Re: A New Begining

Well you don't think up anything unexpected while you're sleeping either. tongue But I'll be back to post later. So no worries. ^_^ I got ideas.  wink

Re: A New Begining

Okay... Take your time big_smile

Re: A New Begining

About the smoke... it something like what you suggested. It has... many other uses as well though. wink

As George sleeps peacefully for the moment, a cage is forged around him, a dark presence slipping in and out of his memories. A sharp and rasp voice echoes within the confines of his mind, black smoke slithering up George's neck as he sleeps.

"You have... been marked... Jedi..."

Images flash before George in rapid succession, blurring together.

"Now witness..."

His mind fades to black, a vision slowly emerging. A pale face looks down on George, black smoke wisping around a bandaged hand, a seemingly dead body suspended in his other arm. It is from earlier. Razvan.

"Foolish boy..." his dark voice seems to bite.

Suddenly the vision blurs and fades, immediately replaced by another one. An armored figure has his back to George, dark mane-like hair flowing down to the small of his back, vaguely blowing in the wind. George's sister is crushed in the figure's arms, the pain in her face evident, shocked eyes starring blankly at George over the figure's shoulder as her soul is mercilessly ripped from her body by unforgiving fangs.

She begins to wither before George's eyes and before he can react... she turns to dust which easily escapes the figure's grasp to freedom. The figure arches his back, muscles hardening, bones popping into place. A chilling laugh rings in George's ears.

Tears sting George's eyes and he rushes towards the figure in anger, pulling his sister's lightsaber into his hand. Before he can activate it the figure turns on him, eyes full of haunting black smoke contrasting pale skin. His hand crushes down around George's skull, lifting the struggling boy off the floor with little effort.

He pulls the lightsaber from the child's hand, studying it. His black eyes lift to George's, smoke clawing its way from the sockets like tentacles only to be sucked back into the storm which burns within the man's eyes.

"Foolish boy," a familiar dark voice growls.

Once more everything fades it black. The raspy voice George heard at the beginning of this vision returns to his mind. "Your future..."

Another vision emerges with a spark of light, silver clashing against black rage in a heated duel. A push of Force causes the two figures to slid away from each other, revealing George and Razvan. Razvan's black lightsaber seems to hum with life, consumed by blackened smoke it pulses with heart-like rhythm as Razvan's voice claws its way into George's mind.

"Come, Jedi... meet the fate which has awaited you for far too long."

George rushes forward, fueled by his anger. Razvan lips curl into a wicked grin as he falls to one knee, stabbing his lightsaber into the ground. A blaze of red energy erupts and flashes forward, completely consuming George and the Jedi cannot prevent the cries of pain torn from his throat.

He tries to fight against it but the energy holds him in place. Razvan stands to his feet, ripping his lightsaber from the ground as he advances towards George. The energy constricts around George, crushes the Jedi's weakened body, forcing him to his knees. Black smoke swirls around his clenched fists, boring beneath his skin.

Razvan stands before him now, the bandages around the upper part of his face torn, smoking black eyes peeking out from beneath the shredded remains.

"You cannot fight this, Jedi..." Razvan continues.

George's back arches in pain and he roars at his inability to strike out and kill the man. His revenge. It was within his grasp and yet so far away. No. NO! Tendrils of black consume his eyes and his pupils burn gold. Razvan's voice echoes in his mind.

"This... is your fate..."

...Unidentified Stealth Craft; unknown location...

Rotel strolls into the cockpit, his heavy boots clinking against the metal floor of the ship. Zorvon lets his comrade know he’s taken notice of his presence with a simple glance over his shoulder. However, he quickly returns to his task, inserting new coordinates into the navicomputer. Rotel always spoke his mind; Zorvon knew he didn’t need to pry.

“Are you sure this is wise, Zorvon?” he questions. “Taking up a bounty on a Jedi from a shade is not the best course of action if we are trying to redeem ourselves and aid the Republic...”

Zorvon pauses but doesn’t turn to look at Rotel. “I took the job, Rotel, but I never agreed we’d kill the Jedi. If the bastard wants him dead so bad he can do it himself. We’re going after whatever it is he seems so hellbent on getting his hands on. If it’s really as great a threat as he makes it out to be... we’ll be doing them all a favor.”

Rotel shakes his head. “But at what cost? We take it from the Republic only to throw it into the hands of a shade?” he scoffs slightly. “From the frying pan into the flames.”

Zorvon leans forward, resting an elbow on the ship’s navigational console. Steady fingers slides past his hairline, digging into the roots of silvered hair as he lets out a heavy sigh. “Life’s not so simple, Rotel. It’s not all black and white. Sometimes there’s no way out. You have to understand,” he adds slowly. “Sometimes the best course of action... is to choose the lesser of two evils.”

...Unknown location...

