Re: A New Begining

OMG I totally missed that. My bad.

Riordan's eyes narrow at George's cold words, the noble's voice suddenly echoing darkly within the Jedi's mind. "Those are words which will rip the life from your body if murmured again, Master Jedi," Riordan warns -or was it a threat, the biting edge to his words taking George by surprise, his muscles tensing in response. He'd almost completely forgotten the Malinov noble was behind him and more so the man's own tainted blood.

Shouten Yaiba sends sharp vibrations through the Force which shift the ground around George, the blade thusly voicing his own disapproval. "I would advise that, in the future," Riordan continues, "you not speak so brazenly on subjects of which your knowledge is rather limited."

Safira, being particularly sensitive to any moves through the Force, easily overhears Riordan's scolding George but she lets neither man know of her discovery. Tensions seemed to be at the pinnacle and alliances ready to snap at a moment's notice. They didn't need more to deal with. But... she had to get help...

"I attacked because in a place like this I had no way of knowing my life wasn't in danger if I merely revealed myself. Jedi hunters also carry lightsabers," Safira adds softly, knowing George would understand. "And I need help because I wish to aid the Mandalorians..."


Burning. Everything is so hot. Guess he shouldn't be surprised really. It is a f***in' desert. But the violent power spiraling through his veins wasn't helping matters. It moves like liquid fire, warming him from the inside out, feeding the beast within. The tainted creature claws against his restraints, begging him to give in...

Pupils dilate momentarily, swallowing sky colored irises as he fights his own weaknesses. Long, sharp fangs pierce the inside of his mouth, his own blood flowing over the tip of his tongue. Tan fingers run through damp, golden hair as Slade leans heavily against the old stone structure behind him. His eyes find the redheaded figure propped up against the same stone, unconscious.

Kain was as far away from weak as you could get... which meant for Slade to have feed enough that the other man completely passed out was not a good sign. The redhead wasn't close to death or anything but he certainly wouldn't be very happy when he woke up. Slade scolds himself. He shouldn't have lost control even for a moment. He could have killed Kain... all because of those damn Jedi...


Demonic whispers echo in his mind but Slade quickly pushes them aside.

No... he manages, his own thoughts barely coherent. I can't...

Footsteps. The sound resonates in his sensitive ears and the blonde vampire's gaze jumps up, cruel eyes narrowing, muscles tensing. His eyes rake over the ten or more shadowy figures forming a tightening circle around him. He suddenly realizes his situation, his back pressed firmly against the stone structure behind him. Cornered. Slade growls, white fangs flashing dangerous, blood still dripping from his lips.

Let them try to cage me...

Forgot to add this earlier but this is kinda how the Mandalorian outpost is supposed to look.

And this is the place where Slade and Kain are. They just sorta wandered off somewhere.

Re: A New Begining

George seemed to fight with himself. He wanted to argue with Riordan, no one threatens him... But Safira's melodic voice calmed him down. He turned his thoughts back to her... Why did she want to aid the Mandalorians?

"You wish to aid them? Why? And what happened to them?" George said looking towards the abandoned Mandalorian outpost.

Leina, still suspicious about George. added: "We didn't detect any transmissions when we arrived. We thought it might be abandoned." She glanced at Riordan before returning her attention to Safira.

Re: A New Begining

"Yes, it's been abandoned for quite some time," Safira confirms. "When my Padawan and I crashed here this outpost was the only one still around. From what I gathered from the few remaining Mandalorians, a wandering tribe of Mandalorian San Dwellers stumbled upon some sort of chamber beneath the sands and awakened what the Mandalorians quickly named Orik'baar... 'those of undying flesh'."

Her hand reaches out and she begins lazily writing the name in the sand. "I was told it was the Orik'baar who nearly annihilated the inhabitants of the planet. I didn't truly believe in the tales until I witnessed their last attackfor myself, as it swept all remaining life from this place... including my own Padawan's." Her gaze rises to meet George's though it is uncertain what she sees.

"The Mandalorian San Dwellers are all that's left of this planet's population now but they reside in the desert and have been very difficult to track. They are exceedingly wary of outsiders at a time like this and do not seem to understand I only wish to help defeat the Orik'baar..."

The sharp, repulsive smell of blood and death suddenly clings to the air, harsh, ragged breath immediately drawing all attention to the blonde figure who'd decided he'd come back around. George's blood instantly boils, his grip on his lightsaber's barrel tightening as he takes in Slade's tall, masculine form almost completely drenched in blood.

Sweat mingles with that dark crimson liquid, falling from the tip of the blonde vampire's nose onto the hot sand at his feet, his body shuddering violently as a sadisitc grin showcases prominent white fangs. His callous blue eyes shoot up, finding George of all people as his devious tongue flicks out to lick away the blood dripping onto his lips. He chuckles darkly through rough breaths, throwing two mangled bodies -or what's left of them... -forward.

The rags which at one point served as protection against hot, blowing sands are now nothing more than bloody shreds wrapped around chucks of flesh and bone. The bulky, redheaded figure thrown over Slade's left shoulder George immediately recognizes as Kain... but who were these two unfortunate souls? What had that bastard done to them?

Safira crawls forward towards the bodies, the slight movement earning her a growl and unnerving glare from Slade but the Jedi doesn't seem to care, more concerned for the vampire's latest victims. Her hands run over one of the bodies before she rolls it over, revealing a gaping hole in its chest where Slade had obviously ripped its heart out in a crazed feeding frenzy.

