Re: A New Begining

What M word? xD

Re: A New Begining

What M word and I think I found a video that you will like. big_smile
Star Wars: The Sith Kata of S'dat Q-nim

Kain and Riordan saw George's face getting more emotionless by the second. A half Force Vampire he couldn't stand, but a full Force Vampire? He looked around. Once a beatiful street was now ruined. People started coming now that the fighting stopped. Many coldn't believe their eyes they never saw this kind of destruction, some started screaming, others were pointing at Riordan and Kain. Naboo Security Force (NSF) is going to be here soon. They better leave.
George's sences were sharpened, he could feel something approaching them. But there was something wrong, he couldn't feel the future, not like when it's clouded with the dark side of the force, it simply wasn't there for him... He was shaken up, he's going to die soon he thought. Two brothers were staring at him, and Kain looked like he was getting another rage break out.
"Glad to meet you, Kain." He said thet preety calmly for someone who was shaken up. "But I'm afraid that we must escape the city soon. We mustn't cause any more destruction!" He made a pause and looked at both of brothers eyes like he was giving a strong meaning to those words. "Now follow me, we must get to that speeder!"
They started running just as NSF was coming around the corner, Riordan was fast considering that he was carrying his brother over his back. Streets were almost emptied out, as the word of the mess in the nearby avenue has spread, people were locking themselves in their homes. The city will feel this for days.
They arrived at the speeder store and the trader welcomed them again... "Ah my friends, the Dead Arrow is ready. Ehh..." he saw Kain and was scared shitless. George waved his hand using Mind Trick on the trader. "He is not dangerous, you will take us to our speeder." The trader looked confused for the moment but he felt relieved. "Ahhh... Follow me my friends, I imagine you must be in quite a hurry."
They followed him to the hangar, moving through the piles of junk and between old speeders and vehicles proved diffucult for Riordan because of his brother, but he managed. The Dead Arrow was shiny as new. "Here." the trader said when they got to the end of the hangar. "It's fueled and armed. And fast." He laughed like he couldn't imagine how fast it actually was. "You board the craft while I open the hangar door for you." The trader left towards the other side of the hangar while George and Riordan were putting Kain on the back seat. "I'll drive" George said and jumped on the driver seat. Riordan sat on the co-driver's place and buckled up. George felt that NSF was outside the store, but the Hangar door opened at that moment and he punched the gas.
The Dead arrow had a huge accelearation power and the g-force immediately pushed him to the back. "Wohooooooooooooooooooo!" George was yelling with excitment as they got out of the city. The wind spurred their hair and Riordan widened his eyes when he saw how fast were they going. Almost 1500 kph!
They were driving down the road towards one of the villages when George asked Riordan. "When were you going to tell me about your brother and that guy Slade?"

Sorry, you were probably planing for them to stay longer in the city. But I got bored of it xD

And that thing about George feeling nothing in the future is not an end of the world, and it doesn't mean his death, you'll see what it is big_smile

Re: A New Begining

OMG that video is freaking sweet! That’s kinda how I would imagine Razvan’s flash step looking since he’s tainted by the black smoke and all. Awesomeness! big_smile

Starr wrote:

The older vampire grins masochistically...

That’s the m word I was talking about. wink And I was actually planning on having them leave the city immediately. Riordan is connected but can’t pay for/cover up everything. Especially when it comes to Kain.

George believes he sees the noble shrug out of the corner of his eye but quickly decides he must have been mistaken.

“Whenever time allowed or opportunity permitted,” Riordan answers, the scolding and agitated tone he had held with Kain not too long ago hidden -like so many other things -beneath a sea of unreadable calm and serenity once more. “You must understand, it would not have been to my advantage to reveal information regarding one such as Kain to a Jedi prior to it being necessary.”

“As for Slade...” the noble pauses with a soft sigh. “I was truthfully not aware of his presence until he materialized before me. He is known for keeping close tabs on Kain and for stepping in when my hot-headed brother misbehaves,” he adds, briefly glancing back at Kain sprawled awkwardly in the backseat of the speeder, the comment earning him a growl from the redheaded vampire still fighting his own spine, “for his own personal motives... however, the man comes and goes as he pleases. He is not attached to either of us. I have not the ability nor the right to track his movements.”

Re: A New Begining

I knew you'd like it... big_smile I ran into it by accident, and I thought of Razvan big_smile
S&M, ehh... Which one would you like to be? tongue

George waved his head and slowed down to 1000 kph. That's pretty slow xD
He could now observe Riordan more closely.

"Whatever, but restrain your brother in the future." George started frowning. "I wouldn't not have him kill innocents just because he has a rage problem." Although he was supposed to be angry he didn't sound like it. His thoughts were on something else... Death? Is it so close? He's going to die soon.