White robes -complimented by black seams -dance in the wind as the figure glances down at the corpse. He retains an air of disinterest.

"Well, well... what do we have here?" a calm voice ponders, darkness and evil hidden deep beneath a polite charade which could fool even the most trained Jedi.

"I am... sorry... Master," a raspy voice answers, obviously struggling with the words. "There was... no other way... to clean up his... mess..."

"I see," the figure says, looking up at his subordinate. "His heart, Razvan."

"Yes, Master..." Razvan nods, reaching into the sack resting on his hip to remove the blackened heart. He kneels on one knee and holds the heart above his head as if offering a sacrifice to a god.

The figure pulls the heart to him with a flick of his wrist. A haunting purple glow surrounds the beating heart.

"They say a bad student... means a bad master. I will not tolerate failure, Saro," the voice adds with eerie calmness, his fingers constricting around the heart, the organ straining beneath the excess pressure. "Be assured... the next time you disappoint me... I'll devour everything of you."

The purple glow around the beating heart fades faintly and the figure smile slightly. "You understand. Good."

With those word the figure's grip loosens on the heart which falls to the ground next to the corpse. Oily slick tentacles shoot out from the heart and attach themselves to the body, pulling the heart towards it. When the heart settles itself into the hole in the body's chest it begins to glow brightly, strips of flesh stretching to pull the hole closed.

Saro's eyes open, emitting a a deep purple light as his back arches. His mouth opens in a silent cry of pain, purple light shining from within. Finally he collapses and the light seems to shatter and disperse, his entire body steaming as if cooling from flames. Despite the pain he immediately pulls himself to his knees.

"I am sorry, Master..."

The figure pays no attention to the apology. "Apologies are meaningless, Saro. It does not erase failure."

"Yes, Master," Saro replies humbly.

The figure is slightly annoyed by Saro but does not show it, his face remaining emotionless and his voice steadily calm and polite. Perhaps that was the most frightening aspect of the situation.

The figure's gaze moves away from Saro to rest on the distant stars in the night sky. "But all is not lost."


Weren't expecting me to switch your childhood up on you were you eh? Yeah... cause I'm bad like that. ^_^ So Razvan is actually the one who slaughtered your family. When he throws you against the wall (you don't see it in this vision but he does) you kinda banged your head up and mistook him for the Second. Tada. Plot twist! big_smile

Also, the rasp voice in George's mind is not Razvan or any of the other vampire's. It's actually the smoke itself. OMG it's alive! lol A portion of the Red Sith's soul is trapped within the 'smoke' which Razvan has now become the Master of. Thus why it has so many capabilities and powers.

Razvan's laugh (ignore the voice, that's not how I want Razvan to sound; got another vid for it)

The figure's (Mortis's) voice and new appearance (hint: the brown haired guy is the one I'm using as Mortis)

Razvan's voice (black haired guy is Razvan's voice; how he sounds when he possesses the ability to speak orally or when he does so telepathically)

Re: A New Begining

You watch to much Japanese cartoons tongue xD
But great, I actually like this. George had two visions... First was about Naboo and second one is his future. The duel with Razvan. George knows he couldn't defeat him so he needs to gain more power. It's easier through the dark side, but will he dare. Even if he gains that power, will he dare to find Razvan after what he saw in the vision? Interesting. Though the smoke is kinda pissing me off. But it's ok. I just don't quite understand it yet... smile

George woke up from terrible nightmares he had. He was all sweat up, Is it to hot in here?
The smoke... It's inside him, he saw his sister's death again... And it wasn't the Second, it was Razvan! He started crying, it was too much for him... He wanted revenge, but know he wonders if he wants to do it... If he continues down that path he'll find only more pain, and probably death. But if he gives up, it would haunt him for the rest of his life.
He got up, took a shower, had a breakfast, and prepared his stuff for travel.

When got out of the apartment, in his blueish common clothes and a black bag, he saw that red-haired girl from yesterday. This time he didn't smile but she did. She was confused but he ignored her. He exited the building and went across the merchant's square which was very crowded towards the spaceport. He stopped buy at some markets to shop for food, and he even visited an army shop. There he bought a small knife. It could come in handy.

He arrived at the spaceport and looked for the flight board. The ship for Naboo was leaving in fifteen minutes. On board, there were people from all sides of Galaxy. Rodians, Iridonians, Humans etc... He found an empty seat, got comfortable and started thinking about should he find Razvan and get his revenge, or should he just give up. He'll may be able to live a normal life on Naboo. It is a peaceful planet.

He was still dwelling on it when the transport touched off and went to hyperspace...

Ok this was quite boring, but I don't want to rush things up. George is troubled and needs time do deal with his issues... xD
You know, did you notice that in every RPG I'm in, my character is called George Kwei? smile

Re: A New Begining

Not cartoons. Anime. There is a difference. And I don't watch too much. I just LOVE it. ^_^

The smoke is a tool of Razvan's. It actually plays a much larger role later which is why it possess a mind of its own. It's basically a pure darkside entity, seeking to corrupt or consume any light it finds.

