Re: A New Begining

OMG! That was fantastic! You don't need to change a thing! big_smile Amazing! ^_^ And I think I understood everything. If it happens I post something that doesn't match your story or whatever as we continue please feel free to call me on it. I don't mind and would much appreciate it. smile

Riordan's eyes narrow and the noble averts his gaze, ashamed. He had assumed that the man in his vision was a mere apparition, a mental fragment of the real being. Even had he thought it was the real man he would not have expected the Jedi to remember such an encounter within the depths of Riordan's despair.

The noble's muscles tense suddenly as a feeling of vulnerability sweeps over him and he holds back the growl rising in his throat. Already the Jedi had managed a way past his carefully constructed walls and discovered more than Riordan wished anyone to know. It was the feeling of helplessness, of his own inability to prevent what was happening, which reminded the man so easily of his past. And he resented that...

"You would be correct, Master Jedi," the noble speaks softly, cooly, a faint, dark bite to his tone. "But I would prefer you not prod into such matters for now. We may speak of it later... if you so desire it..." he adds weakly, obviously uncomfortable. It seems there is even more to the noble and his brother than George had already witnessed...

Kain moves to Riordan's side, noticing how the noble wished to avoid whatever it was the Jedi spoke of. The redhead's eyes gleam with defiance as he looks down on George, attempting to draw attention away from his uneasy brother. "I suppose... I should thank ya, Jedi," he growls, the words strained as if speaking them took a great deal of effort or caused Kain some pain. "For keepin' an eye on Riordan. Not that 'e can't handle 'imself," he quickly clarifies.

Slade remains excluded from the group surrounding George. It was not that he had a hard time controlling his hunger around the humans as they might more than likely believe but that the older vampire could care less for the Jedi all but Kain seemed so engrossed with.  In fact, Slade seemed to harbor a deep-seated hatred of the Jedi for some reason though he couldn't quite place his finger as to why. Not that he cared. If he hated someone, he hated them. Simple.

But there was more to it than that suddenly. Though the Jedi had only been back for a few minutes, the vampire's blood had run cold with the man's first gasp. There was something... different about him and it seemed Slade was the only one able to sense its roots. The blonde's blue eyes narrow coldly.

If you play with fire, Jedi...

Really big, important Force vampire add-in for the next post. Was writing it for this one but I want pictures. ^_^ I think you'll be surprised as to what happens... at least a little bit. wink

OMG Slade knows what George did last summer... err... in the stone... in his memories... in someplace... whatever... tongue Just kidding. Slade does know a good bit though (he's just a very complex character who's yet to be really fleshed out yet... which I'm working on). He has his suspicions as to why George is "different" hence the last line of the post. But he doesn't know everything... or maybe he does... *spooky noises* tongue

Re: A New Begining

Thank you Starr... I was writing it for days. I was watching for every detail and yet tried to make it understandable. smile

As for Slade, I don't think Slade can know what really happened. Unless he's been there. Which is unlikely. There are three ways to get into the Bore. The first one was the George did, the second is through Drihten, and the Third is that The Dark One pulls you in there himself. He may sense it or have a "feeling" about it. I guess. xD

Or whatever, It would be interesting to see what happens with Slade and George in the future.

Ouu, and George will grow more and more powerful with time, as his memories fall into place. And I really can't say how powerful, but you'll see in future posts... tongue

George nodded to Riordan's request as if he expected that, and he understood, no one would one to speak of it in front of others. That damn stone of memories made him remember every little detail during the time he was carried in Mat's pocket or in the Guardian's hands.

He turned to Kain as he was speaking to him. He felt uneasy speaking those soft words. But know after Riordan's vision, he somehow understood Kain a little, so he started liking him. George smiled at him saying: "Don't worry big guy, Riordan was holding it better than I expected. He's tougher than he looks."

When he turned to Leina, she looked cold, but he could sense fear coming out of her. Why was she afraid? "You knew my family..." He said with slight sadness in his voice... "Yes, I did, and we'll speak of it later if you want." She replied and handed him over his lightsaber bringin' smile to the conversation, "You dropped this inside." George smiled back and accepted the saber twirling it around his hand. It felt good.

When he turned to Mat he just shrugged his shoulders. They smiled to each other before George addressed the little group. "Ordo is it? Should we go now, or stay for the night here on Naboo? I still got that beautiful villa on the lake."

Don't know what to say here. Roll back the page big_smile

Last edited by George Kwei (2011-08-19 07:16:40)

Re: A New Begining

Oh, of course Slade doesn't know everything about what happens with George. ^_^ But he has suspicions which are pretty damn close. Like I said he's just a very complex character.  wink Will post in the morning. Promise.  smile

Re: A New Begining

Btw, Slade doesn't need to be told what's going on because he is able to read everyone's minds, picking up what he needs to know. Sneaky bastard. tongue Kain just isn't very skilled in that area.

"We need to leave as soon as possible," Slade voices his opinion suddenly, the group parting like waves and each turning their attention to focus on the blonde vampire. His eyes betray how naive he thought George to be for even suggesting staying the night. "Mortis's forces don't wait to slaughter innocents or sit 'round when there's things to be done," he continues. "Neither should we."

Kain shakes his head, the redhead's temper spiking unexpectedly. "Whoa, what tha f**k's goin' on 'ere? When tha f**k did we decide we're goin' to Ordo?!"

Though George's situation had been explained to Kain -even if it was lacking in detail -the hotheaded vampire had yet to hear of what had transpired within the depths of the Temple and the new task which had been laid before them. Riordan places a claiming hand on his brother's shoulder.

"I shall explain it later, Kain," the noble answers smoothly, the man's gaze sliding away from Slade to cut to the side and land on George.

"I agree with Slade, Master Jedi," he addresses George. "The longer we wait, the more is at risk for us to lose."

...Naitsu Inner Sanctum, Throne Room; unknown location...

Blood and death. The smell was sharp and fresh but something the residents of Naitsu had long ago grown accustomed to. However, it was not everyday that the blood of one of the brethren was spilt, spewed across the floor in a long, dark arc. A merciless blade had taken the body now slumped on the floor in a bloody mess by surprise, almost cutting the intended vampire into two separate pieces entirely.

A dark gleam emerges in golden brown eyes that do not move from the lightly, tanned figure which towers above its conquest, eyes of matching color glaring down with distain on the corpse at its feet, black robe adorned with a few drops of prized crimson.

"Nanashi," Mortis's eerily calm and polite voice utters deeply, carrying throughout the room. "Quite the entrance," he adds, an amused tone clinging to his words.

The age-old vampire does not outwardly react to his Master's words but they still have their effect. What in reality had only been about a year suddenly seemed like an eternity since Nanashi had heard the only voice that could send shivers down his spine; dared to whisper the name of his King. And even standing before him now Nanashi could not meet those eyes...

"One act of vengeance deserves another, wouldn't you say, my King?" Nanashi wonders, his voice rich and smooth, a touch of danger hiding in his tone. His eyes daringly rise enough to find the smile curling those lips.

