Re: A New Begining

Not to worry. We all have our obligations smile


Mat was running towards the unit's 3 position along the way passing by Leina, Riordan and Kain. "We're under attack. Protect the rear!" Leina seemed like she was going to argue, but Mat knew that they're probably surrounded.
"Unit 1! Stay here and guard Lady Leina! Rest of you move to the Unit's 3 position!"

They arrived on the ridge. Unit 3, soldiers were in melee with the Mandalorians. They didn't stand a chance... one of them was on the ground but two black Soldiers were lying by him... He sensed around 20 of those sand-dwellers. "Unit 5 switch to swords, the rest of you provide fire support!"

Mat charged into battle along Unit 5. One Mandalorian was stealthed in front him obviously trying to take them by surprise. He didn't know that Mat was a Jedi. A quick move by his hand, a blue saber was ignited and the stealthed man lying dead on the ground.

The fighting was fierce, one of the soldiers fell to the mandalorian sword. But the blaster fire from the small ridge behind them was pushing them back. Two Mandalorians were flying through the air when the rocket exploded between them.

That's when Slade appeared. Mat couldn't believe his eyes how fast that guy was moving. The Mandalorians where being slaughtered faster than he could count.

The final sand-dweller fell... the battle was over. They lost three people. They were lucky they had a good armor or more of them would be dead.

There was an awful silence. The wind was getting stronger. Mat decided to interrupt it. He raised his lightsaber up shouting in respect... "Shirokami!" The man followed his example and shouted with him "Shirokami!"

* * *

Leina frowned when Mat just passed by her shouting that she should protect the rear. But she closed her mouth when she sensed a dozen Mandalorians approaching. Mat was gone, but he left four soldiers with them. Leina glanced at Riordan who was preparing to dissapear and then she said: "No, Lord Koga, they're coming here!" He nodded and took out Shouten Yaiba.

She went to the Sergeant. "Sergeant, they are moving slowly 30 meters from us." She said quietly. Sergeant nodded and spoke out quietly through the radio. "Men! 10 o'clock 30 meters, grenades."

They grenades fell on the ground and Leina sensed that the Mandalorians were trying to get away, for some of them it was to late. Grenades exploded  forcing the Dwellers to go out of stealth. Some of them died from the explosions.

Riordan and Kain were already among them killing, she ran to join them, but she managed to kill just one of them before it all ended...

* * *

George was looking at Safira's eyes. He felt like she needed his protection. He was hoping she wasn't influencing him through her Force Powers, but he thought it was impossible. He crouched down by her. His hate for Slade has returned, but when he took his lightsaber the thoughts about him went away.

He was looking at Safira still. "It's okay." he said and wiped her tears by hand. Her skin was soft. He wanted to say more, but he sensed someone approaching. A mandalorian went out of stealth and his sword was already swooping down on George. Others were going out of stealth. George desperately jumped on Safira covering her with his body. They fall down on the sand, the sword scratching George's right arm. He yelled out in pain and then his body started to glow. If the dwellers around him didn't wear masks their eyes would certainly  pop out in disbelief. A wave of energy was released from George, the pulse vaporized the nearby Dwellers and sending others flying through the air. They were all dead.

George blinked when he realized what he did, and then he remembered that he was on top of Safira. George's Force shield weared off after that pulse... George started at her white eyes hoping she wouldn't discover his secrets...

I had to do that. It might be interesting. tongue


Anyway it's your turn, but I was wondering... Slade wishes that George continues to hate him and eventually fight him? Why? smile

And I took a liberty of making Riordan and Kain fight by Leina. I hope I didn't mess up some of your plans. smile

Re: A New Begining

I look at Lost and then at the crappy ships in the hanger.

What ship are we taking and where are we going?

Re: A New Begining

Well Slade's just one of those characters full of twists and dark secrets. Deep down he's really trying his best to fight his inner demon and be the good guy but at the same time he doesn't want others to come to see him as 'the good samaritan'. After all, Slade views himself as nothing but a monster, hating and despising the very thing he is, believing he is worth no one's understanding or compassion. Consequently the old vampire acts cold and distant towards most people in order to draw out their hatred which he believes he deserves.

It is for this very reason that while Slade is aware George is that child he saved so long ago, he still acts very cruel towards the Jedi a lot of the time. He doesn't want George to think of him as the good guy... even by the tiniest bit. He wants the man to hate him, to despise him, and one day kill him. The future is an uncertain thing, however. Let's see where the story takes George as well the infamous Shirokami shall we? wink

Slade's eyes widen in shock and horror, the vampire turning slightly to stare at the group of soldiers, all of them shouting for Shirokami... for him. This... this was wrong. How... how could they stand there and praise him?! After... after all he'd done... were they all blind?! Could they not see the hungering gleam in his eyes which betrays his lust for their own lives? Do they not notice his blood soaked hands or the way such precious crimson drips from his fingertips to beautifully paint the sand at his feet?

He averts his gaze immediately, fiery eyes narrowing. Why... why were they choosing to ignore what he was? At a moment's notice he could turn on them all, slice their pretty throats open and bath in ecstasy as he feeds. Where... where was their fear? Their hate? He closes his eyes, releasing a sigh.

Kuly myose... he accuses. En'ra manade te...

