, a massive metropolis filled to the brim with towering skyscrapers but not a single person other than the demon which always seemed the haunt his subconscious. Piercing eyes warily watch the figure before him, muscles tensing in anticipation as adrenaline-laced blood courses through his veins. The figure looks up abruptly, gold on black eyes burning into the remains of Kain's soul as Hakai rises to his feet, a menacing grin curling those cruel lips as he twirls a doubled-bladed lightsaber hilt in his fingers.

"Hiya King," he welcomes in that distorted baritone voice which somehow managed to send a sharp chill down Kain's spine. "Long time no see."

Kain immediately draws an identical lightsaber from his belt, red and black clashing in a blaze of dark colors as Kain blocks Hakai's mad attacks. The black-haired demon laughs psychotically, suddenly pushing against their locked blades with a tremendous amount of Force pressure which sends Kain flying back into a nearby building.

The redhead coughs, waving the cloud of dirt and smoke away from his face in an attempt to get a clear line of sight, pieces of rubble rolling off his shoulders. He roars with building rage, unleashing a burst of Force energy in a blind attempt to hit Hakai and rid himself of this nightmare. Hakai smirks, raising a quick arm, the appendage acting as a sword, slicing the beam of energy in half, effectively causing it to miss its intended target.

Kain emerges from the wrecked section of the building now, green eyes burning with golden fires.

"When will ya learn, King?" Hakai wonders, golden eyes gleaming with power as he continues to twirl his blackened lightsaber in his fingers. "The more ya try 'nd fight me, the easier it becomes for me to take over your body. The more ya struggle," he adds sinisterly, a devious tongue flicking out to lick his lips hungrily, "the deeper I sink my teeth into that delicious soul of yours."

Kain growls, eyes narrowing coldly. "Is that so? If that's tha case, then if I kick your ass in 'ere," the redhead concludes confidently, "I'll regain control of my body."

"You? Beat me?" Hakai's own eyes narrow in defiance. "That ain't happenin'."

"Ya sound so damn sure 'bout that," Kain remarks.

They move as one, Kain and Hakai, each drawing their own version of Mekura from her hidden sheath, the silver knife plunged deep into the raging heart of their lightsabers as their voices seem to merge to become one and the same.

"Enrage... Kyōbōna!"

...Ilum, Valley of Glass; Crystal Caverns...

Dmitri pulls his lightsaber from the chest of the great wolf, the weapon humming with dark hunger. The Guardian would not have left this creature's side willingly, and yet there were no signs of struggle or any great battle. Golden eyes mingled with traces of red linger on the hilt of Kurogitsune as he deactivates the blackened blade.

This would be interesting...

...Ilum, Valley of Glass; The Crystal Temple...

The giant ice door suddenly shatters into millions of tiny pieces, falling down around them like crystalline snow. Sangria takes a deep breath before turning to face the two vampires, motioning towards the large ice pillar in the center of the next room.

"There... there is your Key," she states cooly, disgusted with herself for even agreeing to this. But it was for Alaric... if she could protect nothing else she would protect him. No matter the cost. "Remember our deal, tappa. You will take the Key and leave Alaric and I in peace. You will never return."

Sabien bows slightly. "Of course, valsai'ium."

A feral grin curls Daisuke's lips. "But first..."

Sangria is suddenly thrown against the wall with such incredible force that she drops her axe, Daisuke and Sabien using the opportunity to drive their lightsabers into her shoulders, keeping her pinned against the cavern wall like some trophy.

"Te'ekam!" she shouts, struggling to get free. The souls trapped inside the vampire's cursed blades, however, were consuming her power. The more she tried to use it, the weaker she became. "Coett i'vekii!"

Sabien chuckles darkly. "Exactly valsai'ium," he explains with a small smile, his nails extending into vicious claws which torturously tear away at the flesh of Sangria's chest, "we had a deal..."

...Near the Gate of Mukem...

His eyes widen in shock, his lungs robbed of air in a sharp gasp as his gaze focuses on the tip of the white blade less than an inch away from his face. I-Impossible! It had to be...

"You seem rather surprised, Tyrael," a disturbingly calm voice observes, dark power slithering across his skin, leaving him utterly helpless. The tip of the sword suddenly pushes against his chin, the valsai'ium forced to raise his head and meet eyes which burn like the fires around them. "Did you truly believe your pathetic chains could hold me? You're more naive than I suspected."

"You... you escaped," Tyrael manages, dark blood leaking past the gauntleted hand pressed desperately against his abdomen. "H-how?"

Mortis chuckles softly. "And still you are blind, valsai'ium. It was never a matter of how but when. I allowed myself to be captured, allowed Central 49 to judge me as they pleased, and allowed you to bring me to this desolate hell... all that I might break the Eighth Gate's seal..."

Tyrael's heart skips a beat as Mortis fingers softly land on his exposed chest, the vampire wise enough to keep his blade at the valsai'ium's throat. "I... I don't understand. The... the Eighth Gate... you need..."

Mortis closes his eyes on a small smile. "Is it truly that difficult to understand?" the vampire ponders, his nails beginning to sharpen like claws as they trace a circle above his captive's frantic heart. Tyrael's eyes widen in sudden realization, Mortis's dark words sending unbearable power coursing through his veins.

