Re: A New Begining

Well I've been trying to get to this for the last day or so but writer's block was a real b**ch. So I went snooping around through our older posts and I realize some of my characters have changed as we've progressed. I'll blame that on my own poor skills as a writer as well as the plot. While I've been pretty sure about everything regarding the main plot for some time it took me a while to decide how I was gonna tie characters into everything and then even longer to go in depth regarding their past.

I've got all my little ducks in a row now so everything should go smoothly from here on and characters should be pretty consistent. At least... I'll do my best to keep them that way. wink On to the post!

A smile warms Safira's soft features, but she quickly catches herself, the display of approval instantly vanishing. The Sur'haai had good reason to be relatively pleased with herself. After all, everything seemed to be going according to whatever plan she'd conjugated up in that head of hers. The consequences likely to result from such a sneaky, roundabout way of getting things accomplished, however, were undoubtedly going to be one pain in the ass to deal with. Even her supposed 'comrade' appeared none too pleased with the current situation.

The Mandalorian San Dweller struggles against Slade's merciless grip to no avail. Slade's hold on the Mandalorian's hand tightens and crushed bones cry out for relief, the San Dweller finally dropping his rifle in a reluctant surrender. Slade smiles, satisfied with his intended results as Leina slips away from her captor unharmed. A job well done. Looks like everything was wrapping up here...

"Whoa, hold up. Hold tha f**k up!" Kain demands harshly, successfully drawing everyone's attention to where he now stands protectively in front of Riordan. George scolds himself. He hadn't sensed the vampire make a single move. It was so easy for him to drop his guard around such dangerous creatures. Was it because he trusts them? He almost laughs at such a ludicrous idea. No... no that definitely wasn't it.

"That's it? That's f***in' it?!" Kain continues to rant, his inner beast thrashing against the fragile cage which confines it. "Leave it ta a f***in' Jedi ta let some Mando bastard go 'round wavin' 'is gun in people's faces and get away wit' nothin' but a f***in' slap ta 'is damn wrist!"

The Mandalorian San Dweller opens his mouth, prepared to sling his own string of insults back at this redheaded temper tantrum mess. His words, however, are reduced to muffled nonsense as Slade's hand clamps down over his mouth, forcibly shutting it. "I wouldn't do that if ya value that life of yours, Mando'ika," the vampire advises in a whisper. "It's not exactly a wise endeavor to taunt the man who can snap your body in half like a toothpick now is it?"

Crushing power suddenly screams through the Force, a violent cry demanding retribution for some grievous crime as Kain's hands clench into fists and his body shudders faintly, golden eyes burning with unbridled rage. Despite previous circumstances, Mat finds his gaze wandering to Slade. The man may be a demon of his own accord, but Mat had seen him calm this madman with a simple touch. Surely he would not allow such rampancy to continue. Slade, however, appears rather comfortable watching everything play out as if this were nothing more than a game and he already knew the moves to be made.

That Jedi... a dark voice in Kain's mind hisses. How dare he.

Whether Riordan chose to admit it or not he was still mortal and for that damn Mandalorian to dare threaten him... the bastard would not escape with his life! Kain refused to allow it! The redhead's eyes widen in surprise as a slender hand moves to his shoulder. He turns his head slightly, eyes cutting sharply to the side to glare at Riordan, the noble's own eyes closed in indifference.

"That's enough, Kain. The Mandalorian's actions resulted in no harm to me," he adds in a soothing voice as if trying to console a child over a broken toy. He opens his eyes to meet his brother's gaze. "It is alright, brother. Let it go."

Let it go. The words seem to echo around Kain, the redhead's eyes narrowing in response. Never. He'd never let it go. Never forget. Never let anyone hurt Riordan again; come close to hurting him. Kain abruptly turns away from his brother, ashamed. It wasn't that the Mandalorian San Dweller had held Riordan at gun point. No. It was never that simple. But Kain understood that. It was merely easier for him to fight and kill, easier to find a way to release his rage than confront the reason it rose in such blind madness.

The hand on Kain's shoulder tightens its grip as if those five insignificant fingers possessed some great power which could soothe his rage, hide his shame, and keep his inner demon at bay. Perhaps they had... once upon a time. "Node," a violent, barely intelligible voice whispers in the depths of Riordan's mind. "Te'velli, eka."

Kain roars with rage suddenly, a demonic cry to the sound as if another soul raged with him. He leans down, muscles tensing violently as he throws his head into his hands, dull nails trying to claw away some unseen mask. It last for a mere moment, the redhead quickly vanishing only to leave behind an echo through the Force of pain and eternal suffering. Riordan's cool gaze wanders to the horizon where a cloud of sand and other particles rises from the dunes, his brother waging war against the barren landscape.


Finally I know! Don't know why this took so long. Writer's block is a serious curse. I was going to include a lot of other stuff with this but I figured its been forever since I posted my part so I'd let you work on your reply to this while I work on my Force vampire part and whatnot. Figured I've been neglecting Riordan and Kain a little so I'd make up for it a bit. Oh and since we're on Kain... a little theme song for the fiery redhead! ^_^

Back to talking about the post... hmmm... ooh! Its gonna get good! big_smile I think you'll like where I'm gonna be taking the Force vampire side of the story especially regarding Mortis. wink

Vampire Vocabulary:

Node. Te'velli, eka: Fine. You win, brother.

While Kain agrees not to kill the Mandalorian San Dweller (in his own special way) he still cannot escape his rage. Thus he goes somewhere far away from the group to punch dirt and whatnot. Eventually it'll wear him out. tongue

Re: A New Begining

Damn... That was good. Now onward!!! big_smile

Leina immediately went behind George after being released. She was touching the wounds on her neck. They were shallow but she Forced healed them anyway. She finally understood how complex the situation is. They cannot find the key without Safira but they must aid her first in destroying the Orik'baar, but from the looks of things she was the one that started all this. She looked at George, she knew he might feel betrayed, and she noticed how he was fond of her. Who knows how he feels now. He mustn't lose his will.

