Re: A New Begining

I didn't really give you much room to write anything so that's understandable. ^_^ Oh, and the flashback is actually of Kain discovering that Riordan is Force sensitive. Their parents were members of a secretive sect of Jedi who were killed 3 years prior to the time this flashback occurred [when Riordan was 7 and Kain 10]. Afterwards, Kain grew to despise the Force, blaming it as well as the Jedi themselves for his parents' death.

Riordan -unaware of his parents' abilities at such a young age -hid and suppressed his own power for six years [he was 4 when it initially manifested], using books to further his knowledge of the Force and train himself. That is, until Kain discovered his secret as seen in that helpful flashback. wink

Slade sighs heavily as he closes his eyes in an attempt to calm his inner demon, the vampire slowly allowing himself to relax into a steady pace, his strides mimicking the graceful fashion in which a noble might seem to effortlessly glide across the ground.

Arabella... he whispers to himself in a breathless tone, the power coursin' through his veins is undeniable, but his heart is soft, he adds with the faintest traces of spite. It makes me wonder: is he really strong enough to endure this? Will he be ready when fate finally rises to meet him? Will he be willin' to sacrifice everythin'? He has to be. The end's so close now...

The vampire shudders, toned muscles rippling faintly beneath his clothes to throw off the burning sensation sweeping through his body. This war's taken its toll on me. For over twenty thousand years I've been fightin' these monsters. Fightin' myself. Tell me, is it worth it... in the end? When I've acted as befits that ancient pact, will I be relieved of my torment? Or will I be denied what I long for, and forced to suffer for eternity?

The breath in Slade's lung hitches suddenly, his eyes shooting open as a tortured soul screams through the Force only to be quickly deafened by the roar of terrifying power. Riordan had erected a barrier to prevent the others from taking notice of Kain's struggle, but Slade was always aware of Kain's suffering. The blonde's eyes narrow tenderly, something akin to affection hiding in those deep, blue pools.

Kain... enpesi na alentedet...


The two Mandalorians walk side by side in utter silence, carefully watched by the soldiers surrounding them. The San Dweller's honey brown eyes cut to the side, his callous gaze finding Safira's partially veiled face as if expecting something from her. A Sur'haai was one who's intentions were beyond unquestionable. They were bound to serve Kad Ha'rangir even in death. But still... the Mandalorians often found their methods to be far from honorable.

The Mandalorian huffs cynically in a mocking manner, abruptly drawing Safira's attention to him. "You're putting a little too much faith in these outsiders, Safira," he growls in Mando'a, careful his words don't carry far. "That a band of renegade soldiers or even some rebel Shades could ever defeat the Orik'baar as easily as you plan..." He nearly laughs, but smothers it, his eyes narrowing with a hint of danger, something eerily silent lurking in those dark gold pools.

"There are some things that remain impossible... even with a god on our side..."

"Kad Ha'rangir won't grant us his favor in this battle, that much is certain," Safira replies. Kal appears rather surprised by this so she quickly continues. "He refuses to involve himself in a battle which is not his to fight.  But this Shade," she adds as if puzzled, glancing back over her shoulder to examine Slade for a fleeting moment, "even now he fights a battle which should never have been his."


Cold. It feels... cold. Was this how death chose to greet even their kind? How ironic. Vampires possessed no soul, after all. Even that last remaining piece, which so desperately clung to them long after the rest had been devoured, ceased to exist with their death. As such, vampires were deemed higher beings, beyond the arbitrary jurisdiction of Central 49. The valsai'ium had no right to condemn them... no matter their crimes.

Thus, in their final death vampires found themselves outcast to Nihl, a vast void of nothingness where even this lingering feeling of winter's last breath would soon fade away. In the end, all that greeted them was darkness and eternal longing. Suddenly, a faint, almost silent voice murmurs unintelligibly, and his eyes abruptly open as if desperately hoping to find the source.

