Re: A New Begining

No, the original "Machines of War" RPG topic still holds the record I do believe. Over five thousand posts and 220 pages. Something like that. We're getting close though. big_smile

Akson nods... somewhat respectively. "In war many things are uncertain, Jedi. Allies have the potential to be enemies and enemies the potential to be allies. Secret alliances were made far before this war of Revan's began but we could not expose our allegiances too soon or risk failure."

"And failure is not an option," Xvan adds quickly.

Akson nods again. "Yes. The actions of our brothers, however, cannot be placed on us, Jedi. They chose to act... differently... but perhaps it was not their fault. But that it a conversation for another time. The Jedi must hear the secrets we carry, the Sith assassin which struck here must be hunted down and brought to justice, and Revan and Malak must be stopped. This war must be ended before it begins... or the Republic may not survive it."

...Destiny's Pawn; lower decks...

Mortis grins, a flash of white teeth. "Have her Jedi... I've had my fill..."

He pushes Lori towards Yi'shar. She stumbles slowly towards the Jedi but turns and stares at Mortis with a longing look.


There! A figure in the hallway emitting so much power Malak can barely stand it. "Sith!" he cries, his voice echoing down the dim hallway.

Mortis's eyes remain locked with Yi'shar's. "For now..." he whispers.

In the blink of an eye, Mortis is gone. Lori's eyes lock with Malak's and a deep growl rumbles in her throat.

Re: A New Begining

"Lori, we have to leave! NOW!!!" Yi'shar shouts.

He grabs her arm and pulls her down the hall, away from Malak towards the escape pods.


"You are still a product of the Mandalorians," Daan grumbles.

Just then Jason enters.

"Um, is everything alright here?" he asks.

"Well between Sith assassins and Kovasn, no, but don't let that keep you away" Daan says.

"You must be the pilot that helped in the battle at Malachor V," Kavar says.

"Yes. Col. Norad asked me to inform you that the Republic fleet is being regrouped for a new initiative against Revan. They request the assistance of the Jedi Council, since Revan is one of your own."

"I will call an emergency session immediately," Kavar says. Turning on his heel, he strides away down the hall towards the Council chambers.

" we follow him?" Jason asks, raising an eyebrow.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Xvan shifts in his armor and turns his headly slightly towards Akson, a glance in the other Kovasn's direction. "We follow the Jedi Master, you and I. We must have an audience with the Council. They must learn what we have uncovered."

Akson immediately steps forward, following Kavar. "And be warned..."

...Destiny's Pawn; lower decks...

Lori turns on Yi'shar with a hiss, pulling away from his touch. The sound and action are both cut short, however, as her eyes clear and her mind returns.

"Yi'shar?" she stumbles a bit. "When did you get here?"

She looks around somewhat. "And where is here exactly?"


There! The girl! And the imposing Jedi. Malak grins, storming towrds them. Two birds with one stone. The air around him crackles with life as electricity crawls from his fingertips up his arms, consuming them. The Jedi would not have Lori... she dies here! All who threaten his Revan must die!

The power boils within him, fueling him. So... much...! He roars, hurtling a massive blast of electricity towards the fleeing Jedi and Lori.

...Unmarked Stealth Craft...

The ship enters hyperspace, barely missing the attacks of its pursuers. They might be able to follow but it would be extremely difficult. The ship's stealth capabilities make it all but impossible to track. Zorvon leans back in the pilot's chair, relaxing for the first time in what seems like ages.

Rotel steps into the cockpit, the only give away to his presence being the sound of his heavy boots against the cold steel floor of the ship. Zorvon closes his eyes, waiting for him to speak. Instead it is Kilax who has the first word. Zorvon hadn't even heard him. Sneaky bastard.

"What do we do now, Zorvon?" Kilax asks, folding his arms across his chest and leaning against the nearby wall.

Zorvon sighs. "We helped start a war. I suggest we help finish it. Only... the Jedi and their Republic will no longer accept our help..."

