Re: A New Begining


Shivers rake down Jester’s spine, the icy breath at his ear seeming to steal his own from his body. He reaches back, grabbing at the empty space behind him, expecting someone to be there. But there is nothing... nothing. Something wasn’t right. He expands his senses, searching for a disturbance, a fluctuation but still... nothing.

A sudden spike of power in the air, however, draws his attention to the shadows around him, the darkened reflections of the few burning embers within the Academy casting forms across the walls. He watches closely as they merge in to something which resembles a large cat-like creature before they form the shape of a woman.

He is alarmed when a woman emerges from such shadows, red eyes gleaming with evil delight. He blinks, believing it to simply be a trick of his mind... but she seems far too real to be a figment of his imagination. And he could feel her. The Force flows strong through her veins. It made a unfamiliar hunger suddenly roar within him.

She circles him for a moment, a devious smile curling red lips. Tan skin lies smoothly across a  lean, muscular figure; the remains of green rags clinging to her curves wonderfully. Silvered hair dances around her, the length reaching to the small of her back. Atop her head sits some kind of animalistic skull... as if she bore it as a prize. A crown for a princess.

“Well, well... a fullbring," her voice dark and enticing. "Haven’t seen one of you in while. It's been so lonely around here since I killed off all the poor souls here,” she kicks a skull towards Jester to emphasis, stopping to study him for a moment. “How’s about you keep me company, eh? I promise to give you a clean death,” she whispers seductively, her tongue running across sharpened fangs hungrily. “A beautiful death...”

Fullbring: A Force vampire who was turned by any means other than his soul devouring itself [the way purebred Force vampires (such as Mortis and Razvan) are 'born']; can also refer to a tainted person who has yet to turn.

Re: A New Begining

I stand up and reach down to pick up the skull that starts to crumble in my hand. You come out of the shadows like that is to scare me or make me thank you for answering my call but you are dead wrong.

A small but evil laugh comes from me as I crush the skull in my right hand.

I have known what I am since Karia turned me going on 1,000 years ago when I was in Ajunta Pall's Tomb looking for Crystals I came apon her in a sleep state. As I walked closer to her she started to awake and then I blacked out and when I awoke I felt strange. Karia told me that she had to feed but did not want to be alone as the Tomb was closed as I asleep.

I reach into a pack on my side and I throw the skull of Karia at her feet.

To make a long story short as she told me what I was and what I could do I decided after I learned all she had to teach me I would feed on her and sleep until the moment that I felt others like me. So in other words this was more a trap then a call for help.

Re: A New Begining

Everyone went into the guard stance and made a circle formation. George was between Mat and one of the Leina's bodyguards. "Whata hell is it?" Mat asked... The remaining bodyguard sounded afraid. "Don't know." He said.

George felt something and screamed: "Everyone! Duck!" Everyone dropped down, and the spear like thing went over their heads. Leina managed to scratch it with her lightsaber and a demonic scream is heard from the dark. George then said: "I don't what it is, but it's sure very big!"

Last edited by George Kwei (2011-07-19 23:35:14)

Re: A New Begining

Sorry I haven't been around for the last few days guys. Was real busy and didn't have hardly any time to myself but I'll be back around soon to post. smile

Re: A New Begining

Unexpectedly, Riordan loses his cool with a sharp "damn it", cracking Shouten Yaiba in the air above him as he whispers something unintelligible, the flames lengthening to encircle the group in a coil of fire which lights the area around them. Despite the closeness of such dangerous heat, George and the others find that their skin does not burn. It would seem Shouten Yaiba was meant to protect Riordan and his allies as much as the blade was meant to kill the noble's enemies.

A hissing cry erupts from the partially lightened shadows a slight distance away from the group and they all see what they believe to be a large, darkened form slipping back into the deeper shadows, hiding from the light. Riordan pulls Shouten Yaiba back to him, the weapon returning to its original size. Fire still blazes on the ground around them.

Riordan closes his eyes briefly, regaining his composure with a deep exhale as Shouten Yaiba curls around his free arm once more. The spirit bound to the sword seemed very attached to the man before them.

Riordan opens his eyes, calmed. "Well, I have," he pauses, his gaze wandering away from the others as if searching for the right word in the area around them, "miscalculated... slightly. I did not expect to encounter such a creature here. This is very odd," he adds, more to himself than the others. His attention immediately returns to them.

"We must move quickly," he suddenly says, his voice taking on a faint worried tone the noble cannot suppress. "We appear to have drawn the attention of what Shouten Yaiba and I both believe is an Vashan Abyssian. If this is so then we are in far graver danger than I originally anticipated."

