Re: A New Begining

George blinked when  Riordan mentioned the Elders. He sees now that he made a mistake by coming directly to the Queen. Now he attracted the attention of one of the most powerful noble families, and who knows who else. Someone knew that he was coming,

When Riordan finished, George was suspicious. He had to wonder... "Although I appreciate this gesture, I cannot help but wonder why your Lord wants to help me? I'm a mere Jedi sent here to study Elder history. It will be quite boring." He made a pause to think, "But, there is this one matter that I need help with, and it may be related to my study of the Elders... If you're interest of course, Lord Koga?" George leaned forward a little to give the question a sign of importance.

Re: A New Begining

Riordan chuckles lightly, the uncharacteristic gesture of a noble sending shivers down George's spine. "Boring, Master Jedi?" he ponders, his tongue sliding over the simple word with emphasis. "I very much doubt that."

George notices the slender, long-fingered hand which slips through the open fold of the noble's robes but doesn't dare take his eyes away from his face. Riordan continues, "You so easily forget I serve Lord Malinov, Jedi; he is a very well connected man." His eyes narrow. "The Council did not send you here, Master Kwei. In fact you're not even a Jedi. Not anymore..." he adds, his voice lowering dangerously, pulling the black and red handle of a sword from his robes. The chain attached to the end clinks against the weapon's grip.

"So why," he snaps his wrist downward, the weapon suddenly extending into an eerie black blade which hums ferociously through the Force, "are you so interested in the Elders?"

Riordan's Blade (68 inches including the handle, 10 inch chain)

Don't worry. He's still not related to Razvan even though they both have chains on the end of their weapons (so they can be twirled and used as a form of medium range weapon). He has the chain on the end of his sword for a reason which may come up later. wink

Re: A New Begining

George was surprised. He didn't expect that. That's what happens when you go about lying... His hand was on the barrel of his lightsaber ready to be pulled out. His eyes were battling with Riordans He made a sigh and just said one word: "Vampires."

Re: A New Begining

Riordan's face remains cold and his eyes distant, not revealing the surprise which jumps into his throat. "Vampires?" he asks, a deep edge to his voice.

This imposter... Riordan could feel the taint. It raged like a flame and it consumed. This man was one of their pawns, his mind twisted by their magics until naught but his soul was left... and even that would be gone soon enough. If that were so Shouten Yaiba would not falter; would not miss the heart. He would plunge deep and burn until the monster turned to ash before Riordan.

However... it was also possible that this man was a hunter, much like the ones who had saved him all those years ago. He could have become tainted so easily if he had faced one of power. But to live... it was possible. But Riordan would not lower his guard. Not yet...

Shouten Yaiba: Death Blade: the name of the Force spirit bound to Riordan's sword.

Re: A New Begining

George you use to many links smile. and starr stop using so much bleach stuff such as Zangetsu(bankai) cheater

Re: A New Begining

What's wrong with my links? big_smile

George was looking at Riordan's eyes for any sign. He didn't find one, which was a sign. He stood up with his left hand on his saber. "Yes... Force Vampires that feed on life. Some of them are thousands of years old. I know of three, The Master, The First, and The Second..." He made a pause too see if Riordan knew something about this. His silence spoke better than words. "There was one more, but apparently my parents killed her years ago." He looked to the side, images of Razvan killing them haunted his mind, he couldn't bare it so he barely spoke out at the edge of hearing. "And the First killed them in revenge. My entire family." He sat down again, he moved his hand away from his lightsaber, his looked seemed a little distanced, like he was remembering something...

Re: A New Begining

Hush, hush, Konah dear. I’ll have none of that. Bleach is awesome enough to be used in any situation. ^_^ Besides... I used a real version of Zangetsu. Not an anime picture so it does't count. tongue And I’ll use other anime than Bleach... eventually. Like Death Note or Durarara or something. wink

A vision of Razvan ripping out his father's heart flashes before George's eyes for an instant, causing him to close them on a heavy sigh. Shouten Yaiba seems to quiet substantially, the weapon's whispers confined to Riordan's own thoughts.