That voice... such a dangerous voice, cutting through the darkness which surrounds him like a double-edged sword. It beckons with immense power, those mysterious, nearly unheard words dripping with dark honey as if given life by the charm of some devil's tongue. His body reacts with an instinctive shudder of pleasure as something wet and soft to the touch unexpectedly begins to dance across his skin in an almost artful manner, careful not to overlook the well-defined muscular lines of his abdomen nor every deeply scarred crevice.

These sensations... that voice... they should not exist in this emptiness. Was death toying with him? He huffs disapprovingly. How cruel.

An erotic substance with the faintest metallic tang suddenly tingles on the tip of his tongue, forcing violent power spiraling through his veins in a uncontrollable frenzy. His entire body screams for more, his throat burning as he swallows greedily without considering its origin. This taste... such a pure yet twisted taste which manages to quench his ravenous hunger. No ordinary essence could taste as if God and the Devil himself had intertwined their blood in some sacrilegious rite.

This blood could belong to only one... his King.



Greenish gold eyes shoot open on a harsh gasp, the blood which rushes into his lungs consequently choking him. Sabien swats the still bleeding wrist away from him as he abruptly sits up, his stomach lurching as if he might vomit, the aching muscles of his abdomen, still drenched in healing salvia, quivering as he coughs violently. He finally takes a deep breath, cold air rushing into his now cleared airway as he wipes a few drops of blood from his mouth with the back of his hand. His heavy-lidden gaze immediately finds the dark-haired vampire licking the open gash on his wrist.

"Dmitri..." Sabien murmurs darkly, his voice lustful, the faintest hint of curiosity clinging to it. "What are you... doing here?" he wonders absently.

The strong hand on his shoulder momentarily diverts Sabien's attention to the fiery redhead crouched in front of him. Daisuke leans his head against his twin's in a somber manner. "Sabien," he begins, his voice unsteady and heavy, "you came back..."

Sabien's eyes soften as he raises a gentle hand, playfully tugging at one of the strands of Daisuke's matted hair. "Enra omne nerte, ekram," he comforts softly.

The blue-haired vampire sighs softy, cutting his eyes to the side to steal a glance in Dmitri's direction, the older vampire's bang obscuring his face as he sits quietly. Dmitri was not one who strayed from Mortis's side often unless dire circumstances required such. It would be interesting to know why he'd come to Ilum of all places. Surely Mortis didn't send him just to save them.

"This war is coming to a swift end," Dmitri decides to reply to Sabien's question, his voice thick with an exotic accent, every syllable enunciated with natural devious charm, "and our enemies brashly rise against us in growing hordes. As such, Lord Mortis does not have the time to search for the valsai'ium keys Himself. That is why he allotted such a crucial task to us... his Generals."

"To die would be to fail our King..." Dmitri continues dangerously, his gaze nearly robbing Sabien's lungs completely. Those eyes... those golden fires which seem to mingle and dance with the blood of saints. Even death could not extinguish their passionate flames. For they burned for Him and Him alone. His King.


"And even your death could not atone for such blatant sin."

Dmitri rises to his feet in a graceful movement, ancient power clinging to the air around him. Dmitri was the oldest of their kind, born into an age-old lineage of vampires which did not derive its origins from the souls of mortals but of far darker and vile beings. For this reason alone was Dmitri allowed the pleasure of feeding from his King, the last of that ancient breed.

Coupled with his own incredible power, Mortis's noble blood increased Dmitri's power well beyond that of Razvan or even the First before him. At times it came close to rivaling Mortis's power. But Dmitri was a guard dog... not a successor. A challenging roar suddenly echoes across the crystalline snow, shaking the very ground beneath their feet. Daisuke growls protectively, shielding his brother's body with his own.

Dmitri's eyes narrow darkly, his fingers tracing the outline of the worn lightsaber hilt hid beneath his cloak. Kurogitsune... "I will deal with the Summoned," he states confidently, surprising the two younger vampires. "You are to seek out the Guardian and her pet, and you are to retrieve the Key by any means."