Another pause as his eyes scan the area around him. "The light scorches its skin quite painfully but it will not keep the creature at bay forever. No doubt it has gone a good century or more without feeding properly. Our late friend will not quench its ravenous appetite and such hunger will only lead it to more desperate acts."

The noble turns back around towards the door on the far side of the room, trusting Shouten Yaiba's connection with the Force to lead him in the right direction. The weapon releases its hold on Riordan's arm to flow majestically out in front of them as a beacon once more.

"We are in its territory," Riordan quickly adds as an afterthought, "and as such are at a great disadvantage. Stay close and do not drop your guard for a moment. It will seize any opportunity... as we have so witnessed."

With those words Riordan presses forward, intent on outsmarting and surviving whatever lurked in the shadows.


Jest, dear, I will add your bit soon so never fear. smile

Okay for the Vashan Abyssian. Its a very large creature native to Vasha where the species lives in deep, dark ravine known as The Abyss. The Vashan believe them to be the protectors of their god of decay. How one ended up in an ancient Temple on Naboo... well, now that... is a complete mystery and as Riordan said "odd". ^_^

Re: A New Begining

You didn't give me much of a space for writing. I don't know much about that monster so I'll just post short... smile


George was right behind Riordan with Mat and Leina beside him. Leina's remaining bodyguard was beside Riordan. With their lightsabers turned on here in dark they must really look like a christmas tree.

Mat looked almost scared and asked outloud. "Do you know what're you're doing Lord Koga?"
Leina glanced at Mat across George. She looked strange bathed in that violet light. The young man blinked and said: "Nevermind."

Re: A New Begining

Well I didn't want to hog so I decided I'd let you at least have something to put in there. ^_^ Hey can I hurt one of your other characters? Nothing major just like a foot injury or something? Mat seems the most susceptible...

Oh and do any of your characters besides the bodyguard know Force healing?

Re: A New Begining

You're so mean. Yes, George can have a minor injury, if you really want big_smile And Leina knows Force Healing. tongue

Re: A New Begining

Coolio. Be back to post soon. ^_^

Re: A New Begining

Riordan does not look at Mat but it is obvious his reply is directed towards the man. "I know little more about the Vashan Abyssian than I have already revealed. You must understand, however, that it is not a reckless and impulsive animal unless driven to such a point by unbearable hunger, frustration, or other stress. And even then it is still a highly intelligent creature and is not to be underestimated..."

A faint whisper through the Force has Riordan suddenly stopping, holding out his arm to stop the others. He looks around, his eyes darting to every shadow, listening; waiting. The intact remains of a large pillar suddenly come crashing down between the group, giving them no time to react. To avoid being crushed George, Leina, and Mat are forced backwards while Riordan and the bodyguard stumble forward.

Riordan stands erect, coughing and waving his free hand about to clear the rising dust clouding his view. His heart pounds frantically. This was not good. He quickly moves back over towards the fallen pillar only to find George and the others relatively unharmed, a few scratched and bruises which would heal in no time. He takes a deep breath, relaxing. He suddenly freezes, however, when the scent of blood singes his nostrils. He desperately looks around for the source.

Wait... where was that other bodyguard? A groan of pain draws the noble's attention back to the now crumbled pillar which had almost been their doom. There he finds the bodyguard, unable to completely avoid the falling mass his lower body is stuck beneath it and no doubt painfully crushed. The smell of blood was evidence enough of that.

Riordan quickly moves to his side, another harsh curse escaping the noble's cool as he calls George to him, the Jedi using the Force to lift the rubble away from the bodyguard. The noble does not seem to even flinch at the sight of the man's mangled lower body, bones protruding from bloody flesh. Instead he looks at the others.

"Do any of you know any healing?" he asks as he stands to his feet, careful to keep Shouten Yaiba close enough so that the creature does not decide to intervene.

Leina steps forward and the noble merely nods, Mat dragging the bodyguard's limp form to a nearby large pillar to lean him against it, leaving a trail of blood behind them. Leina immediately gets to work healing the guard's body. Riordan, Goerge, and Mat form a perimeter around them.

"Shouten Yaiba can only hold this form for so long, my Lady," Riordan addresses Leina. "I am no Force vampire and as such have not come into my full power. I will, however, exert myself as long as I am able. I merely suggest you complete your task quickly."

Leina returns to healing as Riordan cracks Shouten Yaiba in the air, whispering unintelligibly. Once more the flame whip extends and surrounds their party in a coil of fire, protecting them from any attacks by the creature stalking them in the shadows. It only takes a few minutes for Leina to heal the bodyguard enough where he can function properly.