"The cycle repeats..."

Whoo! I did it! Another post. Hell yeah. ^_^ Okay... explaining time. smile

Vampire Vocabulary:

Te'ekam! Coett i'vekii!: You bastards! We had a deal!

You can have the group enter the Temple and wander about and stuff but there's something kinda significant I have planned so don't have them reach the Orik'baar god or anything yet. tongue Now the whole ordeal with Kain and Hakai is actually inside Kain's mind [which is why it's not in italics]. It's real so if Kain dies he actually dies in reality and Hakai takes control of 'their' body or vice versa so it's a real struggle... just in Kain's mind.

Regarding Kain's weapons: I explained in another post that Kain has two remaining pieces of his soul. Thusly, as a Force vampire, he has a weapon to represent each. Mekura was introduced early on as a silver knife. Hakai is an incredibly powerful red doubled-bladed lightsaber [Hakai's version in Kain's mind is black].

Kain and Hakai are essentially identical beings so they can use the same power or abilities -which includes summoning Kyōbōna. Kyōbōna is Kain's first release [all fullbring have two releases while purebred vampires only have one]. Kyōbōna is a result of Kain merging Hakai and Mekura into a single devastating weapon [which we'll see in the next post hopefully].

A fullbring's first release is nowhere near the power of a purebred's release which is why I'm elaborating on it. Kain's final release [the equivalent of a purebred's release] will be revealed later. Hope all this is making sense.

Alaric and Sangria are dead? Had to be done... sad

Mortis never ceases to surprise ya does he? I'm so proud. ^_^ It's not over yet though. I mean sure he's escaped and all but there's still like 40-something valsai'ium who aren't going to be too happy that he's escaped. Plus Gaiden. Can't forget Gaiden. So this will be interesting to see how Central 49 reacts to Mortis's escapes and what exactly the Vampire King needs to break the Eighth Gate's seal... besides the seven keys of course. wink

Oh, and that sword up there Mortis is holding? Yeah that's Kodaiou. Mortis is pretty much a god so yeah, he can summon his sword no matter where he is. Cause he's bad ass like that. smile

Re: A New Begining

man, you thought the world was crazy with you, i cant imagine what my world would be like without you. and if youre having writers block about the Origins of the Force, don't worry about it. just go with the flow, honey: i've got it all worked out.

Re: A New Begining

Prince wrote:

man, you thought the world was crazy with you, i cant imagine what my world would be like without you.

Planets exploding, sun crashing into the earth due to overactive gravitational pull... that sorta thing? wink

Prince wrote:

and if youre having writers block about the Origins of the Force, don't worry about it. just go with the flow, honey: i've got it all worked out.

Sometimes the flow isn't that easy to just go with.

Re: A New Begining

I wrote it all down but then somehow I lost it all xD I'll probably write it again tomorrow. Sorry Starr hmm

Ou, and Prince, you are starting to worry me. O.o

Ou yeah... And Starr. I was thinking that there should be a device inside that temple that is stopping the vampires from flashsteping and maybe something else if you want to add. With your permission I shall add such a device in my next post tongue

Last edited by George Kwei (2012-01-02 11:28:42)

Re: A New Begining

well mine is. its specially constructed just for you. even if they're basic responses.

Re: A New Begining

George wrote:

I wrote it all down but then somehow I lost it all xD I'll probably write it again tomorrow. Sorry Starr

I completely understands. Happens to the best of us. wink

George wrote:

Ou, and Prince, you are starting to worry me. O.o

That's nothing new. tongue

George wrote:

Ou yeah... And Starr. I was thinking that there should be a device inside that temple that is stopping the vampires from flashsteping and maybe something else if you want to add. With your permission I shall add such a device in my next post

Knock yourself out. Though I'm not sure it should be a 'device'. Maybe some kind of Force barrier which suppresses their ability to flashstep or something. I'll leave all that up to your imagination. ^_^

Prince wrote:

well mine is. its specially constructed just for you.

I feel so special. ^_^

Prince wrote:

even if they're basic responses.

I don't do basic responses.

Re: A New Begining

Mistress of the Fallen wrote:

I feel so special. ^_^

well you are special, sillyhead.

I don't do basic responses

an admirable goal. +10

Last edited by Renegade Prince (2012-01-02 13:51:34)

Re: A New Begining

Prince wrote:

well you are special, sillyhead.

I know. But it helps to hear it sometimes. smile

Prince wrote:

an admirable goal. +10

I feel like I just played KotOR again and earned lightside points. tongue

Re: A New Begining

Mistress of the Fallen wrote:
Prince wrote:

well you are special, sillyhead.

I know. But it helps to hear it sometimes. smile

Prince wrote:

an admirable goal. +10

I feel like I just played KotOR again and earned lightside points. tongue

it does help to hear it sometimes, doesnt it?

lol i know. respect points in this instance, though.

Re: A New Begining

Here it is finally. Hope it's nice. big_smile

George blinked when Sadira said that she wouldnt fall for the same trick twice. What did she mean by that? Was she here before? If that's the case, maybe he won't need to reveal his knowledge about this place. He started frowning  thinking about what he should do when Mat asked him: "Master Kwei? What should we do?"