Daisuke and Sabien both nod in understanding. They would not fail. Driven by their inner desire to serve their King faithfully, Dmitri had no doubt the two brothers would be more than a match for the Guardian and her dying dog. With the Key within their reach, Dmitri quickly flashsteps across the frozen wasteland towards his own destination.

The sound of bones grinding together signifies he's reached his target. The dark-haired vampire comes to an abrupt stop, the wind whipping around him so that his cloak wraps around his body like some dark angel's majestic wings. The flame within Sigur's chest expands and increases as Dmitri reaches into his cloak, retrieving the trustworthy lightsaber from within.

He snaps the long hilt in half, the double-lightsaber now two single ones connected by a few inches of chain. He closes his eyes, the icy landscape beginning to rage around him as if seeking to obey his ancient power.

"Desecrate... Kurogitsune!"



The Guardian opens her eyes at the familiar voice which invades her thoughts, her eyes beginning to fill with tears once more at the sight which greets her. So much blood. Even with all her power she could not heal the corrosive wounds Alaric had received during his duel with the redheaded vampire. There was also the poisonous blood he'd consumed which even now flowed through his body, eating at him from the inside, killing him slowly.

She buries her face in his thick, fur, her tears sinking into the black softness. Alaric whines. "Sangria... pel'kod tule..." he pleads.

"Alaric," she whispers, "I... I can't lose you..."

The great wolf releases a heavy breath, his lungs straining. "Enna komn... engem tuu. So en are'kure oe conar'det... enjutt tykod ta'le riike eppa'ka. Enna komn fesztelen joma'det... e oma co'are piwta... an saa majaknak."

"Alaric..." she cries softly.

Alaric simply listens to her cries, his heart painfully breaking with each tear she sheds. "Sangria..."

His senses flare instinctively, registering the overbearing smell of blood which sings with power before his ears catch the faint sound of footsteps approaching the cave. "Sangria, mekejal owe..."

The Guardian lifts her head, shocked, "But, Sigur-" she stops suddenly. Even she could sense that presence... that power. Surely the Mir'athorin had not come to retrieve the Key himself.

Alaric's pupils dilate, his crimson eyes suddenly focusing on the silver hued blade which nearly sets fire to the fur of his throat. Sangria's gasp of surprise is reduced to nothing but a whimper behind the hand which clamps down over her mouth.

"Sorry it took us so long," Daisuke's dark, aggressive voice nearly purrs. "Those were some pretty nasty wounds that Summoned of yours gave us, after all. How's 'bout we return the favor, eh?" he adds with a psychotic smirk.

Alaric closes his eyes as the blue-haired vampire raises his blade.


...Central 49; unknown location...

A single steam of light illuminates the daunting figure in the center of the room, strapped down to the likes of a makeshift chair by strands of powerful negation energy. The rest of the chamber remains relatively dark and hidden, the forty-nine valsai'ium assembled together hiding their faces behind boards marked with numbers instead of names.

Tyrael steps forth from the complete darkness in which the Supreme Judge is shrouded, his hood veiling whatever face lie beneath. "The Supreme Judge shall now deliver the sentence," he announces.

All eyes in the room immediately shift towards the now barely illuminated throne. "Mir'athorin," the Supreme Judge begins, his voice wise and weighed down with age-old authority, "you are hereby sentenced to 42,800 years in Mukem, the ninth and lowest level of the Bore, for your crimes of high treason, murder, sodomy, treachery, and so forth."

"I see..." Mortis responds calmly, as if contemplating the matter.  "I am to receive 'judgment' from the likes of you?" His eyes narrow darkly, whispers beginning to amass from the members of Central 49. "That seems rather ironic... don't you think, Gaiden?

Murmurs erupt from the valsai'ium, and Tyrael utters a sharp 'tsk' in disapproval. "Ekam! How dare you!" He begins to draw his sword, but the steady hand on his shoulder brings the valsai'ium to his knees in reverence. Gaiden steps forth from the shadows surrounding his throne.