He must tell Riordan that. "Riordan? I need to tell you something." Riordan just looked at him. "I... I feel that I'm going to die soon. Watch yourself today, I don't want you to die also." He slowed down a little bit more and looked at Riordan to see his reaction.


(meanwhile, near New Centrif)

A Naboo cruiser just landed in the nearby woods, and about a dozen men in black uniforms were waiting. They were in full battle readiness, carrying blasters, distruptors even heavy weapons. The cruiser door opened and the Lady got out followed by those two men from the Theed.

One of the soldiers approached her and saluted. "Lady Naberrie, checkpoints are set everything is ready." The Lady smiled, but suddenly her smile disappeared. "Very good, captain. Bring the Jedi to me as soon as you find him." The captain bowed. "Yes, My Lady." "And Captain. I feel there will be fighting. Not with the Jedi but with someone else. Tell your men to watch out for anything unusual."
The Captain bowed once more with another yes, milady and went of to give orders to his men.

The Lady looked around to the surrounding forest. Something was lurking out there. She needs to find the Jedi soon...

Ok now pleaase don't do anything unexpected, like sudden ambush or unexpected engine failure, or a volcano exploding nearby, or thunders that hit the speeder or Mortis appearing in front of them. xD It's going to be interesting and I'm going to introduce fully the character of the Lady. We already know her last name Naberrie, which is the name of the ruling dynasty of Naboo. That brings some questions, doesn't it? smile

Re: A New Begining

lol I'm a masochist. All the way. ^_^ And I'll try to refrain from any surprises... for now. tongue I will go ahead and warn/tell you that Slade will be rejoining the party but I'll make sure it doesn't mess up anything you're doing. So don't worry... him and Kain won't fight. Their relationship is... complicated. We may find out more about that later. wink

As for Mortis... well he has other matters to deal with...

The sound of rustling fabric comes from behind the Jedi, a strong, merciless hand suddenly crushing down on his shoulder, the threat transmitted thusly. "I can f***in' take care of myself, Jedi," Kain growls, the sound rumbling deep.

The vampire leans back in his seat, pulling his hand away from George hastily as if even the simple touch put him on edge. George cannot help but notice the splotch of blood the man -unknowingly- left behind on his shoulder. Those hands... even now blood remained... stained; stained with the lives of innocents and no doubt countless more. Kain was a force to be reckoned with, a demon which could unleash hell itself upon a world at any given moment. He was physical power incarnate. It would be wise not to provoke the redhead further.

As for that Slade character... he was even more threatening. Such eyes... much like his voice they remained cold and distant. Yet when the vampire had looked at George they had burned with an eternal fire fueled by something terrifying; something beyond hate. George shoots a quick glance at Kain, the redhead seemingly content for the moment watching blurs of green fly by. And to defeat such a monstrous, ravenous being as Kain... it was wrong that he had made it appear so easy. This new vampire had to be very powerful indeed.

At the mention of death Riordan’s eyes close, his brows furrowing together as if trying to contain some amount of anger. “Do you have so little faith in your abilities that you predict death is all which awaits you, Master Jedi? Do not foolishly assume that simply because you cannot sense your future this means it is not there. Dark forces are not all which cloud the eyes of a Force user,” he adds, his eyes opening slightly and cutting to the side to steal a glance at the Jedi. “You have become involved in the affairs of others who, no doubt, do not wish you to know how this story of yours ends before the curtain itself falls.”

The noble sighs, sliding his right hand into the folds of his robes where Shouten Yaiba lies, waiting to be awakened. Black smokes swirls faintly around the grip. “Have faith in your skills, dear Jedi. If you cannot manage such a simple task then have faith in my brother and I. You are a rather essential element in our own goals. As long as we remain at your side, we will not allow death to take you.”

Kain scoffs bluntly, a scowl hardening his features. “How f***in’ inspirational, Riordan. I’m all warm an’ fuzzy inside.”

Riordan rolls his eyes faintly, ignoring the comment.

...Naitsu Inner Sanctum, The First’s Personal Quarters; unknown location...


Black smoke slithers up the length of a pale neck like a poisonous serpent. And it was just that... a viper, waiting for a moment of weakness, an opening to strike. But a time such as that would not come for its master. He would not fail.


Razvan’s eyes shoot open, blackness swirling in their bottomless depths, the vampire somewhat aggravated his meditation was interrupted. “Yes?” his voice rings out deep and smooth, emotionless and cold.

I bear news...

...Naitsu Inner Sanctum, Throne Room; unknown location...

Towering white and gray doors slowly and silently open without command as Razvan approaches, allowing the First to easily make his entrance into the throne room. Resembling the rest of the palace, the room which lay at its very heart was painted much the same: shades of gray and dull whites. It was like... nothingness.