George stopped frowning and smiled at Mat. He loved that guy. "Mat, take two men with us and leave the rest here with Kal to fortify this position. And tell the men to be on a lookout for Riordan and Kain and fill them in once they arrive."

Mat who was humbled now seemed somewhat more in the mood. George tapped him on the shoulder and went to stand behind Kal. Leina was right beside him watching him closely as always. From time to time he felt that someone was trying to reach him throug his Force Shield. Probably Safira. She played him, she must be searching for something to shake him up more. He hated when a woman plays him that way.

Slade was somewhere behind, watching him also. He denied knowing anything about his mother but George remebered clearly. Even though he was just a little baby then. The memory of his father leaving to face Mortis. George just hoped he could finish what his father started. But Rule was watching out for them. If not for him George either wouldn't be alive or he would now fight on enemy side.

Sad. George frowned again. He remebered now that there is an invisible Force Barrier around the temple that prevented Force Vampires from using their powers. Like flashsteping, and they couldn't feed on another man's soul while inside the barrier. It was a powerful weapon that brought defeat to Mortis'es armies. But not to him. He hoped it still works. Also, he hoped that there was something inside that would help him in his quest. It must be there.

That's when Mat came with two other soldiers. There rest were setting up defences. "We're all ready Master Kwei." He said with respect. He looked anxious like he wanted this to end sooner rather then later. George nodded and looked at Kal. "Open it..."

Kal crouched to touch the symbols on the ground and started mumbling something in Mandalorian. It looks like Mandalorians were the ones to seal this place. Suddenly, ground started to shake and sand seemed to sink. It soon revealed an ancient entrance. George remebered it like it was yesterday.
Kal shouted out: "Hurry up! It won't stay open for long!" George didn't waste a second. He Force jumped to the entrance and rolled in. It was dark and George created a Force light bulb in his left hand revealing a small corridor. Mat and and two soldiers then entered then Leina and Safira and finally Slade. Then the entrance slowly started to close.

George remembered how it was here before:

George, Alianna and Vernon, entered the Temple. Levantians, a race of people that was indigenous to this planet, were walking through its halls going about their bussines. The temple was almost complete but it still had some final work to be done on it.  One of those people aproached him. He wore a different outfit than the others. They knew each other.

"Alianna! Vernon! George! It's so nice to see you again." The Levantian seemed sincere, though you are never certain with them because they expressed their feelings diffently. He offered George to shake their hands and the Jedi gladly accepted it. "It's nice to see you too, Unun Bak-Khur. Are you children well?" George liked these people and didn't want anything to happen to them. But this must be done.

"Yes, yes they are great. They are wondering when will you come to visit them?" George didn't respond to that. They both knew the answer to that question. And for a moment there was sadness in their looks.

Alianna intervened. "Unun Bak-Khur? How are the preparations going?"  The Levantian seemed surprised that someone interupted the silence but he quickly came back to himself. "Very well, actually. I think will be ready ahead of schedule. As you can see only some minor decorations are left to be placed and our priest have almost completed their chanting. Soon the Barrier will be set.

George nodded seriosly and showed the group that they should go further inside.

The vision ended. And George checked if his Force Shield was still in place. It was. No one could have penetrated it. He turned around when the entrance finally closed. He noticed Slade in the back and was watching if he noticed that his powers were gone. They already passed the barrier...

Ou... And please don't make them reach the God in the next post. There is something George must do before that. Thanks big_smile

As for the barrier, I was wondering how to explain how the Jedi eventually defeated Mortis'es army, so I though that a powerful forgotten Force Power would be a cool thing. xD

Anyway. Your turn big_smile

Re: A New Begining

A powerful, long forgotten Force power. I like it. smile Will be posting soon.

Re: A New Begining

hope so. miss you.

Re: A New Begining

Slade follows George and the others down the narrow corridor, that shirokami barely illuminated amongst the retreating darkness, the Jedi's light forcing that silent foe to flee before them. The Force barrier surrounding the Temple was designed to target vampires, disrupting the flow of dark energy through their bodies to effectively limit their capabilities. Slade, however, doesn't seem to care. As if his fighting prowess alone could fell any army.

Cold air nips at the nape of his neck, and Slade expands his senses instinctively, blue eyes mingling with golden embers as powerful muscles tense with impatience, his inner demon thrashing against its ancient bars, demanding he satisfy that old hunger. This place was cursed. He can feel it with every step he takes, each breath he draws. In the depths of his very bones. Desperation forced even the most righteous of souls to resort to twisted power. But this... what horror had wrought such utter desolation? The last time he was here...

*Flickering light creeps across the dark floor, given brief life by the fires which sit atop the two rows of carved heads, each sculpted to resemble an armored horse. Slade walks in complete silence, a tangled mass of sandy cloth loosely layered over light armor. He'd secretly followed the boy to this place, the vampire a constant shadow to a man who knew nothing of his existence.

Slade suddenly emerges from the dimly lit hallway into a desert cavern, the walls fading away into ageless stone, golden light from magnificent chandeliers dancing along pillars of rock and hardened sand. A humanoid figure sits beneath the largest of the chandeliers, vibrant red hair trailing down over a tattered cloak, a large sword −whose white blade seems to sing −lodged deep into the stone at his side. The vampire approaches slowly, careful to avoid the large cracks etched into the stone.