Riordan drops their protection and turns to the man, the strain of the situation evident in the noble's almost silent but deep breaths. "Are you fit?"

The bodyguard nods. "Good enough."

Truth me told, Leina had not completely healed the man. There was still a minor amount of pain and his body was not fully healed but such a progress would require more time and that was just not on their side at the moment. Riordan nods, turning his attention back towards the door at the other end of the room.

"Then let us proceed."

The bodyguard slings his arm over Mat's shoulders as the other man helps the guard to his feet, the man still limping slightly. Suddenly the spear-like tail of the Abyssian shoots down from atop the pillar, stabbing the guard in the back and yanking him away from Mat, dragging the screaming man up the height of the pillar and into the darkness before any of them have a chance to counter the sneak attack.

The screams cease, the remaining members forming a circle formation once more so that their backs are pressed against each other to prevent another sneak attack.

Riordan becomes agitated. "It was waiting for us; waiting for me to drop my defensive stance and allow it an opening to strike. Cursed creature!" he bites, cracking Shouten Yaiba aimlessly around them as if he'd hit the monster hunting them.

Shouten Yaiba roars violently through the Force, the flames of the whip burning with more intensity than before, the spirit of the sword itself enraged. It shall not take another!

The spirit now addresses Riordan. The creature itself is not fast, my Lord. If you press forward quickly you should outrun it and reach the door. 'Tis not far. Once all are past the threshold I shall wait and when it comes for you I shall crush it between the stone doors!

Riordan nods, agreeing that this is the best solution to the situation at hand. The door was not far, yes, but the creature was getting bolder. If they continued the rest of the way at the pace they had been going the creature would no doubt claim at least two more. Shouten Yaiba would not have it; Riordan would not have it.

His eyes cut to the side, to steal a quick glance at George. "Master Jedi, we must head for the door... swiftly. I fear for our lives more than ever and it would be wise if we escaped such a monster's reach as quickly as possible lest more find themselves at the mercy of its hunger."

Agreeing, George and the others use the Force to propel themselves towards the door, Riordan drawing off Shouten Yaiba's own connection with the Force to fuel the one he lacks. As if discovering their plan, the spear-like tail of the monster shoots out at an incredible speed, wrapping itself around George's ankle to serve as an anchor to the Jedi. George falls to the ground but immediately uses his lightsaber to cut the creature's tail away from his flesh.

When he does so a ghostly scream erupts from the dark vastness and the shadowy figure of a large creature begins to move towards him. George quickly gets to his feet and makes it past the door where Riordan and the others wait. No longer driven by sane or intelligent thought but by a maddening hunger and pain the monster continues towards the group despite their lightsabers and Shouten Yaiba's still burning flames.

When it nears the door Riordan merely shouts "Now Shouten Yaiba!"

Cracking the whip towards the tainted creature, the flames snaking around it's blackened body, preventing any movement. The horrible screams which it produces are suddenly silenced with Riordan reaches out with his free hand, forcing the massive stone doors together with enough power that is shakes the walls around them, the act crushing the monster.

When the noble is sure the Abyssian is dead Shouten Yaiba slithers away from the limp form wedged between the stone doors and Riordan turns to face the others.


lol Better? ^_^ You probably wouldn't have had much to write had I stopped so I just went ahead and wrote it all. Tada! smile

The reason Leina does not completely heal the bodyguard is because of the limited amount of time Riordan can protect them and because even the Force can't heal everything.

Re: A New Begining

Yes... I like it smile

George shook the dust from his robes. There was a small scratch on his face from the fall. "One day you're gonna tell me how did you end up with that spirit. But... We lost two men."
"Two good men." Leina added. She sounded a little sad, but you could barely see it on her face. George moved towards her and lifted his hand as if he tried to comfort her. Bus she turned his hand away. "I've lost men before, George. I know how to deal with it." The Jedi shrugged off with his shoulders and turned to Mat.

All this time Mat was looking at Riordan's sword with his eyebrow up, like he's astonished. Then he raised his lightsaber a made a small smile. He and that lightsaber had history, he wouldn't change it for the world.
"Something in your lightsaber?" George approached and looked him in the face. "No just checking if there's some dust on it." Mat made an innocent smile, and the Jedi smiled back. "Let's go, Riordan would you take point, it looks like you know something about this place?" Actually George knew more, he was here before. He had another vision when the monster grabbed for the leg...

Flash... George was walking with the Elders across the room. One of the Elders stopped to talk to one woman who was praying. An tear dropped from George's face to the ground...

He was here before, but it can't be... He can't remember ever coming to Naboo before. Strange... George was looking at Riordan awaiting his answer.