"He is no pawn, Riordan. His taint is much like your own... a fire without wood to sustain it soon dies out."

Riordan remains indifferent. "It is not so easy to cast aside, Shouten. I of all people know this well."

While Shouten is silent, Riordan watches George and finally speaks up again. "This one... he does not realize the affairs he involves himself in. He seeks knowledge of the Elders in a brash effort to gain power. In such a quest he only feeds his raging hunger and hastens into the snares laid before him."

"Each tainted soul must learn to cope differently, Riordan. Do not be so harsh. It is our duty to aid him. Perhaps in aiding him... we may also aid ourselves."

Riordan's voice fills with spite. "Freedom is far beyond our grasp now, Shouten. The taint remains and I will not be able to ignore its call much longer."

"Then we shall seek the only thing greater than freedom, my Lord..."

Suddenly, Riordan's blade shatters inwardly, the thousands of tiny pieces retreating to inside the handle of the sword. Riordan sighs. "Yes, I know of what you speak. I have come across such creatures myself many times before..."

Re: A New Begining

Starr wrote:

Hush, hush, Konah dear. I’ll have none of that. Bleach is awesome enough to be used in any situation. ^_^ Besides... I used a real version of Zangetsu. Not an anime picture so it does't count.  And I’ll use other anime than Bleach... eventually. Like Death Note or Durarara or something.

Or nothing? big_smile
Ou... And please, the thing I hate the most is when someone misspells my name. Watch it next time big_smile

George opened his eyes when Riordan's sword seemed to shatter. "Nice sword." He smiled a bit... "When I was a kid a used to dream about having a sword, instead I got this lightsaber. But now, I wouldn't trade it for anything on this world."

He raised his head and looked at Rioardan's eyes. "Those vampires killed thousands of people, maybe even millions. I will stop them, even if I have to pay with my life." his voice sharpened "But! I will not fall to the darkside. Never!" He stood up again and offered his hand, "Are you with me?"

Re: A New Begining

Sorry, dear. Sometimes I get rushed when typing and lots of typos pop up. I generally catch them but occasionally one slips by me.

Riordan closes his eyes, slipping the handle of his sword back into his robes. "Even if I possessed the ability to wield a lightsaber, I would not. Shouten Yaiba was a gift from a man I revered more than anything. He has served me faithfully through the years and he does not falter. What more could I ask?"

George found himself wondering why Riordan referred to his sword as if it were alive. Questions for another time perhaps. Riordan opens his eyes calmly at George's mention of the darkside, leaving his hand resting in the folds of his robes, his gaze falling on George once more with a chilling glare he didn't hide.

"You are tainted, Jedi... even now his black poison courses through your veins. There is no escaping it... no denying its hunger. You have a limited amount of time until it drives you mad and consumes you. You will become one of them or you will find his insatiable fangs at your throat. Your only salvation lies in the dead corpse of him who marked you..."

Re: A New Begining

George lowered his hand when Riordan didn't accept it. "Then... I know what I must do. I will kill Razvan! To become one of them, is not a choice for me..." He looked sad, he didn't have a choice but the rush into his death. He knew that he didn't have any chance of defeating Razvan, but there's nothing else he could do. "How do I kill him?" He looked Riordan directly at his eyes expecting an answer.

Re: A New Begining

A faint growl escapes the noble's throat. "Razvan..."

"The black poison belongs to none other, Riordan..."

"Yes, I am aware. Still... to hear his name uttered after all these years..." A brief pause which seems to last for eternity. "Shouten..." he whispers, deep longing in his voice.

"I understand, my Lord..."

Shouten Yaiba glows faintly beneath the noble's robes, Riordan's hand closing tighter around the grip. As the years passed it had become harder and harder for Riordan to ignore the burning desire within himself. He wanted to find Razvan. Needed to kill him. But to do so would have only quickened the poison's flow through his body. He understood this.