"You reek of blood and death," a thunderous voice remarks, violent and deep, heavy with a tremendous burden, "of dark creatures cursed long ago."

Slade bows slightly out of respect if nothing else. "I'm nothing but a simple hunter," he argues the unstated accusation persuasively, gaze lingering on the figure's back. "It doesn't matter what creature may chose to test my skill, they all die the same."

The figure chuckles lightly. "Indeed?"  he wonders as he rises to his feet, pulling his sword from the stone in the process. He turns to face Slade, sliding his weapon into its sheath.

It was easy to understand why many cultures revered the valsai'ium as deities. Ancient tribal tattoos adorn godlike muscles while a strong jaw and chiseled features give off an air of unquestionable authority, brown eyes lit with unfathomable power. Mortals had followed lesser beings to certain death... but even the greatest mortal was no match for any of the valsai'ium.

He approaches Slade but abruptly stops a few feet away, his eyes narrowing sharply. "The tainted blood which stains you is fresh. Tell me, hunter," the valsai'ium demands coldly, "where did you encounter such a creature?"

Slade looks down at his chest, noticing the rather tiny holes in the exposed portion of his armor. The vampire's blood had burned nearly clean through. "He followed a man here, as did I," the blonde begins to explain, immediately dismissing the insignificant holes in his armor as nothing to be concerned about. "I couldn't allow harm to come to him, however, and so the creature chose to fight me. He chose poorly."

"You must be more than a simple hunter to escape such a battle with naught but a hole or two in your armor," he praises Slade passively.

"Experience's an unforgiving teacher," the vampire remarks. "You either learn quickly or you die."

The valsai'ium nods in compliance. "Indeed." He pauses for a moment, silence filling the cavern until he continues. "You followed a man here. Why?"

Slade sighs. "My oath is my own. Simply know my intentions are honorable. That should sate your appetite."

The valsai'ium seems to contemplate this, unsure whether to trust this stranger or kill him where he stands. One human could do little harm he supposed. And even were he by some chance a cursed soul, the Temple was more than prepared to handle the situation.

"We have but one human here. He is with Unun Bak-Khur at the moment. Would you have me send for him?"

"No," the vampire states abruptly, quickly collecting himself. "That won't be necessary," he tries again. "I ask instead that you don't mention my presence here nor report on the creature which followed him to this place. I'm nothing but a silent guardian to him, a shadow he shouldn't concern himself with. He has more important things to do."*

That day... how much time had passed between then and now? Years? Centuries? Milleniums? He supposed it mattered little. This place was nothing but a vast tomb now; the hollowed hopes of gods who thought they could prevent the inevitable. Slade's eyes jump to George. The war was not over yet, however. There was still time. Still hope. They could end it...

Dark whispers begin to slither through his thoughts, and Slade growls audibly, irritated. He was in no mood for petty mind games the dead wished to play with him. The sound of a woman's laughter echoes around them, Mat and Leina's hands jumping to the lightsabers dangling from their belts, a flash of impossibly long hair disappearing into the darkness ahead of them.

Slade comes to an abrupt halt, his legs refusing to move, his lungs struggling for air as his eyes widen in shock. It... it couldn't be. A woman's voice sings through the air, melodious and soft, her tone tender and full of love.


Slade's heart skips a beat, maybe two. "Saki..." he whispers breathless, the faint sound drawing attention to him now, the Jedi all giving him a worried glance.

"Rule," the woman calls again. "Do you remember me?" she wonders sadly. "Do you remember your promise?"

All rational thought vanishes from the vampier's mind. He no longer cared if this was simply some trick this place chose to conjure up. As long as he could hear her voice, catch a glimpse of her within the shadows.

"I remember, Saki..." he answers submissively, his voice rich and smooth, matching her tender tone. His eyes soften drastically. "I'd never forget you. Never."

The surprisingly realistic form of a woman appears behind Slade, long, silky brown hair framing a beautiful face with pointed ears, a slender figure clad in Jedi-like robes which clings to her body perfectly. A delicate hand runs from his throat to his shoulder, the vampire shuddering from the cold touch, turning his head towards her. "Saki..."

He reaches for her hand and pulls, allowing her to slide around his body and into his arms. His eyes suddenly widen in horror, however, and a harsh gasp escapes his throat as the smell of blood poisons the air. "Saki?!"

"I'm sorry," she whispers weakly, her body going limp in his arms.

Slade crumbles to the ground, a shaking hand tangling in the hair at the nape of Saki's neck, a silent wish that his will alone could keep her alive forever. "Saki, don't..." he doesn't finish, burying his face in the crook of her neck to hide his own weakness.

A tender hand reaches up, fingers trailing through golden strands. "Promise me, Rule..." she pleads on her last breath, the last remnants of her strength gone as that hand slips from Slade's hair and falls to the ground. The vampire pulls Saki's lifeless body closer, clinging to her desperately. Safira takes a step towards the vampire.

Slade looks up suddenly, eyes utterly consumed by blazing fires of rage so intense they emit smoke, sharpened fangs glistening even in the darkness. "Leave me!" he demands in anger, his voice dangerous and unstable, giving off an echo effect as if two beings spoke at once.