Gasps are followed by a series of murmurs and silent prayers. "My, how brave of you," the Vampire King goads.

"Enough!" Gaiden lashes out, his voice biting with a deep-seated hatred only Mortis catches. "You treacherous dog... don't go getting cocky just because you're immortal!" The Supreme Judge begins to leave, turning his attention to Tyrael. "Cover his eyes and bind his mouth at once. Increase his sentence to 50,000 years. May he die in that festering cesspool of maggots."

Mortis's honey brown eyes ignite with the faintest golden fire as a small smile dances across his lips.


A soldiers slows his pace so as to walk beside George. "Sir, the river's just ahead according to the Mandalorians. They say the Temple shouldn't be too far afterwards." He studies the Jedi for a moment. "You ready for this, sir?"


And done! Hope this makes up for the bit of neglect. It just takes me a while to write 'cause I'm a perfectionist at heart. This still isn't perfect entirely, but it'll certainly do. ^_^ First things first:

Vampire Vocabulary:

Kain... enpesi na alentedet: Kain... only I know your pain...

Nihl: Place of Nothingness - a literal limbo-like afterlife

Enra omne nerte, ekram: I will never leave you, brother.

Sangria... pel'kod tule: Sangria... don't cry...

Enna komn... engem tuu. So en are'kure oe conar'det... enjutt tykod ta'le riike eppa'ka. Enna komn fesztelen joma'det... e oma co'are piwta... an saa majaknak: I know when... I'm beat. If I can die in your arms... then I ask nothing more of my second life. For I know when your sacred duty here... is complete we can be together... for all of eternity.

Sangria, mekejal owe: Sangria, they're coming...

Mukem: Pit of Maggots - the 9th and lowest level of the Bore; equivalent to the 9th level of hell - reserved only for the worst of the worst [Interesting Fact: Mortis is the only being ever to be sentenced to Mukem]


Now that that's over with, what should I go over next...? Ah, yes. Slade's "ancient pact" that he mentions... VERY IMPORTANT!!! It is crucial in his entire background/present plot situation. Oh, and in case you're wondering it is not the same thing as his "promise." smile

Ooh, surprise! Bet you didn't expect Sabien and Daisuke to make a comeback, but well, there you go. ^_^ Dmitri comes along saves the day with his awesome, kick ass self. Hope it was a good introductory piece for him. Also the stuff about him and Mortis being a different breed of vampire... VERY IMPORTANT!!!

Ah, Dmitri releases Kurogitsune... but we don't get to read about it?! o_O It's cause it's a secret. Every pureblood vampire's release differs drastically from fullbring releases [i.e. Riordan releasing Shouten Yaiba in Despair] and I'm saving one for a very special occasion. ^_^

Alaric and Sangria... I've grown a bit attached to them, but all good things must come to an end. At least they get to be together forever. <3 Oh, but they're not dead yet. I just left that as a cliffhanger for now. wink

Ah, then we come to Mortis's trial. Earlier in the post I explained why vampires can't be judged and condemned by Central 49. However, Mortis is not being condemned. He is simply being... exiled I guess you could say.

Well I think that does it. If ya got any questions ya know where to find me! ^_^

Last edited by Beautiful Chaos (2011-12-04 03:25:09)

Re: A New Begining

Yeah, I liked it all. Especially Dimitri and his weapon. Awesome big_smile
Kain's flashback was a little sad, but I guess their entire life was like that. And I liked your idea about Central 49. I can't wait for all this to unravel tongue

George snapped out of his thoughts to hear out the soldier. Instead of answering his question, the Jedi made a small wise smile and asked back. "Are you?"

Soldier saluted with pride and said: "We're always ready." George nodded. They lost three men in the fight with the Dwellers and he didn't want any more to die. But... Faith often doesn't heed our wishes.

"Tell Mat to take a small squad and scout the river. I don't want to walk into a trap." Soldier saluted again and went to carry out orders. George saw how Mat and three other soldiers went forward. It was crucial to cross the river as soon as possible. He didn't want to fight here, and he spread his senses across the nearby desert, he felt relieved. But still Mat must make sure that there's no one around.