It had taken years of meditation and constant training to quiet the roar, to keep his mind calm and distant or otherwise occupied. Shouten Yaiba occasionally had to lend the noble his own strength to keep the man going. And now this.... However, with another who's taint was so fresh perhaps things would be different. But only fools rush in.

"You alone will never be able to defeat him," Riordan begins, hiding the strain of discussing such a sensitive topic, his voice as icy as ever. "You're going after a monster which has taken on the most powerful Jedi Masters of numerous generations and squashed them like they were nothing more than troublesome cockroaches, consuming them until their powers merged with his own."

"And that... has made his power unimaginable. His lightsaber..." he pauses, fear and fascination creeping into his voice, "when they merge, when he forces their souls into one body... it's the most frightening thing I've ever seen..."

Ooh, we're getting hints at Razvan's powers... wonder what they could be! tongue

Re: A New Begining

George was suspicios, he sensed some kind of struggle inside Riordan. But why's that? How does he know all this? He wondered if he... No... His eyes suddenly widen. It can't be. "You're tainted too... That's the only way you could know all this. Through the visions that black smoke gives you. We can defeat him. You and I..." He made a pause... "We could kill even his master..." he smiled evilly on that thought. "Ou, they won't kill anyone else."


I wonder how should George kill Razvan if he's thousand times stronger. xD

Re: A New Begining

Riordan closes his eye on a sigh. "Indeed... I am tainted much like you, Jedi." A pause as his fingers run over the familiar grip of Shouten Yaiba still hidden in his robes. "Shouten Yaiba and I were corrupted some fifty years ago."

George is completely shocked. Fifty years?! Riordan didn't seem any older than twenty-five. Unless... there was another explanation for his agelessness...

"But we're just mortals, Jedi," he continues. "We could never defeat Razvan with our level of power. Their master Mortis is even further beyond our reach."


Another sigh. "However, were you to obtain the power of the Elders... there is a greater chance Razvan would fall to your blade."

It'll happen somehow. wink But you haven't seen the full extent of Razvan's power yet. He gets even more bad ass. Way more bad ass. ^_^

Re: A New Begining

George couldn't resist but to look at Rioardan's sword when he mentioned it's name. Is it alive. Looks like this guy is crazy. But so will he, if they don't kill Razvan. Fifty years ago?! How is he so young still? But it didn't matter, all he now thinks off is killing Razvan.

"They are mortals like we are..." He whispered that when the noble said that they were just mortals."Yes more power will surely do. But I thought that the Elders had somekind of knowledge about these vampires. And plus, there was something mentioned in their archives about regaining memories..." He made a pause to see if that ment something to Riordan, but he still continued. "I thought about it and I remebered the vision that I had before I was tainted. I saw planet Naboo, a tomb and a young woman. And that was the prime reason I came here... And I thought that I should look for the tomb in the Elders archives." He clunched his fist and whispered... "Memories..."

Yeah yeah... Can use the force to move a planet? xD

Re: A New Begining

I'm not sure if I'd go as far as to say that. I mean Mortis could possibly do something like that if he wanted to (since he is the leader of the Force vampires after all) but it is really unlikely he'd ever be in a situation where that use of his powers is necessary.

And each vampire is different. Just because they feed on the Force does not mean they're fighting style and powers are entirely warped by it. Razvan is a very special vampire. You'll see what I mean when you engage him in later. XD

Be back to post later. smile

Re: A New Begining

Until you post, let's play some music xD
Igor Garnier vs Duck Sauce - Milka Canic (Official HD video)

Anyway, so Razvan is more powerful than Mortis?

Re: A New Begining

Oh no. Vampire hierarchy is very simplistic and brutal: they only bow to another when they've been thoroughly beaten by said being (as in almost killed). Only the strongest can claim the title Master Vampire.