Rotel huffs. "Is that much of a surprise? We did betray them, Zorvon. While it may have not been of free will, we still allowed ourselves to fall prey to the witch's tricks."

"I know..." Zorvon murmurs.

Kilas and Rotel exchange glances. Their leader needed a push in the right direction.

"Still," Rotel continues, "it is right to aid them in this war. Even if our help is... anonymous."

Zorvon smiles.

Re: A New Begining

Kavar enters the Jedi Council chambers. Many of the masters had already gathered, rumors of the nights tragedy still running rampant. Those that were not present had been alerted via commlink to join the impromptu session. Some, Kavar knows, were now one with the Force. However several were still alive.

Master Vrook is present, along with Master Atris. Kavar winces. Atris was showing more and more hostility to the other members of the Order. Her self-righteous attitude was causing much concern among the other Masters, but none were willing to confront her.

"Masters, grave news has reached us," Kavar begins when everyone  assembled. "Revan's betrayal is now complete. She has fallen to the darkside and now commands a sizable amount of the Republic fleet. It is very likely that she will soon invade Republic space using our own forces. What is more Sith assassins have attacked our own Temple, and killed several masters."


There was no time to think. Yi'shar throws his body between Malak and Lori, absorbing all of the Sith lightening. The pain is excruciating! He realizes that he was yelling at the top of his lungs. The pain clouds his mind, confusing his thoughts. Slowly, he fights to regain control, staggering to his feet. He shifts and catches the flow of lightening in his hands. Some of the Force power still washes up his arms, searing his body with its heat and power. But he is now able to control it. With a surge of will he reflects the lightening back at Malak, this time intensifying its power. The effect throws them both backwards, away from each other.

Yi'shar struggles to his feet, but turns back to Lori trying to hurry her to the escape pods. He had no time to deal with Malak now.

"In case you haven't figured it out by now," he says, coughing, "We're on Revan's ship. But she has fallen, and is now an enemy even more deadly than the Mandalorians."


Daan looks at Jason.

"I have no desire to stay here and wait for Revan and Malak to attack," Daan says. "There are others who must be warned of their treachery. We're going to Dantooine."

"Without Orders?" Jason says, shocked.

"I'm going with permission pending," Daan replies. "You are going as my pilot. I'll clear it with your superiors while you calculate the jump. Come on!"

The two head off to the Jedi hanger, Jason shaking his head. "What I wouldn't give for a regular chain of command," he thinks to himself. "Now I know why the Colonel was so upset!"

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Be back later sometime to post. Been a bit busy recently but I'm still around.  smile

Re: A New Begining

Take your time. cool

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Glad you decided to stay.  big_smile  And I just realized that for the last couple of posts I've been calling Revan's flagship Downfall instead of Destiny's Pawn. I'm getting confused. lol But I fixed it now.  smile

Akson and Xvar step into the Jedi Council chamber. A collective gasps escapes the remaining Jedi Masters. Akson looks to Kavar to introduce them.

...Destiny's Pawn; lower decks...

Lara shakes her head, shocked at this information. Apparently whatever Mortis had used to keep her under his spell had had an effect on her memory as well. She is completely lost in a galaxy at war.

"Wh-what? That's... that's not possible! Alora would never! You've got it all wrong! She... she joined the war to save the Republic... why would she turn against them?!"

She stops, pulling against Yi'shar's grasp. "Why defeat the Mandalorians...? This... this isn't right..."

...Destiny's Pawn; lower decks...

Malak slams his head against the cold, metal floor and groans. Jedi... he manages, collecting his thoughts.

He turns onto his side only to have excruciating pain shoot up both his arms. The smell of burnt flesh singes his nostrils. Damn Jedi!

He arches his back, using the pain to fuel him. Vengeance, he merely thinks, forcing his legs to work.

He gets to his feet, leaning against the nearest wall as he dulls out the pain in his mind. The damned Jedi would pay for that. He'd be the first new Jedi toy of the execution squads. But the girl... she would die by Malak's hand and without hesitation.

She was dangerous... tainted... turned. Malak did not wish to test her power.