Re: A New Begining

Canonically this RPG takes place during the Jedi Civil War and Korriban would be teeming with life... but I suppose we can stray from that and say Natayla killed all the people off. She is a purebred under Mortis after all. Killin's in their blood. wink

The silver haired woman seems to become slightly aggravated when the man before her doesn't reply and simply throws a skull at her feet. A skull? Of another Force vampire perhaps? Yes...  she could feel the Force still resonating from the skull. He'd gone and killed a straggler; another fullbring yet to swear their loyalty to the Vampire King. Well... congratulations...

However, she purposely ignores the skull as if it were of no interest to her. Truth be told a dead fullbring was of no interest to her. They could no longer be played as pawns and she no longer had the opportunity to kill them should Mortis tire of their pathetic existence. But this fullbring... he could be promising...

"What have you to say for yourself, eh, fullbring? You're awfully quiet. Shy boys don't make very good Force vampires ya know? Though they do make a tasty meal I hear..." she purrs darkly.


This is gonna be tricky, tricky. Jest is playing as a Force vampire but I don't want to reveal stuff regarding the vampire plot before I intended to reveal them to George. Otherwise my whole process and plan will be ruined. Hmmm... guess it's another obstacle I'll have to dance my way around. tongue

Re: A New Begining

Riordan takes a deep breath and allows a small smile to warm his features, relaxing significantly now that he no longer felt directly threatened by a haunting figure lurking in the shadows. "Indeed I shall, Master Jedi. It is a tale you may find most interesting."

The noble, however, becomes solemn once more when George and Leina discuss the loss of the two bodyguards. "I apologize for not being able to protect your escort, my Lady," he interrupts as gracefully as possible. "I did not anticipate encountering such a creature as a Vashan Abyssian within these ruins. It was most unexpected." He bows respectfully, lowering his gaze from her in a submissive manner as if accepting some form of punishment.

"No matter... I should have better adapted to the situation and reacted more efficiently. My short comings cost us the lives of two valued soldiers. I shall not make excuses for my inadequacies," he continues to apologize.

Leina cannot help but stare at the noble. It was no secret that the Malinov family did not tolerate failures. Even soldiers of high ranking -such as Riordan- were often known to bear the physical and mental berates for "inadequacies". What she found curious is why a man like Riordan had ties to such a brutal family and why he remained with them. The man before her was calm and serene; sophisticated and graceful emanating from his very essence. A true noble though he had not been born with the blood.

He was nothing at all like the violent and brutish guards and mercenaries she'd come to associate with the Malinov name and it was... unsettling to put a name to it. How had such a man earned the right of personal guard to the Lord Malinov himself? Riordan would have had to do something very drastic indeed. The Malinovs raised and sold soldiers for a living; they were not impressed easily. But that was a matter for another time...

When Leina refuses George's offer of comfort, the noble regains his erect posture, feeling as though his apology was sufficient for such a cold woman. "Let's go," George said suddenly. "Riordan would you take point? It looks like you know something about this place?"

Riordan nods simply. "You could say that, Master Jedi."

Before George can question that statement, however, the noble brushes past him and into the room beyond, using Shouten Yaiba once more as a lantern, the blade humming through the Force as if content for the moment. The room they enter is rather insignificant seeing as there is nothing within it and the group quickly proceeds. The room after seems to function as a crossroad of sorts, splitting off into two massive stairways: one to the left and one to the right.

The stairway on the left is completely blocked by the caved in roof of the Temple above it and while the others subconsciously move towards the path which lies open Riordan pauses and finds himself starring at the pile of rubble and stone blocking the left passageway. A faint blue light seems to shimmer between the cracks of the rocks but before the noble can wonder what it is a hand on his shoulder abruptly brings him back to the present.

"What is it, Riordan?" George asks, concerned for the noble.

Riordan shakes his head in reply. "Nothing." He turns back towards the open stairwell and begins to lead the group up. As they reach the top of the stairwell light fills the air around them, sun shining through the scare windows and cracks of the wall, completely illuminating most of the upper level. They come to a somewhat short, slender hallway.

"Ignorance if I remember correctly," the noble states easily. "Beyond this lies Bliss and it... holds the answers you seek, Master Jedi..." he adds, glancing back at George.

Riordan continues and the others follow, making it through Ignorance swiftly and without further incident. With a quick wave of his hand Riordan pushes open the small metallic gates which lead to Bliss, holding his hand out for George to enter first.

This is your final room Georgy boy. Your time to shine dear! ^_^

Re: A New Begining

Finally! big_smile

George nods to Riordan when passing by him and as soon as he stepped in into Bliss, a room that somehow had some light coming from the hole in the sealing and strangely the light was pointing to the precious red stone on the small altar in the middle of the room, a vision came to him...

