Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Rane stops abruptly, the simple, sudden move sending shivers down Vector and Yi'shar's spines. He turns to face them, Sara using what little strength she has left to lift her head so she can look over Rane's arm at the two Jedi.

Rane twitches, the sign that his fractured mind had not completely pulled itself back together just yet.

"Jedi..." they hear him whisper through the Force.

Rane growls. He didn't know whether to trust the Jedi, simply leave, or enjoy the guility pleasure of killing them first. They were... friends... weren't they? He couldn't tell anymore. Things seemed so distorted.

Another twitch. Yes. Friends. He had trusted Vector. Rane glares at the Jedi. But to protect Sara... even if that meant killing him. Jedi. Always weak. Always lacking the guts to kill when the job needed to be done! Either that or the Jedi believed there was still some part of the old Sith left to be saved.

He was wrong. So wrong. Rane looks back at Sara, more blood tears burning in his eyes as her gaze meets his. She was everything to him. And still he left her... left the one person who had ever really mattered to him. The one thing which made him human. He wasn't worth saving. Never had been.

She was...

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

You guys still post here? ANNNNNDDDD it's stickied?
I have been gone waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy too long.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

did this rpg ever restart? and if so tell me what page i will post a chara app and then read from there and fill in some parts so i can post

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

yeah it's still going. Starr and I are basically the only ones in it tho

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

"Rane, she's dying! Let me help!" Vector shouts. The frustration is mounting inside him as he struggles to come to grips with the situation. Any action he takes could potentially endanger Sara more. Yet standing by debating which course to take is costing Sara precious moments.

He could try to take her from Rane. But the battle that would inevitably follow would destroy any chance of helping Sara in time.

Rane's hesitation was maddening. If only he would let Vector help Sara...

"Rane, we can sort out our differences later," he says, trying to calm the emotion in his voice. "Right now the important thing is to keep Sara alive. At least let me try."

Suddenly Yi'shar tenses. A tremor in the Force...

Something is coming...

Something dark has found them...

Master and padawan exchange glances.

"You help Sara, master," Yi'shar says. "I'll try to slow down whatever is out there..."

Unhitching his lightsaber from his belt, Yi'shar bolts through the door and seals it behind him.

Outside, he can't see anything yet. But the Force tells him that an enemy is drawing close.

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

okay so where should  Iread to catch up on the story?

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

I'd say page 11 or so Konah. That will give you a good understanding of the characters and how they feel towards one another.

Rane watches Vector's face, searches his mind through the Force. He looks for anything. Anything that would give him a reason to leave the Jedi behind and take Sara for himself; far, far away... But he couldn't find anything. He growls loudly, frustrated. Right now, Vector was more than likely Sara's best chance at survival. Why couldn't he let the Jedi help?

Was it how she would feel in the end? Rane glances down at Sara for a brief moment. She had loved him... once. When she had been the damsel in distress and he her knight in shining armor coming to her rescue. Things were different now though. He had brought this upon her. All this pain and suffering. In fact, all he ever did was hurt her. If only he could control himself!

The sudden trimmer in the Force causes Rane's heart to skip a beat. The drop of sweat trickling down his neck turns ice cold and his body shivers. Yi'shar leaves in a burst of speed.

No... he thinks to himself.

Sara suddenly pushes against Rane in an attempt to get away from him. She had felt it... Rane looks down at her in disbelief, anger and pain swirling in his eyes. He shakes his head desperately.

"No, Sara," Vector barely hears him whisper as he falls to his knees again. "No... I... I killed him! I killed him!" he repeats as she twists from his grasp onto the cold hanger floor.

He reaches for her hand. "For you cyare..."

Sara pulls away from Rane, tears pouring down her face again, her breathing ever more ragged. She clutches the gapping hole in her stomach. She wouldn't survive much longer. She was fighting for her life but Rane had been keeping her alive with his sheer willpower, something Vector had never witnessed. But he was slowly losing his concentration... which meant Sara was dying even faster.

Rane grips his lightsaber in his hand, the pressure almost crushing the barrel. "For... for all the things... he did to you..." he adds, slowly.

Sara shakes her head slowly. The word forms on her lips but no sound emerges. Lies.

Rane turns to Vector, a single tear forming a bright red war stripe down his face. He stands to his feet and leaves, following Yi'shar without another word. Sara lays on the ground, watching him leave, clutching the stone floor as if it would help her hold onto her life.

