Re: A New Begining

Forgot to add in the last post:
     Saa Alet: sky-owner; star-reacher - informal name for a god

Also the reason why George is just now having these flashbacks involving Slade is because of that nice little contact he had with some of the vampire's power. The whole ordeal seems to have stirred up some repressed memories. After all, not everyday people remember stuff from when they were infants.

Be back to post tomorrow. ^_^

Re: A New Begining

Take your time big_smile Starr... big_smile

Omg... This is so funny xD

Re: A New Begining

lol And yet they always tell us to never bring a sword to a gun fight. We were lied to. tongue

Finally a little Force vampire piece cause I've kinda been neglecting them. So sad.... Also for the formation of the group walking I kinda have it with Kain and Riordan in front followed by Mat and Leina (seeing as George is currently talking to Safira) and then George and Safira with some soldiers mixed in between and others forming a sort of perimeter. That's just how I pictured the scenario so hope that works for you. smile

Riordan snaps his wrist towards the ground and Shouten Yaiba shatters, some of the soldiers silently gaping in awe at such a spectacle as the tiny pieces of the pitch black blade seem to collect inside the now hollow grip which the man places back inside his robes as he falls into pace beside his brother. Safira walks alongside George, the ragged remains of her Jedi robes blowing in the hot, desert wind.

"They're very difficult to get a hold of," Safira states. "You've got to understand that the San Dwellers have roamed these sands for decades, perhaps even centuries. The only way you survive in a harsh place is to learn from your predecessors' mistakes. The San Dwellers are very resilient and will be impossible to track... we'd have to draw their attention..."

A flash of white abruptly diverts George's attention to where Slade now moves beside Leina. The blonde vampire snakes his arm around the woman's waist, pulling her to him so he can whisper in her ear while they continue walking. Slade smiles innocently as he presses his lips almost against Leina's ear, his height giving him the obvious advantage over the woman should she struggle to get away. Not that she would. He could smell her fear, the fear she so desperately tried to hide, and she wouldn't dare test the leash with which the vampire held his inner beast in check.

Slade's cold breath shocks Leina, the icy air traveling past those dangerous lips biting at her ear and flesh, traveling down the back of her neck as goosebumps instinctively spread across her skin. "What's there to compare, eh, csecsema?" the blonde murmurs, his voice low so no one but Leina catches his words. He smirks charmingly when Leina seems surprised he had noticed her looking at George and himself. "I'm far more of a man than that Jedi will ever be," he adds darkly, his voice pure sin and seduction.

The vampire suddenly reaches up with his free hand, licking his thumb lightly before using it to wipe a small speckle of blood away from the insignificant cut on Leina's cheek the woman hadn't even taken noticed of. Leina's skin chills at the faint contact with the vampire's salvia, her skin tingling as Slade pulls his hand away and licks the tiny drop of blood from his thumb. Chilling blue eyes flash with warmth, burning with gold flames for an instant before the light fades and those eyes once more cool, hunger lurking in their depths.

"Delicious," Slade purrs as Leina reaches up to wipe away his touch only to find the cut healed. The vampire smiles, white fangs flashing. "How I could feast on that rose petal skin with such a forbidden taste."

Sensing her rising urge to flat out murder him, Slade gives a victory chuckle, removing his arm from her waist as he vanishes into thin air. The blonde vampire reappears a good few yards behind the last soldier, sure to keep his distance from the group. A lone wolf if ever there was.

...Ilum, Valley of Glass; before the entrance to the Crystal Temple...

Snow floats to the ground like soft rain, each snowflake a unique star which continue to cover the mountains in a blanket of sheer white. The rocky slopes of Ilum’s northern mountain range lay deadly silent, the harsh chilling winds of the winter wasteland calm as if the entire planet was listening for the faintest sound, waiting even...

Vibrant color splashes against the pure landscape, tainted blood spewing across the snow, boiling through it and poisoning the ground as it sinks into the frozen soil. The shadows that play across the ground in the moonlight quickly shift, a small pool of sizzling snow beginning to collect at the feet of a dark figure which skids to a stop. Armor clanks together faintly as the massive wolf rises to its feet, glancing at the impression in the snow where its prey had been moments ago.

It growls, dark blood dripping from its open mouth as its eyes catch movement and it turns hastily to face the redhead. Daisuke showcases his fangs in a feral grin, having successfully landed a blow, the wolf’s bright red blood dripping from his hands. Silky, ebony fur flows like grass in some wind as underneath the wolf’s bulky coat muscles ripple, throwing off the burn of the vampire’s own acid blood against his skin.

Daisuke licks his lips as he brings his fingers up to his mouth, licking the sweet crimson away. As he does so the gash in his shoulder -where the wolf had managed to land its first blow by surprise -begins to heal, flesh stretching over the wound to close it.

"Jela peje sieladet ai veridet peje, tappa!" the wolf snarls, large fangs still dripping with Daisuke’s blood.

Daisuke chuckles, the sound violent and vicious. "Is that it? All bark an' no bite?" he goads. "Let's have us a real fight... otherwise it ain’t any fun. I wanna break every f***in' bone in your body and make ya suffer. Then... I wanna rip ya limb from limb an' feast on that bur soul of yours," he adds with a sadistic grin. "So if I were you... I'd be tryin' my damn best to keep that from happenin'. Not that ya stand much of a chance but I like my food to have a little bite to it," he finishes, running his tongue over glistening white fangs.

The wolf rushes forward towards the redhead, pupils dilating as the taste of tainted blood in its mouth feeds its roaring rage and its urge for a kill.  It then lunges, closing the final gap between it and Daisuke as its jaw reaches out to lock down around the vampire's vulnerable throat...

Slade only acts this way towards Leina right here to annoy her because he knows she doesn't like him... he's not really doing it to go against George or anything. But Leina and George don't know he's playing [cause what would be the point of him playing with her if they knew he was only playing?] so how about some jealously around here eh and make things even more heated? tongue jk Whatever you want to do. wink And he has a reason(s) he acts like he does. We'll get to that eventually so don't worry. ^_^

As for Daisuke and his fight... no, the wolf is not a Force werewolf or anything even though it can talk and wears armor. lol I'll explain it [and have a pic] in my next Force vampire post. Has something to do with one of the valsai'ium keys and its "Guardian". smile

Vampire Vocabulary:

csecsema: (informal compliment) a woman who has yet to be claimed

Jela peje sieladet ai veridet peje, tappa: May the sun scorch your soul and your blood burn, demon!
     jela: sunlight; day; sun; light
     peje: to burn
     sieladet: soul, (-det suffix) your
     ai: and
     veridet: blood, (-det suffix) your
     tappa: (insult) demon; literally - "thief of life"

bur: (insult) mongrel; stray; worthless

Re: A New Begining

Well, they always lie to us. But who's they, well that's a good question big_smile

For the formation, well that's kinda it. smile

Well, As for that Slade's move, I totally wasn't expecting that. I'll think of something wink

I suspect Ilum is our next stop after Ordo? big_smile

Post a little later big_smile

Last edited by George Kwei (2011-09-07 07:13:47)

Re: A New Begining

I like doing unexpected stuff. wink As for Ilum... well let's just wait and see what happens between Daisuke and this wolf shall we? ^_^

Re: A New Begining

Okay big_smile

George frowned when Slade appeared right by Leina, and he was surprised that he felt jealousy. But he didn't want to make a scene so he turned his head back to Safira... "So how do we draw their attention?" He asked her...

Mat approached Leina to check if she was fine. When she just nodded he continued walking by her side. Leina was looking at George like he should have done something. Or maybe she could... Why does she need a man to defend her?


Wow... I'm totally out of ideas for this post... xD Or maybe that's because its 3 AM here now xD

Well whatever, I'll make it up for you in my next post, I promise big_smile

Re: A New Begining

Well... Slade does tend to leave people speechless. It's part of the charm. tongue

Be back to post later today.