He was in this room, watching the Elders chant. There was a woman in ancient Jedi robes standing beside him. She looked at him with a loving look, and George noticed that there are more Jedi behind. He felt he should give a speech. He turned around the face them. Most of them were Elders, but there were Humans, Twi'leks and others. "A Jedi's life is sacrifice! We must all follow a path of good. Evil cannot be defeated with evil!" The Priests were still chanting and all the Jedi were looking at him now. "All Life is Sacred. And today, I shall sacrifice myself in order to save others from the terrible fate that has struck this galaxy. Vampires are evil only because of one reason! They feed on others! And such as, they cannot be left alive. They must all be exterminated!"
One of the priests walked towards George and placed his hand on his shoulder saying: "We're ready." The Jedi nodded and George went to stand on the altar.

Vision ended and George continued walking towards the altar with a red stone on it. Others followed him. They all had their weapons ready. Mat suddenly screamed: "Look out!" He pointed to their right. A ghost in a shape of an Elder appeared. The Elder drew up his sword and charged towards them. Other Elders appeared and did the same thing. They were surrounded. Riordan turned towards the door, only to see them close by itself.

The first Elder attacked Leina. Lightsaber blocked hos sword with ease, and they kept on dueling. Mat was having trouble dueling with others, while George tried to use Force Push on one of them. No effect. These were Force made Ghosts. One Elder charged at George, and the Jedi simply jumped over him and stabbed him in the back. Instead of falling down, the ghost just disappeared.

George turned around to see how Riordan was doing and suddenly he felt something stabbing him through the chest. He heard a voice behind him. A female ghostly voice: "If you want to live, first you must die." After that everything felt blurry. He heard someone screaming: "NOOOOOOOOO!" It was Leina running towards him. He fall down by the altar and saw Mat striking down that ghost woman. Leina just killed another Elder Ghost, George turned around and started crawling towards the Red Stone... He was so weak, he could barely see, everything was so blurry. He reached with his hand for the stone , he felt his arm getting warmer when he touched that stone, but then he faded away...

You can describe a little how Riordan fights with ghosts, after this one I'll make a long one, you'll see.

There will be still ghosts attacking them and the stone that George took in his hand is "glued" to him. So if someone tries to take it from him, he won't be able to do it. Actually, he won't be able to move George at all.

Re: A New Begining

Well Riordan can't really do anything right now other than wave Shouten Yaiba around some and kill off Force ghosts. We won't see his real power until a little later so there's not much I can write right now but even a small input will do I suppose. smile

Forced to fight in such tight quarters, Riordan finds it difficult to completely master Shouten Yaiba's movements around those of the phantoms within the room. Shouten Yaiba immediately takes notice of the noble's frustration and the flame whip consequently shortens, sharpening and hardening to form a burning sword; a jagged, merciless blade.

Riordan quickly moves to stand near George's unconscious body, gracefully dodging the attacks of the Force ghosts which manifest around him. The noble smiles to himself, suddenly disappearing only to reappear directly behind one of the entities, Shouten Yaiba's blazing blade screaming through the Force as it stabs through the apparition.

However, instead of simply seeming to disperse into the air, the ghost matches Shouten Yaiba's scream as it is painfully sucked into the fires of the sword. Riordan vanishes from view once more, reappearing behind the next phantom who dared to threaten him.


Shouten Yaiba -while possessing a spirit itself- is nonetheless the weapon of a fullbring. He has the ability to consume other beings should he choose to do so or should Riordan command it. Force ghosts are the essence of Force sensitive beings, are still connected to the Force in one way or another and are thus able to be consumed by a Force vampire and/or their counterparts.

Now I'm sure you didn't want that to happen to your Elder ghosts but I figured it wouldn't hurt your plot to lose one or two. tongue Besides I can always have it where Shouten Yaiba only trapped the ghost and can release the spirit when he sees fit.

Re: A New Begining

Right... Whatever xD

Mat and Riordan were protecting Leina while she was trying to heal him. First she tried to remove that stone from his hand, but she couldn't reach it. Like there was something stopping her hand. Then she tried to heal him, but again, something was draining her energy... For the first time Mat and Riordan saw fear in Leina's eyes... "I can't do anything... I... I can't describe this."

Mat just killed one of those ghosts... "There's to many of them we must leave now! Riordan?!" He looked at Riordan who just reappeared beside him. "Riordan, I think we should leave now."

"NO!" Leina screamed. "I must save him!" She tried to heal George again but the energy she used was absorbed into the stone...
Suddenly, George's body began to glow. Leina was terrified, and Mat was starring, as the body continued glowing so did the stone got redder... At one point George's body seemed to have been sucked in by the stony.