Mat's body instinctively tenses when Slade silently vanishes into thin air, the blonde reappearing a little too close for comfort. A single, barely noticeable movement, a unintelligible cry through the Force, and a lightsaber suddenly roars to life, the tip of its silver bluish blade nearly searing the flesh of Mat's vulnerable throat. Soldiers gasp and murmur curses, unsure of how to act, Mat's eyes angrily jumping to Slade's though the vampire's own remain closed, giving the blonde an air of icy indifference.

"Don't ever let your guard down, Jedi," he scolds Mat like a child, golden eyes opening to stare directly into the other man's. Mat feels his knees going weak but manages to keep his footing. How could one man -even a vampire -possess such an intimidating aura? "Even with victory clutched firmly in your grasp it can still easily be ripped away from you with a single stroke. Next time it may not be my blade at your throat... and next time..." he assures the Jedi, "ya won't escape with your life."

Mat's eyes -though they dare not stray from Slade's face -catch the faintest glimpse of black smoke beginning to form around the vampire's fingers, the essence trapped within giving rise to dangerous whispers: "Kill, kill, kill," it demands through the Force, so soft Mat isn't sure he hears it correctly. "Kill, kill, kill."

The old vampire sighs heavily, the strain of resisting such an obviously tempting demand evident as he lowers his gaze in an almost defeated manner. His arm relaxes and he deactivates his lightsaber, lowering the still smoldering barrel. "This battle isn't over and yet you shout my name as if it were some war cry... as if I'd lent my strength to kill these bastards for some nobler cause than the chance to momentarily satisfy my insatiable appetite for blood."

He glances back at the Jedi, soft yet fiery eyes seeming to burn holes in Mat's very soul. "You're wrong, Jedi," he whispers, bloody fingers trailing around the Jedi's throat, leaving a crimson trail in their wake. "Don't ever forget what I am, what I'm capable of... 'cause if ya do... I promise to make you hate yourself for it," he threatens coldly.


Riordan sighs heavily, wiping the blood and sweat away from his forehead so it doesn't fall into his eyes. "De'kulik..." he compliments Shouten Yaiba as he uses his robes to clean the blood from the black blade.

Kain's breathing is ragged and his eyes golden fires of rage and lust. "That's it?!" he roars, clenched fists painted in crimson. "That's tha f***in' might of tha f***in' Mandalorians?!" he kicks one of the bodies, obviously disappointed and very upset about it. "That's f***in' bullshit!" he continues to rant.

"Do calm yourself, Kain," Riordan attempts to persuade his brother. "It would do you no good to bring about a rage in a place like this. Your foes are defeated. Such an act would only be a waste of energy."

Kain huffs. It was about as good a reply as any from the hot-headed redhead at the moment. The sand around Leina's feet suddenly stirs, the lightest shift of weight behind her. Before the Jedi can react, however, a sharp dagger is at her throat, faintly cutting into the flesh there. The cloaked figure holding her captive quickly uses its free hand to aim an advanced blaster rifle at Riordan's head.

Kain curses with a growl, the figure immediately turning its attention to the temperamental vampire. "I'd stay right there if I were you, Shade," a gruff voice advises, "or I'll kill 'em both. You aruetii have slaughtered too many of my people. This ends now."


Safira pushes against George's body in a desperate attempt to get away from him but this seems to only increase her flow of power through him. She gasps softly and her back arches as everything goes white...

* Power, corruption, and death. Not a day passed that you didn't hear about such things. After all it was Nar Shaddaa. A festering cesspool of filth, decay, and greed...

The boy falls from the smuggler's grasp to the ground, rubbing the side of his face, the action obviously painful but soothing at the same time. A bruise already begins to form along the injured cheek, the smuggler having dealt a rather forceful slap to teach him some manners. Blood seeps from the corner of his mouth but it isn't his own. He was proud of that. The smuggler curses briefly, blood dripping from his hand and splattering onto the ground at his feet. The slaver laughs, patting him on the back.

"Bit ya good did he? Aye," he purrs, pushing the other man aside to get closer, grabbing the boy under the chin so the child is forced to look up at him, "he's a feisty one alright."

The boys eyes widen and he spits into the slaver's face, swatting the man's hand away. "Don't touch me," he hisses.

The slaver growls in response, losing his cool as his hand clamps down around the boy's throat. He forces the child to his feet, slamming him back against the wall of the dark alley with a sadistic grin. "My, my, what whole-hearted defiance... such balls for such a little runt."

The smuggler chuckles, wrapping a makeshift bandage around his still bleeding fingers. The boy had almost bitten down to the bone. Would have taken the whole finger if he'd been given the chance no doubt. "Clap 'im in chains and let's see how much they pay to break that innocent spirit of his," he smiles darkly, eyes glittering with sinful intentions.

"Hmmm... a tempting offer," the slaver concurs, "but I think I'll break him myself," he decides, leaning in towards the boy who instinctively stiffens.

The air suddenly thickens with tension and crackles with invisible sparks of hostility, however, and the slaver stops, the man immediately turning his attention towards the figure at the alley's opening. The new arrival is partially shrouded in the shadows thanks to the poor lighting of the Undercity but the outline of the intruder's frame reveals a well-built, muscular form.

The smuggler growls, the sound more irritated and violent than the slaver's. "What the f**k do you want?! Can't you see we're kinda busy?!" he barks.

The man remains silent and motionless, angering the smuggler further. "What the f**k?! Can't ya f***in' hear, damn it?!" he stops suddenly and approaches the man with a wicked grin. "Unless..." he adds with sinister charm, "you're the type that likes to get in on the action." He reaches out to brush the man's hair away from his face.

