Re: A New Begining

Sounds good Starr.

Re: A New Begining

To help everything flow I've provided a more wordy and in-depth version of what I tried to have Tyrael kinda explain in the last post [intentionally it was supposed to be a bit hard to grasp because of who he is]. This also expands on what he said... just a bit. smile

Explanation of the Force Vampire Plot [most major parts]: Drihten is the Star Wars' version of a slightly altered paradise/heaven-like "after life". There are seven gates which lead to Drihten, one for each of the seven deadly sins of man (i.e. Despair, Greed, Rage, Lust, Gluttony, Envy, and Pride). A soul must pass through each of the seven gates to be cleansed of their sins and to ensure that Drihten does not become impure.

Each of these gates, however, is merely metaphorical (in the sense that there are no physical "Gates of Drihten"). Nonetheless, the process of being cleansed to enter Drihten is overseen by seven valsai'ium (one for each of the seven deadly sins). Each valsai'ium possesses and guards a "key" which when brought together with the six other valsai'ium "keys" opens an eighth gate. (This means Tyrael is also a valsai'ium because he guards the "key" of Despair; his complete role in the storyline has yet to be elaborated on)

This Eighth Gate leads to a Limbo-like suffering "after life" in which evil or corrupt souls are forced to wander aimlessly for all eternity. To keep souls from escaping and to protect the physical universe, the Eighth Gate -much like the seven "Gates of Drihten"- does not hold a physical form so it cannot be opened (even with all seven keys). However, should the balance of the universe be tipped or altered for a period of time so that evil/darkness is prominent [Current timeline: The Jedi Civil War immediately following the Mandalorian Wars; the heroes of the previous war become the enemies in the new war], the Eighth Gate is drawn to the physical universe and manifests physically.

With the Eighth Gate manifested and with all seven keys in possession, essentially even an average man could open the Gate... but doing so has the potential of unleashing all the spirits trapped within the Limbo-like "after life" into the physical universe. However, with the assistance of a valsai'ium not only are the evil souls contained but a way to Drihten can be opened from this hellish "after life", essentially allowing any physical being/army passage into Drihten to do as they please.

With the Force residing in Drihten in a physical form... the possibilities for corruption are endless. Should one ever succeed in corrupting the Force at its source, the universe would be cast into complete and utter darkness where only a chaotic god ruled (the god being whoever corrupted the Force initially).

By means unimaginable, Mortis has discovered this. Taking his age and level of power into consideration, it is possible the Vampire King encountered and fed upon a valsai'ium while it was in physical form, thus gaining all its prior knowledge. The truth behind this assumption remains completely uncertain. What is certain is that Mortis intends to gain access to Drihten by way of the Eighth Gate (meaning he will have to search for the seven keys) and corrupt the universe, becoming its immortal god. Whether he succeeds in this... well... that remains to be seen... wink

Be back to post later. I'll let this sink in. ^_^ Tyrael will explain how to find the other keys (believe me it will be no simple task) and how George and them play a part in it all. Jest, Natayla will explain everything to you.

Author's Extra: Above I completely forgot to mention how the Elders (and a few other advanced species) fit into the whole plot. Their part is actually very simple. The seven keys themselves are physical objects and thus cannot be protected in Drihten but must remain in the physical universe. As such the valsai'ium needed strongholds in which to hide the keys away so mortals could not easily find them.

Such is how the Elders and other species like them became involved. They built massive buildings with complicated designs and intricate traps in which to protect the valsai'ium and the keys they guarded. When Mortis began searching for the keys, the Elders and their allies decided to strike first, believing it would give them an advantage if they destroyed Mortis's "armies". Mortis was patient and did not destroy their species initially because he did not know the role they played with the valsai'ium keys. Once he learned they were unimportant he wiped them out.

Now it's been some time since then... at least a few thousand years. So why has Mortis waited so long before continuing his search for the keys? What's his plan? What's he waiting for...? Well... we'll just have to keep going to find out won't we? ^_^

Last edited by Beautiful Chaos (2011-08-03 22:10:46)

Re: A New Begining

Well... That's all very interesting. And I'm glad you clarified it a little, because you made it easier for me to explain what happened to George later on. wink

Re: A New Begining

Sorry I haven't been around to do any real posting. Life was a bit hellish. tongue But I'll be back later today to post so never fear. ^_^

Re: A New Begining

Since I don't know what you intend for George I'll have Tyrael keep them guessing.

"Many things are not as they seem within this universe of you mortals," Tyrael replies, fascination clinging to the fringes of his voice. "Do not let your eyes deceive you; because you cannot see the Force does this mean it is not there? So too can a man not physically exist but not be dead in entirety."

His head turns and Leina feels the Guardian's hidden gaze fall to her. "Eventually the one you speak of shall find his way through the darkness and return..." he continues, "but in the end we can neither hinder nor advance the matter. For now we must proceed without his assistance..."