Mortis's eyes glitter, pleased. "Indeed," he mutters, his gaze shifting slightly to the three scars on the left side of Nanashi's face, resting just below the vampire's left eye. Despite Mortis's attempts the scars remained and Nanashi still suffered a small amount of pain when he opened his eye. Mortis's powers were not meant for healing after all. Still, the look suited the brown haired vampire quite well. He had been lucky to survive with just those scars.

It was Mortis's policy that only the strongest deserved to survive. Saro was an incompetent, power-hungry fool; nothing but a waste of space Mortis only kept alive because his brute strength had been an asset at one time. However, when Saro had ambushed Nanashi, killing the vampire -or so he believed - for a crime not inflicted against his own flesh and stealing his title, Mortis almost incinerated the blonde haired devil on the spot.

Nanashi managed to survive the incident though not without some effort on Mortis's part and Saro -believing he had killed Nanashi and rightfully taken the title of Second -allowed to live only to reap what he sowed. Mortis's eyes shimmer with dark delight as they find the blonde haired corpse on the floor. And reaped he had. Later than he sowed and far more than he sowed.

...Naitsu Inner Sanctum, Gathering Chamber; unknown location...

Six. The last of their kind; the last of the true purebreds. This was all that remained of his once grand armies, six generals with which to conquer what he could not with thousands. The flash of teeth in a sadistic grin and a maniacal chuckle pull Mortis from his thoughts.

"So Saro finally got what was coming to him, eh?" a violent and disturbing voice asks, followed by a scoff. "Pathetic bastard," the voice adds sharply with a cocky tone as chilling blue eyes -partially obscured by dark red bangs -find Nanashi's amber ones.

Nanashi does not care to respond to the goad hidden in those words. Daisuke had always been an impulsive and violent creature longing for nothing more than a fight. Nanashi would not stoop to his level.

Another voice jumps in, this one cool and observant. "An eye for an eye leaves the world blind, Nanashi... there are those of us who know that better than others. Perhaps you should learn from Razvan."

Razvan steps forward, away from Mortis's side and towards the vampire next to Daisuke. "You should learn to watch your words, Sabien, lest you lose your life because of them," the First growls, his threat transmitted thusly.

Sabien smiles faintly, the action echoing his twin brother's cockiness. His greenish-yellow eyes cast the First a quick glance. "You're welcome to try, Razvan..."

Razvan's blackened eyes narrow and the smoke emanating from them thickens. The two vampires at the very end of the table remain silent, not wishing to involve themselves in the affairs of the first four vampires it would appear. In truth, Dante was naturally quiet, speaking only when spoken to and even then not responding unless he had something of value to say. Dmitri, on the other hand, was merely lazy and unenthusiastic. Words seemed to involve far too much effort for him.

"That is enough," Mortis's voice resonates, immediately bestowing silence upon the vampires gathered before him. "I did not bring you here to quarrel over trivial, irrelevant matters like children," he scolds. "It seems the Elders have struck one final blow upon my empire... a group of fullbring have managed to discover one of the keys of Drihten."

The other vampires seem surprised by this as much as Mortis. "A key? So what? Want us to kill 'em and take it back? It would be a helluva lot easier to search for the others if we had a map to start with..." Daisuke quickly assumes.

Mortis closes his eyes briefly and shakes his head. "Not at all," he answers, opening his eyes. "If anything the fullbring are an indirect asset in our quest for all the valsai'ium keys. Continue searching for the other keys but leave them to their mortal follies... for now."

Razvan's head turns towards Mortis slightly and his voice lowers to a whisper. "Are you sure, my Master? Would it not be best to deal with them now?" he wonders. He did not like questioning Mortis but the fullbring seemed to be getting out of hand.

"Don't worry," Mortis answers as if sensing Razvan's thoughts, his eyes cut to the side, burning golden fires starring up into Razvan's lifeless flames. "In the end, Razvan, all shall serve me..."

Hope all that made some sense at least. tongue

Oh my goodness! Saro's been killed (cheer ^_^) but another, far more terrifying and powerful Force vampire apparently returns to take his place as Mortis's Second! o_O On top of that four more new Force vampires have been revealed! I wonder what effect this will have on the future...

Nanashi (literally "no name"): The Second; aspect of death- Betrayal
Daisuke (Sabien's twin brother): No rank; aspect of death- Oblivion
Sabien (Daisuke's twin brother): No rank; aspect of death- Mortality
Dmitri: No rank; aspect of death- Sacrilege
Dante: No rank; aspect of death- Sacrifice

[In case I lost you, Daisuke is the brother with red hair and blue eyes; Sabien has blue hair and green/yellow eyes smile]

Quote: "And reaped he had. Later than he sowed and far more than he sowed." - a reference to Biblical ideology

Sabien quote: "An eye for an eye leaves the world blind, Nanashi... there are those of us who know that better than others. Perhaps you should learn from Razvan." - Well it seems there's a reason Razvan is blind and it doesn't really have to do with an injury but rather revenge itself... interesting...

Mortis quote: "In the end, Razvan, all shall serve me..." - Hmmm... I wonder where that's leading...  wink

Feel free to have our little group all travel back to the ship and get on, heading towards Ordo (even Slade... though he doesn't particularly like flying he's going to go). The Guardian will just return to the Temple and the entrance will vanish so nothing special there. smile Feel free to also begin a private discussion with any of my characters once aboard the ship regarding the past or anything else.

Re: A New Begining

Well I was talking to my friend a few days ago (the one who designed and drew Kain, Nanashi, Daisuke, Sabien, and Dante) and was telling him how much I loved Kain's character design. What do you know he drew more pictures! *squeel* ^_^ So here's another pic of Kain in his normal, everyday outfit just because I can. wink [Ignore the sword]

He did more pictures but they're a little different so I'll be using them later on in the RPG for something. And yes, those are lip piercings. I did not notice them until this picture but I looked back at the other ones and sure enough... there they were. Also another Nanashi pic with color so you can better get an idea of how he looks. smile

And have you noticed that for the last few posts I've done about the Force vampires, Razvan has had his normal voice and there's no strain? Eh? Yeah. He can talk now. lol Why... well I might go into that later.

Last edited by Beautiful Chaos (2011-08-20 16:40:32)

Re: A New Begining

Cool... I just wonder why Mortis doesn't want to strike at George's small company... smile

Ou, and I really liked that guy Dmitri. His looks and name matched perfectly. big_smile And I hate those twin brothers -.- Lol joking big_smile
Anyway here's the post just scroll a little downwards tongue

George felt very tired, but he figured he could rest on the ship, so he agreed with others. They should hurry. They said goodbye to the Gatekeeper and this small group went to the campsite where Leina's soldiers were.

On the way there nothing interesting happened. Slade was leading the way with Mat, who was almost carrying George, behind him. Then Leina and Riordan who were having a casual conversation, and with Kain watching his younger brother.

When they arrived at the camp. Leina went to give orders to her Captain, while others bordered the ship. Soon after several soldiers brought in some heavy weapons even one of those TAC missiles. George felt uncomfortable having that on board, but Leina was relentless so he gave up arguing. Dozen more soldiers entered the ship with a Pilot and his co-pilot. Almost everything was ready for take-off when George approached Leina.