Re: A New Begining

George made a long long to Riordan, like he wanted to say that this is the reason vampires should be killed, before turning his attention back to Slade.

"What's that Slade? Your evil nature got the better of you?" He spoke out pointing at the corpses. "Those aren't Mandalorians I hope. We're here to help them." Then he looked at Kain. "And what did you do to him? It got a little out of hand?" George smiled evilly...

Leina was disgusted by the sight of Slade and she looked away and looked at George instead. She noticed a look that he gave to Riordan. She wondered what that meant. "Enough you two! We needn't argue now!" But George didn't even look at her, and she dared not to look at bloodied Slade. She hated that he had to feed on other people.

Wow... The situation is getting a little tense. Someone needs it to cool it down. tongue

Re: A New Begining

Sorry I have been working overtime but I am back now.

I look over at Lost and slowly walk to her.

I am ready to leave this place and serve the King.

Re: A New Begining

i think people that use their names in stuff have no imagination. except for john wayne. he was just a beast.

Re: A New Begining

Some people just like their real names, Prince dear. I just like different names.

Also, Jest you might want to go back and read just a bit, hon. There's some somewhat significant vampire stuff on the last page somewhere I think. Four new Force vampires were introduced and Mortis's plan is kinda explained (though that sneaky bastard does like his games... literally tongue)

Be back to post tomorrow. smile

Re: A New Begining

Slade chuckles, the sound coarse and violent. "You're one to talk of evil natures, Jedi," the blonde bites, his tone bearing more knowledge than George would like and his voice slightly strained and shaking as if the vampire was struggling immensely just keeping his inner demon at bay. "If I were you I'd watch who's tail I step on, boy... lest you find the wolf's fangs at your throat like these two unlucky bastards," he growls, motioning towards the two corpses with a jerk of his head.

It is a blatant threat. Slade doesn't even try to hide the dark, hungering gleam which emerges in his eyes at the mere thought of feasting on George's soul. The tainted man would certainly be a match for the Jedi... if the vampire didn't utterly outdo him to begin with. Slade's power remains a complete mystery to all of them. There is no telling what he might be capable of...

George catches Riordan shifting out of the corner of his eye but the man makes no move to rescue his brother from the clutches of the monster before them. The noble obviously has no fear of Slade or worries about the chances of the other vampire hurting Kain. It is something which leads George to suddenly question Riordan and his brother's claims regarding how little they know about this Shirokami.

Safira's hand wanders over the mauled face of one of the bodies. How could a human -even a vampire -do such things to human flesh and bone? It is impossible. This... this was not done by any man's hand... but by an animal, by teeth and claw. "These... these are Mandalorian San Dwellers!" Her angry gaze jumps to Slade, eyes blazing with colorless flames of rage. "What have you done to them?!"

Slade's nostrils flare, taking in the sharp scent of fresh fear and hatred mingled with his own lust for more blood. Delicious, that dark voice nearly purrs in his mind, the vampire licking his lips again and flashing a feral, animalistic grin. "I killed 'em... I thought that was rather obvious," he adds darkly.

Safira closes her eyes and turns her head as if looking away from Slade in shame, calming herself and ignoring his last comment. The vampire was attempting to incite her but she would not be goaded to anger so easily. She would not let him win in such a manner.

"And where are the others?" she asks, not really trusting herself not to lash out at the creature before her. Not that she'd win even if she tried. "Their... bodies? San Dwellers travel in groups. These could not have been the only ones you encountered."

The blonde vampire huffs. "What's left of their pathetic bodies is scattered across that God-forsaken desert somewhere. Ya'd be lucky to find all the pieces."

Riordan suddenly steps forward, obviously having had enough and no longer content to stay quiet. "That is enough, Slade!" he orders, the noble's voice weighed down by such authority that everyone's attention is immediately drawn to him as if looking towards the one they expected to lead them.

Slade's dangerous blue eyes narrow on the fullbring. "Riordan..." he purrs with a dark smile, "bout time ya decided to grow some balls again."

The feisty blonde haired vampire always did his best to ruffle someone's feathers but Riordan knows his tricks far too well and dares not fall prey to them. "Do not give the Jedi any more reasons to detest us, Slade," the noble responds in the vampiric tongue to save Slade some face though George manages to catch a few words on occasion. "We are already at odds with them... we do not need you adding fuel to this fire."

Riordan shifts his weight again but this time in an uneasy manner, his eyes holding a gleam he can't suppress as they rake over Slade's bloody form. "And do clean yourself up..." he adds quickly, his voice faintly unsteady, something George would have missed had he not been paying close attention.

Slade eyes flash with lust... but not for blood. "Why don't ya come lick it off me, eh, Riordan? Ya think I can't smell your hunger?" he whispers, his tongue running over sharpened fangs.

"Alte veridet, te ekam," the noble hisses, losing his grip on his temper momentarily, Slade's eyes consequentially brightening with pleasure.

"Can you... can you take me there?" Safira suddenly interrupts their conversation as if they hadn't even been talking, drawing both mens' attention to her with rather heated glares. She quickly continues. "To the place you encountered the San Dwellers I mean... if you killed a tribe the other San Dwellers will come looking for them. Mandalorians do not attach themselves to the bodies of the dead but a warrior's burial is tradition. Perhaps we could stumble upon them and explain ourselves..."