"Proceed?" Riordan ponders suddenly.

Tyrael motions towards the key before them. "Despair is merely one of the seven, no? Even now Mir'athorin searches for the other keys; he is one step ahead... as always. But you -and those who shall accompany you- have all been predestined to obtain and guard the valsai'ium keys."

Riordan shakes his head in disbelief. Predestined? The madness of this... place... "You speak as if this is our destiny... to undertake the task you place at our feet," the noble retorts darkly. "Fate is a twisted mistress who can change her mind about such matters at any time... Guardian."

Tyrael turns his attention to Riordan. "Such a fool," the Guardian scolds quietly, his words barely reaching Leina and Mat, "to speak as if I do not know you, Riordan Koga, or share the burden you bear..."

Riordan growls sharply, an unexpected response. "Ekam..."

Tyrael ignores the comment and continues. "Fate plays many tricks, yes, but Mir'athorin is the king of this game and no longer can she alter its path. The seven keys must be found..."


Natayla walks along the wall, her blood stained nails scrapping into the stone like knives, leaving scars in their wake. Her movements lead her in a circle around Jester. "Drihten... it is derived from an ancient word meaning 'paradise'. It is where all the good little boys and girls so once death has claimed their pathetic bodies. And it is there... that the Force resides in a physical state..."

"Now what would happen... I wonder..." she continues, casting a dangerous glance in his direction, "should the Force itself become corrupted by our... power?"


Ekam: a curse on your opponent's name; bastard

George: Tyrael is fixing to explain how to find the keys and again explain that they have to do it because of Mortis. Feel free to ask anymore questions or be like "But we don't know where to start" anything like that. ^_^

Also, when Tyrael speaks of "sharing someone's burden" this means he understands it more than actually bearing it himself. But I wonder what Riordan could be hiding for the Guardian to say that... hmmm...

Jest: Feel free to go crazy with your answer. smile And by "our power" Natayla means the "Force vampire power"

Re: A New Begining

Okay... As I said, Ill post George's part right before he shows up... so don't worry wink

Mat was still confused because he really didn't know what was this about. He looked at Riordan, he sensed that he was hiding something but didn't know what. "Can we get that red stone back?" Mat asked...

Leina glanced at Mat as if she was fearing an answer. She knew that stone was the only way they could bring back George...


Sorry for the short posts... I've got not smart to write big_smile

Re: A New Begining

Be back to post later. smile

Re: A New Begining

Hopefully this makes up for the bit of neglect and not so good writing (from me) this RPG has suffered the last few days. I was in a bit of a writer's slump but I'm back. smile

One of Tyrael's angelic wings suddenly envelops the red stone in its energy-like feathers, Mat and Leina's hearts stopping in their chests. Did the Guardian intend to keep it? For what purposes?! Tyrael, however, quickly calms their fears as his wings stretch forward, carefully placing the precious item in Mat's hands before retreating back towards the godly figure.

Riordan looks as if he wishes to speak, a pressing matter no doubt weighing on the noble's mind. Yet before he can voice his thoughts the key -which still remains suspended before him and Leina- begins to spin, gradually picking up speed. Bright light violently burst forth from the dark object, casting stars into the space around them and throwing planets into place. It was... a map!

Riordan hesitantly reaches out as the key slows, a finger brushing against one of the planets which appears in the air, the map instantly reacting to his touch. Stars dance around them as the map instinctively zooms here and there, jumping from system to system as if searching for something. And then... it stops; a planet highlighted. The noble's eyes move back and forth, taking in the alignment of the stars, the size and alignment of the planets in contrast to the two suns, and the number of moons; mentally rummaging through the navigational charts he'd memorized over the years.

"Ordo," he states with confidence.

"Indeed," Tyrael nods in agreement though Riordan does not seem pleased to have gained the Guardian's approval of his conclusion. "Along the Outer Rim lies the planet Ordo. It is home to the Mandalorian clan which shares its name and it is here which you shall find the next valsai'ium and the key he guards."

"And what of the others?" Riordan asks sternly.

"Each key houses a map much as this one," Tyrael adds, motioning towards the key with his hands, "which shows the location of the next valsai'ium key. To prevent further incident from occurring the map can only be opened by the valsai'ium. But you should have little trouble... each of the valsai'ium know of your existence and why you shall come to stand before them. They will do little to hinder your progress."

"I must warn you, however," the Guardian continues, "reaching the valsai'ium is a different matter and shall be neither easy nor simple. For the key which is sought a test must be passed; it is a process in which a mortal conquers their flaw to emerge purified. Your souls managed to withstand being consumed by sorrows but only with the help of another..."

Riordan's posture straightens and his eyes go cold. "It was a... a test?"