It reveals the truth about the slaughter of George's childhood, believing George will seek revenge on Razvan and in the process fall to the darkside. It grants him a vision of the future in order to show him that turning to the darkside as a last resort during his duel with Razvan will not save his life.

In fact, doing so will only lead to death by Razvan's hand or worse: becoming the vampire's puppet. In order to stand any chance against Razvan George must succumb to the darkside. But even then... will he be strong enough?

So... does the ex-Jedi confront Razvan as himself and risk everything? Or does he dare to fall in order to have a better chance at exacting his revenge?

lol And yeah I did notice that. I like giving mine new names cause I like spicing things up. smile Be back tomorrow to post.

Re: A New Begining

Yeah, I don't like Anime. But everyone has a taste of his own smile

So this story is about questioning one self, about one's principles and beliefs. Interesting, we'll see how it goes.

Re: A New Begining

Hmmm... wonder where LSM is hiding out? tongue

Be back to post a bit later (if not later today then tomorrow sometime). It's gonna be a LONG one. o_O

Re: A New Begining

Hey! His wife is pregnant. xD I think he won't have enough time to write with us here between his job and helping her. smile
Anyway, take your time, I'm really interested in what you have to write, I've got some crazy ideas of my own, when George arrives on Naboo smile

Last edited by George Kwei (2011-06-22 08:19:09)

Re: A New Begining

Okay... before I post do you want to come up with names for your family (father, mother, and sister) or would you allow me to do it? And do you want to find pictures or can I have at finding anime characters? lol

Re: A New Begining

I'll do it... (Just no Anime thing xD )

Mother Eleanor Kwei

Sister Serena Kwei

Father James Kwei

George Kwei (now)
His lightsaber

And P.S. How do you place a name instead of the full link?

Last edited by George Kwei (2011-06-23 09:30:06)

Re: A New Begining

Awww... you're no fun. tongue

To put names instead of links is really easy. I can't tell it to you straight however cause the forums always register the codes so when I put [ url=link ] just remove both spaces on either of the text for the correct code form, k? big_smile

Now normally to put a link down you'd do [ url ]link[ /url ] right? Yup. ^_^ To put a name with it you've got to change up a bit. It's [ url = link]NAME[ /url ] Simple see? wink I've taken the liberty of editing your post so that your links are names instead so you can really see what I'm talking about.

Also your father link doesn't work. Thought I'd let ya know.

Re: A New Begining

My father link does work O.o . If you still can't see it, I'll post a picture of him. And tnx for showing me how to do that. smile
Anyway, are you gonna post already? xD

Re: A New Begining

Yeah, I can't see it for some reason. It won't work for me. So if you could post the picture that would be fabulous. ^_^ And I'll post as soon as you get me that pic. I have to know what your entire family looks like.  wink

Re: A New Begining

Nevermind. I fixed it for myself. Don't know how I did it but I did it. lol I'll post a bit later. Got to run. I'm too popular for my own good.  tongue

Re: A New Begining

just LOL xD

Re: A New Begining

Okay, this has been a long time coming but I believe it's worth it. Really long post but I do hope you enjoy. wink It’s kind of important you remember what happened a few posts back. Razvan had the opportunity to kill George, however, he didn’t. Do we remember why? ^_^

Starr wrote:

Razvan would not take his revenge from him. It was a pain he understood all too well.

Also, here Razvan has already lost his eye sight but not his eyes. The black smoke has completely consumed his eyes but he can still see without the use of the Force. However, later on we'll discover exactly how he loses his eyes (which causes him to wear the bandages and where he gains his facial scars).

For now imagine him something like this (with his hair flowing down to the small of his back just about and yes more anime, damnit! lol tongue ). This is how I actually wanted him to look but with the bandages and scars from the first picture I posted of him. ^_^

So... let's begin...

As the ship continues its journey through hyperspace towards its destination, a chill runs up George’s spine. Despite his best efforts to fight the feeling, a smoky haze envelopes his weakened mind. His eyelids become heavy and eventually... they fall...

A faint voice; a woman. Her cries muffled out before they ever reach him. Her voice come once more; a little clearer, a little louder. She continues calling out to him and eventually her voice rings in his ears.

“George... George...!”

His eyes shoot open at the sound of such a familiar voice, his heart jumping into his throat. Serena! White light distorts the Jedi’s vision, barely allowing him to catch the blurry figure bending down. He blinks. His sister looks down at him, specks of blood splattered on her cheeks.

“George... George, come on!” she urges, failing to completely hide the panic in her voice. “We have to get out of here!” she quickly adds, pulling George to his feet.

The sound of clashing lightsabers resonates around them.