She reached out through the force to him but couldn't find anything... he was shielded. When looking at Kain and Riordan, she felt an undying love between them. She sympathy for them. Who knows what they must be going through. But she still didn't like Kain and she was glad when he disappeared somewhere deep in the desert.

Mat was thinking about Slade and how he was playing with him like he was some sort of a toy. He must talk to George later, maybe he can do something. Mat surely couldn't. He was concerned how George was always shielding his thoughts and feelings from others, he was wondering why. But seeing what happened with Slade and how Safira played them he realized it might be a wise thing to do. So he followed George's example and made a Force Shield around him like he did.

He was concerned with the situation and how everything was playing out. There was no way out of this. Either they go forward or leave everything behind and retreat. But that wasn't an option. He scratched his head because he felt something in the distance. It was probably Kain raging out. Yeah, that must be it... He looked at George to see what he has to say. He glanced shortly at Slade before returning his attention to the Jedi.

George didn't even blink when Leina got behind him, he just intensified his shield. He could feel that she was trying to reach out, but he didn't want that. Not now anyway. At least Slade looked like he wasn't blood lusted. Hope it lasts. He wouldn't want to fight him., so he'll try to find a cure for that vampire condition. That's the least he can do for a man who was watching him for several lifetimes. One day he will ask him about his real mother. Who was she? What happened to her? What happened to him? He couldn't remember, or maybe he didn't knew, anyway that won't happen soon.

Riordan, Kain... He'll try to help them too. He's gonna help Safira and this mandalorian, he'll help Mat to find his way. And Leina for... Well he didn't knew what she wanted, he will fing out... But who will help him? He looked around and stared for a few seconds in each face. They are all helping him in their own way. He shouldn't be hard on them.

He then returned his gaze on Safira. She played him! That made him angry, but he was controlling it. George hands were still playing with his saber, when he realized that he slowly gathered them into a fist. "We'll help you, Safira. Just make sure you don't trick me again..." He made a slight pause. He thought he sensed something in the distance. It was probably Kain's rage so he continued. "So what must we do?"

The situation was calming down but it was still tense. All eyes were pointed at George and Safira. Slade was watching the mandalorian... closely


The art of writing about nothing xD. Can you believe that in reality what I now wrote would have lasted for only about 20 seconds? xD

Can't wait Mortises part. I like that guy. big_smile

Re: A New Begining

But it was a good 20 seconds. wink Oh, and I'm glad you like Mortis. He does have that "it" factor doesn't he? Even when you hate him you just have to admit he's one bad ass bad ass. lol Be back to post tomorrow. It's really long. Lots of stuff going down. ^_^

Re: A New Begining

"You must understand, Jedii," Safira tries to explain, as if giving good reason for her trickery would soften its blow. "I never intended to harm any of you, but I needed help. Defeating an army is no simple task, and I could not be denied such vital assistance. You see, I played a part -albeit unknowingly -in the Orik'baar's release from their eternal rest. As such it is my duty to push them back into their graves. My duty as Sur'haai to protect my people... by any means..."

She bows slightly, crossing her right arm over her chest so that her fist rests just above her heart. "But you have my word, Jedii. Keep your end of our deal, and I won't hinder your search any longer. You shall have your key," she promises.

A promise. A Mandalorian promise... as sturdy and unbreakable a compact as could ever be forged. It would certainly suffice. No matter, it did not change the fact that Safira had tricked them into all this from the beginning. It would be near impossible to trust her with anything now, especially when there was so much they stand to lose. A faint trimmer through the Force pulls George away from his thoughts, but he quickly ignores it. It was just Kain...

Slade, however, appears more interested in the insignificant trimmer, his hand sliding from his Mandalorian captive's mouth as his gaze wanders to the horizon for a mere second before he turns his attention to Safira, fire lurking in the depths of his icy eyes. "That's big talk, woman," the vampire criticizes. "Don't make a promise ya don't have the means to keep. And don't f***in' waste our damn time with your excuses either," he snaps. "Ya think you can justify your actions? Claimin' somethin' was done for the right reasons doesn't make it right."

Safira cocks her head to the side as if studying Slade. While her eyes did not permit her sight, it was possible for the Sur'haai to see far more than just outward appearances. "Spoken like a man who once held great power..." she concludes rather quickly, her voice holding more knowledge than the blonde vampire was comfortable with.

His eyes narrow. Piros baka, he curses to himself. "My past isn't relevant, and shouldn't ya have learned your lesson by now about diggin' up what's best left buried, eh, dala?" he scolds, throwing her own misfortune back into her face.

Instead of lashing out at the vampire like she more than wanted to, the Sur'haai simple ignores him. She didn't need him to lecture her. He was far from holy. All she needed was his demon, that insatiable bloodlust which drove his constant urge to kill. Combined with the sheer, raw power of the noble's brother, it would be more than enough to combat the entire Orik'baar army. She would end this. Once and for all.

She turns to George. "We need to head to the San Ancient's Temple," she instructs. "We uncovered it somewhere along the A'den B'abesh, but it's possible the dunes have swallowed it again so we'll need to search carefully for it. The Orik'baar sleep within its tombs when they don't wander the desert like mad dogs. And there... we will find their god."

"What?!" the Mandalorian butts in abruptly. "You can't be serious!"

"You seek a deicide," Riordan simplifies, suddenly jumping back into the conversation as his vibrant green eyes moves from Slade's rowdy Mandalorian captive to George and Safira.

Safira nods in agreement. "Once they are released it's the only way to stop them." She notices Slade's scrutinizing gaze and continues: "Even if there was another way to stop the Orik'baar, it is still necessary you kill their god. He guards the very thing you seek."

