Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

its fine*
Rico: what the hell? your talking rubbish, i never met your mother.  *keeps saber drawn*

Katie: is this what you say to me? *draws saber* *uses force pull to pull the grenade out of Ra's hand*

Rico: lovely Katie...

Katie: *throws grenade out air lock* Now Ra... why? you loved me... you now push me aside, like an object! I HATE YOU RA! *storms off down the ship*

Rico: *retracts saber and walks up to Ra* check it out *looks in Katie's direction* it has horns. You have pi***d her off bad, *punches Ra in the face, switches his guns to concussion and fires them both at Sev and Shen. he laughs* that was too easy... Katie! *runs off*

I know were not in space

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Shen:(with out thought prepaired to be hit with the stun and counteracted it with out rico knowing)

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Ra: (Takes the punch from Rico and starts laughing)

Ra: Rico, I have been hit harder by a 106 year old woman in a wheelchair whit no arms.

Ra: (Pulls out a remote and pushes a button that erases Katie's mind of me, Shen and Sev completely with NO WAY to retreive the lost memories)

Ra: Katie will no longer know who we are Brother.

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Katie: huh? where am i?

Rico: Katie? its me Rico

katie: who are you?

rico: Ra! *runs back in* what the hell have you done?

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Sev rolls his eyes. "Ah, family feuds."

He looks at Rico and Katie. "You know, I've had about enough of the two of you following us. How would you like a blaster bolt between the eyes, or do the words 'Go away' mean nothing to you?"

I Am Jedi

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Ra: (Looks as Rico runs up the ramp yelling)

Ra: It dose not matter what I did because THERE IS NOWAY TO REVERSE IT!!

Ra: (Raises rifle and points it at Rico)

Ra: Now, Leave us alone or you will die here and now.

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Rico: *holds up hands* heh *smiles* your not as bad as I thought, strong, fast, forceful, now i know why Katie went for you. *puts hands down* *walks up to Ra* You think you've had enough of me? no no no no NO! trust me, i can turn your life upside down,

Rico: Sev! You do not comprehend how big of a secret you are hiding. Ra the Ionian? Ha! you know Sev they ment you.

Rico: Shen... Ra's brother? no no no no, your just a pawn in this little game the Ionian's are playing with you...

Rico: And Ra... little little Ra. you think there is no way to reverse the effects of mind wipe device? HA! i invented it, I own it, I know how to reverse it!

Rico: *starts to walk* and this is just the begging, The solarians is about to die, and im going to stop you, your all dead to me! *walks off leaving Katie.*

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

"I have no idea what you are talking about" replies Sev. "How could they ever be referring to me?"

I Am Jedi

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Rico: *walks off in the desert,* grrr *looks behind him at the ship*

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Ra: (Switches rifle to fire a stun bullet and lines up a shot at Rico)

Ra: HEY!!!!! RICO!!!!!

Ra: (Fires a stun bullet at Rico and hits him in his but dropping him face frontward to the ground knocking him out for 3 hours)

Ra: That will teach him never to turn your back on me.

Ra: (Laughs and pushes the button for the ship to take off)

Ra: Let's go Sev.

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Shen: i sincerely think that that man is crazy

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Rico: heh *dodges bullet and walks off* Crazy? Crazy? I'll show them. EAIS?

EAIS: yes sir?

Rico: EAIS, can you give me a read up of the planet?

EAIS: *brings up a 3d holographic model of The planet*

Rico: *Points to a sector on the map* Ionian high council, Call my speeder please?

EAIS: called sir, anything else?

Rico: Just one, Remove Katie from your systems, she is no longer a help.

EAIS: Yes Sir, Finished

Rico: *gets on his speeder, and goes to the Ionian high council*

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Rhyykol, When I said that there is no way to reverse the mind wipe that means THERE IS NOWAY TO REVERSE THE MIND WIPE. Also I had you getting hit with a stun bullet that knocked you out for 3 hours so you could not dodge it. You need to try to stick with what is happening because this rpg is starting to make no sense so be mindful when you post.

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

god sake, oh yeah do things to my characters but never any of yours


Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Shen:(cuts off ra's hand)
happy now?

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

It is not that it is just you need to read more because I noticed in a few pages back that we were in the air flying and you were on the gound on the other side of the planet and in your next post you were right behind us in a ship. You just need to fill in how you caught up to us and not just appear in thin air. Also you can kill yourself but you can not kill anybodies main characters.

Ra: Shen, What is our planet like?

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

"I'll never understand that man." says Sev, shaking his head. "Rico is borderline mental. Anyway..."

The ship heads off into the dessert and lands near a cave.

"This is where the scan directed us," says Sev stepping out of the ship. "What in the world would Revan want here. Ugh, that smell... Krayt Dragon?!"

I Am Jedi

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Ra: (Hears Sev say Dragon and I run off the ship)

Ra: Sev, Our rifles are not going to do anything to the dragon but p**s it off.

Ra: (Raises rifle anyways and stands at the ready)

Ra: Sev, Do you have a rocket launcher on board?

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

Shen:(when ra walks off the ship shen sighs and follows)

Shen:*whispers* ra our homeworld was once full of life now all it is a backwater planet that requires people to have special equitment to just breath and its all because the men i killed at the dunes a few hours before

Re: The Fall Of Revan Rpg.

"Oh yeah!" replies Sev. "Check these out."

Sev pulls out two rocket launchers from the cargo hold, each armed with plasma grenades

I Am Jedi