Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

"Alright, that got their attention!" says Jason. Lasers and missiles flash past their ships as the blast through the enemy formation.

"Good move Ra! So we won't have as much company now. You're clear to go for the engines!"

Jason pilots his ship in a long arc and flies towards the aft section of the Mandalorian ships.

I Am Jedi

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

Ra: (Com) Jason, My sensors are picking up more ship exiting hyperspace and heading this way.

Ra: (Trys to get a read on the type of ships)

Ra: Jason, This ship are neither republic or mandalorian but the share a lot of the same systems and weapons.

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

Jason checks his scanner.

"I see them. Ra, set up to make your attack on the Mando's. I'll cover you. We'll make a pass then move closer to that sector and try to get a better scan. Skye, can you get a read on those ships?"

I Am Jedi

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

Ra: Understood, I'm going in.

Ra: (Hits the gas and flys straight to the engines while dodging fire from the ship)

Ra: I have lock on the engines.

Ra: (Fires all missles at the engines)

Ra: Missles away.

Ra: (The missles all hit their target and the engines explode in a giant fire ball)

Ra: Engines are down so they are not going anywhere anytime soon.

Ra: (Starts to scan the new ships that jumped into the battle)

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

There is a knock on the door. Mandalore makes his way to the door, obviously upset that he is interrupted.

"What?" he demands as he opens his door to a Mandalorian Corporal.

"Mandalore," the young Corporal begins, "We've lost contact with some of our patrols. Censors and surveillance are down in the lower half of the ship. We think there may be an intruder on board, sir."

Mandalore growls beneath his breath. "Not just any intruder, Corporal. A Jedi."

The Corporal shrugs. "A Jedi? Here, sir? I mean... in this sector of the galaxy. You really think?"

"Don't doubt it."

"Yes, sir... so what should we do? The Kov'arir await your orders..."

Mandalore shakes his head. "No. We need them at their best. This Jedi is mine."

The Mandalorian hesitates for a moment before he salutes. "By your word, Mandalore."

With that the Mandalorian leaves and Mandalore turns to his guards standing by his door. "Leave," he orders. "I will handle this b**ch myself. Wait my return on the bridge with the rest of the Kal'e."

Mandalore's bodyguards bow with respect. "As you wish, my Lord," the two guards say in unison. They head towards the bridge and Mandalore heads towards the nearest elevator. He would not allow the Jedi to interfere here; would not allow them to steal his victory from him. Force, he was so close. Mandalore enters the elevator.

She was failing to keep them off his back. Guess that meant he was going to have to take things into his own hands this time. The elevator doors begin to close and Mandalore activates a black lightsaber, the hilt of the dark weapon shimmering with smoke. The elevator doors close.

The Jedi dies.

Yeah, LSM I stole your black lightsaber idea. I just have to admit it's a freaking awesome idea. Kudos to LSM. smile

Kov'arir: KOHV-ar-eer. "Head Hunters", aka "Jedi Hunters"
Kal'e: kahl-ee. "Blade"; shortened name for Kal'e Mand'alor (Blade of Mandalore), Mandalore's personal guard.

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

Ra: (Takes scans of the ships)

Ra: Jason, I am close enough to get a complete scan of these ships but the scans say that there are no ships out there.

Ra: (Heads back to Jason's location)

Ra: Jason, Heading back to your location.

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

Shado:(wakes up and looks around and see kades face looking at him)

Shado: what the hell where am i. i need to get off the ship and tell jason the mados are here oh god my master is gonna be so mad

Shado(gets up and rushes to the door and jumps out and lands lightly on his feet)

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

Hey, guys, I'm going to be gone for a while. I'm not really sure at the moment for how long but I will be back... eventually. Don't quit on me now.  tongue Have fun. I'll talk to y'all soon.  smile

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

That's cool Starr, I say we wait until Starr and LSM come back before we move on.

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

"Nice shot, Ra!" says Jason. "That will get their attention! Now we just have to avoid any retaliation. Let's move in closer to those other ships and try to get a sensor read on them."

Jason pilots his fighter nearer to the other ships that appeared and begins a sensor sweep.


Kade jumps after Shado just as the ship's door closes and it launches into the sky.

Looking around, Kade sees smoke and flames covering the city, and a few ships lifting off from the hangers. Turning to Shado, he says,

"I don't know who you are, but you're going to end up as a Mando bar-b-que if you stay here. The last evac ship just left, but my personal fighter is nearbye. Unless you have a better idea..."

I Am Jedi

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

Shado:yeah i do im going to help jason

Shado:(runs to his fighter and jumps in and starts the engines and shoots into the sky)

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

Ra: (Flys in formation with Jason to do scans)

Ra: Jason, I scaned them already and my scans said that there are no ships there.

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

shall we do it once more for konah's comments?

this post (not random contrary to popular belief) is for konah. here you go buddy. love ya big_smile

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

Well I'm back boys. Not sure how often I will be on but I will try to post as much as possible.  big_smile

Also Prince, you've got to stop with the random posting or I will take action. You've been asked numerous times to stop. This is your first warning. Two more will result in a week probation. If you choose to continue posting such comments probation shall be increased to a month. A third violation will result in a permanent ban... including all sock puppet accounts that may be produced.

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

Starr, Welcome back and Prince has already been banned for 1 week for random posting because I banned him. His week ended 11-2-2010 but I see that he is still posting random posts so the next step is a month ban.

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

look....dont take this wrong way, jester....but shutup. i mean--really?? random posts?

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

Prince you weren't in this RPG so why post in it? that's one of the random things their talking about.

Good to have you back Starr!


Jason looks at his scanner. "That's impossible! What could have happened to them? They were just there! Scan it again."


Kade watches Shado take off. "Well here we go again! Following another hair brained Jedi. When will I learn my lesson?!"


"Sir, something is going wrong!"

Casus Fett walks over to the communications deck. "What is it soldier?!"

A young officer looks up. "A few small fighters escaped the planet. They have begun attacking our ships!"

"You called me over here for that?! What kind of numbskull are you? You don't need a general to tell you how to deal with a few measily little fighters!" Casus roars.

"But sir, they are Jedi fighters! One took out the main engines on our largest ship, and another appears to be attacking our capitol ships!"

"Grrr...I HATE JEDI!!!" bellows Casus. "Scramble the basilisk droids! Tell them to take those Jedi down!!!"

"Sir" another officer walks up. "Lord Mandalore demands an update."

"Well so much for this being my day!" mutters Casus.

I Am Jedi

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

why post? im one of the first ones who started the whole idea of "writing an RPG".

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

Prince, You may have started these rpgs but you are not in this one so get lost or I will help you get lost.

Ra: (Com) Jason, What race has the tech to fool our scanners?

Ra: (Flys closer to Jason's postion and fires a couple of lazer bolts towards the mistery ships)

Ra: Let's see what that dose.

Re: The Mandalorian Wars...

wow you're so inviting... just to clarify: do you mean get out of this topic or the site period?