...Ilum, Valley of Glass; before the entrance to the Crystal Temple...

A dark red streak tarnishes the colorless snow, the frozen earth sizzling beneath the stain as if it were acid. Blue fires continue to rage relentlessly, occasionally molded into whips of blazing flames as the harsh wind of Ilum's icy wasteland bends them to its iron will. Sigur, that ancient beast, waits still for his opponents to move against him again, and thusly roars in challenge, scrapping his head along the face of a large rock in order to sharpen his horns.

A heavy unsteady step is followed by a dragging movement which merely succeeds in adding to the trail of blood behind him. Daisuke falls to his knees rather successfully, completely oblivious to the excruciating pain of his horribly mauled, nearly severed leg. Bloodied fingers reach out, brushing aside dirtied blue strands matted down with blood to reveal a now paling face. Greenish gold eyes held open only by his brother's last bit of strength greet him.

"Daisuke," Sabien's strained voice whispers in his mind.

Cruel blue eyes immediately soften as Daisuke does his best to ignore the sharp, repugnant smell of both Sabien's blood and his own clinging to the air around them. Blood. So damn much of it. Here. There. Everywhere. Was this it then? Was this their 'beautiful ending'? Sabien was dangerously close, on the verge of falling into a bottomless abyss he would never again emerge from. Even if Daisuke were to offer the vampire his blood, his own body was so drained it wouldn't save his brother.

Hell, the only thing keeping Sabien alive at the moment was his bond to Daisuke, and even that was a fragile string offering little hope. It couldn't last much longer. Eventually their bond would snap, and death would finally claim the remains of Sabien's soul. It would come for Daisuke not long afterwards.

"At least... we die together... brother..." Sabien attempts to comfort both their fear of death.

Daisuke leans forward, his head resting lightly on Sabien's shoulder. "Together," he confirms.

...Naitsu Inner Sanctum; unknown location...

Silence. Emptiness. Nothing. It had not always been this way. Naitsu had been built to house thousands upon thousands, an immortal army with which to crush the universe in one mighty blow. Such an army had existed once, a hungering pack of wolves which remained hidden and silent for six thousand years, watching their gluttonous prey crumble in upon itself without end.

But when then time came for them to bare their fangs at its throat, to strike mercilessly and rip out its blackened heart, they were unprepared, met with resistance from a foe who knew all too well how to slaughter their 'immortal' brethren. But he knew they were unprepared, knew they would all die one way or another. And still he sent them like lambs to the slaughter...

Because it had all been a necessary sacrifice for a far greater cause than their continued pathetic existence.

. . .

"Death and slaughter and betrayal."

. . .

Heavy footsteps echo within the empty corridors leading towards the Throne Room. For millenia, he'd waited and watched silently as the universe grew and changed in its limited perspective of life and time. He'd ignited countless wars, sent thousands to their deaths... all in preparation for the perfect moment to strike. Now that dark wars raged and alliances were shattered in corrupt conquests for power, that moment was upon him. And he would be merciless.

Well... so would they.

. . .

"All of this has happened before and it will happen again."

. . .

The colossal white doors of the Throne Room burst apart, and a figure adorned in golden armor strides in, boots clanking against the marble floors as the intruder makes his way towards the large throne at the end of the massive room. Mortis appears oblivious to this new arrival despite his blatant entry, or rather doesn't care, his legs crossed in a kingly manner, gaze focused intently on the disorganized chessboard balanced so effortlessly atop one knee.

"Tyrael," the vampire's soft-spoken voice stops the figure in his tracks, "what a pleasant surprise." Mortis carefully picks up the black knight piece, knocking one of the seven red pawns off the board. "It's not often I get visitors here. With everyone gone it does get quite lonely though." The Vampire King looks up suddenly, subtle power lurking deep in the depths of golden brown eyes. "You're welcome to stay as long as you like," he adds with a charming smile.

. . .

"The cycle repeats. Eternal. Relentless. Unstoppable."

. . .

Beneath the white hood which veils his face in darkness, Tyrael's eyes narrow. Mir'athorin was never an opponent to be taken lightly, he was as much a crafty fox as he was a poisonous viper. Even Tyrael's name upon his lips could be the swift end of the valsai'ium. Naitsu was the lion's den, and Tyrael reduced to naught but an innocent lamb. He would have to guard himself carefully within these walls...

"I've come here only by order of Central 49," Tyrael replies, his thunderous voice booming within the confines of the Throne Room.

A devious gleam emerges in Mortis's eyes. "Is that so?"

Tyrael barely catches the shimmer in those dark pools, and his heart skips a beat. Ekam. He knew. He always knew! "You will abandon your search for the valsai'ium keys immediately!" he demands as if his words held some power over Mortis, anger clinging to the fringes of his voice. "Attempts to contaminate Drihten will not be tolerated!"

Mortis's face remains a mask of relative indifference, but his eyes dance with amusement. They sought to stop him? "And if I refuse?" the vampire ponders.

"Then I will be forced to seal you within Kurohitsugi," the valsai'ium answers threateningly, "and bring you before the members of Central 49 where you shall stand trial for your horrendous crimes against the Holy City, and suffer whatever punishment they deem equivalent to your sins."

Mortis chuckles softly, mocking not only Tyrael's threat but also his accusations. "Crimes? I have committed no crimes against your Holy City, valsai'ium."

"Your actions argue otherwise, Mir'athorin," Tyrael retorts. "For twenty thousand years we've watched as you've plotted, setting events into motion that would bring about the perfect opportunity for you to overthrow Drihten, and become some omnipotent version of the god you already believe yourself to be. In truth," Tyrael corrects, "you are nothing but a Dark One, a dweller of shadows and dark spaces, waging war against far greater powers for the right to rule the universe and claim it for yourself."