The man immediately snatches the smuggler's wrist and jerks on the flimsy limb, lifting him, his feet dangling a few good inches above the ground. Without any forewarning the man's free hand passes completely through the smuggler's chest cavity as if the bones were nothing but glass. The smuggler's eyes widen in horror and he gasps before the man crushes his heart and allows the lifeless body to slip from his arm into a bloody heap at his feet. He takes a step towards the slaver.

The slaver quickly moves away from the boy, frantically reaching to his belt for the blaster there as he backs down the alley. "What... what the f**k are you?!" he screams, aiming his weapon at the man's face. "Stay the hell away from me you bastard!"

The man shifts his weight and the boy watches in disbelief as he seems to disappear, the blaster bolt intended to hit him square between the eyes screaming down the empty alleyway. The man reappears directly in front of the slaver not even a moment after vanishing, lunging upon his opponent like a bloodthirsty animal. He snatches the slaver's wrist, effortlessly snapping it in half, forcing the man to drop his useless weapon.

The man growls, his powerful hand clamping down around the slaver's throat as he hoists him into the air, black painted nails digging into the soft flesh. Suddenly that hand constricts, shattering the slaver's esophagus. The man drops him to the ground, leaving the slaver to suffer through the last two minutes of his worthless life. The man turns to the boy and he catches a flash of gold hair and blood red cloth before a hand shields his eyes, preventing him from identifying his rescuer.

"Who... who are you?" the boy quickly demands, his voice shaking faintly. "What do you want with me?" That man... was what he'd just done even possible? What... what was he?!

Icy breath nips at the boy's ear, sending shivers down his spine. "Ki engem'es diutakod, saa en'atti es kepakod. Enatt poar'te... elasz saa kinn sonn," the man begins, his words nothing but a whisper, as if they were a secret, a strong arm wrapping around the boy to hold him close against an impossibly hot body. "Pel'kod kas'eka solo odam-sa..."

"Dalit..." *

Safira pushes against George more frantically this time, tears pooling in her eyes again as she squirms beneath the Jedi's weight. "I'm sorry... please... I didn't mean..."


Natayla waves the captain away, a silent order for him to go prepare the ship. "The flash step will come to you eventually once you grow stronger... but it cannot be used to travel from planet to planet. We must still rely on... other means for transportation. I have acquired the ship Slit Throat and her crew. We leave immediately. For Ilum. We have pressing... business to attend to."

Force vampire part will be in the next post. It's getting late here and I don't want to fight through writer's block so well... ya get the point. smile Okay... a good bit of stuff to go through for this one. Should be loads of fun. tongue Firstly, Leina cannot escape/hurt the cloaked figure. He is the leader of the San Dwellers and essential in the coming plot points. Secondly, Slade's weapon has been revealed! :complete awe: ^_^ Yeah, well, it's a silver [kinda bluish] lightsaber which is its sealed state [won't see released state till later]. The spirit bound to the weapon is Torikabuto (Wolfsbane) and its release command is "howl".

Now for the complex and confusing stuff. Joy of joys. tongue

  • Real quick... a better visualization of a younger, rebellious-looking Slade.

  • Ah, the memory Safira and George both relive. I wasn't sure what exactly was permissible so I stuck to what I know. smile But hey, I like the way it turned out. Slade to the rescue! ^_^ This memory happens during George's 57th reincarnation [which makes Slade only about 6,000... that's young for a vampire]. The little blonde vampire's been trying his best to keep track of George's reincarnated self with success few and far between. Talk about dedication... and it all has something to do with that little promise Slade made so long ago. Bet you're really wondering about it aren't you? wink

  • Well now... if Slade's been here and there throughout George's 24,000 year "lifespan" why does he only remember bits and pieces at a time? Well I mean the Jedi's soul is 24,000 years old. That's like 2,400 lives to sort through so he's not going to remember everything immediately. It'll take time. Plus Slade's a tricky bastard with the ability to "block" memories, making them seem nonexistent. Obviously he's blocked all memories regarding himself from George's mind so the Jedi wouldn't ever remember him but George is powerful as we've seen and he's fighting the vampire's illusion to discover the truth... big_smile

  • And in case you're wondering [which I'm sure you kinda are]: why in the world is Slade so lovey-dovey in George's memory but such an ass now? Well... while Slade doesn't directly involve himself with George during his past lives unless its absolutely necessary [and even then he blocks all memory of the event afterwards], the vampire is still very emotional attached to the young Jedi. Technically, after George's mother died, George was all Slade had before Riordan and Kain stumbled into meeting him [and that was only just 50 years ago]. He acts like he does towards George now also in part because the Jedi is no longer defenseless [such as a 12 year old boy about to be raped, etc.]. On top of that, George hates vampires... so let's just say the infamous Shirokami knows a thing or two about where things might lead and is just playing along with his own secret agenda. wink

Hope that all makes a load of sense. big_smile

Mando'a Vocabulary:

aruetii: outsider, foreigners

Vampire Vocabulary:

Kuly myose... En'ra manade te: Foolish boys... I will teach you...
     *Instead of using the phrase "when will you learn?" Slade uses "I will teach you".

De'kulik: Well fought.