Safira takes a few steps back, her eyes narrowing coldly as she turns and continues down the narrow passage. George is unsure whether to follow or stay but quickly decides against the latter. Eventually Slade disappears, fading into the darkness which returns without the Jedi's light to keep it at bay. Shortly afterwards a roar of rage echoes down the corridor, an intense Force shockwave shaking the very foundation of the Temple.


Done. I haven't had much time to myself recently which is why its taking a bit of time with these posts. I'll add all the other character parts in the next post but feel free to go about doing whatever George has to do in the Temple. Slade will... ah, catch up later.

And yes, he followed George to Ordo all those centuries ago. That's kinda what he does, that stalker. tongue Anyway, the Guardian of Rage sensed the presence of a vampire and had Slade captured and brought in. Slade of course didn't fight his Levantian captors 'cause well, that would just complicate stuff. Anyhoo, Slade with his awesome, powerful self, convinces Therion that he is not a vampire. 'Cause he's a badass like that.

And in case you haven't figured it out [which I know you have] Saki is the woman Slade promised whatever he promised to. smile That's not really how she died necessarily, but its just supposed to make Slade experience that pain again. Oh and if you're wondering why Saki has elfish ears... its 'cause she's a Human/Sephi hybrid. Whoo! ^_^

I think that about does it for what I wrote. I like the name you gave the indigenous population. I didn't have a name for them but I imagined them as pretty much humanoid [with a few minor differences i.e. four digit hands] with a war-centric culture. They have three different "appearances" I guess you could say and they don't really age like humans. Instead their skin darkens due to exposer to the sun.

Males are born with a grey tint to their skin and white eyes. They mature and their skin begins to darken to a black color and their eyes take on a golden hue at around 150 or so. Males who hold special ranks [such as clan leaders or assassins] receive special charmed tattoos to mark them.

Females do not change much in appearance at all. They are born with the same grey tinted skin as males and the same white eyes. When they mature at around 180 or so their eyes begin to take on a blue hue. All Levantian die at 300-350 years of age.

Allright, you're next on my post list Prince. smile

Last edited by Beautiful Chaos (2012-01-14 14:29:43)

Re: A New Begining

Yeah... I imagined Levantians somewhat prettier, but that will do smile

Awesome post though. And soon I'll be adding a new character. Iorveth. He's a badass (your type of guy) tongue but has a deep personality. I was thinking of putting him on a next planet where our little group will be going. Have your planed where that'll be, or should I do it?

Anyway this is him. I'll post more of his pictures once I start writing about him. Haven't still figured him out. smile

What do you think? smile

I'll post later today probably.

Re: A New Begining

OMG I love him! big_smile He looks like he'd be a complete badass! I mean seriously, dudes with a cloth covering half their face or facial scars [which is usually what the cloth covers] are always badass. It's like a law of writing or something. tongue

And yeah, the next key our little party will be going after is Lust. I've got some real intense stuff planned. It's gonna be awesome. ^_^ Lust is going to be on a jungle planet in the unknown regions where the indigenous population is completely beautiful women [go figure wink]. Not a single male. Anywhere.

The planet itself acts as a natural disruptor for nearby ships, however, due to its intense magnetic field. Iorveth can crash and we bump into him somehow. As for the Levantians... they did naturally inhabit a desert planet. Their skin pigment helped protect them. Also, I forgot to add a pic Therion's dwelling up there so well, here's that desert cave Slade walks into. smile

Last edited by Beautiful Chaos (2012-01-16 10:04:54)

Re: A New Begining

Yeah... He's my favourite character too. smile

Only beautiful women on one planet? Hey! I wanna go there! big_smile Though I was planing something different for him. He's a warrior, a profound leader. Not sure how that would fit on anything on that planet. But I'll think of something cool smile I have time till my next post considering how long it takes you to post. tongue

George was digging through his memories trying to figure out who that woman was. But he couldn't quite remember. Maybe he never knew her, but who knows. It doesn't matter now, he has more pressing matters to attend to. Like finding that stone.

Safira was going first followed closely by Mat and soldiers who held their swords ready to use them. Who knows what lurks in the dark. Leina was behind them watching the dark corners. George was following them with a slight distance. He knew all these corridors though he barely recognized them. They were all ruined and it was dark. Still it was time he parted with the group. He fallen a little more behind. The others didn't even notice. It was then that George felt like someone was possessing him. Fire raged through his eyes and mouth for a second illuminating the corridor.

Just as Leina and Mat were turning around to see what was that Orik'baar soldiers appeared from around the corners successfully cutting them of from George. Leina figured around twenty of them.  Mat didn't waste a a second before he activated his blue saber and ordered: "Charge!" Soldiers followed him forth skillfully blocking Orik'baar attacks. Leina and Safira were killing Orik'baar in the rear. It was almost too easy, when a monstrous roar was heard from the deep. A fire monster broke through one of the large doors smashing them into the pieces. It roared again scaring of the Orik'baar.

Mat looked up at the monster whose head was almost reaching the sealing. "Run!" Both soldiers started running back when the monster used both hand hands to smash the floor where one of them was standing heartbeat before. Leina force jumped to beside Mat just in time so that they created a Force shield together. The Monster blew fire on them, who barely withstood the monster's strength.