Leina approached him. George really didn't want to hear her worries about him, but surprisingly, she was just walking beside... In silence. She must be mad at him, but he had more pressing matters at the moment to worry about that.

. . .

Mat and his three soldiers were starring at the palms that were growing in the narrow fields by the river. They didn't expect that. No one did. Trees were scarce but still... Mat signaled to his squad and they drew out their swords. Their enemy is resilient to blasters.

Mat stepped onto the rare grass and suddenly Orik'baar rised up from the sand behind them. Their golden armor was shining on the sun almost blinding him, but he still deflected the first blow with ease. A quick counter-strike, and the golden helmet was rolling down towards the river. Other two Orik'baar were also quickly slain by soldiers. Only three? Must be scouts.

"Spread out." Mat was saying as he was turning on the comm. "Search the Oasis."

. . .

George was just approaching Safira and the Dweller Leader when someone through the comm-link interrupted him. "Master George, do you read?" It was Mat. "I hear you, Mat. What is it?"

He kept his expression cold even though he was greatly concerned. "We were ambushed by the Orik'baar. Only three of them. No casualties, but I would suggest you hurry. I'm not sure if there were any others who could have warned ahead our enemy." Dammit... He didn't expect this, they will have to hurry. "Ou... And Master. There something strange about this river. You'll see when you get here."

It was strange that this planet even had rivers, but they'll see what it is. "Roger that, Mat. Hold the position, we'll be there shortly." George felt that he's gonna regret coming to this planet. But he didn't really had a choice. "Sergeant?" A soldier approached him. "We must hurry up." Soldier nodded and went forwards running talking something over the radio.

They all quickly arrived at the river and were starring at the oasis. Impossible... George thought before Mat approached him. "Yeap... I suppose I had that same look."

George looked at Safira. "Can you tell us something about this?"

Wow... I was near the end, when I realized that there are no rivers on desert planets. But I managed it somehow. Now the ball is in your part of the court tongue

Last edited by George Kwei (2011-12-06 11:48:25)

Re: A New Begining

Yeah, their entire life is pretty traumatic. And I've only covered about half of it so far, if even that much. I still have to explain why [as well as how] Riordan and Kain were captured, tortured by supposed 'Jedi', and eventually sold off to be gladiators. Of course it's more complicated than it sounds, but that's always the case with me. ^_^

And as for Dmitri... you'll like him more and more as things continue, I believe. Him and Mortis are very special vampires after all. wink Speaking of Mortis, I'm glad you liked Central 49's role in that last post. I wanted everything to kinda express how, while Central 49 wants nothing more than to condemn him to the Bore for eternity, they are, nonetheless, still terrified of the Vampire King. Thus, the 49 members hiding in the slightly illuminated shadows behind boards labeled with numbers and not names. Cowards. tongue

As far as unraveling goes... it only gets more epic. big_smile Be back to post fairly soon. ^_^

Re: A New Begining

Mistress of the Fallen wrote:

As far as unraveling goes... it only gets more epic. big_smile Be back to post fairly soon. ^_^

hopefully. im getting lonely here.

Re: A New Begining

Sorry. Time gets ahead of me sometimes. Post is up in your thread Prince, and George I'm gonna be posting one for ya. Writer's block continues to want to be a pain in the ass but I promise I got a post coming. ^_^

Re: A New Begining

Mistress of the Fallen wrote:

Sorry. Time gets ahead of me sometimes. Post is up in your thread Prince, and George I'm gonna be posting one for ya. Writer's block continues to want to be a pain in the ass but I promise I got a post coming. ^_^

YAY!!!! *huggle wuggle*

Re: A New Begining

Safira nods in compliance, her Mandalorian counterpart bending down to spread a bandaged hand out over the sand as if searching for something. "The Mando'ade haven't always ruled these desert lands, Jedii," she begins to explain, her voice eloquently smooth and rich. "Long before the Taung laid claim to this world, a different species thrived in abundance. While we've been able to uncover much from that first civilization, we did manage to get our hands on some rather interesting ancient texts for a time."