“But Sere-” Goerge tries, turning his head towards the sound only to have his attention snap back to Serena by the sharp jerk on his arms.

“No George. We can’t stay here. Mother and Father-” she stops, choking on the words. “Mother and Father... they won’t...”

A stray tear trails down her right cheek. “We just have to leave...”

She gathers George in her arms without another word of protest from the boy, his own small arms linking around her neck while his legs lock around her back. Glancing over her shoulder, George’s gaze lands on the flashes of light which seem to dance in the distance. Two silver streams burning to snuff out an ever-elusive blackness.

His sister’s hand suddenly holds his head against her slender shoulder so his eyes fall from the fury. She rushes forward, using the Force to quicken her step; but even then... it isn’t enough. The faintest whisper accompanies a chill which rams into George’s spine.

A figure now stands before them, eyes smoking black as if to release darkened poison from hungering flames which consume the remnants of a once human soul. Green tear lines travel from his eyes down his cheeks. Serena abruptly stops on a gasp, shouts from behind her seeming to go deaf in her ears. A sinister grin curls pale lips.

“How pitiful,” he almost whispers, an air of superiority etched deep into an age old voice. “You cannot escape me with such simple tricks, little girl.”

The figure's grip on his lightsaber tightens, the blackened blade humming with impending doom and steaming with the same intensity as his eyes. Serena clutches George's body with death-grip strength as if to hold him even closer.

The figure huffs. "Holding him tighter will not save his soul from my fangs, child." A growl as his voice lowers. "I shall reap revenge..."

A man and a woman suddenly appear before the figure, standing between him and his would-be-prey. Their silver lightsabers gleam magnificently, echoing through the Force of glories and hardships, justice and honor. Family.

"Leave them be, demon!" the woman demands, her voice soft and wise.

The man points his saber towards the dark figure. "Your fight is with us and us alone, Razvan," he adds to his partner's words, his own deep and experienced. A true warrior.

The figure known as Razvan chuckles lightly. "I am one brought forth into the same darkness which revenge was born of. Did you not think I would claim it?"

"This has nothing to do with them!" the man replies.

"On the contrary, Jedi," Razvan retorts. "You brought such a fate upon them when your blade stole the life of my mate. You not only took her from this world but also my future. I shall afford you..." he pauses for a mere moment, a sadistic grin showcasing large fangs as he rapidly twirls his lightsaber by the small chain attached to the barrel.

"The same kindness!" he roars.

In the blink of an eye, Razvan is upon the man, their lightsabers locking. If at all possible, the grin on Razvan's face widens as the Jedi's knees begin to bend under the pressure of the vampire's immense strength. Razvan's eyes narrow and he sidesteps at exactly the right moment, the man's desperate Force push rippling in the air past the vampire's body.

The man's eyes widen in horror and worry as his missed attempt impacts the woman, sending her flying back. "Eleanor!" he cries, rushing forward to catch her body before Razvan can stop him.

Razvan growls, turning his attention back to Serena and George. A haunting gleam emerges in the smoke of his eyes. "It is your choice, child... how you and he die," he begins, his eyes landing on George's face, one eye peeking out at the monster before him.

"It is not a question of whether you have the skill to kill me... but if you have the courage to try," he adds, his eyes locking with Serena's. "Make no mistake, little girl. You will all die here. How I rip the life from your body... is another matter.

Serena remains silent for the moment before her grip on George loosens. She bends down, letting his body slip from her grasp until his feet touch the ground.

Razvan's voice gives away the smile his face dare not. "It would appear you have some spirit after all," he remarks. "Congratulations. You won't die a coward. Here's to a beautiful death..."

With those words Razvan takes a step back, a display of the last remaining speck of his humanity; as good a trait as any in a monster. He eyes the man and woman as they rejoin Serena and George, moving up around them, ready to block an attack should the vampire change his mind.

George looks up at Eleanor as she bends down so her face is even with his. Fear pools in his eyes. "Mama...?" he questions.

"Don't worry, George... we'll be fine," she reassures herself as much as him, touching his cheek. "Go find a place near the hanger to hide and wait for us," she smiles, turning and giving him a nudge to get going.

George slips away from the fight, all too aware of the black gaze searing the flesh on his back. When the boy in no longer in sight, Razvan turns back to the Jedi, twirling is lightsaber to intimidate the Jedi.

"It does no good to lie to the boy and give him false hope when I shall do nothing but shatter it in the end," he states with distain.

"I won't give you that opportunity, Razvan. I'll kill you where you stand!" the man roars, clutching the barrel of his lightsaber as he charges towards Razvan.

"No, James!" Eleanor shouts, reaching out to grab him... only to have him slip through her fingers.

Razvan smirks, fueling his own power by feeding off the building rage within the Jedi. Instantly black smoke swirls around Razvan's hands, anchoring itself by digging into the flesh of his wrists. He twirls his lightsaber around once more, gripping the barrel with both hands as he drops to one knee, stabbing the black blade into the ground at his feet.

