Re: A New Begining

OMG!!! Better yet here is the 'entrance' to the tomb/temple with your Jedi statues. ^_^ Once they walk through that doorway its like a canopy (in the first picture), keeping the Temple away from prying eyes and adventurers. big_smile I LOVE IT!!!

Re: A New Begining

It's okay smile Though let's just imagine that the statue is much larger like three times the size of man, and that it's... blah how do I say this. It's before those stairs? xD

Re: A New Begining

-.- Didn't saw that one... xD That one is better big_smile

Re: A New Begining

It's settled then. Tomb 'secret' entrance; Beneath the Canopy [tomb itself] Posting soon! I'm so excited now! lol No clue why pictures make me happy. tongue

Re: A New Begining

So there aren't many trees around but as they move towards the tomb the forest/jungle will get slightly denser. This is so the tomb entrance can be hidden away in the trees and so the tomb itself can be enclosed in the canopy and such. This is getting good! ^_^ Not that it wasn't before but I can't wait to see what happens next! big_smile

Riordan shakes his head to answer the Jedi’s question. “No need. They arrived quite some time ago.”

As if on cue, Slade appears before the group, the blonde vampire as intimidating as ever in this hazardous setting, a dark hunger rippling in the air around him which puts everyone except Riordan on edge. George cannot help but notice the eerie black gloves the man now dons. Slade moves his hands to speak, the seemingly solid material of the cloth wisping faintly with the action. Poisonous whispers begin to echo within George’s mind.

Kill, kill, kill. Kill, kill, kill...

The Jedi’s blood runs cold, every muscle in his body tensing at the memories which rush through his mind. Those... those gloves... the... the black smoke! Razvan’s black smoke! He can see it now, slithering around Slade’s fingers to form what -at first glance- appears to be a normal pair of gloves. But they weren’t... they dance across the vampire’s skin like living creatures themselves.

Slade... how could he manipulate such power? How could he stand that voice which no doubt echoed in his own mind even now? Slade growls as if catching George’s thoughts and with simple flicks of his wrists the black gloves disperse into the air with a haunting hiss.

“Kain waits up ahead at the Tomb’s entrance,” he states coldly, his eyes distant as if searching for something else beyond the people before him. “We should not waste any more time than necessary.”

With that the blonde vampire flash steps to the scarce treeline surrounding the cruiser and using the Force peels apart the trees to create a path. “This way...”

Re: A New Begining

Slade's Gloves. To help with visualization. You got me hooked on getting pics. lol ^_^

Re: A New Begining

George looked frowningly at Riordan and roled with his eyes towards Slade. Leina looked at George while she passed by him. Mat had a nervous smile, and those bodyguards were as cold as their Lady. Riordan went after them, and George was on the end of the party.

They were walking through this forest that was getting denser by the meter. George again started feeling his need for revenge. He hated Slade. He's gonna kill him.

They arrived at what seemed to be an entrance to the Tomb... George recognized it from his vision. He moved closer to Riordan to whisper something in his ear. "I feel something. That feeling of my death is getting stronger the closer we get to this tomb. I feel like I'm running to my death."

Re: A New Begining

Riordan closes his eyes on a wave of calming energy. "My brother and I are here to prevent such a fate. Despite Slade's attitude he is here for that very reason as well and will not compromise our goal." He opens his eyes and casts George a glance the Jedi cannot read. "In the end, however... it will be his blade which saves you, Master Jedi... not mine and not Kain's."

"He is a man of power; more so than my brother and I could ever hope to be. You cannot have any greater ally or a more terrifying foe. He respects those who respect him and he respects power. I suggest you earn it or you may not survive the path which lies before you..."

Kain appears from thin air to stand beside his brother. "Riordan... we have a problem..."

Suddenly the gates of the Tomb's entrance begin to slowly open, blue light shinning brightly from within. A sound reaches their ears though none of them can make out what it is. Something... was coming out? A figure emerges from the light: a beautiful woman donning silver armor and a black cloak, her body and sword coated in dried blood. She rides atop a majestic war horse donning armor which reflects the make of her own. Her blue eyes smoke faintly as they take in the mortals before her.

"I am Rhiannon, the Gate Keeper," her soft voice echoes around them, sultry and mysterious. "It has been some time since I have gazed upon mortals and such dark creatures," she adds, her haunting eyes jumping to Slade. She looks back at the group as a whole. "What has brought you souls before the Gate of the Elders?"