Tyrael nods and repeats: "For each key which is sought a test must be passed. You sought the Key of Despair so it is despair you fought..."

Instead of lashing out -as was somewhat expected at the moment considering the noble's earlier behavior- Riordan ponders this for a moment. "Then the next key... which of the sins is it?"

The map seems to respond to Riordan's question before the Guardian even replies, zooming in on the planet Ordo to reveal it in more detail. "Ordo," Tyrael answers, his voice carrying in the Sanctuary, "it is a desolate planet, a vast, barren desert stretching far beyond the horizons. Here you shall find the Key of Rage."

"The Key of Rage on a desert planet?" Riordan wonders curiously. "Quite different from Despair within the lush swamps and forests of Naboo..."

Tyrael's voice holds a scowl though his face remains hidden in the shadows of his hood. "We carefully planned out the location of each key, mortal. It was not 'throw one here' and 'hide one there' as if they were toys and this a child's game," he scoffs. "There was reason behind it; purpose. Rage resides on a desert planet to represent how unbridled anger can lead to nothing but destruction and a barren soul void of all humanity... much as Despair hid deep within an unforgiving wilderness to show how easily it could entangle and overrun one's soul until nothing but ruins remained..."


Feel free to ask me any questions. With the way I have Riordan and Tyrael set up to talk they can get confusing at times. I even have to check myself. smile I will be writing a Mortis add-in in the next post (my brain's too dead to add it to this one tongue) just to give a little insight on the Force vampire side like I did in an earlier post.

Tyrael Quote: "... until nothing but ruins remained..." By this Tyrael is referring to suicide as people who often suffer from despair [depression] commit suicide. Their soul dies and their body remains but the body is just a shell/vessel and eventually (without the soul) it falls to ruin.

Re: A New Begining

Mat carefully placed the stone back into the pocket on his belt. He felt faint energy emanating from the stone, but he ignored it for the moment. He blinked when he heard that they have to go to Ordo. That damn planet is filled with bloody mandalorians. Mat couldn't listen anymore. It was too much for him. "When do we leave?" He asked.

Leina looked at him as if he was being rude. "I agree with Mar." She turned her gaze to Riordan. "We should leave. But first we need to know where exactly on Ordo we must go?"


You can have Guardian answering simply "George will know". Or you can make up something else tongue big_smile

Re: A New Begining

Be back to post tomorrow. Promise. smile

Re: A New Begining

Repost. Some change ups, some better writing, and more meaning. smile

"Even I know not where your journey shall take you... I know only that each valsai'ium key acts as the guide to the next," the Guardian answers simply. "Keep them close and your feet shall find the path you seek."

The key abruptly stops spinning as the map is sucked back within. It begins to fall and Riordan reaches out, catching it with a heavy sigh of relief, terrified a piece of the answer he's long sought might shatter and be lost for all eternity.

"Now go," Tyrael orders sharply, his unseen eyes not leaving Riordan. "Leave this place. My divine task here is complete and my time not well spent in such desolation... I must return to my sacred duty quickly." He pauses briefly. "For whatever reasons may exist, a tremendous burden has fallen upon your mortal shoulders. In the end I fear it may be too much to bear..." he adds quietly. "Guard yourselves well. Do not let your souls take darkness company nor allow corruption entrance."

Seemingly satisfied and happy enough to leave, Mat and Leina turn and head back towards the short passageway which initially led them to the Sanctuary. Riordan, however, does not move, blankly starring at the dark key within his slender fingers. An overbearing presence brings the noble's attention up, his piercing green eyes rising to met Tyrael's faceless figure, the Guardian towering over him.

"Tread lightly... Riordan Koga..." the Guardian's deep voice resonates around the noble though his words do not reach the two Jedi, oblivious to the secret conversation. "'Tis a thin line which you attempt to so fervently balance yourself upon. A firm push and you shall topple one way or the other whether you wish it or not."

Riordan eyes narrow. This... being... did he truly know?

Sensing his thoughts Tyrael replies: "So quickly do you forget who I am... or perhaps it is because you do not believe even though I am before you. I knew of you long before your forefathers were yet birthed. I knew the curse would befall you and your brother in such a manner as it did. And I knew you would come to stand before me... seeking answers; a way out."

"But this," Tyrael bites, a slight nod motioning towards the key, "is no escape, mortal. Your fate cannot be altered nor your blood cleansed of its curse; even Drihten has no cure for your kind. Death is all you shall find."

"Fate does not govern me," Riordan growls. "Only those swallowed up by ignorance and fear or those who have missed a step fall into its rapid river. If I die it is not because Fate chose to take my life... but because I made a mistake. Grave errors cannot go unpunished."

Tyrael is surprised by Riordan's response though this does not show. "And you are willing to die for this petty 'cause' or yours, mortal? A vain death it would be indeed..."