...Naitsu Inner Sanctum, Throne Room; unknown location...

A slender finger runs along the unique white chess piece, behind the ears and around the tuff of hair at the base as if it were itself alive. A pinkie suddenly stretches out to slowly, twirling the piece held in place by the light touch of an index finger.

My, my, you are causing quite the commotion... and still there's more to come...

Mortis moves the piece beside the first Black Knight but then turns both pieces to face each other instead of the Black King as he had them originally.

It would be a wise move to discover just who it is you're fighting, Jedi... Mortis continues, his fingers now twirling the Black Knight piece. You're trying to dance with death...


Natayla pauses and stares at Jester for a moment as if evaluating him... sizing him up. She finally nods. "Of course you are. And you shall prove your worth as we all did. For now we travel to Ilum. Our comrades seemed to have discovered a crystal temple within one of the mountains. It is possible we shall find one of Lord Mortis's keys there. Let us not waste time..."


Slade Quote: "... lest you find the wolf's fangs at your throat..." - if you remember from way back Razvan says something like this to George's father during their final confrontation. Wonder what Slade's doing saying something that so closely resembles something from George's past... hmmm... wink

Damn Slade's confusing. One minute he's kinda cool with the Jedi and the next he wants to kill them all. He's got major bipolar issues. tongue Really it's just involving Slade's vampiric personality. When the man is in complete control of himself his hatred for the Jedi seems less severe. After feeding when his instincts reign supreme... well... you see what happens. smile

Decided I didn't want to do an entire language. It's too much work keeping track of it all. So sentences will just be in italics. Short phrases, curses, vows, blessings, greetings, etc., etc., etc. will be in the vampiric language with a translation after the post. Cause I want to make it a bit more exotic. tongue

Alte veridet, te ekam: Curse your blood, you bastard.
   Alte: curse, to
   veridet: blood, (-det suffix) your
   te: you
   ekam: bastard [a curse/insult on someone's name]

Mortis Quote: You're trying to dance with death... - Seems George is taking on every last bit of evil in the universe, hellbent on vanquishing it. Mortis doesn't seem to agree with this tactic...

Goodness, I'll have to bring Kain back in the next post. I've been ignoring him a bit. I feel so guilty now. lol

Re: A New Begining

Yeah it seems that way. But things still need to develop so we could fully see what's going on with George. And with Slade... wink

"That won't do any good, Safira. We must explore the Mandalorian outpost" George said with his eyes still focused on Slade. He hated that guy even more now. His hand was playing with the barrel of the lightsaber, anxious to turn it on and go into duel. But now was not the time for it.

Leina seemed to have calmed a little, but that was only on the outside. Inside she was greatly fearing for George. She knew who killed his parents and that he wouldn't tolerate vampires easily. But now, he couldn't tolerate it at all, though she agreed with him up to a point. She was disgusted by Slade now.
She sensed someone approaching the scene. It was one of her soldiers. The soldier didn't pay attention to the obvious tense situation. She expected him to go to her, but instead he went to George!

"Master Kwei." Soldier bowed to him. "Mat sent me to escort you all to the mandalorian outpost.. We found some wild beasts, but they ignored us. Though he's not sure how long that will last." George nodded opening his mouth to say that they should move out, and then he blinked. Something was wrong. "Why didn't Mat contact us over the comm?"

Soldier expected that so he simply answered. "We have a problem with our comms. It seems that something from the outpost is jamming out signal, probably a signal jammer of some kind."

George looked at Riordan and Leina. She couldn't notice anything that would give away what was going on in his head. "We should go... And quickly." His eyes met with Riordans. This will escalate if things are not settled soon.

I thought that we have spent too much time by the ship. Do what you will though. ;D

Re: A New Begining

Mistress of the Fallen wrote:

Some people just like their real names, Prince dear. I just like different names.


Please, call me danijel.

Re: A New Begining

As you wish, Danijel.

While Force vampires don't necessarily drink blood that's still how they feed off a person's soul, life force, etc. They pull power out of their victim's blood. But they do like the taste of blood and thus most vampires will drain their victims completely. Slade and Kain can usually control themselves and not do that... most of the time anyway...

Kain groans, the sound a deep rumble, drawing both Slade and Riordan's attention to the redhead returning to consciousness. Slade flash steps to a nearby ruined building, gently setting the younger vampire down on the ground and leaning him against the wall in a sitting position... for the most part. The blonde remains crouched down in front of Kain, a finger slipping under the redhead's chin to lift his head so his still-closed eyes seem to be looking back at Slade.

For a moment Slade's mad blue eyes calm, the hungering gleam fading to be replaced be something else George couldn't quite place... not that he cared. The vampires' affairs were their own as far as he was concerned. Riordan moves to see about his brother but stops in front of George. Though he does not turn his head to meet the Jedi's gaze his voice drops to a whisper even Slade's highly tuned ears miss.

"My harsh words were meant as a warning, Master Jedi," he clarifies. "Your tongue shall get you into more trouble than it is worth," he adds, his piercing green eyes narrowing as he casts George a quick glance. "Forget not you too shared this taint of ours once, Master Jedi, and it can easily return if you do not watch your step."