Cyare - Mando'a for 'beloved'

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

A mass of shadowy shapes looms nearer. Yi'shar can feel hate and fear radiating from it. Like nothing he had ever felt before. What could this possibly be...


Vector sprints to Sara's side. Cradling her head in his arms, he places his right hand over the gaping wound.

His eyes close.

A blue light begins to glow between his hand and her body.

The Force flows between them...

His face twists, his features drawn tight and clenched as his concentration deepens. Sweat begins to pour from his forehead...

The glow intensifies to a brilliant white light...

Warmth floods over their bodies...

Sara's pain intensifies, as if something is burning into the wound. But now Vector can feel it too. It hits him like a tidal wave, sweeping over him with a force more powerful than Sith lightening.

He struggles to keep maintain his focus. The sheer intensity of the pain is staggering. Suddenly he realizes that he is screaming; no longer is he controlling his body or voice. He has only one focus, and all of his will is bent on one thought.

But is it enough...

His strength begins to fail. His hand starts trembling...

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Sara's hands move to grab Vector's. "Vector," she whispers through the Force.

Another trimmer through the Force, this one stronger than the last. Sara arches her back, her nails biting into the skin of his hands as she fights the pain rushing through her again.

... Yi'shar ...

It was a faint sound at first. Something you wouldn't hear if you weren't listening. But Yi'shar was listening... waiting. It was too fast to dodge, however, even with Jedi reflexes. He catches a glimpse of the object before it strikes the ground not too far away from him; feels the trimmer beneath his feet as his world goes black and everything ceases tl exist.


Dead. He had to be dead. But wait.... He inhlaes sharply, his lungs straining under an unfamiliar weight. There is a deafening ringing in his ears and the metallic taste of blood in his mouth. His pulse pounds wildly, causing his head to throb. He feels cold hands against his neck, checking... checking for a pulse. Then they grab his arms and pull.

Weight rolls away and he takes another deep breath, this time fresh air filling his lungs. Warmth baths his face. Light. He blinks but nothing. He tries again and again and slowly his vision returns. Everything is foggy. He looks up to see the person leaning over his body, checking for injuries. That face... Rane. Rane had saved him.

Rane's lips move but the ringing in his ears prevents him from hearing anything else. He continues to blink in an effort to restore his vision completely. His vision finally clears and the ringing fades. Rane helps him sit up.

... Rane ...

"Are you alright?!" he yells at Yi'shar.

The Jedi stares blankly at him for a moment, blinking occassionally. Rane helps him sit up and then stands to his feet, looking cautiously towards the building size cratar in the ground a good 20 yards away. Had he caused this?

Smokes rises from the cratar like a pillar and the soil around the outside boils and bubbles. Then a hand, fingers digging into the still burning soil as someone... something pulls itself out. Rane takes a step back and growls.

... Yi'shar ...

He watches as the person pull itself from the crater. It stands to its feet slowly, allowing Yi'shar and Rane to take in every shocking detail. It is human in appearance... but a human wouldn't have survived that crash. It's skin appears more like metal plating than flesh and is charred colored. Red segmenting lines decorate its body as if it had been cut into pieces, only to be reassembled.

Its eyes glow bright red and steam, much as Rane's had when he had been... possessed. It has no mouth which Yi'shar can see and yet its voice is hauntingly clear. "Rane..."


Sorry for taking over Yi'shar there for a second but I had to get Rane re-involved somehow and I think it turned out nicely don't you?  smile He's yours again Master Jedi. ~_^

Also, my new Sith dude... imagine the Silver Surfer off Fantastic Four. Just Sithified with all the cool details I listed up there. And yes, he's naked... but just like the Silver Surfer you don't see his junk. lol Such disappointment ladies I know but... oh well.  tongue

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

*whistling*  .....

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

With a blinding flash of light and energy, Vector screams out something in an ancient language, long forgotten by even most Jedi. Then he falls back, weakened, crumpled, gasping for breath. A faint blue aura surrounds him, fading slowly. The air around them tingles with Force energy.

Slowly he feels the strength returning to his body. Vector raises his head, looking at Sara anxiously. He scrambles to an almost upright position and reaches out for her, barely touching her shoulder....


His mind was racing with a million confused thoughts. What had happened to him? How had Rane saved him? Why had Rane saved him? What was this dark being that attacked them?

