Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

(George - on the planet)

George: How much time do we have, Knight?

Knight: 15 minutes.

George: Good. Returnt to your ships. I'll go last.

Knight: Yes, sir! (Walks off)

Knight Leader: Sir! What about the civilians.

George: Oh, they'll find their path! Hahaha...

Knight Leader: Hahahha... (walks off)

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

(A Knight runs up to George)

Knight: Sir we have five large unidenified aircrafts heading for the planet.


Rector: (over com) Breach for impact boys! It's going to get a bit bumpy!

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

George: Tell our prisoners, that we will release them if they kill or capture the intruders. Ohh... And send the wounded too...

Knight: Yes sir!

George: (Enters his shuttle and goes to his ship)

George: How much time Riker?

Riker: Three minutes, sir!

George: Leave ten ships behind. The rest of send to sector A2.

Riker: Yes sir. And sir? The prisoners have found the ships that landed.

George: Send them a message that they have 60 minutes to accomlish the mission. I'll be in my ready room.

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Rector: Take 'em out boys!

Fortis: With pleasure boss! (activates canons)
(fires a few shots)
(kills all people surrounding the area)

Proprius: So much for procaution and stealth...

Ardeo: (picks up a human in his hand) Pathetic humans... so easy to kill.

Velox: Yeah, Fire one shot and you kill a hundred of 'em.

Rector: Move out! We have to find them!

All: Right... (the squad leaves and heads towards the city)


Maioribus: Commander... the fleet is preparing to board Traba.

Starr: Good... Validus... status?

Validus: Annuo landed... ran into a some unknown force of humans... easily killed them... on the move...

Starr: Tell them that if they-!

Maioribus: That message has already been sent Commander...

Starr: (calms down) Now we wait...


(A Knight approaches George on the bridge)

Knight: Sir, permission to speak, sir?

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

George: Just wait a few seconds Knight.

Knight: Yes, sir.

Riker: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 ,5 , 4, 3, 2, 1,...

George: Activate the Nuclear Mass Shadow Generator!

Riker: Activated!

(The Planet explodes. It is fallen apart at bilions of pieces. Nobody survived)

George: Quicly to hyperspace!

("Freedom" gets in hyperspace)

George: (turns to Knight) You may speak now, Knight.

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Knight: You missed... (points towards five objects in the distance)


Fortis: Mass Shadow... nice...

Velox: Good thing the sheilds work or we'd be getting hit by peices of the planet now.

Ardeo: Did you guys see that explosion! That was so frigging awesome!

Proprius: Sometimes I wonder how I'm even related to any of you...

Maioribus: (over com) Are they safe!?

Recotr: (over com) Tristan and Sonya receive...

Validus: You suckers better be glad you didn't die.

Fortis: When I get home... I'm kicking your ass!

Validus: (canons activating are heard over the comlink) Bring it, you sissy!

Starr: Nothing happened to them right!?

Rector: Nothing at all, Commander... but we did receive a third passenger...

Starr: Who?

Prince: Hi, Starr... or should I call you Reha?

Ardeo: Dude... call her Reha...

Starr: Prince!? What are-

Prince: Call me Addonus.

Proprius: (activates a sword) Don't talk when the Commander is speaking or you will pay fleshling.

Starr: Just get in here...

Rector: Entering ship now, Commander... Annuo out.

(Annuo Squad boards "The Optimus")

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

George: I know that I missed. I destroyed this planet for another reasons. Not to kill those stupid droids.

Knight: But...

George: Enough!

Knight: Yes, master. Sorry to bother you. (Leaves the Bridge)

George: How long until we arrive at A2 sector?

Pilot: 36 hours and 43 minutes, sir!

George: Number one. The Bridge is yours. I'll be in my quaters...

Riker: Yes, sir.

George: (Goes to his room)

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Starr: (takes Tristan and Sonya from Rector)


Annuo: No problem...

Starr: (looks over at Maioribus)
Did we get it?

Maioribus: (says something in another language)

Rector: (smiles) There, eh?

Starr: Punch it.

("The Optimus" enters hyperspace)

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

(At the poker table)

George: Hahaha...

Beller: Very nice joke

Alex: Yeah very good...

George: Traquel, its your turn.

Traquel: Ohh... Anyway I've got another...

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

(A Knight approaches Riker)
Knight: Sir?

Riker: (turns around) Yes?

Knight: Sir, we have a tailer.

Riker: Who?

Knight: The Unknown Fleet that was above the planet before they mysteriously disappeared...

Riker: Size?

Knight: Much bigger than ours, sir...

Riker: How much?

Knight: About seven capital ships... ten freighters... a few thousand fighters... they look a whole lot more powerful too.