Re: A New Begining

Well apparently I don't have the time to write tonight so I'll be back tomorrow to post. Promise. smile

But hey while ya wait here's a pic of Slade's "I'm so gonna kick your ass" face for the road. ^_^ I believe this man has far surpassed my other characters as my favorite. He's just got "it" for me. wink Plus his past is by far the most... how shall I say it... elaborate maybe? Took a lot of effort on my part to fit all the pieces together and when it's all revealed I believe it will be worth it.  big_smile

Last edited by Beautiful Chaos (2011-09-09 00:38:50)

Re: A New Begining

Cool... big_smile Take your time darling smile

Re: A New Begining

Okay, I am back.

I think of what would happen to the force if our Power mixed with it....

Lost, I know what would happen, We would grow even more powerfull as the Sith and jedi grow weaker or be destroyed by the raging power of a Force Vampire.

I think to myself and start laughing at the thought of the jedi lossing the one thing that they hold dear to them.

As I think about it Lost, Is there a way to make this happen because the jedi would be lost without their foce powers?

I walk towards The Lost as she glares at me with her cold eyes but stop as I enter a stream of light shooting through the cracks in the rocks.

I do have a question for you, Do you know what the writting says on my armor because the Vampires have been around longer then any other race so do you know what it says?

Re: A New Begining

Sorry for the delay. Hope this makes up for it a bit though. The conversation between the two vampires is a bit tricky because I decided to write it out in the complete vampiric language to give it a more exotic/eerie feeling. I was going to put translations in [brackets] beside the vampiric words but that looked even more confusing so translations are at the bottom like always. Hope ya enjoy smile

Will have a Force vampire part for the next post and will get to replying to your post ASAP Jest.

"It's easy to draw their attention if we really want it, I suppose," Safira answers, obviously trying her best to ignore Slade as much as George was. The blonde-haired devil seemed intent on making everyone despise him. All except for the two brothers of course. While the noble's earlier words to the other man had no doubt been to voice his disapproval of the slaughter when it came to the Mandalorian San Dwellers, Safira had easily sensed where Riordan's loyalties lie. The man owed this Slade a great debt... and the noble would not have raised his sword against the other man.

As for Kain... should the earlier ordeal have come to blows Safira could not be entirely sure as to how the fiery redhead would have acted. While it often appeared the man couldn't care what happened to the blonde, the truth was that the redhead harbored conflicting feelings for the other man. Delving deeper Safira had found it was a hint of fear that brought about Kain's unbridled hatred for the older vampire which was then so often cooled by immeasurable respect. It was something she had not expected.

"And there are a lot of different ways to do so as well," the blind Jedi continues. "Some less... violent than others..." she pauses briefly. "The most effective way that I can think of would be to travel to where they were last seen. From there we'll have a much better chance of succeeding in whatever we decide to do," Safira concludes.

George glances back over his shoulder, his eyes finding Slade's form through the sea of soldiers following behind the formation, the Jedi worrying about journeying to where Slade had encountered the San Dwellers. The carnage had to be... horrifying. The Jedi catches a flash of blue as Slade's eyes lock with his own, something oddly familiar lurking in those deep blue pools. The Jedi's breath hitches, fire shooting through his veins as his eyes glaze over...

* Familiar. He knew this once... knew these slender arms which hold him and this soft touch which soothes him in the darkness. It was protection; love. Voices long forgotten seem to whisper in his ears, distant and muffled. Footsteps, quick and heavy, faintly echo in the quiet emptiness. Colors blur and blend together as everything fades in and slowly clears.

Flowers dance along the edge of the long path in the cool, spring breeze, their bright colors slightly dulled by the silver light emitted from the two crescent moons in the sky above. A beautiful woman walks alongside an armored man, her strides soft and graceful so as not to wake the sleeping baby in her arms. Her blue dress clings to her slender figure, long, red hair falling down along the open back as it sways across deliciously smooth skin.

"Maric, please..." she pleads, her voice warming velvet, gentle and soothing.

The man continues walking, the sound of his armored boots hitting the ground muffled slightly only by the thin layer of dirt which greets them. "I'm sorry, Bella," he apologizes, his voice gruff and experienced but his tone tender and sincere, "but the Council has summoned me. We've wasted too much time playing games with this devil they've finally decided; the situation is to be dealt with immediately."

"You just returned home not two days ago and you intend to leave us again? The orders of the Council shouldn't be your only concerns. You have a family as well, dearest husband," Arabella empathizes, holding the child closer.

Maric stops and turns abruptly, grabbing Arabella's free hand to gently pull her to him. "I know, Bella, and that's exactly why I must go," the man counters, crystal blue eyes finding Arabella's haunting green ones through dulled blonde bangs. Maric's other hand comes to rest on the head of the baby in his wife's arms. "I want nothing more than to protect you and our son... to drive away your nightmares, to destroy everything you fear. The Council has called upon me to do just that. How can I refuse them?" Maric adds with a heavy sigh as he releases Arabella and turns away slightly.

"Vikirnoff is completely out of control and the Council had lost its patience in this matter. This time he will not escape us; this time... I will kill him."

Before Arabella can make an obvious disapproving reply an imposing figure rounds the high walled opening at the end of the garden path not too far away from the couple. A flash of gold hair seems to shimmer in the moonlight as blue eyes cry out to light the darkness. The man before them dons a Jedi cloak of sorts, the upper half folded down in a stylish manner to reveal well-defined muscles taunt beneath black under armor. He immediately takes notice of Maric and bows.

"Mi'lord," a familiar voice utters, the cold, fiery bite it naturally holds partially smothered by a surprisingly gentle and submissive tone. "Ah, mi'lady," the blonde man quickly adds, having not seen Arabella initially.

"Rule," Maric nods with a slight pause, "... you're up late. I thought I told you not to strain yourself and go about repairing my ship. The servicemen could have done it. You need your rest."

"I'll be fine, mi'lord," Rule smoothly debates as he stands, bits of oil and grime clinging to the inches of exposed skin along the man's arms. "Besdies, what's the point in having skills if I never put them to any use. Refreshing never hurt," he adds with a small but genuine smile.

"Indeed," Maric simply replies.

Silence. The tension in the air is so thick it rests like a fog over Maric and Arabella, smothering them. "I see I have outstayed my welcome in this situation," Rule suddenly states, bowing respectively when Maric begins looking for the words to explain that's not it. "There's obviously something on your minds you wish to discuss in private," the man quickly clarifies, "thus I shall take my leave." A pause as he glances fondly at the bundle wrapped in a blanket within Arabella's arms.

"Do you want me to take the young master, mi'lady?" he asks, his eyes sparkling with hope. "Midna was wondering who might have snatched the child from his crib at this late hour. I was heading back to the house to check on the matter but it appears I don't need to worry. I'm sure the woman, however, would be pleased to know he is unarmed and would be more than happy to see him back to his crib if you wish a moment alone with your husband, mi'lady..."

"Yes, that'll be fine, Rule," Arabella answers, moving forward to place her baby in Rule's arms as he reaches out as if willing to accept any burden. A loyal and worthy servant. Still Arabella makes certain the man has a firm grip on her child before moving away.

With a nod, Rule brushes past Maric and Arabella who continue towards the landing pad. As the two disappear behind the high wall which prevents the landing pad from becoming an eyesore to anyone relaxing in the large garden, the man stops and glances back. With a heavy sigh he decides to continue towards the house though at a slower pace. He looks down at the baby in his arms, eyes partially open to stare up at the figure who's strong arms now protect him.

"So... the Council summons him to fight their battles again," that smooth voice murmurs. "Tell me, dalit, why do they throw him to the wolves so? Do they foolishly believe he can cheat death forever?" Rule wonders.

The baby doesn't reply obviously but the man continues as if his words had meaning to the infant. Perhaps they did. "But what more would you expect from your father, eh, dalit? A man of few but meaingful words and of brash actions... especially when it comes to protecting those he loves. He reminds me of myself... once," Rule adds somberly, his voice giving away far more than he intended.

He shakes his head, hardening his walls once more. "And like all who dare to play with fire it shall burn him eventually. Mark my words. He stubbornly believes his armor and skill will save him from the flames and they have... thus far. Perhaps served him better than I. But this time... this time he won't escape that consuming fire, won't prevail and return home to a hero's welcome."