Of course all this lack of color and life merely made the figure comfortably resting in the bland darkened chair at the top of a rather insignificant set of stairs even more noticeable, attention immediately drawn to the golden brown eyes which seem to shine out against the darkness around him. Only a select few knew the truth... that a far greater darkness lurked inside this very man than anywhere else. And that it was this man who would bring the universe... to its knees.

The figure waits patiently as Razvan walks the length of the room before falling to one knee at the base of the stairs. Razvan believes he catches a glimpse of a small smile beginning to curl those lips but the vampire dismisses the thought, bowing his head and clearing his mind. It was his policy to carefully watch and guard his thoughts when before his master, lest he offend his King.


“Razvan,” a calm voice answers his call, the voice ringing with a deep purr.

“It has been brought to my attention that several fullbring approach the Temple on Naboo. Their intentions appear to include entering the tomb and gaining access to whatever knowledge remains within such ruins...”

The figure props his right elbow up on the arm of his chair and leans into the palm of his hand, a small, charming smile sliding onto the Vampire King’s face. “Indeed?”

Razvan cannot help but lift his gaze to his Master. This man... fascinated him. He bore the look of a natural leader, a man people would -without hesitation- trust with their lives. But his eyes... they watched even Razvan with a predatory gleam. Prey... He was weak compared to this man... even in all his power he was still weak. It was this that left him in awe and because of this did he bow to Mortis alone.

“Yes, Master,” Razvan continues. “One of the fullbring is the same who caused Saro such trouble on Coruscant. It would appear he was worth killing after all. I apologize for not doing so. Do you wish me to deal with them before they create further incident?” he ponders.

Mortis is nothing but amused by the situation presented before him though the emotion does not dare betray itself. The Vampire King would not have gotten to where he was without anticipating the movements of those forming against him; even if those movements were unplanned by the very people making them. Mortals were such easy creatures to influence. It was like a game of chess. Move certain pieces and the others have no choice but to move accordingly.

The vampire tilts his head by the smallest amount, studying Razvan. The slightest move of muscles beneath paled skin, the way his chest rose and fell with every steady breath. Such loyalty. Razvan would do anything for his King; to protect his King. It was this which granted him such freedom around Mortis. Saro and the others were confined to the Outer Sanctums to prevent possible treacheries. None of them posed any kind of threat to Mortis himself but it was best to keep opportunities to a minimum.

“No, that won’t be necessary,” Mortis’s polite voice answers.

Razvan’s face remains unchanging but his voice relays his underlying confusion. “Pardon?”

Mortis crosses his right leg across his left, tapping it lightly against the other. “The offer is tempting... I suppose, however, do not feel so compelled to involve yourself in such trivial matters, Razvan. The Temple shall deal with trespassers as it always has. No need to send an escort for corpses willing to walk to their own graves.”

Razvan bows his head respectfully. He would not question Mortis’s wisdom. His King was never wrong. “By you word, Master...” Razvan says softly, rising to his feet and turning to leave.

Mortis’s eyes follow him, the golden pools deepening in color as he remembers a time when that back bore majestic wings. Those wings... tainted and twisted as if belonging to a fallen angel, outcast by even God Himself. Another small smile, this one pure of dark delight. Soon, he thinks. Soon we shall claim our new kingdom and you... Razvan...

The doors close silently. Shall be my prince...


Naitsu: Palace of Night

Fullbring: A Force vampire who was turned by any means other than his soul devouring itself [the way purebred Force vampires (such as Mortis and Razvan) are 'born']; can also refer to a tainted person who has yet to turn.


Yeah well I decided to give Mortis and Razvan’s Master/Apprentice relationship a little more of a dark twist. You know, Razvan’s fascination with Mortis goes a little overboard and Mortis becomes interested in just how far Razvan’s loyalty to him stretches. That kinda thing. Now I know that more than likely seems quite icky to you but don’t worry. Right now its mostly nothing.

As the plot continues their relationship will slowly expand and come more out in the open as well but don’t worry about it. I’ll be a good girl and promise not to write anything over a PG-13 vampire level. There will be nothing intense at all between the two so you don’t have to fear, my dear (yay for rhymes! tongue ).

Re: A New Begining

Lol... I hate gays xD Wait, are Kain and Slade gays too? O.o

George even smiled on Kain's words. "Well I feel better already." They were going down the road through the forest and the Jedi stretched his senses. The calming feel of the nature around him, it was beautiful here. But... He felt something onward.

The Jedi glanced at the noble. "Someone is waiting for us. We don't want to cause any trouble, so don't start killing anyone unless they attack first." Kain wasn't happy about it and Riordan looked indifferent.

