Re: A New Begining

Yi'shar plummets through the elevator shaft, free-falling faster and faster.

"Closer, closer..."

He senses he is near, and fires a grappling hook from his wrist gauntlet. It catches on the wall and his decent slows. Yi'shar swings into an open doorway and slides along the floor, releasing the tow line at the last instant.

They were close. He could sense the darkness. Not far away now.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Mortis seizes Lori by her neck, hosting her up and pressing her body against his ship. The Jedi was faster than he’d expected and hot on his trail. Mortis’ attempts to mask his presence from the Master had obviously failed. But he’d have to worry about honing his skills later.

His nails begin to bite into Lori’s neck, choking her struggling cries from her throat. The smell of her fear was driving him insane. He’d have to be careful when he bonded them. Careful that he didn’t kill her. His eyes turn pitch black as the pounding of Lori’s frantic heart seems to deafen everything else. His tongue runs wickedly over his sharp teeth.

“Finally…” he begins in a hoarse voice, choked by the hunger that was slowly consuming him. “You have no idea… how long I’ve waited for this…”

Mortis’ jagged fangs suddenly sink deep into Lori’s tender neck, her cries of pain muffled by the hand he quickly places over her mouth. Blood. Life. Incredible power! Yes! For thousands upon thousands of years he’d waited for someone like her: someone that could carry on his line; match him. He had been fearful the day might never come.

But oh, how it was worth a thousand more years! To taste someone as wickedly sweet as her... His body shudders and he forces himself to regain his composure. He pulls away from Lori, healing the seeping pinprick wounds in her neck with a quick wave of his hand. He releases his grip on her, helping her steady herself. Her knees tremble and her body shakes with a strange new dark hunger.

Mortis smiles, blood still dripping from his prominent fangs. He eagerly tears away the thin fabric over his chest, slashing his flesh open in the process. Dark blood flows from cut stretched out over his heart. Mortis grabs Lori by the back of her neck, his fingers knotting in her hair, as he pulls her head towards his chest.

“Drink…” he nearly growls.

Lori fights Mortis' grip, desperate to get away from the horrifying hunger that made her struggle to swallow the salvia rapidly forming in her mouth. This was wrong. She knew it... and yet she couldn't stop. Mortis was evil... the purest of evil. The very thing she fought to destroy. And yet she couldn't resist him...

Re: A New Begining

With a burst of Force speed, Yi'shar became a blur through the corridor. He would have to hurry. He could already feel the life draining from Lori. But she wasn't dying, she was turning cold...dark...

His lightsaber ignited and became a blazing green brand, crackling with energy and leaving a smoking contrail behind him.

"Lori!" He screamed, heedless of the Republic soldiers that were now crying after him. A few blaster bolts whizzed past, but he ignored them. The Jedi was focused entirely on his objective.

And there she was. His Force sight showed her on the other side of a wall, only a few meters ahead. A heavy mist concealed the other being that was with her, but he could feel that it was more powerful than even a Sith assassin, and twice as evil.

With a blast of Force telekinesis the wall crumbled before him and he shot into the room with Lori and her captor.


"Colonel Norad, you will report on you actions at Malachor V within the hour," came the voice over the holoprojector.

"Yes, sir" Norad replied. He was less than thrilled at the prospect.

"Don't worry," Daan interjects. "I'll have the council intercede. I'll tell them you were only acting under my orders."

"Yeah, that will go a long way..." Norad mutters.

He, Jason, and Daan both head to the hanger, board a shuttle and head to the planet surface. Daan goes to the Jedi Temple, while Norad heads to the Republic Fleet Command Center.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Revan turns to face the blast doors leading to the bridge as a soldier hastily enters. She reads his mind before he can speak, quickly holding up her hand with a flick of the Force to stop the man from talking. She immediately turns to Malak –now a cold sliver of the man he had once been –who seems obvious to the news the soldier brought, watching the stars slowly pass by the large bridge windows.

Revan moves to stand beside him. “There is a dark force at work here,” she begins, still believing in her ‘just cause’; that this was all for the Republic.

Malak simply nods. He knew. He also knew that whatever it was, it was after Lori. This could be to his benefit. The dark force might kill the girl; but he doubted that. The situation was turning out to be a nasty affair. The dark force was after Lori… but not to kill her.

Malak turns to Revan, anger in his eyes. “You should have killed that girl when you had the chance Revan,” he fumes. “Whatever is after her is powerful… so powerful,” he adds, seeming to wander off before he quickly comes back to the subject.

