Re: A New Begining

I'm going to go ahead and apologize for some typos that may occur. Typing an entire story on a phone is not the easiest task. Trust me. It seems I also have a limit of characters. Anyway on with the story.

But she did. Revan was still human after all. But that only made her weak. Malak's hand moves to his lightsaber as he takes in all the unfamiliar faces in the room. He refused to let anyone hurt Revan. He would take care of Lori. Kill her. Anything to make sure no one would even touch his Revan.

Malak blinks, trying to focus as his own emotions confuse him. He was a Sith. He should be lunging at the opportunity to exploit such a weakness in his "Master". Could it be that he still loves her? After all she's done? He shakes his head, concentrating. He would worry about that later. Right now all he knew was that he had to get rid of Lori, one way or another.

It was for his Revan after all. And he would do anything for her.

Destiny's Pawn, lower decks; hanger bay

Mortis easily maneuvers around the hanger bay in complete silence, his disguise of the Jedi intact. However, he would need a different one to get around the ship more easily. To get access to Lori. He waits patiently for a few moments, selecting his target carefully. He sneaks up behind the unsuspecting docking bay personnel and uses a quick mind trick to render the man unconscious.

Mortis drags the man's body into a secluded room and uses a Force web to lock the door and muffle any noise may come from his hiding spot. His mouth begins to water and his body shakes with fierce hunger as his nails quickly grow into claws, shredding through the man's flesh towards his heart.

Mortis's eyes turn a pitch black as he sinks his teeth into the heart of his still breathing victim, sucking the very life from him. The man gasps once and then stops breathing as Mortis continues to feed. After a while the ritual is over, the man's body nothing but pieces of ash. Mortis stands, clothing emerging over fresh new skin.

A new disguise.

Re: A New Begining

no prob.



No lights, no engines, nothing that would give away Yi'shar's position. With all the debris floating around from the battle, an object as small as his fighter was the least of the fleet's concerns.

No shots...

Slowing Yi'shar pilots the ship nearer using the magnetic stabilizer (designed for bringing small craft safely into the hanger of larger transports). Closing in on the ship's hull, Yi'shar locates one of the small access portals and gently docks his fighter, locking it in place.

The airlock seals...


"So far so good. Just hope Eejee-9 is still in position..."

Yi'shar quickly opens the seal and floats into the airlock. Withing seconds, Yi'shar is safely inside. Focusing his thoughts, Yi'shar searches for Lori.

"I know you're here...please be safe!"


Kavar frowns. "What has happened to the jedi? The ones that followed Revan?"

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

A surge in the Force. A massive flow of power. Mortis searches for Revan, Malak... but no. This power was ancient... familiar it seemed. Mortis licks his lips, his teeth lengthening as he savors the appetizing flavor.

Such power could only come from a Force user of incredible strength. A Master. Mortis knew he should continue his search for Lori but the pull of his hunger was so strong. It'd been hundreds of years since he'd fed on a Jedi. Had new power.

No. He had to get Lori. If he came across the source of power he would indulge but the girl was his priority.

...Coruscant, unknown location...

The Sith assassin licks away the blood from his lip, grinning. He hadn't completed his mission but he had left his impact. The Jedi Council had lost some of their best and he had gained their power.

His hands clinch into fists, the energy vibrating through his veins. Yes! The power! His eyes turn pitch black and his teeth lengthen. The sudden focus of power causes a massive Force repulse, collapsing the warehouse and the buildings surrounding it.

...Coruscant, Jedi Temple...

Xvan shakes his head. "Turned or dead..."

Re: A New Begining

Kavar shakes his head. "Revan is much craftier than that. We would have felt her death. But so far...nothing."


Norad's ships draw near to Coruscant, just a few moments away...


Suddenly, Yi'shar freezes. The entire ship was cool, chill, the darkside flowing through it like thick morning mist. But now, there was something else. This was utter darkness, an empty blackness that consumed all around it.

"Sith! Not a fallen Jedi, but a true, ancient Sith!" Yi'shar thought.

Instictively Yi'shar knew that they were both searching for the same thing.

"Well, Sith, we'll see who walks away from this with Lori!"

Yi'shar quietly works his way through several passages, occasionally ducking behind a support beam to avoid being seen by officers or crewmen moving through the ship.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Return of all major characters (all Kovasn included) but the addition of some other major characters as well. It's gonna be some big posts, lots of epic stuff, and it's going to be awesome. Just got to sit down and think about this for a bit and formulate my ideas and work out how it all fits. I'll post tomorrow or such. Just wanted to prepare you guys for the awesomeness to come. smile

Re: A New Begining

big_smile sweetness! cool

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

Prepare for awesomeness! smile

Lori is escorted out of the conference Hall, towards an elevator leading to the lower decks. It broke her heart to see what the darkside had done to Alora. Her face was so pale and cracked in places like the dry, desert ground. Her eyes were the color of fire and yet so empty, so void of feeling... of anything. Dead. Just like the Alora she had once known.