The valsai'ium draws his sword from its sheath, the mighty blade singing through the Force. "You have not the right, nor the will, nor the ability to bear the burden you seek," Tyrael continues, pointing the tip of his sword at Mortis. "You are but a pale reflection of what you think yourself to be, and what you aspire to be. You speak of yourself as if you were an unstoppable force or some immovable object. But everything moves if its pushed hard enough."

Mortis remains emotionless, not daring to give Tyrael the satisfaction of such a small victory. He waves his hand above the chessboard in his lap as he closes his eyes on a small sigh, the game dispersing and fading into the air like particles of dust. The Vampire King rises to his feet in a graceful movement, the white robes he dons somehow adding to his already intimidating presence. He suddenly opens his eyes with a cocky grin, brown pools igniting to become completely consumed by golden fires which land on Tyrael as if he were nothing but insignificant trash.

"You think to define me?" Mortis wonders, his voice remaining smooth and soft despite his annoyance. It was unnerving. "Greater ones than you have tried and failed to understand what I am. They named me 'monster' -my gift to them they vulgarly called a 'curse'. You seek to understand what is beyond your comprehension; to delay the inevitable. You seek to stop me..." Mortis almost laughs at the mere thought of such an impossible feat.

"Trillions before you failed, and all their efforts were in vain -my laughter echoed still in their mortal ears as their life was robbed of them. It is an eternal cycle," he explains, "looping back upon itself without end. I survive. I endure. I consume. And I conquer."

Mortis vanishes suddenly, instantly reappearing a few inches away from Tyrael. The valsai'ium instinctively musters his strength, and begins to raise his blade, preparing to strike down the vampire. His massive swing, however, is stopped so effortlessly, cracks beginning to split Tyrael's blade where Mortis's finger now rests.

"The cycle shall repeat."

The blade shatters, but within that fraction of a second Tyrael's gauntleted hand lands on Mortis's chest, black electricity crackling around his fingers. The vampire's eyes narrow dangerously, and beneath his hood Tyrael smiles.

"Not if I can help it."

. . .

"Take comfort in knowing that I can wait. Eventually, your wretched existence shall be relieved of you. You will learn suffering. You will learn eternity. And you will learn what it is like to be the unstoppable force. A war shall commence. But it will not end the way you intend it..."


Done! Well that was certainly fun to write. I'm really getting into Mortis and everything now. We'll be seeing more of him from now on because there's a good bit that has to happen before our big final battle with the vampires verses the humans and the... uh... 'good' vampires I guess. Anyway, speaking of vampires...

Daisuke and Sabien... so sad. Bet ya didn't think they hearts, but eh, there ya go. Even Mortis has a heart... wait, no that's a lie. He's a heartless, manipulative bastard. But he's still bad ass. wink Now speaking of Mortis there's a lot of things to delve into regarding all that just happened up there with Tyrael. Let's see... I'll try my best to organize all this...

  • First things first I suppose: the pictures of Mortis are simply for better reference since we may have all forgotten how freaking bad ass he looks! big_smile On a side note his hair in the full body pic is the correct color. It's like a light brown. Not almost black as seen in the close up.

  • Okay, now when Mortis's 'army' is mentioned it's actually a reference to the entire vampire species. They all served as Mortis's army. Well, Mortis ends up igniting a war with the Elders and whatnot and the vampires are all basically eradicated right? Apparently Mortis planned that and it was supposed to happen. All part of the 'Master Plan'... whatever that 'Master Plan' is...

  • Hmm... surprise! Tyrael returns! I told ya when he came into the RPG he was an important guy... angel... eh, Guardian thingie. But he's not just an ordinary valsai'ium. His roles will be further expanded on later though.

  • Ah, and here we have Mortis playing some more chess. If we remember from way back then the black knight is George. Since then Mortis has added 7 red pawns to the board, each of which represents one of the 7 valsai'ium which guard the keys. Now, while George and them didn't kill Tyrael (obviously) they did claim the key he guarded, thus he's no longer a factor in that regard.

  • Also anything included in formation such as this:
    . . .


    . . .

    Is just another Mortis speech thing. In his last line he's actually addressing George, and where he says "And you will learn what it is like to be the unstoppable force" he's actually referring to George becoming a vampire.

  • And then at the end where Tyrael's fingers crackle with black electricity he's actually summoned Kurohitsugi. Hope this all helps! big_smile

Central 49: An organization which serves as the judiciary authority of the afterlife. Composed of 49 valsai'ium [seven for each of the seven deadly sins] and one supreme overruling judge. These members are in charge of trying all souls for their crimes, and passing judgement for sins. They possess very limited power over immortal souls [such as vampires] though Central 49 can possibly exile them to the Bore for 20,000 years if they commit the crime of high treason [plotting to overthrow the Holy City].

Kurohitsugi: Black Coffin
    A power bestowed upon only the highest ranking member of Central 49, Kurohitsugi is a binding spell which envelops its victims in a black box of negation energy adorned with spear-like protrusions. Once trapped inside Kurohitsugi, its victims can no longer use any sort of Force related powers or even communicate telepathically.

Vampire Vocabulary:

piros baka: sneaky b**ch

Mando'a Vocabulary:

A'den B'abesh: Wrath of the East - a river running through Ordo's eastern desert. Kinda like the Nile.

Well... I think that about does it. If you have any questions, just ask. ^_^

Last edited by Beautiful Chaos (2011-10-30 23:45:23)

Re: A New Begining

Yes! More vampires are dead! big_smile And yes! I loved Mortis'es part. It was wonderfull. I just hope he won't die! big_smile Lol xD

Ou... And why did Mortis sent out his "soldiers" into certain death?