"Vikirnoff," he whispers, "has lost all patience for these petty games of war your kind so hopelessly continue to wage against us. This time... he will not hold back." A pause, the wind howling softly as it rushes through the silent garden. "Perhaps..." he begins, the word almost silent, "perhaps I should tell them... tell Maric the truth... tell him... what I really am... it may be my last chance..."

"Ku e mustaa'kod," a raspy voice claws through the air around them, the power behind the words almost enough to send Rule to his knees.

"Ekam!" Rule bites in instinctive response, his tone lacking any and all submissiveness as he clutches the baby close to his chest.

"Te ainaak mustaa ai odam-sarna ki'o e te saro," the voice hisses in return, power mercilessly slamming into Rule's body as it sends relentless fire coursing through his veins until finally the blonde vampire crumbles to his knees in pain. "Jatne myos," the voice chuckles, the sound eerie and haunting.

Rule spits dark blood onto the ground, the crimson liquid sizzling and burning through the soil like acid. His eyes gleam with dark pits of defiance but his voice is weak and once again submissive. "Te... te nunamet aam en astidet... Sarna'ka?" he manages.

"Jetti'a... kasa e oje?" the voice asks.

"Pel'kod oja han eka, Sarna'ka, fu'jutta eka arvod'kod agba," Rule murmurs daringly. "Engem'kod kuly it enatt mane te'na pita en pel..."

"En'el enatt mane madet pide... so'es no fel saakuc," the voice replies. "O'ra att no'pel and."

Rule remains silent.

"Ai avio gond ku terpa nyelv le'dat pide. Ika avio co'att majaknak," the voice laughs softly, mockingly. "Aldyn'id, enrava knak te no olendet, ika'csitri buralit, it'pel de odam-sarna ki'gond bursodet komn'koma owe. Vigyaz ai enra pusm te; lana ai enra kurin te; lamti ai enra kurar te; viia... ai enra sielaboce te."

The voice abruptly flees, the chill in the air dispersing as silence and the spring breeze once again reign supreme. Rule steels himself as he stands to his feet, quickly catching himself with his free arm when his knees almost give way. He glances down at the child tucked safely against his chest, fearful the baby boy was hurt. Wide eyes greet him, silently starring up at his protector. Rule's blue eyes deepen with something impossible to place as the blonde man gets to his feet and continues towards the house as if nothing had happened.


Haunting colors clash in the night, green and blue shadows playing across the two figures sleeping peacefully, oblivious to the intimidating figure standing at their bedside. Lightsabers rage in the darkness, poised to strike, to steal the life from the humans' fragile bodies.

"Pel'o," a voice demands, slithering across the man's skin like some oily poison.

Rule shudders, golden hair drenched with sweat as his grip on his lightsabers tightens, blue eyes completely consumed by golden flames which crave a kill, the taste of blood tingling on his tongue.

"Pel'o," the voice comes again, harsher. Rule runs his tongue over sharpened fangs. Yes... it would be so easy... just do as he says... "Kuras meke!" the voice orders this time, the command behind those two simple words almost forcing Rule to make that single stroke.

One of the figures begins to stir and Rule's heart stops, the vampire relaxing and releasing a heavy yet silent breath, however, when he discovers its only the child, still fast asleep. He studies the infant's face for a moment...

"Promise me..." a woman's voice suddenly echoes around him.

His heart pounds frantically, his chest heaving wildly as his lungs panic. That... that voice. Her! His palms become sweaty, his grip on his lightsabers loosening, his mind rearing as it clings to that precious memory of her for as long as possible.

"Promise me..." the woman whispers.

"Rule, kuras meke and, jutasz!" the first voice roars with rage, the raspy tone cracking beneath the strain.

Rule's eyes abruptly soften and the golden flames flicker one last time as they are snuffed out to be replaced by cool blue pools. "I refuse," Rule states firmly, deactivating his lightsabers so the room is once more consumed completely by darkness. "If you wish them dead so badly, my King, come and get them. If you wish to kill me... I'll be waiting..." And with those words Rule leans over to wake the woman in the bed, her infant son curled up next to her to absorb her warmth.

"Mi'lady... we must leave immediately..." *

Safira touches George's arm lightly, power seeping into his body. "Master Jedi?" she worries.


Yes, Slade was a caring Force vampire at one time. It's hard to belief but the man is a real softie beneath that cold stone outside. And yes, the face of the character in Slade's Jedi mercenary pic is pixelated. I didn't like the way the girl drew his face. tongue Slade is also more built... like this. ^_^

First things first if you are confused about anything, do let me know. The basic point of this is that George's father [Maric] went off to face Vikirnoff [Mortis] and ended up getting killed (it's not mentioned here but its implied). Slade [Rule] was a Force vampire at the time but didn't tell anyone. In fact, Slade initially became Maric's personal guard in order to keep close tabs on the family for Mortis and to kill George's mother [Arabella] and the baby [George] when Mortis ordered him to do so. (why Mortis does this is later revealed)

Slade begins to harbor feelings for George's family, however, and though he is firmly scolded by Mortis -and considers killing the woman and child when called upon to do so -a voice in his head reminds him of a promise he made. In the end, Slade does not obey his King and helps Arabella and George escape. From George's first memory flashback we know Slade refused to accompany them and in fact remained behind to face the vampires Mortis sent to kill them, giving the woman and child time to escape.

How the whole thing ended for Slade... well, we'll get to that soon I think. wink

Vampire Vocabulary:

Took me forever cause I actually made it a language. So here's all my efforts. lol

dalit: young master - a reference to an only or first born son who will one day become the 'master of the house'; when used to address an adult it comes to mean "masterless" or "outcast"

Ku e mustaa'kod: That is unwise.

Ekam: Bastard

Te ainaak mustaa ai odam-sarna ki'o e te saro: You should be wise and remember who it is you serve.

Jatne myos: Good boy

Te... te nunamet aam en astidet... Sarna'ka: You... you require something of your servant... my King?

Jetti'a... kasa e oje: The Jedi... where is he?

Pel'kod oja han eka, Sarna'ka, fu'jutta eka arvod'kod agba. Engem'kod kuly it enatt man te'na pita en pel: Do not toy with me, my King, by asking me a pointless question. I'm not stupid but I've learned you know far more than I do.

En'el enatt mane madet pide... so'es no fel saakuc. O'ra att no'pel and: I see you've learned your place... if only to some extent. It will have to do for now.

Ai avio gond ku terpa nyelv le'dat pide. Ika avio co'att majaknak. Aldyn'id, enrava knak te no olendet, ika'csitri buralit, it'pel de odam-sarna ki'gond bursodet komn'koma owe. Vigyaz ai enra pusm te; lana ai enra kurin te; lamti ai enra kurar te; viia... ai enra sielaboce te: And how to hold that devious tongue of yours as well. My how we've progressed. Very well, I shall leave you to your sheep, my little wolf, but do well to remember who holds your leash when the time comes. Falter and I will crush you; refuse and I will break you; hesitate and I will cut you down; fail... and I will devour you.

Pel'o: Do it.

Kuras meke: Kill them.

Rule, kuras meke and, jutasz: Rule, kill them now, damn it!

Vampire Vocabulary Tidbits:

If you're paying really close attention you'll notice that the vampiric word for "serve" is saro, a reference to the late Second. wink

You'll also notice that the word for "man/him/he" (oje) is only one letter different than the word for "toy" or "to play with" (oja). I did that on purpose. XD

Also the word for "wolf" is buralit... a combination of the noun bur (mongrel, stray) and a version of dalit (masterless, outcast). Thus the name for a wolf in the vampiric tongue basically meaning a masterless mongrel.


And well... I think that does it for my post this go around. Again, any questions just fire away. ^_^

Re: A New Begining


Cool... smile And I got no questions, you explained everything quite alright big_smile


Safira's touch disturbed George so he quickly intensified his force shield... He hoped that vision didn't leave him vulnerable. But he felt a little drained. Holding the shield for this long proved difficult. Why does he do it? He asked himself. He turned his look to Safira as they were looking and continued the talk like nothing has happened.