"As for Slade..." he continues, looking away as if to ease the tension of the situation. "I would advise you refrain from goading the man. He has far more honorable intentions than you believe," Riordan assures, "but he possesses a very quick temper which often gets the better of him. Continue stepping on his tail if you wish but do not be surprised when his fangs finally tear your throat..."

With his last words the noble flash steps, a gentle -yet unsteady -hand landing on Slade's blood covered shoulder with a soft word. The blonde immediately stands and moves away from Kain, allowing Riordan plenty of space as the noble crouches down to tend to his brother. The redhead has regained consciousness though he remains a bit groggy from the blood loss. Slade says something but George can't make out the words at such a distance. Riordan looks up at the blonde, replying firmly and with a shake of his head glances back over his shoulder at the Jedi.

"You may proceed without us," he calls, sliding a small dagger from his boot. "Slade shall accompany you...; my brother and I shall be along shortly."

George's eyes warily fall to Slade, the vampire's own eyes narrowing at Riordan's words though he makes no visible objections. Slade's body suddenly shudders but the Jedi quickly realizes it is not from hunger or rage. For an instant, Slade's body appears to magically shed his blood coated shirt revealing a well defined, masculine upper body covered in countless brutal scars. George can easily tell, however, that they were not made by blades or blasters but by chains and whips. Where once Slade had struggled against a powerful oppressor and been harshly punished for rebelling.

George also catches the edge of a faintly glowing silver charmed tattoo resting along Slade's apollo's belt, the tattoo peeking out from beneath the vampire's low sitting pants line. But all too suddenly the scars and tattoo vanish, hidden beneath an exact replica of his white shirt which seems to magically flow over his skin from thin air. Slade shudders one last time before taking a heavy sigh, blue eyes finding George before the vampire disappears, gone ahead to the outpost without waiting for the Jedi. Deviant as ever... how delightful.

Safira turns her head away from Riordan and Kain, not wanting them to think she is starring. Even without eyes which could see it still seemed rude. She can't help but reach out through the Force, however, and observe the simple act of kindness as Riordan slits his wrist and offers it to Kain. She had easily overheard the brothers' telepathic conversation and knew what was coming. The redhead had fervently refused from the beginning but now he submits to his younger brother's kind words, pulling the other man close the best he can so as not to waste a drop of Riordan's vital blood.

The soldiers begin to move towards the outpost and Safira stands to her feet, pulling her hood back over her eyes, and follows...


Well, well, well... Slade's got some dark secrets...

An apollo's belt is another term for that "V" shape in a masculine guy's hips. Also, vampire magic allows vampires to manifest clothing from thin air. This comes from their ability to shapeshift into other beings thus needing to have suitable clothing. And again, Kain and Riordan might seem... uh... a little funny but I promise they're not. smile They just really care for each other... as brothers. Nothing else.

Re: A New Begining

Right... big_smile

George and Leina were walking through the desert towards the Mandalorian outpost. The soldier that Mat sent was leading them. George turned around for a moment to check if Safira was following them. He was still holding that Force Shield, so no one could read what was going on in his mind.

He remembered some old battles. He didn't participate them but it looks like one of the older himselfs did. He remembered how he hunted vampires with his fellow Jedi. He lost many of his friends to them.... Something came to his mind, what if he could r....

"George?" Leina interrupted his thinking. He frowned a little but coldly said: "Yes, My Lady?" She didn't seem upset by his behavior, but she was a noble. You can expect anything from them.

"What happened while you were in that stone?"
George started cursing in his head. He wasn't ready for that yet, so he annoyingly answered: "Nothing!" Leina's expression didn't change even a little, so that annoyed him even more, but then she said: "What do you mean nothing? Something happened inside, George. What was it?"

George snapped, he stopped and started yelling at her: "Look! Nothing happened inside, okay! I just saved you from yourself! And leave me alone..." He continued following the soldier not giving Leina time to say anything and making his Force shield even stronger. The soldier didn't pay attention to what was going on, that wasn't his thing so he just minded his own business...

Leina was surprised, she didn't expect him to snap. But she knows that something must have happened inside that stone. And he wants to hide it. Why? Safira caught up with her so they start walking together. "Hello Safira, my name is Leina." If she was upset about George, she didn't let that show. "I'm sorry about George and Slade. They are just like two separate worlds. Almost totally different from one another." Leina looked carefully at Safira while they were following George and the soldier.

You may choose for them the enter the mandalorian outpost (Mat and the rest of the soldiers are waiting for them just outside the entrance. And Slade probably.) Or you can let me do it in my next post tongue

Re: A New Begining

Safira nods politely. "It's a pleasure, my Lady." she replies formally, reaching out to faintly brush her fingers against Leina's as they continue to walk. Power rushes through Leina's veins for a mere instant, Safira learning the truth hidden behind the other woman's words. "And you don't need to apologize for them," Safira continues, moving her hand away so as not to make Leina uncomfortable. "The Master Jedi simply doesn't wish to be bothered. His problems are his own and he'll deal with them as he always has. If he wishes to do so alone... well, that's his own choice."

"As for the one you call Slade..." her voice trails off. Now he was a confusing one. His walls were ancient and strong; impenetrable. But when he'd first set foot on these forgotten sands, he allowed himself to relax, allowed his thoughts to roam freely. This place... it reminded him of a far different time... of someone he'd left behind...