...Destiny's Pawn, bridge; closing in on the Republic planet of Foerost...

Revan drums her fingers impatiently on her lightsaber barrel, causing all the crew members on the bridge to become extremely nervous. "How long until we reach Foerost?" she finally asks.

Orak glances at the nearest terminal. “Not long now, mi’lady. The Republic has yet to receive word of the… unfortunate fate of the fleet which accompanied us. It is speculated that the Jedi already know..."

He notices the disappointed look on Revan's face and frowns himself. "Nothing to fear, however, mi’lady. We will be the first to infrom the Republic your... return,” he smiles wickedly.

Re: A New Begining

Kavar motions for the Masters to remain seated.

"There is nothing to fear. These are friends, who have come at a time of great need. They were once servants of the dark and of the Mandalorians. But they have come here to warn us and to aid us in the coming battle against the New Sith. They are called Kovasn."

Kavar steps back and motions the Kovasn forward.


Jason and Daan launch away from Coruscant, entering hyperspace towards Dantooine.

"The Academy there is smaller, but a place of great power and Force presence," Daan says. "Revan may very well make it the first target on his list"


Yi'shar tries to hold Lori back.

"Search your feelings, you know this is true," he says. "Why else would she resort to such hideous tactics to defeat the Mandalorians. Why else would she seek to destroy us? She and Malak allowed the darkness of war to fill their minds and hearts, and now they are the enemy."

"Which is all the more reason to get away."

There is a clanking of metal feet coming down the hallway. A large droid comes into view.

"Eejee-9!" Yi'shar says. "I was beginning to fear you had turned on me too. We need the escap pod codes!"

"Of course, master!" Eejee replies.

He quickly opens a console nearby and enters something into the computer.

"Your escape pod is ready to be activated," he says, turning back to Yi'shar and Lori. "I've also taken the ships tractor beam and targeting sensors offline, so that you will have nothing to worry about."

"Lori, come on, we have to leave now!" Yi'shar urges.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Just realizing I am going a little off course with Revan attacking Foerost. That actually didn't happen until after Revan and Malak had discovered the Star Forge which happened right after they destroyed Malachor V (becuase they disappeared for a bit).

However, I want to keep all characters in play so I'm going to swerve away from canon once more by saying that Revan and Malak discovered the SF before the battle at MV. When they first engaged the Republic fleet after their betrayal (which canonically would be on Foerost because they capture a large remainder of the fleet) is when they're new armada appears and their betrayal of the Republic complete. Sound good? smile

Akson nods respectfully in Kavar's direction and steps forward to address the Jedi Masters. Xvan reluctantly follows, his hands warily reamining on the lightsaber barrels dangling from his weapon's harness. The Jedi were not ones to attack unless others or they themselves were directly threatened. But with everyone showing their true colors these days... well it never hurt to be prepared for the unexpected.

Akson's hands move slowly towards his head. There is a sharp hiss from the Kovasn's air tight suit as he removes his helmet, placing it under his left arm. He runs his dirty, gauntlet right hand -void of a ring finger - through his military cut black hair.

"Jedi Masters," he begins, clearing his throat. "I understand your distrust of Mandalorians but I give you my word of honor as a warrior we have nothing but honorable intentions. This twisted war now threatens to consume us all if not brought to an abrupt close."

"I am aware of the concern which arises over Revan and Malak's recent fall. However, there is a situation of greater importance which requires the full attention of the remnants of the Council. If not addressed immediately it will escalate far beyond our means of control."

He sighs heavily. "A triumvirate of Sith Lords have emerged amid the turmoil and chaos of this war. Let the Republic deal with Revan and her toy army for the moment. These Sith Lords must be hunted down as soon as possible and exterminated like the vermin they are or the entire galaxy's fate is sealed..."

...Destiny's Pawn; lower decks...

Lori shakes her head, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Alora... how could she...?"

The sound of footsteps echoes down the corridor behind them. Malak was getting closer. And he was not in a good mood. Lori bends to wipe her tears away on the sleeve of her tunic. She nods with a sniffle.

