Re: A New Begining

(Planet Coruscant)

(Merchant district, one of the abandoned buildings)

George Kwei, a former Jedi entered a ruined building. It was dusty and dark inside. Some overgrown plants, pieces of glass on the floor that cracked under his footsteps. He was in black common clothes. Moving so slightly, around his belt was his silver lightsaber. He took it in his hand and continued walking. He sensed a dark presence.
"I know you're here, Sith spy! Come out!", George's voice was filled with anger. Suddenly a man in black robes appeared in front of him.
"Good, I sense the dark side in you boy. Use it!" the man looked common. Too common. The shade from his face moved off showing a scarred pale face...
Both Force users activated their lightsabers. One was silver, other was red. Sabers clashed lightening the room. The Sith was good, but not as good as George. They fought with precision and speed. But ex-Jedi was faster. The Sith found himself being more on the defensife, rather than attacking. But then he pulled out a trick. He bluffed a strike on the left, and as George moved to block, Sith turned off his saber, so the Jedi missed and fall down. The Sith kicked him hard, and activated his saber again to strike at his opponent. George then used Force Push, sending the Sith  up in the air and breaking through the wall to another room. George got up followed him through the hole. It was even darker there, but luckily lightsabers illuminated the place. They started dueling again, sparks bursted when sabers met, but that didn't bother these two men. You could see anger and hate on both of their face. They fought hard, but George performed a serie of fast attacks with the Sith barely blocking, so George swung one more time cutting Sith's hand. The Sith cried out in pain, but he was kicked in the head.
"Where is he?" George held his hand against Sith's throat. "Where is the Second?!"
Sith gasped for air, but George was too angry, he lost his family to the Second, and now he must kill him. When he saw what he was doing he loosened the grip.
The Sith coughed and said: "You fool, he is much more powerful than me, he'll kill you!"
George frowned even more: "(quietly) No... (loudly) Tell me where he is!" he punched him in the face. The Sith tried to defend himself but he was in pain.
"I don't know! I never saw him!"
George looked him in the eyes and said: "I believe you."
The Sith looked relieved, but then his eyes widened when George stabbed him through the heart. He turned off his lightsaber, and left the Sith to rot. The Second killed his family. His Father, Mother, and his Sister. Now he must get his vengeance...

I hope you like the idea and that I didn't ruin something. smile

P.S. "Y'all are mighty tastier to one as he after all." WTF does this mean?   roll roll

Last edited by George Kwei (2011-06-14 18:39:06)

Re: A New Begining

No not at all. The Second has been around for at least a few thousand years so it's more than possible that he recently killed or fed upon George's family.

George wrote:

P.S. "Y'all are mighty tastier to one as he after all." WTF does this mean?

The Second -much like his Master, Darth Mortis- is a corrupted and far more twisted version of a Force vampire. They suck the very life from people to feed a never satisfied hunger, to sustain their own life, and to become more powerful. The more they feed (and the better prey they feed upon), the more power they gain (which is why Mortis is so powerful; he's been at it for a long, long, long time and killed tons of Force-users usually just for the heck of it).

Force vampires tend to be drawn (or rather seek out) people with stronger connections to the Force (such as Jedi or Sith). They're "tastier", with a richer connection to the vampire's food source (the Force) and providing enough energy for the Force vampire to survive for a couple hundred years without feeding again from necessity.

When a Force vampire feeds upon a being they are also able to steal that being's form and obtain all their skills for further use as well as any knowledge involving the Force (though this requires knowledge of dark magic and many, many years of preparation, practice, and training. The Second has yet to learn such techniques).

This makes older Force vampires incredibly dangerous and almost impossible to kill. Which is why Mortis has lived so long...

Will be back to post later. smile

Re: A New Begining

Okay, so the Second’s hysterical laugh is gonna sound like this: The Second’s laugh. Of course it won’t be as violent until he gets into a fight but it pretty much sounds like that all the time. smile

A low hysterical laugh seems to echo around George although he can’t sense any nearby presence. A flash of movement behind him causes the Jedi to turn only to find the Sith he’d killed moments before with a huge gaping hole in his chest. It was too large to be the stab wound from his lightsaber. And the flesh around it wasn’t scorched.

Something was wrong. Another flash of movement causes George to turn around again, his gaze falling on the hole in the wall he and the Sith had caused. A dark figure stands there now, completely hidden by the shadows. The figure holds something in his hand but George can’t tell what it is at the moment.