So you plan for George to become a vampire? If that's the case, judging by his character, he would probably commit suicide, for that was the rule made by his ancient order of Vampire Hunters. They would kill their own if they became a Vampire. (I wrote about that a few posts back)

And is that Orik'baar God a valsai'ium? smile

And now it's my turn big_smile

"Deicide..." George mumbled out obviously remembering something from his past. He may have killed one of those "Gods". He wasn't looking forward for the next encounter, he almost died the last time. But will his new found strength be enough this time? He'll see.

Leina's impatience was getting on his nerves. She didn't like when he hides his feelings. He often wondered why, but he guessed that the answer will present itself. Suddenly he started feeling tired. He didn't want this. He just wanted revenge, but it all turned out into something completely different.

"Very well..." George nodded. "We will go to this San Ancient's Temple to kill the Orik'baar God." He closed his eyes for a moment to calm the memories that were showing images in his head. He didn't want to remember that. "I guess you know the way, Safira?" He waited for her to nod before asking her to lead them to it. Kain, he almost forgot about him. "Riordan, find your brother, we're leaving." He still sensed those Force tremors in the distance.

Mat approached him. "Master, we need to talk." He signaled with his eyes that they should do it alone, George knew what it was about but he would listen to him anyway. "We will, once we are on the move. Gather the men, we will need them." Mat nodded and left towards the group of soldiers that were on the ridge. He couldn't hear him what was he talking over the radio and it didn't matter.

It was then when Leina stood in front of him. "You're hiding something, George. What is it?!" George was shocked. He didn't expect her to be that blunt. Her eyes gave the impression that she's used to getting what she wants. One way or another. But she won't get anything from him. Not today at least. "Aren't we all, Leina? We all have our secrets which we don't want others to find out." She was staring in his eyes. George wondered what she was trying to accomplish. He felt a little uncomfortable by her look so he suggested: "We should move out. Others are already moving away." He pointed towards the Safira and the Mandalorian followed by Slade and a few soldiers. George figured he wouldn't let those two easily.

Leina didn't even look. She just stared at him for a few moments. He sensed her trying to get around his Force Shield (again) so he intensified it. She huffed angrily and went towards the group. George was the last. He wanted to think about the situation.

He didn't like what was going on. Lies, distrust. Leina's suspicions. Three vampires. At least soldiers and Mat were simple. They didn't seem to plot anything. He figured the Mandalorian was the same, although he was more dangerous.

The sand beneath his feet was hot. But he didn't let the heat influence him. Step by step following the group, he didn't let his guard down like the last time, although he wanted, so he sensed Mat approaching. "You wanted to speak with me, Mat?" Mat wasn't surprised, he expected that.

"Yes, Master Kwei." His black robes stood out from the desert. Easy to spot. "It's about, Slade. He was threatening me and our men. I couldn't do anything about it he was too strong..." George saw the horror on Mat's face when you realize that there is someone in this universe far more powerful than you are. It makes you feel insignificant. "Perhaps you can talk to him or..." He looked around to make sure no one was listening. "...or we could kill him. You and me together. And Lady Leina. I'm certain she would agree with us."

George was considering that. He really was. But Slade helped them a lot and he saved his life countless times. He couldn't just kill him. "I doubt that we could defeat him even if we had a few more Jedi with us. But I will talk to him, later. You don't have to worry, Mat." Mat wasn't happy but he nodded and went forwards to join the soldiers.

George was again alone at the rear of the column. Thinking about his past lives and how he fought the vampires and witnessed his friends' deaths. Horrible sights... He sighed and continued walking.

Here it is. Not so long as yours, but it will do. I took the liberty of setting them on the way to the temple 'cause I figured they already spent to much time on one place. Hope you don't mind. smile

Re: A New Begining

Mortis? Die?! lol Oh, that was a good one! He wouldn't be much of a bad guy if he went and got himself killed before the final confrontation now would he? I mean it's certainly possible for someone to kill him [impossibly difficult... but technically still possible] since vampires are generally only immortal in terms of age. But I won't reveal any of my plans for Mortis just yet. You'll just have to wait and see where my imagination takes the notorious Vampire King. wink

As for him pulling his entire species into a pointless war he knew they stood no chance of winning and basically abandoning them to be slaughtered like animals when he could have easily saved them... well, I think his motives for that will remain a mystery for now also. 'Cause I enjoy the suspense! big_smile

Regarding George: While Mortis certainly plans for George to become a vampire [for very specific reasons], this doesn't mean it's bound to happen. Sure Mortis is a bad ass who possess the ability to predict the future with relative success and whatnot but that doesn't mean George can't possibly change his fate... smile

Now as for the Orik'baar 'god'... hmm... I can't believe I can rightly say whether it's a valsai'ium or not. Guess our little expedition will have to discover it for themselves. But, no, I don't mind you having them move out. Good to keep the story flowing. ^_^ Will be back to post very soon so be prepared. wink

Last edited by Beautiful Chaos (2011-11-04 15:18:11)

Re: A New Begining

I'm so damn mad... I wrote the whole thing and lost it! -_- Stupid Internet. Be back as soon as I can to write it... again...

Re: A New Begining

Sorry to hear that. You should write it in some program. It's what I do big_smile

Re: A New Begining

I usually do but once I go to post it I just close out the program I was using without saving. I was making some last minute edits before I posted and took too long so when I went to click "post" the damn site had logged me out cause I forgot to click "keep me logged in" when I logged in. -_- Damn complicated Internet. It'll probably be about Wednesday before I get back to ya. Sorry dear but next week is real crammed and my post was pretty long. I will be back though. Might be worth the wait. ^_^

Re: A New Begining

Will be on to post in the next day or so George, I swear dear. Just been busy trying to get some stuff done and whatnot.