Riker: Hmm...

Knight: But sir?

Riker: Yes?

Knight: I've never seen anything like this before... I mean they're building ships while they're moving... it's like an infinite fleet... ships just keep coming.

Riker: What do you mean?

Knight: Here... (shows Riker a holographic recording)

Riker: Oh, my Force...

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

(prince returns to his chambers after leaving starr)

naga: i sense something... different about you.

addonus: i am a jedi, but will always be bound by the sith. always bound by the dark side.

naga: then maybe if you recognized your bounds, you could break them.

addonus: (feels the heavy presence of the dark side in him) i started my life as a sith. the jedi killed my parents. and yet starr wonders why i killed, slaughtered, massacared all those people on all those worlds.

naga: because you wanted the jedi to pay for what they did.

addonus: no. i wanted them-- every single one-- to feel what i felt when i felt that sense of loss. to me, losing my parents was like losing half a galaxy of people. THAT'S why i started the mandalorian wars. and starr parents had strong relations to the jedi, if they weren't jedi themselves. that's why i did what i did to them; because they were in involved in my parents' death. they were the ones to order the kill.

naga: so you got your revenge.

addonus: yes, but i want more. i want more jedi to pay for my parents' death.

even those who had nothing to do with it. and those who don't even know about it.

naga: then there is one more person who can complete your revenge

addonus: who?

naga: starr herself. you have all the reason to. she doesen't love you, and she wants you to feel all of the death, pain, and suffering you caused. as long as she is alive, you will always feel that echo in the force; your echo.

addonus: i can't. i was in more pain leading the sith then i am with the jedi.

naga: perhaps, but the jedi cannot heal you. you must get over it yourself. use the force to heal that wound. that or take your life.

addonus: nothing is ever that bad to where you have to take your life.

naga: one more option: fall to the dark side and embrace the echo.

(addonus starts to meditate on this)

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Rector: Smart...

Aredeo: What?

Velox: They're sizing up our fleet...

Ardeo: How is that smart?

Velox: (thinks for a second) Don't really know... ask Boss.

Fortis: I can't believe it! Ardeo managed to confuse somebody!

Proprius: This ain't the first time...

Fortis: Oh, yeah... you're right... he confuses people all the time.

Rector: That's because he doesn't make sense when he talks...

Ardeo: Hey! I-

Starr: Annuo... quiet.
Maioribus... reports?

Maioribus: Hull at 100% capacity... Ready...

Starr: Validus?

Validus: Vertos ready to serve, Commander. (activates canons)
Let them bring it!

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

George: So that fleet is chasing us?

Riker: Yes, sir.

George: We cannot fight them. Continue to the sector A2.

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

addonus: (through the force) * if my parents were here, they'd be disappointed.*

naga: no they wouldn't. because you would still be a sith. a powerful sith.

addonus: i am always sith. it is in my blood.

naga: you only say that because you haven't let go of your parents.

addonus: and i never will.

naga: then you are absolutely right. you will always be sith. always that missing dark lord. always bound.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Maioribus: Enemy moving to 19372...  Section/Sector Alpha-2...

Validus: Move the fleet and follow them..

Maioribus: Yes...

Starr: But not too close as to give away we're still following them...

Maioribus: Yes, Commander... (turns to a large computer)

(a large crashing sound is heard it the background)

Starr: Who did that!?

Ardeo: (points to Fortis) He did it!

Rector: I think we need a bigger ship.

Starr: I'll second that.

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

(At the training room)

George: (fights with a Knight leader and defeats him) Stand up worthy opponent...

Knight leader: (Stands up) ...

Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

naga: i sense-

addonus: i know. i feel it too. what should i do.

naga: providence.(several figures from the mandalorian war appear) the battle of our-- your-- time, has come. but who will you stand with? the republic, or the sith?

addonus: providence. either way this battle will seal my fate.

naga: but how would you want to be remembered? as the savior of the republic, or the ever-lasting dark lord of the sith?

addonus: that is not the real question. the real question is whom do i please; my parents or the one i love?

naga: starr?

addonus: (shakes his head) no. the other i marched with.

naga: alexis?

(addonus nods)

naga: she loves you, too. when you find her, ask her to march with you once more. she will ask you why. and... you must tell her. she is the one.

(addonus goes to his speeder and heads for coruscant)

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

Maioribus: That's better...

Rector: Yes... much roomer.

Ardeo: (jaws is dropped) Did you-... am I-... I am-

Rector: (stern look) Don't say it.

Fortis: Please let him say!
(activates canons)
Please! Then I can finally kill him!