"I would not expect you to understand something as this," Riordan retorts harshly, turning to leave.

The Guardian does not follow the man. He would fight his own battle like he always had. There was no need for interference. His voice rises so as to address the two Jedi as well. "Should you have need of me, call... and I shall heed your pleas."

And with that the angelic figure disappears.

Tyrael Quote: "Do not let your souls take darkness company nor allow corruption entrance." Tyrael's saying don't die and don't fall to the darkside... basically...

Yeah, I know. I know. Again I was going to write the Force vampire part but I'm tired. Long day. I'm going to bed. I'll tackle it all tomorrow. Or something. smile

As a reminder: You can have them completely exit the Temple/Tomb in your post. Nothing else of importance remains there. smile So all the way back to the Gate Keeper and where Slade and Kain wait patiently.

Re: A New Begining

Sorry, I was off for a bit. big_smile Had some personal problems to take care off. smile

Mat blinked at Guardians final words. "Call him? What did he mean by that?"
Leina and Riordan ignored him as they passed by him.
On the way out, Mat was looking at this red stone trying to figure out how to bring back George. He almost dropped it near the exit. Luckily Leina and Riordan didn't notice as they were talking.

Finally they got out, and Mat sense that the stone was humming. Perhaps the gatekeeper will know what to do. "We should ask the gatekeeper if she knows how to bring back George." he said to Leina and Riordan.

Re: A New Begining

No worries dear. smile

One of Slade's eyes opens lazily, slyly peeking out at the Temple's entrance as the two ancient doors break apart, blinding light spilling out. Kain immediately stands to his feet and Rhiannon turns her horse to face the gate as well. The redhead's heart stops in his chest, however, when only three silhouettes begin to emerge through the light, Kain frantically reaching out through the Force to touch his brother.

"Kain..." a smooth voice halts his search, the man breathing a sigh of relief. His brother's voice was slightly strained but Riordan was otherwise unharmed as far as he could tell; an accomplishment considering Kain's earlier fears.

Slade's eyes narrow in suspicion as the light from the entrance fades away, leaving behind only Riordan and two Jedi. Two... where were the others? And more importantly... where was that Jedi? A cold shiver runs down the old vampire's spine, forcing him from his reclining position with a growl which escapes the notice of the others. No... he couldn't have... the curse was so fresh...

A incredible spike in overbearing Force power draws the blonde vampire's attention back to Kain who was also noticing the absence of that one, particular Jedi. The man's hand clench into fists and he approaches his brother.

"Brother," the hotheaded vampire manages, adding a genuine smile, "glad ta see ya made it... I was worried..."

Riordan's eyes find Kain's, the green pools echoing with sorrow. Kain wasn't the man he was before and Riordan was no longer a boy. The pits had changed them both for better or worse. But they both understood that; understood the change, how they worked and the meaning of their words as well as their actions... at least to come extent. Coming from Kain... those few simple words meant almost everything in the world.

"As was I," the noble answers, managing to return the smile.

Kain looks around briefly, eager to change the subject from what they both knew rested on the others mind. The past was the past. It was long ago buried and as far as he was concerned... it needed to stay that way. Eventually his curiousity gets the best of him. "So where's tha Jedi? Turn'd on ya did 'e? Good for nothin' bastard. 'ave to put 'im down like a dog did ya?" his smile turns into a sadistic grin and his eyes gleam with something sinister.

...Naitsu Inner Sanctum, The First’s Personal Quarters; unknown location...

Days upon days on end. Nothing but greed and war, murder and violence; corruption. Filth. How anyone could care for such rotten, worthless waste was beyond him. But his Master did. At least he had too... to some extent. With his level of power it was possible to eradicate the entire universe and cleanse it within days... yet he refrained.

If it were Razvan's choice he would unleash hell itself and slaughter them all like animals! If they were even worth such on his part. Truth be told he viewed them as not even worth the simple effort it would take to insult them. He'd watched their kind for ages and there exist more heartless savage wolves amongst their own flocks than within the ranks of the Force vampires. Such hypocrites...

So what was the truth behind this epic struggle which had been waging for millenia? Was it truly good versus evil? Or evil against a far greater evil?


"... more heartless savage wolves amongst their own flocks..." A reference to the "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" fable.

Will add more Force vampire bits as we continue. Don't want to reveal too much before everything happens so I have to write carefully. Also Razvan's opinion on the universe and species and such is kinda significant during the whole storyline I guess but VERY IMPORTANT near the end. He views pretty much everything and everyone as trash... keep that in mind. wink

Re: A New Begining

I'll post the George's part called "Revelations" in one of the next posts. xDDDD

Leina looked coldly at Kain. Showing no feelings at all even though she got an urge to kick Kain's ass. She turned to Mat. He understood her short look.