"Hey," They were on the entrance to the ship. Leina turned to him not revealing any feelings and George was to tired to try and figure her out. "I feel very weak. Is there some place on the ship where I can rest?" She placed her hand on his forehead. He was hot but it wasn't like a fever. "Come." She said taking his arm. "I'll place you in med bay." She led him to the med bay, and laid him to rest on the med-bed. "You can rest here." She tried Force Healing once more, but again she felt some strange wounds she couldn't heal. After She left George turned to the side and started thinking about everything that has happened since he fought the Second. At least Shai'tan removed the poison from him. Then his eyelashes started to close...


When the door from the medbay closed, Leina's captain found her. "Ma'am." He saluted. "Everything is ready. As ordered. the company will move to the compound and await your message." "Very well captain." She said and left towards the cockpit. Inside she found the Pilots and Riordan.

"Pilot, everythings ready. Take off and set a course for Ordo." The pilot nodded with one "Yes ma'am" He powered up the engine and soon the ship went into the orbit. Leina turned to cold Riordan. "May we speak, Lord Koga?"

Riordan nodded and showe with his hand towards the door. They exited the cockpit and once outside Leina spoke out. "I'm worried about George, he's not feeling very well at all. I'm not sure if we he needs only rest or..." She made a pause because she didn't know what to say. "I felt some strange wounds in him, like someone stabbed his soul with a knife. I don't know how to describe it." Her face gave away sadness for a little, but she quickly returned control.


Mat was in the gathering room playing pazzak with some soldiers. He was winning actually, and the soldiers weren't happy about it. Kain was in the back of the room, but Mat was wondering where that guy Slade was. He didn't like him.

"Yo, Mat!" One of the soldiers addressed him. "You know where we goin'?" Mat raised his look carefully hiding his cards. Suddenly the room was very quiet, everyone was interested in what he will say. "Ordo..." Mat said quietly and he could heard that same word repeated on almost every mouth in the room, some even sweared. They knew that it was a Mandalorian planet. They will not get a warm welcome. "You know why we're going there?" The same soldier that asked him the first question asked him this. Mat looked at Kain before answering. He didn't know if it was wise to say everything to simple soldiers, but hey, even he didn't know everything. "I'm not really sure. Something about some artifact. You'll have to ask Lady Naberrie for details." That seemed to quench the soldiers curiosity, and also their appetite for gambling. So he was left alone at the table...

A took more liberty than granted perhaps and had some soldiers come with the group. I thought some of your characters would object. But I think they might come in handy on a Mandalorian controlled planet.

Anyway, George will feel better after he had some rest, but Leina is not sure about that. I'll speak of those wounds in some later posts.

As for Mat, I think of him as a hear and soul of the company. He's like the guy who always get's in trouble and stupid things happen to him, and he always somehow finds a way out by luck (or skill)... Think of him like a Scoundrel with Force Powers big_smile

Re: A New Begining

Mortis's sneaky too. He hasn't lived this long to be outsmarted by a ragtag team of Jedi and fullbring I assure. you. He knows what he's doing in the long run. wink lol And the twins and Nanashi are my favorite. Dante and Dmitri were kinda added as secondary characters because I figured Mortis needed more then four generals. smile

Again the dreams/vision part will be in italics but also with * at beginning and end to clarify. It gets kinda tricky cause George goes in and out of consciousness during the scene in the medbay but it's all one dream/vision thingie which kinda skips bits and pieces cause he keeps regaining consciousness during it. smile

Also for the dream/vision... eh... might want to prepare yourself... just a little bit. I mean I did my best not to do too much but I at least had to do this. I'll explain at the end. Just don't hate me! *tears*

Riordan catches the display of sadness which sweeps across Leina's face only to quickly retreat. The noble, however, remains distant and cold as if he hadn't even seen it. This woman did not want pity or arms to hold her and comfort her in the dark. If she did the Malinov noble was not the man she was looking for.

"Do not fret, my Lady. The Jedi shall be fine," he assures her smoothly, his voice one which children would trust without hesitation. "The journey is just begun but already our hearts grow weary and our shoulders slump, heavy laden with a burden far beyond our means to bear alone. But we shall all survive... as he... given time," the noble adds. "Simply allow him rest, my Lady. He is far stronger than we've been led to believe..."


A dark shadows slithers across the floor of the medbay, vainly stretching out as if wishing escape but constantly anchored to the black boots which silently stride over the plated floors. A tall, menacing figure looms over the Jedi's sleep, its shadow racing up the side of the bed before falling onto the peacefully oblivious man.

A mouth opens on an inaudible, meaningless sigh, heated breath forming faint clouds which quickly vanish. The Jedi shivers, his body adjusting to the sudden nipping chill in the room but showing no signs of waking, his mind enveloped within a familiar, unrelenting hold. A hand reaches out from his partially lit bedside, steady fingers peeling apart clothes until his bare chest is exposed.

A single finger extends now, hovering inches above the center of the Jedi's chest. Eerie, demonic whispers echo within the confines of the room as faint smoke begins to swirl around that hand, unstable black smoke dripping like liquid from the tip of the finger onto the Jedi's skin, sizzling though the man displays no signs of discomfort at its contact. Cruel, icy blue eyes narrow...

You'll only end up getting burned...

The hand moves slowly, the finger lightly touching the Jedi's chest, black smoke clawing beneath tanned skin and sinking deep, ready to consume...

* The sound of footsteps... closer and closer. Footsteps? No. There was no one here... was there? He shifts his body, attempting to wake himself only to be greeted by a painful ache in both his arms and the feeling of cold, unforgiving stone beneath his knees. He shakes his head groggily, cold metal bitting at the skin around his neck in the process and giving chains the needed momentum to clink together in horrific rhythm.

Wh-what...? This... this wasn't the medbay? Where was he?!

A sadistic chuckle echoes around him. Shivers run down his spine and a drop of sweat falls from the tip of his nose. He'd know that sound anywhere... *

A flash of gold as calloused but tender hands run over his burning skin, brushing aside the rest of his clothes from the upper portion of his body. A fiery but chilled voice murmurs intelligible words in an ancient language as black smoke dances across sore muscles.

* "Let me go, Razvan!" ... He wants to scream those words, wants to demand his freedom but even as his mouth opens his voice falls silent, stolen from his body by that demon of a man's dark power. His eyebrows furrow together harshly and his eyes focus on the red which obscures his vision, as if he put enough hatred into the glare the cloth would catch on fire and his eyes could find that man.

Not that he could harm the monster much in such a state. He was chained to the ground, forced on his knees, his arms suspended out on either side of his body like a crucifix sacrifice, the brutally fashioned Force collar around his neck leaving him helpless against his captor...*

A hand beneath him, fingers sliding down to the small of his back to effortless lift his body away from the table as a cooling cloth dances across his skin...

* He attempts to jerk away from the hand which reaches around him, cold, merciless fingers suddenly snaking around his throat to firmly hold him back against a muscular figure. Razvan.