"So you would suggest that we go back to the place were Slade slaughtered those SandDwellers?" She nodded and he glanced at Slade. That Vampire called Rule knew him in his past life when he was a baby. Thousands of years has passed since then and he still lives... He knew his mother and father. His father fought with Mortis? He knew he should remember that, like someone in the past was telling him about that. He should ask Slade once this is over.

"Slade!" George shouted, "Come over here!" Slade quickly appeared beside him. "Can you lead us to the place where you encountered those Mandalorians?"

Rule simply nodded and went ahead of the group to lead them.

Leina looked disturbed even though she tried to hide it. But George had experience with nobles and he could easily read their faces, or at least that "old" George did. This one never met a Noble before he arrived on Naboo.

He smiled at that thought. but he quickly darkened when he realized that Slade was leading them through the desert. Ou he hated deserts. He pulled a hood over his head. Although it was hot, George was a Jedi technique of centering oneself, refusing to "admit" that it was hot, so he felt comfortable. As much as that was possible.

Some soldiers cursed that they were in black armor and so did Mat. "f**king desert, I'm gonna find myself some blue robes after this..."

After some kilometers on foot they finally arrived. Slade appeared beside George again...
I wonder why Mortis wanted George dead, even if he was an infant? big_smile Maybe he could predict the future? xD

Last edited by George Kwei (2011-09-11 08:29:34)

Re: A New Begining

Mortis does possess the ability to predict the future but it is not unlimited. While he can't foretell the outcome of every little event he was quick to realize that Maric was the only one who could possibly defeat him. It should be noted that at the time of George's birth [circa 24,000BBY] Mortis had only been around for a little over three thousand years.

While Mortis is an extremely powerful Force vampire himself, his newly gained "powers of the Vampire King" were far from mature and could not be used effectively. Thus Mortis set up an elaborate trap to capture Maric and in the end devoured his soul.

Mortis was able to predict George's future, however, and knew the young child would eventually exact revenge. Knowing George's power would even surpass his father's own level of power one day, Mortis planned to have Slade take care of the problem by killing the man as an infant along with his mother. It should be noted that Slade wasn't truly aware of the Dark King's intentions until the order was given.

Calculating blue eyes look out over the desert sea briefly, taking in every aspect of the barren wasteland which seems to stretch far beyond the distant horizon. A low growl rumbles deep in Slade's throat, the vampire's gaze raking over the few stone structures towering above the sand, highly tuned senses reaching out to cautiously observe every last inch of this forsaken place. The San Dwellers had somehow managed to take him by surprise last time... and Slade didn't like surprises.

"I'll assume we've finally arrived," Riordan states cooly, waving his hand in front of his face as if shooing away some pesky insect. "The stench of blood hangs in the air and screams of the slaughter which transpired," the noble adds, glancing over his shoulder at the blonde haired man.

Slade's attention jumps to Riordan with an affirmative nod before he turns his head towards George. "It seems you're lucky today, Jedi," he begins, choosing his words carefully. "The sand's buried the bodies so the San Dwellers haven't found 'em yet. We'll have to dig 'em up though if we want to draw some attention." The vampire closes his eyes momentarily on a heavy sigh though he quickly reopens them, cruel pools deepening with a dark and bitter twist.

"I'm well aware of the fact that I'm a monster. While the sand and heat's dried up most of the blood I won't lie to ya and tell ya you won't be horrified by what's unearthed," the vampire continues, the raw honesty tormenting those cool blue eyes leaving the Jedi at a loss for words. "I tend to lack... significant restraint... as Riordan would so kindly put it."

Movement causes George's eyes to steal a glance in the infamous redheaded vampire's direction, the man pulling his favorite play toy from the sheath on his left thigh, effortlessly and masterfully twirling the blade around in his fingers. Mekura sings through the Force, louder and louder but abruptly stops when Kain raises the weapon above his head.

"Jorem'ka sazbadon'al, Mekura," the vampire demands, the order barely more than a whisper, adding to the eerie feel of those ancient words which seem to snake across George's skin like poisonous vipers.

O, Sarkon'ka, a mysterious female voice answers Kain's call through the Force, the weapon once more singing as the redhead plunges its blade deep into the sand at his feet.

The ground shakes violently as Kain's power surges through it, the sand beginning to shift beneath their feet as if each grain where an insect and their wills bent to the vampire's. The redhead smiles in pure delight, forcefully yanking Mekura from the ground. Immediately everything stills, sand pouring like water off the eight body-sized mounds which the ground suddenly gives rise to, one here and one there as if the living beings had tried to flee from whatever cut them down...

Kain twirls Mekura a few more times before sliding the blade back into its sheath. "Well... takes care of that..."

George finds his eyes involuntarily straying from one newly uncovered corpse to the next, his limbs going completely numb as his stomach turns inside out. Each body could no longer be recognized as anything near the sentient being it had once been. Simply chunks of flesh and bones wrapped up in the rags, each showcasing the large hole through its chest cavity that George had come to expect from a vampire's kill.

But... the carnage... it was still horrifying... beyond horrifying. One body had been completely sliced in half, the insides which gushed out around it having being mauled on by some creature. Thing was there were no animals within Ordo's deserts... not even buzzards. Another body was missing an arm and the appendage was nowhere to be found. It also had its own sword -or what one could assumed to be its own sword -rammed through its skull by way of its eye socket.

Safira crumbles to the ground, shuddering, and Riordan immediately sees about comforting her, properly introducing himself in the process. A noble to his very core. Kain merely lets lose a laugh, kicking one of the bodies in order to roll it over. The action reveals a corpse almost completely lacking the entire front portion of its body, the intestines and other organs spilling out onto the ground. All except the heart.

"Saye, Slade... bastards didn't know what 'it 'em eh? Some f**ked up s**t 'ere," the redhead adds teasingly, leaning down to examine the mutilated body further.

"Shut up," Slade snaps, casting George a secret glance to watch the Jedi's reaction carefully. Scorn was something Slade had come to long for, almost as much as the next breath he took. Curses which damned his immortal soul he clung to, hoping they held some weight. Anything but acceptance Slade could bear. Anything but someone embracing him... what he was...



Promise, promise, PROMISE to have a vampire part in the next one. I will! It's a bit long and I'm trying to think of how I want it to go but wanted to give ya something to do while ya wait, George. wink And I SWEAR I'll get that part for you Jest. You kinda took me off guard coming back like that and I have to think where I want us to go. But I'll get reorganized. Don't you worry. wink

Vampire Vocabulary:

Jorem sazbadon'al: Reveal their corpses, Mekura.
     jorem: show, guide, light
     sazbadon'al: corpses; (-al suffix) their

O, Sarkon'ka: Yes, my Master.
     O: Yes.
     Sarkon'ka: master; (-ka suffix) my

Saye: f**k

I'veriak: A monster
     veriak: monster, beast, animal; (-I prefix) a

Last edited by Beautiful Chaos (2011-09-13 14:32:58)

Re: A New Begining

sounds good Starr.

Re: A New Begining

How nice of you Starr... big_smile

Most of soldiers were experienced and have see similar acts of slaughter in their lifetime, still some of them looked uncomfortable, no matter how many times you see a corpse like that it is still disturbing.

Mat tried not to look at the corpses so he turned around. Leina covered her eyes and also turned around so she wouldn't have to look at them.

George looked cold, trying not to give away anything in his stance. He has seen this many times before in his past life... Some of those were even worse that this... Memory started to kick in...

He was in Jungle world awaiting something near the campfire. It was night and his fellow Jedi were sitting around it talking. A gorgeous woman approached. She was the most beautiful girl he ever saw. "George?" She smiled and George could hear his heart pounding harder. He smiled back and cleared his throat a little. "Yes, Alianna?"

"I just wanted to ask you about..." "Master George!", another Jedi interrupted them. He was running towards them, obviously disturbed by something. "What is it, Vernon?" George said patiently. Vernon stopped before his Master and waited to catch his breath before he started talking. "I have found something terrible. I was surprised at first because no one sensed it. And even I couldn't sense it even though I was close."

