Re: A New Begining

Wow... xD I'm just gonna post Mat's part today. Leina's is scheduled for tomorrow. tongue

Mat couldn't move, he tried but he couldn't. Suddenly he felt that he has been released. And then...

Mat was walking through the Street. He was back in Theed. He entered in one restaurant. In was a cozy place, with a nice romantic atmosfere. A waiter approached him and Mat asked for a table for two. The waiter lead him to a table in the back. It was pretty closed up, and they will have some privacy. He ordered a wine while he waits for her.

He was sitting there reading the menu, trying to figure out what meal will be great... Then she arrived. She was so beautiful, graceful. He noticed that something was wrong. When she sat on her chair. She was cold and all closed up. "Mat, dear." Mat was hoping that it was nothing but he feared the worst... He was holding in his left hand a small box. and he reached with his other hand for hers. She pulled her hand back and tried to look as calmly as possible. "Mat... It's over between us..." Mat's face suddenly saddened. "I don't want to be with you anymore."

Mat was shocked. Why now? "Why, Sarrani? We are together for more than two years. Why so suddenly?" Mat thought that she was beginning to cry but she stood up. "Goodbye, Mat." And then she left. She just left...

Tomorrow I'll post Leina's part, and the day after that I'll post a surprise. You'll see wink

Re: A New Begining

Okay Starr, So we will move our little sceen to Ajunta Pall's Tomb where all that has happened has happened in there.

What is your name and why do I feel like I know you? As I try to figure ou what I am and why I have the need to find this Vampire King I realize that all that I have done in the past as a Sith is no more important to me just the burning desire to service the King.

Why has Karia done this to me and why me?

I drop to my knees in anger but at the sametime be proud to be in the service of a King that I have never met.

Re: A New Begining

George wrote:

Wow... xD

Liked it did ya? big_smile

Because I tend to have a lot of things in italics flashbacks will also be marked by a * at the beginning and the end to help clarify. ^_^

A simple glance; a simple word.


He leans forwards to rest his head in his hands. There had been something beyond that normally indifferent voice, something he couldn't quite put his finger on.


He sighs heavily, running calloused, scared fingers into crimson hair. Sorrow and regret had filled those cold eyes if only for a moment; why then did he hide the emotion in that single word? Was he scared?


Was that all, Riordan? the redhead wonders to himself. No. There was more wasn't there? I saw it in your eyes. You can't fool me, little brother. I want to hear the words you meant to tell me...

His eyes narrow, his mind suddenly wandering off elsewhere.

* The hum of the ship's engine echoes in the confines of the empty room, turning the soft sound into a roar. His eyes open, his body crying out in pain, the metallic taste of blood drying his mouth. So... the belly of the beast...

"Kain..." a weak voice calls suddenly.

Kain immediately sits up despite his own pain, chains clanging together as he does. He searches the dimly lit room for the source of the voice, his eyes finding the battered body laying on the cold floor on the other side of the room, green eyes screaming in pain as they stare deep into his own, an arm laying stretched out as if desperately reaching for the man. A finger moves, a silent plea.

"Brother..." the voice calls now.

Kain easily frees himself of the shackles which hold him to move to his brother's side. "Shhh," Kain commands gently, carefully breaking Riordan's own shackles from his wrists and ankles. He pulls his brother's body into his arms, wary of the countless bruises, the areas of scorched flesh, and the poorly bandaged wounds. "Don't speak, Riordan," he continues, his own breathing heavy and strained as if he were carrying a tremendous burden. "I'm awake. Save your breath."

Riordan shudders, his breath coming out in raspy gasps. "Kain... my body... it... it's on fire...! I... I'm burning... it hurts... brother..." he manages, fisting a handful of Kain's shirt weakly as a tear trails down his dirtied face.

Kain cannot help but hold Riordan closer, closing his eyes on a wave of heart-wrenching pain, his own body trembling with rage -though it would do little to help him in the situation they were in. Those bastards! He'd kill every last one of them for doing this to Riordan! He'd tear them to pieces, make them watch as he pulled their still beating hearts from their pathetic bodies! He'd-he'd...

"Kain," a voice cries softly.

Kain gasps, his attention returning to the boy in his arms to realize he is crushing him. He loosens his grip, horrified. "Riordan, I'm sorry... I didn't mean..."

Riordan nods simply, understanding. Kain stares at him for a moment, his eyes narrowing. Never. Never again would he allow anyone to hurt Riordan. He didn't care what it cost... he would become stronger. Would protect Riordan... by any means... *

His posture straightens and his blood runs cold. Something didn't feel right suddenly. He glances towards the Temple's Gate.



Dark, bleak... empty. His breathing is shallow and the only sound in the haunting silence. His heart begins to pound violently, adrenaline rushing through his blood. The emptiness... it was so familiar... so terrifying...

* A deep sound rumbles around him and a light breaks through the darkness suddenly, blinding him. He barely makes out the form of the biped walking towards him; a second form remaining in the doorway, waiting. Their voices echo around him though he can't quite make out their words, his mind groggy. Strong, cold hands clamp down around his wrists...


He was weak and the heavy hand on his shoulder put little effort into the push which sends him to his knees. He tries to lift his gaze but the same hand holds his head down, forcing him to stare at the ground like an unworthy slave.

A gruff and dangerous voice comes from the figure behind him. "Eh, Mika, what should we do with this one?" it tugs on the chains connected to Riordan's shackled wrists to emphasis.

The hand on his head moves away, a soft one slithering beneath his chin so that he looks up into fierce, golden, cat-like eyes. A... a Farghul? Where was he?

"Be gentle, Ravi," the woman purrs, her voice sultry but holding the same dangerous edge as the figure behind him. "The poor thing is injured enough as it is. It'll be at least a week before the healer can get him into the pit," she adds, turning his head this way and that as if he were a prize animal she was looking to purchase.

Riordan has no choice but to do as she wished... not that he would resist or do otherwise; whatever drug they slipped him was keeping him docile. The Farghul's hands slip under Riordan's clothes, her fingers trailing over every well-toned muscle of his upper body she can reach. Riordan closes his eyes as her fingers leave painful aches and burns in their wake.