"Such a foolish boy," a familiar emotionless and deep voice accuses, distain and supremacy dripping from every word, "to believe you could escape my grasp so easily. Just like your sister," the vampire purrs, its icy breath at his ears sending an even sharper shiver down his spine.

Razvan's fingers spread, the chilling digits trailing over the vulnerable flesh of his throat. "You are mine..." Razvan smiles, the curl of the vampire's pale lips evident against his skin as the monster's teeth sink deep.*

George's heart pounds frantically, the Jedi immediately sitting up in a frenzied panic, his hand rushing to his throat to rip away that demon's hand. But there is nothing. Nothing. The man sighs heavily, his body shaking faintly beneath his sweat drenched clothes.

His eyes widen suddenly as his senses tingle, picking up the last remaining traces of... power. Someone... someone had been in the room! His vision might not had been real but the rest... no...

George almost rips his clothes trying to get them open so he can examine his own body. While there is no sign of any form of the black smoke he'd allegedly seen while between consciousness and unconsciousness his upper body is completely bandaged in a cool cloth which hums faintly through the Force, a blue hue clinging to it.


Vampire healing...

...Gathering Room...

Kain rolls his eyes at Mat, uncaring if the man caught the action or not. He returns his attention to Mekura, his fingers dancing softly and with care over the blade as if it were the second most important thing in his life. Mat catches the redhead murmuring to the weapon in an ancient language as if it were a person and for a moment almost believes he hears the dark whispers of a woman answer...

The doors to the Gathering Room abruptly open and Slade strides in, the blonde vampire's eyes avoiding any contact with either Kain or Mat, his black boots thudding lightly over the plated floors as he makes his way to a convenient sofa and plops down...

*cowers behind a shield* I'm sorry! But really want better way could Razvan torture a man who hated him? And it wasn't that bad. Seriously... it could have been much worse. And there's a reason it gets cold when Slade walks into the medbay but that's a later story point...

No Slade did not poison George with the vampire taint... even though he does possess the black smoke. If you remember Slade's aspect of death is Intoxication (Poison) but poisons are often used to heal other aliments (such as snake poison used to cure such-n-such, etc.).

And no he doesn't do anything weird to George while the Jedi's asleep. He's merely bandaging George and using his vampire "magic" to heal him (helping those 'soul wounds' you were talking about earlier). It seems a bit... well you know but I meant it that way. George was having that vision about Razvan so it seemed a bit fitting that it looked like Slade was doing something when really he was being all innocent and helpfully. ^_^

Shows ya not to judge people...  tongue

P.S. Slade's healing takes longer than it seems. With George drifting in and out of unconsciousness the whole scene in the medbay takes at least 30 minutes. The vision's just short because it takes a while for the unconsciousness to... ah... settle in again I guess you could say.

Re: A New Begining

And just a few questions about the post. So, George's not poisoned with black smoke again? And if so, how come Razvan haunts him in his dreams?

Ouu, and can you tell me something about that strange language Slade and Riordan are speaking. Because if it's a vampire language of some kind, I was thinking about George being able to understand a few of those words, he hunted thousands of Vampires in his past life, he may picked up some of it. tongue just wanted to discuss that with you. smile

"He is, isn't he..." Leina said that more to herself feeling a little "lost". Riordan noticed that and went back into the cockpit. She stared there for a while before she noticed that Lord Koga was gone. She thought about what happened to George. He definitely looked like something big was troubling him. They needed him in his best if they are to survive this.

She was going towards the medbay when one of the soldiers stopped her. "Lady Naberrie?" The soldier bowed calling her. She  looked at him with eyes so cold, that the Soldier thought he was freezing. "Yes, Lieautenant?" She raised her eyebrow a little, because she noticed that the man felt uncomfortable. He wasn't sure if it was wise to ask her but he had to try, so he just spilled it out. "What are we searching for on Ordo, My Lady?" Her face became even colder (if that's even possible) "You will by briefed when needed." She said that with a icy tone and contined towards the medbay thinking about how she's going to kill Mat when she finds him.
But then her anger vanquished in a second when she noticed George exiting the medbay. "George!" She ran  towards him. He was surprised, and made a little jump away from her. She looked him in the eye concerned. "Are you okay?" The Jedi looked at her the way that made her blush, a little. So he said. "I'm better know." She didn't know how to receive that, but a small piece of strange bandage beneath his shirt. "What's that?" She asked and went to touch it with her hand. "Nothing..." He said quickly and tried to hide it with his shirt. Too late though. Her hand touched his chest. Woman's touch... Much time has passed that he forgot how calming it is... But he gently pushed her hand away. "There's Force in it, don't say that it's nothing! Who put that thing on you?" She was really curious.
But George was a little annoyed. "Look, Leina. I don't know... " She interupted him by placing her hands on his head and using Force Heal. She was looking for those strange wounds, but it looks like they were healing. Incredible. But suddenly her weaving was cut. George created a Force Shield. "Next time, ask, or at least warn me before you do that." He sounded angry, he pushed away her arms and went towards the gathering room. "You ungrateful bastard!" she yelled at him but he just waved away. Once he dissapeared through the door, she stubbornly went to find Riordan.

George entered the Gathering room which was full of soldiers. Kain was there, and Mat who was alone at the table which was weird. And Slade, sitting like a king on sofa. He went towards him. It was strange, he hated him and he was sure Slade hated him even more. But he still helped him. George looked him at the eye coldly. "I appreciate what you did for me, Slade. And I thank you... But... Why did you do it?" He carefully watched him for any sign. His Force Shield was still up.

Uff... I barely wrote this. I so lacked inspiration. Don't know why. Anyway, think of something nice that could happen on the ship. And, how long does hyperspace travel last? O.o

Re: A New Begining

No George has not been poisoned again and I'm not going to make it a plot twist later where you find out he actually was poisoned again. lol Slade has learned to use the black smoke to augment his own powers but doesn't let it eat at people like Razvan. This calls for a great deal of control of course and takes a heavy toll on the blonde vampire when its used in excess.

And despite being rid of Razvan's black smoke influence, the First has fought against hunters far longer than George has fought vampires and is going to know how to get under his skin. Plus he did still kill George's family (even if they weren't his real, real family) so it wouldn't be surprising if nightmares still occurred. It's also possible that the contact with Slade's power merely caused a momentarily relapse...

Regarding the language, its certainly possible that after so many years around the vampires George would have picked up a few words (more than likely curses and such seeing as he was never a friend to any of them) or chants of power. I'll add certain words in and put translations at the bottom (cause I like making fake languages so I'm not just going to put English words in italics! lol)

Riordan stands, for the most part, silently in the cockpit, overseeing the pilots' fervent work to ensure everything was in order. As a Malinov noble it was almost a requirement for one to possess proficient skill in a variety of different fields. While flying wasn't necessarily the noble's forte he certainly understood what needed to be done and how everything was intended to function.

Riordan's head turns slightly, his ears catching Leina's grumbles long before the door to the cockpit slides open. A woman scorned... how wonderful...