George was frowning. "Vernon. What did you see?" The young Jedi looked down at his feet... "Master George, I cannot describe it, you must see this for yourself." George nodded and showed Vernon to lead. Every other Jedi started to follow them but he said that he will deal with it alone and that they should watch the camp. Everyone listened but Alianna of course. She was headstrong. George didn't mind, he liked her company maybe a little to much. She knew that and sometimes she used that to her advantage.

They were following young Vernon through the tropical jungle for some time when they suddenly stopped. Vernon pointed towards the clearing ahead. George started slowly walking towards it. The moonlight was illuminating the clearing. George saw several corpses... He couldn't sense anything but Vernon and Alianna  behind him. The bodies were mutilated. Some were turned inside out, others had all their limbs removed. This was a work of the vampire(s). He recognized Jedi robes. These were all Jedi? He was walking around all those corpses... Nine Jedi killed by vampires on a single place. And like this! It was disgusting. He heard Vernon throwing up behind him. Even George was barely holding it.

He heard someone calling out for help. A man in Jedi robes was lying down by the tree. He could barely see him in the dark. But he sensed a smell of blood coming from him, he was wounded... Heavily... "George?" the man gasped... "Mack!" George responded and crouched by the man. "What happened here?" The man coughed up blood but somehow he was able to talk. "Vampires... They just swooped down on us. We couldn't sense anything here so they caught us by surprise."

Mack was George buddy from the academy. They were spending most of the days together there, and now he was dying in his hands. "Hold on, brother. Alianna is here, she knows how to heal maybe she can..." Alianna was beside him but Mack was waving off with his head... "No, no, George! It's to late. I'm poisoned. Soon I'll be turned to be one of them. I don't want to be like them! They are monsters, worst monsters in the galaxy... You know what you have to do... " Tears started falling down from George's face. "There must be some other way... I can't..." George couldn't speak anymore, this was to hard for him... "You must, George! Please, you know what will happen to me.

George knew. And his inability to save his best friend was killing him. He took his lightsaber from his belt, and was holding it pointed at Mack. "Promise me one more thing, George..." He coughed up blood again. George's hands were bloody and so were his robes. "Anything, brother!"
"Promise me that you will make those sons of a bitches pay. Promise me that you will kill every single one of them. Wipe them out from the face of the galaxy..." George... With tears in his eyes and sore voice said... " I promise, brother" and activated his saber. the blade cut though Mack heart like it was nothing. It was an instant death.  "May the Force be with you, Mack." Vernon and Alianna who were standing behind him repeated the same thing...

George stood up, and used the Force to burn the corpses. Mumbling something that seemed like a prayer on some strange language. Once the corpses were burned, they returned to the camp. Having seen their leader in blood, the Jedi asked him what happened. George simply said... "We're going hunting!"

The vision ended and there was a tear coming down from George's face. He hated vampires for what they were doing and what they did. Especially to his family and friends. He turned around to Mat. "Mat! Set up a perimeter and watch for Mandalorians. We must wait for them to find us." Mat disgusted by the sight of the corpses. nodded: "Gladly, Master George. Men!" He went to the soldiers and started giving them orders.

George noticed that Safira was feeling bad and was on her knees but Riordan was tending to her. Leina wasn't looking, and Kain was gloating at the corpses. That guy just loved violence. He noticed how Slade was watching him, so George gave him a cold look. Even though he saved his life by refusing to kill him when he was an infant George still couldn't forgive him for what he was.

George wanted to be a little alone, so he found a nice comfy rock to sit on away from the smell of the corpses. he was watching the desert and because Safira wasn't nearby he finally released his Force shield. For a moment he forgot about everything and was just watching the horizon.

I was planing for this vision to post a little later but this seemed like a perfect moment. It explains a little why George feels that way towards the vampires (like the fact that vampire killed his family wasn't enough, but still...) Hope you enjoyed it smile

Re: A New Begining

Interesting. That scene where George has to kill his buddy reminds me of DA2. ^_^ But I think you'll find Slade well worth some sympathy as more and more of his past is revealed. wink And we still don't know everything about Riordan and Kain either. The stories yet to be told...

Bit long. Hope its worth the bit of neglect. smile

Slade returns George's cold glare with more icy efficiency than the Jedi had managed, haunting blue eyes falling from the other man's form as he wanders off to find a peaceful place to think and relax... a place to escape the stench of blood and spoiling flesh. At one time Slade's actions would have sickened himself even but now.... He sighs. He'd long ago accepted his curse... embraced the monster lurking within him. It was a necessary evil he would endure for as long as he was able in order to prove himself; prove he was worthy of her sacrifice. Worthy...

The old vampire shakes his head, immediately pushing aside ancient memories and dangerous emotions. He would never be worthy. Never. And digging up the past as well as dwelling on how he felt did him no good whatsoever. The tender remains of his human heart where fragile, a place the curse would sink its twisted claws deep. He sighs again, closing his eyes once more as he tries to will away those memories, the soft cries of Safira ringing in his sensitive ears.

Tears drop to the sand, sinking quickly as if the world was dying of thirst. Riordan does his best to comfort the Jedi though he seems somewhat uncomfortable in his attempts, trying to avoid as much physical contact as possible. The noble wasn't exactly the touchy type when it came to acquaintances. However, Safira merely pushes him away, refusing his offer, turning on her knees to face Slade instead, her colorless eyes stare up at his soulless blue ones as he opens them to confront her.

"H-how could you do this to them?" she demands, her voice low but thick with a fiery bite. "Why? They... they didn't deserve this..."

Slade's eyes narrow and something in those cold blue pools seems to indicate the vampire's mental snap, Kain rising from his examination of another corpse to take a step back while Riordan lowers his gaze. "Why?" Slade wonders, his cool but edgy voice reflecting his slightly unstable mental state.

Safira lowers her gaze as well, suddenly regretting her choice to speak out. She knew what the other Jedi and soldiers were thinking but none of them had dared to say anything directly to the man. They all feared him, feared his power... whatever it was. And they were right; she should have been so wise.

"Are ya askin' me why I killed them?" Slade continues, appearing genuinely concerned about the matter. "Ah, I know what you're thinkin'. You're thinkin' 'cause I felt like it..." he adds, the veins in his temple suddenly twitching, the vampire's control of his temper rapidly fleeting. "You're thinkin' that I felt like huntin' down some damn Mandalorian sand nomads and slaughterin' a whole lot of 'em aren't ya?!" he roars. "They attacked me first, damn it! If they f***in' paid for that mistake with their lives, it's their own damn faults. I can't f***in' bring 'em back from the dead. You'r-"

The man stops in mid-sentence, eyes widening and pupils dilating. That... that presence... so faint he almost didn't notice it. He growls sharply, looking around for the missing Jedi member. Jutasz, Jetti! Where'd ya wander off to now? Safira immediately senses a presence as well, the Jedi spreading her hands out on the desert ground as she reaches out through the Force touch whatever it was. There!


George plops down onto the sand, leaning back against the rock behind him as he watches the sun begin to slowly set in the distance. Without Safira and the others around he felt like he could relax some. For now he didn't have to hide and the galaxy felt at peace. His heart suddenly skips a beat and the breath in his lungs is swept away, eyes widening as they focus on the tip of a throwing knife not but a millimeter away from plunging deep into his right eye. Im-impossible!

The Jedi's eyes warily travel upward from the blade to find Slade's predatory eyes, gold fires igniting within those deep, cool pools as the vampire looks down at him, obviously disappointed the other man had let his guard down so easily. He-he had stopped the blade? The slender form slung awkwardly in Slade's left arm begins squirming frantically, the vampire simply dropping them in response.

The person hurriedly scurrying over to George's side. Safira brushes Slade's hand aside though she appears uncomfortable doing so, as if touching him disturbed her. The blonde, however, seems to have no problem obliging, turning his attention to the desert around them as dusk settles.

"Master Jedi," Safira cries, "are you alright?!" Her touch sends power coursing through his veins but he quickly realizes she is only searching for injuries. "We detected the San Dwellers in this direction. We thought they might be organizing an ambush..."

"It might not have been an ambush," Slade asserts, drawing Safira and George's attention to him, "but their intentions have been clearly stated." The vampire glances back down at the two Jedi over his shoulder. His gold eyes narrow dangerously. Those eyes... they craved a kill. "They threaten one of us and they've threaten us all."