Thus, Mortis is by far, far, far the most powerful vampire. Razvan is special because he mimics Mortis's powers to some extent and then uses his own as a sort of... amplifier I guess. You'll see later. ^_^

And this is more my style. wink

"You misunderstand, Jedi," Riordan corrects him. "Yes, the life can be ripped from their bodies and they die just as any other being but the only way to truly kill them is to burn the heart. However, even then they possess incredible capabilities we will never be able to grasp completely."

Shouten Yaiba hums low through the Force, the sound much like a slow beating heart. Black smoke swirls around the sword's grip and Riordan subconsciously pulls his hand from his robes, shaking it so that the smoke disperses. George barely catches the faint and eerie whispers he believes is emitted by the weapon itself. "Ashes rise now and become my shield... flames burn now and become my blade..."

Riordan looks down at his hand briefly, as if studying it. "Their bodies can regenerate at immense speeds. Not only that but if Mortis's age is anything to go by then feeding off other living organisms replenishes their own life or can even be used to heal wounds. They are ageless. Immortal."

"Long ago... they used to be plentiful. Thousands of them spread across the universe. The Elders and others banned together to cleanse life of the 'dark taint' it had allowed to emerge. After all, it is the evil within men's souls which gives birth to these cursed creatures," he adds, shame buried somewhere within his voice.

"They created something... I... I'm not sure I understand how or even what it was exactly. The vampires numbers rapidly diminished into a mere dozen; the entire species on the very verge of extinction. But in the end, victory was stolen from the Elders and their allies and the glory they had known... came at a grave cost. Mortis eradicated their entire civilizations like they were nothing...."

A pause. Reflection. "All that was left of once great empires is but what remains today: buried secrets and rubble." He sighs. "If there is any power which can be used against one of the vampire blood... then it lies in an Elder tomb. Perhaps the very one which you saw in your vision, Jedi."

Okay, I realize this may get confusing (cause I even get lost from time to time), Shouten Yaiba is now in what is referred to as his 'sealed' state. The blade has 'shattered' and now only the handle remains. This is what Riordan is holding just on the inside of his robes.

There is a slit inside the fold of Riordan's robes where the handle usually rests, allowing easy access or (as you see here) him to use it to merely keep Shouten close at hand. Shouten acts to comfort and calm Riordan in many situations much as a Jedi's lightsaber does the same.

Re: A New Begining

Yeah, Nickelbacks <3 big_smile

George nodded. "Then we have work to do. Tomorrow I'll go to explore the countryside for this tomb. I'll read the rest of the archives maybe I'll find some references to it to help me. Other than that, I'm not sure what else to do." He waved his head and took a bottle of bourbon and filled his glass. He pushed the bottle to the Riordan's side of the table, so he could drink. "And I wonder who's the woman from my vision..." He took a sip from the glass and cleared his throat. "Never mind..."

Re: A New Begining

Hell yeah. ^_^

Riordan pushes the bottle away from him in a polite manner with a simple shake of his head. "No thank you, Jedi."

Despite the Riordan's history, he is still a noble of the Malinov Family. He had to keep his wits about him; they were the only thing which had allowed him to outsmart and survive the taint thus far.

"Indeed, that would be the wisest course of action. As I mentioned before I will aid you however I am able. My knowledge and blade are yours in this quest. But... I must warn you, Jedi..." Riordan's voice lowers with a dark tone.

"Mortis did not gain his power by mere brute strength. A king is no fool; especially one who has lived tens of thousands of years. The Elders and their allies were the first to rise against the vampires and almost succeed. Whatever their power was... it remains as the greatest threat to him and his underlings. No doubt the Master Vampire entrusted guardians to keep the Elders' secrets from being unburied..."

Re: A New Begining

George nodded. He never thought about that. "Not to worry My Lord. I almost defeated The Second yesterday, I'm not as weak as you think." He finished his glass of bourbon and placed it back on the table. "Now, I must return to my studies. I'm leaving tomorrow morning to search for the tomb. You can come with me if you want...." He questionably looked at Riordan. He's a good guy he thought, I sense he won't betray me...