Re: A New Begining

Haha... big_smile Don't worry. I'm not into shooting people.... big_smile Yet tongue

Re: A New Begining

OMG I'm so ashamed. Almost two weeks since a post. I'm so terribly sorry. I know this won't make up for it but it'll at least help dull the pain a bit... maybe. On a side note ~ now mark the beginning [and ending] of a vision/premonition. Do remember though that the future is a very uncertain thing. wink That is all.

Mat rejoins the soldiers though it's apparent he's none too happy with George's reluctance to confront Slade about his recent behavior. The young Jedi had assumed that -with things being as they were -his Master would not hesitate given ample opportunity to put that cocky bastard in his place. Somewhere along the way, however, he must have missed something. Perhaps he'd misjudged the tension between them or just simply misread them. Mat's eyes warily drift towards Slade as if terrified the vampire might catch him in the act.

A sharp chill runs down his spine. No... there was no possible way he'd misread the blatant hunger lurking in those cold eyes or the hate and distrust which thusly echoed in George's own seemingly fearless gaze. The young Jedi's eyes widen in revelation. Was... was that it? Was it their own fear of this blonde devil and his hellish power which staid their blades against him? If that was so... then did George fear him as well?

Slade smiles to himself, well aware of Mat's eyes watching his every move, and the young Jedi's innermost thoughts. The vampire, however, doesn't spare the boy a thought at the moment, casually glancing over his shoulder to make sure George isn't lagging too far behind. The Jedi looks up suddenly, their eyes meeting unexpectedly...

~Burning. An entire barren wasteland engulfed in eternal fire. Voices echo though the Force, their cries of pain and agony reduced to nothing but ghostly whispers. Yet they abruptly fall silent, his heart thundering in his ears as the erotic taste of blood suddenly tingles on his tongue. His vision begins to blur simultaneously, unbearable pain numbing his connection to the world around him. What madness was this?

He blinks harshly as if trying to force away the pain, and suddenly a daunting figure clad in white towers above him, facial features distorted just enough to hide the figure's identity. A hand comes forth, fingers stretching out towards him faintly as if beckoning him. He cannot help but be compelled by the simple motion, reaching out to find his hand fitting perfectly into a gentle yet firm hold.

The illusion breaks, and he immediately panics, vainly struggling to pull away and hide from the monster before him. The hold which seemed so inviting moments ago, however, becomes an unrelenting grasp which refuses to let go. A soft yet menacing smile curls cruel lips as the figure moves closer.

"You are mine now, csitri Jetti... for all of eternity..."~


The sharp yet simple sound is enough to break through to George and bring him back to reality. The Jedi's attention immediately jumps to the source of the timely sound, namely Slade, who now walks beside him. The vampire examines the Jedi discretely, effectively appearing aloof and disinterested. The boy wasn't a child anymore. He didn't need someone to tell him his nightmares weren't real even if it was a generous lie. Mortis wasn't just the personification of the monster who haunts the dreams of children afraid of the dark. He was as real as real could get.

Slade sighs silently, his eyes cutting to the side briefly to ease the already smothering tension. Even if he wanted to say something to comfort the boy, he couldn't. He had to push George away, make the boy to hate him. It just had to be done. The Jedi had to learn to be ruthless. Otherwise he wouldn't survive...

"So, my csitri oleni came cryin' to mommy 'bout how the big bad wolf was bullyin' him, did he?" the vampire asks, a dark gleam emerging in the old vampire's eyes which gives away his amusement. Blue eyes shimmering with the faintest traces of gold suddenly lock with George's and the Jedi immediately notices the vampire's increasingly close proximity. "Well, whatcha gonna do 'bout it, Sara Jetti? Punish me?" he adds wickedly.


Don't be disappointed. This isn't all of it I promise. The rest is much, much longer. But I've got a few more things to add including a Riordan and Kain piece so I'll let you have a go replying at this while I finish up the final parts to this post. smile

Vampire Vocabulary:

Sara Jetti: Mother Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Shame on you! big_smile

George made a sly smile. He knew he couldn't punish him and that was why he found that funny. "Funny, Rule... You know I couldn't beat you in a fight even if wanted..." He glanced at Slade a sighed, he felt that it was the time. "I must ask you. Can you tell me about my mother... Bella?" George was watching carefully for any signs from Slade.


This was short, but I think you intended for my post to be short. Awaiting your next xDDDD

Re: A New Begining

I'm so sorry it's been taking me forever with posts. A lot of stuff's just happening and I've been real swamped. Trying my best to get in a post as soon as I can. Don't think I left ya. wink

Re: A New Begining

I'm starting to feel neglected sad tongue

Re: A New Begining

Dont feel bad.

"You have my blade".

Re: A New Begining

I'm so sorry George. I know it's been taking me forever with posts recently but I've been busier than normal with just general stuff. I'm able to post a simple reply in other topics but a story post [especially the length this next one is] has taken a good deal of time which I don't have a lot of to us for myself. I should have a post for you by the end of the day, however. If not then then tomorrow for certain. smile

Re: A New Begining

right big_smile

Re: A New Begining

Gosh, I'm horrible with deadlines. I said yesterday and look where we are. Suppose it can't be helped now. This isn't all I've written but I'm still working on the last part [which includes Dmitri and Mortis] so that will be later. Thought I'd drop this off for ya to go ahead and reply and so you don't feel neglected. ^_^

Slade cannot prevent the shock from registering on his face, his eyes widening slightly in casual surprise as if he'd somehow anticipated this. In truth, he hadn't, but the Jedi didn't know that. He was simply fighting Slade's hold, attempting to force the looming fog from his mind and grasp the memories which were once his in entirety. Slade's eyes narrow coldly.

Such a stubborn boy, always fighting against those who are only trying to protect you in the end. Just like your mother...

"I don't have any answers for ya," the vampire responds rather curtly, crossing his arms behind his head in a relaxed manner. Those same cruel eyes rest steadily on George, however, and it makes the Jedi's blood boil. Slade wasn't denying anything, but yet he wasn't admitting anything either. It was his way of winning, a very effective way of avoiding an answer.