His injuries from their encounter with the Jedi had not been medically addressed and his body could do little to heal itself in such a condition. Mika immediately notices and her touch softens.

"Besides," she returns her attention to Ravi, "do you really want to draw the attention of the other by manhandling this one?" she raises an eyebrow.

Ravi chuckles. "Rumor goes he killed three of our guys when they tried to chain 'em back up. They even had to use quadanium steel chains I hear. But you know how rumors can be..."

Mika runs a hand up Riordan's back and she smiles. "The thing about rumors, Ravi... is that you can never tell when they're exaggerated... or when they're actual truth."

She stands to her feet, extremely unpleased. "Take him to the healer immediately. The boy can barely stand my touch without crying out in pain; how the hell am I supposed to expect him to fight?" She growls. "You tell that 'Jedi' and his friends that the next time they decides to play with my merchandise I'll have them slaughtered like the dogs they are. And please do provide a demonstration for them, Ravi..."

Ravi grins maliciously. "My pleasure."

He grabs Riordan by the shoulder, pulling the boy to his feet and easing him towards the door so as not to injury him further, allowing Riordan a quick glance of the Feeorin's face. A Farghul warrior suddenly runs into the room, almost colliding with Riordan and Ravi.

"Mi'lady!" he shouts, rushing towards Mika.

She turns to him. "Yes-"

Before she can finish speaking, however, the Farghul warrior continues. "The-the red demon!" he takes a deep breath. "He's escaped!"

Her eyes narrow but she seems relatively calm. "What do you mean 'escaped'?"

"The drugs didn't have much of an effect on his body it seems. He came about when they were removing him. He-he pulled Akin's knife on him and stabbed him in the eye, killing him. He's holding Captain Soren captive as we speak. I've-"

The warrior's voice fades away from Mika's mind and she smiles to herself. Ah, I see... so that's how it's going to be, Akaijin? This is quite interesting....

"Where is he now?" she asks abruptly.

"They've still got him cornered by the ship I believe. Though not for very long. He's calling for the one that was with him," the Farghul adds though he does not motion towards Riordan. "When he doesn't get an answer he... I-I've never seen anything like it, mi'lady. He's already killed the ten crew members that were with the Captain. I would not think him above slaughtering Soren and many others should he not get his answer..."

Riordan's eyes widen. Kain...

"That will do; you're dismissed. Ravi and I will deal with the situation ourselves," she adds.

"Ah... yes, mi'lady," he bows and leaves.

Mika moves towards Ravi who stands with Riordan by the door. "Mika?" the Feeorin questions.

She grabs Riordan under his chin again, her golden eyes gleaming. "So... your brother wants to play hostage, eh? Well... it seems I have a card in that deck as well, don't I?" *

My, my... it seems Riordan and Kain were betrayed by a Jedi, tortured (Riordan more so than Kain for some "mysterious" reason wink), and then sold over to some Farghul to do who knows what. No wonder they have such a hatred of the Order. I wonder what Mika plans to do with them though... hmmm....

Okay so for the flashbacks Riordan and Kain are in their years before they became tainted so they're still pretty young. In this post both flashbacks take place when Kain is 20 and Riordan is 17 (Riordan is referred to as boy a few times cause calling him man just didn't sit with me). And though this may seem a little more than brotherly love at points I promise they're not g*y. lol They've been through a lot together so they have a very unique, very, very strong bond.

Akaijin: Red Demon; the name given to Kain Koga by Mika... most likely a reference to his hair color and demonic aura/power.
     Aka normally means "red" but it can also mean "bloody". Ijin is often used when referring to evil spirits thus meaning "demon" or "devil". However, it can also be used as a cultural insult which means "barbarian". Thus the name has two meanings: Red Demon or Bloody Barbarian. Both names fit the man very well.

Re: A New Begining

Well, but that comment was because of the length of the post... big_smile

Also, your Farghul link says that there is no such link... O.o? It doesn't work xD

Leina was walking down the street of Theed with her best friend. These were her last moments on Naboo and she wanted to spend them together with Leina. "What's with that boy, Sedric? You to having something?"

"No, Leina. I told you a thousand times. We are just friends." She said that with a smile. Leina liked to tease her with that. "But now, we'll be thousands of lightyears away. Stupid parents, I don't want to leave on Coruscant." She was broked in. So Leina stopped her and gave her a hug. "Everything will be okay, Serena. Don't worry."

They continued walking towards the spaceport, talking about usual girl themes. Once they arrived they noticed Serena's family. They were waiting for her. Her mother was first to speak when they approached them. "There you are little girl. You're late!" Her mother seemed angry. "Now, now, Eleanor. She was with her friend. Hello Leina. How are you?" That was Serena's father. Leina smiled as nothing happened, she was accustomed to this."Hello, Mr. James. How are you?"

"Leina!" A 4-year old kid was running towards her and hugged her by her legs. "Hey, George. How're you doin'?" She cuddled his hair. "I'm fine. I just don't want to leave." He was sad as every kid is when they're moving out. And she was sad too. her best friend was leaving. "We should go." James said, and took most of the bags and went into the ship. Eleanor said goodbye to Leina and took little George with her. Leina and Serena hugged. "I'm gonna miss you." "I'll miss you too, take care."

They hugged once more and Serena waved her before disappearing inside the ship. The ships engines fired up and it flew off...

Leina made a deep sigh and turned, but a man in black common clothes was standing in her away looking at her...

wink I surprised you again? big_smile
Tomorrow, I'll post the rest of their visions. smile

Re: A New Begining

Okay, really, really LONG post (seriously it's got to be the longest on this site... EVER...) but I wanted to go ahead and get it all in there. There was more I wanted to write about Riordan and Kain's past in these flashbacks but decided to just go ahead and get to the real despair part so... prepare yourself! ^_^

And it is manly to cry about certain things so don't be hating! tongue

P.S. Fixed the Farghul link. smile

* "Release him!" the woman demands again, the tip of the dagger she was holding to his throat now piercing the skin near his jugular.

Blazing green eyes meet the molten gold ones belonging to Mika and though his hands allow Ravi's own throat to slip away for their crushing grasp his eyes hold the same rebellion as always; refusing to submit.

