Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Rane's fingers dig into the ground as his body vibrates with fierce power. So much...! It felt so good! No... he had to resist... had to stop...

"Why do you fight it?"

Rane freezes, his blood turns cold, and the hair on the back of his neck stands on end. That... that voice. No! NO! It... couldn't be!

"Give into your rage, young pupil, let it flow through you and feed your power... kill the Jedi while you still have the chance!"

Rane shakes his head violently, shutting his eyes, trying to find the calm in his mind... but there was only chaos, confusion.

"You cannot resist your own being. This is who you are... what you are... a Jedi killer... He is trying to take her away from you: your one chance at redemption and he is stealing it from you! Kill him!"

Rane yells, the sound more animal than human. NO!


Sara stands suddenly, worry in her voice. "Vector you have to leave now! Get away from me! Rane... doesn't trust you."

The hanger door dents as if someone of incredible strength punched it. Another dent. And then another dent. Sara looks at the hanger door then back at Vector, tears in her eyes.

"Go! He'll hurt you, kill you if he feels threatened! But he knows me... trusts me... I'll be fine."

The door to the hanger suddenly flies across the hanger, hitting the wall on the other side. In less than a parsec Rane is in front of Sara, facing Vector, using his body to shield her. Rane glares at Vector his eyes blood red and smoky as if ablaze.

He yells, the demonic sound echoing loudly in the hanger. Vector can see all Rane's muscles tensing, readying himself to attack.

"Vector..." Sara whispers through the Force. "Go."

Sara lays a gentle hand on Rane's shoulder and he turns on her, pressing her body against the nearest wall with his own. He growls.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector turns to leave, when suddenly Yi'shar comes flying into the building. Propelling himself with a force leap, Yi'shar easily clears the distance between the hanger entrance and his master, landing between Rane and Vector.

The blue light of his saber illuminates his face as he looks at Rane.

"That monster will have to go through me to get to you, my master!"

Vector grabs his arm. "Yi'shar, no!"

"Can't you see it! In his eyes!" Yi'shar spits out the words with disdain. "The darkside never left him! It has only been in hiding, waiting for an opportunity to rise again! He hates you because of Sara's feelings for you! As long as the two of you are together, Rane will try to kill you!"

Vector looks at Sara, torn between his desire to save her from Rane, and the knowledge that Rane was being driven to this madness by his own presence and closeness to Sara.

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

everywhere i go there go them traitors...

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Prince, SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

what is his problem? hmm

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

He has been trying to get his post count up so he has been random posting.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

lies. slander. all a bunch of bullshit. just sayin.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

dude, you aren't even in this RPG.

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

i'll admit, that this one ONLY THIS ONE was random.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

anyway, still waiting for Starr

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

They hear an eerie chuckle as Rane turns to face them, his eyes burning with the same hate that seemed to now fuel his beating heart. "Foolish Jedi," he begins, his voice echoing as if not only he spoke... but another as well.

"You think this is about you do you?" he asks, stepping forward suddenly, startling Yi'shar enough to force the young Jedi to step back. "You still don't get it? After all this?"

Another haunting chuckle as Rane begins to slowly circle the Jedi. "Before you stands the most powerful Force user of ten generations," he states, holding his arms out so Yi'shar and Vector can take in every inch of him. "And you think this is about you," he scoffs.

Rane pulls Sara to him with the Force, his fingers trailing under her chin before he faces the Jedi again. "You were but a small piece to this puzzle. The hold I needed on this cursed man's heart. Oh dear Force he tried to fight, tried to keep me out... for her," he looks at Sara again. "For her!"

Rane slaps Sara, a powerful blow that sends her to the floor. There is a slight hesitation afterwards, however, as tears begin to run down Sara's face. Rane's eyes change from red to their normal stormy gray then quickly back to red. A sign of his inner struggle.

"I made him what he is!" Rane yells, looking at the Jedi. "Made him the man he is! I made him stronger, faster, better than those damn Jedi ever could and how does he repay me?! He runs away with this... this... b**ch! This SLAVE!" he roars pointing at Sara.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector watches Rane, anger boiling inside him. This is clearly not Rane speaking. The Sith history of this man has finally caught up with him. A cold shiver runs down Vector's spine. He is both repulsed, and curious. What kind of power could reach across planets to possess a being in this way.

He desperately wanted to help Sara, to draw her back to himself. But he knew that if he tried, she would be torn in two by the struggle through the Force between the Sith and Jedi.

And Rane...what to do with Rane.

"It's about Rane, then." Vector says slowly. "You've been trying to regain control of this man and turn him into another one of your monsters. He's the one Darth Crastis was looking for. And now you think you possess him again."

He ignites his saber.

"I won't let that happen. Even if freeing him means killing him."

He stretches out through the Force and tries to touch Rane's mind. "Rane I know you are there. I want to help you. Let me help you. You cannot fight this on your own."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector feels a mental shove through the Force, the power behind it knocking the Jedi off his feet, his lightsaber flying from his hand and rolling away. Rane's mind was locked away, hidden deep inside whatever abomination that now controlled him. His indistinct hate of Vector and Yi’shar had grown into a roaring beast, feeding the very monster that now consumed him. Would consume them all… given the chance.

In the blink of an eye, Rane is on top of Vector, pinning the Jedi to the ground. Rane grabs Vector's wrists and slams them into the ground so Vector has no way to escape. He sends a mental command through the Force, freezing Yi’shar in his rush to save his Master. Rane lifts his head and laughs, the deep crackle sending powerful vibrations through Vector’s body.