The remaining Elder ghosts were turned to dust, and the doors from the Bliss opened...  On the place where the George's body was lying, only his lightsaber remained. And the stone...

Leina was just looking sadly at the stone, before Mat took it. "I feel this will be important." Leina nodded and took George's lightsaber, she cuddled it before she placed it on her belt. Both Mat and Leina looked at Riordan like he will do a miracle. But they knew he couldn't do anything. "Shall we go, Lord Koga?" Mat asked.

Surprised? big_smile
I won't reveal much, but let just say that it's very important for Mat, Leina and Riordan to carry that stone with them... Ou... And George's lightsaber of course big_smile

Re: A New Begining

lol I was actually but I love plot twists so yay! ^_^ Although this does alter some plans of mine to reveal key components involving the vampire plot and Riordan's own personal plot to George. Oh well I can work around I suppose and someone can inform George of what's passed once he rejoins the group.

But does Leina know about the Force vampires? I mean like George does?

Riordan stares at the red stone, bewildered by what had just transpired. Never could he have imagined.... The noble brings himself back to the present reality, forcing his mind to focus, his gaze returning to the stone. Truthfully he had no idea what purpose the stone would serve in the future but he too felt it was important that it not be left within the ruins.

"I suppose we shall," he answers Mat simply, his voice distant and empty as if his mind was elsewhere.

Riordan turns towards the doorway of Bliss and leads the two remaining members of his and the Jedi's expedition back through Ignorance. He begins to question the recent events. What had happened in there? More importantly what had that stone done to the Jedi? Shouten Yaiba suddenly whispers through the Force, sensing a presence other than Riordan and the others within the close vicinity.

Riordan widens his stance slightly in a defensive manner, expecting a surprise attack only to discover the fleeting vision of a woman in ragged robes. She seems so familiar that Riordan reaches out instinctively, wanting to pull her close and hold her forever. However, she vanishes before he even moves and Mat -not seeing the woman himself- wonders if the noble is alright.

Hearing his thoughts, Shouten Yaiba relays his concern and Riordan casts the man a warm glance though Mat does not catch the effort the other man puts into the false charade. "I shall be fine," he assures Mat with a curt nod.

Shouten Yaiba's blades begins to burn brightly as the group travels back down the stairwell, reentering the darkness of the ground level. Riordan finds himself staring at the pile of rubble blocking the leftward path once more, his eyes reflecting the blue shimmering light he sees beyond the cracks.

Leina and Mat turn back towards the noble, wondering why he has stopped. Riordan reaches out and touches the rubble, the stone crumbling and falling away down a massive descending stairway which is partially lighten by some deep, haunting blue light. The sound of roaring water reaches their ears now and Riordan catches the faintest echoes of a woman's laughter.

He turns towards the others, a dark gleam in his eyes neither expected. "Before we leave I... I..." he stumbles over his words. He was really starting to worry them. This was not the cool and collected noble which had entered the Temple with them. Something was wrong.

"I feel there is something else," he continues. "This passageway, it leads elsewhere; below the Temple. Something... waits there." He looks back down the stairwell, Shouten Yaiba humming through the Force, the sound deep and low.

"It calls me..." Riordan whispers, the words escaping his two companions.


Yeah I stopped cause I wanted to give you a little input cause the next ones are gonna be rather long I think. ^_^ George's gonna miss the importance of the Temple for Riordan though. But like I said someone can inform him later. wink

Re: A New Begining

Leina knows about Force Vampires. That was one of the reason she followed George. And just so that you know. The stone works something like a moment recorder. It records what happens around him.

Ou and you made a mistake in your last post at the beginning. You wrote

Starr wrote:

"I suppose we shall," he answers Leina simply, his voice distant and empty as if his mind was elsewhere.

Mat was the one who asked Riordan whether they should go, not Leina smile

Leina ignited her lightsaber. She was suspicious. She knew a bit about Force Vampires, and she knew that Riordan wasn't a full Force Vampire. She noticed how he fought in the Bliss. Shouten Yaiba is the one giving him power.

Mat took out the red stone. It was still warm, and then he put it back in his small pocket on his belt. (the stone is about the size of an apple) "What is down there, Lord Koga?" He was suspicious too. First Leina, now Lord Koga. Looks like he was the only one left sane.

Short one I know. Once they get out of the temple I shall write the part about George. Until then, it's your show big_smile

Re: A New Begining

I walk around the chamber of the school and look at the silver haired lady as she talked about this that I did not care about.