An ear-piercing, animalistic scream through the Force, as a red flame of energy lunges to consume James. The energy immediately constricts around him like a snake and the Jedi falls to his knees, struggling for breath; claws rip at his arms, forcibly stretching them out on either side of him. Focusing on his wrists, the energy crushes down until the Jedi cries out in pain and his lightsaber falls from his bleeding fingers.

Razvan stands, ripping his lightsaber from the ground, using an incredibly powerful blast of Force power to send Eleanor and Serena back as they come to James's aid. James cannot lift his head but he gazes up at Razvan through dark, sweaty bangs, his breathing labored. This... this... power... it... it wasn't... possible!

Razvan now towers above him, looking down on the Jedi, black blade roaring for the kill to come. He chuckles, the deep sound vibrating through James. "So eager for a kill, so hungering for your enemies' blood and for the taste of victory that you foolish rush into the battle... only to find the lion's fangs at your throat."

James feels Eleanor and Serena's power spike through the Force as they attempt to free James once more. His eyes barely catch the small smile which betrays Razvan. No... had they truly underestimated him to such an extent?!

"NO!" James yells through the Force, as his back arches on a sudden rush of sharp pain.

Another scream as red flames spread and erupt from the fire consuming James to devour Eleanor and Serena completely. The energy lifts them into the air until their feet dangle just above the ground, their backs arched as Razvan's free hand fists suddenly and the energy begins to crush their fragile bodies.

The sound of bones snapping rings in James's ears and he fights against his confines desperately. Blood drips from Eleanor's mouth onto the ground beneath her feet and Razvan licks his lips like a starving dog, using the energy to pull both her and Serena to him.

He thumbs away the blood dripping from her lips and brings it to his mouth, savoring the taste. “Such spirit and youth for such an... experienced Jedi,” the vampire nearly purrs. “I see where the girl gets it.”


Razvan turns to glance at James’s strained body. “Well, you’re still coherent. I must admit that you surprise me, Jedi,” he adds, moving to stand before James once more. “It would appear I have underestimated you... to some slight extent.”

James manages a light chuckle which brings Razvan’s lightsaber to his neck, the screaming blade almost touching the Jedi’s shoulder, scorching the skin on his cheek with its intensity. James’s eyes rise once more; a challenge. Do it...

“Such defiance and power, Jedi,” Razvan pauses, grinning sadistically. “Enough to make me ache. Yet you have completely wasted your potential. You are weak!”

The smell of burning flesh fills the air as Razvan rams his lightsaber through James’s shoulder, the Jedi groaning and shuddering in pain. Razvan retracts his lightsaber. “You rein in your hatred and your anger, cursing the darkness even though you know it is the very thing which you need in order to defeat me!”

Razvan grips James’s shoulder, almost breaking his collarbone. His nails extend into claws as his fingers clamp down around the wound his blade left, causing James’s body to tense in pain. “But...” Razvan whispers, “you made a crucial error... Jedi...”

His hands leave James as he pulls Eleanor to him, his pale fingers running from her lips down her neck, leaving a trail of blood as they make their way towards her heart. James’s attempt to break free nearly double, the beast within him raging for release: Let me out! LET ME OUT! Razvan smiles to himself. Soon enough... Jedi...

“Within us all lies the most vile of all evils,” Razvan begins, his claws barely penetrating the flesh above Eleanor’s heart. “It is much a beast, all carnal sins; lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, envy, pride... and rage,” his eyes flash up to glance at James before his attention moves back to the stream of blood trickling down Eleanor's body.

“You Jedi attempt to cage this, to hide it deep within yourselves until you can no longer hear its roars and its pleads; until it is nothing more than a broken part of your soul. But like every mortal you have your weaknesses... something you would give anything for. Something which -when threatened- even you yourself could not hold the chains which control your beast. Something... that will make you fall. Your error,” he adds, licking Eleanor’s blood from his fingers, “was revealing your weakness to me.”

“Let... her... go...” James demands, unable to hide the anger in his voice. He struggles to move against Razvan’s restraints and the energy engulfing him loses some of its power.

The Jedi was absorbing the dark energy, using it to fuel his own power. It wouldn’t be long now. Razvan’s bloody fingers move to Eleanor’s neck to brush the hair away from her skin. James’s eyes widen once again. No... NO!

Razvan’s fangs sink deep into Eleanor’s neck, a soft gasp escaping the unconscious woman’s mouth as the life is drained from her. James roars, freeing his arms from the energy’s hold but still unable to move.

“Stop it!” he roars.

Razvan’s blackened eyes hold the Jedi’s as the body in his arm begins to wither and almost as soon... turns to ash, blowing away from his grasp. Razvan licks his lips, enjoying the sight as James’s entire body shakes with utter rage, his hands clench into fists, and his breathing becomes ragged and animalistic.