One of the soldiers threw a thermal grenade but it had no effect. The monster made a swing towards Mat and Leina, but used Force Push to stop it. "Quickly Safira! Leina! Keep it busy, I have an idea!" Safira and Leina were using Force push to keep the monster at bay but they were already strained to their limits.

Mat ran towards the soldiers."Cryo grenades. Hurry." They had six of those. "Ok here's the plan. You two throw those grenades to cool this monster down. I'm gonna approach it and finish it off. "Yes, sir!" Both soldiers nodded and prepared. Mat started running towards the monster just as Safira withstood another flame attack. Everything seemed to slow down as Mat was entering Force speed. First grenades hit the monster  reducing its heat. Just as Mat was sliding beside the monster, another two grenades hit the monster. It now looked as if it was cooling. Mat stood up and slide again between monster's legs as the third wave of cryo grenades hit the monster almost freezing it. Mat then took his lightsaber a stabbed the monster through its frozen stomach making a hole. Then he dropped inside a thermal detonator that he took from the soldiers and started running back. "Everyone hideeeee!!!" He screamed as the group hid in the nearby passageways. The monster started heating up again but it was too late. The grenade exploded. Shattering the frozen monster into pieces...

Everything was silent for a few seconds and then Mat peeped around the corner. "Clear!" Soldiers and Safira got out from the passage way across the room. Leina was with him. "This was one hell of a bastard we took down." One of the soldiers said with pride." "Hell yeah." The other supported him. "You were great, Master Mat. I never saw anyone move that fast.
Mat smiled and just said. "Couldn't have done it without you."  He turned his look on Leina. "Thanks for saving my life back there, Milady." She didn't smile because she looked concerned. "Where is George?" Everyone was looking around. "Last I saw him he was behind us when those Orik'baar ambushed us."

"Never saw him, milady. We were all to busy with killing those things." Soldier also looked concerned, though you could figure that out only by his body language 'cause he was wearing a helmet. Mat was frowning also concerned. "Well he's not dead, or we would've found his body." Mat couldn't figure out what was going on in Leina's head, her face was covered in shadows. "Let's search for him for a few minutes. If we don't find him, we'll continue on."

. . .

George waited for Orik'baar to appear before he ventured out into one of passageways. No one must know what his plan was. So he got rid of Mat and others. They'll never figure out that he left them on purpose. He was walking slowly carefully sensing the surroundings.

Alianna... He heard her name a thousand times over since he landed on this planet. The Stone was calling him. The sound of her voice intensified a thousands times. Overwhelmed. George dropped to the ground. Everything around him faded into blackness and the visions of his past enveloped him.

"Unun Bak-Khur?" George asked the Levantian as they entered the room with a red stone. Just like the one on Naboo. "What is that?"
Bak-Khur smiled. "This my friends is a powerful artifact. We recovered in one of the excavations near the South Pole. Writings there suggest that this can be used as a portal to Afterlife. Or whatever it is that is on the other side where Gods greet us after death.

Vernon looked impressed. While Alianna looked like she would rather be somewhere else. "That stone makes me uncomfortable. Let us move away from it, George." George turned to look at her. He was barely resisting her beaty, as were all the other man he was sure. But in the last few months, they spent most of time together on the frontlines. The three of them were the last surviving Jedi of the original group that went out to fight the Vampires. But hopefully it will all soon be over and they can have some peace at last.

"Let me just take a closer look at it. And then will leave." She nodded and George moved towards the stone that was on some kind of stool. His skin was itching as he was reaching out for the stone. When he finally touched the stone, a face appeared in his head, that had fire instead of eyes and it's mouth. "My name is Shai'tan! Remeber me!" And then he was pushed away from the stone and fell down.

"George!" Alianna screamed as she dropped down on her knees beside him. She placed her hands on his head. He was burning! Her healing was the only thing keeping him alive. She was starting to lose strength when Vernon approached her and used the Force to give her strength. Finally George breathed in and waked up. He looked like he saw a ghost. He turned around and saw Vernon and Alianna on the ground.

"They've fainted after healing you." Bak-Khur said shaken up. "You almost died. If it weren't for them...." The Jedi stood up and asked: "What happened, Unun?" But the Levantian just shrugged off with his shoulders. "I'don't know. It was touched by mane others a hundred times and nothing like this happened."

George went outside the chamber and sent on a bench while the Levantians were carrying Alianna and Vernon to the Medical-Room. This will be a long day.

George woke up from the vision and realized that he was lying beside that bench he just sat in in that vision. He was close. But first he had to get up. He took his lightsaber and stood up looking around. He couldn't see anyone or sense anyone. So he went slowly into the chamber.

The Red Stone was shining on that stool illuminating room just like that day when Alianna and Vernon saved him. He placed his lightsaber back on his belt and started circulating around the Stone. Will it happen again? No it won't. This time... He reached out to the stone and took it. Nothing happened. He felt relieved  and quickly hid the stone in one of his pockets on his belt. The chamber was dark again.

The lightsaber was in his hand again and George ventured into the dark halls of the Temple to find Mat and others again...


