Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

Kip shakes his head.

"You have much to learn, Cat. But you are right, we should focus on the task at hand. Beren, show them what you have found."

Beren rises and walks to a control panel on the wall. A hologram flashes to life in the center of the room. Images flash by quickly, but one thing is quickly recognizable. Dead Jedi. Many dead Jedi. Different species, on different planets, but all bloody and maimed.

"You will notice that all of these victims have been pierced through the throat, presumably with a solid blade rather than a laser," Beren said. "Whoever is hunting these Jedi is more than a match for them in combat, and while we have learned that some energy weapons have been used, their signature method of killing has been a traditional, primitive weapon. We believe that this points to a dark side cult rather than true followers of the Sith, although the two groups may have some connection. They have targeted victims mainly in Outter Rim planets, but they have begun moving their activities closer to the Core worlds.

"The only image that we have of these assailants is a signature of their ship."

A blurred image flashed into the hologram.

"This was the best image that our probes could capture before they were destroyed. The hull appears to be an acute triangle with a sphere in the aft section, presumably the main energy core. There are multiple wing-like solar panels, and the energy weapons are impressive. The heat signature is unlike any other vessel on file.

"It was through this heat signature that we found their next target. A Jedi Enclave on Telos. There aren't many Jedi there, but it is a strategic position and its loss could cost both the Jedi Order and the Republic dearly."

Beren shut down the hologram and sat back down.

Kip says, "I know that the Jedi have not exactly been our friends in the past. Some would say they view us with as much enmity as they do the Sith. But whoever these assassins are, we cannot allow them to gain power in place of the Jedi. Unfortunately, I can't tell you how to recognize them. But I trust your instincts. You have all proven in the past that I can rely on you without hesitation.

"If at all possible, take some of these assassins alive for interrogation. We need to find out who they are and where they come from. But our primary objective is to keep them from destroying the Enclave."

I Am Jedi

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

Cat toys with her Iridonian double blade, twirling the weapon around on her fingers in a rather fanciful manner. She cocks her head to the side slightly, examing the hologram as image after image of dead Jedi flash before her eyes. She frowns.

"The Unbound used to love throwing their assassins against Force sensitive opponents without anything more than dagger or simple long sword to defend and kill. It was a true test of skill. One which I obviously failed," she chuckles faintly, glancing up at Kip before her attention is drawn back to the hologram.

"So they're plannng on taking the Telos Enclave," she grins. "Bold and risky. I like these guys." She taps the tip of her blade against her chin, thinking. "A good assassin is never unprepared or unaware and from what I'm seeing, these guys are very good at what they do..." she trails off.

Cat starts to pace without even noticing, her mind planning, calculating, plotting. "By the time we get there they'll have been set up for at least a day if not more. They'll be hidden in plain site but we'll never find them if we go looking for them."

She stops pacing and looks directly at Kip. "They'll be watching for Jedi digging their noses into the undercity workings so I don't suggest asking around while waving your title and fancy sticks about," she nods quickly as if she already knows she is understood and returns to pacing.

"They'll need plans if they want to get in the base... and if they want to destory it potentially. They'll also need the right about of punch to get the job done if they don't already have it." She stops, placing her hands on her hips and smiling. "Lucky you, I know just the people we need to talk to."

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

"I agree, Cat," Kip replied. "We must avoid detection. It would only hinder our abilities to protect the Enclave, and many members would probably die anyway. They likely know most (if not all) of the security measures in place at the Enclave now. I've instructed Beren to add our own devices, independently powered and linked to the ship, not the Enclave systems. While he is setting those up, we'll meet up with your contact."

"You will each need a cover. Beren is a service technician updating most of the equipment in the Enclave. Jentress is a new knight transferring from Yavin. I will stay in the city or with the ship. I don't want to make my presence known to the Jedi, even under an alias, before we know what we are up against."