“Well... what now... Jedi?” Razvan ponders.

“... Release... me...” James growls, his voice dripping with unbridled hatred and something dark which makes Razvan’s skin tingle. Finally.

“You’re perfectly capable of breaking free by yourself now,” Razvan replies, merely watching.

The red energy around both James and Serena suddenly shatters into millions of tiny pieces which disappear as they fall to the ground. Razvan twirls his lightsaber as James pulls his lightsaber to him and slowly gets to his feet. Instead of charging as Razvan originally suspected, James moves to his daughter’s side, pulling her from unconsciousness.

“F-Father?” Serena wonders, her mind clearing.

“Serena... find George and get out of here... now. I’ll hold Razvan off as long as I can,” he barely manages the words without revealing the darkness in his voice.

Serena sits up with help from James, rubbing her head. “Wh-what happened to Mother?!” she asks frantically.

James’s eyes shut on a way of pain and anger. “She’s... Razvan... he...”

Tears pool in Serena’s eyes. “No... he... he couldn’t!”

Razvan growls; he was growing impatient. “I suggest you run away now, little girl. It may not get you very far but at least you’ll live longer than your father.”

Serena glares at Razvan as does James but she gets to her feet and quickly flees. She didn’t question her father. There was something... different about him and it frightened her.

James turns to Razvan, a golden shine to his eyes. “Let’s end this demon,” he growls.

“I’ve been waiting for this moment, Jedi. Enjoy your last...”

James rushes forward, his silver lightsaber roaring with newly awakened powers. Razvan grins psychotically and suddenly... disappears. James’s heart thunders in his ears as everything around him seems to slow. He almost misses the flash of Razvan’s form in the corner of his eye as pain shoots through his chest.

He stumbles to his knees, his breathing ragged and uneven as he glances down at the black lightsaber blazing a hole through his chest. How...? How had Razvan moved so quickly? He had... completely disappeared. An arm reaches around James’s shoulder, ripping the lightsaber from his body. James gasps.

“Foolish, Jedi...” Razvan whispers in his ear. “I made you give into this hatred and this anger,” he continues, his claws digging past the hole into his chest, closer and closer to his heart. “Did you truly believe you could use it against me?”

There! He found it. His fingers wrap around the dying organ, giving the Jedi a chance for final words. James turns his head slightly, so as to see the vampire from the corner of his eye. His eyes burn gold.

“Wh-what... have y-you... done to... to me?” the Jedi manages with obvious difficulty.

“I used your weakness against you, Jedi... I brought you to your knees,” Razvan chuckles lightly, his fingers tightening around the Jedi’s heart as they prepare to rip it from him. “I... made you fall.”


Sorry for making your father fall to the darkside right before he dies. It just seemed like the evil thing Razvan would do instead of just killing them all off. smile

Special Note: Force vampires can steal the life from their victims by biting them anywhere. It doesn't matter where. However, if they wish to steal the victim's form they have to feed directly from the heart.

Re: A New Begining

Hey this was great. You could start writing books. smile You know it's harder for me to write like that because English is not my native tongue. I am trying though. smile
And I think you wrote that perfectly. It actually felt like a real vision, or memory.

Anyway, I think I get it somehow. James Kwei did something to Razvan, because clearly he killed them out of revenge?
Does Razvan become more powerful if he makes a Jedi fall? Does he feed on dark emotions, or the black smoke does?

It looks like black smoke has a will of its own? Also by some hard thinking I reached a conclusion that the smoke is helping George? Why?

And now... What happens on Naboo... big_smile

George's eyes,with tears coming from them, opened when the vision ended. He washed them off looking around to see if anyone was suspicious. Few Aliens were ranting something unintelligible, other than them, everyone sat in quiet. His hand went for the barrel of his lightsaber, a move that calmed him. Ouuu... The pain he felt now. He saw his mother eaten by that monster. A monster that made his father fall, a monster that killed his family. Ever since then he was alone. Some Jedi from the Jedi Temple nicknamed him Lonewolf.

This ship dropped out of hyperspace. And a pleasant female voice sounded from the speakers. "Ladies and gentlemen. please remain in your seat while we land."

The ship landed on the main Naboo spaceport near the capitol. It was crowded, and George was barely getting through with his bag. The Naboo patrol passed by. They were escorting one man that apparently tried to get on the ship without paying for the ticket. "Hey, I was just sniffing around!" The little man cried out. "I wasn't gonna board! I swear it!" One of the guardsman turned and said something to him, but George couldn't hear. Then suddenly he heard two man mentioning the familiar word. "...Jedi that will land today. I mean how can she be so sure? I never understood that Force thing, suddenly she sensed something, and she sent us to look for ghosts? I mean, she didn't even tell us how he looks like!" Two man in black uniforms were arguing. The other one replied: "Quit your whining. All Jedi look the same. I'll recognize him from a far."