Kal releases a sudden and sharp unintelligible mumble which is quickly forgotten as Safira continues. "These texts suggests that the..."

The Sur'haai trails off abruptly, successfully drawing George's attention to the blonde vampire manifesting at Mat's side. Slade briefly closes his eyes in a apologetic manner and bows slightly. "Don't mind me. I wouldn't dare interrupt my csitri Jetti's story time. By all means," he all but purrs in a deliciously low voice, hungering gaze landing on an increasing uncomfortable Mat, "... continue."

The Mandalorian growls audibly in response. That damned Shade. What was it about him that made her blood boil in anger? At times she felt as if she could understand him, could feel his pain. And so she pitied him. But now... now she was met by the impregnable wall which shielded him, greeted by the sharp fangs of an animal which had nearly swallowed whole the man who once was. It was all many would ever see him as, that savage beast... that detestable monster; and perhaps, that's how he wanted it to be.

Safira huffs in a surprisingly lady-like fashion, obviously content with ignoring Slade completely. "As I was saying, the texts we retrieved spoke of a great war which ravaged this world. The species before -who we dubbed the 'San Ancients' -were instructed to build a temple along the A'den B'abesh in order to protect an artifact."

Slade's blue eyes cut to the side to steal a quick glance at the Sur'haai, those chilling pools igniting with a faint fire. "Instructed by who exactly?"

"Unfortunately, we don't know," she replies. "The last entry simply reported that construction of the temple was underway. All the following pages of the book were blank."

Slade's eyes narrow, his brows furrowing together thoughtfully as if he were contemplating this information. "Well..." the vampire drawls with the fleeting traces of a bored yawn, the muscles of his arms tightening briefly in a stretch before he throws an arm around Mat's neck, pulling the young Jedi close with a devious grin. "Sounds like we know where to start lookin' for that pesky key, eh, csitri Jetti?"


Riordan dodges another of Kain's blows with a simple flash step. He refused to raise his sword against his brother, even if the other man wasn't in complete control of his own body at the moment. But then again, neither was Hakai. At this stage, Kain's body belonged to neither the man nor the shattered half of his soul.

Instead, the body they both claimed as their own became a battleground of sorts, the brutal conflict resulting in a body torn between two masters and overwhelmed with rage. No one could help Kain in this state but himself.


*Darkness. It's smothering, and he cannot help the panic which sweeps through his body as a result. His heart thunders madly in his ears, his lungs suddenly struggling for air as his hazy mind vainly attempts to fight his own fear. He shifts his body only to be greeted by a painful ache in his arms, the muscles screaming in protest as he tries to move them, chains clinking in horrific rhythm.

He attempts to stand to find his legs refuse to budge, held fast to the cold, unrelenting material beneath his knees. He shakes his head groggily, sharp metal biting into the flesh of his neck. Sadistic chuckles and a few sinister snickers echo around him.

"Looks like he's finally awake, boss," a gruff voice remarks. Kain begins piecing the puzzle back together now, and the redhead growls, fear immediately swallowed by his temper.

Anger. "You bastards!" Kain roars, thrashing against the chains which hold him, the metal creaking beneath the strain. "Just what tha f**k do ya think ya're doin'?!"

"I think we made him mad, boys," a deep, menacing voice taunts from the darkness.

"Ya got some f***in' balls for a b**ch," Kain snaps. "Do ya know who tha f**k I am?!"

A strong hand suddenly grabs a handful of the hair at the nape of Kain's neck, the action stilling the redhead for the moment. "Of course we know who ya are, Mr. Koga. And that's exactly why yer ass is here."

Pain. Kain groans harshly, gritting his teeth together as the jagged vibroblade mercilessly rips through flesh and bone. He releases a heavy breath as his body does its best to numb the searing pain, the redhead pushing the sharp sensation to the back part of his mind somewhere, ignoring the blade still lodged in his right shoulder.