Imagine Rhiannon's voice like the Lady of the Forest from the first DA. smile

Re: A New Begining

George was staring at the woman as he was approaching her. When he was few meters away he bowed to one knee. Everyone was looking at him
George hoped this was the right woman...
"Gate Keeper Rhiannon! I have come seeking memories! Memories that fill help me fulfill my destiny. My friends have come with me, to help me. They wish to prove their loyalty inside." George noticed that Mat was beside him kneeling with him. "Gate Keeper. I humbly ask you to let us through your gates." George took a deep breath. He hoped that she won't see him as a threat.

Leina was surprised. How did George know all that? Was it pure instinct? Or did he really learn something from those old records he got in Naboo Palace. She thought it might be a good idea to do same as George so she went to kneel beside him. Her two guards followed her.

Improvisation... Hope I didn't screw up something smile

Re: A New Begining

Not at all. You'd have to do something extreme like kill her to mess anything up. smile

Riordan steps forward but he does not bow and instead waits patiently, his hand resting on Shouten Yaiba's grip. Rhiannon's eyes focus on him, the simple glance between the noble and the Gate Keeper escaping the notice of everyone but Slade and Kain for only they understood its wordless meaning.

Slade and Kain stand back away from the other's, curious as to why they were bowing. This woman... she was not to be bowed to. She was no god. The surprise is visible on Rhiannon’s face as she glances down at the mortals. She points her sword towards George and the others, the jagged blade stained with darkened blood.

“There is no need to bow to me, mortal,” she answers his plea, “nor ask me for entrance. Rise. I know well your intentions, George Kwei, as well as that of your companions. Any of righteous heart may pass through my gates. The creatures, however,” she adds, her eyes once again moving to Slade and now Kain as well, “I cannot grant passage. The Elders long ago forbid such blackened souls from this sacred ground and I will not betray their corpses.”

Slade waves his hand towards the Gate Keeper. “Yeah, yeah, we know. Ain’t our first time.”

“Indeed,” Rhiannon eyes narrow, “Rule Slade. It has been many centuries since you last brought another before me.”

Slade smiles charmingly as if to avoid the topic. “Always a pleasure, Rhiannon.”

She ignores the vampire, pulling on the reins of her horse, the animal stepping away from the portal to allow free entrance to the tomb. Her attention returns to George. “I must warn you, George Kwei. The Temple itself is cursed, Mir’athorin turning what the Elders once worshipped into their tomb. I do not know what evils lurk within or if what you seek is there. I am merely the one who watches the Gate."

She brings her sword over her horse, pointing it towards the portal. The light within seems to grow even brighter. "Enter... at your own peril..."

Mir'athorin: The Dark King; more than likely a reference to Mortis

Re: A New Begining

Right... Wrong women. He made a slight bow to her. "Gate Keeper. Thank you. I will come one more time, after everything is over. Mir’athorin cannot stand against me. " How will he do that if he's going to die inside. Well, he'll figure it out. "Everyone let's go, I don't want to waste any more time." Death is waiting for me. George was the first one to get in followed by Mat.

Leina was looking at Riordan. She was happy too that Slade wasn't going, and she was waiting for Lord Koga to go in with her...

Re: A New Begining

Riordan glances back over his shoulder, his steady gaze landing on his brother as if to say something of importance. Leina believes she catches the faintest twinge of sorrow and regret in those mossy pools but as quickly as it appears, the emotion vanishes, lost to the familiar green seas of calm and indifference. The noble turns back towards the gate and pushes through, Lady Naberrie close at his side, whatever words exchanged between he and his brother spoken by way of their silent bond.

The light begins to fade and finally disappears all together, revealing an ancient Temple-like structure hidden beneath a canopy of overgrown trees. These ruins could remain here forever and never be properly discovered. Rumors often arose that adventurers had actually stumbled upon a very similar tomb years ago. However, after one venture, they never returned and their tales of secret guardians, stone corpses, and walking demons were deemed just that; stories to keep others from the same fate.

George and the others carefully make their way up the stone stairway leading into the Temple, wary of any unsteady steps. At the top of the flight of stairs rests a moldy statue, overrun by wild vines. This statue, however, does not resemble those which stood as markers to the Temple's hidden entrance. While the head had long ago corroded and fallen apart, the majority of the body remains, legs bent in a cowering pose, arms thrown up in front of where its face would have been as if trying to block some frightening sight.