All I hear in your voice is that you are affriad of this Vampire King that I do not know nore do I care who he is. As I state that to the Vampire I bend ver and once again pick up the skull of Karia, the one that turned me all those years ago.

Karia told me many things about this King of yours and one thing she told me is that he has, how do I say this?........ He has a weakness in his rule and that weakness has lead the Vampire Empire to the point of destruction and having our kind earased from history.

I use the Darkside of the Force to drag a bench over to me and I sit down and place Karia's skull beside me.

Starr, I was thinking that I could tap into the power of the Darkside with the power of the Force Vampire and send myself back in time to the point that I am turned which is the jedi civil war. That way I know what happens to the Sith and can come into the story with you 2, What do you think?

Re: A New Begining

Took me some time but I hope it's worth it! big_smile

Jester: I was under the impression that this was during the Jedi Civil War. That's the timeframe for the whole RPG has been in for some time (since we last restarted). It's why Revan, the Jedi Exile, and the war itself are intertwined in my Force vampire plot. [I'll wait to write my character's part until we figure this out.]

Also, Mortis (a.k.a. the Vampire King) does not have a weakness. He's like the ultimate bad guy of the ultimate bad guys you know? The only reason the vampires nearly went extinct was because the Elders started hunting them down one by one. Eventually Mortis grew tired of their game and eradicated the entire species.

On another note, you -as a vampire yourself- are instinctively drawn to Mortis; your desire is to serve him. It's in your very nature, etched into your bones. This isn't like the Sith were the underling(s) despises the "Master" or eventually tries to off him. Force vampires are fiercely loyal to one who's proven himself as their King.

Only purebreds can hold the title and even then only the strongest of them can claim. There's no use in anyone trying to take it for themselves seeing as there are very few purebreds and none of them match Mortis's power. The Vampire King cannot relinquish his title to another, however, should the Vampire King die the title is immediately passed to the strongest remaining purebred.

If no purebreds remain to carry it the title will remain void until another is born. [Man that was longer than I thought it would be. I get carried away sometimes. tongue]

George: Fixed the error. smile For the monster voice link (not the breathing, the actual voice) given below: 2:09 to about 2:13 is how I want the being's voice to sound. Real short I know but it's the best I could do. Not a lot of options but at least it gives you an idea. ^_^

Riordan does not turn to them, his gaze remaining transfixed on the stairway descending into dim darkness as if it were something more. "I cannot say for certain," he replies to Mat's question, "but I... I cannot ignore it," he adds darkly.

Shouten Yaiba's flames dim, the sword voicing his uncertainty. My Lord... is  such a risk wise? Whatever lurks within those depths... I fear I cannot help you defeat; I do not sense it as you do. I will be unable to harness your power and as such it will be of little use. My blade will not find the heart in this darkness...

Riordan waves his hand, uncaring. "I cannot ignore this, Shouten Yaiba. Something waits for me; calls me. I must go. If you cannot utilize my power then bestow it upon me; all of it. I shall no longer burden you."

My... my Lord?! Shouten Yaiba questions Riordan's sanity, beyond shocked. I... your body... should I cease my efforts to control your power and unleash it upon you... I cannot guarantee you would survive! You are still human...

"Yes. I am well aware of that fact," Riordan reconsiders. "Still... such a desperate act may be necessary... if only as a last resort." He steels himself. "Know my will, Shouten Yaiba," he addresses the blade cooly. "When the time comes I do not expect hesitation."

The sword is considerably defiant to the idea but he cannot deny Riordan's wish. Yes, my Lord, he agrees submissively.

The noble throws Leina and Mat a careless glance as if unaware of the woman's ignited lightsaber and both individual's heightening suspicion. Hmmm... he was acting rather odd wasn't he? The dark gleam in his eyes suddenly fades and he appears to regain control of himself once more.

"We must move swiftly," he speaks, his voice thick with icy authority only a noble could produce. "I do not wish to spend anymore time in this cursed place than needed but I must deal with whatever lies beneath this Temple. I shall not allow it to escape."

Without checking back to see whether or not the two Jedi follow him, Riordan begins his descent down the stairs. Of course the two have little choice in the matter it seems and follow, though somewhat reluctantly. The stairway which leads to the lower level of the temple curves, wrapping around a rather large waterfall which flows far into what appears to be a bottomless pit.

Riordan is careful to watch his step on the slippery stones, his grip of Shouten Yaiba's handle as merciless as ever; unrelenting and ready for whatever awaited him. The stairs flatten and straighten out to form a wide hallway which leads into an open area, the edges of the gray plane falling down into the same depths and darkness as the waterfall.