"Checkpoint up ahead." Riordan said. It was strange. Two speeders werre blocking the road, with men on its turrets. Men in black uniforms. Looks like he's going to meet the person looking for him. They stopped few dozen meters before the blockade, and two men approached them. One of them was in black heavy armor, carrying a heavy blaster. The other one was in black robes, but with no cloak, when he approached George sensed that he could use the Force. He was a carrying a lightsaber on his belt. Strange... the Jedi did not sense the dark side within him.

He seemed to recognize him as his eyes widen. "Master Jedi," he made a slight bow and the Jedi replied with the same courtesy. "My name is Mat Sharman. Lady Naberrie wants to meet you."
George thought he felt Riordan's surprise but he must have been mistaken. But he was relieved. That feeling of his imminent death had gone away. Looks like Riordan did calm him down.

"George Kwei. These are my friends. Lord Riordan Koga and Kain."  Mat bowed to each of them as the jedi was saying their names. Mat then turned his attention back to the Jedi. He seemed somewhat nervous. His somewhat long curly hair made him look younger than he is. "Just follow those two speeders. I'll be right behind you." That said another speeder appeared behind them and Mat and that other Soldier who was silent all the time went towards it. Other soldiers started appearing from behind the trees and boarding onto one of the speeders. When the first two started moving, George followed them. The third speeder was right behind them. They were driving slowly around 300 kph (slowly xD ), their camp must be near.

Just as George opened his mouth to ask Riordan a question, there was an opening in the forest on their left, with a beautiful Naboo cruiser that was "parked" there. They noticed around hundred more men in the camp, but there was someone that attracted George's attention. They stopped by the road, and disembarked the speeder. Kain was watching everyone with suspision, you couldn't see, or sense, what was Riordan thinking about, and George knew that these people wouldn't harm them. That's what he told them.

"Don't worry, I sense no harm would come to us." He smiled a little to relax them. One man in black uniform but with an armored plate wrapped around his chest and with a cap instead of a helmet approached them. He saluted, and George and Riordan responded with a nod, while Kain was just looking suspiciously. "Good afternoon, Master Kwei. I'm Captain Tumak. If you will follow me." George and his two friends followed the Captain through the camp. It looked like everyone was in full gear, like they were expecting something to happen. George prayed that Kain would not get one of his rage outbursts. He noticed rocket launchers, and some other heavy weapons. Could they harm Kain? No matter. It won't come to that, he was sure...

They arrived to the Naboo cruiser and in front of it there was a woman waiting. She was a real beaty. The captain approached her and whispered something in her ear. She nodded and the captain boarded the ship.
The woman approached them. "Good afternoon, My Lords. Master Jedi. I am Lady Leina Naberrie. Kain recognized her, she was the woman that he followed in Theed. As did George, she was the woman from his vision.

Everyone reacted differently. The Lady was cold and starred at George. George was stunned, she was the woman from his vision, what must he do now? He didn't expect to find her so soon... While the other two..


I though about stopping  the story when they arrived at the checkpoint so you could write how your characters react, but I thought that It would drag the story too much. Though I had to stop it here, you know why. smile

Hope it's not boring tongue I like to write this kind of stuff xD

Re: A New Begining

lol I'm not much of a g*y fan either. I mean I don't hate them (I have some friends who are g*y) but well... you know. Mortis and Razvan are not g*y though. I have weird kinks about making characters g*y. Bisexual would be a better term. Male vampires are bound to one female from the moment they are ‘born’ so they're not g*y. In fact, it's very rare that they develop feelings or desires for any other being than their mate (who’s female).

However, with Razvan's mate being dead his admiration for Mortis slowly turns into something more to fill the hungering void there. As for Mortis... well... he's just a sick bastard anyway. ^_^ But they're both still men and like women. smile Regarding Kain and Slade... again not g*y. Kain in fact is completely straight. Slade is bi which is why during their fight Kain tries to f**k with his head and throw the older vampire off. Doesn’t work but... anyway. He's just the kinda guy everyone wants to 'have fun' with. wink Well... most everyone. You get my point.

Kain’s entire posture straightens and his muscles tense, eyes narrowing as the hair on the back of his neck stands on end. “You...” he bites, the single word burning across everyone’s skin like acid, his hands involuntarily clenching into fists.

He takes a step forward only to find Riordan’s arm pressed firmly against his stomach, stopping him. The vampire casts a glance in his brother’s direction, the noble’s eyes closed in that calm, uncaring manner, the same damn hand resting in the folds of his robes. Kain growls, gaze shooting back to the woman. He stares at her, his eyes deep and dark.

Refrain... his brother's thought echoes in his mind.

Kain’s body shakes faintly with building rage but after a moment he averts his gaze and taking a deep breath, steps back, the distance from the woman seeming to help calm his inner beast. Riordan nods slightly as if to thank his brother, opening his eyes to watch the woman closely.