Truthfully it was exactly this type of situation which had lead the man to remain in the cockpit instead of wandering about the ship. The cramped cockpit seemed a far more spacious and inviting environment than the Gathering Room filled to the brim with smothering tensions of every nature.

...Gathering Room...

A low growl rumbles deeply in Slade's throat but his face remains as stoic and prideful as ever; as if nothing had changed; nothing had happened. It was partially because of this very attitude the Jedi had come to harbor a general disliking for the man so early on... but this... George's hand unintentionally finds the tiny scrap of charmed bandage dangling from beneath his clothes. What did this mean coming from such a man...?

Slade's eyes casually find George watching the Jedi for any sign as to why the hell he would care as long as he was better. However, while the blonde vampire is obviously rather displeased that George had managed to partially break his hold during the healing process he makes no move towards denying the accusation. It was a start... if anything...

The man suddenly sighs heavily, closing his eyes, the action reminding George of one very particular Malinov noble. Slade props his elbow up on the arm of the sofa, leaning into it as he crosses his legs in a kingly manner. The pose suited him.

"Saye, Jedi..." he begins, one eye opening to peek out at George, "you got to make everything more complicated don't ya?" Another sigh as both eyes open, their cruel, chilling gaze not wavering from the Jedi's face. It had to be impossible but the vampire suddenly seems more intimidating. "What's done is done. It was nothin' but a favor so don't get your damn hopes up, kid. Just leave me the f**k alone and we'll call it all even."

Though Slade musters every amount of truth and scorn he can manage in those words George senses there is something else and the faintest glimpse of a shift in those unrelenting eyes tells him he's not too far off. It wasn't just a favor. Slade didn't like him. He knew that. Slade hated him. Wouldn't mind killing the Jedi himself... he could at least see that truth in those eyes, hear it in that voice which seemed to change when the vampire spoke to Riordan or Kain even if it still held its edge.

So why then... had Slade truly saved him?

...Naitsu Inner Sanctum, Throne Room; unknown location...

"And you're sure of this?" the deep and calm voice rings almost in a sing-song like way.

"Yes, my Master," Razvan answers submissively. There was no mistaking it. The Jedi's chains had been broken and Razvan's bonds to him severed... but not just by any hand... "It's him..."

A charming smile curls the infamous Vampire King's lips and his eyes hold a delighted gleam they never seemed to lose. He turns his attention back to the chess board effortlessly balanced upon the top of his crossed legs. The board seems to be missing a few rather key pieces and others are not at all in the right position but Mortis doesn't seem to care.

He picks up the black king and studies it with what seems to be fondness though it could easily be a charade. "So Shai'tan... finally a step forward, my dear friend..." he comments, placing the black king back on the board, one space in front of where it had been before.

The Dark King moves to one of the black knights, his slender but sturdy fingers trailing along the ridge line of the small horse-head piece's neck. "And this... Jedi... how interesting..." he adds, sliding the piece forward three spaces.

Mortis's eyes flash with humor as his hand jumps to one of the white knights. "Ah but you remember this wolf at your back don't you, Shai'tan?" Mortis chuckles, his fingers running over a peculiar looking chess piece.

Instead of the standard knight piece this one resembles a wolf's head. He slides this three spaces forward so it is face to face with the black knight he had moved moments ago.

"Will he be the one to bring you down this time, 'O Mighty King'? Or..." he ponders, his hand slowly turning the black knight in the opposite direction it should go, facing its own king.

"Will he turn your own knight against you?"


Okay, really, really long after post comments and stuff but it's all very relevant so stick with me. smile

Vampire Vocabulary:
Saye: f**k


I don't think anything fun can happen. lol Hyperspace travel doesn't take much time. To get to Ordo from Naboo... they're both in the Outer Rim Territories so...


To go ahead and explain something... Mortis Quote: "Will he be the one to bring you down this time, 'O Mighty King'?" - mainly meant metaphorically... which we'll find out about later...


Vampire Chess... Mortis's Way...?

OMG Mortis is freaking playing chess?! WTF? *completely lost* tongue This is a reference to a post from a long, long time ago. Well... not so long ago. It's on page 197.

Quote from Mortis's thoughts, page 197: "Mortals were such easy creatures to influence. It was like a game of chess. Move certain pieces and the others have no choice but to move accordingly."

So yes, it actually has meaning! Chess played Mortis's Way... whoo! ^_^

Basically there's a few pieces missing and few added pieces but every single one represents someone, somehow. I figured he knows all about Shai'tan and they'd have some previous involvement seeing as they were both 'dark ones' as you said back in that fancied up post of yours. wink And they seemed like rivals so... here ya go. This is what happens when I'm given new ideas. lol

So vampire chess... so far we know that:

  • The Black King represents Shai'tan.

  • The Black Knight here represents George cause I know (which means Mortis knows...) that he's somehow working for Shai'tan... or something...

  • The White Knight [in the shape of a wolf head] obviously represents Slade. 1: His first name [Rule] means wolf (French) and if that wasn't good enough 2: His title Shirokami- White Wolf... white knight piece in the shape of a wolf head... ya got it.

  • And we may assume (correctly) that the White King is Mortis... smile

Ooh... I bet now you're wondering how Slade's all involved with the purebreds and connected to Mortis and really wondering about his real motives behind helping George...


Re: A New Begining

I really liked that part with Mortis. It gives you much to think about. Nice job smile But I got bored of the ship so let's say they will arrive on Ordo in the next post. In this one I'll just say they jumped out of hyperspace.

Fancied up post of mine? big_smile

George stared at Slade, he just knew they would fight one day. "As you wish, Slade." Why the Vampire has helped him was beyond him, but he'll deal with that problem later. He turned and went to sit with Mat.
Mat sensed that George was not in the mood, so they started playing pazzak in silence. For a moment there, George looked at Kain feeling sadness. One day, he will be forced to even him. He hated it...


Leina entered the cockpit somewhat angry, but she tried not to show it. "Riordan, someone has healed George. He didn't want to tell me who. But I was thinking it was Slade. And so was he, I'm sure." She frowned when she mentioned Slade's name. She also didn't like him.

One of the Pilots suddenly turned towards. "Ma'am we've jumped out of hyperspace. We're in orbit above planet Ordo." Riordan and Leina looked through the window at the desert planet. It was a wasteland.

Short post... Didn't know what to write really big_smile

I was thinking since you like Mandalorians, you would want to write about Ordo. I don't really know much about it and you always have better ideas. wink

Re: A New Begining

I'm glad you liked it. smile And that post of yours about the Bore and everything. Even had paragraph indentions. wink Fancy... ^_^

Better ideas? *sarcastically* Sure... But yeah I'll take control of Mandalorians and all. Whoo! big_smile Be back to post tomorrow.

Re: A New Begining

A little short but it gets the point across. Plus I'm tired. tongue I'll post more Mando stuff tomorrow.

Slade's callous eyes inconspicuously slide to the side, following George's every move as the man finds his seat across from Mat and the two begin a friendly game of pazzak. His stomach turns and something deep within him rises restlessly, growling with displeasure, sickened by the idea that he may have very well saved that Jedi's life... and would do so in the future if necessary.