Ki engem'es diutakod, saa en'atti es kepakod. Enatt poar'te ... elasz saa kinn sonn. Pel'kod kas'eka solo odam-sa... dalit...: Who I am is meaningless, all I want is nothing. I've found you... after all these years. Don't leave me alone again... young master...
     *Well we know Slade's been keeping track of George's reincarnations but that the vampire doesn't remain in direct contact. Swoops in to save the day then vanishes without a trace and no one remembers him. So why's he saying "Don't leave me alone again"?
     Like I said George is all Slade has during this period of time. While whenever he dies his soul is reborn in another body it could take Slade several more of George's lifetimes to hunt his new body down. During that time he's completely alone. At least when he knows who George is he kinda feels connected to someone, somewhere.

Last edited by Beautiful Chaos (2011-09-26 22:57:05)

Re: A New Begining

Okay, Ilum it is but why Ilum?

I walk up the ramp of the ship and head for a seat and on my way I notice that 2 members of the crew are jedi knights.

I find my seat and wait for The Lost to join me so I can tell her of the 2 underscover jedi knight crew members.

Re: A New Begining

Well George didn't have that many lives. Few years pass between his reincarnations because he is then trapped in the Bore. (for about 100 years) So it's more like 1,200 lives O.o . And this is the first time that he was able to remember his past lives since that first one... So it begs a question why? But we will surely find out soon. smile

But it is strange how George has most memories from his first life. Like it was the most important one. Strange... Anyway back to the story. big_smile

Mat was scared shitless but he had an ace up his sleeve. "You made a mistake today, White Wolf." He was a bit shaken, but he sounded confident. "You could have been our friend instead you choose to be an animal. Master George was right. You should be killed! Even if you did save our lives. But I will not thank you for it, cause you are a coward! Unable to face with yourself! Men!"

The soldiers pointed their weapons at Slade. Most of them knowing that they stood no chance against him.

Mat was wondering if he had gone too far. "You don't want to p**s off Master George."

* * *

George rolled over to his back, feeling tired... "It's okay, Safira. No harm done." At least he hoped no harm was made. Now she knows about him and Slade. Who knows what did she learn from her touch. He wondered what would happen if he had s*x with her. She would probably knew all his secrets.

He calmed his mind and stretched out his senses. He felt Slade holding his saber against Mat while soldiers were pointing guns at him. And on the other side he felt Leina being held by a Sand Dweller. But this one seemed different from the others. He couldn't be in two places at once so he had to make a choice...

George stood up offering Safira his hand. "Our friends are at danger. Let's go."

* * *

Leina couldn't see the face of her attacker, but she knew that if she moves he would kill her. Her eyes wondered from Kain to Riordan hoping for some miracle.

"Stop!" someone shouted. She recognized George's commanding voice. The Mandalorian turned around a little to see the newcomer. George slowly made his way towards him. "Megin vaabir gar copaanir, Mando?"

Leina blinked. That sounded like Mandalorian...

Really... What would happen if Safira had s*x with someone? xD just wondering big_smile

Mando'a Vocabulary:

Megin vaabir gar copaanir, Mando? - What do you want, Mandalorian?

Re: A New Begining

A hundred years between each reincarnation? Awww... that just means Slade was even more lonely. And if that last memory took place during George's 57th reincarnation it means Slade was actually around 12,000 years old if you tack on the extra years due to George being trapped in the Bore. But yeah I would say George's 1st life was the most important so he's going to remember a few more things from then. His other lives will only produce one, maybe two memories per each individual lifetime (more depending on how they affected him such as deaths, dramatic events, etc.).

As for Safira having s*x with someone... hmmm... I think she'd be a little... preoccupied for her powers to have any effect really. If that's not the case she can always use gloves. I mean her power does stem from her hands so she'd have to be like what's her name in X-men. Gloves during s*x... that might prove interesting...  tongue

Be back to post soon. smile

Re: A New Begining

Assuming Safira goes with George. It's obvious Slade is a big boy and can handle himself and put Mat back in his place. Cause face it... Mat can't win against Slade. Even here. Slade's just that kinda guy. No matter what Mat says Slade's gonna have a better counter. If he didn't... well... it wouldn't be Slade-like would it? Exactly.

And since it seems as good a time as any [seeing as Mat just called Slade 'an animal'] here's the infamous vampire's theme song. ^_^ Cause I have nothing better to do with my life. tongue

Slade looks up, piercing ice blue eyes glaring at Mat through golden, sweat-drenched bangs. A few drops of blood trail down the Jedi's throat as the vampire tightens his grip on the other man's throat. Since he'd been forced to bear this dark burden his name had been slandered, his soul cursed a million times over in countless tongues. But never... never had anyone dared to call him a coward.

"Ya think I give two shits 'bout pissin' off your whelp of a leader?" he asks, the veins at his temples twitching as his anger boils. It was obviously a rhetorical question. Everyone knew the answer. "Last time I checked that little runt didn't have a damn say-so regarding what I do."

The vampire growls, a sudden overbearing surge of power roaring through the Force and the soldiers cannot help but to crumble to their knees in agony. Mat's own body immediately goes dumb, the only thing keeping him from sprawling in the sand at Slade's feet being the vampire's merciless grip on his throat. "Ya think I don't know what I am, boy? That I waltz 'round like some f***in' prince on a damn high horse?" He pulls the Jedi closer, Mat catching the threatening flash of dangerous fangs.

"I know very damn well what I am but don't you dare call me a coward for it. You will never come close to witnessin' the horrors I've endured, the pain I've experienced... this poisonous hunger," he adds, his voice deep and low, eyes gleaming gold once more. "I face myself every moment I'm in a pathetic human's presence, fightin' this animal I am so it doesn't sink its teeth deep and claim what is ripe for the takin'."