“I apologize on behalf of my brother, my Lady,” he speaks, his voice smooth with grace and serenity.

“Don’t f***in’ apologize for me,” Kain snaps. “I didn’t do s**t.”

Riordan waves a hand at Kain as if telling him to be quiet. The vampire seems happy to oblige, folding his arms across his chest, careful to keep his eyes from wandering back to the woman lest he lose his temper.

“Might I inquire,” Riordan wonders, “what business a lady of the royal family has in such an area as this?” His eyes quickly dart about the camp, taking in every single soldier. They had to be careful. “And with such an escort,” he adds, surprised. “Expecting company other than us three?”

P.S. I will be bringing Slade into the next post. ^_^

Re: A New Begining

Ou... You don't want to know what we do to gays in our country. xD But Russians are even worse, I can tell you that. One year g*y population wanted to make a parade in Moscow. "A parade of Pride" I think they call it. And they allowed it. Everything was ready and they even got a police escort. But after a few minutes hooligans came and started beating up the gays. Police instead of protecting the gays, joined the hooligans. big_smile

Don't think of me as a violent type. It's just our culture doesn't appreciate gays the way you do.

Leina didn't even blink. She was quite calm. Too calm, George thought. The way she looked at them, it was like she knew, but he knew she didn't knew everything. She didn't knew that he had a vision about her, but she turned her gaze towards Kain and spoke out, as coldly as before. "Kain... Such darkness runs through you... You have embraced it and it has brought you nothing but pain... and the rage..." Kain looked like he was going to get one of his outbursts again but the Lady turned to Riordan now. "But you're not like his brother, he's resisting still. I wonder if he had help..." She so obviously avoided to look at Riordan's sword, that she could as right stare at it. "And you, George" George thought he saw a misle underneath that icy mask she wore, it was so slim... "You are stronger than you think... Braver... It takes courage to decide to follow this path... But you carry great darkness with you, and the hate and your lust for revenge are not helping you. You have to let go of it, if you are to win this..."

"Win what?" George asked, but Leina raised her hand to shut him up. Riordan looked offended because she ignored his question. "I'm sorry, Lord Koga. But I know what you need... What you need is in a Tomb not  far from here." "How do you know what we..." George tried to ask her but Leina made a quick look at him, she had that dangerous spark in her eye. "Don't play games with me, George. I know what you're looking for and I'm coming with you."

That was strange... She lost her temper. George looked at Riordan, he didn't knew how to speak with noble women, but his friend surely did...


Ok this sounds confusing O.o Right... Anyway if your guy Slade wants to shop he can do that by appearing right of nowhere, or by approaching to soldiers and they will bring him to the Lady. When he appears she will ask George if he is his friend and George will say that he is not his friend but a friend of Riordan, and then she will look at Lord Koga asking for an answer.

I'm just giving you some pointers so that story doesn't stagnate smile Capisho? big_smile

Re: A New Begining

lol It's fine. I understand. You don't have to explain yourself dear. ^_^ I've just always seen vampires as the type to go both ways. And it helps me write when I write how I would picture something happening. wink

A low growl rumbles in Kain's throat at the woman's comment regarding him. That b**ch... she didn't know a damn thing about him. She had no idea what he had been through... how he had suffered! His control begins to slip as his mind struggles to focus on Riordan, using his brother's own inner calm to keep his beast at bay. The pain... it was nothing compared to what would have happened had he not embraced this curse. He had given in because he had had no other choice; because if he hadn't... he would have lost Riordan.

Riordan's hand immediately withdraws from his robes when the lady addresses him. His eyes narrow slightly at her words and he becomes even more suspicious. This woman... does she know? he wonders to himself, Shouten Yaiba quieting so as not to draw attention.

When Leina states she will be joining the group on their quest to the tomb -with the attitude of whether the other members like it or not -Kain's brittle control snaps. "Like f***in' hell ya are!" he roars, stepping towards the woman again with more relentless intent than the first time, pushing Riordan aside so the noble has no chance to stop him again.

Suddenly a hand reaches out, an index finger touching the center of Kain's chest. A massive surge in Force power ripples around them as the redhead immediately halts, his body relaxing significantly, his eyes softening as they land on the blonde haired man before him. The only obstacle between him and that damn woman. "Slade..." he murmurs softly, the word almost inaudible.

The vampire apparently changed his clothes while he was away, now donning a white shirt with a black collar and deep ebony jeans held to his body by a purple belt. He grins, a death stick still held between his teeth. "Let's not get too excited just yet, eh Kain? I'd like to hear why this lovely woman wants to come along on such a dangerous journey to an ancient tomb and I can't right do that if you beat her to a pulp."