Only two doors greet the trio on this bottom level of the Temple. The door directly in front of them is simple but strangely a fire burns in the torch placement on the wall above it... as if someone had been there recently. The door to the left is slightly smaller but a massive skull-like crest adorned with four animalistic horns rests above it, two fires blazing atop the small columns on either side of the door itself.

Riordan remains motionless, unsure which door to test first and whether it would be wise to open himself so gallantly. Suddenly the door in front of him opens, darkness seeping out onto the fire lit floor, consuming whatever light it finds. Riordan raises Shouten Yaiba, daring anything to leap form the shadows to devour him.

However, when the noble catches the fleeting vision of the woman once more the man throws away his guard and rushes in, Leina and Mat on his heels. The room closely resembles the desolate place where they encountered the Vashan Abyssian though a deep, haunting blue light dances dimly throughout the room.

Riordan remains unconcerned, his focus on the ghostly phantom of the woman escaping his grasp. He eventually loses sight of her in the darkness and groans in frustration.

"Damn it! Where is she?! Where did she go?!"

The noble suddenly realizes he is unable to move, turning his head to find Leina and Mat in the same predicament. He curses violently, tugging at invisible restraints. His struggles immediately cease, however, his body tensing as the cold breath at the back of his neck sends shivers down his spine.

Leina and Mat can do nothing but stare at the large cloaked being which materializes from the shadows behind Riordan, the sound of its breathing haunting their minds with vicious images of what lay beneath. Though the lighting in the room is poor the inhumanely bent legs of the figure beneath protrude from the cloak, glistening whitened fur clinging to purplish grey skin.

An arm moves from within the cloak, a long, clawed finger trailing down from Riordan's ear to his shoulder, slitting the flesh of his neck open, bloody slowly seeping out. The noble groans softly, his attempts to escape resuming.

"What is this? What is going on?!" he demands as if he expected to be answered.

The figure behind him presses it's tongue to the cut on Riordan's neck, moving upwards to lick away the blood, its salvia burning the man's skin. "Rgalom," it answers, though none of them are sure what it says. The violently deep, animalistic voice seemed to be communicating more with mutilated growls than actual words.

"Juo'vigyaz peje agba'son," it continues slowly, demonic voices eerily echoing the being's own words around them. "Han ku'eka majaknak fu'gond en."

Riordan suddenly gasps, his eyes widening, the breath in his lungs hitching as the figure moves away and his body is crushed by an unseen force. The noble's back is forcefully arched beyond humanly possible measures, the man crying out in unbearable pain as the sound of bones breaking echoes in the empty room. Riordan's body goes limp, whatever holding the noble in place now the only thing keeping him on his feet.

The cloaked being fades into the shadows only to emerge behind Mat. It grabs him under his chin, forcing him to look towards the ceiling. The Jedi's eyes stray to the side, catching the faintest glimpse of haunting red eyes hidden within the darkness of the hood of the cloak. Pain shoots through his body as numerous sharp teeth penetrate the tender flesh at the crook of his neck.

The figure moves away, treating Leina to the same punishment. After a while they can no longer keep their eyes open, pain throbbing through their bodies as everything fades to black. The demonic voices echo in their minds as they cling to the last traces of consciousness.

"Welcome... to Despair..."

Well... now we know that it's not Shouten Yaiba's power the blade is lending the noble. In fact it's the noble's own. As I said before Force vampires share their power with a spirit which is bound to a weapon. Otherwise the power emanating from their own bodies would crush them. So Riordan's more powerful than he pretends to be... hmmm... wink

Ah, the lower level of the Temple. Despair and Sanctuary are the only two rooms here. And our characters have just fallen into a little snare within Despair. smile You see within despair lies a being/figure which traps people in a very unique way: with the Force. The poison in its salvia then works to augmenting the smallest amount of pain to unbearable levels, sending the poor souls it happens to catch into a coma.

While trapped, the being's victims experiecnes moments of their lives in extreme detail, able to feel everything and thus not aware that are currently not existing in reality. Usually the victim is forced to relive events in which they failed miserably over and over again until they fall into despair. Where such failures do not exist, events are twisted within the mind and great achievements are destroyed to become grave failures.

You're fixing to learn a lot about Riordan and Kain's past like how and why Riordan became a noble; why Kain gave into the curse; maybe how they met Slade; etc. This is gonna be good. ^_^ Leina and Mat are gonna be unconscious as well until I work them out somehow so feel free to have events of their past come back to haunt them. Like if they save some people or something its twisted so that they didn't get there in time and they were all mercilessly slaughtered.

Feel free to drag it out because Riordan's past is filled with hardships so it'll take me a few long posts like this one I think.