"Mmm... a Sith and a Jedi," comes a chilling voice. "Finally. A worthy meal."

Re: A New Begining

George froze when he saw the dark figure. But he knew that it was the Second. He took his lightsaber, and activated it again. He wondered what was the Second holding in his hand. Probably the sith's heart. Or maybe a lightsaber. He couldn't see...
"Ouu..." George started, "I won't be your meal, Second", he put as much despise as he could into his title. "You killed my family. Now..." he paused to calm himself, the thought of his family still upseted him. "I'm going to kill... You!"
He frowned, although he tried to remain calm...

Re: A New Begining

The Second steps forward with a chuckle which echoes with the same psychotic ring as his laughter. The light illuminates his hand and George finds his gaze wandering there out of curiosity. He flinches when he sees the Sith's heart.

The Second smiles, flashing a set of large fangs. "I suppose it won't hurt to play with my food a little. You might can make things more interesting than these weaklings I've been feeding on," he chimes, sinking his teeth deep into the heart in his hand. In a matter of seconds the heart withers away to nothing but a small amount of ash which the Second lets slip through his fingers.

His deep golden eyes lock with George's, something sinister and terrifying there. Suddenly he's gone. George searches for his presence but can't seem to locate him. But he feels him. He turns in an instant, barely blocking the raging red lightsaber intent on decapitating him.

The Sith grins psychotically. "My, my! You're already doing better than those Jedi Masters at the Temple! You've got some promise after all!"

Re: A New Begining

"You'll find I'm far more powerful than them.", George said that with relative ease, but you could see the battle inside him. His eyes filled with anger, but his face emotionless. George quickly struck back, but the Second was, fast, quick, and powerful. He easily blocked all of the Jedi attacks.

"You ugly, bastard!" He frowned and struck again. The Second was toying with him. George must find more strength to fight him...

Re: A New Begining

The Second laughs, easily dodging one of George's strikes and quickly parrying with a head butt, the blow causing the Jedi to stumble back more than a few steps. The Second cocks his head slightly to the side as if studying George.

"Such hate and anger from a Jedi boy," he licks his lips, feeding off the dark and twisted emotions. "Give in, boy... a Jedi will never win against me..."

In the blink of an eye, the Second vanishes once again. George instinctively turns around, expecting another attack from behind. But the Second remains hidden, his presence completely masked.

Re: A New Begining

George twirled his lightsaber, turning around expecting that the Second will attack from any side. The Dark side was luring him, like it had its own voice. He saw his sister face... "Give in, give in, avenge me, brother!", she said. George shook his head saying: "I can't, I won't fall..." He turned around and made a swing with his lightsaber, but no one was there. Hu turned and swung again. Second wasn't there either. Another flashback. It was his mother, laughing with a small boy in her arms. "I'm no longer here, son. Avenge me!" She smiled with those words looking right at him

The vision stopped, and George fell to his knees... Know, he was discouraged. He knew he had to avenge them. But is it worth falling to the darkside? No he won't think about that.

"Enough!", he shouted, "No more playing with my mind, coward! Come out!" He raised his saber expecting attack.

Re: A New Begining

A haunting chuckle echoes around George and the Second's voice seems to slither around him. "Your inner war is not my doing, Jedi. You doubt yourself. And because of that... you will die..."

It is impossible to detect the Second's movement as he reemerges only inches away from George, grabbing the Jedi's wrist and twisting it until he drops his lightsaber with a groan of pain. His other hand clamps down around George's throat, choking him. But the Second pauses.

He could kill the Jedi; it would be so easy. But there was something interesting about this Jedi before him. He found himself intrigued, his hunger satisifed... for a moment. There was darkness within this boy's soul. He would draw it out... and perhaps gain more than a meal. The Second sneers, throwing George against the nearest wall.

He looks down at George's lightsaber and merely kicks it away, turning his attention back to the Jedi. He takes slow steps forward, giving the Jedi plenty of time to get to his knees, his weight crushing the pieces of scattered glass beneath him. He could feel the Jedi's hate and the anger boiling. Yes...

"The end justify any means, boy," the Second growls. "Give in to your anger and hate. Let it fuel you! Use it and strike me down! Because until you do... I'll devour you piece by piece!"