The vampire turns his head to glance back at Leina, smiling charmingly. She cannot help but notice the blood on his shirt as well as the small amount still dripping from the corner of his lips. "'Sides," he chimes with an underlying sarcastic tone sarcastically which only George, Riordan, and Kain pick up on, "she wouldn't be as pretty with blood all over her now would she?" His eyes darken.

Suddenly one of the soldiers in the distance points at Slade. "That's... that's... S-Shirokami!" he stutters.

Slade glances at the soldier before back at the lady. "I see I have fans."


Shirokami: The White Wolf - an infamous, murderous jack of all trades (bounty hunter, slaver, assassin... you get the point). Alleged to be immortal. The bearer of over three dozen bounties and wanted by authorities on most planets. [A person would have to be very out of touch with the universe around them to not know about Shirokami...]

What Slade does with Kain here is a unique soothing technique. By applying power through Kain's body at the central point of his chest, Slade's builds pressure within the other vampire. This pressure is then directed to constrict around Kain's veins and heart which slows the progress of blood (and adrenaline) through his body thus preventing a rage and all together calming him.

However, Slade can only use this technique before Kain enters a rage. After that... well, he has to beat the anger out of him.

Re: A New Begining

Just added Slade's new outfit pic up there. Sorry I forgot. tongue

Re: A New Begining

If I really was George (altough I am, my name translated from Serbian to English is George) but If I was that George, I would have hated that guy Slade... big_smile

George made a facepalm... He didn't like this guy Slade. Tha Captain got out of the ship as the soldiers gathered to see the White Wolf. He started ordering them to get back to their duties. One by one they left...

Lady Leina didn't seem concerned about Kain even before Slade appeared. Why was that, George asked himself. She looked at that guy and just made a simple answer... "Ask your Jedi companion why." Everyone turned to George and he felt uncomfortable. She was looking at him... Her eyes... She knew... But how? How could she know? Except if...

He made a deep sigh and looked at Riordan. "She was in my vision. She must come with us, or I won't come out of that Tomb alive." He waited to see what others would say... Leina was cold... Of the all kinds of women, noblewomen are the worst...

I know you got plans about the Tomb. But when they go in, and when they arrive at the "final" chamber, that part is mine. Something must happen in there that is important to George. smile

Re: A New Begining

So minor adjustments to that post of mine... be back with a repost soon. smile

Re: A New Begining

Oh really? And why would you hate him so much? Do tell. ^_^ By the way, remember Slade isn't g*y (which is why he kinda flirts in his own twisted way with Leina in that last post). Just like I have kinks with making characters straight g*y I also have kinks with them being referred to as such (even if they are bi). I don't know why. I'm just weird like that sometimes. tongue

Also regarding the tomb... I had plans for the 'final' chamber as well but it's all yours. smile I'll just have a secret tunnel or something somehow pop up before they leave. Otherwise my entire Force vampire plot is kinda poop. tongue Is that okay with you? I also have plans to have some sort of Guardian figure appear before them upon nearing the tomb. This figure, as well as several elements inside the tomb, are part of the extensive Elder plot I’m working on. Is that cool?

Btw, Jest whenever you get back just let me know and I’ll post that vampire part for you. It’s all written up and everything. I just didn’t want to post it while you weren’t around and have you lose it in the storyline me and George have written since then. smile

Slade’s eyes jump to George, distain and power lurking in those deep sky blue pools. George cannot help but be captivated by the intensity of color shimmering in the vampire’s eyes and soon finds he can’t looked away. What lasts only a mere second or two seems to stretch into eternity. Shivers run up George’s spine. He suddenly feels trapped beneath Slade’s gaze, the fact only strengthening his resolve. He had no reason to. He was a Jedi after all...

His body fights to break the blonde’s spell only to discover he cannot move. His mouth opens to demand his release but silence is all he utters. His heart leaps in panic and air fills his lungs in frantic bursts.  This... what was it?! What was Slade doing?! As if abruptly losing interest, Slade’s eyes find Riordan, freeing George from the vampire’s hold, the Jedi taking a deep breath in appreciation. The older vampire’s hand slides from Kain’s chest before he shoves both into the pockets of his jeans.

“Well, looks like this ‘ere lady is important if you want that Jedi of yours surviving this mess,” he states cooly, his attitude now as serious as ever, his tone lacking any charm to return to the ice fire it once embodied. There was no doubt in anyone’s mind that this man was the Shirokami.

“Indeed,” Riordan says simply as he weighs the situation mentally. They needed to stay light. Too many people would only draw unwanted attention to themselves. No doubt the purebreds already had their suspicions...