It was strange that such a statue would be placed here...

Re: A New Begining

George was staring at the statue, he tried to imagine the face that wasn't here now. He felt Mat's nervousness beside him. "Calm, down Mat. Concentrate on something. If that doesn't work, pray to yourself." Mat nodded and closed his eyes for a moment. The Jedi didn't pay any more attention to him, he had to calm himself. A feeling of his imminent death was in the air. He could smell it.

He turned when Riordan, Leina and two bodyguards arrived. "It's dangerous to go by yourself here. We must stick together." Leina said giving George a warning look. They made eye contact and for the moment there it looked like they were staring in each other. But the Jedi quickly turned his gaze on Riordan. "How are you holding up?" He was fine of course, but what George really meant is, did he started feeling rage, like he did...

Re: A New Begining

Well it took a little bit of time but I managed to find a map (the Temple itself is much larger than it seems) to represent the Temple and even a picture for every single room (or well... almost every single room). I’m proud of myself. ^_^ I realize that the pictures don’t exactly match each other (i.e. tone, lighting, setting, etc.) but that we’ll just have to deal with. Okay so here’s the Great Hall.

The next room is known as Ruin (obviously named after Mortis cursed the place lol Hate to see a Temple with a room called Ruin tongue ). Feel free to have the characters move into this room. It’s partially overgrown but its walls still stand so it has more of a Temple/building feel. There's a stone statue in the center of the room which resembles this figure.

Finally (after whatever you want to have happen) proceed into Desolation if you’d like. This room is completely intact but has been consumed by the forest surrounding it, the dense foliage blocking almost all light from getting through and as such its very dark. And we all know that monsters like to come out in the dark. XD The room itself is completely destroyed with tons of rubble on the ground and crumbling pillars.

Riordan nods. “Do not feel a need to be concerned about my wellbeing, Master Jedi. I shall be fine. It is in your own best interest that you not allow your mind to stray from the task at hand; that you remain focused, yes? Lest you not evade the dagger shrouded in darkness...”

He hold out his hand, motioning for the Jedi to proceed down the poorly lit passageway presented before them. George does so, quickly followed by Mat and the others. The passageway abruptly expands and opens, leading the group into a massive open room. Where once great stone walls no doubt towered above the Temple floors, trees now stand, their wooden fingers reaching out for each other and twisting about, recreating the majestic hall in a way only nature could.

However, Riordan does not seemed calmed by the scenic surroundings, his eyes moving around the room cautiously as if waiting for something to jump out of the shadows and devour them. Leina leans in towards one of the wooden walls to get a closer look at a lone flower desperately clinging to a withered vine. Riordan moves to her side, his lean hand suddenly upon her shoulder. She jumps away in alarm when that hand becomes increasingly warm.

Riordan reaches out, brushing the burnt remains of a vine from her slender shoulder. “Be more careful, my Lady. The vines may not move as swiftly as a serpent but they can be just as deadly in a wild place such as this.”

...Outside the Gate of the Elders...

Slade sits down on a nearby stump, the likes of which have been completely taken over by the grass and other lesser plant life it used to look down upon. He leans back against the tree behind him with a deep sigh.

“I got a bad feeling ‘bout all this...” he mumbles, more to himself than Kain.

Re: A New Begining

Great... big_smile So Desolation is where we are going? xD That's cool. Is Desolation a final room? I'd like for George to find his thing in the last room. smile

Leina looked at the lone flower once more: "Thank you, Lord Koga." She made a small glance at him and moved further into the hall. Two bodyguards were following her in steps holding their lightsabers in hands (anyway if you wonder their lightsabers are orange. Leina's is violet and Mat's is blue.)

Mat was looking at some kind of altar at the end of the hall. There was nothing on it. "Master? What is this?" Mat looked around to find George but he was already beside him. The Jedi had a strange look on his face, like he was struggling with himself... "That is dangerous, Mat. Don't touch anything in here." Mat looked suspiciously but started walking towards the passageway to the another room. Lady Leina and Riordan were already there.

George felt something approaching to him, he turned around quickly but there was nothing there. Suddenly everything changed around him:

The Great Hall was not anymore overgrown with plant life. It still had it's walls and people walking through it. A voice that sounded demonic spoke to him: "You're here because you're summoned. You cannot walk away. Death awaits you further in JEDI" He felt shocked. People around him obviously didn't hear that. A woman approached him an offered him a hand. She was beautiful so George accepted it gladly, her skin was soft, so soft. "George, are you alright?" She looked at him concerned. People around were still minding their own business. How did she knew his name? "How do you know my name?" Woman looked surprised and out of nowhere she slapped him.