The Second disappears, reappearing an instant later as he grabs George by the throat once more, lifting his body and slamming it against the wall, holding him there. The Second's golden eyes give off a dark, predatory gleam as he raises his other hand so George can see it. The Jedi watches in horror as the Second's nails extend and sharpen into claws. The Second grins sadistically.

Re: A New Begining

George was scared as he watched at the Second's hand turning its nail into claws... Suddenly an image of his father appeared in his mind.

"My son," he was telling him,"I've always thought you never to give up. I know that you will become a great person when you grow older." Father smiled, and gave him something from his hand.

George remembered, something unclear, like something from his past but it felt like a dream. Time seemed to have slowed down. The Second was still grinning at him, and holding him by the throat. His claws were slowly flowing to his heart. He must do something!

George's body started glowing, and the Second relaxed the hold of him. Then a pure wave of force energy was released, pushing Second away from George, and crushing the wall behind him (Force Repulse from SWFU). The Second was surprised, he didn't expect this. As soon as he could, George started to gather Force energy around his hands, it only took two seconds to charge and he unleashed that at the puzzled Vampire. It hit him and sent him flying through the wall to the next room.

George seemed exhausted, but he needed to finish him. So he used the Force to pull his lightsaber to him, activated and went through the new wall gap to find the Second.
I hope I didn't s**t this up. I thought about to add that George had a secret knife and stabs the Second. But this seemed cooler to me. smile

Re: A New Begining

lol Much cooler. wink And it didn't mess anything up. It has to be an epic battle before the Second is actually killed. He is after all a couple thousand years old Force vampire. It'd be disappointing to end it so soon. ^_^

The Second's presence is gone once more, leaving not even the faintest trace. Like he hadn't ever been there to begin with. But his voice... he's still there even though George can't see or sense him.

"Well, you've got a few tricks up your sleeves, boy. I'll have to be more careful," he growls. "I've grown cocky killing off weaklings. They were no challenge... but you..." The Second's voice trails off and George feels darkness swirling in the room around him. Was he preparing for another surprise attack?

A shift in the Force. There! No... wait.. there?! It is impossible to tell. It seems like... he is everywhere.

"You lost your only advantage, Jedi," his voice returns with a hiss. "I won't be caught off guard again!"

A movement behind him, too fast for George to react to. Pain shoots across his chest as he turns, only to find the Second is no longer there. The haunting chuckle seems to vibrate down to George's very bones and he turns to find the Second sitting atop a pile of rubble, licking dripping blood from his fingers with a long, pointed tongue. A hungry gleam shines in his eyes.

Blood seeps from the laceration across George's chest. It wasn't deep but it was enough to cause the Jedi a small amount of pain and it had given the Second the taste he needed to fuel his frenzy. The Second swings his legs with a bit of glee, finishing cleaning the blood from his fingers.

He was toying the Jedi, waiting for his own anger and hate to get the best of him. Waiting for that one simple slip up. And when he did... the Second wouldn't hesitate to devour him completely.

Re: A New Begining

Right... Don't know what I'll post next. Wait! I got an idea! big_smile

George looked at the Second with a painful expression. He fell down on his knees again. He was exhausted, an the from his chest added to it. He could hear the crazy laugh. All he wanted is revenge. But he realized know that that path leads to the darkside. He mustn't let his father down, he doesn't want to become a monster, drived by the darkside and fueled by the anger.

He closed his eyes, the vampire was still laughing on the top of the rubble. He remembered his old lessons that Jedi Masters taught him. He emptied his mind, the humming from his lightsaber helped him relax. He calmed his breathing. Pain! Pain in his chest... No! No pain. The pain now felt distanced, like it was someone elses, not his. Now... he "reached out" with his senses. He could feel the small pieces of rock around him, the flow of the air, he reached further. He felt the room, and everything in it. He could sense the vampire. He sensed his heart pumping, he sensed the darkness in him. He was pure evil. Nothing could describe him. He felt the Second move, slowly.

George opened his eyes, and when the Vampire vanished, time went slower, George felt like never before. He was in unity. He couldn't see the vampire with he eyes, and he couldn't sense him, or he could? It is like he could feel a gap in space around him, and it was moving towards him. He intentionally looked in a different direction.

The gap was now beside George. And when the Vampire reappeared he saw a lightsaber streaming down to him, he dodged it, but not before the saber scratched him by his arm, and then he felt something pushing him away. It was George who used Force Push on him. He fell on the dusty floor.

George started slowly walking. Nothing could be read from his face, as he was approaching the Second.