"Milady?" Leina blinked when one of the soldiers approached her. She was deep into thinking about what could have happened to him. "He's not here. Maybe he was cut off by the Orik'baar and had to run." Though he sounded like he couldn't believe in that. Leina nodded. "Let's go. We must find the key."

The small group moved forwards deeper into the temple.

Finally done. I almost died twice writing this. I hope you like it. xD

Anyway in case you wondering it was George who summoned the monster. Well not actually him, Shai'tan did, through him. Kinda complicated. I hope you liked it. smile

Re: A New Begining

The whole situation on the planet where Lust is located is very complicated. There's a reason there's only women but I can't reveal that yet cause it's supposed to be a surprise. If you wish, I can set up a situation where he can be properly introduced in accordance to his personality. Not officially but I can be like "they see a figure emerging from the shadows" or something and then you can take it from there with his introduction. That sound good? Or no?

Be back to post perhaps tomorrow or the day after. smile

Re: A New Begining

Nooo... Really... That you're planet screwed up my introduction for him. I'm reconfiguring it for something else. But our heroes won't live Ordo for few more posts, so I got time. Don't worry. I'll think of something. For now, I'm planing one more new character. An evil one. If you will allow it. big_smile

Re: A New Begining

Sounds like a plan. And yes, finally a post. Wasn't so much a lack of time but sometimes putting my ideas to paper just doesn't seem to work out right. But I managed. smile

Billows of dust and smoke thicken the air, Kain clenching his teeth in frustration as a haunting voice ripples through the Force. "Kyōbōna..." ir murmurs, the single, nearly silent word weighed with such dark power it seems to slither across his skin, echoing in the depths of his mind. The vampire growls, the sound low and primal, cutting the air with a silver-hued sword, the powerful swing producing a small gust of wind which parts the obscuring cloud around him.

Hakai dramatically emerges from a similar formation of smoke and other particles, the identical yet blackened blade he wields imbued with a ferocious spirit which screams through the Force. "Kyōbōna!" it cries violently, Hakai flashing a wicked grin as those two blades suddenly clash in a heated frenzy.

"Bastard!" Kain curses through barely constrained rage, releasing an intense burst of Force energy which propels his demonic counterpart away from him. Hakai flips, successfully managing to regain his footing before he skids to a stop. Kain releases a heavy breath, his shoulders slumping slightly as if he bore some tremendous burden.

"Kyōbōna..." he whispers breathlessly, leaning upon that ageless sword for the support his knees refused to give him at the moment, his eyes tracing those ancient words etched deep into the blade. Etched deep into his soul. Blind destruction. He'd forgotten his own power. Forgotten how easily it could devour him.

Hakai cocks his head to the side in amusement. Kyōbōna was a dangerous ally and one it took a great amount of strength to bring to heel. His King's strength, however, seemed more focused on fighting the guilt of past wrongs. If he were careless now, if he did not prove himself a worthy King... then he would cease to bear that prestigious crown.

"What's wrong, eh, King?" he taunts on a small chuckle. "I'm just tryin' to 'ave a lil' fun wit' ya," he adds innocently.

The redhead's eyes narrow, a dangerous gleam to their golden shine. "Shut tha f**k up."

A devious smile curls Hakai's lips, the black-haired demon suddenly attacking Kain in an effort to make sure the other was alert and on his toes. "Don't lose yer focus!" he warns, silver and black colliding again and again, Kain struggling to block Hakai's increasingly aggressive blows. "Unless ya want me ta chop that ugly head off yer shoulders!"

"Try it!" the vampire challenges on a short breath, mustering his strength. He pushes back against Hakai's blade, forcing the other to put some distance between them. Golden eyes flare with terrifying power as Kain then brings his word up in a sharp arc. "Kyōbōna Gekido!"

For an instant, Hakai's eyes widen in surprise at the unstable arc of dark energy which erupts from Kain's blade. His King was certainly bold; he'd give him that much. Not that it would be enough to end this. Hakai raises a quick arm, the simple appendage −clad in iron skin −acting as a mighty sword which splits the beam of energy so that it misses him completely. The two halves do, however, impact with the building behind Hakai, the structure immediately crumbling as a result.

Kain gasps in shock, the insignificant sound escaping him before he can stop it, Hakai smirking in response. The demon then vanishes for an instant, reappearing as he bears down upon Kain, their blades viciously locking in that timeless struggle neither seemed to ever truly win in the end. A feral grin teases Hakai's lips. But this time would be different. This time there would be no escape for his King.

He leans forward until his words are nothing but a ghost of a whisper in Kain's ear. "Checkmate... Kyōbōna Gekido..."


It seemed like an eternity waiting for this nightmare to come to its final conclusion, and he was beginning to worry. While Kain's struggle with Hakai was a constant one, he'd only undergone this stage once before. Even then it had only been brought about by Slade in an attempt to confront the origins of the younger vampire's rage. The ensuing battle had lasted less than a minute, and yet it had devastated an entire city, Slade forced to combat Kain's uncontrollable inner demon on a physical as well as mental scale.

But this time, Kain was fighting against himself. And his inner demon was not a submissive beast easily quelled by an uncertain hand.