"There's a good boy," Mika purrs charmingly as Kain falls to his knees, oblivious to the blood sinking into the fabric of his clothes. Mika's dagger moves away from Riordan's throat and she frowns at the dead mutilated bodies on the ground around the redhead. "You certainly do have a temper problem..."

Kain's eyes find the tiny trickle of blood streaming down his brother's neck and his eyes soften. "Riordan..."

"Shame that we will have to break that fighting spirit of yours," Mika continues, "but I do not tolerate insubordination from anyone..."

Kain glares at Mika, obviously not giving two shits about whatever it is the Farghul just said. "He needs ta see a healer, damn it! Wha' tha hell is wrong with you?! He's dyin'!"

As if suddenly realizing the only way to get to this barbaric man before her, Mika's hand moves to rest on Riordan's shoulder, her claws digging into the tender flesh which had been scorched by the Jedi's 'experiments'. Riordan flinches, closing his eyes and turning his head to hide the pain.

"Get yer f***in' hands off 'im!" Kain roars, rising to his feet.

He stops mid-way, however, when the woman's grip on Riordan's shoulder tightens, the boy groaning softly and leaning down in an attempt to avoid her touch. "Ah, ah, ah," she scolds. "We don't want you misbehaving and your poor little brother here taking the blame now do we?"

"You b**ch!" Kain spits, slumping back down onto his knees.

Mika smiles, her hand moving away from Riordan's shoulder, slipping around his neck to tease his other ear, the pads of her fingers dancing along his strong jawline. "Don't use such strong words. They only make you look weak," she criticizes.

Kain replies with a sharp growl and Mika chuckles faintly. "Shall we strike a deal, Akaijin? You are a man of incredible strength; truly formidable... I do not doubt you could have escaped my trappers without so much as a scratch. But your weakness, on the other hand, is not something you cannot easily protect," she adds, her fingers peeling away the cloth at Riordan's shoulders to reveal the damaged flesh there, "and that leaves you open to constant attack."

"No. You bastards all just 'ave f***in' death wishes," Kain snaps. "Anyone who hurts Riordan will die. I thought that was perfectly clear but it looks like I'll 'ave ta spell it out for ya. Those Jedi... hell will be f***in' paradise compared to what I have planned for them... and mark my words, Farghul b**ch, your days are numbered too."

Mika is nothing but amused by the threat. This would certainly be interesting. "Lend me your strength until that day, Akaijin, serve me... and I'll make you a king among gods. And as long as you do what I ask of you... we will not harm your brother."

"How tha hell do I know you'll keep yer end of tha deal, Farghul?" he questions.

Mika smiles. So... he's not just brute strength after all.


Five years. Had it been so long since they'd first come to this living hell? Loovria. They had learned its name well. It was a place as desolate and dry as Tatooine... but blood did not stain the sands as it did here. Blood. Here it was all that matter to these simpletons. That and the fight it took to obtain such a precious crimson treasure, thousands upon thousands cheering for more of it.


But five years of it.... Within those five years it seemed he was seeing less and less of his brother with every passing day. The man had become like a god to these people; an unstoppable, bloodthirsty god of the sands. Riordan sighs heavily, taking his helmet off and wiping the blood away from his forehead so it wouldn't fall into his eyes. He stares into his faceless mask. What had they become?


Riordan looks up, his face remaining cold and indifferent as Ravi approaches him. He had quickly learned that emotion and attachments would not only hinder him but get him killed. It was like that within a prison were only blood and money mattered; mercy and compassion had no value. It was kill or be killed and he would not lie down and die for anyone...

"It has been some time, gladiator," the Feeorin says, patting the man on the back.

Riordan nods in agreement. "Indeed," he replies simply, adjusting the straps of the gauntlet on his right arm. "You need something of me, Ravi? It was my understanding there were no more fights for the day but if Mika commands it..."

Ravi shakes his head. The boy had certainly grown into a fine soldier: loyal and relentless despite the fact that they were basically holding him prisoner. But he and his brother were so close to their freedom they could almost taste it... and they would do anything to obtain it. What he found curious is that while Riordan and Kain shared blood, the first did not seem to possess such terrifying power as Akaijin.

But... if they shared the same blood surely they shared at least a portion of the same power. So what was Riordan doing hiding it? He grins to himself. Well... they just have to draw it out of him...

"We have a special treat for you," the Feeorin replies. "Rumors have spread about Akaijin's faceless brother. There are some frightening tales regarding the Hikonjuu... some even say he sacrificed his own soul to surpass Akaijin."

Hmmm... if only they realized how close they were to the truth... Riordan thinks to himself.

"They want to see you in a match together," Ravi continues.

"They... they want to see us fight... together?" Riordan wonders in astonishment. "But we haven't ever fought with each other before. How do they know of me beyond my own name?"

Ravi shrugs. "Ah, things get around. You know how it can be in a place like this. Mika is arranging the match as we speak."

And with that the Feeorin leaves. Riordan's gaze finds his faceless helm once more.


The massive, barred doors slowly open, pushing sand along the ground beneath them like tiny desert waves. Already the crowd begins roaring "Akaijin! Hikonjuu! Akaijin! Hikonjuu!", demanding their gods to come and face what awaits within the arena.

Riordan pulls on the blue strip of sash tied around around his belt, tightening the knot, ensuring it wouldn't fall off. Not that Kain wouldn't know it was him. Riordan begins the trek though the dirty chambers leading up to the gladiator pit. A figure stands in the center of the ring, waiting for him.


As Riordan walks towards him, he takes in his brother's impressive stature as a gladiator. He dons a spartan-like war helm adorned with long, blood dyed hair; his body armor shimmers in the light, layered over to cover most of his upper body, hiding his abdomen from easy strikes. It was a sure sign he was indeed doing well within the arena.

A blue enchanted brand glows faintly on his left arm. Fighters often became religious and superstitious when they could die anyday. Akaijiin was considered a god of death himself and as such the brand was there to prevent the souls he slaughtered from being dragged into eternal damnation as the Farghul sage claimed.