Yeah you will George thought. Looks like someone is looking for him. But who. He must find out. Maybe he can use his influence as a Jedi in the Naboo cort. Finally he found a taxi driver that would take him to the Royal Palace for 50 credits. He sat into the yellow speeder, and the taxi flew of.

"We'll arrive in 10 minutes, just relaxing and enjoy the ride." The old driver smiled, but George was deep into thinking. These visions that came from the black smoke... It looks like they're telling him how to defeat Razvan. He shook his head at that. No... that would be too easy. He follows his first vision. Naboo, A tomb and a girl. Path to power that he needed to kill Razvan.

Vision of his parents death was still fresh in his mind and caused him pain. Great pain, he frowned and grabbed his lightsaber, and then released it with a sigh. He tried to calm his thoughts, but he couldn't. He should try meditating when he settles down.

"Hey, young boy, look it's quite a sight", the driver pointed showing towards the Theed Royal Palace George was in awe. He never saw a more beautiful place than this. "Indeed it is." For the first time in years, he smiled.

They landed. George payed the taxi driver and entered the Palace Courtyard. He was looking around smiling at the beauty of the palace. The beautiful tree, the smell of water, everything seemed to calm him. One woman approached him slightly bowing:"Excuse me sir, I'm Amina. May I ask for your name and purpose of your visit."
George was still smiling, she was a pretty young lady. "I'm Jedi Knight George Kwei. I'm sent here by the Jedi Council for the purpose of learning from your archives." he returned the slight bow, and Amina smiled back. "If you will follow me, Master Kwei."

George followed her through the courtyard. It seemed that there were many nobles in this palace, people in fancy clothes were walking across the plaza. Lucky them. Amina took him inside the palace. They went up the stairwells and George has seemed to forgot all about his troubles while he was walking through here.

They stopped and Amina turned to him, she had a sweet smile. "Master Jedi. Could you please wait here while I announce you to the Queen."
George was confused. The Queen? "Errr... To the Queen? I wasn't expecting that."
"Yes, our Queen ordered us to bring any Jedi to her as soon as he enteres." With those words she disappeared into the Throne room leaving George to wonder. Were those two men her spies? No, he didn't thinks so. If she had spies he probably wouldn't notice them. He raised his look at the statues of the former Queens and Kings of Naboo. The place really seemed calming.

Amina returned. "If you please, Master Kwei. Queen Elsinore den Tasia wishes to speak with you." George nodded and he followed Amina into the throne room. The Queen, her maids and advisers along with the few of the Naboo Palace Guard were inside. The throne room had a calming feature. The Queens face was colored in white something that George founded a little funny, but it did suit her.

Amina bowed before her. "My Queen, may i present to you Jedi Knight George Kwei."
"Your Majesty", he made a small bow. Amina went behind with the other maids and the Queen now looked at George. "It has been some time since we had a Jedi visit us. It seems that the war with Revan is taking it's toll."
"Indeed it is, your Majesty. Everyday Jedi fall in battle. We must honor their sacrifice by keeping the Republic safe." Jedi talk, he hated it.
The queen's face was emotionless and he couldn't read her mind. She was strong willed.
"What brings you here, Master Jedi?" she asked.
"I'm here to ask you for permission to use your library. I have to study the ancient teachings of the Elders."
One of the advisors was surprsed:"The Elders that Gungans fought thousands of years ago?" George nodded and the other advisor added. "But we have only little information on them. We don't even know how the Gungans banished them."
"Perhaps they didn't banished them. There were references in Jedi archives that the Elders were wiped out by the plague."
The Advisor seemed to think:"Hmm, interesting, interesting."

The Queen was following the conversation with interest. "May I suggest, Master Jedi. That you talk with our librarian. I can have your things carried to the villa where I'll arrange for you to stay."
"I appreciate your help, your Majesty. Thank you." George bowed slightly, and Amina approached him again. "This way, Master Kwei" (that rimes xD ) He followed her through the palace halls, although he was little concerned about how the queen knew that he was coming, and who were those two man in black uniforms...

They arrived at the library where Amina left him, and the old man Librarian approached him. "Master Jedi." It looked like he was happy to see him, though it may have been just because he had little company. "Master Librarian." They shook their hands.

"I understand that you seek knowledge about the elders." The old man spoke. They were walking towards the old table, it had an old computer on it. "Yes, Master. Do you know something about how they were wiped out?"
"Unfortunately, little is known. It is said that they were wiped out by the plague." The old man stopped and looked at George. "May I ask why seek the writings about them."