The golden shine fades from Slade's eyes to return the cool blue ones. "I'm not sayin' I shouldn't be killed. I know what I am... the fate which awaits me at the end of this journey. And I welcome it. But you..." he hisses with utter distain, "if ya think I'd ever allow myself to be slain by such worthless..." he trails off with a scoff.

"Don't flatter yourself," he bites, releasing his hold on Mat so the Jedi falls to the ground, unable to withstand the energy the vampire continues to emit. "You won't be the one to kill me so don't make empty threats to impress your men because next time," Slade bends down, pulling Mat up by his chin just enough so the vampire's icy breath runs down the Jedi's neck, that devil's tongue running over the other man's racing pulse, "I may not be able to control my urge to take you... Jedi..."


The Mandalorian seems oblivious to George and Safira, his gun not straying from Riordan's head. He glances to the side briefly, daring a quick look at the two new arrivals to his party before his eyes immediately shift back to Riordan, then to Kain, then back again. Kain growls audibly, growing increasingly impatient with the situation. He didn't like his brother being threatened. George merely hopes the redhead didn't act on his raw instincts and ruin everything.

"What do I want?" he wonders as if the original question surprised him or perhaps caught him off guard. "Well, you've got some balls for sure, Jetii... wandering around my territory with such an unruly entourage. And what's more," he adds with a tone which suggests George committed a horrible crime, chancing another quick glance in the Jedi's general direction, "you've brought an exiled dar'manda along for the whole ride."

He seems to ponder the situation for a moment. "So... what do I want you asked? How 'bout an answer as to why the f**k you're here?!"


Natayla takes her seat next to Jester and waves her hand when he starts to tell her about the two Jedi Knights. "I'm well aware of that," she states coldly. "Vampires are very sensitive to Force-adept beings. They did not escape my notice... but don't worry about them. They'll die soon enough."

She settles in as the ship takes off and prepares to enter hyperspace. "And we're going to Ilum to help some friends..."

...Ilum, Valley of Glass; before the entrance to the Crystal Temple...

A roar echoes through the icy valley, shaking the trees like massive thunder. Daisuke stands to his feet, cursing, clumps of melting snow falling from his scorched shoulders. He hadn't expected that b**ch to twist like a snake and bite him in the ass so hard. Neither he nor Sabien had expected that little trick of hers. It may have bought the Guardian the time she needed...

Ah, short Force vampire part I know but I can never get to where I can write until its later and by the time I get to writing the Force vampire part I'm ready to give my pillow some head. Promise the next one will be kick ass with a huge fight and Mortis being well... Mortis. smile

The trick Slade is using against Mat and the soldiers is the same thing Kain used when confronting Leina before he knew who she was [remember? wink] It's basically a release of a portion of his power which painfully 'crushes' his victim... in a manner of speaking.

Mando'a Vocabulary

Jetii: Jedi

dar'manda: a state of not being Mandalorian, regarded with absolute dread by most Mando'ade; an outcast

Re: A New Begining

I know Mat can't win against Slade. He's just a relentless guy. You have to give him him credit for that tongue

George made a heavy sigh and started moving slowly towards Riordan his hand almost touching his lightsaber. He didn't like mandalorians, they were people who only lived for the war.

He finally stopped between Riordan and the mandalorian gun. "We came here in peace, but you attacked us. That wasn't very wise... You should let her go and then we can talk like men."

George then reached with his mind to Riordan through the Force: "Slade is causing trouble can you calm him down?"

* * *

Mat was on the ground struggling to fight the pain. He looked up at the vampire. "The man is defined by his actions towards the lesser then him. I have nothing more to say to you. Leave!" Although he was in pain his eyes were full of certainty like he didn't have what to lose.

Oh and cool song tongue

Re: A New Begining

OMG I'm so sorry I've been gone for the last few days. Time just gets ahead of me and before I know it a couple days have just gone by. Terrible I know. I should be on either tomorrow or the day after with a new post. Sorry for the wait. sad

Re: A New Begining

No problem. My college has begun, so I've got less time for posting. But I'll manage somehow smile

Re: A New Begining

I've been real busy too as you can tell so if you can't get on every day or every other day or whatever I'll completely understand. We'll post when we can. smile

A deep sound rumbles in Slade's throat, Mat unsure if the noise was intended as a threatening growl or words the vampire's animal side simply refused to allow him, the beast slowly gaining dominance over its human counterpart. In truth, it was a little bit of both. Slade hated being compared to humans even in the smallest measures. It made him seem... well... less human.

Slade didn't lie to himself or try and hide the truth. He knew himself very well, understood what he was better than any of his own kind would ever understand themselves. If he became less like a human... there was only one thing for him to become more like in its stead. But that sole idea was the only thing still capable of striking fear into the old vampire's heart. His humanity was something he desperately held onto by a mere thread, yet every time he lost himself to anger or lust he came closer to being completely consumed by the monster he truly was... and being lost forever. He couldn't allow that. His promise...

Relentless, blue eyes fall to Mat again, the Jedi's heart thundering in his ears as he waits for the vampire to make his move. Mat had a tendency of biting off more than he could chew, and it was possible Slade might kill him for the insolence. Instead, one of the blonde's long fingers slips under Mat's chin suddenly, shocking the Jedi into obeying. A small smile curves Slade's lips as he effortlessly lifts the other man's head, forcing the Jedi to look into mesmerizing, cold, dead eyes.