Mat answered to Kain. "No he's not. He saved us. If it weren't for him we would all be stuck inside even now. Or maybe even dead." He took out that red stone from his pocket. "And know we must help him. But how...?" He wondered and while he was scratching his head, the stone started pulsing.

"The Gatekeeper. Where is she?" Leina asked.

Actually it would be in the next one. Just make the Gatekeeper bring back George by performing a ritual with that stone. smile

Last edited by George Kwei (2011-08-16 18:39:05)

Re: A New Begining

Not as good as it could be but it has been a long day so... I'll get back to better writing tomorrow. tongue

Kain smiles charmingly, surprising Leina to some degree as he turns his head, offering his cheek. “Go ‘head, Princess. We all know ya want ta hit me,” he purrs, his eyes flashing with a predatory gleam.

A chill runs down Leina’s spine as she catches the dark ripples in those piercing green pools and the hungry lurking deeper, among the shadows just out of view; much like Shirokami’s. Even now those cold blue eyes which belonged to the infamous blonde vampire inadvertently found Leina and Mat on occasion as if he were a starving animal and a forbidden meal had just been set before him on a silver platter. It was only a matter of time until temptation got the better of him...

Her eyes narrow as her attention returns to Kain. As for him...

Riordan snaps Shouten Yaiba towards the ground suddenly as if to break the tension with a distraction, the blade shattering to return to its neutral state as the simple grip of a katana. He then slips this into the fold of his robes, allowing his arm to rest there. “‘Tis not the time nor the place, Kain,” Riordan responds. “There are more important issues at hand I do believe....”

The noble’s eyes cut to the side as Rhiannon approaches the group, towering above them. Riordan nods curtly and, removing his arm from his robes, holds out an open hand towards Mat though he addresses the Gate Keeper. “So you know of some ritual which may help us?” he wonders, Mat carefully handing him the stone.

Rhiannon’s nods simply as Riordan switches the stone from one hand to the other to pass it to her. She reaches out with both hands to take it from him, cradling it as if it were beyond priceless. “Yes. The stone is very familiar to me and the ritual as old as time itself,” she replies, her delicate, blood stained fingers running over the smooth surface of the rock.

Slade,” she almost whispers, her smoking blue eyes coldly jumping to the man. “You are a cunning hunter yes? You must be...” she pauses, the meaning she implies earning a smile from the older vampire.

Slade stands to his feet. “Yeah,” he answers, stretching, completely uninterested in whatever task she had for him. “Humans certainly make me work for it.”

She seems to ignore this as if the very thought brought about some terrible memory. “I require your assistance,” she continues. “The ritual demands the heart and blood of an mardok but I do not have the patience nor the time for such a hunt and I must prepare the rest of the ritual. Would you kindly?”

Slade sighs, stretching one more time, a few of his bones popping in the progress. “Might as well,” he replies. “Nothin’ interestin’ to do ‘round here anyway.”

And with that the blonde vampire disappears. Rhiannon glances back at the others. “You may remain here. I must go and prepare for the ritual,” she adds as she herself leaves.

Okay so I decided you could have a little play in there (plus I need a bit to think up a really awesome ritual wink). Rhiannon's going to prepare for the ritual while Slade is off hunting a mardok (which will be explained later smile). You can have Leina and Kain start arguing about something or whatever comes to mind. Next post I'll do the ritual. ^_^ Gonna be good to have George back.

Re: A New Begining

Right... Take your time. That post with George will be the longest on here... I think... big_smile

Leina ignored Kain when he goaded her, mumbling something to herself that sounded like idiot. Later when the Gatekeeper left to prepare for the ritual, her eyes were full of hope. On the other hand, Mat was whistling enjoying himself. He started walking around. He approached to one of the trees when he saw a monkey.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" He srceamed and started running away while the little monkey was chasing him. The monkey jumped onto Mat, and started kicking him on the head. He tried to take the monkey of his back, but the monkey was evasive.

Leina was smiling when she saw what happened to Mat. Finally Mat got tired of it and used the Force to push the monkey away. "Shu! Shu!, and don't come back, you miserable little thing!" The monkey looked at him with a sad face. "Nahh, that won't work on me. Come on, go home." When the monkey went away, Mat returned to Leina, Riordan and Kain...

I was thinking about making Leina and Kain argue about something, but that wouldn't be in her character.
Anyway, your turn wink

Re: A New Begining

I'm looking forward to it. smile Well I ended up getting completely side tracked. But I'll post tomorrow or the day after that. Hope my ritual works out right so it doesn't mess with anything you have planned. wink

Re: A New Begining

It probably won't. big_smile Don't worry wink

Re: A New Begining

Cool. Well, here goes. smile

Kain flashes Leina a quick, feral grin as one of his strong hands clasps down on Riordan's shoulder, the young man allowing himself to be pulled towards a semi-seclusive spot away from the others. Though Kain's head remains slightly turned towards Mat and Leina -as if he were afraid to turn his back on them -his eyes cut to the side, the redhead's animalistic eyes finding his brother.