Too much? xD
Unity is something that I read from the book about sword-fighting. It is a state of mind when the swordsman clears his mind of all thoughts, and becoming "one" with his opponent, sword and his surroundings. Something like active meditation. Though it usually takes years to master this, let's just say my character had a "revelation".

Re: A New Begining

Not at all.

The Second flips backwards, his hands and feet digging into the ground so that he slides to a stop. He looks up at George.

"Damn boy!" he hisses, the threat from the display of his fangs evident.

He charges forward, twirling his inactive lightsaber barrel in his left hand. As he nears George, however, he suddenly disappears... reappearing an instant later behind the Jedi. He was getting faster, his frenzy fueling his power.

George barely has time to sense the Second's movements but even then he needs more time to completely escape. The Second's lightsaber manages to scorch the flesh across his upper back as George goes to dodge the attack.

Hysterically laughter rings in George's ears as the Second disappears once more.

Re: A New Begining

George's bask was scorched, but he barely felt anything, He focused on his lightsaber an the room. He twirled the saber, and he "looked" for the gap. He found it, but it was behind him! He turned around barely in time to block the seconds saber. He swinged few times back but the vampire was getting faster. His face was cold, fighting with precision. The crazy laugh ringed in his ears but he didn't pay attention to it. All there was for him, was he and his opponent dueling.

The Second disappeared again. Of course George felt the gap again, only this time he force dashed towards and swung with his lightsaber at it...

Re: A New Begining

George's eyes widen in shock. Black smoke swirls around the pale hand gripping the blazing blade of George's lightsaber. I-Impossible! He raises his gaze but it is not the Second he finds.

A tall, pale, muscular figure stands between him and his target, one bare hand gripping George's blade, the other suspending the Second a good two feet off the ground by his throat. Bandages cover the entire upper portion of the new arrival's face, two vertical scars making their way from beneath the rags down his cheeks.

Both scars come from the direction of the man's eyes. He was... blind?!

The Second struggles in the man's grasp. "You..." he manages to hiss out.

The man turns his head towards the Second, his back turned slightly to George reveals long, black mane-like hair which travels down to the middle of his back. The smoke around the pale figure's hand suddenly wisps in an unmoving wind and George hears faint, unintelligible whispers. The Second bares his fangs.

"No!" the Second roars through a ragged breath. "Don't interfere!"

Before the Second can react, however, the pale man loosens his grip. As the Second falls the man impales him on his arm.

The Second's eyes widen in pain and disbelief, blood spewing from his mouth as he speaks. "Ngh... Razvan..."

The pale man appears unconcerned, ripping the Second's blackened heart from his chest. He places the still beating heart into a sack connected to his hip. The heart... it is still beating! Is the Second really dead? Or still alive?

The man looks down at the Second's body and uses the Force to pull the lifeless body into his free arm. He turns to face George, his grip tightening on the blade of the lightsaber so the entire weapon strains from the pressure.

Weren't expecting that now were ya? ^_^ This gives your character initiative to stick around and join the hunt for Darth Mortis (since the Second is one of his "apprentices").

And a picture for better visualization! big_smile Razvan

Re: A New Begining

God damn. That was good. big_smile I totally expected my char to kill the second with that blow. But this adds to drama smile

George slipped out of his "unity". Razvan was still holding his lightsaber, but suddenly all the pain he suffered during this fight fell on him like a maul. The pain from his chest shoot him, and the wound from the Seconds lightsaber pained him severely.
He fell down to his knees, turning off and releasing his lightsaber. and looked up at where Razvan's eyes were supposed to be. "He was mine", he gasped, but he couldn't see clearly. It all begun to blur... "I could have beaten him. I was stronger." Finally, George couldn't take it anymore, and he falls down unconcious. Leaving Razvan with his lightsaber in one hand and the Seconds body in the other...

Another vision came to him

"A planet. Green and filled with life. The view came down to a large field with some weird animals on it. A woman and a man in a lovers embrace... Flash... Ancient door, with overgrown ivy and moss on it. Two statues of a hooded man with robes and sword in front him pointing downwards and holding his hand on the pommel... Flash... A man in black robes and with a bloody red mantle. You couldn't see his face but you could feel that he was smiling... evily... 'Dear George', he laughed like that name was amusing him. 'Remember... You're cursed!' You could hear a evil laugh like it was coming from all sides..."

The vision ended and George woke up...