"Let's go."

...Unidentified Stealth Craft...

Rotel and Daar plop down at the small table in the extremely cramped kitchen area of the small stealth craft, munching down on the few dry and very stale protein bars they'd managed to find in one of the cabinets. They converse in Mando'a, ignoring Kilax's anxious pacing beyond the kitchen doorway.

Kilax suddenly stops, cocking his head to the side. "Wait," he says quickly, quietly. "You sense that?"

Rotel and Daar stop and look in Kilax's direction, crumbs from the protein bars falling onto the chestplates of their armor. "What?" they both ask in unison, the word muffled by the food in their mouths.

Kilax holds up a hand for silence as he listens through the Force... searches. "Ssshhh..."

Rotel and Daar remain completely silent but when they don't sense anything exchange worried glances. In the blink of an eye, Kilax draws  his stolen Sith saber blade, holding it out straight beside him.

Rotel swallows. "Kilax-" he begins.

Suddenly, faint fog shifts beneath Kilax's feet, swirling and merging, forming. A semi-transparent figure turns solid before their very eyes, Kilax's blade a mere centimeter from its throat.

The figure turns its head to look directly at Kilax, revealing its black, cracked skin, ghostly white eyes, and long, black matted hair. The man smiles at Kilax. "My, my, Mandalorian... you are very skilled indeed... I cannot remember anyone who has ever detected me... I have fooled even the most skilled of Jedi Masters... but it seems I am bested by a mere warrior..."

Kilax flashes an empty smile as a courtesy but it quickly fades. "I am no mere Mandalorian warrior, shade..."

The man nods. "So has been proven..."

Kilax growls as Rotel and Daar get up from their seats, their hands moving towards their weapons. "Who are you and why are you on our ship?"

The man chuckles, the sound raspy. "Your ship? Well... I suppose you did steal it... now didn't you?" Another smile. "To answer your questions... I am Mortis... and I have a proposition for you Mandalorians..."

Here's what Akson looks like:

Re: A New Begining

.....Jedi Temple, Coruscant......

Atris rises to her feet.

"The only thing we should concern ourselves with is Revan and her fallen Jedi. Rumors of Sith Lords are just that, rumors. A Sith Triumvirate indeed! Pah! It such a group exists, they are obviously not powerful enough to make themselves known in the Force, and therefore are not a threat to us. It is Revan and Malak and their rag-tag rabble of a following that we must deal with!"

Kavar steps forward to join the Kovasn.

"The dark side is growing. A Sith assassin has entered these very halls without detection and murdered members of this council! Do you really think that an enemy as powerful as that could be detected light years away?! Do not rely on your own sense of power and knowledge, Atris. Trust this information; these warriors know what they are speaking of."

Master Vandar nods, but looks concerned.

"Dangerous and foreboding this is. I sense the truth in what you speak, Mandalorians. And yet we cannot divide our forces. If left to fight Revan, the Republic is, crushed they will be. What is left of the Republic fleet is no match for Revan's forces. Aide them in stopping her, we must. Only after she is gone can we think of searching for these Sith Lords."


Yi'shar pulls Lori into the escape pod, followed by Eejee-9.

Within moments the airlock is sealed and the pod blasts away from the ship.

"Eejee, set a course for the nearest Republic outpost," Yi'shar says.

He turns to Lori, concerned.

"Here, drink this," he says, handing her a canteen.

"I need to examine those wounds. I am afraid of some lingering harm that monster may have left."

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Mistress of the Fallen wrote:

Umm... Spartan... that's not your character. You're not even involved in this RPG. You can't just butt in places and take over people's characters like that. I'm deleting the post. Next time its a warning.

If you want to join the RPG I'm fine with that but make your own characters, don't mess with other people's characters and follow the rules.

sorry, my bad didnt know... wont happen again


Re: A New Begining

No problem, sugah. Just don't let it happen again and we're good.