Lori is shoved in the elevator, followed by the squad assigned to escort her. They all managed to fit into the elevator comfortably. The doors close and the journey down begins. Lori stares at the floor. Yes. That wasn't Alora she assures herself; comforts herself. Alora was the young, spirited Jedi that had befriended Lori in the Academy. That... person was someone different. Something different. That was Revan. A Sith. A monster.

The soldier beside Lori moves his hand to the small of her back. Lori glares at the soldier, the guard that had been standing at the door of the Conference Hall she remembers. She growls quietly. She was in no mood to be played with. But the soldier seems to be only interested in starring at the wall in front of him. Suddenly the elevator stops, sending everyone in the elevator off balance.

"What the hell?!" the captain yells. He fumbles with the elevator buttons, trying to get the machine back online but nothing. Everything is dead.

The lights in the elevator flicker and the hair on the back of Lori's neck stand on end. She feels a sharp chill as the soldier moves his hand from her back and grabs her arm, his hand deathly cold. She looks at him, this time more curious than anything. That touch seemed so... familiar. The soldier turns his head to look at her now. Those eyes...

The lights flicker again as the man's eyes seem to disappear, slowly replaced by the black soulless ones Lori remembers all too well. She struggles with all her might to get away from the monster she knows is crawling beneath the skin of the man beside her.

"Let me go!" Lori screams. She looks at the other soldiers frantically as they all turn to see what the ruckus is about. "We have to get out of here!"

The soldiers look at Lori, then at the man they think is their comrade. "Decora, is everything all right?" one of them asks, starring into his eyes.

Decora grins. The lights in the elevator go out and screams echo in the make-shift trap. The lights resume working only seconds later, the soldiers that had been escorting Lori now lifeless; their bodies spewed across the floor and walls of the elevator. Mortis uses his body to press Lori's against the nearest elevator wall. He licks the blood off his lengthened incisors.

"They thought they could take you from me... you thought you could run from me... but you can never... escape me..."

...Coruscant, Jedi Temple...

"Revan is the best fighter I've seen in a while, Master Jedi. No one, not even you, could best her very easily. She is far from dead. It is the Jedi that followed her to war that Xvan speaks of. It is so like a Sith. Turn or die," Akson adds somberly.

...Coruscant, unknown warehouse district...

The Sith pulls himself from the massive pile of rubble that had once been a warehouse. He stands and uses Force Push to clear away the dust hanging in the air around him. He smiles as he takes in the devastation caused by his earlier stunt. Warehouse after warehouse now nothing but piles of crumbled rock. It was a good start.

...unknown location...

He sits in the Force cell, calculating his options. Live with it? Hell no. Escape? He touches the Force collar around his neck. Ah, not likely. Death... optional. He releases a heavy sigh. Without his Force powers or a tool to use, however, his suicide plan didn't ha too great success rate. Unless he just pissed the witch off enough. She'd get tired of it eventually. Kill him. Another sigh.

No. She wouldn't. She needed him. Them. Or did she? He didn't understand anymore. She had gotten what she wanted hadn't she? Revan's fall was complete. The Republic would fall in the wake of her betrayal at Malachor V and the ones to come. It wouldn't be long now. Why then did she still need them? It didn't make sense.

Zorvon opens his eyes. Kilax was coming back... and boy was he pissed. The cell door begins to fade before quickly disappearing. Kilax is shoved inside by some unseen force and the cell wall quickly reappears. Daar moves to help his brother to his feet but the hardened Kovasn refuses the help and manages himself. He glares at Zorvon.

Zorvon understood, even without the words Kilax usually threw at him. He was supposed to be their leader... and he had gotten them into this whole mess. It was all his fault. He had been a fool, let his guard down and when he finally realized what was going on it was too late. The witch had the grip she needed. She turned comrade against comrade, brother against brother with the simplest flick of her wrist.

Damn Sith and their tricks. Kilax makes his way to his usual spot by the wall and plops down, his body worn and broken from whatever the witch had put him through. Daar goes back to leaning against the wall, banging his head against it occasionally while Rotel remains the silent observer. Zorvon shakes head. He couldn't handle this. Escape it was.

A'den B'an-class Heavy Destroyer Bevik Be'choruk, remnants of the Mandalorian Armada; near Malachor V...

It was all over. The Mandalorians had conquered hundreds of species, their empire spanned across thousands of worlds but in the blink of an eye Revan had crushed them. Finally, a foe worthy enough to challenge them. And they lost... The Mandalorians were defeated at their prime.

Canderous Ordo smiles himself. But the Mandalorians weren't truly defeated. Defeat simply gave them something to build on. It meant that when the Mandalorians returned- and they would- they would be even stronger.