He turns to George. “If you deem it necessary, Lady Naberrie is welcome to accompany us. However,” he quickly adds, “I would advise her escort to consist of only two of her most trusted soldiers. This will not be an easy task I assure you, Master Jedi. Loyalties will be tested...”

Okay what Slade does to George here is a combination of two things. Firstly he paralyzes George using a simple but expertly woven Force trick (so George cannot detect the web around his mind being formed or even hope to break it). Secondly he uses an illusion to double the effect of the paralysis, making George believe a situation last longer than it does and making him panic thusly.

He does this all with a simple glance. My, my Slade’s got some tricks up his sleeves doesn’t he? wink

Re: A New Begining

I'm leaving Guardians and secret passages to you. Like I said. George will find something inside that is meant for him so he could "increase" his power, right. And let me just ask you something. In order for him to defeat Razvan, he needs to become more powerful than Slade, Kain and Riordan, right? (Btw, for the moment, Leina is stronger than George) Because they are stronger than him now. What do you think?

And that think about Slade, you did it on purpose. Cause George hates him? big_smile

George frowned at Slade after he released him from that spell. He's gonna kill that guy after he deals with Razvan. He must...
"I agree." He said on Riordan's suggestion. Death awaited him in there. He could still walk away... Or could he? That black smoke was still inside him. He forgot something in the speeder.
He looked at Leina and said. "You choose your two men for the escort, I'm going to our speeder. I forgot something in it." She nodded and went to her captain. George turned to his friends and just said. I won't be long. You prepare."
The camp clean... Too clean, while he was walking through towards the road. He saw a box with a radiation sign on it. TAC missile? What is that? Never mind, he didn't want to know. He got to the Dead Arrow, only to find that guy Mat standing near it.
"Master Jedi." He bowed slightly. George smiled, he liked that guy. "Mat, right?" When Mat smiled to confirm that, George offered him to shake hands and he accepted it. "Just call me George."
Mat was confused. "As you wish Master... errrr... George."
"Would you be intested to come with." He had a feeling about Mat. There was something strange about him, he was pure, like he had no hatred in him.
Mat was even more confused now. "Go with you were?"
"To the Tomb. Lady Leina is bringing two of her escort, you could be mine."
Mat seemed happy. "Me, your escort? But you are a Jedi, I'm just a simple Knight."
Knight... George thought, strange, he looked more closely at Mat's robes and he noticed a small emblem. A red eagle head on blue. This is the first time he sees that emblem.
"Well think of it like this. You won't be just a simple Knight after we go out from that Tomb. Lady Naberrie will surely promote you." Mat looked like he was thinking about. It wasn't long before he agreed.
"I will be your escort." George smiled, he really liked this guy. "Do you need something before we go?"
Mat waved off with his head, "No, Master George. Captain ordered us to be ready at all time." That was strange the Jedi thought, but smart.
George boarded the speeder. Mat was looking strangely at him as he was searching for something underneath the seats. "Master? What are you searching for?" George stuck his hand under the drivers seat, and took something. It was his lightsaber. "My lightsaber. I must have dropped it by accident. Don't know how." Mat started smiling and George was like shhhhhh. "Don't tell anyone about this. This is our first secret." Mat nodded and they went back towards the cruiser.
"Mat... I wonder, what is a TAC missile?" Few soldiers turned to look at the Jedi, but they returned to their business. "Well... It's a small nuke."
George rolled over with his eyes. Nukes... What's next?

They arrived at where the cruiser was. George blinked when he noticed two men in what seemed to be Jedi robes only in bronze color. and with lightsabers on their belts. He didn't notice those before. This is all very strange.
Leina blinked when she noticed one of her men with George. "What's he doing with you?" Mat looked concerned, but the Jedi just said: "Ou, he's my escort if you don't mind." She huffed at those words, but George turned to Riordan. "If you're ready we can go now. I know the way."
George thought that he saw a surprised look on Leina's face, but when he glanced at her she was gone. He turned his gaze back at Lord Koga.

Ok, From my characters that are going, Leina, George and that guy Mat cannot die. Those two Leina's bodyguards can. Just if you make them die in the dungeon, don't let them die easily xD

Re: A New Begining

Ah, well you see... I can't answer that question... exactly. Or give you pointers about what George needs to defeat Razvan. The vampire plot is very complex and to reveal one thing could reveal a lot of other things. So for now... I'll just keep it all to myself and spring it on ya. ^_^

And maybe I did. Slade doesn't like George too much either. tongue And I'll make sure to give those two guys of yours gruesome deaths. Muhahahaha! XP

Riordan nods, having no issue with the present situation. Kain, however, seems extremely agitated, his gaze landing on the two soldiers by the cruiser. Lightsabers?! His eyes narrow. He hadn't noticed before... their connections were so weak compared to his own. But as he focused he could feel them. More Jedi?! He growls aggressively, his anger quickly reaching a boiling point. He would not agree to this.