Jizz, so this George, barely survived this duel. He almost wins it, and then some blind madafucker pops out and kills the Second instead of him. Damn I would be pissed if I was him. xD Anyway, think of something about where he will wake up. smile

Last edited by George Kwei (2011-06-17 05:55:11)

Re: A New Begining

I'm all about the drama and adding new twists no one expects! I love it! ^_^

And he's not just any random blind guy. May I present to everyone in this amazing RPG... Razvan... the First.  wink Muahahahahaha!

He's only about ten thousand or so years younger than Mortis so he is VERY powerful. And only the Second and Mortis really know his true name. Whenever he introduces himself he always refers to himself simply as the First (unless he finds a truly worthy opponent... which he has never thus far), saying that dead men need not know the name of him whom they will not longer be able to curse.

Razvan head turns, as if starring down at the exhausted Jedi on his knees before him. How amusing. Driven by the power he consumed from the six Jedi Masters, Saro should have been able to crush the life from this Jedi's pathetic body in a instant. So what more did this boy have to offer?

"He was mine," the Jedi gasps, drawing Razvan's attention from his own thoughts. "I could have beaten him. I was stronger."

The Jedi's body was struggling, his mind slipping away. In his last moments of consciousness, a deep, dark and smooth voice slithers into his mind.

"Foolish, boy," it begins with distain, the voice dripping with superiority as if George were nothing more than a piece of trash. "As if you could ever even hope to kill one of us."

The Jedi collapses on the ground. Razvan cocks his head slightly to the side as his senses rush towards the dried blood along George's chest. So Saro had been playing with his food again... how amateurish. It seems the Second still has so much to learn.

Razvan turns to leave, throwing Saro's body over his shoulder to better carry the dead weight. The Jedi was not his to kill. Besides... the boy seemed hellbent on killing Saro; Razvan would not take his revenge from him. It was a pain he understood all too well.

If the Jedi were to die, he would die by Saro's hand and Saro's hand alone.

...Sometime later...

George wakes up, blinking a few times to make sure he's really alive. That... man... another vampire? He had left him? Alive? Things were more confusing by the minute. He sits up, his head throbbing violently. He groans, looking over beside him to find his lightsaber barrel.

Eerie black smoke wisps like tentacles as it twists and wraps around the barrel like the smoke itself is alive.... Should he touch it?


So now we also know the Second's true name... Saro. smile Of course only Razvan and Mortis will know this because of again how old they all are.

In addition to that... in his true form (which is the form he takes here), Razvan does have the ability to speak. However, like all beings who use the darkside to extents beyond what their body is capable of enduring, his voice has begun to show the strain (much like Mortis).

The black smoke Razvan possesses is an ability he gained after consuming a Red Sith. It houses many powerful abilities which Razvan has improved and added to over the thousands of years he's had access to its power. One ability allows Razvan to transmit his thoughts into words by means of whispers and such... much like he did to speak to Saro.

He does possess the ability to communicate telepathically. Because it takes no part of his body to do this other than his mind, his voice retains its natural tone. When he shape shifts he regains his voice, able to speak without use of his dark power.

Re: A New Begining

Let me get this straight. So The Second is not dead. The First saved George, or saved The Second from death? Nobody knows The Firsts true name except Mortis, Saro and George (he heard it) if Razvan is his true name...

Anyways, George is the first one to survive the meeting with the Second. That gotta mean something? big_smile

The smoke from the lightsaber? Is it deadly is it cursed? Cursed? George remembered his vision. A man with the bloody mantle. That definitely wasn't Razvan. The planet? Naboo? He must go there. There he will find the answers. He knew it. The Ancient doors. Those ussualy means answers, knowledge. Knowledge brings power. The second wasn't dead! The thought of it screamed at his mind...

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..." he screamed as loudly as he could... Power... Power? The thought calmed him. He's going to find power on Naboo. He was to weak. He must practice... he must...

Lightsaber... He looked at it again. The dark smoke was still around it... He started using Force again and tries to remove the smoke.

Re: A New Begining

(1) Second is not dead. He's a Force vampire. It takes more than removing their heart to kill them. (2) Razvan's intentions were to save the Second. However, George's own inner darkness and strive for revenge on Saro seem to have saved his soul from being devoured by Razvan... for now.

(3) Razvan is the name he was born with so yes, it is his true name. And yes, only Mortis, Saro, and now George know it. (4) George is the second known person to survive a fight against the Second. Kavar was the first (although he did have the help of two other Jedi Masters; both of which Saro killed before escaping).

