Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Ra: (Looks back at Shen)

Ra: We will kill everyone of them that we cross for what they have done.

Ra: (Looks back at Sev)

Ra: Nice, Fire those damn things before it is too late.

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Shen:sev wait i want to have a bit of fun

Shen:(pulls the katanas out of the frozen sheaths and looks at sev with a glint of laughter in his eyes)

Shen: please can i tak this one sev?

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Ra: (Looks at Shen)

Ra: Brother, Let's have some fun.

Ra: (Laughs and picks up a rock and throws it into the cave)

Ra: That should p**s it off and make it come out.

(When the rock hit the dragon he let's out a great noise that echoed out from the cave)

Ra: Brother, I got his attention and it is time to have all the fun that we want with it but I want 1 of the dragon pearls from it tho.

Ra: (Raises rifle and shoots a few shots into the cave knowing that it will not hurt it)


Ra: (Starts laughing)

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Shen:*Smiles* then runs into the cave and stabs the dragon on the rump with both of the frozen blades*

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

sorry, i just lost track of whats going on,

Teleporting lol

Rico: *walks to the entrance of the high council*

*two guards block the door*

Rico: Run!

*the guards look at each other then clasp their eyes on Rico*

Rico: The bomb?

*the guards shift in their armor*

Rico: its gonna explode!

*they then look around for a bomb*

Rico: behind you, RUN!

*the guards hightail it out of the area*

Rico: hahaha *walks inside*

Rico: Hello again

Has anyone got X box live and halo reach?
can you add me if you have it:

Rhys Marek

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Ra: (Watches as Shen stabs the dragon in the butt and fires a round of fire trowards the head of the dragon)


I had X Box live until 2 days ago when I let to run out but I will add you when I get X Box Live again.

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

*the council shuffles in their seats, whispering to each other*

Rico: Yes yes im a Solarian,

Ionian high argyle Leader:  State your business

Rico: Ra, Shen, Sev, where are they?

Ionian high argyle Leader: you shall not know!

Rico: *holds out hand,* I hold a tracking beam, linked to the Solarian stronghold, do you wanna deal with them? no? THEN TELL ME!

Ionian high argyle Leader:  Krayt dragon cave on tatooine!

Rico: Now, have you got a ship?

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Ra: (Looks back at Sev)

Ra: Sev, What is the town that we are going to to look for Revan?

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Shen:(looks silently at his little brother)

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Sev watches all that has been going on.

"Well, you sure know how to stir up a hornets' nest" he says. "If you don't mind, I'm here to find out what happened to Revan, not play with Krayts."

The dragon roars; with a movement so fast it could hardly be seen, Sev raises his rifle to his shoulder and fires. The grenade lodges in the dragon's mouth and explodes. The dragon crumples to the ground, and Sev jumps on its back. Whipping out a vibroblade, he slashes through its neck and spine.

"Alright. Now, lets see what Revan was doing in this cave."

I Am Jedi

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Rico gets familiar with the ship controls before making a slow but steady ascent into the atmosphere, he presses a few controls and Ra's position gets locked on the navcom.

Rico: EAIS? This some high tech stuff

EAIS: I agree.

Rico: There are hundreds of Krayt Dragon caves, how we gonna find them?

EAIS: I could tap into their comlinks.

Rico: Oh do that please

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Sev slices into the Krayt dragon and pulls out a pearl, much larger than most and brilliantly colored. He tosses it to Ra.

"Enjoy" says Sev. He walks into the Krayt dragon's cave.

Looking around, Sev switches on the lamp on his headset and studies the cave.

"There's something at the back, but I can't make it out."

Sev deeper into the cave, but stops when his foot strikes something. Stooping down, he picks up a broken sword handle.

"Ionian. We haven't been the only ones to follow Revan here."

I Am Jedi

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Shen:(stares wide eyed at the massive krayt dragon peril)

Shen:sev you are right there were 2 groups before us ionians and solarians

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Ra: (Looks at the peril that Sev gave me and I walk into the cave and meet up with the others)

Ra: This is the biggest peril I have ever seen before.

Ra: (Takes out the lightsaber knife and cuts the peril in half)

Ra: Brother, I want you to have half of the peril.

Ra: (Hands the half of the peril to Shen)

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Peril lol
Rico: EAIS? Give me full scale heat sigs on krayt dragons.

A blown up full scale planet is pictured on the screen

Rico: See there? Cave but no Dragon.

EAIS: picking up human and inhuman sigs in the cave

Rico: Take us down

EAIS: ETA 10mins

Rico: Yeah

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

"There it is!" Sev finds the ancient star map generator and engages it. A brilliant display of stars and planets fills the cave.

"Wow" whispers Sev.

Points on the map begin to light up.

"I guess this was a part of a path to something Revan was looking for. He must have gone to these other planets as well."

Sev inserts a datapad and downloads the planetary information.

"I'll save this info for later. See if you can find anything else in the cave that might have been left by Revan"

I Am Jedi

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

pearl what ever i was high when i wrote that  tyvm

Shen:(looks at his brother in surprise. takes the dragon pearl in his hands)

Shen:are your sure you wanted to do that

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

EAIS: Rico? Were landing.

Rico: *Wakes up abruptly* Oh? okay, *points at a random point on the screen* Take us Right outside the cave!

EAIS: On it

*The ship lands a couple of meters away from the Cave*

*Rico Emerges from the ship, and walks into the cave*

Rico: Hi Ra! I've done some research into the whole Ionian thing and you wont believe what i found, Your Mum Ra? She blew up my planet, also your Dad, He Rebelled against Ionian's, HELPING the Solarians!

EAIS: *Loud speaker* Oh I just tapped into your birth records Ra, Your not a registered Ionian.

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Ra: (Looks at Shen)

Ra: Brother, I want you to have half and that is why I did it.

Ra: (Looks at Sev)

Ra: There could be something under these groups of rocks.

Ra: (Bends down to check out the rock and what is under the rocks)

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Rico: ... EAIS? have we got the right one?


Rico: Why?

EAIS: Its a laugh

Rico: Your going Overload arent you

EAIS: nope

Rico: Thats mean *gets back in ship*