Mat finds himself captivated despite his defiant urge to look away, his muscles tingling and refusing to move as cool power overwhelms them. A single touch and the Jedi was at this creature's mercy. The things he must be capable of.

"Ya just continue to amuse me, csitri Jetti," Slade purrs at Mat's ear, his voice noticeably thick with lust, his cold breath sending shivers down the Jedi's spine. "Nothin' but a poor child still tryin' to compare apples and oranges. When will ya learn, boy... I'm nothin' like that master of yours. Oh no. I'm far more than he can ever be..."

Tthe vampire smiles slightly, a wicked gleam shimmering in his eyes as his fingers lightly touch the nap of Mat's neck, his nose brushing against the sensitive flesh tucked away in the crook of the Jedi's neck. "Ya see... I control all of this, Jetti," he whispers as if his words were traitorous. "Every move ya make, every swing of your 'saber. Ya taunt and fight me, never realizin' you're just makin' the hunt that much more enjoyable. You will never beat me, boy. If I want to live, I live. If I want ya to die... you die. And if I want to take..." he murmurs seductively, sharpened fangs gently scrapping the skin of Mat's neck, the Jedi's body instinctively stiffening, "I take."

Slade suddenly groans softly, disappointed as he pulls away to look back in the direction of the group's temporary camp. "Ah... but it seems I'll have to wait... for now," he adds, casting Mat a glance which had the Jedi wishing he could run the vampire through right then and there. "Until next time... csitri Jetti."


Kain's golden eyes gleam dangeorusly, his veins bulging as his muscles tense, adrenaline pounding through his blood. He wasn't the very patient type at all. Add onto that fact that some Mandalorian dared to threaten Riordan and the redhead couldn't tear into the bastard... Kain growls. It was eating him alive! He couldn't stand it!

He clenches his teeth, barely managing to stop himself. No. Not too soon. This Mandalorian knew what they were. One wrong move and someone could die. Kain's eyes narrow. He just needed one opening... one opportunity and he'd rip that f**king Mandalorian to shreds before he could take his next breath! He throws Riordan and quick glance.

Riordan's own gaze remains focused on the Mandalorian holding Leina and himself hostage. It was very possible for him to move quickly enough to neutralize the Mandalorian and dispel the situation entirely. But what fun would that be? He looks at George for a second when the Jedi addressed him.

"Am I Slade's keeper?" Riordan wonders, the hint of sarcasm hidden in the noble's serene and somber tone. "The man is his own being and a stubborn one at that. Should I dare move and risk the Lady's life I doubt Slade would even listen to my advice should it be given."

"You worry far too much, Master Jedi," the noble scolds. "While I will wholeheartedly agree Slade's short fuse is something to be watched carefully -as is my brother's -he is not a mindless, brutal savage. The situation your soldier invoked will not result in his death or the deaths of those under his command. No matter," Riordan adds, "the Jedi will still have to deal with the consequences of his actions. I will not aid him in escaping them."

"Came in peace?!" the Mandalorian suddenly roars at George. "You shabla utreekov brought back the one who started this whole damn mess with the Orik'baar," he accuses.


Been a long time since there's been a post so I wanted to go ahead and post this. Will get to the Force vampire part later. smile Okay, no Slade isn't going to do anything to Mat later on. He's really just trying to p**s him off and doesn't intend anything at all. But Mat doesn't know that. wink

Slade Quote: [Nothin' but a poor child still trying' to compare apples and oranges] Here Slade is referring to how Mat continues to try and compare him and George (even if the Jedi doesn't realize it) who are nothing alike... thus, the old idiom apples and oranges. smile

Vampire Vocabulary:

csitri Jetti: darling Jedi
     *Although the word "csitri" has come to mean "little" it most often relates to the English words "darling" and "sweetheart", often when a vampire is referring to a child or a lover who is much younger.

Mandalorian Vocabulary:

shabla utreekov: f**king idiots

Re: A New Begining

Well, today is one of those "easier days". Tuesday is my favorite workday! big_smile

Mat realized he couldn't stand it any more. He was too weak for Slade. He never considered himself to be coward or anything similar, but under the circumstances... Well, he was still wondering why is the Vampire doing this.
Although he couldn't look away he could still speak, his words barely heard. "Why are you doing this?"

* * *

Leina's eyes widen in shock. Safira? She couldn't believe it, but they didn't know her. Who knows what else is that woman hiding from them.
The mandalorian blade was sharp cutting her skin and releasing some blood. It burned a little. She looked at George for any sign, but his face was emotionless.

George thoughts razed through his mind. Safira? He didn't expect that. He was always weak at women, many times it almost cost him his life. If he could only bring her back... But the stone is destroyed. Maybe there is another one...

"Safira!" His voice was sharp... "Why didn't you tell me this earlier? Is this why you attacked Slade?" George's hand was so near his saber, but it still hurt from that Orik'baar sword.

Well, I didn't expect that xD I knew there was something with Safira, but this! smile Cool wink
There wasn't much I could write. This one is all on you smile

Re: A New Begining

I don't think I have a favorite workday. I don't mind work. It just gets so overwhelming. Plus on top of all the other stuff they make us do... ah, it gets hectic sometimes. Oh and I'm glad you like my little twist on Safira. smile

I'll be back to post sometime in the morning. Next post's a pretty good size one so hopefully we'll get back into the flow of things. ^_^

Re: A New Begining

Uh, fair warning... Slade gets a little... I guess you could say out of hand here. But again he's just trying to get under Mat's skin though the poor Jedi thinks the vampire's intentions lie in far darker places...