It must be done...

The blonde vampire's eyes become distant as if he were in another world and his body but an empty shell. Like many Force vampires of significant age, Slade couldn't remember much about his life before he'd become... this creature; his past before then is almost completely gone, stained and clouded by bloodshed and countless deaths he'd long ago lost track of. But there was something... one fragile light... one thing that kept him from losing himself to the monster breathing down his neck. One thing he could never forget.

Slade's eyes narrow, his gaze jumping back to George and Mat. But it was not criticism or harshness those cold blue eyes held...; perhaps that was even more unsettling. The blonde vampire had made a promise not too long before the curse laid claim to his darkened soul and he would keep that promise... no matter the costs...

Suddenly feeling the Jedi's eyes upon him, Kain's green eyes shoot up, fiercely starring back into the man's own as if the vampire had sensed his thoughts. It was possible he had and merely didn't care, happy to oblige the Jedi's death wish and at least let him try.


The pilots open a comlink, searching for a channel on which to contact any nearby Mandalorian outposts. However, they are only greeted by static or white noise. Leina notices the slight stiffening of Riordan's posture... a sign the noble was not at all pleased with the situation.

The noble taps the pilot on the shoulder, telling him to continue searching before returning his attention to Leina with a quick but polite shake of his head. "'Tis true Slade does possess healing capabilities which stretch beyond his own body but I doubt he would use them on a Jedi. You, as well as a few other members on this expedition, do not seem to grasp how deep seated a vampire's hatred is for the Jedi in general. The two factions are complete contrasts, more so than the Jedi and the Sith."


Seems Slade made a promise to someone or something... and it seems like that's why he saved George... hmmm... wink

Re: A New Begining

Well... Slade is a very mysterious character. big_smile

Ouh, and may I recommend that we find another character for our group. A female one. Just to add on a little spice on the story? big_smile

Everything was quiet in the Gathering room, even Soldiers got bored of talking. George noticed that Kain was looking at hhim, so he nodded. Like that would ease the tension. Suddenly Mat stood up and screamed victoriously: "Yes, I've  won!!!" But he shamefully sat back, when he noticed that all eyes were pointed at him. George smiled an they started another round...


Leina frowned when pilots couldn't find anything on the comm, but she removed the frown when she turned to answer Riordan.
"I understand that, Lord Koga. But even so... Who else could have healed George?" She seemed to think about something before she continued. "And more importantly. If we know that Slade hates Jedi so much, why did he help him?" She looked at Riordan, like she may find an answer.

Ou may... You plan something nasty I sense. big_smile

While we are at nasty. I always wondered why the cockpit is called like that. I mean just look. Cockpit. Nasty xDDDD

Re: A New Begining

starr why the hell is there some anime guy as your signature? come on. what happened to your class?

Re: A New Begining

I intentionally developed Slade like that from the very beginning. He's got all kinds of secrets. wink And I'll bring in a feisty new woman. OMG so many characters! What to do with them all? tongue And yes... cockpit... lol

And he's one of the characters in the RPG, Prince. I do sigs for most of my characters at one time or another simply because I feel like it.

Riordan turns his head, averting his gaze so Leina cannot see the shadows those mossy pools hide, the noble allowing his eyes to wander aimlessly among the stars still visible in the cockpit's view window. He sighs heavily. The last few days had taken a good deal from the man and without proper rest... it was starting to show.

"Even if it was Slade who helped the Jedi, my lady, I know not why," Riordan replies. "He is a very... complex man to say the least. Kain and I know him perhaps more than we should have been permitted but it is almost completely insignificant when compared to the whole. The savage he may have been prior to our paths crossing is not know to us nor is the man he was in the ages before the curse tainted him. Even he remembers little of that time void of such wars as these," the noble concludes.

Leina watches Riordan closely, searching for a crack in his walls, a moment of hesitation; anything to show her the weight of the noble's words. But Riordan remains well-guarded and distant, his eyes -or what she can see of them -not revealing anything more than they ever had.

"We've got something," the pilot interrupts rather reluctantly.

Riordan leans over the back of the man's seat to observe their findings. "A... a Mandalorian... distress signal?" he asks in disbelief, shocked.

The pilot nods, his eyes focused on the almost nonexistent dot on their radar as he listens to the faint and distorted words from a weak transmission. "Seems so. It's real weak but its there alright."

"Take us down immediately," Riordan orders and neither pilots dare question the authority in the noble's voice. The ship begins to descend towards Ordo.

Riordan turns on a heel to face Leina. "This does not bode well," he says sharply. "Mandalorians are not weaklings or cowards; they would not transmit a distress signal on a whim... something is not right."

Riordan glances at the nearing planet below and his eyes narrow.


The ship's ramp opens, sand swirling and dancing in a raging storm around the metal beast which had roused such a tempest. The first to make their way down the ramp, Slade waves a simple hand, immediately suppressing and calming the sands which gladly settle back into place. The blonde vampire relaxes significantly, obviously happy to be freed from the confines of that prison and on safe, hard ground. Here he had the advantage over anyone who tried to attack him. He could work with that.

The others follow Slade's lead, taking in the troubling sight before them. The Mandalorian outpost -which at one point had thrived -now lies ruined, deserted for some time it seems. But that couldn't be right. There had been a distress signal here. Which meant someone was keeping it alive...

Slade grins sadistically, bringing up his arm suddenly to block a blazing blue blade which sizzles against his iron skin. The vampire's cruel eyes narrow taking in the worn and ragged figure before him. A woman? He huffs. Gotcha. He pushes back against the lightsaber with little effort, grabbing the second lightsaber with a firm hand and yanking it away from his opponent, obviously surprising her with his brute strength. The weapon, however, deactivates without its Masters touch and Slade allows it to fall to the ground, useless for now.

The woman flips over Slade with a Force jump, hoping to catch him off guard but the vampire's impossibly fast reflexes allow him to judge her movements, the blonde partially turning and catching her wrist, twisting it violently, the warrior immediately crying out in pain and dropping her lightsaber. Slade releases her with a firm kick which sends her to her knees as he simultaneously pulls both of her lightsabers to him.

He performs a flash step, instantly reappearing behind his attacker as he activates both lightsabers, holding them in a X-like fashion near her vulnerable throat, the vampire preparing to remove her head from her body. Jedi... his inner demon hisses with distain, overjoyed with the chance to feed.


Slade freezes, the sharp demand ringing in the blonde vampire's ears. His eyes widening in disbelief and his body shakes with sudden rage, his beast horrified that someone dared to deny him his kill.


Jedi woman! *cheer* ^_^ Yup, you'll find out what she's doing on the Mando planet in the next post. You can have any of your characters be the one to have yelled at Slade though I picture George being the only one with the balls to do it. lol

You can also have whoever you want pull her hood away from her face. She has blonde hair not white (and the facial tattoos from the first pic) but I didn't feel like changing the colors at the moment. smile  And she's completely blind. She can use the Force to see a little bit (in order to fight better) but there are no details to anything.