Safira reaches out instinctively when Slade begins to walk away, grabbing hold of his wrist. "Please, don't..." she begs.

The vampire turns with a sharp growl, gold eyes shimmering in the dimming light with rage. George notices Safira's own hand still resting on his body but before he can stop the inevitable heat rushes through his body sending unbearable power slithering its way deep into his veins, darkness suddenly enveloping his mind in a familiar firm hold...

The lights of the ship burn brightly in the dark driving rain, water leaping from beneath the monstrous vessel as engines along its belly shoot hot breath at the ground, the momentum lifting it. The sleek, silver ship rises into the night sky, a beautiful star for an instant before it disappears into the blackness which cloaks the planet. Rule stands quietly in the pouring rain, golden eyes falling from the sky as he hangs his head. A steady hand runs through drenched blonde hair as shadows shift around him, giving rise to familiar forms.

The man turns with a growl, eyes narrowing as a group of figures surround him. Death was nothing new to him. It was visible in his stance, the tensing of his muscles, the biting fire in his voice, and most of all in his cold, merciless eyes. He was ready for it to claim his soul. But he would not lie down and die for any weakling. No...  he had to give his lady time to escape, to get out of range. Afterwards... he'd commit syku. It wasn't exactly a glorious death but unless Vikirnoff or his Riikega had come to finish him it was the only death he would accept.

The darkness moves suddenly, Rule easily stopping the punch, his hand completely crushing the fist in his grasp, pulling his daring first attacker closer, his bloodthirsty fangs tearing across the other vampire's throat. He tosses the vampire to the side like a toy, acid blood sizzling on the fabric of his open robes to be quickly cooled by the driving rain. The second and third attackers move simultaneously, the blonde man blocking each blow and delivering a devastating one to each vampire's face in return, their skulls shattered completely.

Rule blocks the strike of the fourth vampire as well but the vampire lashes out with his other arm, the blonde vampire dodging the blow so it lands above his shoulder. Rule quickly twists his arm around his attacker's, a firm hand crushing down on the other vampire's shoulder as the sharpened nails of Rule's free hand sink into his throat and rip the flesh from his body. The blonde vampire turns to the fifth and final vampire, surprised. Five? Only five? Even if they were the best Vikirnoff had to offer besides his Riikega they didn't stand a chance. It was a wasteful slaughter. But Vikirnoff knew that... so what was the ace up his sleeve this time?

Enticed by the smell of blood the fifth vampire lunges at Rule, only to have the blonde vampire's hand crush his windpipe. The other vampire struggles, clawing wildly at the iron skin along his arm in a desperate attempt to escape. Rule slams the vampire into the ground, nails biting into the flesh of his attacker's chest and chin as he pulls the two apart, revealing the other vampire's vulnerable throat. Rule's ravenous teeth sink deep into the fifth vampire's throat, the creature turning to ashes which -ladened down with water -cling to Rule's shuddering body. Rule sighs on a shaky breath as he leans back onto his knees, looking up into the night sky while the rain continues to slowly wash the blood from his skin.

The monster I've become... the blonde thinks to himself.

The sudden sound of footsteps immediately brings the blonde vampire's attention back to the makeshift battlefield, senses expanding as he searches for the nearby presence. Only there is no one there... or is there...? "So... he sent you after all," Rule murmurs, his voice dangerous and animalistic.

A figure materializes from the shadows, pale skin contrasting the haunting darkness which swirls within the depths of callous, unforgiving eyes. "Razvan," the blonde vampire hisses, whispering the name as if it were poisonous itself.

Razvan nods simply, a meaningless acknowledgement of the other vampire's existence. He tugs the hood of his dark robes further onto his head to keep from getting completely soaked. It was a futile attempt. "How the mighty have fallen, Saluin. I expected much more from a man of your stature and power," he states with obvious distain, superiority dripping from his voice.

"Sorry to disappoint you so," Rule bites, naturally uncaring.

Razvan's eyes narrow and he shakes his head in disapproval. "You were a fool to betray Mir'athorin... to refuse a blatant order. The Master wishes me to bring you back alive if possible. But... if it is death you seek so badly I will grant you one final chance at redemption: commit syku. Here. Now. In His name..."

"I will not honor that bastard with my death," Rule answers Razvan's suggestion.

"Your title grants you little leniency, especially now, Saluin," Razvan growls, eyes burning with black fires. "You are a traitor. You live only because you have not attempted to strike me nor do I wish to rob Mir'athorin of the pleasure of killing you with his own hands. But I remember my promise well, Saluin... do not test my control."

"O, en'odam-sarna pide," Rule whispers, pausing to look away from Razvan to save his pride. "Kuras... kuras eka, Razvan..." Razvan's eyes widen in realization as Rule's voice suddenly lowers and the blonde vampire continues:  "Gondet koter ai jone'ka le saluin pita wake. Pel'o, Riikega," he demands darkly. "Kuras eka..."

Razvan remains silent for a moment, obviously taking the matter into consideration. Revenge. It would be so sweet. He quickly catches himself, however. "No," he refuses Rule's offer. "No, I won't... not yet. Death is too easy an escape for you. We shall see what the Master has planned for his misbehaved pet..." *

Slade snatches his arm away from Safira, almost taking the woman's own arm with him. "Baka!" he snaps. "Pel'kod sokta eka wer'te ati coro nena'det pide!"

George immediately notices the goosebumps racing over Safira's skin and the Jedi woman shivers. While she had apparently only been a middleman in the event which had just transpired, a portion of Slade's power had nonetheless traveled through her body before it reached George. It had to be... devastating.

...Ilum, Valley of Glass; before the entrance to the Crystal Temple...


The woman's frantic cry echoes over the barren valley as blood spews across the snow, the crimson liquid sinking deep, staining the pristine blanket. The black wolf falls to the ground in a bloody heap, lungs burning as they desperately grab for air, muscles tensing beneath a silk, ebony coat as the creature does his best to fight off the pain. Soft tender fingers suddenly dig into his fur.


Alaric lifts his head slightly, opening his eyes, the icy roof of a cave greeting him. He turns to find the woman who'd saved him, blonde hair cascades down a beautifully soft face, ghostly blue eyes glowing in anger, her armor and axe drenched with fresh blood, rose petal skin stained by that sinful thing. She reaches out, those slender fingers slipping through the fur just behind his ears as she pulls him closer.

"Alaric," she whispers, her voice shaking.

The wolf whines, moving his head into her hands. "Sangria..."

A sadistic laugh brings Sangria and Alaric's attention to the mouth of their hiding spot where two figures slowly emerge from the snow storm waging war against the frozen planet outside. "Well, what have we here?" a cool, observant voice wonders.

"So they wanna die together," a violent and disturbing voice answers. "How f***in' romantic."

Alaric growls, the warning deep and low, the large, armored wolf doing his best to rise to his feet. His legs shake, his stance unsteady and body shuddering as blood gushes from the open gash in his belly, the warm liquid pooling at his feet. He moves to shield Sangria's body with his own.

Daisuke shakes his head. "Ya just don't know when to quit do ya? I'll be happy to finish what I started," he adds with a smirk, flashing his fangs as he licks blood from his fingers.

Sabien's haunting greenish gold eyes lock with Sangria's, blood dripping onto the snow from his own fingers. "Give us the key and we shall leave you, Guardian. Your companion will not live long in his condition and that time will be drastically shortened if he continues to try and fight."

Alaric bears his massive fangs at the two vampires. "Enpel'kod vigiak so'en kure! Altes sieladet ravakod gori'gon tu pohi'a! Sangria!" he roars, turning his head so his red burning eyes land on the woman behind him.

Sangria reaches out towards the vampires, her fingers extended, blue eyes glowing brightly. "Summon... Sigur!"


Natayla's fingers trail over the text engraved in Jester's armor. "Perhaps... but now is not the time. We have more important things to see to. There are seven keys and only so many of our kind. We must move swiftly if we wish to outdo the fullbring who hunt the same prey as we. Come. Let's hunt us down a ship captain."

And with that she disappears, headed to Korriban's landing area.