Slade chuckles, the vampire's fangs displayed handsomely in a charming smile, the gold shine in his eyes barely suppressed beneath shimmering, blue pools. "Ya make it too easy for me, csitri Jetti," the blonde replies in amusement, a husky tone clinging to his words as if they were laden down with lust. He crouches down so his eyes are even with Mat's, and cocks his head to the side, the action reminding the Jedi of an attentive puppy. "I mean look at ya... such a cute and vulnerable 'lil oleni," the vampire purrs.

Slade's fingers suddenly brush along the hot skin at the nap of Mat's neck, the blonde smiling darkly when the Jedi gasps softly in response as those slender fingers tangle themselves in a fist full of ruffled brown hair. The vampire uses his grip to pull the boy closer to him, their noses almost touching, cruel blue eyes starring deep into the Jedi's soul.

"Kuly csitri oleni'ka..." he teases in his own tongue, forcing the meaning of his words into Mat's mind so the boy understands, "al'ikera le'te... no muoni han buralit'a. Ji, avio te'er pita isanta hisz'oe kinn'ka," he warns, his eyes no longer hiding his hunger. "Elid'e csitri en szelekod pel ma'no att nyelv'ka gon molo kuna'uc le'det sas, incentii verite. Ai'avio en kutnisz no'fele nyal'ka felet'ai rate rauho'det."

Despite the frantic urge to pull away, Mat still can't seem to find the strength nor will to do so. Like a bird trapped in a cage. He did not like where this was going. Instead of doing what was expected of the obviously promiscuous vampire, however, Slade abruptly releases the Jedi, standing to his feet as he casually brushes away particles of sand and dirt clinging to his clothes. He sighs, annoyed. "But it seems I'm needed elsewhere. Sorry to disappoint you, csitri Jetti, but I suppose there is a time for everythin'..."

He glances back down at Mat, brilliant gold completely consuming his eyes. "Oh but don't worry... eventually I'll teach ya just what happens to 'lil oleni who try and play with the Big Bad Wolf," he adds deviously with a wicked smile.

And with that the vampire suddenly vanishes, leaving Mat and his soldiers to find their own way back through the desert, still weakened by the bit of power lingering in the air.


Safira lifts her head, silver-white eyes shining out from beneath the hood of her robes. George immediately senses the change in presence around the so-called Jedi, the submissive and vulnerable woman gone, a facade to hide the hardened warrior beneath. A Sur'haai. One born into an ancient lineage of Force sensitive oracles believed to be able to speak to Kad Ha'rangir himself and thus blind from birth, that they may not look upon him with filthy, mortal eyes.

"Would you have helped me if you'd known? Helped my people?" she bites in response to George's sharp words, obviously not the least bit intimidated by the Master Jedi. "You Jetii harbor no love for us Mando'ade. You came here of your own accord, for personal gain, and would not have lent your aid to 'savages'. I attacked your party for no other reason than to drive you from here, thinking you nothing but chakaar. But him..."

She pauses, choosing her words carefully. A smart and tactful Mandalorian if ever there was one. "I didn't expect to clash blades with a shade. Their involvement was most unexpected though not entirely unwelcome. Our lore warns us of such creatures... but you must fight fire with fire to win a war no? If they help me defeat the Orik'baar... I'll help you find your key..."

"EH?!" the Mandalorian holding Leina hostage wonders in disbelief as he glances in Safira's direction, careful to keep his sights trained on Riordan's head though the noble seems to not care either way. "You got some shabla nehutyc, dala! None of this would have happened if it weren't for you!"

"I'm well aware of that, Kal, and I'm trying to help fix it so just ne'johaa, haar'chak," Safira growls, becoming increasing irritated.

A brisk gust of wind draws George's attention back to the Mandalorian soldier, an all-too-familiar phantom materializing behind him in the blink of an eye. Slender fingers dance up Leina's neck, snaking their way between her captor's blade and her vulnerable throat. The old vampire's free hand immediately slides along the length of the Mandalorian's right arm until it cautiously molds over the warrior's hand, tightly clutching the trigger grip of his rifle.

Slade huffs with amusement, the sound barely audible as the blonde smiles slightly, lips lightly pressed against the flesh just behind the Mandalorian's left ear, golden eyes betraying the vampire's rising desires. "Such a bad Mando'ika," he murmurs softly. "You're not playin' fair..."

...Ilum, Valley of Glass; before the entrance to the Crystal Temple...

Dark blood forms rivets in the frozen ground, each a tiny crimson stream, the snow melting away in their wake as if fleeing the burning taint. Blue fires blaze across the icy wasteland, eternal flames which fuel the heart of an age-old creature. Bones grind and clank together like armor, the ground trembling noticeably as Sigur, risen from his ancient slumber, roars and stretches forth his wings, daring his challengers to face him once more.

An arm reaches out, bloody fingers digging into the snow as if that might help him find the strength to stand. Sabien groans in agony, yellowish green eyes dimming behind stands of blue hair matted down with his own blood as well as another's. Was... was this it? Force vampires were no weaklings. There had been attempts to rid the universe of their kind time and time again so that now only the strongest remained. But even they had their limits.

And to face a Summoned... it was said only Mortis himself had ever defeated one. They were the true keepers of the valsai'ium keys, brought forth only when the Guardians themselves breathed their last or could not bring down those besieging a key's sacred sanctuary. Was this where it was going to end then? It seemed fitting he die here for his King... that his death be brought about by as worthy an opponent as a Summoned. But pain... it was something he had never known until now.