"So... yer tolerance for pain was not exaggerated then," that villainous voice comments almost as if impressed in some fashion.

Kain chuckles, the sound mocking and mingled with a scoff. "f**k you," he spits.

"I'd be careful, Mr. Koga," his captor quickly scolds. "We may not be able to hurt ya all that much, but," he pauses, the sound of rustling fabric peeking Kain's curiosity, "that's why we brought along a special guest."


Kain gasps, his heart skipping a beat as that familiar voice rings in his ears. "R-Riordan...?" he stumbles over his brother's name, utterly shocked, his mind not entirely grasping the situation.

"Ya see," his captor continues sadistically, pulling Riordan to his feet by way of the Force restraints attached to his wrists as he administers another shot to the younger man's neck to keep him docile, "we don't need to torture ya to get what we're looking for. Oh no. We just have our fun with yer lil' brother here, and you'll do anything we want. Hell, ya'll probably kiss our asses and eat bantha s**t if we asked!"

Rage. Kain fights against his restraints violently, but while the material holding him creaks and moans it refuses to give. "Ya f***in' touch 'im 'nd I'll f***in' slaughter ya like tha f***in' pieces of s**t ya are!"

"Touch," a low voice purposely taunts.

Kain's hands grip the chains holding his arms as he throws his weight and strength into flat out pulling the chains from the wall, but to no avail. "Why don't ya f***in' take these damn chains off 'nd see if ya can do it again without losin' your f***in' arm, maggot," he challenges cooly, a dark bite to his tones which sends a shiver down everyone's spine.

"We're not stupid, Mr. Koga," his captor responds. "We all know about you. Ya've been working as Saehral's loose cannon for some time now. Ya've done quite a bit of damage... hurt a lot of our people. It's time we returned the favor."*

...Ilum, Valley of Glass; Crystal Caverns...

His eyes flutter open, barely focusing on the shadowy figure which looms above him. He knew that stench, however; could never mistake it. Alaric releases a heavy breath, allowing his body to relax as the figure raises its blackened bladed, the cursed soul within screaming of the countless it had slain.

"Ai'ald o'kurar irahan... "

...Ilum, Valley of Glass; The Crystal Temple...

Daisuke and Sabien cautiously follow the Guardian through the corridors of the Crystal Temple, wary of any traps, their hands on their lightsabers should the valsai'ium go back on her end of their bargain. Sangria had agreed to give them the Key of Envy as long as they allowed her and Alaric to live and never returned. Daisuke and Sabien had accepted the offer without any consideration for one simple reason.

It was a misconception among the valsai'ium that vampires were bound by their word. In a sense, it wasn't entirely inaccurate. Pacts formed between vampires were eternally sealed, had to be honored, and could never be annulled unless all parties agreed. Should a vampire give their word to one such as a valsai'ium, however, it meant absolutely nothing, and could be abjured at any time.

I did it! I finally posted! ^_^ Ah, it just takes a while to get good ideas sometimes. Plus, Kain's part was wanting to be a real ass. But it's done now so whoo! wink

Vampire Vocabulary:

Ai'ald o'kurar irahan... : And so it slays another...


Ah, Slade's shameless flirting with Mat. Doesn't it just irk your nerves? XD

Now, about Kain's little flashback there. At the time this incident occurs, Kain is now 19 and Riordan is 16. This is where we kinda start to see why Kain is really angrier at himself than anyone else, and why he gets so furious when anyone tries to hurt Riordan. Apparently he was involved in some stuff and got himself in trouble. However, to hurt him even more, his enemies hurt Riordan as well.