Re: A New Begining

I realize up there I gave a picture and said it was what Kilax looked like. I really meant Akson. Sorry about that. I seem to be screwing up more than usual.  tongue Anyway, I fixed it, just wanted to let you know. I'll try to post something tomorrow. wink

Re: A New Begining

Yeah, I know. This post is extremely long. But it’s awesome! wink Plus, I had to do lots of research for this one. I actually had to go through twenty pages of this RPG (which includes the old jacked up pages where ‘ turned into crap like ') to find out what happened to all my Kovasn on Malachor V. Had to known whether they escaped or how they died. It was a whole process. Lol But worth it. Enjoy. big_smile

Xvan growls faintly as the Jedi known as Atris resumes her seat. It was a step in the right direction as far as he was concerned; a step back into her place. He glances at Akson who shakes his head with concern. The Jedi Masters were as stubborn as they’d always been portrayed. Surprising and yet expected.

Akson had to persuade the Jedi Masters to investigate the Triumvirate. It was nothing to be taken lightly. “Jedi Masters,” Akson begins to try again, “I realize the Council’s concern with Revan... especially since she was once one of your own. I also understand that during wartime to have the Council chasing after what some would believe nothing but pirate’s whispers and ghosts would lead to problems.”

“However, it is apparent you do not fully understand the gravity of this situation. A girl and her  ‘rag-tag rabble’,” his eyes cut coldly to Atris as he quotes her, his gaze quickly returning to the other members, “are no match for three Dark Lords and the army they have more than likely acquired.”

He pauses, letting the logic sink in before he continues once more. “We have also discovered...” he glances back at Xvan, wondering what all he should reveal and whether the Jedi would believe him, “that there is now another amidst these Sith. Whether he claims allegiance to the first three still remains unclear but he is by far more powerful than the three combined. We are aware you have already suffered the handiwork of his Second yes?”

Xvan steps forward now, peeling his helmet away. Silvery blue hair and deep blue eyes give the Mandalorian an Echani-like appearance which had caused many of his Mandalorian comrades to question his origins. His voice, void of any amplifications his helmet bestowed is deep and smooth, the charming voice of a killer.

“It is not that these Dark Lords lack power... and the fact that they are far away is irrelevant. They simply do not wish to be found. Think about it, di’kute. This... Mortis one... his assassin managed to kill four of your Masters before this Jedi here,” his  left hand motions towards Kavar, “became aware and was able to track him down.”

“And even then he managed to kill two more Masters before he fled, barely injured. It would be very unwise to underestimate the being which taught such a... capable underling.”

Akson nods, agreeing. "We understand that you cannot send the entire Council chasing after these Sith. And we do not expect such. However, at least have those Council members already in the field look into it. Surely no harm could come from that."

...Outside the Council Chambers...

The Sergeant paces impatiently. The Council was in a very important meeting he’d been told. What could be more important than a psychopath Sith on the loose in Corsucant’s streets was beyond him. Yet... there had been rumors. The Republic fleet had not been heard of for quite some time.

Perhaps it was because they were fighting in such deep space... or perhaps the Mandalorians had finally crushed them. He shakes his head. No. The Republic had that Jedi. Revan wasn’t it? Yes, her. He’d heard talk about her. A great military strategist who would lead the Republic to victory.

So if it wasn’t defeat the Republic fleet had met in the depths of space... what had happened that the Council was holding an emergency meeting?

...Merchant Square, Coruscant...

The hysterical laugh. It was the last thing all his victims heard. His nails quickly extend into sharp, blade-like claws, effortlessly slicing into tender flesh. He rips and tears until he finds it. He grins, his tongue running over his sharp, jagged fangs. Salvia drips from his hungry mouth, sizzling as it lands on his victim’s heart.

His Master had never allowed him this, to kill and feed for the mere pleasure of it. He growls and bends, his blood stained fangs sinking deep into the heart. His body shudders and he moans. Such life. Such... power! And in an instant... it is gone. He groans, pushing the body –now nothing but a shell –away.

He was... unsatisfied. The hunger... it was... unbearable! His hands clench into fists, his nails biting into his own flesh. How many had he fed upon? Ten? Maybe more? He’d lost count. But still the gaping hole. The craving. Was he not doing it right? He’d watched his Master feed time and time again, his victim’s bodies turning to ash as he drank the very life from them.