The vision broke. He could see now, that it was Leina before him. "Whata?" George looked confused. "Are you okay George?" She was concerned. Others were looking at them. "Why did you have to slap me?" "You're okay" Leina said and went to join with others. George followed her and they proceeded into the next room.

They were moving through the Hall slowly. George was going first, others were behind him. Everyone was concerned with him after what happened before, but the Jedi was still pushing. They arrived at the place which still had it's walls and was only partially overgrown. Mat was now walking beside  him. He made him a small encouraging smile, and they went together to the center of the room.

"This seems like a temple to me." Mat said. But George's eyes were closed and it was obvious he wasn't listening.

George was walking through this room with some aliens beside him. If he didn't knew better he would call them Elders. One of them spoke to him: "Master Kwei, you this is suicide. Performing this kind of ritual will kill you. But not just that, you will curse yourself." They stopped and George turned to the Elder that spoke to him. "I know that. But I also know what's at stake here. You know this is the only way to ensure that one day someone has a chance of defeating Mir'athorin." The Elder seemed sad that his human friend couldn't understand. "As you wish." George made a calming smile and placed his hand on the Elder's shoulder. "Don't worry my friend everything will be fine."

George opened his eyes, and saw Mat standing beside him. He was silent. As were others who were studying the room. No one noticed this time that he had a vision "There's nothing here." Leina said. "Let's go to the next room?" George looked at Riordan and saw that the Noble was still holding it. But he didn't. These visions were killing him. He was here before? He shook his head and went to walk with Riordan. "Let's go to the next room."

Re: A New Begining

The final room you're looking for is actually on the upper level of the Temple and is called Bliss. After Desolation there are two more insignificant rooms and then a square-shaped stairway which leads to the first room of the upper level known as Ignorance. Then on to Bliss. smile

After the final room the group will travel back down the stairway. I'll have my secret passage come in some time around then. ^_^

Riordan’s attention does not immediately return to George, his eyes focused on the angelic statue in the center of the room. Chills run down his spine. This place... it had such an eerie feel to it; such a haunting. The noble felt as if everywhere he went he was being watched by unseen eyes and that put him on edge. He looks up at George and gives a simple nod in agreement, walking to stand before the massive doors which block the path to the next room.

With a deep breath he reaches out and touches the doors, power surging in the air around him, the simple action causing the stone to groan as it slowly moves from its resting place. With such ancient foundations being disturbed, dust rises into the air around him and the others, clouding their view of the next room. However, George manages to catch the ghostly figure of a woman running away in the darkness before she disappears completely.

Riordan reaches into his robes and pulls out Shouten Yaiba’s grip, his thumb trailing over the ripples in the design carefully as the air around them clears revealing the dark and ruined vastness before them. The noble is shocked by what greets his gaze: crumbling pillars, tilted as if their very foundations had been shaken; piles or rubble and stone almost completely covering the ground as if a god of destruction itself had walked through this Temple.

His blood runs cold. Something had happened here... no simple curse could cause such devastation. Mortis... had unleashed something. He glances back over his shoulder at the others. “Ignite your blades so that they may light your path. Evils are fond of such desolate and darkened places as this... but are often cowards and will not reveal themselves in the light...”

Riordan points Shouten Yaiba’s grip towards the ground and closes his eyes. “Ashes rise now and become my shield...” he whispers darkly, his voice deep and low. “Flames burn now and become my blade... Shouten Yaiba.”

With his last words Riordan brings his arm up and then extends it as if cracking a whip, a dark voice -not belonging to Riordan or any others present- whispering through the Force. “Shouten Yaiba...

Flames suddenly consume the grip of the sword, climbing up the noble’s arm until they are violently sucked back down to the grip and erupt in a massive fire whip where the sword’s blade once would have been, the weapon dancing around Riordan’s body and bending to his every whim. The noble grasps the split end of the whip with his free hand, the flames wrapping around his arm like a serpent.

He looks back at George and the others once more, studying each for their reactions.