Darkness. Anger. Pain. Rage. Pure, unbridled rage. And it was his eternal curse. A constant war without end. A living cage with no escape. A hopeless struggle with no such feeble thing as victory to be grasped. Even if he won, he still lost. And if he lost... damn it, if he lost...

'Well, what 'ave we 'ere?' a distorted, baritone voice echoes around him, a maniacal edge to every word which results in the twisted quality of the voice itself. Kain's heart thunders in his chest, his body stiffening as tendrils of white begin to slither their way across the burning golden irises of his eyes. 'Givin' in so easily, eh?' the voice asks mockingly before adding a scoff. 'What a pathetic excuse for a king.'

"Shut up," Kain snaps venomously.

Calloused, bloody fingers suddenly bury themselves in the sand, and Kain's eyes shut tightly as his muscles convulse painfully, unbearable power coursing through his veins. This power... Hakai loved using his own strength against him. Hakai. The bane of Kain's wretched existence in all his bloodthirsty glory; the dark and shattered half of his remaining soul which cloaked him in darkness, brought forth all this anger and pain... awakened his rage.

That's all it was about in the end. All this demon ever wanted. To ravage and destroy until there was nothing left but ashes and then to consume even that...

'You've gotten weak on me, King,' Hakai teases, 'and ya do know what happens to the weak king, don't ya?' He chuckles darkly, a hint of amusement in the unnerving sound. 'He gets overthrown!'

Acidic blood colors the desert landscape, Kain's eyes shooting open in response as the sizzling liquid pools around his hands. Hakai had always been reckless and brash, but he wouldn't kill Kain, no matter the circumstances. Kain could always count on that crucial fact. Or could he? Recently Hakai did seem more desperate and callous, constantly fighting the fragile bars which kept him confined to Kain's subconsciousness. And now he was attempting to break free once more.

The vampire releases a frustrated groan, slowly managing to get to his feet, the insignificant gaping hole in his chest beginning to close over. "I am not weak," Kain argues. He stops suddenly, the last of his pupils abruptly consumed by white as he falls to his knees. "I... I am... not weak..." he repeats though his words are barely coherent now, his eyesight beginning to fade.

Hakai huffs. 'Obstinate to the very end. Such a foolish king,' he growls disapprovingly as if he had expected to win easily. 'You're nothin' without me. And I won't bow to some weak king who can't stand on his own.'

Kain roars in agony as the flow of power increases still, slowly devouring his body from the inside out. Even with all their supernatural strength and abilities, no vampire could survive the weight of his full power for very long. The vampiric power resided within them as a vicious monster itself which hungered eternally, relentlessly seeking to consume everything in its path. And so it did... without consideration for its very host.

'I'll use pain 'nd blood to drive that damned weakness from your body! And then...' Hakai laughs sinisterly, 'I'll take it for myself!'

Kain's entire body shudders uncontrollably, the redhead supporting the weight of his upper body on his elbows as his own fingers mercilessly claw at his chest, his back arching by nearly humanly impossible means.


Kain's heart skips a beat, his eyes widening in utter shock as his body immediately stiffens. That voice...


His blood runs cold, and he reaches out desperately, clawing at the sand as he tries his best to force himself to his feet with what little strength he can muster at the moment. Riordan...

You idiot...

Dark blood drips from Kain's chest as the gaping hole begins to reemerge. It was impossible to stop now. He'd lost...



The remains of the glass jar once suspended in the air by Riordan's concentration suddenly falls to the ground and shatters into a million tiny pieces. Kain shivers, releasing a shuddery breath as he blankly stares at the empty space where the jar had been a mere second ago. Riordan... was he just...? Kain blinks, his troubled gaze immediately jumping to the ten year old boy near his feet.

"Riordan, what... what was that?" he barely manages to ask. He didn't need the child to answer his question. There was no mistaking such power, the insignificant tremors it left in the air around them. s**t.

Riordan doesn't meet his brother's gaze, but instead begins drawing random symbols in the dirt beside him. Kain was only three years older than him but his body had adjusted to contain his power. The thirteen year old looked no younger than seventeen. And his eyes... they betrayed the sufferings of a man, one who'd lost everything, and was now struggling to bear the weight on an entire world on his shoulders. All in all, Kain was rather intimidating, but to Riordan he was just Kain. Still Riordan would never lie to him.

"It's... it's like magic," Riordan answers, unsure if that's the correct way to describe it, "something called 'the Force.' It allows ordinary people like me do extraordinary things with our minds. The things you do," he adds, his eyes shooting up to steal a glance at Kain.

Kain's heart pounds in his chest, the redhead well aware of every single heartbeat. The Force. He grits his teeth in anger, rage beginning to boil deep inside. The damned curse had spread, infecting Riordan with its promises of grander power. How long? How long had Riordan been hiding this from him?

Riordan decides to show off the extent of his power. Surely Kain, of all people, would be impressed. "Here, brother, I'll show you," he states confidently, turning slightly as he raises a hand and prepares to move something else in the ruined building.

The boy gasps in surprise when his wrist is snatched in midair, and he turns to face Kain as the older boy crouches down in front of him, his head hung, red bangs falling over his face like streams of crimson blood. "Riordan, don't."

Riordan's eyes widen. "What're you-"

Kain pulls Riordan's wrist towards him so the boy is forced a little closer, looking up suddenly so his eyes meet his brother's. That power... it had a price higher than coin. And people would hurt Riordan to draw it out, to use it for themselves. "Listen ta me, Riordan," he demands sternly, "your power's incredible, 'nd nothin' ta be ashamed of. But there are all kinds of people out there. People who'd do anythin' for power, who'd kill anyone just ta keep that power..."