Now was not the time to ponder the answers, however. Yi'shar turned his full focus to this creature. He had never seen anything like it.

"Let's see if we can make it bleed," he said under his breath, igniting his saber.

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Sara inhales sharply and sits up, rubbing the back of her head. She looks over at Vector. "Vector," she smiles.


Rane growls, glancing over at Yi'shar before his gaze quickly shifts back to the threatening figure watching them. The young Jedi was in way over his head. Sure he might have faced Sith before but none of them were like this. Hell the others... they weren't even Sith in comparison.

This was Viinum. He had been the Overseer's second best student. That is before Rane had lost the Way. Apparently he'd improved... or been improved. Perhaps that was a better wording. Was the man even a man anymore?

No. He was something far more horrible. A produce of the Overseer's twisted experiments. Rane feels his anger boiling. Those... experiments... He clenches his fists.


Yi'shar's gaze moves to Rane. There is a massive distrubance in the Force and while at first Yi'shar thinks it is coming from the creature he suddenly realizes it is coming from Rane.

He watches as Rane clenches his fists, tattooes and scars emerging along his arms and neck that hadn't been there moments ago. They begin to glow a haunting blue color as do his veins. His clothes begin to rip as his muscles bulge and ripple beneath his skin. The sound of bones popping causes Yi'shar's skin to crawl.

Impossible! He'd never seen anything like it! Rane was... growing. Changing even. What... was he?


Sorry, I had to take over him again. It just gives an extra perspective to Rane's... change. smile Also Viinum is pronounced the same as Venom. Playing with letters is fun.  tongue

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector breathes a sigh of relief and smiles.

"That wasn't the easiest thing I've ever done," he says laughing. Then more seriously, "I thought I was going to lose you."


Yi'shar steps back. There is no way that he would want to be caught in a broil between these two monsters. Whatever Rane really was, and whatever that thing coming at them was, they were both too powerful for him. Then a terrible thought crosses his mind...
What if Rane suddenly became hostile again and joins this creature against them?!
He didn't want to think about it. Somewhere, he felt life in Sara again, and peace in his master's heart. That was all that he wanted. Now he would watch and wait for an opportunity to strike their enemy.

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing


Rane was Changing! Viinum curses himself. The Overseer had warned him, told him to anticipate and strike before the man had even the slightest chance. It was too late now. Rane was unstoppable in his Changed form, faster and stronger than Viinum could ever be; a beast driven by its own pain, hate, and unquenchable bloodlust. Viinum’s advantages are dwindling at an alarming rate. But Viinum couldn’t attack. Not yet.

A drop of Rane’s blood could unlock the secrets the man had destroyed in his escape. A live specimen to copy the DNA from would be most useful. The Overseer wanted Rane alive if at all possible. But while Rane’s bones pop in and out of place and his body reshapes to contain his adrenaline pumped muscles the man is extremely vulnerable; and expecting an attack. Viinum knew the best way to fight an animal… was to wear it out first.

So for now Viinum watches from a distance. His attention, however, is quickly diverted to the Jedi near Rane’s feet. He had been informed that Rane would be alone. Then again, perhaps he was. Viinum could be interrupting a feeding. It would explain Rane’s almost immediate Change. Viinum quickly expands his senses, searching through the Force for any other presences. Could it be an ambush? Could Rane have known? No. No, it couldn’t be.

Viinum freezes as he senses another Jedi… and… and her! He grins maliciously. Perhaps this untamable monster could be brought to its knees after all.

“Just got to have fun with him for a while…” he thinks to himself, moving towards Rane.


Viinum moves. Rane’s stance immediately turns threatening instead of defensive. His Change is almost complete. He is ready. He shakes his head slightly, ignoring the final pains as his jaws finish stretching and his legs bend… inhuman ways. This would be easy. Rane had crushed Viinum time and time again; even killed him once. Supposedly anyway.

Then again Viinum was… changed as well. Rane looks over his shoulder at Yi’shar with a growl. Before the young Jedi no longer stands Rane but a ravenous animal which walks like and resembles the man it had been moments ago. It is… disturbing. Especially to hear it still speak with the long teeth protruding from its elongated jaws hindering its speech, making it seem more of a deep throaty growl than the one single word.

“Stay,” Rane manages, turning back to face Viinum.


She touches Vector's face lightly, as if it may not be real. "You saved me... I... I don't know what to say. Thank you seems... so insufficent..."