That and the fact that they're just sadistic bastards. That make sense? I hope it does. smile Kain also hasn't been cursed yet so his true strength hasn't manifested. He was born with superhuman strength, but there are limitations. He is often held with quadanium steel chains. It was his kryptonite I guess. tongue [P.S. Hakai/Kain showdown in the next post! big_smile]

As far as Sangria and Alaric go... well... I figure you can pretty much guess what's gonna happen in the next post. Mortis's half of this whole story will continue in the next post. ^_^ Also, I decided to change Kain's theme song to Red - Fight Inside [which fits him perfectly] and Slade's theme song to Skillet - Monster [which is pretty damn close]. Just thought I'd share with you. wink

Last edited by Beautiful Chaos (2011-12-22 00:26:59)

Re: A New Begining

You know, here in Serbia we beat a crap out of g*y people. Don't ask what Russians do to them... big_smile

Anyway, I was gonna write the story, but then I took an arrow in knee. big_smile I'll post when I'm healed xD

Last edited by George Kwei (2011-12-22 08:56:01)

Re: A New Begining

in Soviet Russia, homosexuals beat you up.

Re: A New Begining

Well, Slade is doing it to p**s off George [and pretty much everyone else]. So it seems his plan is succeeding. wink

And an arrow to the knee?! What the hell were you doing? Didn't your mother ever tell you that if you play the target in target practice, it doesn't matter how bad their aim is, you're going to get hurt eventually? tongue

Prince wrote:

in Soviet Russia, homosexuals beat you up.

Ah, Prince. You and your comedic relief.

While we wait for you to heal though, George, I'll go ahead and continue Mortis/Dmitri/Sabien/Daisuke/Kain/Hakai/Riordan's part of this whole deal in a post... that is, when I finish writing it. But, hey, it gives ya something to look forward to. ^_^

Speaking of posts, one is coming for you soon too, Prince. smile

Re: A New Begining

i do my best...just for you.

and i was wondering...thought you might have forgotten all about me...

Re: A New Begining

Okay. My knee has healed, now I can be a writer again! big_smile (Maybe like that guy Castle from the same named TV Series!) xD
Mat was clearly annoyed by Slade's actions. He wiggled out from Slade, placing his hand on his saber with disgusted look on his face. "Hey! Go do that to someone else!" He hoped for some help from George, but the "young" Jedi was deep in his thoughts.

Leina approached George. She was worried. He was always hiding his feelings behind his icy mask and that force shield especially meant for that. Lately he would often look like he was somewhere else. "George? Are you okay?" Everyone looked at them. Leina had to call him one more before he answered . "George?" The Jedi blinked and turned towards her. "Yes, Leina?" She felt relieved but didn't let it show. "We're all waiting for you."

George looked around. Those old memories are gonna be the end of him. but he at least remembered something that will help him...

He was here before...

"Right... Well, let's not waste any time. Let's move out. And be careful, there's no telling were our foes are gonna show up." The group moved out.
They crossed the river and continued on towards the Temple. Now that he remembered this planet from his memories he looked at this desert differently. There was no sand then.
But... there are things that he left behind that must be undone. His face grew darker, and Leina was watching him from the side. What secrets does George keep?

Again, there is something that George has to do in that temple. You'll see what. As for other things. They are yours big_smile

Re: A New Begining

youre using your real name? where's the creativity?

Re: A New Begining

That's not my real name.

Re: A New Begining

i wish i could see what your shepard looks like.

Re: A New Begining

Sorry boys. Had a little leave time to spend Christmas with the family. Glad you're all better George. smile Will get to my posts. Promise. ^_^

Re: A New Begining

You know that I was kidding right? xD I didn't really took an arrow to the knee. smile
Anyway Prince. Why would you wanna know how my Shepard looks like? O.o

Re: A New Begining

it's called curiosity.

Re: A New Begining

George wrote:

You know that I was kidding right? xD I didn't really took an arrow to the knee.

You never know. Anything's possible these days.

Prince wrote:

it's called curiosity.

Curiosity killed the cat. Satisfaction brought him back. wink

On a side note... writer's block is seriously going to kill me one of these days. I absolutely HATE it. I just have to write through it so posts are coming soon. ^_^

Re: A New Begining

cant have you dyin on me