Ah, done! ^_^ Okay, hmm... where to begin. Slade's eyes are naturally blue but they actually turn gold when he's getting ready to kill or craving blood. Oh and you'll notice the memory George relived this time has nothing to do with him. Exactly. That's cause Safira's power to read people subconsciously transmitted one of Slade's memories to George when she touched both of them at the same time. Now Slade's walls are impenetrable. So how'd Safira's power even subconsciously access one of his memories?

Touch. Slade's body is a minor weakness [and he knows which is why he lashes out at Safira. But he doesn't know George saw one of his memories...]. Any powerful Force being has the ability to delve deep into that mind of his as long as they're touching him. Riordan and Kain aren't powerful enough to do this [like Safira and George] but they still try to avoid physical contact with Slade to keep the man from getting uncomfortable.

And yes, the big bad Slade only kills 5 vampires instead of something like 10 [as I'd originally planned]. But hey he did it in like 20 seconds! That's bad ass. ^_^ But wait... he kills off 5 vampires easily and then just surrenders to Razvan? Doesn't seem like Slade I know but as I've said Slade's very complex. At this time in his life he wanted nothing more than to die in the most gruesome and painful way possible. However, he wasn't about to let weaklings take his life [he still had his pride].

Mortis and Razvan were bound to torture him and Slade would have deemed himself worth nothing more and when the time came would have died satisfied. Though we know he didn't die and he's now trying to survive for as long as possible so I wonder what happened and why he changed his mind about his fate...

Also Sangria is the Guardian of Envy. Envy is located on Ilum -a frozen, wasteland of a world -to represent how longing for things others have will leave you cold and bitter. Alaric is not a Guardian with Sangria nor is he the embodiment of envy [such as the monster in despair]. Alaric was a mortal who Sangria fell in love with. He was mortally wounded in a battle and so Sangria bound his soul to that of an immortal wolf. As his power grew, his physical body grew. Thus Alaric's current large form.

Vampire Vocabulary:

Jutasz, Jetti: Damn it, Jedi!

Syku: honorable death - a ritual suicide by disembowelment reserved for important/high ranking individuals as a form of capital punishment when they have committed serious offenses or when they have brought shame upon themselves.

Riikega: Second

Saluin: First

Mir'athorin: Dark King [Mortis]

O, en'odam-sarna pide. Kuras... kuras eka, Razvan.... Gondet koter ai jone'ka le saluin pita wake. Pel'o, Riikega. Kuras eka...: Yes, I remember as well. Kill... kill me, Razvan. Take your revenge and my title in one swift stroke. Do it, Second. Kill me.

Baka! Pel'kod sokta eka wer'te ati coro nena'det pide: B*tch! Don't touch me unless you want to lose your hands as well!

Enpel'kod vigiak so'en kure! Altes sieladet ravakod gori'gon tu pohi'a: I don't care if I die! Your cursed hands shall not lay claim to the key!


OMG now that ya know that Riikega means "second" and Saluin means "first"... yeah, you guessed it. ^_^ Slade was Mortis's First before Razvan. o_O That's a bit of a surprise. wink So just imagine how powerful Slade really is. He's holding back a lot... XD

Re: A New Begining

Okay, That is fine I yell out when she disappears leaving me to walk to the hanger bay.

As I walk to the hangger bay I take one last look of Korriban on my way there as if it will never look the same again.

I enter the hangger bay and see The Lost talking to a ship captain who looks like he has seen battle but from behide a screen and not from the frontlines.

The Lost, You need to teach me how you move like that because IF I have to walk everywhere we are not going to get very far.

Re: A New Begining

Well, George might learn to feel for Slade, but he hated and fought Vampires all his life(s). So it will take time.

Ou that Syku, reminds me of Samurai Sepuku. It's almost a same thing big_smile

I just figured out that Safira is a very mysterious character (aren't they all? xD )

Ou and nice job writing. Keep it up smile

George, although shocked by what has just transpired, immediately jumped to step in front of Safira protectively. "Do not threaten her! Rule!" His right hand was on the barrel of his lightsaber, ready to pull it out if he notices any sudden moves by the Vampire...

He protected him when he was an infant. But can he trust him! He's a vampire now. How long until the monster inside him takes over? Days? Months? Years? George felt that he was on edge. The only hope for him is that they somehow find a cure. But George feared that there are none. They searched the planets for yours, through scripts and ancient scrolls but they didn't find any. And in the end if they can't find anything, George feared that they shall inevitably face each other. He wasn't sure if he was ready for that...

"She is just trying to help us!" He was frowning at him. "And we need those Mandalorians alive!" George rebuilt his Force Shield again saying in himself that it was a mistake to let his guard down like that.

* * *

Leina saw when Safira and Slade went after George. But the sudden feeling of wrongness stopped her from following them. She sensed danger, only she could't tell from where. She noticed that even soldiers could somehow feel. Mat was scratching his head while frowning and soldiers were looking around nervously for any signs of enemies.

She was worried about George but she went towards Riordan. "Lord Koga, you feel it?" He nodded. Of course he did, what a stupid question. "What do you thing it is?" She glanced at Kain for a moment. Apparently he too could feel it.

* * *

Mat was scratching his head. He could feel that something was wrong. So he spoken out through  the comm. "All units report!"

Voices were heard coming from the comm with some static in the background: "Unit 1 reporting, everything's silent. Over... Unit 2 reporting. All clear. Over... Unit 3 reporting, everything's fine here for the moment. Over... Unit 4... Nothing on our scopes, sir... Over..." He was with unit five so there was no need for them to report. "Okay, keep yours open, men! This feels bad!"

As they were confirming the order, mat was thinking about that jamming device they didn't find in that outpost. he thought it may cause them trouble soon. He hoped it won't be now. He turned to unit 5. "Soldier. Set up a radar scanner here. We may find something that way."

The soldier that Mat has spoken to saluted and immediately went to set up a small radar. It was quickly done. And Mat crouched next to it to look at the screen to see if anything was on it...

The situation is heating up! Again! xD Well I though to write a little more, but I feared it might ruin your plans. So I'll just wait to see what you have in mind for our little characters tongue

Re: A New Begining

I based it off the samurai sepukku so I'm glad you caught on. wink And yeah, Safira's a bit mysterious but I think they're all hiding something. Dirty little secrets. tongue But I'm so happy you like my writing. I'm trying to do really well. You're doing great too! big_smile I love where this is leading and we're just getting so into it. It's really fun. ^_^

Sorry I haven't been on the last couple of days. Got caught up in some stuff but I should be on tomorrow to post. smile

Re: A New Begining

The gold shine in Slade's eyes darkens as the vampire's gaze falls to the hand George places on his lightsaber. The Jedi... did he realize...? A ragged breath escapes Slade's mouth, a faint rumble to it as if two beings breathed in unison. Black smoke begins to swirl around tense, clenched fists as the vampire desperately tries to fight the numbing sensation which sweeps through his body, the blood in his veins running painfully cold.

Words continue to fall from the Jedi's lips but all Slade could hear was that name... his name...

It had been milleniums since last he'd heard it spoken by another and yet still he found himself unable to escape its grasp. It was his curse... a constant reminder of what he'd been. A savage. A pet to a terrifying, immortal Master. Even now he still feels those merciless fingers slipping under his chin with sinful intent, forcing him to look up into the golden brown eyes which still hound his sleep, that unnerving gaze raking over his broken body with lustful delight.

"You are mine, csitri buralit..." that devil's voice murmurs, delicious serenity hiding the monster lurking beneath, the breath at his ear sending shivers down his spine. "For all of eternity..."

Slade's fiery eyes rise to meet George's with a defiant growl, trying to force those memories away. But how... how did the boy know his name?! Did... did he know? Was it possible he remembered everything... that figure cloaked in the dark... the lone wolf who dared to bare his fangs at his Master's throat? The vampire's eyes narrow dangerously, darkness and hate dancing a deadly duo in those golden pools for an instant before Slade disappears.

Chilling breath suddenly nips at George's ear, the blonde vampire's muscular body pressed hotly against his back. "Te'jikera... no faz nenaka odam-sa... Jetti?" Slade whispers darkly, his voice thick with a faint echo, two beings speaking simultaneously.