Rane's Changed form... only a little less hairer. wink … 1fabeb.jpg

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector smiles. "There's no need to say anything. I would gladly lay down my life for you."


It was worse than Yi'shar could have imagined. Both of them. Rane was right, this was clearly not his fight. But what to do?!

"Master," he thought.

Turning quickly, he ran back towards the hanger were Vector and Sara were. If anyone would know what to do, it would be those two.

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Rane roars, the sound echoing over the flat terrain. His muscles tense, readying for an attack. Viinum moves, faster this time, a charge. And Rane lunges forward to meet him.


Viinum ignores the fleeing Jedi. He and his Master would be dealt with eventually. For now the rabid dog is his only concern. Rane lunges towards him, an attack blinded by brute strength. He snaps at Viinum's midsection, missing by mere inches. Viinum uses the opportunity to quickly retaliate.

His fist slams into Rane's jaw, bone and flesh giving way to the massive power behind the blow. The force of the attack sends Rane flat on his stomach, laying at Viinum's feet. Viinum immediately grabs Rane by the tuff of hair on his back and flings the man's dead-weight mass a good 150 yards away.

He growls, watching as Rane gets to his feet as if nothing had happened at all, the indention in his jaw quickly healing and reshaping.


There is a faint echo. That sound... it seemed so familiar and yet so far away. She had heard it before. But only when - No...

"Where is he, Vector?" she asks, managing to get to her feet rather successfully. "What did you do to him to make him..." she stops, looking around frantically. "Why is he..." she pauses, unable to get the words to form correctly.

She looks to Vector for answers, anger boiling inside her. "Why is he Changed?!" she demands.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

"I don't know what you're talking about," Vector says, taken aback. "We sensed something was coming. He and Yi'shar both went out to deal with it."

Just then Yi'shar enters the room.

"Master! It's Rane. Some monster has come, and Rane is changed. He will need our help to beat this thing!"

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Okay, I’ve kinda forgotten the whole “main” part of this RPG. Weren’t we Jedi supposed to be hunting Cratus’s character… or something like that? When we finish up this little drama here I need to know where our characters are heading and why. So I can, you know, devise some more diabolical plot twists. XP

Also either you or I will have to take over Cratus’s character I guess since he seems to have slipped off again. Or maybe George, Prince, or Konah would like to step in to fill the Sith’s shoes?

Sara remains silent for the moment. Every fiber of her being tells her to run; to leave Rane to whatever fate the Overseer deems worthy of his escaped pet. It is understandable, a reasonable response to the man who had almost killed her mere moments ago. The beast which had turned on her once more. But she couldn’t…

Despite everything –the pain, the suffering, the heartbreak –Rane is the reason she is free; the reason she is alive. He had turned against his Sith teachings, turned on his Master… for her. Sadly, it had all ended badly for both of them. Sara had been thrown to Viinum –who with Rane’s betrayal –was now the Overseer’s new dark apprentice. 

Rane, on the other hand, had been dragged away to a place which still haunts his sleep. There the Overseer had him tortured and starved. The beginnings of a slow and painful death. However, a  Dathomiri Witch under the Overseer persuaded the Sith Lord not to waste his investment in the promising Sith warrior. 

Instead, the Dathomiri spoke of “dark magic” which could turn Rane into something far grander.  A mindless savage beast to do the bidding of its Master. The Overseer of course had agreed. Part way through the process of Rane’s “transformation”, however, Viinum decided to visit his predecessor.

It was victory lap of sorts, an opportunity to gloat in the face of the man whose shadow he no longer stood in. Viinum fed on the hate which burned in Rane’s eyes as he relayed all the horrible things he had done to Rane’s “little slave girl”. Fueled by this unbridled rage which Viinum provoked, however, Rane’s body immediately unwent its first Change.

Breaking free of his shackles, Rane had lunged on Viinum, tearing the man to pieces and even consuming some of Viinum’s flesh to satisfy his new awakened hunger. Because the experiments had not been completed Rane was able to retain his humanity. But barely. He immediately struck out against his Sith oppressors, slaughtering his way into the Overseer’s Temple and into Viinum’s quarters.

There he had found Sara. Sara gasps softly, remembering the moment. He had been terrifying, nothing more than a beast which chose to walk as a man, reeking of death, blood drenching his body and dripping from his mouth. But his eyes… she would never forget those eyes. The eyes of the man who dared to fight for her.