“She’ll be the end of us… if she lives,” Malak growls. “I won’t let that happen.”

With that, Malak storms off the bridge, slamming the bridge doors behind him with the Force. Malak enters the nearest elevator, but doesn’t select any levels… just stands there are listens. The dark force had put more effort into masking its presence and Malak could no longer find it. However, he could sense a Jedi. He smiles.

…unknown location…

There were so many dead… so many bodies; so much blood. Zorvon drops his sword to the ground, it’s shiny silver blade crimson stained. They’d done it; killed the entire army that was supposed to guard them. Now they had to find a ship. Get out of here. To somewhere. The Sith had returned and they had to be stopped.

They were dangerously insane. Mad with a new power. The Kovasn would change that, however. Would destroy it, destroy the Sith before this war got out of hand. They might not be Jedi but they shared similar goals.

Destiny’s Pawn, lower decks; hanger bay…

Mortis turns to face the intruder, hissing violently, the ear-piercing shriek-like cry sending shivers down Yi’shar’s spine. Yi’shar easily sees through the allusion of Mortis’s masquerade, the Sith’s disguise seemingly crumbling to pieces at his feet. Before him stands a monster of a man, dark and immensely scarred ebony skin tightly stretched over massive, bulging muscles that make up an impressive 6 foot frame.

Mortis’ face looks immaculately human despite the ebony skin and soulless white eyes. A handsome man when he’d been mortal no doubt. Yi’shar quickly notices Mortis’ brilliantly white teeth as well as the two lengthy blood stained fangs located where his incisors should have been. Mortis’s straight, silk, jet black hair ends just below his chest, now matted with particles of the dried dark blood that flows from the laceration in his chest.

Yi’shar’s gaze quickly jumps to Lori who Mortis holds close to his body and who seems to stare aimlessly at Yi’shar. He notices her smoky eyes, glazed over with some kind of dark hunger, and the dark blood dripping from her mouth.

Re: A New Begining

Yi'shar spins his lightsaber, eyeing his opponent. This Sith was like none other he had faced. He doubted that he could truly even be called a Sith. This was some fallen follower of another cult devoted to the darkside. And to death.

It is a good thing I'm not a Jedi anymore, he thought to himself.

He had something in common with this strange being before him. Neither of them belonged to the Order commonly associated with their respective sides of the Force. Yi'shar had been a Jedi at one time. The Order had cast him out over some of his controversial teachings. He had found another brotherhood, one that fought for the same freedoms but with a different set of rules.

Fortunately for him now, for their training and disciplines had prepared him to meet this enemy better than any Jedi technique had.

The whole ship pulsed with life...the Force ebbing and flowing through every hallway, every airlock and chamber. Yi'shar gathered the Force around him, drawing it to himself, swelling with energy and power, drinking in the life around him.

He was a warrior.

He was light itself.

The green light from his saber blazed brightly as he neared his opponent. His eyes glowed with energy. He felt the Force almost lifting him off the ground in anticipation of attack.

"Let her go," he said slowly, calmly.


Jason and Col. Norad finished making their report, and now stood in the hallway outside of the Fleet Command Center, both stunned.

"General!" Norad said. "In all my wildest dreams, I would never have expected that."

"I'm just glad they kept me in a fighter and didn't put me on a bridge post," laughed Jason.

"How does it feel to have the whole fleet to pick from for a new squadron, though?" asked an aid that was escorting them.

"Ha! I already know who half of them will be!" he replied. "Well, General Norad, I guess I'll see you at the Republic Halo point. Try not to do anything too stupid between now and then sir. Wouldn't want you to be promoted to Admiral too soon now would we?"

"You just worry about getting your squad together." Norad replied. "We'll need men every bit as good as you if not better if we hope to have any chance against Revan."


The Jedi council sat for hours in council. Kavar was still absent, meeting with the Kovasn informants. Several Council Masters had been murdered in the night. Revan and Malak falling to the ways of their enemies, the Sith.

"What else could go wrong?" Master Vrook had said.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Sorry I've been gone for a long while guys. I'll be back on later sometime to post some. smile

Re: A New Begining

busy winter for everyone i guess

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

lol You have no idea...

You've got control of Kavar just to remind you, LSM. smile Let's go take the informants before the Council shall we?