The Jedi's eyes widen as he turns his head in order to glare at the vampire behind him. He'd forgotten how fast the damned bastard was. Slade grins wickedly and George's heart thunders in his ears as, for a mere moment, the blonde fades to give rise to a different being. Pitch black skin lays smoothly over taunt muscles, haunting, pure blue eyes starring into the depths of his soul. The vision instantly vanishes, however, along with Slade himself, the blonde vampire reappearing a few feet away.

Slade tilts his head to the side, examining George. "Es'o hanku te jalleen te'hisra kuras eka... komn'te riguzan o'es koma no'ter i'veriak avrile ojen ekaakank...?" he laughs mockingly, eyes gleaming mischievously as he twirls a lightsaber barrel among his fingers. A surprised gasp escapes George's throat as the Jedi immediately recognizes the weapon as his own, futilely grabbing at his belt in disbelief. How had that bastard-?!

"Te'jal eci, myos," Slade continues seriously, his features hardening to resemble the cold killer many knew him to be, "kontadet tykod it jupkod puwe te'metelen pite burtule ek'se maye'a." He activates George's lightsaber, the blade singing through the Force as it comes to life. Black smoke dances across the skin of Slade's hand and ravenously lunges out to latch onto the metal barrel, slithering across its surface like a viper. The lightsaber's quiet song becomes a deafening roar, the silver blade pulsing with wild rage.

"And'kod siv'no wara oet pejez'raz o ravakod gaeindo oet velid, kod'fele tu'ad tuulmahl le'det kasi'kode peje alteduo siela. Ai'komn koma'a owe..." Slade warns, "o'rakod sivado'te..."


Riordan stands to his feet in one graceful, fluid movement, brushing away a few grains of sand which still cling to his robes. "I cannot be entirely certain, mi'lady," the noble answers Leina, collected. "I am able to sense it to some degree but just barely... as if it is not here nor there."

He pauses, piercing green eyes scanning the surrounding sea of sand with a scrutinizing gaze. "The desert is a wasteland where few can survive. The desert fox is cunning, the coyote swift, and the desert hawk silent. If one is wise," he adds, an approving tone to his words as he casts Leina a quick glance, "one would learn form the creatures who have braved and prevailed through similar Force forsaken desert lands. Learn how to hide one's self in the open with cunning but also how to overtake your foes with deadly silence and swiftness."

Kain shrugs, tense muscles rippling beneath his clothes. For a man who supposedly didn't like violence according to Riordan, the redhead certainly seemed to crave another fight. Of course it could just be the man's demeanor. His physical prowess, even when he wasn't fighting, was frightening. "If it bleeds, we'll kill it, princess," he winks. "Whether it dies or not. Don't be worrin' yer pretty 'lil head 'bout it."


Mat leans in towards the small radar screen, vigilantly watching for the slightly sign of movement, terrified he'd miss something and everyone else would pay the price for his mistake. When the small, green blimp pings onto the screen the Jedi almost falls back onto his ass, quickly catching himself and checking the screen again to make sure he'd seen it correctly. But there it was... movement! Near Unit 3! He opens his mouth to relay orders but Unit 3's leader immediately reports on the situation.

"Sir, looks like we got a pretty nasty sandstorm moving in fast from the west. Radar's clear; no lifeforms detected but we'll stand by and keep an eye out for anything suspicious. Over."

Mat releases a heavy sigh and relaxes, plopping down on the sand right in front of the radar, eyes still warily watching the screen. A sandstorm... this didn't sit well with him. The radar scree suddenly goes completely static and the comms go dead silent. Mat jumps to his feet, hitting the radar scanner a few times while desperately trying to get in touch with his teams. The distant sound of shooting and the shouts of war-hardened soldiers rings across the flat desert bringing Mat's attention up and away from the screen, his eyes widening. Sh*t! They were under attack!


The smell of fresh blood heightens his senses, Slade's sensitive ears catching the distant cries of dying soldiers. The vampire's nostrils flare as he narrows his eyes, golden fires focusing on the Jedi. "Ya hear that... hear their cries?" he asks, the edge in his voice giving away his excitement, the adrenaline his body was spastically shooting through his blood.

"Your men are dyin'. The San Dwellers are formidable foes and your 'soldiers' have fallen right into their little trap. Were their lives worth those of the few Mandalorian nomads you saved by staying my hand, preventing the inevitable, only a little while longer?" he wonders with a scoff, obviously extremely displeased with George.

The vampire deactivates the silver lightsaber, the black smoke dispersing into the air, disappearing completely. "Such a waste," Slade bites disapprovingly, throwing George's lightsaber at him, the weapon landing with a soft thud in the sand at the Jedi's feet. The blonde's calculating eyes remain focused on the other man for a moment, studying him intently. He'd purposely tried to dig his way under the boy's skin, intentionally antagonized him, belittled him.

Because, he thinks to himself, I don't want you to remember the good I did, dalit. I want you to hate me. To despise me. To strive to kill me. I deserve nothing more.

Slade closes his eyes on a deep breath, quelling the roar of his inner demon. "I'll do my best not to kill 'em all..." he decides to cooperate to the best of his abilities and compromise to some extent, "but the Mandalorians are naturally violent. I won't make you any promises, Jedi."

And with those words, the infamous Shirokami vanishes.

If you will not hate me, I'll become more like a monster. If you will not despise me, I'll bring my hunger to light. And if you will not strive to kill me, I'll bare my fangs against you...


Safira remains awfully quiet through George and Slade's entire confrontation but she relaxes significantly when the blonde vampire disappears from view. She rubs her right arm, trying to will her goosebumps away.

"I-I'm... sorry..." she apologizes weakly, her voice shaking faintly. "I-I didn't know... I mean... my touch... I-I'm so sorry," she reiterates, her colorless eyes starring up into George's as if she could actually see him, tear pooling in those grey depths.


For some reason this took me quite some time to write. Oh well, I like it. smile You can have George and Safira rejoin the group if you like and have them get attacked by some San Dwellers who are tricky, sly little bastards to kill seeing as they've learned to utilize Mandalorian stealth units while moving at extremely high speeds.

You can also have Slade return to the group after a while covered in blood (obviously wink) but also carrying the bodies of some soldiers he managed to rescue. Cause he's not all bad. ^_^ Next post will have a Force vampire part and a part for you Jest. It's just getting kinda late here and my brain is literally dead from writing this. So sorry. sad

If you need me to explain anything (especially Slade cause he does twist and turn a lot) you know where I am. smile

Vampire Vocabulary:

csitri buralit: little wolf
     *Mortis's pet name for Slade seeing as his first name [Rule] means wolf

Te'jikera... no faz nenaka odam-sa... Jetti: You dare... to stay my hand again... Jedi?
     *Slade is referring to how George stopped him from killing Safira the first time...

Es'o hanku te jalleen te'hisra kuras eka... komn'te riguzan o'es koma no'ter i'veriak avrile ojen ekaakank...: Is it because you believe you can kill me... whenever you decide its time to put the animal out of his misery...?
     *Referring to Slade's knowledge that George plans to kill all the Force vampires in the end, even those who are helping him. [Slade is not, however, aware George wants to find a cure for the vampiric curse if at all possible]

Te'jal eci, myos, kontadet tykod it jupkod puwe te'metelen pite burtule ek'se maye'a. And'kod siv'no wara oet pejez'raz o ravakod gaeindo oet velid, kod'fele tu'ad tuulmahl le'det kasi'kode peje alteduo siela. Ai'komn koma'a owe... o'rakod sivado'te...: You are weak, boy, your weapon nothing but a useless toy you wave around as you howl at the moon. Without hate to fuel its burning fire it shall never reach its target, never pierce the beating heart of your enemy nor burn their cursed soul. And when the time comes... it will not save you...
     *And here we have typical Slade trying to dig his way under George's skin and belittle him. But he has his reasons...
     *"... as you howl at the moon." - Slade is basically calling George a coward using his infamous wolf referencing ways [which all have hidden meaning as we'll see later] ^_^. All George does is 'howl at the moon' without the courage to jump up and grab at it.