He had broke her chains and picked her up in his arms, carrying her through the Temple’s hallways, each of them littered with shredded bodies, the floors and walls soaked with blood. All for her. Sara heads towards the door of the hanger. Rane may be a monster to some but he is hers nonetheless. She would not abandon him.

She stops her hand on the door. Her voice is low –a faint voice –soft and sad. “I’m sorry, Vector. It’s just… it’s very rare from him to… Change. He becomes very… unstable. Can lose himself to the Change… I… fear for him…”

She turns to face Vector and Yi’shar but doesn’t meet their gaze. “When you see him… you must look beyond the Sith… beyond the beast. He is… a deeply troubled man but a man all the same. You will never really understand all that he has been through… all he’s done for me.”

She chuckles lightly. “You probably think I’m crazy. The bastard just tried to kill me,” she smiles but it quickly fades with a sigh. "But it’s not like that. These… Sith… they know how to hurt him. They know to get to him you have to go after what he loves most…”

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector nods.

"Well, then we'd better make sure they don't have the chance to do that" he said, unclipping his lightsaber from his belt and following her.

Yi'shar fell in behind, ready to follow his master to any end. Rane confused him, but he had faith in Vector's decisions. He had learned long ago that his master was wise and powerful, and a man he could follow without hesitation or fear. Even if he did not trust Rane, he could never leave his master.

Vector walked through the door. He was taken back by Rane's appearance, and by the form of the monster attacking him. But the surprise was only momentary. He sized up the situation as he closed in on the two combatants.

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Viinum and Rane circle each other in a dance of death. Viinum’s hands ball into fists, preparing for his next attack. Blood drops from Rane’s nose onto his tongue which dangles from his open jaws. Rane’s chest heaves violently as he pants, each deep breath causing blood to gush from the deep laceration across his chest and soak his fur in dark rivets of blood.

Viinum thrust his arms forward towards Rane. Small swirling black holes appear in the air, engulfing the lower halves of Viinum’s arms which then quickly reappear, emerging from two similar swirling holes near Rane’s chest. Viinum’s fingers dig the gash in Rane’s chest, peeling away the skin and flesh surrounding the wound.

Rane’s body struggles to heal itself as Viinum continues to tear at it. His back arches and he groans loudly, the sound rumbling with pain. Then... a whisper...


His heart skips a beat and his legs unexpectedly go numb. He falls to his knees, his vision blurring, his chest burning horribly. But he holds onto the faint voice…


He shakes his head violently, a lump forming in his throat as he tries to whisper her name. The words... they wouldn't form. He was... losing... the beast... he couldn't...

He roars, trying to warn her. He lifts his gaze, barely able to focus on her in the distance, colors blurring together.


… Viinum …

Viinum pauses, the whisper through the Force barely catching his attention. He glances back over his shoulder, his inhuman eyes immediately focusing on Sara. He loses interest in Rane, the swirling black holes fading and the lower halves of his arms returning to his side.

There. His prize. The only real reason he'd come. To take her back from that mongrel dog. To make her Sith once more. He turns to face her, his eyes burning red.

… Sara …

She abruptly stops, frozen in fear. She had known and yet… nothing could have prepared her for it. The name creeps into her mind like a snake, making her skin crawl and threatening to poison her very soul. Viinum.

Dead. He was supposed to be dead. She had seen him in Rane’s nightmares. Seen his shredded body, his blood pouring out into pools on the floor. Yet here he is. Not exactly alive... but here all the same. Even after... everything.

Her gaze shifts to Rane, no longer a man but not really a beast. Simply Rane. He looks up momentarily to stare back at her but then hangs his head again.


A thought, a whisper, an urge. She shakes her head, ignoring the mind trick.

“Rane…” she tries again.

There is a loud roar as Rane rises to his feet and rushes forward, grabbing Viinum and slamming the Sith into the ground underneath all his weight.

“Run!” Rane demands, his voice echoing loudly inside Vector’s head, the words hardly more than growls and barely intelligible. Vector feels a powerful push in the Force behind Rane’s command. He was attempting to impose his will on Vector, trying to make the Jedi obey.

“Take her… from here!”


An example of Viinum's "phantom hands": … h_Veil.jpg (Note: Viinum's "phantom hands" are smaller. Normal sized.)