The Private shifts in his glistening white armor, rubbing a speck of dust off his shoulder. Watching out of the corner of his eye, the Sergeant shakes his head in disapproval. Cherry. f**king cherry. Never seen a drop of blood in his life.

He was sure in for a ride. A rampage had taken place throughout Coruscant in the earliest hours of the morning. Buildings had collapsed, people had been brutally murdered in animalistic fashions. It was chaos for the city's authorities.

A few of the victims had been completely drained of their blood, the medical examiners putting them aside. The medical examiners believed a second culprit was to be charged with their murders. The Sergeant doubted this.

Coruscant was full of murderers, drug dealers, thieves, bounty hunters, prostitutes, and other illegal activist but two serial killers acting at exactly the same time with almost identical killing patterns?

Fat chance. The criminal they were getting involved with was one sick puppy who liked to switch things up. Make things interesting. The Private bends over and pulls away the seal which was keeping a body inside cool for transportation. Weak stomach, as the Sergeant suspected.

The Private looses his lunch behind a nearby sign. Cherry.

...Destiny's Pawn; lower decks, hanger...

"Jediiii..." Mortis hisses. His eyes swirl into a blood colored red as he pushes Lori behind him, placing his body between the threat and his stolen treasure. "Mine," he growls.

Yi'shar knew this dark force was verbally capable but it seemed far too consumed with its primitve, dark hunger to concentrate on forming many words. Mortis lifts his right hand towards Yi'shar, black smoke swirling around it.

Yi'shar watches as a lightsaber barrel materializes from thin air. Mortis activates the lightsaber, the weapon's black blade screaming through the Force. Death. So much death. It was almost unbearable.

This... thing, this monster, was far older than anything Yi'shar had ever encountered before. It possibly dated back to before the Jedi. A life of hate, anger, and insatiable hunger spanning thousands upon thousands of years.

Whatever this creature was it was more Sith than it credited. It craved more death and more power. Right now Yi'shar was both a threat to Mortis's new-found lover and a potential victim to his life-draining vampirism. A prize if ever there were one.

Yi'shar could make no mistakes here. He either won... or he died.

Re: A New Begining

"So you like blood?" Yi'shar says, spinning his brilliant green blade. "How about a taste of your own?!"

With that, he lunges forward, propelling himself at an angle towards the monster. In a series of leaps using both the floor and walls, Yi'shar comes hurtling towards Mortis with a cry, saber swinging.

Blade crashes against blade at a speed that would blind normal eyes. Yi'shar can only see the furry of Mortis's blade through the Force. Drawing on all of his training and strength in the Force, Yi'shar matches reflexes and technique with the monster.

Neither can advance. Neither will retreat.

Yi'shar changes tactics. Leaping back, he throws his lightsaber into the lighting conduits. Instantly darkness consumes the hallway. Deactivating his lightsaber, Yi'shar masks his presence and sizes up his enemy.

He knows this thing is no stranger to the night. But neither is Yi'shar. If darkness is the monster's ally, then it will be his as well.

"You cannot have her," he says, his voice echoing from a hundred directions. "She is a Jedi; she is not yours to claim."


I'll add more with the other characters soon. cool

Last edited by Lightside Master (2011-02-17 12:21:14)

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Cool.  big_smile

The emergency lights flicker on, the dark red lights doing little more to light the hallway than the darkness itself. An eerie chuckle echoes down the hallway followed by a harsh, cold breath on the nack of Yi'shar's neck. Yi'shar turns to face the threat but it has vanished; as if it were nothing more than a ghost.

Yi'shar turns back around, his gaze immediately locking with a woman who stands ten feet away from him. Yi'shar had never seen her before in his life and yet she felt vaguely familiar as if he had always known her. Her name... her name... Moyori? Yes. Jedi Master Moyori.

She is dazzlingly beautiful. And she looks much younger; younger than she looks in the mental image Yi'shar suddenly finds in his mind. She smiles at him, a mesmerizing smile which would have melted the heart of the most battle-hardened soldier. She almost makes Yi'shar forget where he was.

"Yi'shar," she says sweetly. "It's been so long..."

...Destiny's Pawn; lower decks...

The elevator doors slide open and Malak steps into the hallway. He looks down both corridors, checking for movements, signs of battle, anything. But there is nothing. He searches through the Force. The Jedi... it was either gone or masking its presence. Whatever else was down here, however, was broadcasting its presence loud and clear.

Like it wanted someone to notice.

...Coruscant; Jedi Temple...