"A monster? Is that what you think he is... what I am?" Rane drives his knee into Vector's gut with bone-crushing force, causing the Jedi to cough up blood. "Oh, that's rich, Jedi! I love it!” His gaze moves to Vector’s face, the hate behind his eyes nearly singeing Vector’s skin.

“So like a Jedi… to name what you don’t know. To judge what you don’t understand. Imbeciles,” he growls. “I suppose you even still think I’m a Sith… that my son is a Sith… don’t you, Jedi? Yes, I can read your mind.” Rane releases another haunting laugh. “She never told you did she? Typical of a schutta,” he spits with disgust.

Out of the corner of his eye, Vector can see Sara slowly bringing herself into a leaning position; her arms supporting her upper body while her legs remained curled close, almost under her body. She meets Vector’s gaze slowly, her face covered in dry tears.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

In that moment, Vector knew what he had to do. He fixed Sara with his eyes, and spoke into her mind...

"I love you Sara"

Then it happened...

Lightening coursed through his whole body, flowing from the very center of his being into Rane's body. The sheer power of force lightening crackled in the air around them. It was not a Jedi technique. His former masters had warned him of using this attack. But it was the one that Rane was least likely to expect.

"More, more..." he thought, grinding his teeth together.

Blinding white bolts arced all around them, scorching the floor and walls of the building. The pain was excruciating, but he focused only one thing...


I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Sorry I've been gone for so long guys. Posting soon. smile

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Rane, surprised that a Jedi would know such a dangerous darkside technique, has no time to block or counter Vector's attack. He groans, trying to pull away as his body is consumed by the rippling lightning. His body, however, refuses to move under the intensifying power that coarses through his veins.

"Foolish Jedi!" he roars. "You'll kill us both!"

Sara gathers enough strength to break free of her forced paralysis. She rushes forward towards Rane and Vector in a desperate attempt to save both men from each other as well as themselves. She had to try. She uses the Force to protect herself, wrapping her arms around Rane's neck, trying to comfort him. Calm him. She rests her head near the nap of his neck, his power muscles shivering under the contact that seemed to burn.

"Rane... please..." she whispers.

Vector watches as Rane calms for a moment, his tense muscles loosening, the intense hate in his eyes slowly disappearing. Suddenly, everything changes with an intense surge of power. And Vector was helpless to prevent the evil intentions that he saw in Rane's eyes.

With a roar of anger Rane gathers his strength, pulling away from Vector. He pulls Vector's lightsaber to him with the Force and turns on Sara. Everything stops. The universe quiets as if starring in awe at such horror. Rane stands with Sara, her hands clutching his forearms for support, pain and betrayal in her eyes, tears running down her face and a blazing lightsaber through her stomach.

Rane immediately deactivaetes the lightsaber, letting Sara fall into his arms.

"Sara...?" Rane asks, his voice wavering.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector and Yi'shar stare in horror at Sara's crumpled body.

"Rane, what have you done?!" shouts Vector, anger boiling inside him.

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Sorry for the delay people. My life gets more and more frustrating and confusing everyday. Guess that's what I get for being a Marine. lol
Rane falls to the ground, holding Sara in his arms. The world around them seems to crackle with the haunting laugh that vibrates around them.

"It is through! She's dead! She's finally dead! And killed by your own hand no less! Where is your honor now Jedi?!" The unseen villian stresses the last word with abhorance and disgust.

Rane roars towards the sky, emitting a shockwave which sends Yi'shar to his knees. "You bastard!" Rane roars. "I'll KILL you for this! I'll SLAUGHTER you, you son of a b**ch!"

Though there is no visible entity, there is a smile in the voice. "You may certainly try..."

And with that the voice is gone, leaving only destruction, death, and turmoil in its wake. Rane looks down at Sara, blood tears rolling down his face. Another sign of the horrors and torture he endured as a student of the Sith.

Sara reaches up, gently wiping away the tears. Rane leans into her palm, desperate for the simple touch.

"I'm... *cough* I'm sorry... Rane... *cough*" blood trails from the corner of Sara's mouth, trinkling down her neck.

Rane shakes his head but Sara cotinues. "I'm sorry... it had to end *cough* like this..."

Rane closes his eyes on a rush of pain. "It's not... over, Sara. I won't let you die. Not while I'm breathing."

Rane gets to his feet, picking Sara up in his arms, cradling her. He walks towards an unmarked ship. Obviously not the one Vector and them had arrived on.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector and Yi'shar watched in horror as Rane carried Sara away. Both could feel the life draining from her, the flame of the Force flickering.

Strangely Vector found himself thinking of pursuing the unknown voice, rather than killing Rane. Try as he might, he could not place the blame entirely on Rane. Forces were at work that were beyond his control, influences that had long before worked their way into Rane's mind and now were trying to seize control. Whoever, or whatever, this power was, it had to be stopped. A power that could reach across a galaxy to control someone's mind was more dangerous than anything he had encountered or even heard of before.


Roused from his thoughts as through a haze, he slowly turned to Yi'shar. "What is it?"

"You have to help her," Yi'shar said. "You studied the Force techniques, you know what to do."

Vector hung his head. "They are all theories. No one has successfully used them..."

"You know it will work!" Yi'shar yelled. "Sara's dying! You can save her. Your connection to her is different than Rane's. There has not been pain between you, the connection is still pure. You can make it work..."

Vector turned, unsure. He watched Rane and Sara for a moment. Then he took a deep breath.

"Rane. Wait. Let me help you. I know how to use Force healing."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

I shall formulate my ideas and be back later! smile