Re: A New Begining

Well done. Here's just some extra stuff. smile

Mando'a Dictionary:

A'den B'an: pronunciation: AH-den b-ahn. Translation: "Wrath of All"

Bevik Be'choruk: pronunciation: BEH-veek beh-CHOHR-ook. Translation: "Sticks and Stones"

Fun Facts: smile

How "Sticks and Stones" got its name: You know the old saying "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me"? Sticks and stones break your bones... the ship is named "Sticks and Stones". Get it? lol

Re: A New Begining

*whistles*  tongue

Re: A New Begining

Yi'shar senses Lori's danger. Mortis had made his mistake by revealing his presence.

"The elevator!"

Using the force, Yi'shar concentrates on the two of them. The elevator slams to a stop. Above him. Throwing his saber through the ceiling, Yi'shar slashes an opening and jumps through it, up several levels. There, just ahead!

The elevator shafts!

Yi'shar begins running down the hall, gathering force strength and drawing his other saber.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining i'm gonna cry. this thing is still going on???

i need a moment...

Re: A New Begining

can you please shut the f**k up i mean really post if your in the rpg your ruining the whole thing with your shitty comments

Re: A New Begining

Prince I have to take action because all you are doing is posting random posts to get your post count up.

Re: A New Begining

you really dont have to do anything.

but of course you did. so...whatever. i still dont see why he can say "f**k" and "s**t" but i get "banned" for "random posts".

kiss my black ass konah.

Re: A New Begining

Okay... everyone take a deep breath. It's not that big a deal. We just have to handle the situation.

Mortis glances towards the elevator door, his black eyes narrowing into slits as he concentrates. He feels a massive surge in the Force, the Jedi of enormous power. He smiles, his blood stained teeth speaking volumes against his age-old face.

He turns back to Lori, loving the fear she tried to hide behind false bravado. "The Jedi... thinks he can stop me... can have you... but I'll drain his body dry... as he watches the tears... roll down your face."

He snatches Lori's arm, pulling her to him so they are both in the center of the elevator. He gathers an orb of Force power in his hand and suddenly thrust down, blowing a hole in the floor of the elevator.

They fall through the hole, sliding down the shaft of the elevator.

Re: A New Begining

wait darling i think your confused im a girl not a guy and i dont go for black people sorry

Re: A New Begining

you wouldnt be the first ive met. i really dont care what you go for. claim white supremacy all you want. my point still stands. the hypocrisy here is stunning.

Re: A New Begining

omgosh! please, not again!


"Blast!" mutters Yi'shar.


Yi'shar spins around to see several soldiers down the hallway running towards him. He steps towards the elevator and blasts the doors open with a force wave.

The soldiers pull out their blasters, but as they near him Yi'shar turns and looks them in the eyes. They slow to a walk, then stand still.

*You don't want to hurt me. You don't see anything. A malfunction damaged the elevator; crews are coming to work on it soon. You need to continue your patrol down the hallway.***

The soldiers turn and walk away in a daze.

"What simple minds some men have," Yi'shar says to himself, and jumps through the door and down the elevator shaft after Mortis.


Norad's fleet exits hyperspace.

"Well, it's been not so nice knowing you Jedi. I'll probably spend the rest of my life scrubbing latrines for leaving the battle like that, so I hope you're happy" says Norad.

"The Republic High Command is hailing us, sir," says one of the officers.

"There goes my commission..." mutters Norad.

I Am Jedi

Re: A New Begining

tell that to konah, bud. she's the one who went bananas on me.

Re: A New Begining

Mortis uses the Force to pull a plate of metal from the elevator shaft which he then lands on, using the Force subconsciously to keep them floating in the metal cage. He moves towards the nearest closed elevator door and uses a massive Force push to blow the door into the hallway.

He pulls Lori back onto steady ground, the plate of metal now falling into a seemingly bottonless pit. Mortis's grasp on Lori's arm tigthens as he pulls her down the hallway, using the Force to scan the ship for the fastest way to the hanger.

The Jedi was after them and while he had no doubt he could best the pathetic worm he wanted Lori as the prize out of the picture. She was his... one way or another. But he needed time. Time to steady his link to her. Enough so that if he died... so would she.

...Unknown location...

Zorvon surges forward, his stolen assassin blade easily cutting through the jugular of the Sith. He ducks an attack from another Sith, plunging his fist completely through his attacker's abdomen. Never underestimate a Kovasn.

Kilax throws Daar and Rotel blades from fallen foes as he tears off the heavy blaster from a mounted turrent. It was payback time. The Sith had used them as test subjects... experiments. Now the Kovasn would show them just what their "agumentations" had done... and use them for target practice.

...Jedi Temple, Coruscant...

Xvan shifts his weight. "The Republic fleet lies in complete ruin, Master Jedi, and Revan is amassing her own now. The Jedi are few in numbers while the Sith now command a whole army. We must warn the Republic... prepare them for a war like no other."