Perhaps Safira had misread his feeling for that person, a mistake she'd almost paid for with her life. But no... there was no mistaking that feeling... yet it was not that man which lashed out at her. She sighs heavily. Despite everything she still felt a deep need to defend him. He wouldn't do it himself; it wasn't in his character.

"He's a man... and a troubled one at that... more so than you and the Master Jedi care to believe," she adds curtly. "You choose to see nothing more than an animal... a monster you intend to slaughter in the end no matter how his hand may help you reach your goals. Do either of you believe you can hide your intentions from him?" She huffs softly. "You're only fooling yourselves..."

Safira quickens her step, thankful her hood veils her eyes. While she could not use them for sight they didn't hesitate to betray her emotions. Emotions she shouldn't have as a Jedi. They arrive at what remains of the Mandalorian Outpost. George wonders where Slade might have wandered off to when he catches a glimpse of white along the roof of one of the crumbling buildings.

And there he stands atop his ruined throne, cruel eyes looking down on them from his lofty height as if he were a god. Perhaps he was to some extent...

Safira Quote: But no... there was no mistaking that feeling... yet it was not that man which lashed out at her. --> that feeling is obviously love; by that man Safira means one of compassion or how she expected Slade to be.

Why Safira defends him after he tried to kill her... well...

Re: A New Begining

We'll see... big_smile

Mat approached George and his small group. He was somewhat dusty, He must have been searching through the ruins.

He noticed that the Jedi was in a bad mood, well, George was always in a bad mood or so he thought. Safira and Leina approached them, they were all expecting a report.

"Found anything, Mat?" George asked him. Mat answered simply with a shrug. "I don't know. We've secured the area around this entrance. We haven't found any bodies, just piles of rubble, and destroyed buildings. And there's no sign of the Jammer yet. Though I'm not sure if the Key is somewhere here."

The Jedi nodded seriously and made a motion with his head towards Slade. Mat waved of with his head uncertain. "He just showed up there and have been sitting there for minutes now. If I were you, I would ask him if he was here before. That guy is hiding something from us."

George, looked at Slade for a moment. He hated vampires for the things they did, but maybe he can find someway to release them from their curse. Perhaps the Dark One? No, they would trade one master for another. Perhaps something in Drihten? If he can't find anything he would have to kill every one of them. He wouldn't mind to kill Slade, but he didn't want to hurt Riordan's brother or him even.
But he had more pressing matters before that. Find the Keys.

"Tell him to come here." Mat nodded and went off towards Slade. George looked at Leina and Safira. He felt that he should apologize to Leina for his behaviour, but now is not the time. He felt a little uncomfortable because she was starring at him with her cold noble look, but he considered that a punishment. He turned his gaze to Safira. His Force Shield was still up, though it was a little draining upon his strength, but he will hold out. He didn't want anyone to sense his emotions and thoughts.

"Is there something we should know about this place?" He asked the female Jedi. George thought he saw Leina frown, but if she was her face was cold now.


Mat was climbing up the ruined building to reach Slade. He slipped a few times but he got there without a scratch. He shook off some of the dust from his black robes with his hand, and looked up at Slade. He seemed a little distanced, like something was troubling him. He recognized that look. He knew it all to well.

He cleared his throat and and stepped beside the vampire. "White Wolf. The rest have arrived. They are looking for you." Slade seemed surprised that Mat called him like that, but young man had another question. "Something troubling you?"

Well I think that soon it's going to become interesting big_smile

Re: A New Begining

Slade's eyes narrow, focusing on George and the others. How long since someone had asked him that question; since someone had dared show a hint of concern for the dreaded Shirokami? There had been those in the past but... he stops, quickly cutting that memory short. Riordan and Kain had also once worried about the man but had quickly learned he didn't take kindly to compassion or pity. His decisions had been his own; he certainly didn't need anyone to coddle him and tell him they were right or wrong, wise or brash. He couldn't change anything so dwelling on the past did him no good.

He closes his eyes on a heavy sigh, attempting to clear his mind of events long passed. As for the Jedi... Well he doesn't really care. Jedi never care, Slade condoles himself. They aren't allowed such emotions. "It's nothin', Jedi," Slade answers softly, surprising Mat until his head turns slightly. Chilling blue eyes land on the other man, driving hammers into his spine, the Jedi's lungs panicking for a mere instant, deprived of too precious oxygen.

"Just an old wolf reminiscing that beautiful tune he sang long ago but can never sing again," he admits though the meaning behind those words alludes Mat, the blonde looking up into the sky where dark clouds begin to form and swirl above the Outpost. That can't be good... he thinks. Slade suddenly disappears, reappearing near George though the vampire is careful to keep a bit of distant between them, dust swirling around his feet.

"Ya need somethin' killed?" he asks, obviously being rather skilled in that field. He pulls a cigarette out of his pants pocket and lights it, taking a long draw before slowly blowing the smoke out of his mouth. He avoids looking at the Jedi directly, instead watching the soldiers continue searching through the ruins of the Outpost.

Safira lowers her head faintly, seemingly uncomfortable around Slade, once again thankful her hood veiled her eyes. It wasn't surprising really; many were intimidated by Shirokami especially after seeing what the man left of his victims.... "Nothing's special about Ordo," she begins. "It's just sand, Mandalorians, and more sand. You're looking for some kind of key you said?" she wonders.