I Am Jedi

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

(not far from Geonosis)

George, Riker and Mat were in the briefing room. Mat was pointing to a holo projection of the system.
Mat:"I don't get it. Just one ship? The message I intercepted was saying that there was a Sith fleet here." Mat looked nervous
"A trap surely" Riker frowned at the projection. "Mines perhaps? Or maybe it is a decoy. We don't have enough info to attack."
Mat looked at Riker and sain in ironic voice: "Really? We didn't know that. I'm sure you have something else we missed." he smiled a little, just so that Riker wouldn't get angry.
Riker just stayed silent and looked back at the projection thinking. George was so still in his chair in the corner, that they almost forgot he was there. His eyes cold as ever, studied both of them like a puzzle. No one knows what goes through his mind. But suddenly he stood up, Mat and Riker jumper at that move, and he said: "It is not a trap. They sent that message so that other Sith forces wouldn't attack them. Issue capture tactics. First we destroy the enemy shield generator, engines and weapon systems. Then we board the ship. I'll deal with the Sith Lord myself."
George suddenly realized he was holding his hand on his lightsaber. He immediately moved his hand back. Riker and Mat just looked at their Master with worry.
Mat opened his mouth like he was going to say something, but Riker poked him in his shoulder, so Mat gave up on whatever he was going to say.
George then just said: "Carry out" and then he left the briefing room.
Mat: "I'm concerned. What if he falls to the darkside? What will we do then?"
Riker looked unsure but he just said: "We'll make sure he doesn't. If we fail, then..." he didn't finish the sentence but Mat just nodded like he knew what Riker meant.
Then they both left briefing room to carry out Silver Knights orders. They both knew that something was wrong here and they had to prepare...

P.S. Any suggestions for Sith Lord's name? smile

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

Konah had not been invited to the briefing so she had no idea why The Silver Knight looked so troubled. She assumed that it had something to do with Mat.
As she followed along after The Knight she noticed that he knew she was there. She had been on the ship for 3 days and had Jyro commanding her own fleet to follow Them. Her and George had a really disturbing first meeting. A flood of emotions came back to her. She silently followed Him and knew he knew she was there

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

George felt that Konah was following him. What does she want. For three days he was trying to avoid her, but he thought that now is the time to talk. He suddenly stopped. He turned around, and saw her by the nick of a eye.
He just waited.

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

At once she felt he was going to turn but was not fast enough her robe was seen. she walked out slowly and looked at him he looked so very sad and tired
"so now what decided to stop avoiding me?"

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

George approached her, but nothing could be read from his eyes or face. He was so cold.
"You didn't need to say that out loud. We just didn't have anything to talk about." He looked her in the eyes for a minute. "You're okay?"

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

she watch him walk towards her he was so very cold she did understand.
"Oh so i get it. NOW you care how i am. NOW YOU care whats going on with me. WHY NOW GEORGE WHY!!! ANSWER ME"
a little over the top?

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

A little. But in my experience. That's always the case with girls big_smile

Whatever was going inside George's mind he didn't show it. He just listened to her words pouring out. When she finished he just said...
"Calm down. What's wrong with you?"

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

she broke she couldn't handle it.
"you don't remember me i was your padawan and you left. i never finished becoming a jedi. i needed you and you left me at my darkest. why......*she begins to cry*"

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

Georges face soften a little as he placed his hand on her cheek and washed out her tears. But then he returned his hands, and his face was as cold as before.
"You need to learn to control your emotions. You cannot let yourself to be vulnerable like this. The lure of the dark side is strong. And if you cannot control yourself, you'll fall."

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

she saw his face soften but only for a second.
"i have fallen to the darkside...but i thought of you and Jyro and i knew i would never be able to do that again"

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

George was trying but he still couldn't remember her. To many things have happened after he left the Jedi.
"You have fallen once. Not many people receive a second chance. Revan did. And few others. Do not waist it."

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

She looked at him shocked and hurt
"don't think i take this chance to reclaim myself lightly"

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

"Good. Meditation helps to center one self. I would advise you to practice it." He started turning around so he could walk away.

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

She grabs his shoulder.
"look at me george and tell me what you see."

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

George turned around and stared at her eyes. What does she want. What is her plan. He must bring justice to those Sith Lords. No one can kill a planet without paying for it. Is she a spy?
"I see a woman, with fire inside her untamed." His look became even more cold, if that was possibly.
"What do you want me to see?" he said quietly.

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

she knew her time was running short they needed to find the Siths but she had to know.
"i want you to see what you have already seen....."

she bound his arms and embraced him and kissed his lips

Re: Ender's Guardian: Silver Knight

Flashes from his past appeared in his mind. He remembered kissing her before. No, he didn't do that. He wouldn't. But no... Sith... They killed his family. They must pay.
His eyes now full of sadness glared at Konah. He was shaken up, he didn't expect this.
"I... I..."  he slowly removed her hands of him and backed away "I'm sorry, Konah. I just can't remember" he lied. He remembered some of it, but he didn't want to remember.