The Sergeant uses his foot to roll the body of the trooper over. The head briefly rolls away like a runaway coin, thudding to the ground as it bumps into another dead soldier. Damn Sith. Always making a mess of things. the Sergeant inhales deeply, the faint scent of scorched flesh singeing his nostrils.

Just about every damn patrol in the district had been whipped out in the little escapade which had taken place last night. The ones who had survived were just lucky bastards. Finally not in the wrong spot at the wrong time. He turns and whistles at the medvac team picking up bodies.

"More over here!" he shouts.

The medics nod. The Sergeant takes one last look at the group of bodies at his feet and walks towards the Temple, taking the last few sips of his coffee. Yup. Mondays...

Re: A New Begining


Re: A New Begining

"That didn't go so bad," Jason says as he leaves the briefing room with Col. Norad.

"Hmph," was the gruff reply. "Jedi. I wouldn't be disappointed if I never saw one again. Now we have two armies of them getting ready to fight each other."

"Do you really think it will be that serious?" Jason asks. "Wouldn't Revan just stage some sort of coup with the council and leave the rest of the Republic out of it?"

"Fat chance," Norad grumbles. "It'll be Exar Kun all over again. He and Malak won't be satisfied to take the Council. They'll be after the whole galaxy. They beat the Mandalorians only to take their place. And half our Navy to boot!"

He boards a shuttle back to the fleet to make preparations for a defensive line. Jason heads to the Council to explain the situation.


Daan stiffens, the hair rising on the back of his neck.

Sith are here. Within the Temple itself!

Slowly he enters the dark halls, making his way through the maze of corridors.

Someone is coming!

With a flash his lightsaber is activated, clashing with another in midair...

But they are both green!

"Nur-Jii Daan?" a voice asks.

Master Kavar steps into the light of their blades. Daan steps back and bows.

"I am sorry master, I thought..."

The hair on the back of his neck stands straight up. A Kovasn is beside the Jedi Master. Quicker than thought his blade is sizzling at the Kovasn's throat.

"What are you doing here?"


All Yi'shar could think of was trap. He backs away, holding his lightsaber pointed at the woman's chest.

"What are you doing here? Where's Lori?" he asks.

He reaches out through the Force. There are only 3 living beings anywhere closeby. Himself, Lori, and this...person. It was possible that the Sith, or whatever it was, could be hiding his presence. But the odds were greater that he was able to shift his image.

"Lori?" he calls.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Will post tomorrow...

Re: A New Begining

Xvan growls threateningly, immediately grabbing Daan's lightsaber and shoving it away from his throat. The burning intensity of the blade merely causing the Kovasn's guantlets to smoke faintly. "Careful where you point that toy, boy. You threaten me and it may be the last thing you ever do."

Akson steps forward to stand beside Kavar now. If this other... Jedi was going to be a problem or hinder the Kovasns' mission he would be removed from the equation entirely. Akson preferred a peaceful solution at the moment but to a Kovasn a drawn blade didn't go without blood.

...Destiny's Pawn; lower decks...

Moyori suddenly fades from view with Mortis's haunting laugh. There is a blast of cold air causing Yi'shar to turn around once more. Mortis stands twenty feet down the darkened hallway, holding Lori against him. His lengthened teeth barely scrape the skin of her neck as her smoky gaze locks with Yi'shar's.

Mortis chuckles. "You... want her... Jedi...?"

Re: A New Begining

I know I'm just intruding, but I really can't believe that this RPG has been going on for 3 years. It's nice to know smile

and sorry for interrupting

Last edited by George Kwei (2011-03-17 20:11:52)

Re: A New Begining

lol It's no big deal... the interrupting part. big_smile Yeah, I can't believe it's still going either. Of course it has had quite a few redos but I guess it still counts.  wink

Re: A New Begining

Yeah... I was just reading the beginning of it. When I was still in it. Damn that was long time ago big_smile


Re: A New Begining

Daan frowns. "Master, what are these doing here?"

"Calm down, youngling," Kavar says. "These Kovasn are here to help us. A Sith infiltrated the Temple and killed several of the Masters."

Daan deactivates the lightsaber. "I'm sorry Master. Its just that we were just killing these filth a short time ago."

"Many things have changed. Who we once thought were our allies are now our enemies, and friends come from unexpected places," Kavar says.


Yi'shar stares at his enemy. If looks could kill...

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

190 that a record?

Re: A New Begining

still going strong

I Am Jedi