Slade looks to George, his cigarette held clenched in his pristine white teeth. "It isn't in the Outpost," he interrupts. "Even if the Taung were guardians of one of the keys the species died out ages ago. The Mandalorians are nothin' but a mess of cultures now. If we're lookin' for one of the keys, we're gonna need to be searchin' for a tomb... somethin' under the sand."

"The San Dwellers-" Safira begins only to be interrupted by a soldier's voice.

"We've got movement on the other edge of the Outpost!" the soldier calls from his vantage point atop one of the buildings.

Slade immediately flash steps to the man's position, startling the soldier. "Let me see," he orders, pulling the man's weapon away from him to look through the scope. The vampire pulls away from the scope with a growl, flash stepping back to George's position. He props the assault rifle up on his shoulder while taking another draw from his cigarette.

"Well... I'll believe you'll be wantin' my killin' services right 'bout now, Jedi..."


Kain licks at the gash in his brother's wrist, his tongue running over the open wound, tainted salvia sizzling at the contact with fresh blood. His pours his power into the small motions, vampire magic forcing new skin to form and slowly stretch across the opening, healing it completely. He looks up at Riordan allowing the other man to pull away and rub his wrist, fingers tenderly caressing new skin.

The redhead sighs. He'd hated using his brother like this; hated the curse which made him to crave such a wicked thing. But it was a curse, a burden, he would bear as best he could. He'd given in for the right reasons; saved Riordan's life in the end. That was all that mattered.  Riordan looks up suddenly, green eyes narrowing as they find the dark clouds forming over the Outpost not too far off in the distance.

"We must go, Kain," he murmurs. "Dark forces amass and swiftly rise against us."

Slade Quote: "Just an old wolf reminiscing that beautiful tune he sang long ago but can never sing again." --> Slade is referring to when he was a human/mortal.

As for Kain healing Riordan's wound: all vampire's possess healing properties in their salvia. Should a vampire have a basic understanding of the healing arts the capabilities of their salvia is intensified. Why their salvia is able to perform such feats is something of a mystery...

If you want you can bring the Orik'baar [known in Basic to mean 'those of undying flesh'] in for your next post or leave it to me. If you remember the San Dwellers stumbled upon some sort of chamber beneath the sands and awakened the Orik'baar and it was they who have nearly annihilated the Mandalorians on the planet.

As we go along our adventurers may stumble across more of the Orik'baar Army but for now it's just some 50 of the infantry class soldiers. They cannot be killed with rifles or blasters of any kind. Swords/sabers work best when you stab them where the heart would be or cut their heads off.

Gonna try and add some Force vampire parts in the new few. Kinda been neglecting them too. So guilty... tongue

Re: A New Begining

George made a sly smile saying: "Do what you do best Slade. I suggest you ambush them when they come to us. We'll hold the line here." George waited for him to nod before he went towards the rest of the soldiers that gathered here.

Mat jumped down from the building mumbling something to himself. Leina and Safira followed George. The Jedi just smiled to all that. Battle awaited.

They arrived at the opening where the rest of soldiers gathered. "Men!" George shouted. "Form the line and draw your swords." Some of the soldiers gave a surprised look at George. "These Orik'baar can't be killed by blasters. You must stab them through hearts or cut their heads. Whichever you prefer." The soldiers took their swords forming a line. On the other end of the clearing, Orik'baar began to show up. Some of them pointed towards the black soldiers.

"Steady men! Wait for them to charge!" George took his lightsaber from his belt and started twirling it around his hand. Mad already held his saber, and so did Leina and Safira. George hoped that Slade wouldn't attack prematurely. The Orik'baar started running. Their golden armor was shining from the suns glare, but it soon stooped because the dark clouds concealed the sun.

George thought some of the soldiers would be nervous but they were good. He will see them how they will handle themselves. Just as Orik'baar started to charge dozen meters from them, George force jumped into the air surprising everyone. He landed just in the middle of golden soldiers stomping the ground and creating a powerful kinetic pulse sending the closest Orik'baars flying, while others somehow resisted it. But still, their charge was broken and Mat saw the opportunity and started shouting: "Charge! Charge!". He activated his saber and force jumped towards the first Orik'baar stabbing him through the back.

Soldiers clashed, and men in black armors proved more skillful than their enemies. Leina followed them entering in a duel with two soldiers. Her violet saber gracefully clashing with their swords .

George activated his saber and stabbed the soldier that was on the ground. He raised his head just in time to see an Orik'baar getting up and coming towards him. He entered a fight with him thinking "Where is that guy Slade?"

Some fighting finally big_smile

Re: A New Begining

Ooh... it's getting good again. I think you'll like what I have planned. Again flashbacks have the * at beginning and end. ^_^

The Orik'baar facing George suddenly stops and, as it falls to the ground in a crumbling heap of rages, its head slides from its shoulders and rolls to a stop somewhere nearby. George's eyes meet Slade's intimidating form, black smoke dancing dangerously around clenched fist. The blonde turns his head towards the fighting were gold clashes with black again and again and for a moment George catches a glimpse of something distant in those sky blue pools.

George's heart stops in his chest and his eyes widen slightly as his mind is suddenly thrown back into a whirling chaos of memories long dead.