When compared to Kain's armor, Riordan's left little to be desired. He had easily proved himself within the arena as well and as such donned armor to protect himself. However, Riordan's most prized piece of armor was his animalistic, faceless helmet. The "face" of the helm was covered by a diagonal bars which formed diamond shapes, hiding Riordan's face in the shadows.

Two horns protrude from each side of the helmet just behind and above his ears. Riordan was quite proud of it and it was this that gave him the name Hikonijin. A worthy name. He stands before Kain now, the man carrying a massive war spear. Many had been impaled and paraded about the arena on such a weapon.

"Brother... it's good to see you..." Riordan smiles though Kain cannot see it past his helmet.

"And you as well, Riordan," Kain answers emptily.

Riordan is taken aback by his brother's reaction but before he can speak with him further the crowd quiets as Mika stands on the platform above the gladiator pit. "Many have fought this day; many have died, their blood staining the sands. Yet this arena towers above all others in the Republic! It is a vast beast... and still it hungers!"

The crowd erupts into wild roars and cheers, demanding blood. "Akaijin and Hikonjuu... blood brothers. Five years ago they first stepped onto these sands and today they stand before you as gods! But... the gladiators can have only one they fear so. Now witness the fight of fights, one that shall be remembered for ages!"

Riordan shifts. He did not like where this was leading. What did Mika have planned?

"Akaijin and Hokonjuu shall face each other!"

Riordan's heart stops and his eyes widen, a coarse breath escaping his lungs. WHAT?! Was... was this her plan all along?! He'd have never agreed to it had he-!

"Only one shall leave this place alive," Mika continues, "the other slain merciless by his own brother's hand!"

"We never agreed to this, Mika!" Riordan roars, the crowd quieting to hear what the gladiator has to say.

Mika smiles and chuckles faintly. "You may not have, my dear boy."

Riordan gasps, immediately turning his head to look at his brother. "K-Kain?" the name comes out on a shudder of a breath. Kain's green eyes meet his own, holding no shame. It is then that Riordan notices the red sash tied around the other man's waist...

"You have lost your hold on him," the Farghul adds as Riordan's eyes find her again. "He is mine now and is no longer tied down by some petty human morals. Prepare yourself, Hikonjuu. He will show you no mercy."

Riordan's attention jumps back to Kain as the redhead twirls his massive spear, bringing it around to point the sharpened metallic end at his younger brother. Riordan takes a step back, unwilling to believe the situation. "Kain... you can't do this! We're brothers, damn it!"

Green eyes narrow and a growl escapes the monster before him. "I am a god. I have no brother."

"Begin!" Mika's voice echoes throughout the stadium, sending the crowd into a frenzy.

Kain grins, charging forward with a thrust of his spear, roaring as he attempts to impale Riordan. Instinctively in defense the younger gladiator sidesteps to avoid the first blow, quickly ducking when the blunt end of the redhead's weapon is twirled around in an effort to hit him when he's off guard.

Riordan continues to step backwards, trying to put as much distance between him and Kain as possible. He would not fight his brother! He refused! Kain, being the one advancing, is much faster than his younger brother, twirling his spear in both hands as he lunges for the other man, wildly jabbing at him with the head of his weapon.

Riordan dodges each attack and retreats again, the crowd roaring at the prospects of this match. Mika laughs over the arena speakers. "You should draw your sword, Hikonjuu! Then again... if it comes down to that I doubt even it would save you from your brother's bloodthirsty wrath."

Kain swings his spear around again, using it to gain momentum before he throws it at Riordan. The younger gladiator slides backwards to avoid the first strike and then to the side in order to evade the tip of the spear intent on piercing him through. Riordan growls. He couldn't keep this up forever and the longer they fought the more a rage became a possibility.

He'd have to beat Kain into unconsciousness if he could and then find a way to get them out of this mess. Riordan immediately changes his stance from defensive to offensive, surprising Kain, the younger man lunging forward and kicking the redhead in the face, sending the gladiator's helmet flying through the air.

The crowd roars at the first strike of the match, Kain stepping backwards and reaching up to wipe the blood away from his nose.

"Was that so hard?" Mika purrs over the speakers.

Riordan rushes forward again, Kain blocking his kicks this time with the shaft of his spear. The younger man uses it as an anchor to propel himself backwards, flipping in midair to land safely on his feet, immediately rushing forward again and dropping down. He swings his legs beneath Kain to catch him off guard but the gladiator reacts quickly, jumping up and swinging his spear at Riordan's face.

The younger gladiator rolls backwards onto his feet, evading the sharp weapon. The redhead growls, becoming increasingly more aggressive with each missing blow. He goes for stabbing Riordan's face, putting more power and speed behind the spear. Riordan ducks and when the spear thrust towards his heart he sidesteps, grabbing the weapon under his arm and yanking it away from his brother.

He twirls it and jabs it at Kain, using the man's own weapon against him. It was a weak attack. Though the power and speed behind it were as merciless as the older gladiator's had been it had no malicious intentions. Riordan expected him to easily dodge... wanted him to dodge...

The crowd goes silent for a mere moment. Riordan's breath hitches in his lungs and his heart pounds in his ears, the sound of the sudden uproar from the stadium around him going deaf in the young gladiator's ears. "Kain..." he whispers.

Kain's hand weakly wraps around the shaft protruding from his chest, blood dripping onto the sands at his feet, his breathing ragged and uneven as his pierced lungs scream for air and his heart desperately tries to continue pumping blood through his body. Not removing the spear, Riordan immediately rushes to his brother's side, the redhead groaning softly and falling to his knees, blood seeping from the corners of his mouth.

Riordan moves Kain's hand away from the pole of the spear when the man tries to pull it out. "Don't!" he snaps. He rips his helmet off, casting it aside as if it were nothing, frantically looking around, the sound of the roaring crowd completely drowned out by the sound of his panicking heart. "We need a healer, damn it!" he shouts.

His voice, however, does not reach beyond the sands of the arena, the people within the stadium oblivious to the young man and his dying brother, too busy collecting money from each other or reluctantly giving it up. Riordan looks back down at Kain, the redhead's eyes glossy and distant.

"Brother..." he murmurs as the redhead leans into him, blood dripping onto Riordan's golden armor. "I didn't want this..." he shudders, tears stinging his eyes.