Gonna try and stick a Force vampire part into the next post as well. Whoo! big_smile

Re: A New Begining

Cool... big_smile


Leina hid her disappointment when she couldn't read what was going inside Riordan's mind. But her interest dispersed when the Pilot's found that distress signal. Mandalorians sending out a distress signal? Either that was a trap or something very bad must have happened here. She told that to Riordan but he thought the same so he just nodded. When the ship landed they went towards the ramp. Leina noticed that Slade was first to exit. Some soldiers were following him then Kain and Mat, and Leina and Riordan followed them.

She sensed a disturbance, and when she got out she notices a woman with two blue sabers fighting with. Slade defeated her almost to easy. She couldn't believe with her eyes how he fought. Finally he kicked her to her knees and holding her lightsabers against her neck. Suddenly someone shouted "Stop!" And Slade raised his head to see who dared to stop him...


After Mat defeated him several times in a row, George gave up from playing. They shook hands and went together to the mess hall.

They sat and started eating. Mat wanted something to ask George but he couldn't got his courage up to do it.

"What is it Mat?" He probably noticed that he wanted to say so he just spited it out.

"Master George... What happened inside that stone. Where were you?" Mat now wished he didn't ask that question. He noticed something dangerous in George's eyes. Like he wished Mat didn't ask him that. But a speaker sounded up with the Pilot speaking through it: "All hands, prepare for landing."

George just stood up saying. "You go I must take something first." Mat didn't questioned that. He stood up and went to the ramp. He wondered what would have happened if this didn't interrupted them.

Kain, Slade and most of the soldiers were already there. Some of the soldiers nodded to him. He nodded back. He liked these guys.
Mat stoped by Kain and tapped him on the shoulder. "What's up, big guy?" When Kain gave him an annoyed look, Mat, again, wished he didn't do that.
Pff, at least there will be fighting. He sensed something strange waiting outside.

Slade didn't even wait for the ramp to fully open when he got out of the ship. Four soldiers followed him, two of them went left, other two right securing the perimeter. Out of nowhere a female Jedi appeared with two blue sabers attacking Slade. Why him? He wondered, she must have sensed he was too powerful. The fight ended up almost to quickly with Slade holding her two lightsabers against her neck. Just as Mat thought he was gonna kill her someone shouted: "Stop!" Mat turned to see who that was...


George frowned when the pilot said they were landing. He said to Mat that he needed to find something, and Mat immediately went towards to ramp. George felt threatened when Mat asked him what happened after he touched the stone of memories. A sudden rage built up inside he. He was still surprised, why did he get angry at Mat. He was a good man.
Anyway, he stopped thinking about it and went to the medbay.
When he got inside, he dressed up in his Jedi Robes and took his silver lightsaber.

He wondered why has Slade helped him. Vampires never helped Jedi. It would be very hard even to force them. So what was it then?
He felt a disturbance in the force, and he could hear whispering in his head. Slade!

He ran as fast as he could to the ramp. Almost everyone has went down it. Only two soldiers remained to guard the pilots.
He went down the ramp and noticed Slade holding two blue sabers against ragged female Jedi. He immediately shouted: "STOP!" The command note in his voice surprised even him. It was something from his past life. He took his lightsaber. He didn't notice Mat who was staring at him. And Leina. Actually everybody was turning their heads from Slade to him.

He could feel the rage building up in Slade, and disbelief for he didn't expect someone would do that. Vampires don't like when you interrupt them in their feeding. But he wouldn't let him.
"Release her, Slade! Now!" George approached him to a lightsaber reach. He didn't sense fear from the woman. She was brave. But why did she attack Slade if she could sense that he was stronger than her.
The ruined Mandalorian outpost . He knew they must go there. Mat was standing a little behind George's left side, holding his saber in case Slade went crazy. Leina was still with Riordan, and most of the soldiers were staring at him. They thought everyone threatening the White Wolf must be crazy. But he wasn't.
Suddenly George opened his mouth and started speaking on that vampire language. "I will not grant you this kill, Slade! Release her!"

Everyone but Kain, Riordan and Slade understood what he said. Though George noticed the woman's mouth open in surprise. So she probably knew it too. Slade, still filled with rage started to cool, he deactivated the lightsabers and let them fall down by the woman. He took a step back.
George still holding a lightsaber in his right hand approached the woman who was still on her knees. He reached with his left hand for her hood and pulled it away from her face.
She blinked when he saw her face. He thought he knew her, but couldn't remember from where...
"Who are you?" He asked, his voice now becoming gentle...

Wow... this was hard for writing. I didn't think of a another way to make Slade back away. Hope I didn't mess up big_smile

Anyway after the woman introduces herself, you can have George ask her why did she attack Slace or what is she doing here. Or something else. Youc choice.

Notice* There are 22 soldiers on the ship, 3 pilots and 6 of our characters. There are some things stored on the ship like rocket launcher, heavy repeating blaster, distruptors and other heavy weapon stuff. There is even a nuclear missile on it (don't ask xD ). The ship is equipped with blasters and missiles. It also has a blaster turret when the ship is grounded. Just thought it might be useful to you. tongue

P.S. If you want you can rewrite sentence which George said in Vampire language to really be in Vampire language tongue

Anyway, your turn Your Highness big_smile

Last edited by George Kwei (2011-08-25 22:36:15)

Re: A New Begining

Nah you did a great job. No need to change anything. ^_^ lol Your Highness. I could get used to that. wink tongue

The woman hesitates to answer for a moment only to suddenly bow, her nose almost touching the ground as her arms slide like desert snakes upon the sand, her fingers softly brushing the material of George's boots. The Jedi stiffens slightly, the woman's power shooting through him with such a simple touch. He quickly realizes she is merely observing what her eyes see for themselves... though she beings delving deeper than he would like.

She senses George's uneasiness and immediately withdraws, her fingers falling silently to the ground near his feet so he no longer feels threatened. To someone as her who had to rely on keen senses to survive she had no trouble pushing aside even his strongly built walls to find the man beneath. But it was not her place...

"Thank you for saving me. I am Safira Matahari... an Arkanian," she finally answers, her voice soft and delicious, like rose petals and sweet honey. A voice a man could fall in love with. "You're human..." she continues, her white eyes glancing up at George from their lowly position before she averts her gaze once more. "So is the one I fought... though I've never met a human man with such power..."

Slade growls, the sound no longer holding the edge of an annoyed man but the deep rumble of a caged animal -some proud beast -forced into submission. The vampire's body shudders as he does his best to suppress his boiling anger and rein in his inner demon. For a moment George believes he catches the faintest glimpse of black smoke forming in those clenched fists and that teasing voice whispering darkly: Kill, kill, kill...

Riordan casts his brother a worried glance, the redhead warily watching Slade's pacing, the blonde vampire's steps heavy and quick. Slade was not one to easily get riled, especially due to something so mundane as a fight. There was only one explanation. Kain's eyes darken and the man lets out a heavy but soft sigh. A fully changed Force vampire could survive years without feeding if their last meal had held any worth.