Sabien coughs, blood and other substances leaking past the hand he presses tightly against the large gash in his stomach, hoping to hold his intestines inside him for the most part. Blood seeps from the corner of his mouth, sizzling as it lands in the snow beneath his cheek. His body is weak... cold. The Guardian's magic had to be responsible. Somehow she'd done something, his body still refusing to regenerate and heal an injury even a newborn could survive. He's slowly dying a human death.

How ironic.

...Naitsu Inner Sanctum, Throne Room; unknown location...

"Life is nothing but an illusion as you see it, a name you give to the passage of time in which you so shortly exist. Such worthless cretins. Your kind has done nothing with what has been allotted them. Changed nothing. Throughout time everything about you has remained constant, stagnant... predictable. And so you imagine you have accomplished something of worth and by imagining it you make it so. It is the ultimate self-deception..."

"You try to change fate. You try to kill me. And in your ignorance, you forget all has been attempted before - by the Elders, or the Followers of Ashla, or by their predecessors.  I was here before any of your pathetic species' were a mote in the eye of the universe. Your presence, your actions and their consequences, are ultimately irrelevant. When you are dead, your kind long since turned to dust, the universe will still remain, a timeless, unmoving and unforgiving monument to all your sins."

Mortis smiles. "And I will still be here."


[Changed Mortis's speech... just a bit... wink]

Done! big_smile Took a bit longer than I hoped but I wanted to give Mortis something really awesome to say since I've been neglecting him and it took me a while to get an idea for his speech but I like how it came out. Just hope it makes sense. ^_^ Ah, and Sabien is dying. I wonder how Daisuke will take this... wherever he is...

Personality change for Safira! Like a complete U-turn. Well... I mean... she is a Mandalorian and not trying to hide that fact. And what Mandalorian is all weak and vulnerable like she was? None. Exactly.

Vampire Vocabulary:

oleni: lamb
     *A while back Mortis referred to humans as sheep. Slade is referring to Mat as csitri thus a darling little sheep i.e. lamb.

Kuly csitri oleni'ka... al'ikera le'te... no muoni han buralit'a. Ji, avio te'er pita isanta hisz'oe kinn'ka. Elid'e csitri en szelekod pel ma'no att nyelv'ka gon molo kuna'uc le'det sas, incentii verite. Ai'avio en kutnisz no'fele nyal'ka felet'ai rate rauho'det: My naive, little lamb... so daring of you... to dance with the wolf. Oh, how you put far too much faith in my control. There is little I wouldn't do just to have my tongue claim every last inch of your smooth, innocent flesh. And how I hunger to sink my fangs deep and savor your taste.

Mando'a Vocabulary:

Sur'haai: figurative - the eyes of the people.

Kad Ha'rangir: rough translation - The Sword of Hell. The destroyer god of the Mandalorian religion, who forces change and growth upon the universe.

Jetii: Jedi

Mando'ade: Mandalorians - sons and/or daughters of Mandalore

chakaar: scavengers; literally - "corpse robbers"

nehutyc: guts, balls

dala: woman; can be meant as an insult such as "b**ch"

ne'johaa: shut up

haar'chak: damn it

Mando'ika: little Mandalorian
     *ika in Mando'a means "little". Most often added at the end of a name to serve as a nickname for a child such as Ordo'ika - Little Ordo.

Last edited by Beautiful Chaos (2011-10-14 12:14:27)

Re: A New Begining

Hey, I really liked that Mortises speech. It kinda makes him badass big_smile
Another vampire is dying! YEAH! big_smile xD


Mat groaned in pain. He was still wondering why Slade attacked him. It didn't make any sense. He must tell George about this.
Soldiers were beginning to rise up from the ground one by one. Mat looked around before standing up. He shook off the sand from his robes and went towards the ridge.

A soldier followed him. "Sir, your orders?" Mat looked at him concerned, he didn't know what they should do next.
"Gather the wounded up here and set up a defensive position. I'm going to see what's going on there." Mat pointed towards the other group. The soldier saluted and went to others.

* * *

George closed his eyes for a moment. Manipulated by a woman... Again. He placed his hand on his saber to calm himself, he always felt betrayed when a woman did something like this to him. All those reincarnations and it look like he won't learn. Women can't be trusted...

"Slade..." George sounded tired. "Looks like we have no choice. Do not kill them." They needed that key more than anything. He glanced at Safira and frowned. "You could have told me. I'm not heartless. But now we'll never know whether I would have chosen to help you or not."

Mat arrived and saw that situation was tense so he just nodded to George. "Master."


You just keep surprising me. Next thing you know, planet may just explode xD

Re: A New Begining

Badass is what I was going for. He is the king of the vampires after all. wink And as for the surprises... well, we've got a long way to go. Let's just see where things take us shall we? ^_^

Be back to post soon. big_smile

Re: A New Begining

Tomorrow for sure. wink

Re: A New Begining

The day after tomorrow xD

Re: A New Begining

OMG its so hard to get away from all these people. I mean I realize I'm sexy and all but goodness... a girl does need a break. On top of that beating up grunts seems to have lost its charm. I'm in the mood to kill some terrorists...

Be back as soon as I possibly can I promise. I'll make up for it with a... relatively long post. ^_^

Re: A New Begining

Picture says more than words big_smile