Riordan is shocked to find something beyond hunger and rage in those eyes he though he'd become so familiar with. But there it lies: sorrow and agony; regret and fear. Riordan suddenly sees his brother as the same young man from 60 years ago, burdening the weight of their world on his shoulder. The noble had suspected that what they had been through had changed Kain for the worse, that by forcing him to fight Mika had remained true to her words and broken him, turning the redhead into a monster which craved fighting and bloodshed.

But Kain viewed his strength and rage as much a curse as his now poisoned blood -something not many people would believe upon meeting the man or even after knowing him -and did his best to not let it control him. As the years went by, however, it was obviously more of a strain to keep his brash power on a tight leash. With the curse... Riordan's fears worsened, worried that his brother would lose himself to a far more desperate creature than that of rage.

In truth, Kain's "mental snaps" had become more common and his nightmares more violent and terrifying, the man often waking in the middle of the night drenched in sweat. The redhead had initially left Riordan's side fearful that he would not be able to withstand the effects of the constantly waging war within him and might hurt the one person he cared for. Yet Kain denied his cursed blood the joy of his body, refusing to allow anything but death to take him from Riordan.

"Well? Kain wonders, pulling Riordan from his thoughts suddenly.

Riordan's gaze had dropped but he quickly looks back up at his brother. "Yes?" the noble asks in response.

Kain shifts his weight, already impatient. "Ya wanna tell me what happened in there?"

Riordan does his best to appear clueless. "Nothing beyond what was expected. If it had not been for the Jedi I too believe we would have perished," Riordan adds, reluctant to reveal just how much George had truly helped them.

It was not like what happened would bother Kain as long as Riordan was safe and knew he would never betray him but still... the matter was the noble's own concern. He'd never liked depending on his brother and he certainly was not about to continue the trend. His fears were his own and he would deal with them accordingly.

Kain seems satisfied with Riordan's answer. He had enough respect for his brother not to pry for more than the other man was willing to give. "It's just..." the redhead quickly curbs his tongue, unsure if bringing up such a sensitive subject as the one he'd remembered would hurt his brother's pride. He decides against it. "I just don't 'ave a good feelin' 'bout all this, Riordan," he substitutes, concerned for his brother's well being. "I don't like where thins are goin'..."

Before Riordan can ask his brother the meaning behind those words, Slade appears near them, seemingly relaxed but the slight twitch at the blonde vampire's temple giving away his agitation. A large, dog-like creature is slung over his shoulders.

"Damn errand boy," Slade mumbles to himself before turning his attention to Riordan and Kain. "If you two are done wit' your lil' family reunion and all I'd like to get this over wit'. I don't like this damn place," he growls.

Riordan nods and calls to Leina and Mat who make their way towards the trio. "We will follow Slade to the ritual grounds," he explains. "But it is a long walk..." he trails off.

Kain smiles smugly. "I got dibs on tha Princess 'ere," he claims, stepping forward towards Leina only to be stopped by Riordan who shakes his head.

"I do not think that wise, brother. You and the Lady Naberrie do not seem to cooperate well. I shall escort her."

Kain grumbles, shocking Mat as the redhead suddenly towers above him and unexpectedly throws him over bulky shoulders, kicking and screaming. "Oh, shut up!" Kain roars, gaining compliance when the Jedi senses his building anger.

Without giving Leina time to react, Riordan grabs her hand and pulls her into his body, cradling her in arms which are much larger and stronger than the lose robes made them out to be. "I apologize, my Lady, but this is the quickest way." He looks at Slade who was watching Kain struggle to keep a squirming Mat balanced on his shoulder and nods. "Lead the way."

The blonde vampire returns the noble's nod and suddenly vanishes, Kain and Riordan proceeding to do the same. Within an instant, Riordan's grip on Leina loosens and her feet slip onto the ground, the surface wet and sinking in slightly beneath her. Kain growls, tossing Mat onto the ground, unconcerned for the Jedi's feelings.

The area around them is a dark and haunting marsh, sounds from various creatures echoing deeply around them. The air is cold and nips at them like a hungry animal. Slade drops the body of the creature, kicking it with disgust.

"Alright, Rhiannon. We're here. Time to start this lil' party of yours."

The Gate Keeper seems to solidify from thin air, holding the red stone in her hands. She no longer rides upon her black steed and small flowers sprout wherever her feet touch the ground. She looks at the corpse of what was apparently the mardok she'd been searching for. "You've done well, Rule Slade," she comments.

The ground trembles slightly as a small stone pillar erects itself in the swampy marsh not to far away from the group. "Rip out it's heart and give it to me. Afterwards take it's blood and surround the altar in a circle of sanctification."