But that didn't mean they didn't crave a kill or the lavishing taste of warm blood sizzling on their tongue. Kain swallows thickly. He didn't like the idea but he had no other choice in the matter. As soon as he was able he'd pull the older vampire away from the group and feed him. He'd do it now but he doubted anyone would want to see the gruesome exchange, especially when two very aggressive and sadistic vampires were involved.


Safira is an Arkanian Offshoot - Human Hybrid

I'll let you write for your characters just so you can get all their reactions to the situation and everything (cause your characters are complex too I'm not really sure how they'd react wink). Didn't really write much I know but it's just one of my off days. Promise to make up for it tomorrow. Currently writing vampire plot point for the next post I swear so expect it then... its gonna be long. smile

Re: A New Begining

Starr wrote:

Nah you did a great job. No need to change anything. ^_^ lol Your Highness. I could get used to that. smile tongue

Tnx, and don't get used to that big_smile

And don't worry, this gave me enough to write a little something big_smile

Mat was still behind George and he mumbled something when Safira finished. "Great, a blind blonde!" Two Jedi heard him, although the woman didn't react to it, George turned his head to frown at the young man. Mat, again felt like he shouldn't have done that. So he went towards other soldiers. "Men! Stop staring and let's secure the perimeter."

Leina was still with Riordan worried about what was going on. She added. "Mat, don't wonder off too far." Mat nodded and went with soldiers.

Leina felt something in George... Something like an outrage that happened recently. But only for a moment when Safira touched him. Looks like she surprised him and he opened up. She might use that.

George after giving that look to Mat forgot about everything else. He answered her with tenderness in his voice. "He's not just a Human, Safira. He's a Force Vampire." He couldn't take it that she was on her knees like that. "Please... Stand up and tell me why did you attack Slade, you knew he was stronger than you?"

Leina and Riordan couldn't hear what was George saying to the female Jedi, so Leina turned her gaze to Riordan watching his reaction to what has happened. 

Ok this looks a little strange O.o But whatever, everything in this RPG is strange, right? big_smile

Can't wait for that Force Vampire plot post wink

Last edited by George Kwei (2011-08-26 03:18:08)

Re: A New Begining

Safira sits up but settles back onto her knees, refusing to stand or meet George's prying gaze. "So it seems he is," she replies smoothly, "but his heart doesn't belong to the monster you say holds his form. There's still a man beneath all that iron skin and I didn't expect him to retaliate so mercilessly against a woman..."

Slade's pacing immediately halts, eyes narrowing. For a moment those glittering pools darken with the faintest hint of shame which quickly vanishes, along with the vampire himself. Kain hesitates to follow. His relationship with Slade was not a very good one most of the time; it was likely the blonde would provoke him more than Kain would ease the other man's anxiety. Kain glances at Riordan who gives a curt nod. The redhead sighs and disappears, hot on Slade's trail. This wasn't going to be pleasant...

Safira relaxes significantly without Slade pacing behind her. "In truth I attacked him because he seemed the most vulnerable to the situation. I was expecting him to refuse to fight a woman..." she stops suddenly but quickly continues, avoiding whatever she'd planned on saying. "I intended to force him to surrender... at which point I could have used him as a bargaining chip so you'd help me."

"But it wasn't the man who blocked my blade..."

...Naitsu Inner Sanctum, Main Corridor; unknown location...

Night. In a place where there is no sun it is impossible to tell night from day or day from night. Or perhaps there is no day, no light. Only night, darkness in which terrible horrors lurked. Colossal white doors close silently behind the pale figure making his way back to his own personal quarters from the throne room. The man suddenly stops, black smoke swirling in the bottomless depths of cruel eyes.

"Is there something you need, Nanashi?" Razvan's emotionless voice seems to growl. He was in no mood for games.

The shadows along a nearby wall swirl faintly, giving rise to the form of a man which then emerges. Nanashi's amber eyes run along Razvan's pale back like burning fire. He knew Razvan would sense him even had he tried to mask his presence. The First relies on his senses more than the other vampires. He was impossible to take by surprise.

"It's late to be wandering around Naitsu, Razvan," the Second accuses. "What were you doing in the Throne Room at such a hour?" Nanashi didn't need to change his tone for Razvan to know what he was really asking.

"The fullbring have arrived on a planet which harbors another valsai'ium key. I was informing Lord Mortis to see how he wished to act," the First answers casually, glancing over his shoulder at the Second.

A lie; but Nanashi knew that. Amber eyes narrow with a smirk. "That wasn't all you were doing..."

A pale hand suddenly constricts around a lightly tanned throat, nails biting past iron skin as Razvan pins Nanashi against a nearby wall with crushing force. Two pairs of white fangs flash in the dim hallway.

"I suggest you learn your place quickly, Nanashi, and avoid matters which do not concern you," the First hisses. "I will not grant you leniencies because of your absence."

Nanashi eyes hold the smile his face dared not. He'd gotten his answer. Even without the words he was looking for.

...Unknown location...

The wind howls its lonesome song, swirling mist veiling majestic mountains blanketed in pristine white. Two figures trek through the frozen land, leaving behind soft footprints which quickly vanished, buried like age-old treasures beneath ever-falling snow. Atop the summit of the icy slope they'd braved, the wind nips at them like a hungry beast, thick fur cloaks wrapped around masculine shoulders dancing in the wild breeze.

Sharp blue and piercing golden green eyes rake over the forbidden valley below they'd long searched for where in the side of a massive mountain a crystalline temple lies silently, almost completely hidden by snow and rock. Finally. They'd found it. Haunting sky colored eyes move beneath dark red bangs to find the other figure.

"Let's go, Sabien."

Not as long as I hoped but oh well. Want to keep the suspense going. wink

"But it wasn't the man who blocked my blade..." - Safira is basically alluding to the idea that Slade and his "inner demon" are two separate beings entirely and that during fights the man is pushed aside in lieu of a tainted beast. This is metaphorical in meaning but still... something to think about... smile

Oh my. The things that happen at night in a place like Naitsu. tongue Other than that, seems Daisuke and Sabien have found a temple on a frozen planet. One of the valsai'ium keys may lie within...

Re: A New Begining

Hmmm... Strange... (again) tongue

George became aware of his surroundings again, so he created a Force Shield. No one will be able to read him know. He touched his saber to calm his mind and his face became emotionless again. He must watch what he does. He already gave away much by speaking in that Vampire language. He spoke out, chosing his words carefully. "Vampires are never what they were, and they cannot go back to their past lives. They must be killed..." The icy note in his voice surprised even him, but he didn't let that show. He must be tougher than ever.

"Jedi don't attack first. You could have asked for help instead of trying to demand it. Why did you need our help." His look demanded an answer.

Leina now approached them to hear what Safira has to say. She was concerned because raised his Force Shield again, protecting his emotions to be sensed by Force Users that had that kind of Power. She was one of them. The fact that he did that pointed that he had something to hide. She must find out what that is...

You missed Riordan's part. But it's not a big deal. Here ya go, your turn big_smile