Kain's breath comes out rough, the sound more like a growl. "Don't... cry... little brother," he manages, the act of speaking more than difficult, obviously putting more strain on the redhead's body. "I'm... I'm here... Riordan..."

Tears trail down Riordan's cheek, the wet drops landing next to the crimson ones left by Kain. "Brother..."

Kain closes his eyes on his last breath, understanding the unspoken words. *

OMG! Done! I think I'm going to go die now... that took forever! o_O Well Riordan's despair... forced to fight his brother and then ending up killing him by accident. And Kain sorta apologizes in the end (it's the meaning not the actual words that count wink)... that's pretty harsh. *tear* tongue

So for this one... the reason Riordan doesn't do much during Mika and Kain's first little chat is because he's under the influence of a nice little drug. Kain was given the same drug but really... the dude's a monster. He needed at least three doses.

Also I realize that Riordan may be seeming a little weak but he has been really roughed up bad by the Jedi's 'experiments' and he hasn't gotten healed so it's expected. He's not weak though as you see. Mika did end up using him as a gladiator. Riordan's flashback is not twisted until Kain turns on him. Just to clarify. The rest of it actually took place the exact way it was described.

Regarding Gladiator armor: Kain has short red hair otherwise it would get in the way. The hair connected to his helmet is actually that of a number of his opponents whom he killed... so they wouldn't miss it. tongue It's died red [some claim it to be blood] to help mark him as Akaijin. Riordan's helm is supposed to match the color of his armor so just imagine it as goldish (and yes he is that buff beneath all those robes tongue ) ^_^

Hikonjuu: Faceless Monster; the name given to Riordan Koga by the gladiator crowds... most likely a reference to his faceless helmet and fighting abilities.

Re: A New Begining

I promise to be back and post your part soon, Jest. That last post took all the juice out of me. tongue

Re: A New Begining

I understand Starr and my eyes are bleeding after reading your last post or should I say book. lol.

Re: A New Begining

Well... Nice job Starr... Really... big_smile But I have a surprise for you... Remember that stone? Well It's not just for show. wink

Mat begun to cry when Sarrani left the restaurant... He loved her, and she left him. He had to follow her. But then a man in black common clothes sat with him.
"Who are you?" Mat asks offended.
"I am someone you know." The mysterious man smiled.
"I don't know you..." "Listen to me Mat!" The Stranger interrupted him. "You do know me! This is not real... This is an Illusion."
"What? You're cra..." "Stop it!" The stranger hit the table with his hand. "This is not real now. This was real before. This is a vision. You're in a Tomb now. Remember, you entered it together with me!"

Mat was surprised, he began to sweat as if he was fighting with something very, hard... "George? I... I... can't believe..."

"You can't believe me!? Then how come no one but you can notice me."
Mat then noticed that people around have been staring at him... It looked like he was talking to himself. The waiter was there asking him if everything was okay. He didn't seem to notice him. Mat smiled and just said... "This is not real." George smiled back and everything started to fade...


"You knew my family." The stranger said to Leina. "What? Who are you?" The man continued sadly, as if she didn't say anything. "You knew my family, you knew me, and yet you didn't tell me." Leina was wordless. She didn't know what was this man talking about. "You must be mistaken. I don't know you."

The man huffed, as if he was annoyed. "You don't know me, yet you said goodbye to me minutes ago. Look at me face carefully." She raised her eyes to look at him, and she did notice a resemblance to someone... "You do look like James, and like George a little. but I..."

"Listen to me Leina this is not real. This is a vision of your past." "What? Get away from me." Leina sounded confused... "I'm George and you entered with me into the Elder Tomb." George looked at her and stepped towards her. She backed away a little. "You know this is true. Search your feelings, this is not real!" He pointed with his hand showing everything around him... "This is not real" Leina mumbled... "We were in the Tomb, and I died." Leina eyes started to fill with tears. "I remember" she whispered "This is not real..." She moved towards George to hug him, but then everything started fade...


A strange man in black common clothes was walking through the bloody sands of the arena. Riordan noticed him and grabbed his weapon by the barrel demanding the man's name. The man stopped, he was unarmed. He looked at Kain's body, and then back at Riordan.

"This is not real, Riodan!" the man spoke out loudly "Your brother lives! He awaits at the Tomb Entrance, remeber?"...

Haha surprised!? big_smile I know you like plot twists, but if this screwed your plans I can make something different.

But I said that stone has it's powers, especially in the land of dreams, it records memories. Remember how I said that it records what happens around him? And since that beast trapped them with their own memories the stone activated itself to help them be free of it. And because the George was sucked into it he was shown as the one who will save them.

And this way. George knows what happened. So he'll know what happened to Rioardan.

P.S. You can write that part when George is convincing Riordan that he didn't really killed his brother and that it's not real. You can take control of my character for that part smile

Re: A New Begining

Oh I like! ^_^ And it doesn't screw anything up. It actual helps me along. I was struggling with an idea of how to pull them out of Lala Land lol. Way to save my ass there. wink

Also... I'm thinking about doing something in one of the next few posts... but I don't know if I should. I mean, I've never been so conflicted about writing an idea before. I really can't decided if I want the story to go in that direction...

* Riordan growls, unconvinced. He quickly adjusts his own body so that it separates Kain's and this newly arrived stranger... as if he were intending to protect the corpse. "How do you know my true name when I do not know yours or even your face? You are nothing but a stranger to me."

"I am George Kwei and you know me well, Riordan Koga," the man replies in contrary. "You accompanied me into the Tomb of the Elders on Naboo and it is within its depths you have become trapped... snared within an illusion. This is not the fate which Kain has met. There is still time. He waits your return at the Gates. Will you so easily be conquered by despair...?"

Riordan's eyes soften, coming to a sudden realization. He gently lays Kain's body on the ground, standing to his feet as the lifeless form turns to dust which is blown away by a faint wind; the gladiator stadium, arena, and the very ground around him beginning to disappear in the same manner. He stands before George as everything begins to fade, reaching out to grab the Jedi's shoulder with a fierce grip.

"So it is a game death wishes to play with me?" he smiles. "Well... it shall not claim its prize here..."