Velox: Yes... they gave the ship a size upgrade in two hours.'re not the only one that saw the little blurry images of a few dozen Vertos Mechanics.

Ardeo: Oh, okay... so I was not the only one that saw the little, blurry mechanics.

Proprius: No...

Ardeo: (smiles) I'm fine then.

Fortis: (deactivates canons)
This sucks.

Proprius: Life sucks... get used to it.

Rector: Annuo...

All: Yes, boss?

Rector: Shut-up!

All: Following orders.

Rector: (appraoches the large view window) Validus... anything?

Validus: They just keep falling back to Alpha... I think somethings up.

Maioribus: (approaches the window) You aren't the only one... (sighs)

Rector: So... what's with this Knight guy Commander keeps talking about.
(Maioribus and Validus stare at Rector)

What? Is there sometihng on my face? (pauses)
(looks from Maioribus to Validus)

(everything is quiet)

Rector: Fine... I get the clue.

Validus: Good thing... (goes back to watching the fleet in front of them)

Ardeo: (whispers to Rector) Apparently... she really, really wants to kill him.

Rector: (sarcastic tone) Thanks... that really helps.

Ardeo: (smiles) You're welcome... (turns around to walk off)

Rector: (activates a long sword)
(begins to bring it down on Ardeo)
(is stopped by Fortis)

Rector: Let me kill him... no body has to know... no body.

Fortis: If I can't kill him you sure as hell can't kill him, sir.

Rector: (calms down)
(deactivates his sword)

How in hell did he get to be on a Special Operations team? How in hell!?

Fortis: You should ask the same thing about Prop over there...
(motions towards Proprius with his head)
All he does is clean his weapons and talk to himself in different tone voices...

Rector: That's his A.I. (walks off)

Fortis: Oh... (pause)
What's an A.I.?

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

(on the Freedoms bridge)

Riker: Sir we detected a fleet in Sector A2

George: Indentify them!

Riker: Those are the Sith, sir. I suggest we go to the red alert.

George: No! Go to yellow alert!

Riker: Sir, but!

George: Yellow alert, Number one!

Riker: (Activates yellow alert) Yellow alert activated!

George: Get out of hyperspace, and approach them to 5 kilometers!

Pilot: Disengaging hyperspace! Moving to 5 kilometers from Sith fleet!

Takayashi: Sir! Their ships are on the Yellow alert too...

George: Good wait a few moments...

(A minute later)

Takayashi: Sir! Sith Flagship "Shadow" is hailing us!

George: On screen!

(A face of unknown man appeared. His face couldn't be seen, because he hides in shadow)

George: Hello, Lan! Still hiding in the shadows?

Lan: As always, my friend. And you! You still carry silver mantle.

George: Afcourse! Am I a Silver Knight or not?

Lan: Don't worry. I didn't forgot that. How's Leina?

George: She is very well. Unfortunately, she had other bussiness to do, so I came alone.

Lan: Really? You think you can do everything by yourself?

George: Yeah! I can. I'm a Silver Knight. Remember?

Lan: (Angry) Afcourse I remember, SILVER SCUM!!!

George: Wow... Somebody is getting very angry!

Lan: (points at George) You will not win this time (ends transmission)

Takayashi: He cut us off, sir!

George: Tell the fleet to prepare for battle! Go to Red alert, but do not fire until they fire! Understood!?

Bridge crew: YES SIR!

George: Good! And now we wait.


Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.

Qui suis-je?

Re: How Did You Feel When You Learned The Truth?

(when addonus gets to coruscant...)

addonus: excuse me, do you know where Alexis Vega is?

Alexis: right here.

addonus: i need to talk to you.

alexis: i'm listening.

addonus: privately.

alexis: this must be imporant. alright.


addonus: there is an uprising in the sith.

alexis: is that what i've been feeling?

addonus: yes but this one is... different. it's like there is a good and bad side to them.

alexis: like revan and malak?

addonus: exactly like revan and malak.

alexis: then why aren't you rallying the republic to join the battle before it becomes a war?

addonus: it is already a war. the outer rim is already in turmoil.

alexis: then why are you here?

addonus: (hears the words of naga in his head)

naga: *you must tell her. you two are the only ones who can save the jedi the republic and the galaxy.*

alexis: (moves closer to addonus) why? (concerned look)

addonus: i... (sighs gently) i need you.

alexis: why?

addonus(in his head): this is going exactly how naga said it would.

addonus(out loud): we've known each other a long time. we dated each other a lot. and i never stopped thinking about you.

alexis: i never forgot about you either.

addonus: alexis... i love you.

alexis: i love you too.

(addonus kisses alexis, alexis embraces kiss)