He opens his fists, starring down at his hands. He still couldn’t shapeshift. When his Master drank straight from the heart he could steal the forms of his victims, using them to lure more unsuspecting prey. But try as he might he couldn’t. He needed more power. Yes, that was it. More power! He floats to his feet with a Force push and runs down the alley, onto his next victim.

...Destiny’s Pawn, lower decks...

Malak leans against the wall, clutching his arm. He stares at the empty escape pod slot. He grits his teeth, his face hardening, the muscles tensing. He turns and begins to make his way towards the nearest elevator without a word. The Jedi escaped... and with the girl... that damned girl.

Perhaps it was for the best. The Jedi was taking her away; taking her back to the Council. She wouldn’t be near Revan... and if the Council had anything to say about it, she wouldn’t be a threat to Revan anymore either. She was a half-breed now. Half a Sith and half a Jedi, despite her desperate attempts to cling solely to one. The Council would break her.

And then... she would be neither...

...Destiny’s Pawn, bridge...

Revan’s fleet lingers near Foerost, just far enough away where they could not be detected. They would strike quickly and take the ship yards where the large majority of the Republic’s remanding fleet lay unsuspecting. It was a sure victory... and by then her new armada would be ready. She grins. A fresh, battle-hardened armada in the blink of an eye, ready to crush the Republic.

...Escape Pod...

Lori takes the canteen and begins to drink its contents, tilting her head to the side so Yi’shar can examine –by far –her most troubling wounds. While Mortis had attempted to heal the pinprick holes he’d left in Lori’s neck it is obvious healing is not the dark creature’s greatest power. Either that... or he did not wish to heal her completely.

Mortis had closed off the wounds so she wouldn’t bleed out. It was a start. However, the holes had scarred over in an ugly fashion and the area remained inflamed. No doubt it is at least mildly painful but Lori appears oblivious. Yi’shar reaches out, his hand hovering inches above Lori’s neck as he begins to try and finish what Mortis had left undone.

Immediately, Yi’shar feels a dark force push back against him. The Jedi Master has to step back to keep his balance. Shivers travel the length of Yi’shar’s spine as an all-too-familiar voice whispers in Yi’shar’s thoughts, “Mine...”

Suddenly the scars on Lori’s neck sink into her skin, replaced by a faint, barely visible burn mark which resembles a dying rose. Yi’shar feels cold; feels hands wrapping around his neck although he knows no one is really there. They tighten their grip... and tighten...

“I’m coming for you... Jedi...” 

And then... it is gone.

...Unidentified Stealth Craft...

The hold of the stealth craft is surprising large. Looking at the ship from the outside, one would not expect its hold to be large enough to house the four Mandalorian Kovasn and their guest with plenty of room to spare. Kilax remains close to their new addition, his hand inconspicuously resting on the handle of his saber blade.

Despite his skill and hardened attitude Kilax stands as the youngest of the Kovasn, perhaps not even past his mid-twenties. Dull black hair and numerous tattoos –including a very prominent ‘666’ on the upper left cheek of his face –however, favor his killing skill more than his age. Rotel remains the silent guardian as always, leaning back against the wall of the hold.

Kilax was the intial strike if this intruder decided he wanted to do more than talk with them. Rotel was merely waiting in case the boy missed. Rotel dons the darkest skin of the Kovasns, his dark brown hair doing much to compliment the tone. His face remains unscathed although he bears a large diagonal scar down his upper body. It would have been a killing blow... had the Witch not saved him.

Daar stands somewhat behind their guest and off to the side, waiting for a wrong move. He was in the perfect position to strike should things go south; the enemy’s back was to him. Much like Kilax, Daar appears younger, perhaps only in his late twenties or early thirties. His long, jet black hair is partially pinned up in the back, his bangs hanging down over his face to somewhat cover the large burn scar he'd received from a weapon's malfunction when he was younger.