"Like... like the people who killed Mom and Dad..." Riordan concludes sadly.

A lump rises in Kain's throat, but he nods. "Exactly those people. 'nd Riordan... they'll kill ya because of that power of yours." Kain can see the questions in Riordan's eyes but he continues. "Don't give 'em that chance, Riordan. Hide your power... I'm all tha protection ya need. Put your trust in me. Let me be your sword 'nd your shield 'nd I promise... I'll never let anyone hurt you."*

'Such a lyin' lil' king...'


Well, after that I'm sure you have at least a question or two. I'll do my best to explain everything so here we go.

  • Explanation of 'Shattered Souls [such as Shouten Yaiba]' and 'Inner Demons [such as Hakai]': As a person becomes a vampire their soul consume itself until nothing is left but a void. However, the strongest part of the soul often resists consumption. If it doesn't, the newly born vampire suffers an excruciating death in which their body devours itself from the inside out. Should the strongest part of the soul survive, it is eventually forced outside the vampire's body.

    Still bound to its body by an eternally unbreakable bond, the remains of the human soul forge a weapon so as to remain together for all of eternity. It is this weapon -or more so the soul inside -which bears the vampire's power. Eventually, the vampiric taint corrupts even this remaining piece of the human soul, resulting in what is known as a 'hollow soul.' These darkened souls dramatically increase their wielders power while at the same time increasing their hunger.

    Kain, however, is very unique in the aspect that he possess both an inner demon [Hakai] and a still surviving piece of his purified human soul [Mekura]. This is because when Kain became a vampire the strongest part of his soul housed two coexisting entities: his desire to protect [Mekura] and his anger, pain, and rage [Hakai]. Eventually Hakai was further corrupted by the vampiric taint while Mekura was unaffected resulting in a split between the two.

  • Explanation of Kain's Rages: [Stage 1] As seen on Naboo. Brought about by increased levels of anger or pain. Can be stopped by Slade near the beginning.
    [Stage 2: Phase 1] Hakai attempts to 'merge' with Kain's body resulting in excruciating pain. Mekura does her best to stop the process by also attempting to 'merge' with Kain resulting in his blind eyes. As his body is devoured by his own power a hole begins to emerge in his chest representing the void where his soul should be. [Stage 2: Phase 2] Hakai and Mekura successfully merge with Kain resulting in a full berserker rage in which Kain has very little control over his own body. Is still possible to stop, though extremely difficult.
    [Stage 3] Immediately brought about by a near death experience in any situation. Other details have yet to be revealed.

Oh, Kain and Riordan are not cursed yet. They're simply orphans who's parents were killed for some reason. And here's a picture of Hakai just for the heck of it. He's identical to Kain except for a few things but there's a reason for that. Not all shattered souls or inner demons resemble their wielders. Other than that I think that's all. Any questions feel free to ask and I'll be back with Dmitri and Mortis's part soon. smile

Last edited by Beautiful Chaos (2011-11-25 10:13:24)

Re: A New Begining

Interesting. Is that a vision of Riordan finding about his brother? Never mind... Stupid question, it's apparent big_smile

George sighed. He knew that Slade was lying but he wasn't in a mood for arguing. "Right... You'll tell me one day I guess." George sounded tired, the memories of all those people slaughtered by the Vampires haunted him. He must bring an end to this madness.

"Ou..." The Jedi made a small smile. He almost forgot about Mat. "And please don't scare Mat and his men. We need them. They can be useful in their way. And I have other plans for Mat." He made a respectful nod to Slade before speeding up so he could walk alone.

Soon after that. He remembered something...

. . .

It was a long time ago. He was still a young Jedi whose only task was to hunt the vampires. Nasty business, he thought then and he thinks so know.

He and his three other companions were hunting a group of Vampires through the tropical forest. Alianna, Vernon and Mack. It was raining and although it was the middle of the day it was almost dark.

George was looking at the gorgeous female Jedi. He had found her attractive, and although he knew that it was forbidden he was fighting it. She noticed how he looked at her and smiled. He looked away, he didn't want her to notice the way he looked at her.

This war was going on for years now. Hunting these vampires was all that they did since they finished their lessons in the academy. The Galaxy needed the Jedi. They heard rumors that the Elders had found a weapon that could be used against the monsters. George prayed that it was true.

Mack suddenly and raised his arm. He sensed something. George extended his senses and he could feel it to. The familiar smell of their enemy. They didn't spotted them yet. Young Jedi quickly learn that if they wish to survive they must be stealthy... So they either found a way to mask their presence or die very quickly.

Mack waved them with his hand to go around. They were going to surround them. George and Alianna took the left. He always preferred that one.
They sneaked through the forest like they were born in it. Finally they got to the clearing and hid behind the trees... George's look wandered off to Alianna... His breath stopped, she was so beaut... Non now George... He snapped out of it and peaked out to see the situation.

Five Vampires? It is impossible to kill them if they have the greater numbers... They must retreat... He turned to Alianna to say that and she stood up and charged towards the monsters. That stupid girl! he ran off with her. Her saber was yellow and his was silver. He still couldn't remember how he got that crystal.

The vampires were caught by surprise. Their new stealth methods worked. By the corner of the eye he caught Mack and Vernon jumping in from the nearby bush.

George lightsaber clashed with the vampire's red. Some of them had swords. This one was the only one with a saber... probably a leader. George was striking fast, but the monster seemed to defend with ease. Until the red saber stabbed him through his shoulder. George fell to the ground and fainted...

He doesn't remember what happened next. Only that he woke up later on the ship. Apparently he was able to keep the enemy commander busy long enough for others the get rid of their attackers. After that they killed him and brought George to the ship. He was lucky...

. . .

George blinked and wondered if he had any luck remaining for an upcoming challenged...


I was bored, so I decided to write a flashback. Hope you enjoyed it. tongue