* A man stands in the dark, driving rain, partially illuminated by the lights of the ship, blonde hair soaked and tense muscles rippling in the cold beneath his drenched robes as he lets out a shuddery breath. His head is turned, soft blue eyes remorseful and distant as if he were searching for something he'd left behind... someone he'd left behind.

The soft sound of footsteps brings the man's attention to the ship, eyes traveling up the ramp to find the beautiful woman standing there, a baby wrapped safely in her arms. "Rule?" she wonders, looking down at him, her voice like velvet, gentle and smooth. A mother's voice.

The man drops his gaze, feeling unworthy to look upon her. "Forgive me... mi'lady..."

"Rule," she urges, taking a step down the ramp. The man holds up a hand to stop her.

"Please," he pleads huskily, still not meeting her eyes. "Leave me... I... I don't deserve such kindness from you after what I've done."

The woman appears genuinely clueless. "You've done nothing wrong..."

The man simply shakes his head but the woman becomes visibly upset, the baby beginning to slightly squirm in her arms as it senses its mother's distress. "I refuse to just leave you here to face those monsters alone, no matter how fervently you claim to be one of them. You didn't heed his call. That proves you're not like them, Rule..." she adds compassionately.

The man sighs, shoulders slumping as if he were accepting a burden. "But I am, mi'lady. I'm no more human than they... simply a wolf in sheep's clothing... a monster waiting to devour your children in the dark," he growls, cursing himself. "I'm not worth anyone's pity and compassion. I won't have it," he bites.

If the woman is upset by this, it doesn't show. She takes another step down the ramp, her eyes pleading. "I've seen what those creatures are capable of. You're not like that. I know it. Please, Rule... come with us..."

"Leave me!" the man orders harshly, cruel eyes jumping to meet the woman's gaze, shocking her into taking a step back. He seems satisfied with the results though he looks away again, ashamed, when the baby begins to cry. "Already my belly aches for more than food can give it... I would rather anything than I break that promise I made so long ago..." he whispers.

The woman holds her baby closer, attempting to soothe it. How often he spoke of that promise... of the one who inadvertently cursed his soul to this eternal damnation. Yet still he loved her, still he strived to keep that promise... to remain as human as possible... for her. He may be monster in his own eyes but a monster has no concepts of love and promises.

The woman finally takes one last look at the man before stepping back into the ship. As the ship's ramp begins to close Slade's eyes caringly find the bundle in the woman's arms, the baby boy snuggling against his mother.

One day... you and I will meet again... *

George is abruptly jolted back to reality as Slade flash steps to a nearby Orik'baar, his fist traveling completely through the creature's chest before the vampire quickly moves onto the next kill. The Jedi is in complete shock, almost unable to move, his limbs numb. That-that vision... that... memory... it-it couldn't be...

An Orik'baar comes up behind George, raising its sword in triumph as it prepares to cut the Jedi down. The creature, however, emits a ghostly screech as a black blade runs through it from behind, whatever was within turning to sand and leaving it's armor hanging from the end of Riordan's sword. The noble tosses the rags and armor to the side. "Is something wrong, Master Jedi?" he wonders.

Leina continues clashing blades with the two Orik'baar soldiers but suddenly a third flanks her, taking the Jedi completely off guard. Kain appears from thin air, blocking the creature's blade with an arm. He turns his head to glance over his shoulder at Leina. "Ah, miss me, princess?" he chuckles, reaching out to rip the third Orik'baar's head clean from its shoulders. He then throws its sword at the second creature with such force that it goes through its chest completely. He holds his hand out politely towards the last Orik'baar surrounding them. "'Ave at 'im," he grins.

Safira clashes blades with two Orik'baar, dropping down to sweep one off its feet. The second lashes out at her with its sword but she ducks and twirls around, coming back up to cut its head off before stabbing both sabers through the chest of the one of the ground.

Completely unexpected right? lol Oh yeah. Slade was around when George was originally born (not a reincarnation or second-life... the first time) and apparently was a Force vampire at the time but helped George's mother escape an attack by other vampires....

Finally! I've been waiting to go in-depth with Slade's past and how he's connected to everything for like ever! ^_^ I'm not going to reveal everything in one big heap. Just slowly, little by little... wink Oh and Slade does know George is well George... or the baby... There's a reason Slade's acted all aloof, "oh, I don't know you", and all out "I hate you" towards George though. We'll get to that eventually.

Wonder what that memory has to do with Slade's (and a bit of George's) past before then though... hmmm... ^_^

Okay a few things... (1) Slade's "her" is not a Force vampire. (2) In case of confusion Slade's promise doesn't have to deal with him remaining as human as possible. It was a promise he made before becoming a Force vampire thus he feels the need to remain as human as possible in order to keep it. The promise itself will be elaborated on later. (3) Feel free to finish up the fight with the Orik'baar. smile

Re: A New Begining

So wait... Slade was George's original father? I don't get it xD

George looked at Riordan for a moment, still confused by the vision he had. And then he answered him. "No no... everything is fine. We have a fight to finish." He raised his lightsaber, and then used the force to throw the golden armor Riordan just tossed at the Orik'baar that was trying to take them by surprise.
That threw him off balance, and George made a strong swing to cut the golden soldiers head...

Leina huffed at Kain and attacked the last Orik'baar. He was discouraged by Kain's appearance so he didn't pay attention to her, and she easily pierced through his heart.