While Daar had easily forgiven Rotel for killing him –seeing as they were both not themselves and under the influence of that dark Witch –the scar around his throat still burned despite the Witch’s magic which had brought him back to life. Zorvon had done his best to dull the pain but much like his own scar... it would never completely heal. The pain would last forever.

Zorvon faces the new arrival, his piercing green eyes locked on this... Mortis character. The darkness seeping from the man is overwhelming. Zorvon had almost fallen to his knees when he first walked into the room. The other Kovasn were showing no signs of having a hard time coping now but Zorvon could still sense their uneasiness. No doubt this being could as well.

Zorvon would have to be extremely careful. This man was powerful and this was a delicate situation. It could quickly and easily spiral out of control. Zorvon clears his throat, pushing a strand of his greyed hair away from his face. His voice is gruff and hard, with an air of complete authority; that of a leader, of one used to shouting orders and having others follow.

“I hardly see how we can help anyone like you...” he pauses, wondering if he should use the name the man had called himself or something else. He quickly decides to call the being by what he is; what the Mandalorians would call... his kind. “Shade...” he growls.

Mortis chuckles, the sound sending Zorvon on edge. His voice is rich and smooth, the rasp and edge long gone and nothing left but pure charm. Not at all the voice of the monster it had once been. Something was off. He... was off.

“Considering the situation," Mortis begins, "it is not I who need the help Mandalorian. You wish to aid this Republic, yes? Fight against your... Sith oppressors? Yet you have no efficient means to do so.”

Kilax scoffs, removing his saber blade partially from its sheath. “Not so. We have our blades.”

Mortis’s empty, white eyes cut smoothly to the side, to look at Kilax. “Very true. It is no secret you Mandalorians are exceptionally skilled,” he looks back at Zorvon, “and that... is why I am here.”

Zorvon crosses his arm over his chest and nods. A sign to continue. Mortis does so. “A Jedi Master has... obtained something of mine. He cannot fathom its power and it will bring about his destruction as well as that of many others. Perhaps even the Republic. I do not care for such petty foundations of men. All I want... is it.”

“You see... in helping me you also promote your own cause. I pay you for retrieving my... treasure and you prevent the fall of yet more Jedi in this war. Maybe even save the Republic. If you end up killing the Jedi Master which stole from me...  well, I may have information for you.”

Rotel kicks off the wall, standing erect. “Information?” he wonders.

Mortis smiles, glancing in Rotel’s direction. “Yes. Information I know you want.”

Zorvon huffs, drawing attention back to him. “How do you know what we want? You think we want to help the Republic? We’re Mandalorians after all.”

Another chuckle from Mortis which sends shivers down Zorvon’s spine. It quickly fades into a growl, however. “You think me so weak? To have outlived the others of my kind, killed as I have, and not know what some pesky Mandalorians want?" he emphasises the word with distain. "I have not the patience for this. I am offering you your chance. Take it... or I shall find others to do my bidding.”


di’kute: stupid individuals (lit); in this instance "fools"

Well... now we know what all the Kovasn look like. Tada! ^_^ Here are some pics to help better visualize them:


Re: A New Begining

Forgot to add a Lori bit in there but I fixed it now. All in a days work.  wink  tongue  big_smile

Re: A New Begining

*tugs on LSM* Oh buddy...  tongue  big_smile

Re: A New Begining

Jizz... I was thinking about joining this RPG, but I would have much to catch up to... xD Can someone give me a short version of what is happening? big_smile

Re: A New Begining

Just a quick little run through...

Mandalorians: Mandalore was killed by Revan in a one-on-one duel. Shortly afterwards the Mandalorian fleet was almost completely annihilated by the activation of Revan’s secret Mass Shadow Generator on Malachor V. What stragglers do remain are returning to their Mandalorian worlds to lick their wounds.

Kovasn: Recently discovered Mandalorian “super soldiers”. Products of Demagol’s twisted experiences and Sith interference, Kovasn’s are extremely dangerous combatants. Each is an expert in a certain area of combat though not limited to such. Are Force sensitive, able to harness the Force as easy as the most trained Jedi Masters and able to wield a lightsaber (or any weapon for that matter) with extraordinary skill.