Ah, our first vampire release! ^_^ So exciting! In order to to keep it from completely crushing them, vampire’s (or those yet to turn) can share their power with a weapon, giving this weapon a unique personality and appearance depending the vampire’s powers. The weapon normally appears as a simple object (i.e. Shouten Yaiba as a katana), however, when it’s master -and only its master- utters a unique release command it takes on its true form (i.e. Shouten Yaiba as a flame whip).

Re: A New Begining

Btw fixing to kill one or both of Leina's bodyguards. Cause I'm cruel like that. :P

Re: A New Begining

Kill them as you wish... But just don't let them die without a fight. They are not that weak tongue

Leina's bodyguards remained indifferent. Mat was very impressed. George gave him a friendly smile. "You do that to impress the ladies, don't you." Riordan just shrugged with his shoulders like he was expecting something else. Leina just said: "Now I'm sure"

George turned to her: "You knew? I sensed before something strange about his sword but I could never have guessed that a spirit is bound to it."
Mat looked confused... very confused. "What are you talking about?"

George looked at him and made a motion with his hand. "No matter, activate your lightsabers and let's head in."

First, two bodyguards activated their orange sabers and made slow swing just to test them. Mat looked at them with a smile and turned on his blue saber with a comment: "We're going to look like a Christmas tree inside."
Leina pulled her saber out and ignited it showing a pure violet blade. It suited her.

George was cold... His hand wrapped around the barrel of his saber, his eyes lit with a blueish light while he went inside that dark room. On the way in it the his eyes became normal and he activated his silver lightsaber. He holded it in front of him and he infused it with some Force Power to make it produce more light. "Come on!"

Re: A New Begining

Well... I won't do anything elaborate. I know they're not weak but they are in a dark room and whatever lurks there has the element of surprise. XD I think you'll like what I have planned for them. And if not I suppose they can live through Desolation and die later somewhere else. smile

I would name them but that would just seem like too much effort if I'm just going to kill them off. So yeah... As for the ghostly growl and the roar I took the liberty of finding a video just cause I felt like it. First one is the one I imagined for this scene. ^_^ Ignore the pic though. That's not how my creepy critter looks. smile

A ghostly growl echoes around them followed by a deep, haunting roar somewhere further into the room. Riordan's grip on Shouten Yaiba tigthens and George hears what he believes to be a growl escape the noble's throat. He turns his head to look at George. "It would be best if we stay as close as possible otherwise we are doomed to be devoured one by one."

Agreeing the group forms together, Mat and Riordan heading up the formation and refusing to allow anyone else take such a duty. The two bodyguards insist on taking the rear, leaving George and Leina stuck in the middle... well guarded and protected. Riordan releases the end of Shouten Yaiba, the whip flowing out in front of him to light the way.

Riordan and Mat lead the way, their eyes watching for any sign of movement. George and Leina watch the shadows to either side, careful to not miss a single detail. The bodyguards follow vigilantly, glancing back over their shoulders every now and then to make sure nothing lurks there. Turning his head back towards the group, the guard on the right trips over the small pile of rubble.

While he manages to quickly right himself, a piece of jagged rock jutting out from a partially crumbled pillar catches his right shoulder, ripping past his clothes and tearing the flesh beneath. He involuntarily stops for a mere second as if to glare at the rock, missing the low rumbling growl behind him. Shouten Yaiba, however, catches the faint sound and relays it to Riordan who's nostrils flare, taking in the sudden, sharp smell of blood.

He turns abruptly, pushing Leina and George aside with his free hand in an effort to reach out and grab the bodyguard. Before Riordan can reach him, however, the bodyguard's eyes widen, pain pooling deep within them, blood seeping from the corner of his mouth. His eyes fall to the spear-like object through his own chest, darkened blood dripping from the tip. Riordan and the others have no time to react as the man is instantly lifted off the ground, his body being sucked back into the darkness.

The spear-like object is actually the tail of a creature. Course no one sees it. That makes it scarier. ~_^

Re: A New Begining

I am back.

I awake a couple days later with my head swimming of visions of a war that happened hundreds or even thousands of years ago but on the other hand it felt like I was there.

I start to stand up when a rush of memories come flying through my head with the names of Force Vampires, Some type of civil war and the strange feeling that there are more out there that are like me.

I sit in a medatate sitting and send out a Force call to any one who can hear this......(I am on Korriban and I have not clue what I am but I know that when I went into the Tomb of Ajunta Pall the Sith academy here was at the hight of Sith Power and now it is nothing but a ghost of it's formal Power and Glory.)