Slade moves to the redhead's side, casting the other vampire a glance, releasing a small amount of his power to snuff out Kain's and keep the man under control. "Settle down..."

Kain's eyes widen slightly and he turns to Slade with a dark glare, slapping the blonde's hand away when it reaches for his chest. "How tha f**k ya 'spect me ta f***in' calm down damn it?! One f***in' Jedi is nuff for me to deal with. I don't f***in' need anymore taggin' along."

Slade growls, the faintest threat of white fangs evident in the slight curl of his lip.  Riordan glances back at the source of commotion, reaching out to touch his brother's mind.

"Brother, now is not the time for this..." he pleads, his voice deep and smooth.

Kain pushes back against Riordan's thoughts. "I ain't gettin' on that ship with f***in' Jedi."

Slade hits him on the back, the simple pat enough to cause the redhead slight discomfort. "Same 'ere. Nothin' against the Jedi personally... I just don't like flyin'." He looks at Kain. "Race ya."

The blonde suddenly disappears. "Bastard!" Kain roars before disappearing himself.

Riordan turns back to George with a look as if nothing at all had happened. He holds his hand out for George to proceed into the cruiser. As the Jedi does so one of the noble's lean hands lands softly on his shoulder. He steps closer to George and his voice lowers so their conversation is not overheard.

"The tomb of the Elders is no ordinary ruins, Master Jedi," he begins, his voice deep and dark. "It was once a Holy Temple of the very beings the Vampire King turned it against and its cursed ground was once worshipped as sacred. Many secrets lie buried within such desolation but we are trifling with powerful forces which do not take kindly to trespassers."

"Be wary, Master Jedi," a threatening bite suddenly clinging to his words, "and guard yourself well. Your taint could very well be your undoing as mine could be my own. Do not hesitate to strike me down should I not be able to withstand the darkness because I assure you, I will not hesitate to kill you should I be presented with the same opportunity. You and I are not like my brother and Slade; we cannot tame the curse in our blood. We would lose our humanity to a monster... and I will not allow it."

Riordan does not have any issues with George. In fact he likes the Jedi. He's merely saying that if George becomes a vampire he will kill him without hesitation and he expects George to do the same for him.

Re: A New Begining

There's just one slight problem with your post. The Tomb is nearby. They don't need the ship for it... xD But well, I'll make it a little farther then I planned.

As for Riordan, George likes him too. Just not in the g*y way... He simply likes him tongue

George listened with great care to Riordan's words. He frowned when he spoke about killing one another if one of them falls... "Riordan, you can count on me. But that feeling of my imminent death is back again. We need to watch out." Riordan didn't say anything, but the Jedi felt that he was concerned.

Leina and her guards were in the ship already as was Mat. George and Riordan entered. The inside of the ship was spacey. It had plenty of room, but they all went to the cockpit. Lady Leina was there and the pilot. George sat in the copilot chair while Lord Koga stood by the Lady.

George gave pilot the coordinates. The pilot blinked but didn't ask any questions. "Fly low. And land a hundred meters from it." "Roger that, Master Jedi.' The pilot said and started typing in the commands. The ship engines turned on. It wasn't so noisy, they touched off... The ship flew a little above the trees for minute and landed... "We've arrived." The pilot said, and George got out of his chair and disembarked the ship first.

There weren't as many trees around, and the smell of the nature calmed him. But there was that sense of his death that disturbed him. Leina's guards got out, and after them, Mat and Riordan who stood by George. Leina was the last.

George looked at Riordan. "Shall we wait for those two or go by ourselfs?"

Re: A New Begining

Riordan is straight too, dear. wink And I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd have a 'security' checkpoint so near the place the characters were actually going. I'm expecting the tomb to be out in the middle of nowhere where people wouldn't venture or where it would be hard to gain access to it. It is cursed after all. No one has ever returned. *spooky ghost noises* tongue And because of this the area and the tomb/Temple need to be really eerie. Do you want to find a pic or can I have at it? smile

Re: A New Begining

Well... It looks we had different ideas about it... smile Well you find a pic if you want. But if you remember one little detail from the George's vision. the tomb's entrance is filled with overgrown plantlife, and there's a statue of an ancient Jedi holding a sword in front of it. smile If you don't believe go ahead and read my posts from when I first introduced my character in this RPG... smile

Re: A New Begining

lol I had pictured it overgrown as well. I'll try to find a picture of an ancient jungle tomb with a statue. If I can't we'll just imagine the statue as being there. Be back real soon. To google, away! ^_^

Re: A New Begining

Well... that was fast. How about this.  There's something in the doorway... I can't tell what it is but that can be your statue. What do you think?