Throughout the war they have switched loyalties a number of different times, playing the field to their upmost advantage. Interesting enough, this change does not take place because the Kovasn favor the ‘winning side’... why it does, however, still remains a mystery. It is also entirely unclear what the Kovasn’s true motives are in this war but it is best not to underestimate them in any situation. They are powerful allies and dangerous enemies. Plan accordingly.

    Akson and Xvan: The only two Kovasns who were not ‘tricked’ by Darth Traya. Apparently ties were made with the Jedi far before the Mandalorian Wars and now these warriors seek the aid of the Council to hunt down and kill the Sith Triumvirate and Darth Mortis.

    Daar, Rotel, Zorvon, and Kilax: The remaining Kovasn who were forced into helping Darth Traya by way of a complex mind trick. While these warriors made no ties to the Jedi, with the Mandalorian fleet crushed, the Kovasn’s allegiance shifts towards the Republic. Although their help would not be accepted the Kovasn decide to use other, annonymous means to assist the crumbling Republic. Whether they accept the offer given to them by Darth Mortis... remains to be seen...

Revan: Revan moves back towards Republic space. Her fleet hovers near Foerost where a large portion of the Republic’s remaining fleet lies. It is her plan to either capture or destroy these vessels. Having uncovered the secrets of the Star Forge some time before now (which I know isn’t canon but I made errors and had to work around), Revan waits for her new armada to arrive and crush the weakened Republic.

Darth Mortis: A dark, extremely powerful being who’s origins are a complete mystery mostly due to the fact that the creature predates even the Republic itself. His ability to survive for so long suggest he is a type of brutal and savage Force vampire although no one has ever seen him ‘feed’.

Mortis harnesses the darkside on immense levels but he gives no allegiance to the Sith. In fact, the creature seems far more interested in his own agenda. Mortis has often expressed no care for the Republic, simply calling in a petty foundation of men. His distain for the Jedi is obvious, however.

The Second: The second ‘apprentice’ of Darth Mortis. A deadly and very capable Jedi assassin. Infiltrated the Jedi Temple and murdered four Jedi Masters. Kavar was able to detect the intruder and confronted him but the assassin managed to escape, killing two more Jedi Masters in the process. Driven mad by the power he consumed from the Jedi Masters, the Second now runs rampid in Coruscant’s streets, killing and feeding as he pleases.

The First: The first ‘apprentice’ of Darth Mortis. Yet to be introduced but he’s coming soon. Thought I’d go ahead and throw him in there. ~_^

Lori: The Jedi Exile (yet to be exiled). The target of both Mortis’s sick obsession and Malak’s wrath.

Well I think that about does it for all the people I’m kinda throwing around in this RPG. lol So, yeah, the plot -although sometimes complex and constantly twisting around -is pretty basic right now: Revan’s moving in to crush the Republic, Akson and Daar are trying to persuade the Council to hunt down the Triumvirate, crazy assassin killing people on Coruscant, Lori’s headed back to Coruscant (to face the inevitable wrath of the Council), Mortis wants to kill Yi’shar and get Lori back and is trying to use the remaining Kovasn as pawns in perhaps a much bigger scheme.... o_O SPOILER! tongue Muahahahaha!

You want to throw your tidbit in there LSM? ^_^

Re: A New Begining

Ok now I get the story... But what do I do? xD Just start with a new character and go with the flow? Or maybe i was thinking about that my character is trying to stop the second from harassing Coruscant? Jizz... I just got no idea hmm

Re: A New Begining

Sometimes I'm picky... sometimes I'm not. It all depends. tongue But whatever you want to do here works with me. A new character is always welcome or have your character just pop in somewhere like he's been waiting for his cue. ^_^

And if you want to go chasing after the Second I'm cool with that as well. I believe I can cut his feeding a little sort to have some epic battle with a Force-user. Y'all are mighty tastier to one as he after all.  wink