And everything fades... *


He gasps as his eyes shoot open, his body falling to the floor in a broken heap. He shudders against the cold, merciless ground, his body crying out even at the simple movement of muscles. He slowly reaches out in pain, his fingers curling into the dirt as he tries to lift himself off the ground, his spine refusing to obey.

Was is this? he thinks to himself, his breath fogging the ground around his face and evaporating into the air. I... I should be dead... my... my spine...

My Lord! Shouten Yaiba's voice suddenly echoes within the confines of his mind. You have regained consciousness!

"Shouten..." Riordan's thoughts whisper, "my spine... how am I-"

Alive? Shouten Yaiba finishes for him. Riordan nods weakly and the sword ponders the situation. It... it would appear that bearing the taint for such a strenuous period as you have has granted you certain... extremities beyond that of a normal fullbring who is still human.

Most interestingly your body seems to possess the necessary means to withstand a great amount of damage and heal itself... given time. Because you are not a full vampire, however, I can not say how long such a healing process would take, Shouten Yaiba adds.

Riordan hears the gasps of Leina and Mat as they return to consciousness as well, the noble turning his head as best he can to find them. Aware of their escaping its trap the animalistic voice booms around them. "Mane?" it seems to laugh. "Kutni han ku'wake alai."

Riordan catches a flash of movement out of the corner of his eye and immediately manages to turn his head to look at Mat. Mat is taken aback by the fire he sees deep within those normally calming green pools. Those eyes... blazing with rage and shimmering with a dark gleam. They seemed to belong to someone else entirely.

"Help me to my feet!" Riordan demands harshly. "I will not die in the dirt like a damn dog!"


The woman smiles, flashing sharpened fangs. Such an obedient pet. There was hope for him yet.

"I am Natayla Sazen," she announces, looking down upon the man before her. "I am third to the High King; many know me by my title... the Lost. You have become like us now, fullbring, sharing in our cursed blood. As such you shall serve the High King without hesitation and with undying loyalty until He sees fit to... release you."

She bends down, grabbing Jester under the chin so he's forced to stare into her bloodthirsty red eyes. "I will not tolerate a weak, ingrate serving Lord Mortis. Such flaws within our ranks will only slow His ascension. Falter and I will crush you; refuse and I will break you; hesitate and I will cut you down; fail... and I will devour you."

George I wanted to give you a little play so you can have Mat help Riordan to his feet (since his spine's still all jelly he's going to be clinging to him for a bit). Whatever attacked them to begin with is now circling them so you can have Leina see it and try to attack it if you'd like. ^_^ Or whatever else you think of is fine as well. They just can't escape until they kill the figure lurking in the shadows. *spooky noises* tongue

Re: A New Begining

Wait... You want Riordan to become a Vampire? xD Well I wouldn't like that.
But if it's not that, well I can't advise you unless you tell me the idea. Maybe you can tell me something about it without revealing much?

Mat shook his head and heard Riordan's voice and rushed to help him. Leina turned on her violet saber and went for Riordan. But Mat was there first and he helped Riordan to his feet.

"Mat!" Mat looked at Leina, and his look became terrified when he noticed something behind her. "Leina, watch out!" He screamed.  Leina turned around only to notice red eyes looking at her, she immediately made a back flip just in time to evade the monster strong arm or whatever... However when she landed on her feet she couldn't see the monster. "Mat use your feelings. Search for it!" Leina said coldly as she was trying to sense the creature.

"I'm trying damnit!" Mat was really trying to sense the monster, but then he slipped, and he and Riordan almost fell. "s**t, watch were you walking you idiot." Riordan cursed. "I'm sorry, My Lord." And he put back Riordans arm around his neck to help him. But then Leina shouted: "Behind you!" "What?" Mat made a scared look behind him, only to notice red eyes. He sensed movement, screamed and pushed Riordan to the ground then activated his saber just in time to block the strike... But that wasn't enough, Mat was blown in the air, and flew few meters towards the door: "Wooooooouuu!" A thump was heard when he landed, and a painful "Ouch!"

Riordan was left defenseless, and he could only watch in horror as the monster's was preparing to kill him. But then suddenly out of nowhere a violet saber striked through the monster's stomach, and immediately was pulled out.

Riordan noticed Leina appearing in mid air from stealth. She took George's lightsaber from her belt, and now she wielded two sabers. One Violet and one Silver. She twirled them and the monster disappeared...

Mat jumped back up on his feet and activated his blue saber rushing towards Riordan... "Lord Koga! Are you okay?" He ducked near him with a concerned look on his face. Leina was still holding her two lightsabers and watching for any sign of the monster
I took a little liberty of harming the creature a little so now it bleeds. I though about killing it but I think there's more to this than I know, so I'll let you finish it. big_smile

Re: A New Begining

lol You know me too well for your own good. tongue When I first brought Riordan in as a character I was planning on having him turn eventually. Since he lacks certain personality traits which would allow him to dominate his darker side as a Force vampire (like Kain and Slade) he would ultimately lose himself completely [which is why he told George he expected the Jedi to kill him if he should not be able to resist the darkness within the tomb earlier on].

Now that he's been developed as an actual human being with feelings like everyone else and an extremely troubled past (which has yet to be fully elaborated on) I'm not so sure I'm ready to let him go just yet. I suppose I can wait... wink I'll spring it on you when you least expect it. tongue

Riordan closes his eyes and exhales, the breath coming out on a laugh. The sound completely takes Leina and Mat by surprise and their blood chills, the hair on their necks standing on end. What the hell?!

"No rgalom kuras?" Riordan suddenly whispers darkly, opening his eyes to stare at the ceiling though he cannot see it through the darkness. "Odam-sarna. Juo'la, fu myos pitaam mustaa'kod numamet diutal."

The faintest glimpse of the being's cloaked form comes into view but quickly disappears with demonic whispers. "Sivames," it seems to answer Riordan, shocking Leina and Mat further. Riordan... he... he was communicating with it? "Peje han ku'te csecsemo arwa-arvod kuras."

The noble sighs now and without any assistance manages to get to his feet rather successfully though his stance is wide to help him keep his balance and still weak, a sign that his spine was not willing to cooperate entirely just yet. He holds out Shouten Yaiba before him, the blade having returned to a black katana without his master's guidance.