George was not surprised that he asked: "I'm not at liberty to say. Council said that I do not speak about it." The Librarian was disappointed. "Ou well. I understand. Pff..." He approached the old computer and started typing on it. "I have transferred all available information about the Elders on this datapad." He took the datapad out of the computer and gave it to the Jedi. "The information is to large for it, so you'll have to plug it in the computer." George accepted the datapad and slightly bowed. "Than you, Master Librarian. I'll be going now." "Goodbye, Master Jedi" The old man sounded sad. but George already left. Outside, handmaid Amina waited for him.

"Master Kwei. Transport has been issued for you to take you to your villa." She had a melodic voice. George enjoyed listening her. There were few people in the Palace. It was almost midday and people were outside, enjoying the sunny day. They arrived at the landing pad where there was a flying craft with a pilot. Amina and George said goodbye, and the pilot took him to the Lake. There he landed and the Jedi had to take a gondola to his Villa .

It was gorgeous. He couldn't believe his eyes. His bag was there and he unpacked his things and placed them in the wardrobe. It was a middle of the day, so he plug a datapad in the computer and downloaded the info. He took the second datapad with just few paragraphs and went outside to read in a place where in the distance future Anakin and Padme had their first kiss...

See... I can also write very long posts. Tell me what you think. smile

Re: A New Begining

lol You do awesome. Don’t worry dear. ^_^ And thanks. I actually do a lot of fan fiction for different things and I hope to write books one day so I get lots of practice. Glad it felt real to you. smile

James and Eleanor actually killed Razvan’s mate hunting him down. Because Force vampires are so rare and “born” in such a manner their souls are bound to another darkened soul. Usually also a Force vampire. This is the only other being they can ever reproduce with. And their mates don’t have to be born during the same time as them either. For example Mortis is (supposedly) bound to Lori when Mortis is tens of thousands of years older then her.

Both Razvan and the black smoke feed off of dark emotions. There’s no limit to how powerful he can get. In fact... you might get to see some of his limitless power soon... XD And yes, the black smoke is actually alive remember? smile A portion of the original Red Sith which possessed the power is trapped within the power itself. So it’s a Sith. If it’s trying to help George or not... why I can’t really tell ya that yet. wink

George senses a sudden presence and looks around to find the source of the disturbance. A man jumps down from the roof of the villa, back flipping in the process, landing on the terrace, black robes flapping as he lands on his feet effortless with the air of a Jedi.

He immediately drops to one knee, throwing his red scarf back over his shoulder with a quick hand. His midnight blue hair is styled to the right while a strip of deep pink hair is pinned back by a kenseikan, marking him as a member of a noble family either through blood or other means.

He raises his gaze, green eyes seeming to pierce deep enough to reach George's very soul. “Master George Kwei, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am Riordan Koga,” he says simply, his voice smooth and gracefully. A true noble.


Don’t worry, Riordan is not a shape-shifting Razvan. I just had to make a new character so I could stay involved with yours. ^_^ Otherwise you’d be all alone by yourself and that won’t do. wink

A kenseikan is that silver thing in Riordan's hair. It's only given to members of noble families but it is used on numerous different worlds.

Re: A New Begining

Hey, tnx. Somehow when I read something that I wrote, no matter what, I always feel like there is something missing, that I should have added something. I don't know. It's just weird for me.

Anyway, Riordan is gonna follow me around or what? xD

George lowered his datapad, and looked at the strange noble. He slightly bowed saying: "The pleasure is all mine, Lord Koga?" He wasn't sure how to address the man, so he opted for Lord.

He looked up at the roof and down do Riordan... "You've made quite the entrance. Let me show you inside." George pointed him to the villa. Once they entered inside he offered Riordan refreshments. He gladly accepted it. George showed him to sit, while he furnished across him. "Now, Lord Koga. May I ask what's the purpose of your visit?"

The Villa that was used in the movie as Padme Amidala's house on Naboo is actually Villa Balbianello on lake Como in Lombardia Italy. Google it you're interested. They also organize wedding ceremonies there xD

Re: A New Begining

lol You do fine. And yeah, Riordan's supposed to come along with you. smile

Riordan does not take a seat but instead remains standing, his face revealing nothing more than the superiority and pride which was associated with one of noble blood.

“Indeed,” he begins, closing his eyes, the act adding to his calm and serene demeanor. “I am here on behalf of the Malinov Family. Word spreads quickly in noble courts, Master Jedi. You are seeking information on the Elders...” a pause. “Or perhaps even the Elders themselves, yes?” he adds, opening his eyes to watch the Jedi’s reactions carefully

George knew he didn’t need to answer. If the Malinovs went as far as to send a representative bearing their name, they already knew exactly what they were getting themselves into. They were, after all, one of the largest and most powerful noble families in the universe; their spies would have easily gathered what other tongues did not spread.

Riordan continues without a word from George. “My Lord wishes to assist your... efforts, and as such I have been tasked with accompanying you and aiding you with my abilities however I am able.”