The armor that the soldiers had was resilient to swords. So most of the black armored man went through the fights without the scratch. Mat just killed one of the last remaining Orik'baar and raised his head to look around. George was apparently dueling with the last golden soldier. Riordan appeared behind his back and kicked him. The soldier landed right on the pointy end of the George's lightsaber. Wonderful. Mat started clapping and was surprised when other Soldiers joined him.

George just waved with his head with a smile and raised his lightsaber to salute him. Mat replied with a nod. Soldiers were cheering as if they won a great victory. Mat guessed they should celebrate. Everyone survived. But what now? He scratched his head and went towards George.


George deactivated his saber as he watched the soldiers celebrating. Something is wrong. Mandalorians are not weak. How were they exterminated if these Orik'baar are like this. Perhaps they had something else in store. He turned his head to look aT Riordan. The Noble looked like he just arrived from a ball not from a battle. "Riordan... I fell we must move on quickly, something feels wrong here. I had a vision in a midst of battle..." Riordan looked at George curiously, but the Jedi just shrugged with his shoulders. "It's probably nothing I'll tell you about it later."

Mat arrived grinning like a clown... "Master George, these Orik'baar are a peace of cake for us I bet we could kill an entire army of these with ease. That kind of rimes doesn't? No?" He made a questioning look but George just waved off with his head. "Grow up, Mat."

"I've been telling him that for years", Leina added as she, Kain and Safira approached. Her face darkened a little when Slade appeared.

"Nice job, but I'm afraid we can't go into battles with these guys to much. We must find a key. Any suggestions?" George interrupted them with commanding voice...


I'll let you continue this. big_smile

Re: A New Begining

Slade calls the woman "mi'lady" not "my love" or something endearing. This means he was addressing her as if she were his noble or higher -not a lover -meaning Slade was a hired hand.

Seeing as the woman was attached to Slade to some extent and Slade to her -as well as her child (George) -means he was more than likely a very close personal guard, one which had been around for quite some time [why he seems to care for this woman and more so her child will be elaborated on later]. What that has to do with everything... well... we'll find out won't we? wink

Oh and George having these memory flashbacks doesn't really have to deal with anything other than revealing parts of Slade's past which will help lead up to the rest of Slade's past being uncovered... eventually.

Now George will only have flashbacks of significance and where he was present at the time [which will be few considering George was still a baby when Slade was left behind]. Each flashback will usually only be brought about by a bit of deja vu [such as Slade saying something or moving/standing a certain way].

But hey, ya kinda know why he decided to heal George now don't ya? smile

Slade throws Mat a scolding glance. "A wise general never sends his best soldiers 'gainst an enemy who's strength he doesn't know," he begins, dropping his cigarette and snuffing out the flames beneath his boot like it was a detestable bug. He blows the last bit of smoke from his nostrils. "With this attack we can tell whoever's behind this knows damn well what they're doin'. It only gets harder from here and bein' cocksure will get ya killed faster than a blaster bolt between the eyes," he adds smoothly.

The vampire turns his head towards George, shoving his hands into his pockets as black smoke and eerie whispers slowly fade. "Like I said... we're gonna want to be searchin' for a tomb. The Taung died out ages ago and if they'd been hidin' a key they would have had it buried with the last of their kind," he concludes, "in a massive, hard-as-f**k to get into tomb."

Above them the dark clouds which foresaw the arrival of the Orik'baar begins to swirl and clash more violently, silent purple lightning shooting across the sky in wild streaks. Though Safira can't see it, it's obvious she senses the raging storm... as well as other things. The fighting had distracted the Jedi from his paranoia and his shielding had weakened. But Safira doesn't prod... it wasn't her place...

Instead Safira simply nods gently, agreeing with Slade though she appears reluctant to do so. "We need to find the San Dwellers," she begins. "One of their parties stumbled across a cavern beneath the sands. Shortly afterwards the Orik'baar began their attacks. I... I think the San Dwellers might have discovered this tomb you may be looking for and the Orik'baar resided as its guardians... it would make sense."

Slade chuckles, the sound shocking just about everyone. He grins charmingly, white teeth flashing. "My, my. Thank Saa Aket she isn't as dumb as the rest of 'em."

Re: A New Begining

Right big_smile Tnx for clearing that up big_smile

Mat was deep into thinking about what has Slade said. George frowned a little because the vampire said for them that they are not smart, while Leina was watching him. It was obvious she was studying him. And she gave Slade a few glances as if she was comparing the two of them.

Finally George interrupted the silence. "Then I guess coming here was a mistake. Let's go." He started walking but then Mat said: "Hey, but what about that jamming device? Should we find it? I mean... someone has put it there for a reason. I don't think Mandalorians would want to jam their own comms."

George turned to look at him, as did everyone else. "And wait for more of those golden things to come? Not a chance Mat." Mat simply nodded. And the Jedi turned to Safira, intensifying his Force Shield...

He didn't really distrusted her, just there are some things she mustn't know. Or he was just telling that to himself. Leina was still looking at him, and that made him feel a little uneasy. But he focused his look on the blind woman.

Mat came back with the rest of the soldier who formed a circle around their leaders. He looked a little concerned as if that jamming device was still troubling him. He felt like it's somehow important...

"Safira you know where we can find those, Sand Dwellers?" George asked her.