"Elid kuras," Riordan says coldly, his eyes jumping around the shadows. He wobbles slightly but holds a cocky smile. "Joren ainaak jutta en?" he adds, his voice taking on an arrogant tone.

Demonic voices slither around them, their own words unintelligible. Shouten Yaiba's voice suddenly echoes within Leina and Mat's minds. My Lord seeks to draw this monster from hiding, he relays, his voice reflecting that of Riordan's but with the dark edge the noble's often didn't bear. If he succeeds you must act swiftly and mercilessly. Remove its head or I will be forced to resort to desperate means of which I cannot guarantee the outcome.

Movement from the shadows has Riordan turning, the noble quickly becoming irritated. "Elid kuras!" the noble demands, his brows furrowing together in anger. "Kuras, ekam!"

The being is abruptly upon him, its swift movements sending its hood back away from its head and its cloak flying open, revealing the monstrosity beneath. It's two larger hands reach out and grab Riordan's wrists, lifting the man from the ground as if he were nothing more than a toy.

"Asti bur kuras?" it growls.

Riordan turns his head away as if submitting though his eyes narrow in challenge. "O," he orders. "Kuras... it isa..."

Feel free to have Leina or Mat kill the creature however you want it to go down. The conversation between Riordan and the creature is rather insignificant really. To give you an idea of what's happening though kuras means "kill". It can also be used to mean "kill me" or "kill you".

Re: A New Begining

Well... will see... At least wait until George comes back. smile

Mat nodded when he heard the voice and Leina went into Force Camouflage again. When the creature appeared Mat was scared shitless but he still charged towards the creature. The monster once more sent him flying through the air with Mat screaming:" s**t! Not again!" At that moment Leina went out of stealth and activated her both lightsaber. She crossed the sabers around the monster head, and swiftly cut its head.

The head fell down to the floor. The sudden silence overwhelmed everyone. Mat was still groaning. Leina deactivated her sabers and turned to Riordan. "Lord Koga, are you okay? What language was that?" Her voice sounded concerned, but you couldn't see her face in the dark.

"I'm okay , thank you for your concern" Mat said ironically while getting up.

Re: A New Begining

I stand up and bow my head to The Lost and pleadge to do what ever it takes to show I am elite.

The Lost, What orders do the King have for me?

I raise me head and stand straight up and await my orders.

Since Karia turned me I have no reason to stay on Korriban and have no ties to the Sith anymore. I am ready to leave this place and in time show you that I am JESTER!!!!!!!!!!, A FORCE VAMPIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: A New Begining

The tip of Shouten Yaiba's blackened blade clinks as it hits the harsh ground, Riordan leaning against the trustworthy sword to utilize it as a cane of sorts for the moment. He shakes his head at Leina's question, openly reluctant to answer it. "I could not tell you even if I wished to do so," the noble replies. "It is not something you would easily understand..."

Riordan's attention jumps to Mat as the Jedi rises to his feet. "I thank you for your assistance, Jedi. Had I the choice I would not have asked you to jeopardize yourself but," he pauses, closing his eyes on a heavy sigh, "well... it matters little now."

Though the monster lay dead at his feet, Riordan found it did not calm his uneasiness about the tomb. There seemed to be... something more. The noble opens his eyes abruptly and heads for the door. "We should leave," he says simply.

Riordan stands before the doors which had shut themselves after the group entered this place known as Despair. Demonic voices slither around the noble, across his skin, and into his mind as the doors begin to slowly open, Riordan waving his hand about as if shooing such evil spirits away.

Light pools into the vast darkness from the torch lit above the doorframe and Riordan -followed closely by Leina and Mat- make their way back into what can only be assumed is the main hallway. Riordan suddenly stops, his head turning towards the second door as they prepared to pass by it. A shimmering blue light emanates from beneath the stone barriers.

These stone barriers creak and groan as they begin to separate, revealing a fire lit passageway, light beckoning more brightly towards the end. Riordan's eyes narrow. As he suspected... something more. The noble suddenly begins the trek down the hallway without thought or consideration for those accompanying him. The man could be rather headstrong...

Pushing past the light the group emerges in a fire lit circular room, large stone pillars wrapping around a lake of lava in the center of the room. A stony platform extends over the burning pool, supported by large stalagmites. An angelic, warlord figure floats above the ground of the platform, it's head bowed as if in prayer, gauntleted hands clasped around the grip of a mighty sword which edges sing with dull blue light and crackle faintly with electricity.

The little light of the room dances over the figure's golden armor, its pure white hood and long cloth which spills over the front of its armor standing out in contrast. The spaulders seem to be adorned with spikes or knives and from its back, wisps of ghostly blue energy erupts to form massive angelic wings unlike anything any of them had ever before witnessed. It was truly breathtaking.

The figure's head abruptly rises, though its face is completely masked by shadows. "I am Tyrael, Guardian of Drihten," the angelic guardian speaks, his voice deep and wise though at the same time it clings to a burdening sadness as if he had seen many horrors. "Many centuries have I remained vigilant and many centuries have I waited for such worthy morals to find this place. Season have come and gone yet I have remained. For it is war which drives you here so swiftly with dark creatures on your tail."


"It seems you shall have to accompany me," Natayla answers Jester. "I have little time to chart you back..." she pauses. "Have you ever heard of Drihten, fullbring?" she wonders.

Oh, we're fixing to learn some crucial information for the upcoming plot! ^_^ So exciting! big_smile George anything you can come up with is fine. Any questions your characters want to ask Tyrael, etc. You just can't control him. He is very important.

Drihten: roughly translates to "greater glory" or "farther glory"; mythical heaven-like paradise where all good souls are charted to by an 'angel of death'... it is believed that the Force resides here in a physical state.

Re: A New Begining

Right... Questions xD

Mat was unsure about what to say so he just stood there... In ave... Leina was reluctant, so she first glanced at Riordan. Lord Koga was just looking at the warlord. So she asked first: "Guardian." She made a slight bow out of courtesy. "Although you know why we have came here, I have to ask if you know something about one Jedi named George Kwei?"