The smoke whispers dark and faintly as George tries to use the Force to push it away. Suddenly it deepens in color and shoots out, the tentacle-like wisps boring beneath the skin atop George's right hand before he can react, piercing pain shooting up his arm.

The smoke quickly sinks into his veins, leaving behind a dark bruise on his hand were it had entered his body. George watches in horror as the smoke crawls up his arm, the blackened mass moving beneath his skin towards his upper body.

He desperately claws at his skin and his other hand clamps down around his arm in an attempt to stop the substances progress into his body. This only seems to make the poison double its efforts, speeding up the inevitable. It delves deeper into his veins until George can no longer trace its progress.

A darkness sinks in around him and George senses a sudden dark presence as if someone is watching him... something. Inside his body the dark taint locates his connection to the Force and begins to consume it, enveloping it in a cloak of darkness, snuffing out the little light which remains.

George's heart begins to thunder in his ears, his blood boiling as his inner rage is unleashed. His hands clench into fists as the muscles in his body tense, straining against one another. His back arches as pain rakes up his spine, tendrils of black slithering like poisonous snakes across the whites of his eyes.

But then... everything stops. George's body collapses, the Jedi leaning forward to rest his weight on his hands. His muscles relax and the darkness seems to slip away and fade. His chest heaves as he struggles to breathe; his pulse pounds against his temples. W-what... was that?

It's not the darkside and it's not really a poison. It's just something... different. XD

Re: A New Begining

Yeah yeah... I'm awesome big_smile
Anyway I think that thing that entered George is maybe some kind of magic so that Razvan could sense him. Don't answer me, just tell hot or cold big_smile

It all feels like it's fading away. But when George tried to stand up, his legs started shaking and he feel... He shook his head. "Concentrate, George." He frowned and tried to enter his unity but it went away. He clinched his teeth and tried again. This time he succeeded but he had to hold onto a wall. Force pulling his saber to him, he started walking slowly towards the breach in the wall... He buckled once, but he continued on. He almost fell again two times, before he finally got out of the building.

The setting sun blinded him, his eyes were still accustomed to the dark in the building. He started walking like a drunk. People watched but he didn't care. Just to get to his house. Along the way, he was thinking about what happened today. He set out this morning to find a spy who supposedly knew about the Second, which he didn't, he barely defeated him, and then the Second showed up and started toying with him. He barely kept himself alive, and somehow he had a chance to strike a deathblow, but then that second vampire showed up (or First) who was obviously far superior to the Second. And he called him Razvan. He told him he couldn't ever hope to defeat any of them... So there's more of them, maybe hundreds!

George slapped his hand as he entered the building where his apartment was. He needed to take a rest. He couldn't go to the Jedi. He left them. Those arrogant idiots! He stepped in the lift and pressed the top floor button. The lift moved up fastly. He looked through the glass seeing the "beauty" of the Merchant's square.

That black thing around his lightsaber! A cold breeze streamed through his body as he was thinking about it. Maybe he was poisoned? No, why would Razvan do that? He couldn't have killed him with a blink of the eye... Why did they spare him?

The turbolift stopped and George went into the hall. Even after this he admired the woman's beaty. He smiled when he saw a red haired beauty walking, but he must have looked terrible cause she just looked the other way and sniffed. He entered his apartment. It wasn't big. It had a living room, one bedroom, a guest room, a kitchen and a bathroom. He entered the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. He looked like he was thrown out by a storm. He was all dusty and bloody on most parts, and his clothes was cut in some places. 'I must Heal myself', he thought and sat down and started meditating it was hard but he used the Force to heal some of his wounds... After that he went to have a bath. He was all dusty and dirty, it took him an hour to clean himself.

When he was done, he started eating. 'I should go to Naboo as my vision suggested, it was very strange though, but I think I should find my answers there. Who was that woman?' He was still thinking about the woman in his vision when he noticed that it was dark outside. He yawned and felt it was a time for sleep, tomorrow he'll be going of this planet...

He lied down on his bed and put his lightsaber under his pillow. He thought he wouldn't sleep after what happened today, but he was so tired that his eyelids closed themselves, and fell to sleep quickly...

The art of writing about nothing. xD I was becoming sleepy so I'll continue tomorrow. But you can write something unexpected if you want. (actually when you sleep you expect nothing, but still xD )