Slade complies though it was obvious the vampire wished to be elsewhere. He bends down, effortlessly punching through the creature's chest to extract the heart. Rhiannon takes it from him and proceeds in placing the stone upon the altar as Slade creates a blood circle around her and the altar.

He tosses the empty corpse to the side and stands back away from the Gate Keeper with the others, watching with somewhat fascination as she begins to chant in an ancient language. Leina and Mat immediately recognize it as the same with which Riordan had communicated with the creature in. Strange...

The Gate Keeper pulls out a small dagger as she continues chanting, raising the heart over her head. Suddenly she slams the heart down on the stone, bringing her other arm down to stab through it and shatter the stone beneath. A shockwave erupts from the pillar-like altar...

There you go, hon. Go ahead and bring George back. ^_^ The significance of the mardok is that it is a very powerful predator and often used to symbolic represent a "warrior" or a "warrior's heart".

Also if you notice during Riordan thinking about all that's happened and ya-de-da he notes 60 years instead of 50 (50 years being how long ago he and Kain were tainted). So what could have happened before then I wonder? wink

Re: A New Begining

I wonder that too wink
And finally. I have been waiting to post this for days! big_smile



    What more could you ask from the world than to bring back your memories of past lives... Nothing... Everyhing else you must take  for yourself. But this... This comes at such a high price that most of men wonder... Is it worth it?

    A Jedi's life is sacrifice. Most people don't understand what that means. Only few of them did. One of them was George Kwei. Long ago, in a time of the first Jedi Knights. In a time when Force Vampires were unleashed onto the galaxy. They hunted these Vampires. Killed them as many as they could, bringing them to the verge of extinction. But they did not know the power of their king. The King struck back, spreding disease amongst the Elders and through the Force to the Jedi. The Elders were dying, and so were the Jedi. A handfull of them remained. And they went to the planet Naboo, to the ancient Elder Temple. There they performed a ritual that would make sure that one day they will be all brought back... To finish the fight.

    But something went wrong. George Kwei and the rest of the Jedi remained sealed and could not get out. The place started falling apart, until nothing but ruins and darkness remained.

    One day... Thousands of years later, George's soul was freed by a force unknown and he was brought back into life as a baby. But with no memories.

    There were Jedi who survived the Purge and they continued tha tradition of hunting these Force Vampires in secrecy. They were the Jedi who had families hidden from the order and they were passing that tradtion through it. One of those families was the Kwei family. James and Eleanor Kwei hunted down Razvan's soul partner and killed her. They didn't know that Razvan would come for them. They had a 18 year old daughter Serena and 5 year old son George. Razvan went to their home on Coruscant and killed them all but small George.

    It is uncertain if Razvan let him live on purpose, or did small kid somehow managed to escape. Either way, George found his way to the Jedi Temple and there he started his training as a Jedi. During those years George felt like there was something missing in his life. Often he would wander off alone to think about. Other kids started calling him Lonewolf, because he did everything by himself. He knew that there was something that he should know, like he need only to turn around and he would knew it. So he started searching for the truth.

    When he was 21, he learned about Force Vampires and thought of them to be Sith. He learned about one Force Vampire ,one called the Second, who was hunting through the streets of Coruscant. It took him a year to fing him. Or more accurately fot the Second to find George. They dueled and the Second proved to powerfull for George. During the duel George remembered something from his past that helped him balance the fight. Still... It wasn't enough. Thanks to the Seconds reclesness he managed to defeat him only to Razvan appear beetwen them, and saves Second. He spared George (again) but poisoned him. And George left to find the cure. He ended up on Naboo and something drove him to find the Ancient Temple of the Elders. Along the way he picked up few friends. Two Force Vampires Kain and Slade, And one that was deceased like him, Riordan. A lady from Naboo, Leina and one of her mercenaires, Mat, who will later become his apprentice.

    They wentured into the Temple. George had a few flashbacks from his past and at the final chamber where he performed that ritual thousands of years ago, he ended up sucked in the stone of Memories...

* * *

    He woke up on the floor, everything smelled of death and suffering around him. He opened his eyes and saw that he was in a some kind of a hallway. Stains of blood were everywhere. He stood up, and noticed that along the hallway there were stools with skulls on them. Creepy place. He couldn't see the either end of it, so he chose to go left. That was his unwritten rule. If you don't know where to go, go left.

    He was walking down the hall trying to avoid pools of blood, when he noticed prison bars on the right wall.  He approached it carefully and noticed a spacy room with a wooden table in the middle. A man was sitting on a chair writing something on a paper! With a quill! Strange... He was in a bloody red robes, had a long loose black hair. George found that odd and thought that this was somehow familiar to him. Just as he wanted to address the man, the man spoke out before he could open his mouth.