Re: A New Begining

I have never heard of Drihten, What is it?

I walk over to the left wall in the chamber and use the Force to open a hidden compartment in the wall.

I have 2 things to get before we go.

I reach into the compartment and pull out a sword that holds a strong Darkside energy that was a once a sword that Ajunta Pall owned and the second item is armor with the name of my birth planet. I put on the armor and strap the sword on my back.

(The name of my planet is one that nobody call tell me because they can not read the ancient writting to tell me what it says.)

Okay, The Lost, I am ready to leave this place.

Re: A New Begining

Goodness I hope all of this makes some sense, George. I tried to formulate my story ideas into words as best I could.  smile  Jest be back to post soon. I got to think of what I want us to do since Mortis is sending us to deal with... ah... urgent matters. wink

The ghostly wings of the Guardian Tyrael stretch forth, illusional feathers seeming to caress the overly sensitive skin of Riordan and the others. The noble tenses, the faint touch causing his skin to tingle and glisten with sweat as if drawing near a warming fire. Shouten Yaiba hums dangerously through the Force, the spirit on edge, wary of the figure before them. Suddenly the wisp of energy dancing in the air around Mat slips into the pocket of his belt and removes the red stone from within, hastily retreating back towards the Guardian with its prize as Mat frantically grabs for it.

Tyrael's head turns in the man's direction, the smallest movement which -had Riordan and Leina not been eyeing the Guardian carefully -they would have missed. Though there is no surge of power of disturbance in the Force behind the simple move, Mat freezes mid-stride, completely paralyzed. Riordan's eyes narrow, the green pools flickering with distrust. What sort of trickery was this?

Tyrael's sword suddenly vanishes into thin air as his wisped wing displays its stolen treasure to him. "I know of all mortals," the Guardian weakly answers Leina, his attention on the stone before him. He reaches out to touch it though he does so lightly as if afraid his strength would break it. The object glows dimly in response to his touch. "I know well the path which led his troubled soul to such a place as this," he continues, "and I share his burden... as I do all mortals'."

Though Riordan remains composed it is obvious the noble is more than confused at the situation present before him. "Share... his burden?" he ponders.

Tyrael's attention does not stray from the stone and it is uncertain as to whether his reply is directed towards Riordan or not. "And so stand before one of the seven gates of Drihten," his words soft and little more than whispers, "and be honored to have such a burden bestowed upon you. The time has come. Darkness strikes swiftly within this warring chaos; I can no longer remain..."

Mat is suddenly released from his trance and Tyrael's wing returns the stone to him, the Guardian's attention focusing on the group as a whole. "Listen and listen well," he begins, "for my time here is short and coming to an end. You know of Mir'athorin but you are far from understanding. You cannot begin to comprehend the extent of his vile plans, birthed from millennia of corruption and idle folly. He has reached a scope of power far beyond any other of his kind and I do not doubt him incapable of the acts he intends..."

The Guardian reaches forward, ripples forming tiny stone waves in the ground near Riordan and Leina's feet, a key unexpectedly emerging from the center of the rocky pool. It floats in midair before them, its darkened surface not reflecting any light whatsoever, a haunting tribal symbol which resembles a twisted spear adorning the head of the key.

"Despair," Tyrael murmurs coldly as he stares at the key, "sorrow, misery, zetsubo, epatoivo... it has many names, this one of seven mortal flaws. Its brothers are just as treacherous: greed... rage... lust... gluttony... envy and pride; the remaining six. For each a gate through which souls are escorted by a valsai'ium so that they might be cleansed and allowed into Drihten." He pauses briefly. "But before you is a key... one of seven -one for each mortal impurity- which opens an Eighth Gate."

"It is the keys to this Eighth Gate which those who built this place and those like them gave their lives to hide and protect from Mir'athorin... for it is by the Eighth Gate that any unclean soul may find passage to Drihten. Take it," he adds quickly, "and make haste. No longer does Mir'athorin remain dormant and he has, no doubt, already made the first move. But you must not allow him to obtain the keys," the Guardian demands harshly, "lest he pry open our doors... and corrupt Drihten..."

Riordan is bewildered... no... was that the correct term for it? Drihten? Valsai'ium? Did this 'Guardian' truly expect them to believe such beings and places existed? The noble had seen many things in his life time, some far beyond bizarre, but this... it tested his stretch of imagination. Surely there could not be such a place as Drihten; where the Force itself resided in a physical form? It was preposterous.

But if there was... that Mortis not only believed it existed but knew... knew how to invade and corrupt it... it was terrifying.

So then... what was he waiting for? What was his next move...?

Well it seems the Elders were hiding something from Mortis...

To explain Drihten: It's basically like Star Wars heaven. Since there's no real omnipotent God in the Star Wars universe I'm having the Force manifest in a physical form to take this role though no one would ever really call it a "god". Since it is like heaven, those who enter it are cleansed and no longer long for things of the flesh. However, the Eighth Gate allows one to bypass the "cleansing" process...

To explain The Eighth Gate: The Eighth Gate represents the darkness (i.e. the darkside) which has the possibility of completely corrupting the Force. The Eighth Gate cannot be sealed permanently or even destroyed because for every good there must be an evil. *Should Mortis succeed in invading Drihten by using the Eighth Gate he could then corrupt the Force itself directly at the source and tip the balance of the universe... forever.

Valsai'ium: angel/god of death (lit. Guardian of the Slain); known in various cultures though their roles may slightly shift due to misinterpretations. Examples: Kad Ha'rangir, Kunik, and Dra'vil and Dra'jhok.

Re: A New Begining

Yeah... A little sense big_smile

Mat was frowning, he didn't understand any of this. Leina was looking at the red stone in Guardins hands.  "But what of George? I sense that we cannot accomplish this without his help?" Mat turned his head to her surprised. How are they going to do whatever they have to do if George is dead, and they cannot do it without him. Uff... his head hurts, so he made a facepalm mumbling something to himself...

Re: A New Begining

Be back to post soon. smile Bit busy for a few days but oh well. tongue

Re: A New Begining

4,000th post is mine! Buhahahaha big_smile

Okay Starr, take your time. I'm formulating my ideas for the story after George returns tongue