George walks down a narrow hallway barely illuminated by some unseen light. He seemed to know this place and the way which would lead him to his desired destination. And yet at the same time he didn't. Were he to stop and contemplate how his feet knew which path to take he would be utterly lost among a labyrinth of incomplete corridors and collapsing ruins.

The Jedi suddenly steps into an open area, sand scattered across the floor here and there, an ancient altar surrounded by unnatural flames of blue which emit an erie feel. Tattered drapes, faded by time, draw George's attention up where from their lofty height, two intimidating stone statues overlook the room. Sets of stairs lead up to another doorway which Leina and the others had slipped through not long ago.

George begins to head towards this door but finds his eyes drifting towards that scared altar as he passes, the very blood in his veins demanding he answer its silent call. The fire around the altar dims as the Jedi approaches, however, and with one last flicker it dies. The ground beneath his feet trembles, and an enormous beast bursts forth from beneath the altar, the entire ordeal throwing George against the nearest wall.

The beast abruptly turns to face him, multiple tusks protruding from jaws hidden behind an age-old mask. It roars in furious rage, pinning George beneath its bloodthirsty gaze as it charges towards him. A flash of silver suddenly brings the creature violently to its kness, however, the smell of burning flesh singeing the Jedi's nostrils. The beast groans in pain before its cry is silenced by the lightsaber plunged deep into its skull.

Slade stands to his feet, yanking that silver blade from its victim. Blue and gold seem to swirl in some fateful dance within the depths of troubled eyes as the vampire turns to face George. "It's done, dalit," he whispers, the words so soft the Jedi almost doesn't catch them. "We shouldn't waste time," he then adds, his voice still low but audible. "We're close."

...Central 49; unknown location...

Heavy footsteps send faint echoes across the massive room, armored boots clanking against that ancient floor as he slowly makes his way towards the center of the large room illuminated by a single beam of light. "Tyrael," a familiar voice calls from the darkness. "You return. I suspect the matter has been properly dealt with?"

The valsai'ium steps into the light, the putrid stench of blood suddenly so overwhelming, and the sight before them so foul, that a number of those within the chamber almost vomit. Horns protrude from either side of his skull, an eye now void of all color bleeding profusely as a darker substance leaks past his lips. Ancient words lie etched into the flesh of his chest above the universal symbol for chaos, the tattoo surrounded by skin barely held together by poor stitchwork.

Tyrael raises a weak arm, the palm of his hand marked with the blood of that demonic king, claw-like nails reaching towards the darkness as the valsai'ium falls to his knees. "I... I failed..."


Still trying to decide what I want Dmitri and them to do next. I know I've been putting it off for a while but I mean I have an idea... I'm just trying to decide if I like it or if I just want them... idk... I'll figure it out. Anyway, I know you're probably wondering how I mixed a badass double bladed lightsaber with a knife and just got a sword. But this is only Kyōbōna's first release. You don't see the true form until the second release. Besides that sword still kicks ass.

Kyōbōna Gekido: Berserker's Roar
     A special attack with devastating power and massive destruction capabilities. A mixture of dark energy and its wielder's life force. Impossible to survive at close range.

Alright so Tyrael wasn't that torn up looking but I couldn't post something really grotesque. Besides I want him to still kinda look okay ya know? And in case you're wondering... Tyrael's now a newborn. Mortis up and changed his ass into a vampire. Wonder where all this is leading...

Also I'll be reintroducing a few vampires in the coming posts. Don't ya wonder what Razvan's been off doing this entire time? XD Think that about does it. Everything else is rather self explanatory I believe. Coming your way Prince. smile

Re: A New Begining

Oh no... More Vampires? xD Well... I guess that will make things more interesting. Too much weight on our heroes shoulders though. Also I thought up an introduction for Iorveth finally. And that other mysterious character will be in the story soon enough. Our group must kill the God first tongue

And I can't wait for Dmitri's part tongue I like that guy. smile

George stood up and shook off the dust from himself. "Thanks, Rule. But I could have killed that thing myself." He just noticed that Slade was holding his weapon in his hands. So was George.

"I know." Slade replied, "But we don't have much time, we must move forward." George nodded still wondering who that woman was, but he decided not to ask now. George and Slade went up the stairs and through the doorway where the other group just passed. It didn't take them long to catch up.

The group stopped when Mat noticed George and Slade and said: "Lady Leina! They're behind us." Leina turned around and was relieved to see George alive. She approached him. "What happened to you George? You just disappeared. We looked for you but couldn't find you."

George stared at her eyes for a second. No one must find out what he did. "There was a monster that took me by surprise. Slade saved me from it." He glanced at the vampire to see if he would react but didn't notice anything. Leina seemed a little suspicious but she just asked: "Are you okay?" She reached with her hand to him, but George stopped her. "I'm fine Leina..." He then raised his voice. "We're wasting time. Let's move out!"

Mat nodded, clearly glad that George was okay. Though he frowned at Slade, it looks like he hoped some monster would kill him. He turned around and showed to soldiers to follow Safira. She was leading them. George and Leina were following Mat and Slade was in the back guarding the rear.

Soon after. Safira stopped and said... "We've arrived. This is the final chamber." George nodded and went inside first holding his lightsaber... 

Short post I know. Sorry about that, i just thought that popping out another monster or ambush would be too much. Anyway, your turn. tongue