    "I was expecting you, George." He turned around and George took a step back. Fire was coming from his eyes and mouth. Terrifying.

    "I see you don't remeber me. I'm Shai'tan!" George felt something shaking in his head, but it soon stopped. He smiled and fire poured out of his mouth.

    "The Dark One..." George just said. He remebered. "There are two evils in this world. You and Mortis. You were sealed. But he wasn't. And we are now in the..." George couldn't bring himself to speak out the name...

    "Bore." The Dark One said evily. "Time flows differently here. If there is such a thing. Human perceptions are so limited. But you knew all this. Let me remind you." The Dark One stared at him as George begun to feel great pain. He was groining and soon screaming as he felt thousand of needles stabbing into his body. It only lasted for a second. But George thought that an eternity has passed.

    He slowly started to remeber things he did. His past lives... "You!" George stood up, and looked at Shai'tan with hate. "You imprisoned us!"

    The man in bloody robes smiled... "Did I? You asked for power to defeat Vampires. You must have known what would have happened." The Dark One made a significant pause to study George. " You knew that it was evil what you seek. And once I gave it to you, you refused, so you were cursed with an eternal life. And know you serve ME!"

    George couldn't listen anymore, so he went to the nearest stool, used the force to throw away skulls and sat on it. He had disbelief in his eyes. He was shocked. Still procesing all those memories, things that he had done.

    Drihten, beyond the 8th gate were hell resides, in this prison for the Dark One. Long ago the Creator, God of the Force or whatever you want to call it, imprisoned him here. But from time to time Shai'tan could reach out into the world and toucht the very evil that lies in it. There was another one, called Mortis, George didn't know how he came to be, but some were suspecting that he was a Jedi once.

     Finally George admited his past. "I was poisened by this Razvan. I must kill him... I must kill all Force Vampires. Every single one of them. I lost everything to them." George said with hate.

    The Dark One had a evil grin. He was the very embodiment of evil and yet George somehow works for him, he couldn't remeber how. Shai'tan approached the bars and looked directly at his eyes. "You know your tasks..."

    George lowered his gaze and said: "I know. Exterminate the Force Vampires, kill Mortis, create a secret order that will supposedly serve the Creator, and stay out of Jedi conflicts."

    "Very good." The Dark One nodded, content that he needn't bother restoring his pawn's memories. "But there is one more task that I'm giving you."

    George raised his head to look at the fiery eyes. He hated everything in this place. He remebered know. His life was connected to the Dark Ones. If Dark One dies, he dies. How did that came to be?

    "Your friends have succeded in finding the first key to Drihten. Sooner or later they will find a way to it. You will go with them, enter the Drihten, and find a way to release me. If you don't..." Shai'tan didn't finish the threat, and he didn't have to. George already knew what will happen.

    "I will..." George said and stood up to bow before him.

    "One more thing." The Dark One said. "Approach me." George was wondering what was he up to, but he obeyed and went towards the prison bars. The Dark One reached out with his hand and placed it on the Jedi's head. Suddenly the Jedi started feeling pain, but he couldn't move, like he was paralyzed. Then he saw, a black smoky thing coming out of his skin. Razvan's poison! Shai'tan got it out of him. The pain stopped, he was released and he slundered back to the stool.

    George just looked at the Dark one not knowing what to say and he faded out into the real world. Leaving the Dark One alone. He was staring for a moment at the stool where the Jedi was sitting and then turned around. Suddenly a scared woman appeared in the cell. He was going to have some fun...

* * *

    A shockwave erupts from the pillar-like altar.  A bright flash, then a loud thunder coming out of nowhere. Riordan, Slade, Kai, Mat, Leina and the Gatekeeper stared as George's body fell to the ground from the point where the flash appeared. He groaned a little so Leina went towards him.
    She crouched by him and placed her hands on his head. He still didn't turn around and his eyes were closed. Healing energy entered into George, and Leina could "sense" him. There was something different about him, like he was older... much older, and some wounds... she couldn't heal them. When she broke the physical contact, George gasped and opened his eyes, he turned on his back. Leina's face was right in the path of sun, the sun's glare made her look even more beautiful.
    "You knew my family..." he just said. Leina backed away shocked...
    "You know what happened in our visions?" she said still in shock. George nodded, and tried to get up but failed, he was still a little weak so Mat and Riordan approached to help help him.
    Mat smiled and said: "I would appreciate if you would keep my vision to yourself." George smiled back, and shook his head a little, then looked at Riordan... His vision was the worst... "I guess everything is true but the end, Riordan?"


This is maybe too much for the story. There few points in this text that you may consider that are ruining it (especially that part where Shai'tan removes the poison from George). If that's the case I can remove it... smile

Last edited by George Kwei (2011-08-18 18:13:36)